Grid ASCII art code golf




Create the shortest program that meets the requirements


  1. The code must generate a 5x5 grid of 0s, like so:

  2. The code must accept an input (column, row, character). The grid must change accordingly:







    (Note: the bottom-left corner is position 1,1.)

  3. The program must return an error message other than the grid if the row/column input is not 1,2,3,4, or 5. This can be any message of your choice (as long as it's not the grid), so 0 is an acceptable error-output.

  4. The program must work with all printable ASCII characters (of a US keyboard).


The winner will be the person who has the shortest code and fulfills all requirements. If more than one answer works and has the same (shortest) length, the person who answered first will be the winner.

Dave Jones

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 465

8The program must return an error message. What error message? Can the program return 0 for error and the grid for success? – Rod – 2016-11-29T12:26:58.417

That is a great idea. By an error message I meant something that tells the user that their input was invalid, but your idea would work just fine. – Dave Jones – 2016-11-29T12:28:45.490

1Where is the origin on the matrix? does it need to be zero or one indexed? – george – 2016-11-29T12:30:09.967

The bottom most left corner is (1,1). – Dave Jones – 2016-11-29T12:34:40.113

3Welcome to PPCG, by the way. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2016-11-29T12:40:25.447

4he program must work with all characters on the US keyboard Why not just ASCII? I do not even know the characters of a US keyboard, and that doesn't add anything to the challenge – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-29T14:02:43.470

1@LuisMendo I think the US keyboard is ASCII, or is at least a subset. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T14:03:21.423

I will disregard the US keyboard requirement. – Dave Jones – 2016-11-29T14:52:01.603

The program must return an error message if the row/column input is greater than 5 I suppose we must also throw an error for values lower than 1. But could you please edit your question to clarify this point? – Arnauld – 2016-11-29T15:47:08.107

@DaveJones Wouldn't if the row/column input is not 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 be better? – Adám – 2016-11-29T16:19:00.013

yes. Sorry for the confusion. – Dave Jones – 2016-11-29T16:37:00.933

Does it matter how we output the grid as long is it is correct and errors on bad input? – Kade – 2016-11-29T18:31:52.053

no, the method of output is arbitrary as long as it fulfills the specifications of the challenge – Dave Jones – 2016-11-29T21:32:07.450

@ConorO'Brien My keyboard has F1-F12 and arrow keys (whick generates multi character escape sequences) and Print Screen (which generates something that is NOT an ASCII character) - so it is a superset of ASCII. I think we have to disregard the US keyboard requirement - otherwise my program actually needs to detect that the Print Screen or Pause key has been pressed and then which character should it stick in the grid? – Jerry Jeremiah – 2016-11-29T22:55:49.900

@JerryJeremiah but those aren't characters on the US keyboard. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T23:18:02.663

Wow, Turtlèd is going to have a good time here... – Destructible Lemon – 2016-11-29T23:25:23.363

As I said above, if you need to, you can disregard the US keyboard requirement as long as it works for all ascii characters – Dave Jones – 2016-11-30T02:13:53.703

Question says 'the code must generate a 5x5 grid of 0s', does that mean we need to output both the starting grid and the altered grid, or only the final grid? – steenbergh – 2016-11-30T13:29:17.917

You only need to output the final grid. – Dave Jones – 2016-12-01T12:37:23.157

-1 Because of the cumbersome I/O format.

– Esolanging Fruit – 2017-05-21T19:24:53.413



Dyalog APL, 17 13 10 bytes

Prompts for an enclosed array containing (row, column) and then for a character. Gives INDEX ERROR on faulty input.

⊖⍞@⎕⊢5 5⍴0

Try it online!

 flip upside-down the result of


@ replacing the content at position

 evaluated-input (enclosed row, column)


5 5⍴ 5×5 array of

0 zeros


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 37 779

Is necessary? I think in this case it's redundant. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T14:00:41.060

1@ConorO'Brien @ConorO'Brien if it isn't there, the parser sees (⊂⎕)5 5 as a single 3-element array – the argument to . – Adám – 2016-11-29T14:31:38.043

That is 13 Unicode characters, not 13 bytes, isn't it? – wilx – 2016-11-29T16:15:13.047


@wilx Click on the word bytes!

– Adám – 2016-11-29T16:17:07.030

This answer is the winner. – Dave Jones – 2016-12-01T23:47:28.930


Ruby, 157 149 bytes

loop{puts ?\n
x=gets.match /\((.),(.),(.)\)/
1/0 if a<1||a>5||b<1||b>5

Error on malformed input or out of bound position

Thanks to ConorO'Brien (8 bytes) and afuous (2 bytes) for helping saving bytes


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 4 547

loop do...end -> loop{...}; I think,[0]*5) works, too, or even [*[0]*5]*5. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T15:46:51.483

@ConorO'Brien Nope,,[0]*5) make an array of reference and [*[0]*5]*5 make a flat array – TuxCrafting – 2016-11-29T19:16:57.703

Oh, right. Omit the first *. Then that still creates an array of references. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T19:19:11.253{[0]*5} can be replaced with (1..5).map{[0]*5} to save 2 bytes. – afuous – 2016-11-30T07:57:16.813


Batch, 199 bytes

@echo off
if %1 gtr 0 if %1 lss 6 if %2 gtr 0 if %2 lss 6 goto g
for /l %%j in (5,1,-1)do call:l %* %%j
set s=000000
if %2==%2 call set s=%%s:~0,%1%%%3%%s:~%1%%
echo %s:~1,5%

Errors out if the position is out of range.


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 95 035

I think you can use symbols for <, like ^<. not sure tho. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T15:47:55.507


PHP, 111 100 97 bytes


prints E if row/column out of range.
Run with php -r <code> <row> <column> <character>


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 13 814


Python, 66 bytes

lambda a,b,n,l='00000\n':6>b>0<a<6and(5-b)*l+l[:a-1]+n+l[a:]+~-b*l


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 17 588

Won´t this fail for a=4,b=3? – Titus – 2016-11-29T13:21:21.917

@Titus not anymore ;D – Rod – 2016-11-29T13:28:06.870

1Solution also works for Python3 – george – 2016-11-29T13:55:49.340


Dyalog APL, 24 20 18 bytes

Saved 4 bytes thanks to Zgarb! Saved 2 bytes thanks to Adam!

a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⎕]←⍞⋄⊖a

Prompts for input. See below for an explanation.

20 bytes

{a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⍺]←⍵⋄⊖a}

Assign to a function and call it y x f 'c'. E.g.:

      f←{a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⍺]←⍵⋄⊖a}

      5 2 f '*'
0 * 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

      6 6 f '*'
INDEX ERROR                   
     ←{a←5 5⍴0 ⋄ a[⊂⍺]←⍵ ⋄ ⊖a}

      0 0 f '*'
INDEX ERROR                   
     ←{a←5 5⍴0 ⋄ a[⊂⍺]←⍵ ⋄ ⊖a}


{a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⍺]←⍵⋄⊖a}

{...} is a function with left argument and right argument . separates statements, so there are three statements:

a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⍺]←⍵⋄⊖a

The first statement a←5 5⍴0 sets a to a 5 by 5 grid of 0s.

The second statement sets the member at coordinates dictated by to (that is, the character).

Finally, we perform on a and return that, yielding the firsts of a reversed.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 36 228

{a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⌽⍺]←⍵⋄⊖a} saves a few bytes. – Zgarb – 2016-11-29T13:52:28.040

@Zgarb Oh, fantastic! I didn't know indexing worked like that. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T13:53:47.697

You can save two bytes by converting to a tradfn body: a←5 5⍴0⋄a[⊂⎕]←⍞⋄⊖a – Adám – 2016-11-29T14:29:52.947

@Adám how does that work? It doesn't seem to work on TryAPL. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-11-29T14:37:02.960

@ConorO'Brien Right. TryAPL prohibits prompting for input, but you can get the full version for free.

– Adám – 2016-11-29T14:42:20.457


JavaScript (ES6), 73 76 bytes

Throws a TypeError if the column or the row is out of range.



let f =




Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 111 334

Sweet, but does it throw an error if either c or r is less than 1? – ETHproductions – 2016-11-29T16:15:18.727

@ETHproductions It's only testing c == 0 || r == 0. But I guess you're right: I will update it to prevent negative values. – Arnauld – 2016-11-29T16:32:42.370


C#, 199 Bytes

Based on Pete Arden's answer

string g(int c, int r, char a){if(c<1|c>5|r<1|r>5)return "Index Error";var b="00000";var d=new[]{b,b,b,b,b};c--;d[r-1]=new string('0',c)+a+new string('0',4-c);return string.Join("\r\n",d.Reverse());}


public static string G(int c, int r, char a)
        if (c < 1 || c > 5 || r < 1 || r > 5) return "Index Error"; // Check it's not out of range
        var b = "00000";
        var d = new [] { b, b, b, b, b };                           // Generate display box, and fill with the default character
        c--;                                                        // Convert the X to a 0 based index
        d[r - 1] = new string('0',c) + a + new string('0',4-c);     // Replace the array's entry in y coordinate with a new string containing the new character
        return string.Join("\r\n", d.Reverse());                    // Reverse the array (so it's the right way up), then convert to a single string


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 31

Welcome to the site! I'm not an expert in C#, but it looks like there's some whitespace you could remove. – James – 2016-11-29T17:35:29.473

1(Sorry, don't know submission etiquette) Shorter G(): public static string G(int c,int r,char a){return(0<c&&c<6&&0<r&&r<6)?string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(1,29).Select(i=>i%6>0?i/6==5-r&&i%6==c?a:'0':'\n')):"Index Error";} – Eric – 2016-11-29T20:32:26.893


Jelly, 28 bytes

This feels way too long...




Ṫ0ẋ24¤;ṙÑs5UY - Link 1, make grid: [row, column, character] e.g. [5,2,'*']
Ṫ             - tail: character                                  '*'
     ¤        - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad  
 0            -     zero
  ẋ           -     repeated
   24         -     24 times                                     [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
      ;       - concatenate:                                     "000000000000000000000000*"
        Ñ     - call next link (2) as a monad                    21
       ṙ      - rotate left by                                   "000*000000000000000000000"
         s5   - split into chunks of length 5                    ["000*0","00000","00000","00000","00000"]
           U  - upend (reveres each)                             ["0*000","00000","00000","00000","00000"]
            Y - join with line feeds                              0*000
              - implicit print                                    00000
’ḅ5 - Link 2, position: [row, column]                             00000
’   - decrement                                                   00000
 ḅ5 - convert from base 5

Ṗḟ5R¤ - Link 3, input error checking: [row, column, character]
Ṗ     - pop: [row, column]
 ḟ    - filter out values in
  5R¤ - range(5): [1,2,3,4,5] - any values not in this remain giving a truthy result

-ÑÇ? - Main link: [row, column, character]
   ? - ternary if:
  Ç  -    last link (3) as a monad
-    -    -1 (if truthy - the error identification)
 Ñ   - next link (1) as a monad (if falsey - the grid)

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 67 804


05AB1E, 27 22 bytes

Returns no grid when row/column > 5.


Try it online!

Previous version



Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 50 798


JavaScript (ES6), 89 bytes


Because I love recursion. Throws a ReferenceError on invalid coordinates.


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 47 880


Excel VBA, 67 Bytes

Outputs to the range A1:E5 on the activesheet of the vba project, exits with

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

when an invalid input is provided.


Sub a(c,r,x)
c=IIf(r<1Or c>5,-1,c)
End Sub


a 4,5,"#"

Output (from example above):

    A   B   C   D   E
1   0   0   0   #   0
2   0   0   0   0   0
3   0   0   0   0   0
4   0   0   0   0   0
5   0   0   0   0   0

Taylor Scott

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 6 709


Mathematica, 38 bytes



Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 4 600


Brain-Flak 415 Bytes

Includes +3 for -c


Try it Online!

Takes the character to insert first, then the row then column without spaces.

Most of this is just error handling. Brain-Flak doesn't have a good way to check if values are in a range. For errors, it either outputs nothing, or just the character that was supposed to be inserted. Solving the actual problem only takes 211 bytes:



Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 11 345


C#, 208 Bytes


string G(int c,int r,char a){if(c<1||c>5||r<1||r>5)return"Index Error";var b="00000";var d=new string[]{b,b,b,b,b};d[r-1]=d[r-1].Substring(0,c-1)+a+d[r-1].Substring(c);return string.Join("\r\n",d.Reverse());}


public string G(int c, int r, char a)
  if (c < 1 || c > 5 || r < 1 || r > 5) return "Index Error";
  var b = "00000";
  var d = new string[] { b, b, b, b, b };
  d[r - 1] = d[r - 1].Substring(0, c - 1) + a + d[r - 1].Substring(c);
  return string.Join("\r\n", d.Reverse());


Console.Write(G(6, 6, '*')); //Index Error

Console.Write(G(1, 4, '#'));


Console.Write(G(5, 5, '@'));


Console.Write(G(1, 1, '}'));


Pete Arden

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 1 151

If c and/or r are out of bounds it will throw an IndexOutOfRangeException so you might be able to remove the first if statement though I haven't checked the specs properly for that. You can compile to a Func<int, int, char, string> to save bytes, I believe you need to add using System.Linq; in because of the Reverse call though I can't remember off the top of my head – TheLethalCoder – 2016-11-29T16:38:53.417

Change d[r - 1] = d[r - 1].Substring(0, c - 1) + a + d[r - 1].Substring(c); to d[--r] = d[r].Substring(0, c - 1) + a + d[r].Substring(c); to save 4 bytes – TheLethalCoder – 2016-11-29T16:39:24.457


QBIC, 53 50 bytes

EDIT: Now that I know that I don't have to show the starting grid, I've swapped out the user inputs _!_!_? for command line parameters ::;, saving 3 bytes.

[5|?@00000|]::;~(b>5)+(c>5)>1|_Xd\$LOCATE 6-c,b|?B

Original version: This halts between printing the 0-grid and taking the coordinates for the substitution, showing the 0-grid.

[5|?@00000|]_!_!_?~(b>5)+(c>5)>1|_Xd\$LOCATE 6-c,b|?B

Prints 5 strings of 5 0's, asks user for 2 numerical inputs and 1 string input, checks if the numbers are < 5 and uses QBasic's LOCATE function to substitute the right character.


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 7 772


WinDbg, 95 bytes

j(0<(@$t0|@$t1))&(6>@$t0)&(6>@$t1)'f8<<16 L19 30;eb2000018+@$t0-@$t1*5 @$t2;da/c5 8<<16 L19';?0

Almost half of it just verifying the indexes are in range... Input is done by setting the psuedo-registers $t0, $t1, and $t2 (where $t2 holds the ascii value of the char to replace). For example, (2,5,*) like the example would be:

0:000> r$t0=2
0:000> r$t1=5
0:000> r$t2=2a

Prints 0 on error.

How it works:

j (0<(@$t0|@$t1)) & (6>@$t0) & (6>@$t1)  * If $t0 and $t1 are both positive and less than 6
    f 8<<16 L19 30;                      * Put 19 (0n25) '0's (ascii 30) at 2000000 (8<<16)
    eb 2000018+@$t0-@$t1*5 @$t2;         * Replace the specified cell with the new char
    da /c5 8<<16 L19                     * Print 19 (0n25) chars in rows of length 5
    ?0                                   * ...Else print 0

Sample Output:

0:000> r$t0=2
0:000> r$t1=5
0:000> r$t2=2a
0:000> j(0<(@$t0|@$t1))&(6>@$t0)&(6>@$t1)'f8<<16 L19 30;eb2000018+@$t0-@$t1*5 @$t2;da/c5 8<<16 L19';?0
Filled 0x19 bytes
02000000  "0*000"
02000005  "00000"
0200000a  "00000"
0200000f  "00000"
02000014  "00000"

0:000> r$t0=-2
0:000> j(0<(@$t0|@$t1))&(6>@$t0)&(6>@$t1)'f8<<16 L19 30;eb2000018+@$t0-@$t1*5 @$t2;da/c5 8<<16 L19';?0
Evaluate expression: 0 = 00000000

0:000> r$t0=4
0:000> r$t1=2
0:000> r$t2=23
0:000> j(0<(@$t0|@$t1))&(6>@$t0)&(6>@$t1)'f8<<16 L19 30;eb2000018+@$t0-@$t1*5 @$t2;da/c5 8<<16 L19';?0
Filled 0x19 bytes
02000000  "00000"
02000005  "00000"
0200000a  "00000"
0200000f  "000#0"
02000014  "00000"

0:000> r$t1=f
0:000> j(0<(@$t0|@$t1))&(6>@$t0)&(6>@$t1)'f8<<16 L19 30;eb2000018+@$t0-@$t1*5 @$t2;da/c5 8<<16 L19';?0
Evaluate expression: 0 = 00000000


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 3 043


Haskell, 77 bytes


Usage example:

*Main> putStr $ (2#5) '*'

If x and y are within range, outer and inner loop through [1..5] and take the char c if it hits the given x and y and a 0 otherwise. If x or y is not in range, a Non-exhaustive patterns exception is raised.


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 34 639


Octave 49 bytes

@(c,r,s)char(accumarray([6-r c],s+0,[5 5],[],48))


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 5 435


Java, 99 bytes

(i,j,k)->{int[]b=new int[]{60,60,60,60,60};int[][]a=new int[][]{b,b,b,b,b};a[i-1][5-j]=k;return a;}

Roman Gräf

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 2 915


><> (Fish), 36 bytes (non-competing)


Try it here!

This is run by placing the parameters on the stack like [chr, y, x]. One of the zeros at the bottom is actually changed into chr by the instruction p. There are probably better ways to do this, but I thought this was a unique and entertaining situation where this ><> feature is useful.


This program simply subtracts 1 from x (as in ><>, 0 would actually be the first column), swaps x with y, then changes the codebox point x, y into chr via p. y doesn't need 1 subtracted from it, as the code is already all offset by 1!

Non-competing explanation

This is non-competing because it doesn't actually produce output. I just found this extremely amusing. If this is considered valid output, please let me know!

It's also non-competing because y can be 0, but I believe that's the only issue with the answer. I'll fix if this is considered valid output, but otherwise, it just makes the answer less entertaining...


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 1 771

2If answers like this are discouraged, please let me know and I'll delete it! – redstarcoder – 2016-12-01T22:47:03.610


Vim, 60 47 42 76 keystrokes

Input is in the format (on the first line):


With the cursor starting at the beginning

6i0<ESC>Y5pG:norm <C-r>al<C-r>bkr<C-r>-

If the input is invalid, then throws: E492: Not an editor command: ^

The cide that produces the output is only 42 bytes, but in order to create an error, my bytecount is drastically increased.


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 16 320

BTW I don't know how to create the error in Vim – user41805 – 2016-12-07T20:00:19.290


Bash, 59 bytes


printf '00000%0.s\n' {1..5}|sed "$1 s/./$3/$2"|grep -z "$3"

$1, $2 - row, column, $3 - replacement char, error is reported via exit code


>./box 2 2 "*"
>echo $?

>./box 6 2 '*'     
>echo $?


Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 7 884


Java 8, 194 192 bytes

interface M{static void main(String[]a){String r="";int i=0,j,z=new Byte(a[0]),y=new Byte(a[1]);for(;++i<6;r+="\n")for(j=0;++j<6;r+=6-i==y&j==z?a[2]:0);System.out.print(z>0&z<7&y>0&y<7?r:0);}}

Try it here with correct input.
Try it here with incorrect input.

This would be 116 114 bytes instead as function instead of full program:

(a,b,c)->{String r="";for(int i=0,j;++i<6;r+="\n")for(j=0;++j<6;r+=b==6-i&a==j?c:0);return a>0&a<7&b>0&b<7?r:"0";}

Try it here.


interface M{                  // Class
  static void main(String[]a){//  Mandatory main-method
    String r="";              //   Result-String, starting empty
    int i=0,j,                //   Index-integers
        z=new Byte(a[0]),     //   First input converted to integer
        y=new Byte(a[1]);     //   Second input converted to integer
    for(;++i<6;               //   Loop (1) from 1 to 6 (inclusive)
        r+="\n")              //     After every iteration: Append a new-line to the result
      for(j=0;++j<6;          //    Inner loop (2) from 1 to 6 (inclusive)
        r+=6-i==y             //     If the second input equals `6-1`,
           &j==z?             //     and the first input equals `j`:
            a[2]              //      Append the third input to the result-String
           :                  //     Else:
            0                 //      Append a zero to the result-String
      );                      //    End of inner loop (2)
                              //   End of inner loop (1) (implicit / single-line body)
    System.out.print(         //   Print:
     z>0&z<7&y>0&y<7?         //    If the coordinates are valid (1-6):
      r                       //     Print the result `r`
     :                        //    Else:
      0);                     //     Print 0 as error instead
  }                           //  End of main-method
}                             // End of class

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2016-11-29T12:23:14.497

Reputation: 67 575