Theoretically output Graham's number



Graham's number G is defined in this way:

u(3,n,1) = 3^n
u(3,1,m) = 3
u(3,n,m) = u(3,u(3,n-1,m),m-1)
[Knuth's up-arrow notation]
[Conway chained arrow notation]


g1 = u(3,3,4)
g2 = u(3,3,g1)
g3 = u(3,3,g2)
G = u(3,3,g63)

You are given that u(3,3,2)=7625597484987 to check your code.

Your task is to write a program/function that will output the value of G deterministically, given enough integer size and enough time.



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Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 45 011

2Related. – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T07:30:54.113

7Is randomness allowed? If I just output random values, eventually Graham's number must be produced. – miles – 2016-06-27T07:33:45.353

15@miles Why on earth isn't it already a standard loophole? Clarified. – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T07:35:20.087

Are there any small intermediate values for u you could give us so we can check our code? – xnor – 2016-06-27T07:57:57.987

@xnor Added in. – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T08:05:01.027

I've added it as a loophole – Mego – 2016-06-27T08:17:55.627

Related – Peter Taylor – 2016-06-27T08:45:19.223

@PeterTaylor How is not known to terminate? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T08:52:42.163

It's not that. The form of the recursive function is very similar. – Peter Taylor – 2016-06-27T09:37:35.330

18Warning: u(3, 3, 2) = u(3, 2, 3) = 7625597484987, so you’ll also want to test on other values such as u(3, 5, 1) = 243 to make sure you got the argument order right. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-27T10:09:08.853

@miles No, that's not true. Even with infinite trials there's no guarantee that you will ever generate a specific number because the numbers are infinite too. – Bakuriu – 2016-06-28T10:05:53.363

@Bakuriu Solution: i = 0; while True: print(i); i += 1 – user253751 – 2016-06-28T11:18:31.160

@immibis He said generating numbers at random. Yours is a deterministic algorithm. – Bakuriu – 2016-06-28T11:26:29.507

@Bakuriu i = 0; while(true) {if(random() < 0.5) {print(i); print(i+1);} else {print(i+1); print(i);} i += 2;} – user253751 – 2016-06-28T11:27:52.790

@immibis That's still a fundamentally deterministic algorithm because you always choose either i or i+1. The point is, given random oracle that returns natural numbers completely at random, without using monotonic or "quasi-monotonic" sequences, even infinite numbers generated aren't enough to produce all natural numbers with certainty. – Bakuriu – 2016-06-28T11:30:26.773

@Bakuriu I thought the point was to demonstrate a potential loophole? – user253751 – 2016-06-28T11:33:07.463

@immibis Miles wanted to propose a solution like "n=get_random_number(); if n == graham; print n else: loop" saying that this program would fit the requirements. My point is that it does not fit the requirements, because even with infinite time there is no guarantee that it will ever output anything. Also, i don't really see why we should exclude this as a loop hole. Given that the program must output only the graham number you have to basically add some kind of check to avoid printing other invalid results, which fundamentally amounts to computing Graham number itself. – Bakuriu – 2016-06-28T11:36:36.980

Does the base of the output matter? Obviously base-G wouldn't be allowed, but could e.g. base-256 be used? – Mego – 2016-07-25T10:42:00.280

@Mego Any base between 1 and 256 inclusive, would that be ok? Or should I extend to 1114112? – Leaky Nun – 2016-07-25T10:43:45.457

Up to you. Base-unicode could make for some interesting outputs. Unary would be terrifying. – Mego – 2016-07-25T10:44:46.780

2Graham's number? – Beta Decay – 2016-08-09T10:47:23.190

You should have made the challenge to output Gn(m) – Matthew Roh – 2017-02-20T12:08:17.340

You can shorten your example by a lot as I have done here by noting that when evaluating Graham's number, the number on the left is always 3. Basically, make a two argument function that represents 3^^...^^x.

– Simply Beautiful Art – 2017-05-14T22:26:23.903



Binary lambda calculus, 114 bits = 14.25 bytes


00000000: 4457 42b0 2d88 1f9d 740e 5ed0 39ce 80    DWB.-...t.^.9..




01 00                                           (λx.
│    01 00                                        (λy.
│    │    01 01 01 110                              x
│    │    │  │  └─ 10                               y
│    │    │  └─ 00                                  (λm.
│    │    │       01 01 01 10                         m
│    │    │       │  │  └─ 00                         (λg.
│    │    │       │  │       00                         λn.
│    │    │       │  │         01 01 10                  n
│    │    │       │  │         │  └─ 110                 g
│    │    │       │  │         └─ 00                     (λz.
│    │    │       │  │              10                     z))
│    │    │       │  └─ 00                            (λn.
│    │    │       │       00                            λf.
│    │    │       │         01 111110                    x
│    │    │       │         └─ 01 110                    (n
│    │    │       │            └─ 10                      f))
│    │    │       └─ 1110                             x)
│    │    └─ 10                                     y)
│    └─ 00                                        (λf.
│         00                                        λz.
│           01 110                                   f
│           └─ 01 01 1110                            (x
│              │  └─ 110                              f
│              └─ 10                                  z)))
└─ 00                                           (λf.
     00                                           λz.
       01 110                                      f
       └─ 01 110                                   (f
          └─ 01 110                                 (f
             └─ 10                                   z)))

This is (λx. (λy. x ym. mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. x (n f)) x) y) (λf. λz. f (x f z))) 3, where all numbers are represented as Church numerals. Church numerals are the standard lambda calculus representation of natural numbers, and they are well suited to this problem because a Church number is defined by function iteration: n g is the nth iterate of the function g.

For example, if g is the function λn. λf. 3 (n f) that multiplies 3 by a Church numeral, then λn. n g 1 is the function that takes 3 to the power of a Church numeral. Iterating this operation m times gives

mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. 3 (n f)) n = u(3, n, m).

(We use multiplication u(–, –, 0) rather than exponentiation u(–, –, 1) as the base case, because subtracting 1 from a Church numeral is unpleasant.)

Substitute n = 3:

mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. 3 (n f)) 3 = u(3, 3, m).

Iterating that operation 64 times, starting at m = 4, gives

64 (λm. mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. 3 (n f)) 3) 4 = G.

To optimize this expression, substitute 64 = 4^3 = 3 4:

3 4 (λm. mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. 3 (n f)) 3) 4 = G.

Remember 4 = succ 3 = λf. λz. f (3 f z) as a lambda argument:

y. 3 ym. mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. 3 (n f)) 3) y) (λf. λz. f (3 f z)) = G.

Finally, remember 3 = λf. λz. f (f (f z)) as a lambda argument:

x. (λy. x ym. mg. λn. n g 1) (λn. λf. x (n f)) x) y) (λf. λz. f (x f z))) 3 = G.

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 29 242

Where could one find an interpreter for this language? – Dennis – 2016-06-28T00:30:10.300


@Dennis has a couple of them.

– Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-28T00:32:46.947

1This is awesome. this deserves a sizeable bounty – cat – 2016-06-28T18:19:56.980

114.25 bytes seems to be messing up the leaderboard. It is parsed as 25 bytes, and you are therefore placed as second. – Dan – 2016-06-28T19:05:09.867

1@Dan I fixed the leader board snippet, I think. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-28T19:43:18.523

Neat, I did this in 120 bits here, nice work shaving off 6 of them! BTW 120 bits is how many bits it takes to write "Graham's Number", assuming 8 bits per character and including the apostrophe and space.

– Paul Crowley – 2018-02-11T09:58:51.450


Haskell, 41 bytes

i(($3).i(`i`1)(*3))4 64


(`i`1)f n = i f 1 n computes the nth iterate of the function f starting at 1. In particular, (`i`1)(*3)n = 3^n, and iterating this construction m times gives i(`i`1)(*3)m n = u(3, n, m). We can rewrite that as (($n).i(`i`1)(*3))m = u(3, n, m), and iterate this construction k times to get i(($3).i(`i`1)(*3))4 k = g_k.

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 29 242


Haskell, 43 bytes


There has be a better way to flip g inline.

46 bytes:


48 bytes:


Just writing down the definitions.

The base cases are a bit cleaner backed up to 0, though it saves no bytes. Perhaps it will make it easier to write an alternate definition.



Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 115 687

Can you use another function which has precedence lower than + so as to remove the parentheses between m-1? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T09:46:16.483

I count 44 bytes, and what happened to 4 and 64? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T09:49:30.627

Oops, I copied in my smaller-parameter test. I don't think I can change the operator precedence because I'm defining a new function and those have a default precedence. I can't overwrite an existing function. – xnor – 2016-06-27T09:53:09.650

I mean, I count 44 bytes after you change it back to 64. – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T09:54:08.273

I think you mean (`g`3), not (3`g`). – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-27T10:47:17.933

@AndersKaseorg Oh yes. Your handling of that is much nicer. I've been searching for a shorter way to define q or its flip, but everything recursive is long and foldr(.) is messy. – xnor – 2016-06-27T10:57:18.860


Pyth, 25 bytes

M?H.UgbtH*G]3^3Gug3tG64 4

The first part M?H.UgbtH*G]3^3G defines a method g(G,H) = u(3,G,H+1).

To test the first part, check that 7625597484987=u(3,3,2)=g(3,1): g3 1.

The second part ug3tG64 4 starts from r0 = 4 and then compute rn = u(3,3,r(n-1)) = g(3,r(n-1)) 64 times, outputting the final value (r is chosen instead of g to avoid confusion).

To test this part, start from r0=2 and then compute r1: ug3tG1 2.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 45 011

If g(G, H) = u(3, G, H + 1), you should have r(n) = u(3, 3, r(n − 1)) = g(3, r(n − 1) − 1), not g(3, r(n − 1)). I think your code is right but your explanation is missing the − 1. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-29T09:25:05.030

You can save a byte by using unoffsetted u arguments (^3*3, tGG), and another byte with .UgbtH*G]3e.ugNtHG1. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-29T09:43:14.223

An alternate way to save that second byte is *G]3ShG. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-29T09:54:56.430


Sesos, 30 bytes

0000000: 286997 2449f0 6f5d10 07f83a 06fffa f941bb ee1f33  (i.$I.o]...:....A...3
0000015: 065333 07dd3e 769c7b                              .S3..>v.{


set numout
add 4
rwd 2
add 64
    sub 1
    fwd 3
    add 3
    rwd 1
    add 1
        sub 1
            fwd 1
                    sub 1
                    fwd 1
                    add 1
                    rwd 1
                rwd 1
                    sub 1
                    fwd 3
                    add 1
                    rwd 3
                fwd 3
                    sub 1
                    rwd 2
                    add 1
                    rwd 1
                    add 1
                    fwd 3
                rwd 1
                sub 1
            rwd 1
                sub 1
            add 1
            rwd 1
            sub 1
        fwd 1
            sub 1
            rwd 1
            add 3
            fwd 1
        rwd 2
    rwd 1
fwd 2

Or in Brainfuck notation:



To compute u(3, n, u(3, n, … u(3, n, m) … )) with k nested calls to u, replace the first three add instructions add 4, add 64, add 3 with add m, add k, add n, respectively. Because Sesos can’t build numbers faster than in linear time, you’re practically limited to small values like u(3, 2, 2) = 27, u(3, 5, 1) = 243, and u(3, 1, u(3, 1, … u(3, 1, m) … )) = 3.

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 29 242

You can replace [-] with , since EOF is 0. – mbomb007 – 2016-07-22T13:37:10.197


JavaScript (ES7), 63 bytes



Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 95 035

@AndersKaseorg Ugh, in that case I might as well revert that change. – Neil – 2016-06-29T08:29:14.730

This causes a stack overflow, might need to recheck your reccursion pattern. – NodeNodeNode – 2017-10-19T15:07:14.370

This isn't simple ES7. This is unbounded ES7 (an imaginary variant of ES7 but with bignum, able to oracle infinitely, and is using decimal with /#xE^ as shorthand). – user75200 – 2018-01-13T18:58:08.193


Brachylog, 57 bytes


Expects no Input nor Output and writes the result to STDOUT. This will produce a stack overflow at one point.

To check that this works for small values (e.g u(3,3,2)) you can replace the 4 with the value of m and 64 with 1.


This is basically a straightforward implementation of the explained way of computing the number.

  • Main predicate:

    4:64:1i                    Call Predicate 1 64 times with 4 as initial input (the second
                               call takes the output of the first as input, etc. 64 times).
           w                   Write the final output to STDOUT
  • Predicate 1:

    :3{...}.                   Call predicate 2 with input [Input, 3]. Its output is the 
                               output of predicate 1.
  • Predicate 2:

    [1:N],                     M = 1
          3:N^.                Output = 3^N
    |                          Or
    t1,                        N = 1
       3.                      Output = 3
    |                          Or
    hM:1-X,                    X is M - 1
           ?t:1-:Mr:2&         Unify an implicit variable with u(3,N-1,M)
                      :Xr:2&.  Unify Output with u(3,u(3,N-1,M),X)


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 32 976


Caramel, 38 bytes

(64 ((f->(f,1)),(n f->(3 (n f))),3) 4)

This is syntactic sugar for the lambda calculus expression 64 (λm. mf. λn. n f 1) (λn. λf. 3 (n f)) 3) 4, where all numbers are represented as Church numerals.

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 29 242

(n f->3 (n f)) shouldn't it read n-1? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T23:14:40.060

@LeakyNun No. (n f->3 (n f)) is a function for multiplication by three in Church numerals.

– Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-27T23:26:36.073

2This challenge seems excessively simple in lambda calculus. Why? – cat – 2016-06-28T18:22:35.727


Prolog (SWIPL), 129 / 137 bytes

g(L,R):-M is L-1,g(M,P),u(3,P,R).
u(N,1,R):-R is 3**N.
u(N,M,R):-K is N-1,L is M-1,u(K,M,Y),u(Y,L,R).

To output Graham's number, query for g(64,G). (if the 8 bytes of this query are to be counted, the length is 137 bytes):

?- g(64, G).
ERROR: Out of local stack

But as can be expected, this runs out of stack.


?- u(3, 2, X).
X = 7625597484987

Backtracking causes it to run out of stack:

?- u(3, 2, X).
X = 7625597484987 ;
ERROR: Out of local stack


The ungolfed version adds the general up-arrow notation, not just for 3, and uses cuts and checks to avoid backtracking and undefined situations.

% up-arrow notation
u(X, 1, _M, X) :- !.
u(X, N, 1, R) :-
    R is X**N, !.
u(X, N, M, R) :-
    N > 1,
    M > 1,
    N1 is N - 1,
    M1 is M - 1,
    u(X, N1, M, R1),
    u(X, R1, M1, R).

% graham's number
g(1,R) :- u(3, 3, 4, R), !.
g(L,R) :-
    L > 1,
    L1 is L - 1,
    u(3, G1, R).


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 681

How did you manage to do it without having the number 64 anywhere in your code? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-28T12:34:45.483

@LeakyNun I edited to clarify; better? – SQB – 2016-06-28T12:51:15.347

Well, then add it into your code as well as your byte-count. – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-28T12:52:14.250


C, 161 bytes

u(int a, int b){if(a==1)return 3;if(b==1)return pow(3,a);return u(u(a-1,b),b-1);}
g(int a){if(a==1)return u(3,4);return u(3,g(a-1));}

EDIT: saved 11 bytes by removing tabs and newlines. EDIT: thx auhmann saved another byte and fixed my program


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 257

1You could remove g(int a){if(a==1)return u(3,4);return g(a-1);} since it's not being used at all... Or are you forgetting something? – auhmaan – 2016-06-29T15:10:15.360

@auhmaan oops sorry, I used that number for testing and forgot to change it back. Thanks!! – thepiercingarrow – 2016-06-29T19:46:01.903

Your return g(a-1) should be return u(3,g(a-1)). – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-29T23:40:32.367

1I don't know if I should make a proper answer or just comment on this, but you can get this solution down to 114 bytes quite easily by realizing: Newlines between functions can be omitted. Omitting types for all argumens default them to int (think K&R). If statements like these can be written with nested ternary ops.

Code: u(a,b){return a<2?3:b<2?pow(3,a):u(u(a-1,b),b-1);}g(a){return a<2?u(3,4):u(3,g(a-1));}main(){printf("%d",g(64));} – algmyr – 2016-07-16T21:16:45.757

@algmyr wow amazing! you should go post your own answer XD. – thepiercingarrow – 2016-07-18T03:05:29.207


Mathematica, 59 bytes

n_ ±1:=3^n
1 ±m_:=3
n_ ±m_:=((n-1)±m)±(m-1)

Uses an undefined infix operator ± which requires only 1 byte when encoded in ISO 8859-1. See @Martin's post for more info. Mathematica functions support pattern matching for their arguments, such that the two base cases can be defined separately.


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 15 654

1Since when did Mathematica use ISO 8859-1? – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T23:17:37.890

n_ ±m_:=Nest[#±(m-1)&,3,n] – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-27T23:23:09.633


C, 114 109 bytes

Based on the answer by @thepiercingarrow (link) I golfed the answer down quite a bit. Most savings are due to the abuse of default typing of arguments when doing K&R style functions and replacement of if statements with ternary operators. Added optional newlines between functions for readability.

Improved to 109 thanks to @LeakyNun.

u(a,b){return a<2?3:b<2?pow(3,a):u(u(a-1,b),b-1);}
g(a){return u(3,a<2?4:g(a-1));}


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 858

g(a){return u(3,a<2?4:g(a-1));} – Leaky Nun – 2016-07-21T13:13:17.860

@LeakyNun That's a really good one. Thanks. – algmyr – 2016-07-21T13:17:05.020


Ruby, 64 bytes

Borrowing from Theoretical algorithm to compute Graham's number.

def f(a,b=3)b<2?3:a<1?3*b:f(a-1,f(a,b-1))end;a=4;64.times{a=f a};p a

Simply put, f a = u(3,3,a) and it applies this 64 times.

Simply Beautiful Art

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 2 140

A good explanation on why and how this code works would be nice. – Manish Kundu – 2018-11-16T06:36:14.500

It is a straightforward application of the definition of Graham's number. – Simply Beautiful Art – 2018-11-21T18:27:10.890


Python, 85 bytes

v=lambda n,m:n*m and v(v(n-1,m)-1,m-1)or 3**-~n
g=lambda n=63:v(2,n and g(n-1)-1or 3)

The v function defines the same function as the one found in Dennis's answer: v(n,m) = u(3,n+1,m+1). The g function is a zero-indexed version of the traditional iteration: g(0) = v(2,3), g(n) = v(2,g(n-1)). Thus, g(63) is Graham's number. By setting the default value of the n parameter of the g function to 63, the required output can be obtained by calling g() (with no parameters), thus meeting our requirements for a function submission which takes no input.

Verify the v(2,1) = u(3,3,2) and v(4,0) = u(3,5,1) test cases online: Python 2, Python 3


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 32 998

1It's kinda hard to verify, but your function g seems off. Shouldn't v(2,n-1) be g(n-1) or something similar? – Dennis – 2016-06-29T07:21:42.743

@Dennis Good catch. I'll fix that. – Mego – 2016-06-29T07:57:59.353

Actually the offset between u and v means it should be g(n-1)-1. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-29T08:28:31.257

@AndersKaseorg I should not do programming while sleepy. I have to re-learn this every few days. – Mego – 2016-06-29T08:29:35.577

@AndersKaseorg In the future, please do not edit other people's submissions, even if it is to fix a mistake in an improvement/bugfix that you suggested. – Mego – 2016-06-29T08:40:24.470

@Mego Very well, my apologies. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-06-29T08:40:51.823


Dyalog APL, 41 bytes

3u 3u⍣64⊣4

Test case:

      3u 2


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 850

You should be able to convert 1=⍺:3⋄1=⍵:3*⍺ to just 1=⍵:3*⍺ (3=3*1) – Zacharý – 2017-07-31T22:01:04.753


J, 107 bytes

u=:4 :0
if.y=1 do.3^x
elseif.x=1 do.3
elseif.1 do.x:(y u~<:x)u<:y
(g=:(3 u 4[[)`(3 u$:@<:)@.(1&<))64

I'm working on converting u to an agenda, but for now it'll do.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 36 228

Something like u=:3^[\[:(3$:])/[#<:@]@.*@]` (not tested) – Leaky Nun – 2016-06-28T22:18:14.030


F#, 111 108 bytes


This is using the function below to calulcate Graham's number

let rec u=function|b,1->int<|3I**b|1,c->3|b,c->u(u(b-1,c),c-1)
and g=function|1->u(3.,4.)|a->u(3.,g (a-1))
g 63

Here's my previous answer which, well, didnt:

Pretty straightforward. Just a definition of the u function.

let rec u=function|a,b,1->a**b|a,1.,c->a|a,b,c->u(a,u(a,b-1.,c),c-1)


val it : float = 7.625597485e+12

If I assumed 3 as the value for a, I could cut it to 60:

let rec u=function|b,1->3.**b|1.,c->3.|b,c->u(u(b-1.,c),c-1)


val it : float = 7.625597485e+12


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 371

The challenge is to write Graham’s number, not u. You can of course include any intermediate functions you need, such as u with or without its first argument fixed at 3. – Anders Kaseorg – 2016-07-22T02:19:18.500

@AndersKaseorg edited that in. Thanks. My previous comment seems to have disappeared. – asibahi – 2016-07-22T04:08:28.573


R, 154 142 128 126 118 bytes

u=function(n,b)return(if(n&!b)1 else if(n)u(n-1,u(n,b-1))else 3*b)
g=function(x)return(u(if(x-1)g(x-1)else 4,3))

I used the Wikipedia definition of this recursive function because for some odd reason the suggested one did not work... or I just suck at R golfing.

UPD: shaved off 12+14=26 bytes thanks to a tip from Leaky Nun. The prior version used the bulky and less efficient

u=function(n,b)if(n==0)return(3*b)else if(n>0&b==0)return(1)else return(u(n-1,u(n,b-1)))
g=function(x)if(x==1)return(u(4,3))else return(u(g(x-1),3))

UPD: shaved off 2+6+2 more bytes (again, kudos to Leaky Nun) owing to an ingenious replacement with “if(x)” instead of “if(x==0)” because x<0 is never fed into the function... right?

Andreï Kostyrka

Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 1 389

@LeakyNun Thank you, updated the answer with acknowledgement. – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-07-22T17:45:46.223

Just a sec... Today is my first day of code golfing, there is much to learn! – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-07-22T17:47:28.067

You are invited to join our chat.

– Leaky Nun – 2016-07-22T17:48:59.410

More golfing, please see the improvement. – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-07-22T17:52:28.803

Ta-dam, done, changed the function u in the same key as your g and saved 6 more bytes—awesome! – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-07-22T18:42:34.567

b==0 is really !b. – Leaky Nun – 2016-07-22T18:43:14.813

I might misunderstand something... OK, if NOT b and n, then the first OR is used, otherwise the second OR. This is clear. But u=function(n,b)return(n&!b|if(n)u(n-1,u(n,b-1))else 3*b) yields infinite nesting... Seems that a pair of braces/parens is needed, but where? – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-07-22T18:54:13.040

Never mind, I don't think it works. – Leaky Nun – 2016-07-22T18:59:05.890

u=function(n,b)return(if(n&!b)1 else if(n)u(n-1,u(n,b-1))else 3*b) – Leaky Nun – 2016-07-22T18:59:27.093

This is so strange... The long version yields 7.625597e+12 for the test case u(2,3). The one you suggests throws evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options. Is it really OK that it does not pass the test case? – Andreï Kostyrka – 2016-07-22T18:59:43.447

I was mistaken in my thoughts (it's 3AM here now). – Leaky Nun – 2016-07-22T19:01:13.420


PHP, 114 bytes

ignore the line breaks; they are for readability only.

function u($n,$m){return$m>1&$n>1?u(u($n-1,$m),$m-1):3**$n;}
function g($x){return u(3,$x>1?g($x-1):4);}
echo g(63);

It is possible to integrate the second case into the first one: for n=1, 3^n equals 3.
This will save a few bytes on - as far as I can see - all existing answers; saved two bytes on my

previous version, 62+43+11=116 bytes

function u($n,$m){return$m>1?$n>1?u(u($n-1,$m),$m-1):3:3**$n;}

PHP´s left associativity of the ternary requires parentheses ... or a specific order of tests.
This saved two bytes on the parenthesized expression.

There is probably an iterative approach, which may allow further golfing ...
but I can´t take the time for it now.


Posted 2016-06-27T07:30:45.190

Reputation: 13 814

wish I knew Sesos or had the time to learn it and translate right now – Titus – 2016-07-25T12:11:18.487

@Leaky Nun: I broke it down to only loops and addition. Is there a way in Sesos to add the value of one cell to another? – Titus – 2016-07-25T13:04:44.857

@AndersKaseorg: You´re probably right ... I got blisters on my eyeballs from looking at that algorithm. Will look at it again soon. – Titus – 2016-07-26T03:31:08.540