Knight-fill a grid



A knight fill is a flood fill using the connectivity of the knight chess piece. Specifically:

 1 1
1   1
1   1
 1 1

(0 is the initial point, 1s show the connected cells)


Given a 2D grid of spaces and walls, and an initial location, perform a knight-fill on the grid. Shortest code wins.


  • You may take input and produce output in any format you like (image, string, array, whatever). You may take the initial location as part of the input grid or as a separate coordinate. For the purpose of this explanation, the following format will be used:

    ########    # = wall
    ########    x = initial location
    ## x  ##
    ##    ##
    ##    ##
  • Output is a copy of the input grid with the knight-fill result added

  • Your fill must not be in the same "colour" as the space or walls, but can be the same as the initial location marker. For example given the image above, a valid output would be:

    ########    # = wall
    ########    @ = fill (could also have been x)
    ## @ @##
    ## @ @##
    ##@ @ ##
  • You may assume that the input grid will always contain a 2-cell wall on all sides

  • You may assume that the initial location will never be inside a wall
  • You may assume that the grid will never be larger than 1000x1000
  • Builtins are fine
  • Shortest code (in bytes) wins

Test Cases

In all test cases, # denotes a wall, denotes empty space, and x denotes the initial location of the fill. @ denotes the output fill.

Input 1:

## x  ##
##    ##
##    ##

Output 1:

## @ @##
## @ @##
##@ @ ##

Input 2:

## ##    x##
## ##     ##
#####     ##
##        ##

Output 2:

## ##@@@@@##
## @@@@@@@##

Input 3:

##  ##            ##
##  ##            ##
##  ##  ########  ##
##  ##  ########  ##
##  ##  ##    ##  ##
##  ##  ##    ##  ##
##  ##  ##    ##  ##
##  ##  ##    ##  ##
##  ##  ########  ##
##  ##  ########  ##
##  ##        ##  ##
##  ##       x##  ##
##  ############  ##
##  ############  ##
##                ##
##                ##

Output 3:

##@@##@@##    ##@@##
##@@##@@##    ##@@##
##@@##@@##    ##@@##
##@@##@@##    ##@@##

Input 4:

##           ###
##     x     ###
##  #######  ###
##  #######  ###
##  ##   ##  ###
##  ##   ##  ###
##  ##   ##  ###
##  ########  ##
##  ########  ##
##        ##  ##
##        ##  ##

Output 4:

##   @   @   ###
## @   @   @ ###
##  #######  ###
##@ ####### @###
##  ##   ##  ###
## @##   ##@ ###
##  ##   ##  ###
##@ ########@ ##
##  ########  ##
## @   @  ## @##
##   @   @##  ##

Input 5:

##         ###
##         ###
##         ###
##   ###   ###
##   #x#   ###
##   ###   ###
##         ###
##         ###
##         ###

Output 5:



Posted 2017-06-24T14:19:13.897

Reputation: 7 519

Somewhat related. – Martin Ender – 2017-06-24T14:20:32.900



Octave, 73 bytes

function a=F(s,a)do;b=a;until(a=~s&imdilate(a,de2bi(")0#0)"-31)))==b;a+=s

Online Demo!

*Some changes applied to run in rextester.

A function that takes a 2d array of 0 & 2 as wall and an array of 0 & 1 as initial location and outputs an array of 0 & 1 & 2.


Posted 2017-06-24T14:19:13.897

Reputation: 5 435

Looks good, but doesn't this need pkg load ... when run outside the test framework? If imdilate & de2bi are available without explicit imports then that's fine. – Dave – 2017-06-28T18:28:47.627

@Dave In previous versions of octave ,including the version installed in tio, it was possible to install a package so that it could load automatically but now I noticed that this feature is removed from octave! please see this.

– rahnema1 – 2017-06-28T18:39:38.127

Fair enough. As long as you're targeting a version before -auto was removed it's no problem, and I'm guessing this answer doesn't use any new features. – Dave – 2017-06-28T18:47:52.937


JavaScript (ES6), 116 bytes

`,t=s.replace(eval(`/(x| )([^]{${l-2}}(....)?|[^]{${l+l}}(..)?)(?!\\1)[x ]/`),'x$2x'))=>s==t?s:f(t)

`.some(s=>s.length-l|!/^##.+##$/.test(s))&&`Invalid Input`
<textarea rows=11 cols=33 oninput=o.value=v(this.value)||f(this.value)></textarea><textarea rows=11 cols=33 id=o reaodnly></textarea>

Based on my answer to Detect Failing Castles. Fills using xs.


Posted 2017-06-24T14:19:13.897

Reputation: 95 035

Can you add a test snippet/link? – officialaimm – 2017-06-25T01:38:20.327


Python 3, 394 387 381 356 352 347 319 313 154139 bytes

  • 154 bytes after only counting the core function and not the function concerning I/O formatting
  • saved 7 bytes: thanks to @Jacoblaw and @Mr.Xcoder: except:0
  • saved 28 bytes!!!: Thanks to @ovs: got rid of try: except block and several other golf
  • Thanks to @Dave for the beautiful test module.
  • saved 6 bytes: g[(a,b)] as just g[a,b]
  • @nore saved 15 bytes!!!:
def x(g,a,b,m):
 if(a,b)in g and"!">g[a,b]or m:
  for i in 1,2,-1,-2:
   for j in 3-abs(i),abs(i)-3:g=x(g,a+i,b+j,0)
 return g

Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-24T14:19:13.897

Reputation: 2 739

1can you do except:pass instead? – jacoblaw – 2017-06-24T18:01:34.387

1I am pretty sure that this can be heavily golfed – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-06-24T18:01:48.550

2@jacoblaw even better: except:0 – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-06-24T18:02:13.113

1319 bytes – ovs – 2017-06-24T20:20:50.197


Here's a slightly easier-to-test version of the TiO: Try it online!

– Dave – 2017-06-24T21:27:55.180

@Dave Thank you for the nice test module. – officialaimm – 2017-06-25T00:45:11.133

Thanks @ovs, it works, but I didn't understand if"!">g[a,b] and enumerate parts though. – officialaimm – 2017-06-25T03:12:49.287

1All characters used except space have a higher code point than ! and therefore "!">g[a,b] will only evaluate to True if g[a,b] is a space. You can lookup the codepoints by calling ord on a single-character string or you can search for ascii table to have a list. – ovs – 2017-06-25T05:52:06.313

1enumerate is a generator which yields the index of an element and the value itself in each iteration. See the docs – ovs – 2017-06-25T05:55:27.237

1139 bytes – nore – 2017-06-26T03:58:43.767

Thanks a lot @nore You have been saving a lot of bytes on almost all of my answers. :) – officialaimm – 2017-06-26T04:59:19.050


Mathematica, 117 bytes

The usual story: powerful built-ins but long names…


Try it at the Wolfram sandbox!

It takes two inputs: first is the input grid as an array of 0s (for the walls) and 1s (for spaces), then a single integer for the starting position, found by numbering the grid along the rows from top to bottom, e.g.

1  2  3  4  5
6  7  8  9  10
11 12 13 14 ...

You can call the function like HighlightGraph[...~Prepend~h]&[{{0,0,...,0}, {0,0,...,0}, ..., {0,0,...,0}}, 20].

The KnightTourGraph function constructs a graph with vertices corresponding to positions in the grid and edges corresponding to valid knight moves, then we take the Subgraph of the vertices that aren't walls, and find the ConnectedComponents of the starting vertex. The output is a graph (shown rotated 90º anticlockwise) with the non-wall vertices highlighted red, and the filled vertices highlighted yellow. For example, for the first test case, the output looks like:

Output for test case 1: a graph with some areas highlighted

Not a tree

Posted 2017-06-24T14:19:13.897

Reputation: 3 106

Well this certainly looks like the hardest to test! Could you add an example of how to invoke it in the sandbox, for those of us who haven't touched Mathematica since our university days? My attempts of f=... f[{0,...,0;0,...,0}, 19] and similar have failed miserably. – Dave – 2017-06-28T18:44:38.433

@Dave, you can invoke the function with HighlightGraph[g,ConnectedComponents[h=Subgraph[g=KnightTourGraph@@Dimensions@#,Flatten@#~Position~1],#2]~Prepend~h]&[{{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0},{0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},20] (for the first test case). I've edited that into the question — sorry it wasn't there to begin with! – Not a tree – 2017-06-28T23:19:44.827