Flood-fill a 2D grid



Challenge description

Let's call a two-dimentional, rectangular array (meaning its every subarray has the same length), a grid. Every unit of a grid is either an empty space or a border. In a grid of characters, empty space is represented by a single whitespace; any other character is treated as a border. Sample grids (+'s, |'s and -'s added for readability - they are not part of the grid):

|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
+----+  an empty 4x5 grid

|      |
|  #   |
|  #   |
+------+  a 6x3 grid with 2 borders

|          |
|          |
|  #####   |
|  #   #   |
| ##   # <------ enclosed area
| #    #   |
| ######   |
|          |
+----------+  a 10x8 grid with an enclosed area

Given a 2D grid and a pair of coordinates, fill the enclosed area surrounding the point represented by the coordinates.

Sample inputs / outputs


0 0
+----------+      +----------+
|          |      |XXXXXXXXXX|
|          |  ->  |XXXXXXXXXX|
|          |      |XXXXXXXXXX|
+----------+      +----------+


6 5
+-----------------+      +-----------------+
|                 |      |                 |
|                 |      |                 |
|    ########     |      |    ########     |
|    #       #    |      |    #XXXXXXX#    |
|    #    ####    |      |    #XXXX####    |
|    #    #       |      |    #XXXX#       |
|    #    #       |  ->  |    #XXXX#       |
|    #    #       |      |    #XXXX#       |
|     ####        |      |     ####        |
|                 |      |                 |
|                 |      |                 |
+-----------------+      +-----------------+


4 6
+-----------------+      +-----------------+
|                 |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
|    ####         |      |XXXX####XXXXXXXXX|
|   #    #        |  ->  |XXX#    #XXXXXXXX|
|    ####         |      |XXXX####XXXXXXXXX|
|                 |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
+-----------------+      +-----------------+


4 5
+-----------------+      +-----------------+      +-----------------+ 
|                 |      |                 |      |                 |
|                 |      |                 |      |                 |
|    ####         |      |    ####         |      |     XXXX        |
|    ####         |  ->  |    ####         |  or  |     XXXX        |
|    ####         |      |    ####         |      |     XXXX        |
|                 |      |                 |      |                 |
+-----------------+      +-----------------+      +-----------------+


2 6
+----------------+      +----------------+
|                |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
|                |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
|                |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
|                |  ->  |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
|                |      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
|                |      |                |
|                |      |                |
+----------------+      +----------------+


  • An empty grid is considered enclosed, i.e. borders are implicitly situated along the edges of the grid as well (see examples 1. and 5.),

  • A corner of an enclosed area doesn't need to be L-shaped. The following two areas are therefore equivalent:

####         ##
#  #        #  #
#  #   ==   #  #
#  #        #  #
####         ##
  • If a unit under the coordinates happens to be a border you can either leave the grid unchanged (as in example 4.) or treat it as an empty space,

  • You can choose any character for filler / empty space as long as you include this information in the submission,

  • If using a type other than char suits your purposes better, you can use ints (0 for empty space, 1 for border) or booleans (true and false respectively) or any other type - just make sure to include this information in your submission,

  • Coordinates used in the examples above are 0-indexed (row, column) coordinates, as it's more convenient for two-dimensional array. If you want to use (column, row) (cartesian) system and/or non-0-indexed coordinates, specify it in your submission.

  • If you don't know where to start, check out Wikipedia article on flood fill

  • Remember that this is a challenge, so make your code as short as possible!


Posted 2016-06-25T20:27:15.107

Reputation: 5 032

Related: 1, 2, 3, 4, possibly more.

– Peter Taylor – 2016-06-25T21:49:48.560

Might be worth having a test case with a single border unit at the position of the coordinates, to show that there are two valid outputs: Either the grid is all filled or the grid is unchanged. (If I have understood your 3rd note correctly.) – trichoplax – 2016-06-25T22:39:19.840

See ex. 4) update – shooqie – 2016-06-25T23:04:32.283

1I don't get how you get your alternative example 4. That appears to be destroying border cells other than the specified input square. – Joffan – 2016-06-26T00:39:43.053



MATLAB, 30 7 bytes

As we can use logical inputs instead of strings, we can use the bare function, as it is:


This is an anonymous function. For the usage, we have to assume a name, e.g. f=@imfill. Then we can just evaluate it as f(input,point), where input is a logical matrix, e.g. [0,0;0,1], and point is a 2d-vector with 1-based coordinates, e.g. [1,2].

Old version working on strings:


This anonymous function accepts the input as well as a vector with the coordinates (1-based index). The function imfill does exactly what we need, but operates only on binary images. That is why we convert the input matrix to a logical array (where # are the boundaries, and (spaces) are the void), performs the filling and is then converted back. (again # is filled, space is not filled).

Thanks @LuisMendo for -1 byte.


Posted 2016-06-25T20:27:15.107

Reputation: 40 560

For the string version, you can replace ~=32 by >32 – Luis Mendo – 2016-06-26T14:19:41.290


C, 162 bytes


Takes input from arguments (./floodfill X Y grid). Grid must contain \n or \r\n between each line, final newline is optional. Simplest way I've found to invoke from shell:

./floodfill 1 0 "$(printf "   \n###\n   \n")"
# or
./floodfill 1 0 "$(cat gridfile)"

Outputs to stdout, using ! for the fill character. If the start position coincides with a #, makes no change.


                                    // GCC is happy enough without any imports
w,l;                                // Globals (line width, total length)
char*d;                             // Global grid pointer
f(z){                               // "Fill" function - z=current cell
    z<0||z>l||                      // Check if out-of-bounds...
    d[z]^32||                       // ...or not empty
        ++d[z]&&                    // Fill cell...
        f(z+1)+f(z-1)+f(z+w)+f(z-w);// ...and continue in "+" pattern
main(c,v)char**v;{                  // K&R style function to save 2 bytes
    l=strlen(d=v[3]),               // Store grid & length
    w=strchr(d,10)-d+1,             // Store width of grid (including newlines)
    f(atoi(v[2])*w+atoi(v[1]));     // Parse X & Y arguments and invoke fill

    puts(d);}                       // Print the result

Note that this relies on modifying the input argument string, which is forbidden, so this may not work on all platforms (implicit declarations also make this non-standard).


Posted 2016-06-25T20:27:15.107

Reputation: 7 519

You can save 4 bytes by changing int w, l; to simply w, l; - gcc defaults it to int type – Jacajack – 2016-06-26T19:12:28.870

@Jacajack good point! Thanks – Dave – 2016-06-28T17:27:46.190


C - 263 247 240 238 bytes

This is first second third version, I believe code can be shrinked too.

m[99][99],x,y,a,b,c,n;f(v,w){if(m[v][w]==32){m[v][w]=88;f(v,w+1);f(v+1,w);f(v,w-1);f(v-1,w);}}main(){scanf("%d %d\n",&a,&b);for(;~(c=getchar());m[x++][y]=c,n=x>n?x:n)c==10&&++y&&(x=0);f(b+2,a+1);for(a=-1;++a<y*n+n;)putchar(m[a%n][a/n]);}

And readable version:

m[99][99], x, y, a, b, c, n;

    a, b - flood fill start coordinates
    v, w - recursive function start coordinates
    x, y - iterators
    c - character read
    m - map
    n - maximum map width found


//Recursive flood function
f( v, w )
    if ( m[v][w] == 32 ) //If field is empty (is ' '?)
        m[v][w] = 88; //Put 'X' there
        f(v,w+1);f(v+1,w); //Call itself on neighbour fields

main( )
    //Read coordinates
    scanf( "%d %d\n", &a, &b );

    //Read map (put character in map, track maximum width)
    for ( ; ~( c = getchar( ) ); m[x++][y] = c, n = x > n ? x : n )
        c == 10 && ++y && ( x = 0 );

    //Flood map
    f( b + 2, a + 1 );

    for ( a = -1; ++a < y * n + n; )
            putchar( m[a % n][a / n] );     


Compile and run:
gcc -o flood floodgolf.c && cat 1.txt | ./flood


Note: I'm working on int values. Every (32) is treated as empty space. Any other value is treated as border. Coordinates are in format (row, column)


Posted 2016-06-25T20:27:15.107

Reputation: 501

1Don't forget you can save semicolons by putting statements inside the for (scanf here), and using the first parameter of main as a cheap int declaration will work in most compilers. Also you might be able to save a bit by flattening your array (should certainly help the print loop) – Dave – 2016-06-28T17:38:17.760

@Dave That's right. I've learned a bit since I wrote this code. I think storing data in 1D array would help me to save a lot too, but obviously I don't want to copy your idea. I'll see what I can do later. Thanks! – Jacajack – 2016-06-28T17:41:38.557


Python 2, 158 bytes

Try it online. Simple recursive solution

def R(x,y):
 if~0<x<M and~0<y<N and a[x][y]:a[x][y]=0;R(x-1,y);R(x+1,y);R(x,y-1);R(x,y+1)

0-indexed in row-column order

1 - empty space, 0 - filled space

Takes input as array of arrays of 1 and 0, and two numbers

Dead Possum

Posted 2016-06-25T20:27:15.107

Reputation: 3 256


Perl 5, 129 + 1 (-a) = 130 bytes

sub f{my($r,$c)=@_;$a[$r][$c]eq$"&&($a[$r][$c]=X)&&map{f($r+$_,$c);f($r,$c+$_)}-1,1}@a=map[/./g],<>;f$F[0]+1,$F[1]+1;say@$_ for@a

Try it online!


sub f{   # recursive subroutine
  my($r,$c)=@_; # taking row and column as inputs
  $a[$r][$c]eq$"&&  # using Boolean short circuit as an 'if' statement to 
                    # check if the current position in the global array is blank
  ($a[$r][$c]=X)&&  # then setting it to 'X'
  map{f($r+$_,$c);f($r,$c+$_)}-1,1 # and checking the four surrounding spaces
# -a command line option implicitly splits the first line into the @F array
@a=map[/./g],<>;    # put the input in a 2-D array
f$F[0]+1,$F[1]+1;   # start the fill at the given position, correcting for
                    # Perl's 0 based arrays
say@$_ for@a        # output the resulting pattern


Posted 2016-06-25T20:27:15.107

Reputation: 7 671