Amacidia (Dominaria Supplement)

Power Center
Conventional, King Keran Arrington
Lawful Good
Adult Population
Gold Limit
800,000 gp
Language & Diversity
Cormyri/Imperial, Mixed (60% Amacidian, 25% Transient Cormyri, 5% Mantaéri, 5% Elven, 5% Other)
Main Menu
Amacidia Menu
High Seats
Low Seats
  • The Cormyri Reach
  • The Thorsmark
  • The Black Hills
  • Ruins, Royston
  • Ruins, Fortress Hydra
  • Ruins, Garin's Hold

Return to Amacidia or Geography


Amacidia is an old trade settlement of the First Imperium, originally King's Rest. It sat on the road east out of Cartaan and managed the trade with Arcadia and the Ramosian territories. King's Rest was a successful settlement and jump-off point for expeditions east, but never a city. The original trade post and small fortress fell to a local Warlord, called Illidan Garayne, as the chaos spread at the outbreak of the Flood Wars. Garayne and his men held the keep and fought successfully against the advance forces and probing elements of the Flood's western Hive, but were swept under in less than half a day when the main Hive arrived. King's Rest lay on a wide plain, and remained unclaimed for a century following the Flood War. The ruins were eventually claimed by a caravan tribe that would settle the area and claim the ruins as the new capital of Gregovia (though the region is usually noted on maps as trans-Vellûna).

The city of Gregovia flourished alongside Vellûna for another century and a half before Vellûna struck up an alliance with the King of Ak'kritaar and invaded. The campaign took several years, including the year-long siege of Gregovia. Gregovia was sacked and fell to Vellûna under Ak'kritaari dominion. The last Gregovian Lord was killed south of Nurim's Pass trying to make Onea and Gregovia fell into memory. The ruins of Gregovia stayed ruins for several decades, but as the new Second Imperium began to flourish and grow the city's prime location was too good to pass up. As Imperial roads once again began to spread throughout Cormyr, Imperial surveyors and engineers went to the ruins and laid out plans for a grand new city to be built from scratch. Southcrown would be the lynchpin of the young Empire's trade across the southern Westlands and a one of the new 'Designed Capitals' of the Second Imperium. The Ramosia-based Imperium laid out plans for Southcrown alongside the Centrality and Ak'kritaar to be the three capitals of the Imperium.

Work on Southcrown boomed at the outset, but then stalled and slowed due to monetary shortages during the Crusade, the Beast Wars, and the Dragon War. Illyrian nobility used their political clout to redirect much of the building money to the Centrality as the Ramosi nobility obviously did the same for Ak'kritaar. Southcrown did become a booming town for adventurers, guilds, and expeditions though due to it's great position and need for gold. Southcrown boomed in this way and much of the city was completed in time for the Riptide Cataclysm that brought on the Planar Wars. The city held throughout the War and as the Second Imperium began to collapse, House Amace claimed power in the city and renamed it Amacidia. House Amace would rule the city for the next 5 centuries and guide it through the reformation of the Second Imperium. As a driving force behind the reformation, Amacidia cemented its power going forewords and stayed a powerful trade hub after House Amace was replaced. Amacidia survived the Invasion of Grand Caliph Suzerain as the easternmost tip of the free West. Later that Age, Amacidia profited off of the immense military mobilizations that came with the Wars against the Wandering One and survived the Purge to enter the Fourth Age as a powerful Cormyri city state. Amacidia joined the Third Imperium with over a millennia of history and large political clout.

The Dragon's War is the latest milestone in the long and storied history of Amacidia. Amacidia became the capital of Cormyr as the revolution swept up western Cormyr and then when the dragon's forces moved east again, Amacidia came under siege. The nearly two year siege devastated the city, but Lord Keran Arrington's adept command and control (along with some excellent fighting by Amacidia's knights) kept a handle on the chaos and even opened small avenues into the city from time to time. Even with the immense food reserves built up in preparation for the siege and the incredible campaign to keep the city supplies beyond that, the almost daily bombardment and weekly assaults took a horrific toll on the city. The outer wall and outer city were completely destroyed, as was the fourth wall and much of the city beyond. Every ring of the city saw damage and today the city is less than two thirds of it's pre-war size (although the population has swelled with refugees and population density has come close to doubling). The new and incredibly imposing outer wall built by the Arrington's tends to mask the damage to the city, but reconstruction efforts continue years later.


Amacidia is a large, centrally-planned, and irrespective of the hideous damage to parts of the city is quite beautiful. It sits astride the main Imperial highway stretching west into the southern Westlands. Approaching the city a traveler will see fields and farms from most angles, but they will probably be surprised as the amount of cut stone and slate that litter the ground and poke out at odd angles. Even though the city only looms in the middle distance, the traveler is already within the pre-war city limits. When the outer city fell, the Dragon's armies so completely trampled it setting up camps and investing the city proper that when they left a strikingly flat field of earth and rock remained. So now farms and grass grow among the ruins of the outer city.

The city once had four walls: the three small walls built around the old city by the builders of the 2nd Imperium and them the massive and imposing wall that the lords of Southcrown built later on to contain the massive sprawl the city became. This outer wall and much of the sprawl are the ruins that surround arrivals into the city. A new wall has been built, large and stout, around what's left of the city. The parks and villas and expansive buildings of the inner city shelter within as the citizens try to rebuild. Amacidia is always a bustle of activity these days, but a lot of that activity is in rebuilding and remaking that which was lost. Farming too sprung up in the city during the siege and after the siege broke. the city was desperate for food then and many of the hard worked plots are part of everyday life now. Trade, while not at a standstill, has faltered. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, most of the lands west of the city have been devastated. Secondly the city just doesn't have the money or time for expansive trade yet. So this still massive city sits and rests, gazing outwords occasionally but focused mostly on itself.

East of the city is another hive of activity: the slums that sprung up as soon as the war ended. After the siege ended and the war was declared over, many of the people who'd fled into the inner city poured back out onto the plains and XXX

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gollark: And amassing followers.
gollark: Mere propaganda. Jesus knew exactly what he was doing. Ascending to lichdom.
gollark: Obviously, the whole prelude to Jesus actually "dying" *was* the ritual. It just took a while to operate.
gollark: The implications are obvious.
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