Arcane Storyteller, Variant (5e Class)

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Arcane Storyteller

Arcane Storyteller

The world is full of life. To truly understand cultures and pass on this gift of history, people have gathered around campfires and in town squares, village huts and in the depths of the forests. All for the sake of storytelling. To see the wide-eyed wonder in a child's eyes at stories of adventure, romance, and mystery is what being a Storyspeaker is all about. Much like her Bard cousins, the Arcane Storyspeaker preforms for the amusement for her audience and if she can make some good coin while doing so, all the better; but when she's in danger, she can spin a tale so captivating, the pages seem to really... come to life. The part a Storyspeaker plays is like that of a Wizard, off the front lines but off to the side and are more versatile; malleable when it comes to their role. Whether telling a riveting legend of heroes against titans to inspire and boost moral or scaring the pants off of enemies with a scary ghost story; Storyspeakers use their vast repertoire for boosting allies, sabotaging enemies, or directly effecting the situation. These magic bookworms can be powerful friends and scary enemies.

Creating an Arcane Storyteller

The first question any self respecting Arcane Storyteller should ask themselves is why do what you do? Do you like to wander around telling stories to children of all ages? Do you relish in the expression of a captivated audience? Perhaps you're a writer in search of fame and glory or a seeker of ancient forgotten lore. How did you learn to perfect your storytelling? Are you still learning? Whatever the case, you've shown you love spinning epic yarns and seeking out legends even time forgot. Storytellers find kindred spirits in Bards and Sorcerers for their flare and excitement and ability to attract the crowds. They can also be found following behind a Fighter or Paladin in hopes of documenting their tales of adventure. Arcane Storyspeakers can be from almost any walk of life. An Orc Storyteller might have a tale of warring tribes and clansmen or a Gnome with a hilarious anecdote. Those not magically inclined might find some trouble but anyone whose heard a tale worth telling (which is most of them) can be one. Lawful players might follow the library system like a way of life, using the Dewey decimal system like a bible. Chaotic Storytellers may not always tell the story exactly as it was and may leave books wherever they may, but will spread stories through word of mouth as best they can. Good aligned Storytellers tell tales for the sheer enjoyment of making people smile while Evil one might use their stories to lie, cheat, or scare their way to their goals.

Quick Build

You can make an Arcane Storyteller first draft style by following these quick tips! First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by either Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose any background really. Charlatans might telling bloated stories about things they'd never done while Acolytes might tell stories praising their gods. Folk Heroes might tell epic poems about their homelands while Hermits might rant on about the truths they happened upon in their exile. Go crazy really.... Third, choose the Scholar's Pack for an added Lore Book!

Class Features

As a Arcane Storyteller you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Arcane Storyteller level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Arcane Storyteller level after 1st


Armor: None You're a writer, not a fighter!
Weapons: Simple Your pen should be mightier than your sword
Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies, Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, two Musical Instruments of your choice
Saving Throws: Charisma and Intelligence
Skills: Thanks to a life of reading, you're pretty well read and very skilled. Chose four skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Nature, Performance, Persuasion, or Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Common Clothes or (b) Fine Clothes or (c) a Costume of your choosing. This outfit is for performance purposes only and has no AC value
  • (a) Mace or (b) Quarterstaff or (c) 5 Darts
  • (a) Scholar's Pack or (b) Entertainer's Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5D6 x 10 Gold in funds.

Table: The Arcane Storyteller

FeaturesCantrips Known—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2Storytelling, Storybook22
2nd+2Class Genre23
3rd+2Philosophy Check242
4th+2Ability Score Improvement243
5th+3Context Clues4432
6th+3Class Genre Feature4433
7th+3From Beginning to End44331
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Un-Official Authority44332
9th+4Class Genre Feature543331
10th+4Literal Following543332
11th+4Proper Oration5433321
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Class Genre Feature6433321
14th+5Three Act Story Structure64333211
15th+5Class Genre Feature643332111
16th+5Ability Score Improvement843332111
17th+6Sudden Inspiration8433321111
18th+6Class Genre Feature8433331111
19th+6Ability Score Improvement8433332111
20th+6Magnum Opus9433332211


At 1st level, you obtain your first storybook. This writer's journal acts much like a wizard's spellbook. You may have spent years writing your tall tales, scribbling ideas, or you may have simply found it somewhere and you were drawn to it as if fate demanded you take this tome. This tome is bound to you and requires a 1-hour ritual attunement should you ever lose yours and acquire a new one. This tome also acts as your arcane focus.


At 1st level, you gain the ability to tell stories infused with magic to preform feats that astound, amaze, captivate, and inspire. Storytelling is equivalent to spell-casting for game rule purposes. The biggest difference about spellcasting and storytelling is that all spells cast require a tale be told to facilitate the arcane energies required to cast spells. This means all spells have vocational components

Preparing StorySpells

You must prepare; rehearse if you will, the spells you would cast for the day and spend an hour a day doing so. You can prepare any spell you know that you have spellslots for and you regain spellslots spent after a nice long rest.

Stories Known

You know spells equal to the number of spell slots available. e.g. at 3rd level, you have four 1st level spellslots and two 2nd level spellslots. Therefore you know four 1st level spells and two 2nd level spells.

Storytelling Ability

Charisma is the spellcasting ability for your Storytelling.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Storytelling Focus

Your Storybook is your arcane focus and your spells that require non-priced materials no longer need them to be cast.

Class Genre

At 2nd level, you must choose what type of stories you want to tell and what kind of storyteller you want to become from the Class Genres. You gain additional features from your genre at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th levels. Depending on your past experiences, the world around you, or just for your own whimsy, you can chose...

Myth and Legends

Tales from the heart of a culture, these tales have messages that are meant to help people avoid trouble and teach moral lessons. These are legends of heroes and villains from long, long ago; in the time of ancients to inspire others and gain the power of heroes long past. You chose to recite the legends of old to amplify your own power and inspire other to achieve things only heroes could accomplish!

Romance and Comedy

Wonderful stories of Lovers and the warm feelings of the heart. Sometimes though, the ending might not be so happy. You enchant friends, and trick enemies into seeing what they lust for the most. Love makes people do crazy things. You also gotta love slapstick humor and nothing says roadrunner cartoon like changing sizes, disappearing ink and silly things to make people laugh! Now combine the two for some serious Notice me Senpai action.


Some take delight in the smiles of audiences and the cheer of crowds. You on the other hand, love the dark scary stories of creeping dark and monsters with things that go bump in the night. These stories are known to dehabilitate and horrify enemies.


Fantasy has a sweet and loving personality, with a mind of wonder; though, if underestimated, it will show anyone exactly why Fantasy is so exciting, and even terrifying. When gaining Fantasy as a Spell Book Companion, the pagemaster's level when determining HD for the Imagination ability is treated as being one level higher.

Well Read, Well Learned

When the many asked how something is done, you asked the more important questions like why. At level 3, you may substitute Wisdom for your Intelligence ability score when making an Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion skill check. Likewise, you made substitute Wisdom with your Intelligence ability score when making an Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, or Survival skill check.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Context Clues

At level 5 You realize... you've read so much and not all of it in common that you can read in any language so long as it is written down. You may use this to read ancient writings in forgotten scrolls or writing on the walls of an ancient dungeon but that doesn't mean you can speak these languages.

From Beginning to End

At level 7 you've begun to master the simplest of story structures. Much like the Fighter can make two blows in a single stoke, you may cast two cantrips during the same action. You may only do this a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier. You regain these uses after a long rest.

Un-Official Authority

At level 8 your speaking skills are quite the feat. Your voice is so well received that people just trust what you say is true. You now make Deception and Persuasion skill checks with advantage.

Literal Following

You have gotten so popular! Scribes, Librarians, People of Learning all love your work and would love to get your autograph! At level 10 you can make a Carousing check (XGtE) once per long rest and establish probable contacts but be warned, sometimes you can make rivals and enemies just as easily as friends.

Proper Oration

Remember! When you perform, you perform to the back of the audience! At level 11 you may double the range on your cast spells a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus and regain this ability after you complete a long rest.


You've finally done it. You've hit the big time! People are talking about you and scribes are telling your stories now! At level 13, during your long rests, you cash in on your royalties. Add 1d4 Silver to your pocket!

Three Act Story Structure

Time to perfectly master the fundamentals of proper storytelling. At level 14, you may cast three cantrips in one action. But you may only do this a number of times a day equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Sudden Inspiration

That's It! It comes to you suddenly and in waves but is surely fast fleeting! At level 17, once per day, you may use this feature to regain all of your Arcane Storyteller abilities as if you'd completed a long rest.

Magnum Opus

At level 20, you've completed your master piece!. From the spells that you know, choose five and make a list carefully!

Once per day, you may cast five spells in one action but they must be cast in the order they are on the list.

Class Genres

Myths and Legends

The Iliad, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Faust, The Inferno. These are the but examples of the writings that can inspire greatness. The best skills are passed down from the survivors and these beomome the stuff of legends.

Long Ago, Far Far Away

These stories of great heroes always take place across epic landscapes. Reading so ferociously has mentally prepared you for some landscapes of your own. At level 2 you may chose a favored terrain and gain the same benefits as if you were the ranger class. This type of difficult terrain doesn't hamper you and you can always find food.

Fighting in The Shade

At level 6, your love of epic siege war stories has taught you the secrets of the wall-watching sentinels. As a bonus action, when you are dealt damage from a non-magical projectile, you may roll 1d10 and negate that amount of damage. If the total damage left over is 0, you appear unscathed and have advantage on intimidation checks until your next turn.

Heroic Presence

You have begun to take on a more heroic form and your allies have taken notice. At level 9 only once per day, you may inspire your comrades similar to bardic inspiration. You may bestow 1d6 inspiration per long rest.

The Way Back Home

At level 12, You may cast the Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion spell once per day. The realm this door leads to is always a warm and well lit hamlet home, rustic longhouse or reminiscent of a knightly hall.

Legendary Hero

You have tapped into the very essence of an epic tale and this magic manifests itself through you. At level 15, while unarmored and wielding no weapons, you are considered to have Mage Armor cast at all times so long as you are conscious. So long as you wield no weapons, you may add Spiritual Weapon to your list of spells known with Charisma has the spell modifier. This doesn't count against spells already known and you may cast this as many times equal to your Charisma modifier.

True Heroism

The answer was so obvious but only now do you see the truth. It was never the strength of the hero that mattered but the strength of his heart. You intend to spread this message. Once per day, your actions, your stories, you, inspire people. At level 18, as an action, all allies gain a Hero Die. Before the day is through, those with Hero Dice may spend it to add 1d10 to any one skill check, ability check, ability save, or attack roll.

Romance and Comedy

Notice me Sempai! Hearts and Hi-jinks aplenty that tickle the funny bone and warm the heart. Trick the eyes and keep hearts hot and heavy with these steamy stories.


Either you are one stone-cold-stunner or your wacky antics are contagious but people just can't seem to stand up straight. At level 2, a target creature you can see has disadvantage in Dexterity checks regarding you or allies with 5ft of you.


You just make people's hearts flutter or maybe they're just dummies. At level 6, you may impose disadvantage on any skill check with relies on Intelligence or Wisdom for any creature you see with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of at least 8.

Invoke Tears

You can't tell if they're laughing too hard or crying too much but your stories just bring the people to tears. At level 9 you can use this ability against a target creature within 30ft of you. When that target makes an attack roll or skill check against you, you make roll 1d100. On a result of 20 or lower, your story has brought the target to tears and the skill check or attack roll fails

Careless Whispers

At level 12, your voice is so soft and sweet, people just turn to putty in your hands. You may whisper this ability into target creature's ear. Target creature is stunned until your next turn. After this effect ends, target creature is aware you've used magic to influence it and will become hostile toward you. You may use this feature again after completing a long rest.

Bathroom Door

At level 15 you have mastered a hilarious gag. Never miss the most important time of the day again. If you activate this ability, for 1 hour every door you open magically leads to a restroom, toilet, loo, or bathroom. Doors you open are magic and you may use this only equal to your Charisma Modifier.

The Way of the Underdog

You're just so funny and lovable, people can't help but like you. You may use this feature equal to half of your Charisma Modifier rounded down after completing a long rest. At level 18, you have something of a Legendary Resistance and if you fail a saving throw, you may chose to succeed instead.


Fear is important. It reminds us we're alive. It tests the fight or flight instinct. Utilize this and really... captivate your audiences.

Paperback Traps

You've moved away from proper oration and instead focused on serial writing. At 2nd level you may spend 1 hour a day infusing terrifying scripts with your own latent power at a cost of 10 Gold per hour spent. When the hour ends, you obtain 1 Paperback Trap per hour spent. These small books can be thrown 20/60 ft or left upon shelves and thrown on floors to be laid out as traps. You gain new Traps at level 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.

Level 2: The Wretched Stench of...: A pungent spray spews from the pages of your tome or Paperback Trap. -2 Concentration checks and -1 INT, WIS, and CHA Checks

Level 2: Snare-y Ghost Story: A paperback trap that when stepped on, summons skeletal hands to make an enemy fall and hold them to the ground, prone. DC 12 + Cha Mod. to dodge with a Dexterity saving throw.

Level 6: Curse of The Black Lagoon: A set Paperback Trap becomes a 10ft radius of magically difficult swamp terrain. The subject's base speed is halved.

Level 9: Glimpse of The Other Side: A set Paperback Trap goes off to reveal the other side. DC 12+ Cha. Mod. to resist peering into a fate worse than death like a flash bang grenade to blind and deafen enemies.

Level 12: The Inferno: This Paperback Trap deals 3d6 fire damage to anyone who steps on it and the victim must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 12+ Cha. Mod. or be shaken by the fear of eternal damnation.

Level 15: Night Terror Pack: This Paperback Trap releases a puff of sleeping powder mixed with magic to induce nightmares. A DC of 15 + Cha Modifier need to be beat in order to be only fatigued. Failure results in being asleep until awoken and taking 1d6 damage per round while asleep.

Level 18: Night of The Living Dead: This Paperback Trap creates 1d6 Skeletons and Zombies when activated. Warning though, these undead can't tell friend from foe.

Jump-Scare Flair

Boo! At level 6, one target creature of 5 Hit dice or less flee for 1d4 rounds. You may use this ability equal to your proficiency bonus.

The Bogman

He comes in the night for all the naughty children of the world. At level 9 you may summon an eerie form that acts as the Unseen Servant spell as many times equal to your Charisma Modifier. The Boogey Man however, may deliver touch spell attacks on behalf of his master.

Terrorizing Words

At level 12 you narrate just like Vincent Price and Terror is your name. Your storytelling is so bone-chilling that you gain access to the Lore Bard's Cutting Words ability! Instead of slinging insults, as a bonus action, you speak so chillingly with such sinister and foreboding diction you may roll 1d6 and reduce the total of an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check against you.

Unsettling Horror Stories

Those who hear your words find it very hard to sleep afterward. At level 15, you may use this ability a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. Select a target creature and tell them a terrible tale of horror and menace. This creature and all creatures within 5ft of it lose the ability to gain the effects of a short or long rest. Any ability such as regaining class features or restoring spell slots can't be redeemed and eventually this can lead to Exhaustion. You regain all expended uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.

Graveyard Society

At 18th level, you utter a story so terrifying, it's has been known to kill the faint of heart. All creatures below 10 Hit Die in a 20ft radius must make a Constitution Save against your Spell DC or fall to 0 hit points.

Arcane Storyteller Spell List

As an Arcane Storyteller, you bear close resemblance to the Bard. At 1st level onward, you can only learn Cantrips from the Bard Spell list. Otherwise, you learn and prepare spells from the Sorcerer Spell list.

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gollark: (with an e)
gollark: (I chcked)
gollark: Actually, RIGHT!
gollark: WRONG, technically, I think!
gollark: I've *heard* it before, at least.
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