Length of the Longest Palindromic Substring


A palindrome is a string which is the same when read forwards and backwards. For example "racecar" is a palindrome, but "Racecar" is not. A substring is a contiguous set of characters in a larger string. Your task is to write a program or method which takes a string or character array as input and outputs the length of the longest substring of that string which is a palindrome.






This is because "anana" is a 5 character substring of "banana"





This is because both "aca" and "ada" are 3 characters.





This string has no palindromes that are more than 1 character.

If the input is the empty string the output must be 0.

This is code-golf so the shortest submission in any language wins.

Note: There have been slight variations of this question in the past, which have all had wording issues or been asking a variation of this question. You can see these:

Find the Longest Palindrome in a String by Removing Characters

Longest reverse palindromic DNA substring

How do I find the longest palindrome in a string?

Finding "sub-palindromes". - The purpose of this challenge is to print all palindromic substring, rather than the length of the longest. As such many of the answers to this question do not have close analogues.


Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 781

Question was closed 2018-02-13T14:41:15.493

2Related, borderline dupe. My vote is a hammer, though, so I won't vote as yet. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-02-13T13:43:58.787

https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/16327/how-do-i-find-the-longest-palindrome-in-a-string is another, but it's not really another. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-13T13:50:16.023

@MagicOctopusUrn only the size of it. After all the longest palindrome might not be unique. – Bijan – 2018-02-13T14:00:58.603

Which are the valid input characters ? – Ton Hospel – 2018-02-13T14:07:43.207

@TonHospel The original idea was that it would just be what ever the string type supports. Did you have something in mind? – Bijan – 2018-02-13T14:10:50.880

The linked challenge is asking for unique sub-palindromes. There is no such constraint here, so converting these answers is likely to be sub-optimal. (This still is a borderline dupe, though.) – Arnauld – 2018-02-13T15:05:14.033

2@Bijan I usually golf this kind of thing using regexes. And if I substitute a string into a regex it's important to know if the characters can be regex metacharacters (like ., +, * etc) because just using them as is will cause errors. There is also the issue of spaces and newlines and how they are handled in I/O. Languages like C might worry about \0 etc. – Ton Hospel – 2018-02-13T16:03:13.003

Given that most answers there can be ported here with "Length Each Max" appended (and it looks like that's a common approach), I think it can be considered a dupe. – user202729 – 2018-02-14T01:23:29.493

@user202729 At least in perl it's not that easy since perl doesn't have a cheap max or sort so it's a bit different (not by much though, since I did find a close workaround). The simple map length and max is mostly for the golfing languages I think – Ton Hospel – 2018-02-14T10:27:52.220



Brachylog, 9 bytes


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{   }ᶠ       Find all…
 s.            …substrings of the input…
  .↔           …which are their own reverse
      lᵐ     Map length
        ⌉    Max


Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 32 976


Jelly, 6 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to Dennis (pointing out that Þ is stable and thus works instead of Ðf).


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ẆŒḂÞṪL – Full program.

Ẇ      – All contiguous non-empty subsequences.
   Þ   – Stable sort by...
 ŒḂ    – 1 if the element is palindrome, 0 otherwise.
    Ṫ  – Get the last element.
     L – And take its length.

Note that the substrings are ordered by length, in Jelly.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 39 774

Since Jelly's sort is stable, you should be able to replace Ðf with Þ. – Dennis – 2018-02-13T15:19:27.220


Pyth, 7 bytes


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le_I#.: – Full program.

     .: – All contiguous non-empty subsequences.
    #   – Keep those...
  _I    – That are invariant under reversal.
 e      – Get the last element.
l       – And take its length.

Note that the substrings are ordered by length, in Pyth.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 39 774

Do we know the last element is the longest (i.e. are the subsequences ordered by length)? – Toby Speight – 2018-02-13T15:03:10.503

@TobySpeight Yes, in Pyth the substrings are ordered by length. – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-02-13T15:03:45.713


05AB1E, 9 8 bytes


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Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 19 422

Was just about to post this :) – Emigna – 2018-02-13T13:52:20.720

@Emigna I know there was a 3-byter for "filter list to contain only palindromes"... Can't remember though. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-13T13:53:03.147

Don't think I know a 3-byter for that. I was hoping that à would work, but unfortunately it goes alphabetically and not by length when used on strings. – Emigna – 2018-02-13T13:55:47.527

@Emigna I was thinking ΎR then "find first palindrome", or Ύ and find last palindrome, cant seem to do that in 4 or less though. РMagic Octopus Urn Р2018-02-13T13:57:36.250

Yeah, using é also ends up at 8 bytes. I feel like it is impossible to do the "outside" code in less than 4 and I don't see a way to do the filtering in less than 4 either. Other methods I've tried all end up at 8 or 9 as well. Unless I'm missing something, this feels optimal. – Emigna – 2018-02-13T14:17:08.543


Java 8, 163 bytes

s->{int r=0,l=s.length(),i=0,j,T;for(String t;i<l;i++)for(j=i;++j<=l;r=t.contains(new StringBuffer(t).reverse())&(T=t.length())>r?T:r)t=s.substring(i,j);return r;}


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s->{                 // Method with String parameter and integer return-type
  int r=0,           //  Result-String, starting empty
      l=s.length(),  //  The length of the input-String
      i=0,j,         //  Index-integers
      T;             //  Temp integer
  for(String t;      //  Temp String
      i<l;i++)       //  Loop `i` over the String
    for(j=i;++j<=l;  //   Inner loop `j` over the String
        r=           //     After every iteration, set the result to:
          t.contains(new StringBuffer(t).reverse())
                     //      If the temp-String is a palindrome,
                     //      and the length of the substring is larger than the result
           T         //       Set this length as the new result
          :          //      Else:
           r)        //       Keep the result the same
                     //    Set the temp String to the substring from index `i` to `j`
  return r;}         //  Return the result

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 67 575


Husk, 8 bytes


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L►LfS=↔Q – Full program.

       Q – All contiguous non-empty subsequences.
   f     – Keep those...
    S=   – That are equal to themselves when...
      ↔  – Reversed.
 ►L      – Get the maximum element, sorted by length.
L        – Take its length.

Alternative: ▲mLfS=↔Q. Note that the substrings are not ordered by length, in Husk.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 39 774


Retina, 42 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test cases. Explanation:


For each character in the string, find the longest palindrome that starts at that point.


Sort the found palindromes in reverse order of length.


Count the length of the first (i.e. longest) palindrome.


Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 95 035


Python 3, 58 bytes

f=lambda s:len(s)if s==s[::-1]else max(f(s[1:]),f(s[:-1]))

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Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 781

1Nice answer, but you shouldn't answer so quickly :P I'd advise waiting it a week or so, however you can keep the answer if you want. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-02-13T13:58:43.113


J, 20 bytes


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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-02-13T13:34:09.837

Reputation: 13 815