Over-unity reaction

An over-unity reaction is a reaction that produces strictly more output signals than input signals. By implication, "over-unity" refers to the ratio of outputs to inputs. This is an important concept in gun and macro-spaceship construction.

Such a reaction involves some input signals (e.g. gliders) as well as an optional sustained reaction (usually a catalyst, sparker, hassled object, or reburnable fuse). An over-unity reaction can be made self-sustaining by connecting outputs to inputs.

In the stationary case, mechanisms (reflectors, conduits, etc.) can usually be added to produce a gun, where the excess signal(s) become the output stream(s). If all signal outputs must be used up to sustain a stationary reaction, it can lead to an emu instead, for instance the Simkin's p60.

In a macro-spaceship, the synchronized reactions between two or more active fuses produce additional output signals, for example the 31c/240 Herschel-pair climber. Here "over-unity" implies that cleaning up the reburnable reactions does not use up all of the outputs; there are leftovers to build the fuse-supporting track.

Glider duplicators and glider-emitting Herschel conduits can be considered degenerate examples of over-unity reactions (with one input and two or more outputs).


gollark: hd!histohist <@398575402865393665> <@515035771359723520> <@!509849474647064576> <@!529362061658947584> <@432069474858958848>
gollark: hd!histohist <@302050872383242240> <@398575402865393665> <@612084587740528640> <@515035771359723520> <@!509849474647064576> <@292212176494657536> <@677461592178163712> <@134073775925886976> <@432069474858958848> <@80528701850124288> <@480227663047294987> <@235088799074484224> <@702965602100183080> <@642652792837636098> <@709333181983096834> <@!529362061658947584>
gollark: hd!histohist -83
gollark: Yes, I do generally beat you with my superior esotericism.
gollark: Oh, never mind, I apparently cannot eyes.

See also

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