Advancing Mind (3.5e Template)
Advancing Mind
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3e Summary::An Advancing Mind's mind progresses with the character.
Creatures with this template are dependent on their number of HD as they strongly influence their power(s).
Creating an Advancing Mind
Whether by the creation of a mad scientist, random mutation, or by some other exterior force be it divine or profane, some creatures have a much higher than normal mental capacity and the know how to use it to the utmost effectiveness. This template can be added to any creature.
Size and Type
no changes
Hit Dice
no changes
+5 feet/HD
Armor Class
Natural Armor: +1/2HD
no changes
Full Attack
no changes
Special Attacks
no changes
Special Qualities
SR 15+HD
Choose one mental ability score, you add +1/2HD, you may also add this score's modifier to your AC. The increase to AC does not stack with abilities that do the same for the ability score chosen (A class that gives Int to AC will not stack with this template if Int is chosen and will only take the highest amount. If however another ability score such as Cha is chosen for this template, the creature will gain the benefit to AC from both sources).
no changes
Bonus Feats: You may choose 1 feat/2HD
nothing special
Challenge Rating
nothing special
nothing special
By HD and character class