Counting unit squares circle passes through



Write a program or function that given an integer radius r returns the number of unit squares the circle with radius r centered at the origin passes through. If the circle passes exactly through a point on the grid that does not count as passing through the adjacent unit squares.

Here's an illustration for r = 5:

illustration Illustration by Kival Ngaokrajang, found on OEIS


0 → 0
1 → 4
4 → 28
5 → 28
49 → 388
50 → 380
325 → 2540
5524 → 44180
5525 → 44020


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 37 067

OEIS - A242118 – Luke – 2017-01-30T14:40:59.760

@Luke I just went looking for this, but it seems to use a slightly different definition (at least it doesn't agree on N = 50). – Martin Ender – 2017-01-30T14:41:31.787

On the other hand, your illustration is clearly taken from (which you should probably cite...)

– Martin Ender – 2017-01-30T14:43:49.563

@MartinEnder The OEIS numbers are wrong, I have a draft in review as we speak. – orlp – 2017-01-30T14:46:33.910

The unit squares will have integer coordinates at their edges, yes? – Dennis – 2017-01-30T15:42:21.727

@Dennis Yes, although I'm interested what made you think otherwise. – orlp – 2017-01-30T15:45:56.560

It seems implied, but the spec doesn't actually say it. – Dennis – 2017-01-30T15:46:35.190

Can you explain how you arrived at the numbers for the case 50 and up, since they're different from the OEIS and what I'm getting? – smls – 2017-01-30T17:19:14.477

1@smls By counting in the bounding square. Make sure that you do not count squares where the circle only touches a corner. The numbers on OEIS are wrong, I have a correction in review right now. – orlp – 2017-01-30T17:28:07.737

@orlp: Got it now. May I suggest adding the test-case 5 -> 28, which also has squares where the circle only touches a corner, but is easier to visualize / reason about than ones with large radii? – smls – 2017-01-30T18:12:50.410

@smls Sure, but that's the illustration :) – orlp – 2017-01-30T18:55:35.473

2I have a sudden urge to build domes in minecraft again... – Patrick Roberts – 2017-01-30T19:10:14.700

4 → 28\n5 → 28 um... – user41805 – 2017-01-30T19:36:02.303

@KritixiLithos Wait until you see 49/50 :) – orlp – 2017-01-30T19:41:14.570

Related with a solid circle. – xnor – 2017-01-30T20:32:42.680

2Are you a fellow 3Blue1Brown viewer? – nitro2k01 – 2017-01-31T01:11:36.130

@nitro2k01 Yes :) – orlp – 2017-01-31T10:11:20.833



Python 2, 54 bytes

f=lambda r,x=0:r-x and-~((r*r-x*x)**.5%1>0)*4+f(r,x+1)

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Less golfed (55 bytes) (TIO)

lambda r:8*r-4*sum((r*r-x*x)**.5%1==0for x in range(r))

This estimates the output as 8*r, then corrects for vertex crossings. The result is 8*r-g(r*r), where g(x) counts the number of ways to write x as a sum of two squares (except g(0)=0).

If the circle never went through any vertices, the number of cells touched would equal the number of edges crossed. The circle passes through 2*r vertical gridlines and 2*r horizontal gridlines, passing each one in both directions, for a total of 8*r.

But, each crossing at a vertex counts as two edge crossings while only entering one new cell. So, we compensate by subtracting the number of vertex crossings. This includes the points on axes like (r,0) as well as Pythagorean triples like (4,3) for r=5.

We count for a single quadrant the points (x,y) with x>=0 and y>0 with x*x+y*y==n, then multiply by 4. We do this by counting the numer of sqrt(r*r-x*x) that are whole number for x in the interval [0,r).


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 115 687


Mathematica, 48 bytes


Looks at the first quadrant and counts the number of grid cells for which the input falls between the norms of the cell's lower left and upper right corners (multiplying the result by 4, of course).

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 184 808

Another method is 8#-SquaresR[2,#^2]Sign@#& based on xnor's post – miles – 2017-01-31T17:32:31.770

@miles Oh wow, I had no clue SquaresR exists. Feel free to post that yourself (or let xnor post it). – Martin Ender – 2017-01-31T17:50:31.203


Python 2, 72 bytes

lambda n:sum(0<n*n-x*x-y*y<2*(x-~y)for x in range(n)for y in range(n))*4

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 196 637


Jelly, 21 13 12 11 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

R²ạ²Æ²SạḤ×4  Main link. Argument: r

R            Range; yield [1, 2, ..., r].
 ²           Square; yield [1², 2², ..., r²].
   ²         Square; yield r².
  ạ          Absolute difference; yield [r²-1², r²-2², ..., r²-r²].
    Ʋ       Test if each of the differences is a perfect square.
      S      Sum, counting the number of perfect squares and thus the integer
             solutions of the equation x² + y² = r² with x > 0 and y ≥ 0.
        Ḥ    Un-halve; yield 2r.
       ạ     Subtract the result to the left from the result to the right.
         ×4  Multiply by 4.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 196 637


Perl 6, 61 bytes

->\r{4*grep {my &n={[+] $_»²};n(1 X+$_)>r²>.&n},(^r X ^r)}

How it works

->\r{                                                    } # Lambda (accepts the radius).
                                                (^r X ^r)  # Pairs from (0,0) to (r-1,r-1),
                                                           #   representing the bottom-left
                                                           #   corners of all squares in
                                                           #   the top-right quadrant.
       grep {                                 }            # Filter the ones matching:
             my &n={[+] $_»²};                             #   Lambda to calculate the norm.
                              n(1 X+$_)>r²                 #   Top-right corner is outside,
                                          >.&n             #   and bottom-left is inside.
     4*                                                    # Return length of list times 4.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 4 352


AWK, 90 bytes



awk '{z=$1*$1
    if(d>0&&d<2*(x+y)+2)c++}$0=4*c}1' <<< 5525

Just a simple search through quadrant 1 to find all boxes that will intersect the circle. Symmetry allows for the multiply by 4. Could go from -$1 to $1, but that would take a more bytes and be less efficient. Obviously this is not the most time efficient of algorithms, but it only takes about 16 seconds to run the 5525 case on my machine.

Robert Benson

Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 1 339


Haskell, 74 bytes

f n=sum[4|x<-[0..n],y<-[0..n],(1+n-x)^2+(1+n-y)^2>n^2,(n-x)^2+(n-y)^2<n^2]

Pretty straightforward, count the number of squares between (0,0) and (n,n) where the bottom left is inside the circle and the top right is outside the circle, then multiply by 4.

Joshua David

Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 211


Pyth, 29 bytes


Try it!


Lsm*ddb*4lf}*QQrhyTym+1dT^UQ2  # implicit input: Q
Lsm*ddb                        # define norm function
 s                             # sum
  m   b                        #     map each coordinate to
   *dd                         #                            its square
                         ^UQ2  # cartesian square of [0, 1, ..., Q - 1]
                               #     -> list of coordinates of all relevant grid points
          f                    # filter the list of coordinates T where:
           }*QQ                # square of Q is in
               r               #     the range [
                hyT            #         1 + norm(T),
                               #                  ^ coordinate of lower left corner
                   ym+1dT      #         norm(map({add 1}, T))
                               #              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ coordinate of upper right corner
                               #     ) <- half-open range
         l                     # size of the filtered list
                               #     -> number of passed-through squares in the first quadrant
       *4                      # multiply by 4
                               # implicit print


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 331


Bash + Unix utilities, 127 bytes

c()(d=$[(n/r+$1)**2+(n%r+$1)**2-r*r];((d))&&echo -n $[d<0])
bc<<<`for((n=0;n<r*r;n++));{ c 0;c 1;echo;}|egrep -c 01\|10`*4

Try it online!

Just go through all the points in the first quadrant, count them up, and multiply by 4. It can be very slow, but it works.

Mitchell Spector

Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 3 392


Batch, 147 bytes

@for /l %%i in (0,1,%1)do @for /l %%j in (0,1,%1)do @set/a"i=%%i,j=%%j,a=i*i+j*j-r,i+=1,j+=1,a&=r-i*i-j*j,n-=a>>31<<2
@echo %n%

Somewhat inspired by the AWK and Haskell answers.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 95 035

Glad I can somewhat inspire someone :) – Robert Benson – 2017-01-31T15:58:02.707


JavaScript (ES7), 76 bytes


George Reith

Posted 2017-01-30T14:31:41.533

Reputation: 2 424

Can you perhaps shave off a couple of bytes by recursing from n down to 0? – Neil – 2017-01-31T18:21:38.733

@Neil I did try but couldn't see a way. Wanted to use just one function but still need to store both n radius and k iteration and all attempts came out same bytes – George Reith – 2017-01-31T23:30:58.133

@Neil Ah I see what you are saying about k<n?... but I lose out on those bytes reordering at n**2-k++**2 because the operator precedence is wrong when going in reverse and subtraction is non-commutative so the left side always needs to have k-1 and needs parentheses. Unless you've found a way? – George Reith – 2017-01-31T23:36:33.340

Ah, I overlooked the subtraction... maybe you can multiply the whole thing by -4 instead of 4 to work around that? (Although that might still eat up into your saving...) – Neil – 2017-02-01T00:37:01.197