Check out this challenge:
(The competition has already ended, so I'm just curious about the Python solution, which the organizers refused to reveal, so this is not cheating in any way.)
I only managed to solve the challenge in 77 characters. (Talking only about Python here.) However, one adr2370 managed to solve the challenge in 66 characters!
Please help me find the 66-character solution! I'm very very curious because I had to work really hard to bring mine down to 77, and I'm amazed as to how someone came up with a 66-character solution.
For reference, my solution:
for j in'x'*input():print'%.15f'%sum((-1)**i/(2.*i+1)for i in range(input()))
For what it's worth, neither your solution nor any of the ones currently present in answers meet the stated specification. E.g. none of them give the correctly rounded answer of
for 100000 terms. – Peter Taylor – 2015-04-22T18:42:41.627Very close to being a duplicate of Calculate pi to 5 decimals (which has a Python solution, FWIW).
– Peter Taylor – 2013-02-18T23:09:28.557Sorry, I'm curious about a solution for this exact puzzle, not a related puzzle. – Ram Rachum – 2013-02-19T00:08:10.187
Suggest you read through tips-for-golfing-in-python. You can easily drop a few more chars
– gnibbler – 2013-02-19T00:30:09.620You should open it up to other languages and see how short people can program it :) – beary605 – 2013-02-19T01:03:10.490
adr2370's solution is longer: https://github.com/adr2370/HackerRankBackToSchool/blob/master/Leibniz.py
– Ari – 2013-02-19T15:42:27.0931Actually, it seems the top python solution wasn't really python, it was just a hack. So no one got a 66-character solution. – Ari – 2013-02-19T18:07:17.813
@Ari I'm very curious to know why you think the 66 characters solution was a hack. – Ram Rachum – 2013-02-19T18:19:47.663
Can you include a description of what the code should do? As it is, it's not clear what you're asking, as the requirements are hidden beyond a link, rather than in the body of the question. (I tried following the link, but it's just a blank page, so not much help). – Toby Speight – 2018-07-20T08:52:04.247