Count blocks in a 2D grid


Challenge description

Let's define an W x H grid as a two-dimensional array of length H whose each subarray is of length W. Example: a 2x3 grid (. character used as a blank):


A unit is a single point of a grid. A block is either a single unit or a set of contiguous units (meaning each unit of a block has at least another one next to, above or below it). In the 10x10 grid below there are 4 blocks (units represented by X's):

........X.   ........1.
..X.......   ..2.......
..X.......   ..2.......
..X.......   ..2.......
.......X..   .......3..
.......XX.   .......33.
.......XX.   .......33.
..X.......   ..4.......
..XX..X...   ..44..4...
...XXXX...   ...4444...

Two blocks are distinct if either their positions in the grid or the number of blocks they consist of are different. In the 10x10 grid below there are 5 blocks (they're all 2x2 squares, but their positions are different, therefore they're distinct):

..........   ..........
.XX....XX.   .11....22.
.XX....XX.   .11....22.
..........   ..........
.......XX.   .......33.
.......XX.   .......33.
....XX....   ....44....
....XX....   ....44....
XX........   55........
XX........   55........

Given two integers W and H (W, H > 0), calculate the number of distinct blocks that can be constructed within a W x H grid.

Sample inputs / outputs

(1, 1) -> 1     | only a 1x1 block can be constructed
(1, 2) -> 3     | two 1x1 blocks, and one 1x2 block
(2, 2) -> 13
(3, 3) -> 218
(4, 4) -> 11506


  • Remember that this is a challenge, so make your code as short as possible!
  • Relevant sequences: A059525, A059020


Posted 2016-08-05T12:32:43.373

Reputation: 5 032

1To clarify: are we supposed to compute the total number of 4-way connected non-empty subsets of the W x H grid? – Zgarb – 2016-08-05T12:37:31.590

Yes, I just realized that this whole challenge could be worded much more concisely, but that's the gist. – shooqie – 2016-08-05T12:44:18.233

@shooqie The gist of what? – mınxomaτ – 2016-08-05T12:46:19.993

2Of @Zgarb just said, it's an expression... – shooqie – 2016-08-05T12:47:43.233

@TimmyD: it was supposed to be a strict inequality, thanks for pointing that out – shooqie – 2016-08-05T13:00:12.467

1Two blocks are distinct if both their positions in the grid and the number of blocks they consist of are different. I think you mean an either/or rather than a both/and here. Else, the sentence doesn't match the example with the 5 2x2 blocks. Also, it would probably be a good thing if you explicitly stated that the blocks for counting aren't all placed on the grid at the same time. That's implied by your (1,2) example, but not explicit. With that being the case, this is very similar to the recent count-the-rectangle challenges. – AdmBorkBork – 2016-08-05T13:09:32.043



Python 2, 208 184 169 167 163 bytes

def f(x):global g;o=g;g&=~2**x;o>g>[x/w==(x+s)/w<f(x+s)or-1<x/w+s<h<f(x+s*w)for s in[-1,1]]
while i:g=i=i-1;f(len(bin(g))-3);n-=g>0


Posted 2016-08-05T12:32:43.373

Reputation: 55 648