3e SRD:Metaconcert

The manifester links his or her psychic might with other psions, creating an entity more powerful than the sum of its parts. All participants (up to sixteen total, including the manifester) must be willing; thus, saving throws and power resistance do not apply. Once linked, all the participant's power points flow into a collective pool, the total of which is 20% more than the sum of the participants' pools. When the power is manifested, one individual is chosen as the lead mind by mutual consent of the other participants. Until the power ends, this conductor directs the efforts of the group. Visually, misty strands of glowing power link the brows of all the participants in a complex and shifting pattern.

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Telepathy (Cha) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Psion 5
Display: Vi (see text)
Range: 10 feet
Target: You and up to fifteen other psions who also know metaconcert
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Points: 9

All the powers of each participant are known to the mental entity constructed by metaconcert. This entity can't take any more actions than a normal individual, but it manifests all its powers more effectively. Each individual psion making up the entity provides a cumulative +1 bonus to DCs set when manifesting a power (including using a psionic attack mode) and a cumulative +1 bonus when making saving throws against powers (including Will saves against psionic attack modes). If the psionic entity takes temporary ability damage from a psionic attack, the total is divided up among all the members as they see fit.

Once linked, the participants must remain within a 20-foot-diameter area, and as a group may only move at a speed of 10 feet. Participants can willingly drop out before the overall metaconcert ends, but they come away with 0 power points. Participants who accidentally move beyond the range of the power or who are forcibly removed also end up with 0 power points.

When metaconcert ends normally or is dismissed, remaining power points in the pool are evenly divided among all the participants (round down). A manifester does not leave a metaconcert with more power points than he or she joined in with.

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{{ #if Mind-Affecting|}}

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