Arcane Palm (3.5e Equipment)

Arcane Palm: The Arcane Palm is a simple-looking fingerless glove for the right hand; however, upon being worn, an arcane energy travels up and covers the user's entire arm, appearing to replace it. That arm can then be used to attack the target, assuming the arm isn't covered in any way - any such cover negates the weapon's ability. The type of energy can be changed before equipping the Palm, assuming somebody allied to the user can state the type of energy to be used in a clear voice, and in Draconian; however, if the weapon is equipped its type cannot be changed until it is unequipped. Only one type of energy can be active at once, and the weapon can only change energy type up to three times per day. Deals 1d8 base damage. The types of energy that can be used include:

  • Arcane - all damage with the arm becomes of the Force type, and gains the Ghost Touch enhancement (Incorporeal creatures cannot use their inherent 50% chance to avoid damage). A set of arcane "tattoos" can be seen on the user's arm, but for the most part the standard arm is visible.
  • Fire - all damage with the arm becomes of the Fire type. The user's arm seems to be replaced with fire in the same shape of the arm, and lights as a Hooded Lantern.
  • Cold - all damage with the arm becomes of the Cold type. The user's arm is replaced with unmeltable ice in the exact shape of the user's arm. At the user's will, they may "melt" the arm and reshape it to form any one damage type - Piercing, Bludgeoning or Slashing. This is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity from any threatening enemy.
  • Acid - all damage with the arm becomes of the Acid type. The user's arm is replaced with a green liquid that bubbles slightly. Any weapon dipped in this liquid can deal 1d3 Con Damage. The user is also immune to any poison that damages Constitution.
  • Electricity - all damage with the arm becomes of the Electricity type. The user's arm seems to become metallic and darting with electricity. If a critical is scored with this style of damage, instead of doubling the damage, apply 1d8 Dex damage to the target for 1d6 rounds.
  • Metal - all damage with the arm becomes of the Bludgeoning type. Melee damage receives a +2 bonus, and the hardness for the weapon becomes 10. However, melee attack rolls with this weapon receives a 2 penalty due to the weight of the arm.
  • Good - all damage with the arm receives a bonus 1d6 damage if the target is Evil; however, the damage receives a 1d6 penalty if the target is Good. Damage reduced this way cannot fall below 1. The arm emits a Moderate Good aura. This cannot be used by Evil characters.
  • Evil - all damage with the arm receives a bonus 1d6 damage if the target is Good; however, the damage receives a 1d6 penalty if the target is Evil. Damage reduced this way cannot fall below 1. The arm emits a Moderate Evil aura. This cannot be used by Good characters.
  • Lawful - all damage with the arm receives a bonus 1d6 of the final damage if the target is Chaotic; however, the damage receives a 1d6 penalty if the target is Lawful. Damage reduced this way cannot fall below 1. The arm emits a Moderate Lawful aura. This cannot be used by Chaotic characters.
  • Chaotic - all damage with the arm receives a bonus 1d6 of the final damage if the target is Lawful; however, the damage receives a 1d6 penalty if the target is Chaotic. Damage reduced this way cannot fall below 1. The arm emits a Moderate Chaotic aura. This cannot be used by Lawful characters.
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The Palm always has a Moderate Evocation and Transmutation aura, as well as a Weak Abjuration aura.

Possible Variants

The DM could decide to prevent the player from using certain elements until it has been unlocked in some manner. Alternatively, the elements could be in groups, or "circles" - for example, the alignment elements could be in one group, while Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity could be in a second.

CL ; ; Market Price: NA

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