3e SRD:Locate Creature

The character senses the direction of a known or familiar creature

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Locate Creature
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 10 minutes/level

The character slowly turns and senses when facing in the direction of the creature to be located, provided the creature is within range. The character also knows in which direction the creature is moving, if any.

The spell can locate a creature of a specific type (such as human or unicorn) or a specific creature known to the character. It cannot find a creature of a general type (such as humanoid or beast). To find a type of creature, the character must have seen such a creature up close (within 30 feet) at least once. The character locates the nearest one of its type if more than one creature of the appropriate type is within range. Attempting to find a specific creature requires a specific and accurate mental image; if the image is not close enough to the actual creature, the spell fails. The character cannot specify a unique character unless the character has observed that particular character firsthand (not through divination).

Running water blocks the spell. It cannot detect objects. It can be fooled by mislead, nondetection, and polymorph spells.

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