Index of a multidimensional array



Lower level languages, such as C and C++ actually have no concept of multidimensional arrays. (Other than vectors and dynamic arrays) When you create a multidimensional array with

int foo[5][10];

This is actually just syntactic sugar. What C really does is create a single contiguous array of 5 * 10 elements. This


is also syntactic sugar. This really refers to the element at

4 * 10 + 2

or, the 42nd element. In general, the index of element [a][b] in array foo[x][y] is at

a * y + b

The same concept applies to 3d arrays. If we have foo[x][y][z] and we access element [a][b][c] we are really accessing element:

a * y * z + b * z + c

This concept applies to n-dimensional arrays. If we have an array with dimensions D1, D2, D3 ... Dn and we access element S1, S2, S3 ... Sn the formula is

(S1 * D2 * D3 ... * Dn) + (S2 * D3 * D4 ... * Dn) + (S3 * D4 ... * Dn) ... + (Sn-1 * Dn) + Sn

The challenge

You must write a program or function that calculates the index of a multidimensional array according to the formula above. Input will be two arrays. The first array is the dimensions, and the second array is the indices. The length of these two arrays will always be equal and at least 1.

You can safely assume that every number in the arrays will be an non-negative integer. You can also assume that you will not get a 0 in the dimension array, although a 0 might be in the indices. You can also assume that indices will not be larger than the dimensions.

Test IO

Dimensions: [5, 10]
Indices: [4, 2]
Output: 42

Dimensions: [10, 10, 4, 62, 7]
Indices: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Output: 22167

Dimensions: [5, 1, 10]
Indices: [3, 0, 7]
Output: 37

Dimensions: [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
Indices: [3, 1, 5, 5, 3, 0, 5, 2, 5, 4]
Output: 33570178


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 54 537

4So this is 0-based indexing, correct? Can we use 1-based indexing if that's more natural for our language of choice? – Alex A. – 2016-05-08T22:00:56.090

@AlexA. Yes, that's acceptable. – James – 2016-05-08T22:39:41.980

11Actually, what C 'really does' is create a single contiguous array of five elements of type int[10]. – None – 2016-05-09T05:57:34.427

Related. – Martin Ender – 2016-05-09T09:27:06.743

1@Hurkyl Yes, but all of the integers in that array are still contiguous. It's just semantics. – James – 2016-05-09T19:27:29.147

Does someone mind to add the reference output for 1-based indexing? :) – bers – 2016-05-11T13:07:56.347



APL, 1 byte

Test it on TryAPL.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 196 637

21Well, that's it. We have a winner. Everyone else can go home now. – James – 2016-05-08T22:40:23.550

3Why... why does this work? o_O – Alex A. – 2016-05-08T22:44:36.677

10@AlexA. Indexing a multidimensional array is essentially mixed base conversion. – Dennis – 2016-05-08T22:47:36.233

3I dont even know anymore – downrep_nation – 2016-05-09T08:40:38.757

1W O W ! T h a t w a s G O O D ! – Erik the Outgolfer – 2016-05-09T14:47:00.107

3Link to docs, for the curious. – Tacroy – 2016-05-09T21:05:48.597

@Dennis You're making it sound easy – Martijn – 2016-05-09T22:55:30.237

21Oh, look, a hole in one while golfing! – Fund Monica's Lawsuit – 2016-05-10T21:03:41.947

8Most of the time I come here for fun. Then there are times when I accidentally receive profound insights – slebetman – 2016-05-11T07:13:30.627

how do we print that operator ? I just copied and pasted. – kenn – 2016-05-11T10:00:13.037

1@kenn In Dyalog APL (including TryAPL), ngn/APL and possibly others, you can press backtick followed by b. – Dennis – 2016-05-11T14:39:17.620

@kenn As Dennis said, or, if you have an actual APL keyboard layout installed, [APL]+[b], where [APL] depends on OS and APL flavor. Btw, "b" is for *base*, and the symbol looks like the base of a pillar. – Adám – 2017-05-03T13:09:08.660


JavaScript (ES6), 34 bytes


Surely reduce must be better than map.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 95 035


J, 2 bytes


Where there's an APL, there's a J! Kind of. Takes dimensions as left arg and index as right arg. "Indexing a multidimensional array is essentially mixed base conversion."

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 36 228


Jelly, 7 6 bytes


Try it online! or verify all test cases.

How it works

Ṇ;żḅ@/  Main link. Arguments: D (list of dimensions), I (list of indices)

Ṇ       Yield 0, the logical NOT of D.
  ż     Zip D with I.
        If D = [10, 10, 4, 62, 7] and I = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], this yields
        [[10, 1], [10, 2], [4, 3], [62, 4], [7, 5]].
 ;      Concatenate, yielding [0, [10, 1], [10, 2], [4, 3], [62, 4], [7, 5]].
   ḅ@/  Reduce by swapped base conversion to integer.
        [10, 1] in base    0 is    0 × 10 + 1 = 1.
        [10, 2] in base    1 is    1 × 10 + 2 = 12.
        [ 4, 3] in base   12 is   12 ×  4 + 3 = 51.
        [62, 4] in base   51 is   51 × 62 + 4 = 3166.
        [ 7, 5] in base 3166 is 3166 ×  7 + 5 = 22167.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 196 637


Python, 43 bytes

f=lambda x,y:x>[]and y.pop()+x.pop()*f(x,y)

Test it on Ideone.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 196 637

15Not only does Dennis solidly thrash all of us, but he does it in every. single. language. – James – 2016-05-09T00:17:09.490


Pyth, 10 bytes


Try it online: Demonstration or Test Suite

Using Horner's method to calculate the index.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 21 462


MATL, 11 bytes


This uses 0-based indexing, as in the original challenge.

Try it online!


The code explicitly does the required multiplications and additions.

4L)    % Take first input array implicitly. Remove its first entry
1h     % Append a 1
PYpP   % Cumulative product from right to left
*      % Take second input array implicitly. Multiply the two arrays element-wise
s      % Sum of resulting array. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 87 464


MATL, 9 bytes


This uses 1-based indexing (now allowed by the challenge), which is the natural choice in MATL.

To compare with the test cases in the challenge, add 1 to each entry in the input index vector, and subtract 1 from the output.

Try it online!


The code is based on the builtin X] function, which converts multidimensional indices to a single, linear index (like Matlab or Octave's sub2ind function).

P      % Take dimension vector implicitly. Reverse
iP     % Take vector of indices. Reverse
Z}     % Split vector into its elements
N$X]   % Convert indices to linear index (`sub2ind` function). Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 87 464


Julia, 29 27 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 196 637


Python, 85 bytes

lambda a,b:sum(b[i]*eval('*'.join(str(n)for n in a[i+1:])or'1')for i in range(len(a)))

I'll probably get my butt kicked by the better python golfers out there.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 54 537


Python 3.5, 69

lambda d,i:sum(eval("*".join(map(str,[z,*d])))for z in i if d.pop(0))

Test here

Alexander Nigl

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 121

Nice answer! Much better than mine. – James – 2016-05-08T23:21:53.353

@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I stole the eval method from your solution :) – Alexander Nigl – 2016-05-08T23:23:21.930


Haskell, 34 bytes


Usage example: [10,10,4,62,7] # [1,2,3,4,5] -> 22167.

How it works:

      scanr(*)1a  -- build partial products of the first parameter from the right,
                  -- starting with 1, e.g. [173600,17360,1736,434,7,1]
    (0:b)         -- prepend 0 to second parameter, e.g. [0,1,2,3,4,5]
  zipWith(*)      -- multiply both lists elementwise, e.g. [0,17360,3472,1302,28,5]
sum               -- calculate sum


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 34 639


C++, 66 bytes

A quick macro:

#define F(d,i) int x d;printf("%d",&x i-(int*)x)

Use like:

int main(){
    F([5][1][10], [3][0][7]);

This may be a bit of an abuse of the rules. Creates an array with the given size, than checks to see how far the given indexes offset the pointer. Outputs to STDOUT.

This feels so dirty... But I just love the fact that this is valid.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 3 787


Octave, 58 54 bytes

Thanks to @AlexA. for his suggestion, which removed 4 bytes


Input and output are 1-based. To compare with the test cases, add 1 ot each entry in the input and subtract 1 from the output.

This is an anonymous function. To call it, assign it to a variable.

Try it here.


This works by actually building the multidimensional array (reshape(...)), filled with values 1, 2, ... in linear order (1:prod(d)), and then indexing with the multidimensional index to get the corrresponding value.

The indexing is done by converting the input multidimensional index i into a cell array (num2cell(...)) and then to a comma-separated list ({:}).

The two flip operations are needed to adapt the order of dimensions from C to Octave.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 87 464

why does reshape have a second pair of parenthesis isnt that non syntactic? – Abr001am – 2016-05-09T14:33:18.907

@Agawa001 Do you mean a second pair after reshape? That's non syntactic in Matlab, but accepted in Octave. It works as an index – Luis Mendo – 2016-05-09T14:35:53.380

oh Octave!! that must be better and more ergonomic than matlab , tha,ks for enlightenment. – Abr001am – 2016-05-09T14:42:33.260

@Agawa001 It can also lead to some confusion, though

– Luis Mendo – 2016-05-09T15:03:09.823

A tip for anonymous functions in example code: I use @(...) ... in the first line of my code, followed by f = ans; in the second. This makes the length of the first line equal to the number of bytes to report. – bers – 2016-05-11T13:24:59.920

@bers In that case, why not just skip f and call the function using ans as its name? – Luis Mendo – 2016-05-11T13:28:00.980

What a nice idea! Becomes more difficult when you evaluate multiple examples in a row, but should be perfectly valid for a single one. – bers – 2016-05-11T13:33:42.090


Mathematica, 27 bytes


An unnamed function which takes the list of indices as the first argument and the list of dimensions second. Based on the same observation as Dennis's APL answer that computing the index is really just a mixed-base conversion.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 184 808


CJam, 7 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

0        e# Push 0 on the stack.
 q       e# Read and push all input, e.g., "[[10 10 4 62 7] [1 2 3 4 5]]".
  ~      e# Eval, pushing [[10 10 4 62 7] [1 2 3 4 5]].
   z     e# Zip, pushing [[10 1] [10 2] [4 3] [62 4] [7 5]].
    +    e# Concatenate, pushing [0 [10 1] [10 2] [4 3] [62 4] [7 5]]
     :b  e# Reduce by base conversion.
         e# [10 1] in base    0 is    0 * 10 + 1 = 1.
         e# [10 2] in base    1 is    1 * 10 + 2 = 12.
         e# [ 4 3] in base   12 is   12 *  4 + 3 = 51.
         e# [62 4] in base   51 is   51 * 62 + 4 = 3166.
         e# [ 7 5] in base 3166 is 3166 *  7 + 5 = 22167.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 196 637

Give us a chance, Dennis! :D – HyperNeutrino – 2016-05-11T17:44:45.690


Haskell, 47 bytes

Two equal length solutions:

s(a:b)(x:y)=a*product y:s b y
s _ _=[]

Called like: ((sum.).s)[4,2][5,10].

Here's an infix version:

(a:b)&(x:y)=a*product y:b&y
_ & _=[]

Michael Klein

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 2 111


Octave, 47/43/31 bytes


Test it here.

Having said that, as it was asked in a comment, 1-based indexing was said to be OK when this is natural to the language being used. In this case, we can save 4 bytes:


In analogy, I argue that if the objective of the code is to linearly index an array within that language, the whole flipping around and accounting for MATLAB/Octave's column major order should not be necessary, either. In that case, my solution becomes


Test that one here.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 151

Hello, and welcome to PPCG! Great answer! – NoOneIsHere – 2016-05-11T14:07:19.093


Mathematica, 47 bytes


(Unicode is U+F3C7, or \[Transpose].) For this, I rewrote the expression as Dn(Dn-1( ⋯ (D3(D2S1 + S2) + S3) ⋯ ) + Sn-1) + Sn. Just Folds the function over both lists.


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 15 731


Actually, 13 bytes


Try it online!

This program takes the list of indices as the first input and the list of dimensions as the second input.


;pX╗            push dims[1:] to reg0
    lr`   `M    map: for n in range(len(dims)):
       ╜tπ        push product of last n values in reg0
            *   dot product of indices and map result


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 32 998


Racket 76 bytes

(λ(l i(s 0))(if(null? i)s(f(cdr l)(cdr i)(+ s(*(car i)(apply *(cdr l)))))))


(define f
  (λ (ll il (sum 0))
    (if (null? il)
        (f (rest ll)
           (rest il)
           (+ sum
              (* (first il)
                 (apply * (rest ll))))))))


(f '(5 10) '(4 2))
(f '(10 10 4 62 7) '(1 2 3 4 5))
(f '(5 1 10) '(3 0 7))




Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 1 635


C#, 73 bytes

d=>i=>{int n=d.Length,x=0,y=1;for(;n>0;){x+=y*i[--n];y*=d[n];}return x;};

Full program with test cases:

using System;

namespace IndexOfAMultidimensionalArray
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Func<int[],Func<int[],int>>f= d=>i=>{int n=d.Length,x=0,y=1;for(;n>0;){x+=y*i[--n];y*=d[n];}return x;};

            int[] dimensions, indices;
            dimensions =new int[]{5, 10};
            indices=new int[]{4,2};
            Console.WriteLine(f(dimensions)(indices));      //42

            dimensions=new int[]{10, 10, 4, 62, 7};
            indices=new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
            Console.WriteLine(f(dimensions)(indices));      //22167

            dimensions=new int[]{5, 1, 10};
            indices=new int[]{3, 0, 7};
            Console.WriteLine(f(dimensions)(indices));      //37

            dimensions=new int[]{6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6};
            indices=new int[]{3, 1, 5, 5, 3, 0, 5, 2, 5, 4};
            Console.WriteLine(f(dimensions)(indices));      //33570178


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 1 592


Perl 6, 39 bytes

->\d,\i{sum{[×] $_,|d[++$ ..*]}}

A rather naive golf here, just squished a anonymous sub.

Perl 6 has an anonymous state variable $ which is useful for creating a counter in a loop (eg, using post-increment $++ or pre-increment ++$). I pre-increment this state variable to increment the starting index of the dimension array slice inside a map.

Here's a ungolfed function that creates the sub-lists

sub md-index(@dim, @idx) {> $i { $i, |@dim[++$ .. *] })
say md-index([10, 10, 4, 62, 7], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
# OUTPUT: ((1 10 4 62 7) (2 4 62 7) (3 62 7) (4 7) (5))

Then it's just a matter of reducing the sub-lists with the multiplication (×) operator, and suming the results.

sub md-index(@dim, @idx) {> $i { [×] $i, |@dim[++$ .. *] }).sum
say md-index([10, 10, 4, 62, 7], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
# OUTPUT: 22167


Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 261


Perl, 71 bytes



sub {
    my $s = 0;
    my $p = 1;

    $_[0]->[0] = 1;
    for (1 .. @{$_[1]}) {
        $p *= $_[0]->[1 - $_];
        $s += $_[1]->[-$_] * $p;

    return $s;

Denis Ibaev

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 876


C++17, 133 115 bytes

-18 bytes for using auto...

template<int d,int ...D>struct M{int f(int s){return s;}int f(int s,auto...S){return(s*...*D)+M<D...>().f(S...);}};


template <int d,int ...D> //extract first dimension
struct M{
 int f(int s){return s;} //base case for Sn
 int f(int s, auto... S) { //extract first index 
  return (s*...*D)+M<D...>().f(S...); 
  //S_i * D_(i+1) * D(i+2) * ... + recursive without first dimension and first index



Alternative, only functions, 116 bytes

#define R return
#define A auto
A f(A d){R[](A s){R s;};}A f(A d,A...D){R[=](A s,A...S){R(s*...*D)+f(D...)(S...);};}


auto f(auto d){
  return [](auto s){
   return s;
auto f(auto d, auto...D){
  return [=](auto s, auto...S){
    return (s*...*D)+f(D...)(S...);



Karl Napf

Posted 2016-05-08T21:01:44.033

Reputation: 4 131