Where is that snake going?



Write a function (using as few bytes as possible) that takes a bi-dimensional array of any number of columns and rows in which:

  • 0 represents empty block,
  • 1 represents snake block.

The function must return the number of possible paths the snake traveled.

Example 1:



Output: 2

In the example above, the function will return 2 because the answer is either one of:

enter image description here

Example 2:



Output: 6

In this example the function will return 6 because the answer is either one of:

enter image description here


When assessing the input, you can assume that:

  • The arrays representing columns will always have the same sizes (so the arrays are rectangular);
  • There exists at least 1 valid path;
  • The snake cannot walk through the edges (as can happen in some versions of snake);
  • The snake will always have at least 2 blocks;
  • The snake cannot move diagonally;
  • The paths are directed. (so, two paths ending at different positions but otherwise looking exactly the same are not the same path, it’ll add up to the total)


Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 393

13Welcome to PPCG! Nice first challenge. – Laikoni – 2018-05-18T08:14:55.027

5Minor note: "There will always be at least one row and one column" is redundant, given that the snake will always have at least 2 blocks. – Stewie Griffin – 2018-05-18T09:17:45.683

1What's the correct output for a 3-by-3 square of 1's? One solution return 28, one returns 40. The last one times out, so I'm not sure what that would give... – Stewie Griffin – 2018-05-18T10:53:35.427

1Can the input have no possible answer and require a 0? – l4m2 – 2018-05-18T10:55:30.007

2Suggested test cases: the one given by @StewieGriffin and [[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1]]. Most answers give 16, but one gives 15. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-05-18T11:01:21.563


What's the expected output for this?

– Arnauld – 2018-05-18T12:54:13.110

2It seems like everybody so far (including me) has made the assumption that 2 paths ending at different positions but otherwise looking exactly the same are not the same path. I think this needs to be explicitly specified. – Arnauld – 2018-05-18T13:16:46.373

2@Arnauld - that’s right. Two paths ending at different positions but otherwise looking exactly the same are not the same path, it’ll add up to the total. In your example the total should be 16 if I’m not mistaken - I can’t accuratelly calculate right now but you get the point – Adelin – 2018-05-18T13:42:19.133

The last condition is equivalent to "paths are directed". – user202729 – 2018-05-18T15:19:46.663

Is it possible that the result is 0? (for example: input [[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]]) – user202729 – 2018-05-19T03:22:35.353

@user202729 no, it’s not possible. You should always expect a valid snake. Actually all those notes I’ve written was so that you don’t need to validate the input yourself – Adelin – 2018-05-19T04:02:12.977

I edited the post to add that (because it's not deducible from the other facts) and also remove some redundant rules. – user202729 – 2018-05-19T04:09:10.283

@user202729 ok thanks but just so you know, with the minimum 2 blocks snake we can already have 2 paths (minimum) – Adelin – 2018-05-19T04:23:04.367

Are cycles counted multiple times? E.g. should [[1,1],[1,1]] return 2 or 8? – MooseBoys – 2018-05-19T05:14:43.423

@MooseBoys yes, multiple times, as they are unique paths nonetheless. That would be an 8 indeed – Adelin – 2018-05-19T05:15:47.620



Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 16+83=99 bytes

Library import statement (16 bytes):


Actual function body (83 bytes):


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Note that the question just ask for the number of Hamiltonian path in the graph.

However, (for some reason) the HamiltonianPath function doesn't really work with directed graph (example). So, I used the workaround described in this Mathematica.SE question:

  • Add an vertex (called True) that is connected to all other vertices.
  • Count the number of Hamiltonian cycle on the resulting graph.

The graph is constructed using MakeGraph (annoyingly there are no directly equivalent built-in), using the boolean function ##||Norm[#-#2]==1&, which returns True if and only if one of the arguments is True or the distance between the two vertices are 1.

Tr[1^x] cannot be used instead of Length@x, and <2 cannot be used instead of ==1.

HamiltonianPath can be used if the graph is undirected, with the function body takes 84 bytes (exactly 1 byte more than the current submission):


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Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 14 620


Jelly, 12 11 bytes


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ŒṪ               Positions of snake blocks.
  Œ!             All permutations.
                 For each permutation:
    ạƝ€             Calculate the absolute difference for each neighbor pair
       §            Vectorized sum.
                 Now we have a list of Manhattan distance between snake
                    blocks. Each one is at least 1.
        ÐṂL      Count the number of minimum values.
                    Because it's guaranteed that there exists a valid snake,
                    the minimum value is [1,1,1,...,1].


Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 14 620

New features prove to be extremely useful. – user202729 – 2018-05-18T10:45:11.393

How about §ỊML instead of §ỊP€S to save a byte - I think it should work? – Jonathan Allan – 2018-05-18T16:14:21.903

...or §ÐṂL which is a little faster. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-05-18T21:16:25.853

@JonathanAllan Only works if the result is nonzero. – user202729 – 2018-05-19T03:21:25.870

@JonathanAllan So it ends up actually works. – user202729 – 2018-05-19T04:06:58.920


JavaScript (ES6), 154 134 bytes


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Starting from each possible cell, we flood-fill the matrix, clearing all cells on our way. Whenever the matrix contains no more 1's, we increment the number n of possible paths.

Each valid path is counted 4 times because of the direction chosen on the last cell, which actually doesn't matter. Therefore, the final result is n / 4.

Recursive function

Instead of calling the recursive function g() from the callback of the second map() like this...


...we define the recursive function g() directly as the callback of map():


Despite the rather long formula y=1/y?y:Y which is needed to set the initial value of y, this saves 2 bytes overall.

Commented code

m =>                           // given the input matrix m[][]
  m.map((r, Y) =>              // for each row r[] at position Y in m[][]:
    r.map(g = (                //   for each entry in r[], use g() taking:
      _,                       //     - the value of the cell (ignored)
      x,                       //     - the x coord. of this cell
      y,                       //     - either the y coord. or an array (1st iteration),
                               //       in which case we'll set y to Y instead
      r = m[y = 1 / y ? y : Y] //     - r = the row we're currently located in
    ) =>                       //       (and update y if necessary)
      r && r[x] &&             //     do nothing if this cell doesn't exist or is 0
      [-1, 0, 1, 2].map(d =>   //     otherwise, for each direction d,
        r[                     //     with -1 = West, 0 = North, 1 = East, 2 = South:
          r[x] = 0,            //       clear the current cell
          /1/.test(m) ?        //       if the matrix still contains at least one '1':
            g(                 //         do a recursive call to g() with:
              _,               //           a dummy first parameter (ignored)
              x + d % 2,       //           the new value of x
              y + ~-d % 2      //           the new value of y
            )                  //         end of recursive call
          :                    //       else (we've found a valid path):
            ++n,               //         increment n
          x                    //       \_ either way,
        ] = 1                  //       /  do r[x] = 1 to restore the current cell to 1
      )                        //     end of map() over directions
    ),                         //   end of map() over the cells of the current row
    n = 0                      //   start with n = 0
  ) | n / 4                    // end of map() over the rows; return n / 4


Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 111 334


Python 2, 257 246 241 234 233 227 214 210 bytes

lambda b:sum(g(b,i,j)for j,l in e(b)for i,_ in e(l))
def g(b,x,y):d=len(b[0])>x>-1<y<len(b);c=eval(`b`);c[d*y][d*x]=0;return d and b[y][x]and('1'not in`c`or sum(g(c,x+a,y)+g(c,x,y+a)for a in(1,-1)))

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  • -8 bytes, thanks to Kevin Cruijssen
  • -14 bytes, thanks to user202729


Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 19 246

1249 bytes by removing w and h – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-05-18T09:42:53.297

1The right language for the job? – Neil – 2018-05-18T09:55:03.127


Python 2, 158 bytes

g=lambda P,x,y:sum(g(P-{o},*o)for o in P if x<0 or abs(x-o[0])+abs(y-o[1])<2)+0**len(P)
lambda L:g({(x,y)for y,r in E(L)for x,e in E(r)if e},-1,0)

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Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 5 984


Haskell, 187 155 bytes

f x|l<-[(i,j)|i<-[0..l x-1],j<-[0..l(x!!0)-1],x!!i!!j>0]=l#l

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Posted 2018-05-18T08:08:34.873

Reputation: 579