Armor of Bloodlust (5e Equipment)

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Campaign Setting: Worlds Collide
Players Guide
Races available for the Worlds Collide setting.
Classes and archetypes available for the Worlds Collide setting.
Backgrounds available for the Worlds Collide setting.
Various gear, goods, equipment and magical items available for the Worlds Collide setting.
Rules of magic in the Worlds Collide setting, including basic uses and practices in nine worlds.
Prominent and not-so-much-prominent deities in the Worlds Collide setting.

About Worlds Collide

Nine Worlds
Nine worlds in Material Plane, overlapped and shattered by the Worlds Collide incident.
Astral Planes, Ethereal Planes, Elemental Planes, and many other demiplanes that exist "above" the nine worlds.
Underdark and many other demiplanes that exist "below" the nine worlds.
Monsters and miscellaneous creatures from nine worlds, overworlds, and underworlds.
Notable individuals and organizations in nine worlds, overworlds, and underworlds.

Dungeon Master's Guide

To be added.

Armor(plate), rare (requires attunement)

You can rage an unlimited number of times without taking a long rest, and gain the benefit from your Rage feature even if you are wearing this armor. However, if you start your rage while you are wearing this armor, you suffer one level of exhaustion when your rage ends.

Additionally, if you have the Fast Movement feature, you can gain the benefit from it even if you are wearing this armor, but only while you are raging.

Curse. This armor is cursed with a cryptic magic of the Bloodless Court. This armor is indistinguishable from ordinary plate armor, but a detect magic spell reveals dark, red stain all over the plate, as if someone spilled a massive amount of blood on it. Once you don this armor, you cannot doff it unless you are targeted by the remove curse or similar magic.

When you start your turn while wearing this armor and can see or hear a hostile creature within 60 feet of you, you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you must use your bonus action to enter a rage. If you are a barbarian, you use the statistics of your Rage feature. If not, you are considered as a 1st-level barbarian for the purpose of determining bonus to the damage rolls.

Additionally, when you enter the rage or start your turn raging while wearing this armor, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or are consumed by your own rage for the rest of the turn. While consumed by your own rage, you must use your action to make a melee attack against a creature nearest to you. If you can make extra attacks as part of the Attack action, you use those extra attacks, moving to attack the next nearest creature after you fell your current target. If you have multiple possible targets, you attack one at random.

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