Given a number n find the Smarandache–Wellin number for n. Ex:
for n=2 output=23
for n=5 output=235711
Answer it in ruby or python.
given constraints are n<=70000
Given a number n find the Smarandache–Wellin number for n. Ex:
for n=2 output=23
for n=5 output=235711
Answer it in ruby or python.
given constraints are n<=70000
I don't think it is much different from http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/6309/list-of-first-n-prime-numbers-most-efficiently-and-in-shortest-code or http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/5977/list-of-primes-under-a-million.
– Howard – 2013-09-14T08:16:04.630Concur: the only difference between this and 6309 is whether you separate the primes with a newline. – Peter Taylor – 2013-09-14T10:21:31.303