Aelan Mooneye (3.5e NPC)

Aelan Mooneye

CR 39

Male high fey elf wizard 12/fighter 6/elf paragon 3/archmage 5/elven high mageRoF 10/sword of righteousnessBoED 3
NG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init/Senses +12/low-light vision ×3, darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +11 (+13 if familiar within 5 ft.), Spot +8 (+10 if familiar within 5 ft.)
Aura magic circle against evil, courage (+4 moral against fear, 30 ft.)
Languages Elf, Common, 23+ more languages, empathic link
AC 38, touch 23, flat-footed 30; Dodge, +2 defending
(+8 Dex, +15 armor, +5 deflection)
hp 242 (39 HD)
Immune magic sleep, magic missile (101 points of damage), electricity, mind-affecting effects
SR 23
Fort/Ref/Will +20/+25/+23 (+27 against enchantment, +25 against fear and despair effects); +1 against electricity, petrification, cold, acid, fire, poison
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee +5 holyB vorpal adamantine longsword +38/+33/+28 (1d8+11/1920 and sever head, +4 to confirm threat) or
Melee +2 holyB defending keen spell storing mithral dagger +32/+27/+22 [1d4+8/1720 plus hold person (DC 21)]
Ranged +4 holyB longbow +36/31/26 (1d8+4 plus 3d6 electric) or
Ranged holyB javelin of precisionAaEG +35/+30/+25 (1d6+6 plus Improved Precise Shot)
Base Atk/Grp +23/+29
Atk Options Knight of StarsBoED, Quick Draw, Sanctify Martial StrikeBoED (longsword), Words of CreationBoED (creation), javelin of lightning (5d6 lightning bolt, DC 14), spell storing [hold person (DC 21)], +2 defending
Special Actions Gift of DiscernmentPGtF, turn undead 4/day (+1, 2d6+16, 15th), arcane fire
Combat Gear scepter of goodBoED, the crown of goodBoED, orb of goodBoED, ring of spell turning, staff of the magi (50 charges)
Arcane Epic Spells Prepared (CL 25th, 10% arcane spell failure chance, share spells, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping):
summon behemoth (SDC 5), time duplicate (SDC 8)
Spells Prepared (CL 25th, 10% arcane spell failure chance, share spells, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping):
9th—Mordenkainen's disjunction (DC 27), shapechange, summon monster IX, wish (DC 27)
8th—mass charm monster (DC 26), mind blank, polymorph any object (DC 27), temporal stasis (DC 27)
7th—Bigby's grasping hand, limited wish (DC 25), mass teleportMoF, Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion
6th—contingency, disintegrate (+32 ranged touch, DC 25), globe of invulnerability, Tenser's transformation
5th—hold monster (DC 23), overland flight, teleport (DC 23), transmute rock to mud (DC 24), wall of stone (DC 23)
4th—charm monster (DC 22), dimension door (DC 22), ice storm, Leomund's secure shelter, polymorph, stoneskin
3rd—dispel magic ×2, fireball (DC 22), haste, lightning bolt (DC 22), summon monster III
2nd—familiar pocketCAr, invisibility, knock, Melf's acid arrow (+32 ranged touch), minor image (DC 20), web (DC 20)
1st—charm person (DC 19), color spray (DC 19), comprehend languages, identify, sleep (DC 19), Tenser's floating disk, true strike
0—detect magic ×3, ray of frost (+32 ranged touch)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th):
At will—guidance
3/day—heroes' feast, sending, greater status, holy smite (DC 19), searing light
Abilities Str 23, Dex 27, Con 14, Int 26, Wis 19, Cha 12
SQ automatic Search check within 5 ft., summon familiar, cannot speak lies, cannot refuse pleas of help, half price goods and services for planar ally, seed affinity (summon ×2, transform ×2)
Feats AlertnessB (familiar), Celestial FamiliarBoED B, Craft Wondrous ItemB, Craft Magic Arms and ArmorB, DodgeB, Epic Prowess, Epic Skill Focus [Knowledge (arcana)], Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic SpellcastingB, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus (longsword), Eschew Materials, Forge Ring, Gift of DiscernmentPGtF B, Gift of FaithBoED B, Great Constitution, Great Intelligence, Ignore Material ComponentsB, Improved InitiativeB, Knight of StarsBoED, Nimbus of LightBoED B, Quick DrawB, Power Critical (longsword), Sanctify Martial StrikeBoED B (longsword), Scribe ScrollB, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Focus (Good)BoED B, Spellcasting ProdigyPGtF, Weapon FocusB (longsword), Words of CreationBoED B
Skills Bluff +3, Climb +21, Concentration +36, Craft (alchemy) +24, Craft (calligraphy) +17, Decipher Script +22, Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +2, Handle Animal +5, Heal +7, Hide +14, Intimidate +17, Jump +13, Knowledge (arcana) +47, Knowledge (dragon lore) +13, Knowledge (dragons) +14, Knowledge (dreams) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (monsters) +16, Knowledge (portals & gates) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Listen +11 (+13 if familiar within 5 ft.), Lucid Dreaming +5, Move Silently +17, Profession (astrologer) +11, Ride +25, Search +14, Sense Motive +16, Speak Language +23, Spellcraft +63, Spot +8 (+10 if familiar within 5 ft.), Survival +8, Swim +15
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork dagger, +5 vorpal adamantine longsword, +4 lightning blast longbow, javelin of lightning, javelin of precisionAaEG, armor of the celestial battalion, ring of protection +5, bracers of epic armor +15, cloak of elvenkind and resistance +4, boots of elvenkind, brooch of shielding, gloves of dexterity +6, belt of epic strength +8, 598 gp
Arcane Epic Spells Known epic spells prepared plus Channel Celestial ParagonBoED (Bharrai, SDC 17), Channel Celestial ParagonBoED (Kharash, SDC 25), Channel Celestial ParagonBoED (Manath, SDC 43), Channel Celestial ParagonBoED (Sathia, SDC 15), Channel Celestial ParagonBoED (Talisid, SDC 5), Channel Celestial ParagonBoED (Vhara, SDC 23)
Spellbook spells prepared plus
0—all 0-level wizard spells
1st—cause fear, chill touch, feather fall, hold portal, hypnotism, mage armor, magic missile, magic weapon, mount, protection from evil, shield, shocking grasp, summon monster I, unseen servant
2nd—alter self, bull's strength, daze monster, fog cloud, gaze screenTaB, hypnotic pattern, levitate, locate object, pyrotechnics, scare, see invisibility, summon monster II, summon swarm, touch of idiocy
3rd—blink, clairaudience/clairvoyance, displacement, enhance familiarCAr, explosive runes, flame arrow, fly, heroism, hold person, ice burstTaB, invisibility sphere, Leomund's tiny hut, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic circle against law, greater magic weapon, major image, nondetection, phantom steed, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, slow, stinking cloud, suggestion, tongues, warcryBoED, wind wall
4th—arcane eye, confusion, detect scrying, dimensional anchor, ethereal mountMotP, fear, fire shield, fortify familiarCAr, lesser geas, hallucinatory terrain, greater invisibility, locate creature, orb of acidCAr, orb of coldCAr, orb of electricityCAr, Otiluke's dispelling screenCAr, Otiluke's resilient sphere, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern, Rary's mnemonic enhancer, remove curse, scrying, shout, solid fog, stone shape, summon monster IV, thunderlanceFRCS, wall of fire, wall of ice
5th—animal growth, Bigby's interposing hand, break enchantment, cloudkill, cone of cold, contact other plane, dismissal, dominate person, feeblemind, Leomund's secret chest, major creation, mass flyCAr, mirage arcana, Mordenkainen's faithful hound, Mordenkainen's private sanctum, passwall, permanency, Rary's telepathic bond, seeming, sending, telekinesis, transmute mud to rock, wall of force, xorn movementMotP
6th—analyze dweomer, antimagic field, mass bear's endurance, Bigby's forceful hand, mass bull's strength, mass cat's grace, chain lightning, control water, greater dispel magic, mass eagle's splendor, eyebite, flesh to stone, mass fox's cunning, geas/quest, globe of invulnerability, guards and wards, greater heroism, legend lore, mislead, Mordenkainen's lucubration, move earth, Otiluke's freezing sphere, mass owl's wisdom, planar binding, programmed image, repulsion, shadow walk, stone bodyPGtF, stone to flesh, summon monster VI, symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion, true seeing, undeath to death, veil, wall of iron
7th—banishment, contingency, control undead, control weather, cry of YsgardBoED, delayed blast fireball, Drawmij's instant summons, eladrin formBoED, energy immunityCAr, finger of death, forcecage, mass hold person, insanity, mirror walkingMotP, Mordenkainen's sword, Otiluke's greater dispelling screenCAr, phase door, plane shift, power word blind, prismatic spray, project image, reverse gravity, greater scrying, sequester, greater shadow conjuration, simulacrum, statue, summon monster VII, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness, teleport object, greater teleport, vision
8th—antipathy, Bigby's clenched fist, binding, demand, dimensional lock, dragon cloudBoED, incendiary cloud, iron body, last judgmentBoED, maze, moment of prescience, Otiluke's telekinetic sphere, greater planar binding, polar ray, power word stun, prismatic wall, protection from spells, greater prying eyes, scintillating pattern, screen, greater shadow evocation, greater shout, summon monster VIII, sunburst, symbol of death, symbol of insanity, sympathy, trap the soul
9th—absorptionCAr, armageddonBoED, astral projection, Bigby's crushing hand, blinding gloryBoED, chain contingencyTaB, channel greater celestialBoED, dominate monster, energy drain, etherealness, foresight, freedom, gate, mass hold monster, imprisonment, meteor swarm, power word kill, prismatic sphere, refuge, sanctify the wickedBoED, shades, soul bind, teleportation circle, time stop, wail of the banshee, weird
Arcane Fire (Su) +32 ranged touch, 600 ft. range, deals 5d6 damage + 1d6 per spell level used to create.
Mastery of Counterspelling When the Aelan counterspells a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it were fully affected by a spell turning spell. If the spell cannot be affected by spell turning, then it is merely counterspelled.
Mastery of Elements Aelan can change the energy type of any spell with the descriptors acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic at the time he begins casting the spell.
Mastery of Shaping Aelan can alter burst, cone, cylinder, emanation, and spread spells to create spaces within the spell’s area or effect that are not subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube. Furthermore, any shapeable spells have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet.
Spell Power for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables such as damage dice or range, and caster level checks, Aelan's effective caster level increases by +1.




CR —

Male mustevalBoED
NG Tiny outsider (extraplanar, good, guardinalBoED)
Init/Senses +4/darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +7, Spot +2
Languages Celestial, tongues, empathic link, speak with animals (CL 8th), speak with master
AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 22
(+2 size, +4 Dex, +10 natural)
hp 141 (39 HD)
Immune electricity, petrification
SR/Resist 17/acid/cold 10, improved evasion
Fort/Ref/Will +19 (+23 against poison)/+22/+21
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft.; focused movement
Melee bite +29 (1d32)
Space/Reach 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +23/+13
Atk Options deliver touch spells
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd):
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Balance +7, Climb +7, Escape Artist +9, Hide +17, Jump +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Survival +7, Tumble +6, Use Rope +4 (+6 bindings)
Focused Movement (Ex) When moving, Zip can take a move action and a standard action at any point during the move. Zip cannot take a second move action during a round when he uses his focused movement ability.


In Carallion, Aelan is the Lord Protector of Elves and High Mage, Aelan is a Fey Elf with silver hair. He is unusually focused for an Elf and is considered very young for one so talented in the magical arts at barely 350 years. Unlike many of his kind, Aelan is a Wizard rather than a Sorcerer.

Aelan is a wanderer, offering his help and assistance to those who require it. He is quite famous among Elves, but less so with Humans, except among Wizards. He holds an honourary chair at the Collegium of Glan Dirak. He is a well known associate of the Church of Galtor, the Deity of Magic and has performed many missions for it. He has a number of faithful traveling companions, including Zip his Pseudodragon and Khm'nlynn, a young adult golden dragon, who serves as his mount on occasion.

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gollark: It's kind of just a different form of PS#D7CD76C0.
gollark: The issue is that you can queue fake websocket_message events on the SPUDNET coroutine because of the process manager being exposed to the sandbox.
gollark: No, he explained how it works now.
gollark: That bug actually still isn't patched, I should... work on that?
gollark: But did release an obfuscated proof of concept for it.
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