Draw the rainbow



The challenge is simple: Draw a rainbow in as few bytes as possible

The specs for the rainbow are as follows:

  • The figure must be exactly 400 pixels wide and 200 pixels high (optionally 401x201 if you want a single center pixel)
  • The red ring should touch all borders of the figure (outer radius = 200 pixels)
  • All rings shall have the same width (10 pixels)
    • The violet ring shall have an inner radius of 130 pixels
  • The bow should be the upper half of a perfect circle
  • The background shall be white (transparent is also accepted)
  • The figure shall not have borders, (exception is made if the border can't be suppressed)
  • Builtin rainbow making functions are not allowed!

The following colors are to be used in the rainbow:


This is code golf, so the shortest code in bytes win!



Related, but different!

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 43 471

26Builtin rainbow making functions are not allowed As I'm sure Mathematica has one – Luis Mendo – 2016-03-11T23:05:18.863

How imperfect may the rainbow be? From not anti-aliased to tearing? Consider the images in this answer

– aross – 2016-03-15T15:53:25.397

@aross: it should look like the sample rainbow (some pixels may vary due to inaccurate calculations). The two last rainbows are too "messy", while the first one looks ok. I don't have a perfect rule, so use you best judgement :-) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-03-15T16:12:10.203

@StewieGriffin Reason I'm asking is because apparently PHP graphics is pretty buggy, while the solution is correct in theory. Well, the second one is, the third one would be with anti-aliasing (which also doesn't work well) – aross – 2016-03-15T16:16:25.583

Are vector graphics not allowed? edit: never mind—I see that there's already a TikZ answer, so I gather they are. – Julian Wolf – 2017-04-23T16:52:09.693



MATL, 107 95 92 87 84 83 bytes

-200:200 0:200!PYyq10/k12-t8<*t0>*Q7B.561FTh.295Oh.51h4BPFTF6Bl.5hOh4B8$v255*k5M/YG

This works in current release (14.0.0) of the language/compiler.

EDIT (July 6, 2017): You can try it at MATL Online!.

To check that the colors are correct, remove the last five characters (you need to wait for a few seconds and scroll down to the end of the output).

enter image description here


The code has three main steps:

Step 1: Generate a 201x401 matrix with numbers from 1 to 8. Pixels with value 1 are background (white), pixels with values 2, ..., 8 represent each band of the rainbow.

Horizontal coordinates range from -200 to 200 left to right, and vertical coordinates range from 0 to 200 bottom to top. So the origin (0,0) is bottom center, the upper left corner is (-200,200), etc.

The different bands of the rainbow are generated by computing the distance from each pixel to the origin and quantizing in steps of 10 pixels.

Step 2: Generate an 8x3 matrix defining the colormap. Each row is one of the necessary colors (white and the seven colors of the rainbow). Each value of the previous 201x401 matrix will be interpreted as an index to a row of this colormap.

We generate the colormap matrix using values between 0 and 1 for each color component, and then multiplying by 255 and rounding down. This way most values are initially 0 and 1, which will later become 0 and 255. Intermediate values are coded as values between 0 and 1 with 2 or 3 decimals, chosen so that when multiplied and rounded give the exact desired value.

Step 3: Display the image with that colormap.

-200:200       % row vector [-200, -199, ..., 200]
0:200          % row vector [0, 1, ..., 200]
!P             % transpose and flip: convert into column vector [200; 199; ...; 0]
Yy             % hypotenuse function with broadcast: distance from each point to (0,0)
q10/k          % subtract 1, divide by 10, floor (round down). Gives 20 circular bands
               % 10 pixels wide, with values from 0 to 19
12-            % subtract 12
t8<*           % values larger than 7 are set to 0
t0>*           % values less than 0 are set to 0. We now have 7 bands with values
               % 1, ..., 7, and the white background with value 0
Q              % add 1: white becomes 1, bands become 2, ..., 8

7B             % first row: [1 1 1] (7 converted to binary: color white)
.561FTh        % second row (light purple)
.295Oh.51h     % third row (dark purple)
4BP            % fourth row: [0 0 1] (4 converted to binary and flipped: blue)
FTF            % fifth row (green)
6B             % sixth row: [1 1 0] (6 converted to binary: yellow)
l.5hOh         % seventh row: orange
4B             % eigth row: [1 0 0] (4 converted to binary: red)
8$v            % vertically concatenate the 8 eight rows
255*k          % multiply by 255 and round down. Gives exact color values 
5M/            % push 255 again and divide. This is needed because colors in MATL are
               % defined between 0 and 1, not between 0 and 255

               % STEP 3: DISPLAY
YG             % display image with that colormap

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 87 464


Piet, 838 codels, several thousand pixels

Someone had to do it:

An awesome rainbow

If you save this image you can try it online!

The actual Piet program is only the top ~125 pixels, which I created using a Python program I wrote.

Editing this afterwards really hurt my vision, I'll be tripping for days!

This outputs the image in an SVG format, because SVG really is (in my opinion) the simplest way to do this. I shamelessly stole Doorknob's SVG code. Outputs:

correct output

well, this really:

<svg viewBox='0 0 400 200'><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='200' fill='red'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='190' fill='#ff7f00'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='180' fill='yellow'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='170' fill='lime'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='160' fill='blue'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='150' fill='indigo'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='140' fill='#8f00ff'/><circle cx='200' cy='200' r='130' fill='white'/></svg>

Good luck beating this answer, non-Esolang users!


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 221

2Is this python script public? I'm asking for a friend, who is very lazy.... – NaCl – 2016-03-13T22:45:18.073

Erm, it takes literally ~2 minutes to implement xD You can find an old version here and adjust it if necessary: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0isocsb81n7r2cv/piet.py (note: I made this when I was 10, the code is embarrassing to say the least) - it needs PyPNG installed.

– theonlygusti – 2016-03-14T18:05:33.390


Pyth, 150 149 128 bytes

"<svg viewBox=0,0,400,200>"V8s["<circle cx=200 cy=200 r="-200*TN" fill="@c"red #ff7f00 #ff0 #0f0 #00f indigo #8f00ff #fff"dN" />

Outputs in SVG:

<svg viewBox=0,0,400,200>
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=200 fill=red />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=190 fill=#ff7f00 />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=180 fill=#ff0 />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=170 fill=#0f0 />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=160 fill=#00f />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=150 fill=indigo />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=140 fill=#8f00ff />
<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=130 fill=#fff />


Thanks to @MamaFunRoll for 16 bytes and @PatrickRoberts for 6 more!


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 68 138

2You could probably save a lot of bytes by packing the strings. – a spaghetto – 2016-03-11T23:31:02.010

@AquaTart All that does is add bytes. O_o – Doorknob – 2016-03-12T00:20:12.100

3I don't think you need any of the quotes, ending slashes, or the last ending </svg> tag. – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-03-12T02:57:23.537

4Two suggestions: red #ff7f00 #ff0 #0f0 #00f #8f00ff #fff for the color list and take single quotes off all parameter values that don't have spaces in them (cx, cy, r and fill) but make sure to leave a space between the value of fill and the / so the color doesn't get misinterpreted. Also remove the </svg> as suggested above. – Patrick Roberts – 2016-03-12T09:25:50.457

1Sorry, I meant red #ff7f00 #ff0 #0f0 #00f indigo #8f00ff #fff. Also if you replace the spaces with commas in the viewBox you can remove the single quotes for that parameter as well. – Patrick Roberts – 2016-03-12T10:46:59.913

I think this is the longest Pyth program I've ever seen - probably due to the fact that almost none of it is actually Pyth code - it's almost all just the SVG output... – Darrel Hoffman – 2016-03-13T16:58:10.020

Just for the record, here is a link to a compressed version of the code. It may look like the characters are more than one byte, but it fits inside a one byte encoding.

– FryAmTheEggman – 2016-03-14T14:47:04.780


Minecraft 1.10 (almost), 2677 characters one-command, 868 blytes

Well I sure picked a verbose language.

summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:log,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FallingSand,Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FallingSand,Block:activator_rail,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:[\"b\"]}"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-1 ~-2 ~6 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=200] ~ ~ ~ tp @e[c=1] ~ -99 ~"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-1 ~-2 ~5 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=190,r=200] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 14"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-1 ~-2 ~4 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=180,r=190] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 1"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-2 ~4 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=170,r=180] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 4"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-2 ~5 chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=160,r=170] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 13"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-2 ~6 chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=150,r=160] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 11"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-2 ~7 chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=140,r=150] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 10"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-2 ~8 chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=130,r=140] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 2"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-2 ~8 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"tp @e[type=Cow] ~1 ~ ~"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-2 ~7 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"tp @e[type=Bat] ~-1 ~ ~"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-2 ~6 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[type=Pig] ~ ~ ~ summon Bat ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-2 ~5 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"execute @e[type=Pig] ~ ~ ~ summon Cow ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-2 ~4 repeating_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"tp @e[type=Pig] ~ ~1 ~"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~ ~1 command_block 0 replace {Command:fill ~ ~-3 ~-1 ~ ~ ~ air}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-1 ~1 redstone_block},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:kill @e[type=MinecartCommandBlock,r=1]}]}]}]}

Make a new Superflat world, paste that mess into an Impulse command block, set your render distance fairly high, and run it. Break the armor stand when your computer stops lagging.

The result is 400 blocks across and 200 blocks tall, as requested.

I used MrGarretto's one command generator to pack everything together, and then modified the result of that a little bit to save a couple more bytes. Here's the input to it:

INIT:summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["b"]}
INIT:summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}
tp @e[type=Pig] ~ ~1 ~
execute @e[type=Pig] ~ ~ ~ summon Cow ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}
execute @e[type=Pig] ~ ~ ~ summon Bat ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}
tp @e[type=Bat] ~-1 ~ ~
tp @e[type=Cow] ~1 ~ ~
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=130,r=140] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 2
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=140,r=150] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 10
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=150,r=160] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 11
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=160,r=170] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 13
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=170,r=180] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 4
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=180,r=190] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 1
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=190,r=200] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ wool 14
execute @e[tag=b] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[rm=200] ~ ~ ~ tp @e[c=1] ~ -99 ~

That's a total of 15 1.9+ command blocks, and 838 bytes, so 15*2 + 838 = 868 blytes.

Here's the (almost) part, it's missing a corner and edge. It logically shouldn't - Minecraft bug? Would be exactly 400x200 blocks if it wasn't for that. Not much I can do.



Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 211

4Yay, a pig based rainbow generator ! +1 – TuxCrafting – 2016-06-19T14:17:29.840

If it's 2677 characters how can it be only 868 "blytes"? From how I understand that page the actual blytes should be 2677 + 4 – theonlygusti – 2018-01-09T07:56:07.270

It's 868 if you build it in the world, 2677 if you use fallingsand to create it (which has a lot of overhead) – quat – 2018-01-09T16:38:43.487


Mathematica 152 144 126 bytes

Graphics@MapIndexed[{#,Disk[{0,0},4-#/5&@@#2,{Pi,0}]}&,RGBColor/@TextWords@"#f00 #ff7f00 #ff0 #0f0 #00f #4b0082 #8f00ff #fff"]

enter image description here

Thanks @CatsAreFluffy for shaving off 8 bytes & @njpipeorgan for a further 18 :)


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 335

3Use # vs #[[1]], #2 vs #[[2]], and @@@ vs /@. – CalculatorFeline – 2016-03-13T00:01:51.743

1Also, Thread works instead of Transpose. – LegionMammal978 – 2016-03-14T00:51:50.197

1Graphics@MapIndexed[{#,Disk[{0,0},4-#/5&@@#2,{Pi,0}]}&,RGBColor/@TextWords@"#f00 #ff7f00 #ff0 #0f0 #00f #4b0082 #8f00ff #fff"] saves another 18 bytes, but the idea is the same. – njpipeorgan – 2016-03-14T02:39:11.713

1Just curious... is there a "rainbow builtin"? – mbomb007 – 2016-03-14T17:41:21.640

@mbomb007 not that i'm aware of! – martin – 2016-03-15T11:46:43.650

@mbomb007 There's something like 113 built-in colour palettes, but I don't think one of them happens to match the colours required in this challenge. – Martin Ender – 2016-04-29T07:13:28.740


vim, 165 142 139

i<svg viewBox=0,0,400,200><cr><circle cx=2<C-n> cy=2<C-n> r=2<C-n> fill=red<cr>#ff7f00<cr>#ff0<cr>#0f0<cr>#00f<cr>indigo<cr>#8f00ff<cr>#fff<esc>2Gqq0y4f=jPBB10<C-x>@qq@qV2G:norm A /><cr>

Yeesh, this is clunky. There's got to be improvements that can be made.

Outputs as SVG, like my Pyth answer.

Thanks to @MyHamDJ for shaving off 3 bytes!


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 68 138

You could shave off 2 bytes (or keystrokes) if you replace your last ex command with kv3G:norm A'/><cr> – James – 2016-03-12T01:12:50.750

You could also take 3 more off if you enter the <circle cx... string on line 2 the first time through, rather then typing all of the colors then entering it afterwards. – James – 2016-03-12T01:17:52.623



<svg width=400 viewBox=0,0,40,20 onload="this.innerHTML=`f00
fff`.replace(/.+/g,c=>`<circle cx=20 cy=20 r=${--r} fill=#${c} />`,r=21)"/>


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 31 086

use height=200 and cx=200 cy=200 r=${--r}0 instead of viewBox='0 0 40 20'. That should save 7 bytes. – Patrick Roberts – 2016-03-12T11:48:31.790

I hope it's okay that I borrowed your idea with the .replace method... – Patrick Roberts – 2016-03-12T12:08:47.463

@PatrickRoberts of course it's ok, I borrowed some of yours – edc65 – 2016-03-12T19:05:16.550

5I surely didn't expect to see r-=1 in code golf... – Neil – 2016-03-12T20:26:20.273

@Neil bah! it was -=10 in some iteration before the final release – edc65 – 2016-03-12T22:07:05.273

@PatrickRoberts I prefer not to use your idea of width and height, just to keep some difference between out answers – edc65 – 2016-03-14T11:14:52.277


Ruby with Shoes, 155 bytes

8.times{|i|stroke fill %w{f00 ff7f00 ff0 0f0 00f 4b0082 8f00ff fff}[i]
oval left:i*=10,top:i,radius:200-i}}

Sample output:

rainbow by Ruby with Shoes


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 17 865


JavaScript (ES6), 171 158 bytes

document.write`<svg width=400 height=200>${`f00
fff`.replace(/.+/g,c=>`<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=${i--}0 fill=#${c} />`,i=20)}`

Credit to @edc65 for the idea to convert




It may look longer but the amount of bytes saved in compressing the array to a string is well worth the conversion. (It saves 13 bytes in this case)


document.write`<svg width=400 height=200>${`f00
fff`.replace(/.+/g,c=>`<circle cx=200 cy=200 r=${i--}0 fill=#${c} />`,i=20)}`

Patrick Roberts

Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 2 475


HTML (162) + CSS (146)

body{height:200px;width:400px}div{height:100%;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:50% 50% 0 0/100% 100% 0 0;border:solid;border-width:10px 10px 0}
<div style=color:red><div style=color:#FF7F00><div style=color:#FF0><div style=color:#0F0><div style=color:#00F><div style=color:#4B0082><div style=color:#8F00FF>

HTML (224) + CSS (128)

body{height:200px;width:400px}div{height:100%;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:50% 50% 0 0/100% 100% 0 0;padding:10px 10px 0}
<div style=background:red><div style=background:#FF7F00><div style=background:#FF0><div style=background:#0F0><div style=background:#00F><div style=background:#4B0082><div style=background:#8F00FF><div style=background:#FFF>


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 2 697


SpecBAS - 318 254 bytes

If we're drawing rainbows, then it seems like a good place to use the successor to ZX Spectrum BASIC.

1 p,k=20,x1=0,x2=400,y=200
2 FOR EACH s IN [16711680,16744192,16776960,65280,255,4915330,9371903]: PALETTE p,s: INC p: NEXT s
3 CLS 15: DRAW 0,200 TO 70,200: DRAW 330,200 TO 400,200
4 FOR i=1 TO 7
5 INK k: DRAW x1,y TO x2,y,-PI: DRAW x1+10,y TO x2-10,y,-PI: FILL x1+5,190
6 x1+=10,x2-=10,k+=1
7 NEXT i

Line 2 sets up the palette for the specific RGB values needed (and is probably not helping the byte count) as standard Spectrum colours didn't match up.

The DRAW command can take an extra parameter which makes it turn through a number of degrees radians between x1,y1 and x2,y2. Finally it finds a gap in the semicircles just drawn and flood fills with the current colour.

enter image description here


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 209


Tcl/Tk, 263 bytes

canvas .c -bg #FFF -bo 0 -highlightt 0;pack .c -e 1 -f both;wm ge . 400x200;foreach {r c} {200 #FF0000 190 #FF7F00 180 #FFFF00 170 #00FF00 160 #0000FF 150 #4B0082 140 #8F00FF 130 #FFF} {.c cr o -$r -$r $r $r -outline $c -f $c};after 100 {.c x s -5 u;.c y s -10 u}

Alas, this kind of question always favors some esoteric languages... That said, Tcl/Tk really makes graphics operations all of: easy, short, and readable.

That said, I've sacrificed readability to crunch options down to as few characters as possible. I don't imagine crunching the list of colors will help much compared to code to unpack it...

For comparison, here's the uncrunched code (380 bytes):

canvas .c -bg #FFF -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
pack .c -expand yes -fill both
wm geometry . 400x200
foreach {r c} {
  200 #FF0000 
  190 #FF7F00 
  180 #FFFF00 
  170 #00FF00 
  160 #0000FF 
  150 #4B0082 
  140 #8F00FF 
  130 #FFFFFF
} {
  .c create arc -$r -$r $r $r -extent 180 -outline $c -fill $c
after 100 {
  .c xview scroll -5 units
  .c yview scroll -10 units

The after command was unfortunately necessary since no scrolling (of the canvas's coordinate origin) can be done before the window is mapped to the screen.

Also, the crunched code actually draws a full rainbow (using a circle instead of an arc) and just relies on window clipping...

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy. :O)


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 541

You can use lmap instead of foreach to shorten. – sergiol – 2017-07-05T23:15:03.670

And you can put the first line inside the second like : pack [canvas .c -bg #FFF -bo 0 -highlightt 0] -e 1 -f both – sergiol – 2017-07-05T23:22:28.597

There is an incoherence between the two versions of you code. Golfed does create oval; ungolfed does create arc. Can you please explain? – sergiol – 2017-07-05T23:26:23.983

Thanks for the comment. The ungolfed version is for readability, not exactness in implementation. And, alas, I am not going to go back and fix all my foreach-->lmap; that can be left for the reader... :O) – Dúthomhas – 2017-07-21T06:36:28.437


LaTeX, 290 bytes

\documentclass{proc}\input tikz\begin{document}\def\z#1!#2!#3!#4!{\definecolor{t}{rgb}{#1,#2,#3}\fill[color=t](200pt,0)circle(#4pt);}\tikz{\clip(0,0)rectangle(400pt,200pt);\z1!0!0!200!\z1!.5!0!190!\z1!1!0!180!\z0!1!0!170!\z0!0!1!160!\z.29!0!.51!150!\z.56!0!1!140!\z1!1!1!130!}\end{document}

Try it here.


\input tikz

    %Define macro "\z" with 4 arguments.         
    % The first 3 arguments are rgb values for the color
    % Last argument is the radius in pt that we draw a full circle with


    % Start a Tikz figure


        % We only draw the top half of the circle


        % Draw each circle from biggest to smallest


        % Draw a white circle last



Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 32 976

@DonMuesli Thanks for the link, added. – Fatalize – 2016-03-15T13:24:44.450


JavaScript 271 251



Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 219

Thanks @StewieGriffin I've made the change for 10. Been trying to get the count down but still a ways from doorknobs pyth answer! – wolfhammer – 2016-03-11T23:51:12.580

You can move everything between the for's { ... } to inside the last for section, seperated by ,. e.g. for(i=0;i<8;x.beginPath(),x.arg(...etc...)). You can probably also use slice/splice of substr if I'm not mistaken. It might also be shorter to make the <canvas> using .innerHTML. Or even a HTML+JS answer and give the <canvas> and id of c and then it should automatically be added as a JS global variable – Downgoat – 2016-03-12T01:42:42.563

@Downgoat substr has the advantage here in that its second parameter is a length, not an offset. As for golfing, document.body would seem to provide a considerable saving. – Neil – 2016-03-12T20:28:59.003


Bubblegum, 139 119 bytes


00000000: b329 2e4b 5728 cb4c 2d77 caaf b035 d031  .).KW(.L-w...5.1
00000010: d031 3130 d031 3230 b0e3 b249 ce2c 4ace  .110.120...I.,J.
00000020: 4955 48ae b005 f215 922b c154 1198 4ccb  IUH......+.T..L.
00000030: ccc9 b12d 4a4d 51d0 c7ad ced0 12aa 4e39  ...-JMQ.......N9
00000040: 2dcd 3c0d 2884 4fad 0542 2d7e 85e6 3085  -.<.(.O..B-~..0.
00000050: 0604 149a c115 1aa4 e155 680a 5598 9997  .........Uh.U...
00000060: 9299 9e8f 57a9 09cc 4c0b a07f d2f0 1b6b  ....W...L......k
00000070: 8cf0 1148 2100 0a                        ...H!..

Sadly, this is shorter than my Pyth answer. :(

Generates the same SVG file.


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 68 138


Java, 354 bytes

public void r() throws IOException{BufferedImage i=new BufferedImage(400,200,2);Graphics2D g=i.createGraphics();g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));int[]c={0xFF0000,0xFF7F00,0xFFFF00,0xFF00,255,0x4B0082,0x8F00FF};for(int v=0;v<7;v ++){g.setColor(new Color(c[v]));g.drawArc(v*10+5,v*10+5,390-v*20,390-v*20,0,360);}ImageIO.write(i,"PNG",new File("a.png"));}}

Just uses the Graphics2D class to draw 7 arcs, with an array to store the colors. I'm sure it can be improved further.

Ungolfed code:

public void ungolfed() throws IOException {
        BufferedImage i = new BufferedImage(400, 200, 2); // 2 is TYPE_INT_ARGB
        Graphics2D g = i.createGraphics();
        g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));
        int[] c = {0xFF0000, 0xFF7F00, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0x4B0082, 0x8F00FF};
        for(int v = 0; v < 7; v ++) {
            g.setColor(new Color(c[v]));
            g.drawArc(v * 10 + 5, v * 10 + 5, 390 - v * 20, 390 - v * 20, 0, 360);
        ImageIO.write(i, "PNG", new File("a.png"));


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 711

2Your 0x0000ff could be just 0xff or even just 255, same with 0x00ff00 being 0xff00. 0xff0000 could be 255<<16 to save another byte. Your loop could be to save a few more bytes. You can save one more byte by adding a ,q to your int declaration. You'd have to make it int c[]= instead of int[] c so q is an int and not an int[]. Doing that lets you add a q=390-v*20; to your loop. and replace the 390-v*20 with a q. It's a lot of work for one byte, but a byte is a byte, right?! – corsiKa – 2016-03-13T07:07:18.603

2You can save two more bytes by just throwing Exception instead of IOException. – corsiKa – 2016-03-13T07:08:13.853

I also wonder if you can use drawOval and just render the top half of the image... might be a little more expensive though... – corsiKa – 2016-03-13T07:09:33.070

I know it's been about 1.5 year, but you can golf quite a bit.. void r()throws Exception{BufferedImage i=new BufferedImage(400,200,2);Graphics2D g=i.createGraphics();g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));for(int c[]={255<<16,16744192,16776960,65280,255,4915330,9371903},v=0,t;v<7;g.drawArc(t=v*10+5,t,t=390-v++*20,t,0,360))g.setColor(new Color(c[v]));ImageIO.write(i,"PNG",new File("a.png"));}} (325 bytes) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-08-31T12:59:22.180


CSS, 244 242 240 bytes

body{width:400px;height:200px;background-image:radial-gradient(500px at bottom,#FFF 26%,#8F00FF 26%,#8F00FF 28%,#4B0082 28%,#4B0082 30%,#00F 30%,#00F 32%,#0F0 32%,#0F0 34%,#FF0 34%,#FF0 36%,#FF7F00 36%,#FF7F00 38%,red 38%,red 40%,#FFF 40%)}

Edit: Saved 2 bytes by working around a bug in Chrome. Saved a further 2 bytes thanks to @TrangOul.

Note: the snippet uses a <div> due to limitations of Stack Snippets.

div {
    width: 400px;
    height: 200px;
    background-image: radial-gradient(500px at bottom,
        #FFF 26%,
        #8F00FF 26%, #8F00FF 28%,
        #4B0082 28%, #4B0082 30%,
        #00F 30%, #00F 32%,
        #0F0 32%, #0F0 34%,
        #FF0 34%, #FF0 36%,
        #FF7F00 36%, #FF7F00 38%,
        red 38%, red 40%,
        #FFF 40%);


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 95 035

It looks like the background on the outside of the rainbow is red (at least on my phone). – Stewie Griffin – 2016-03-13T11:47:49.983

@StewieGriffin Works fine for me in Firefox for Android. (I couldn't work out how to enable Stack Snippets in my phone's default browser.) – Neil – 2016-03-13T17:31:44.417

Ok, a bit strange :-) i'm using chrome 49.0.2623.91 on galaxy s6 edge btw. – Stewie Griffin – 2016-03-13T20:25:34.830

@StewieGriffin Looks like it's broken in Chrome for Windows too. – Neil – 2016-03-13T21:14:15.367

@StewieGriffin OK I think I have a workaround, and it saves two bytes too! – Neil – 2016-03-14T08:50:43.980

You can save two bytes by using red color instead of #F00. – Trang Oul – 2016-03-14T11:32:55.813


C, 220 217 213 bytes

#define X printf("%c",s<169|s/401?y:s
i=8e4,t,y=255;main(s){for(puts("P6 400 200 255");i--;X/288?y:s<195?143:s<225?75:0),X<256|s/360?0:s/323?127:y),X<225&s/195?130:s<256?y:0))s=i/400,t=i%400-200,s=(s*s+t*t)/100;}

Output is PPM (the binary kind).

Edit: Saved a couple bytes thanks to @tucuxi.

Edit 2: Rearranged code to save even more.


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 341

1you can shave a byte with i;s;t;main() -> s;t;main(i), and another one by placing part of your for loop body within the for: ;)code1,code2; -> ;code2)code1; (saved a comma!). – tucuxi – 2016-03-14T10:19:47.440


Google Blockly, 48 blocks, 75 bytes

Click the gif below to navigate to the solution, where you can get a closer look at how it works.
As for an explanation, I think an image is worth a thousand words, and thus a gif is worth a thousand images.

link to big readable gif

Note: I'm unsure how to count in Blockly, so I counted every block as 1 byte, and every variable the regular way, so that 0 == 1 byte, 530 == 3 bytes, Arial == 5 bytes and bold == 4 bytes.
I counted the special character I used to cut off the rainbow as 2 bytes. Please report any mistakes or suggestions of the byte count in the comments

Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub

Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 5 707


Postscript (87 bytes)

Hex dump:

00000000: 3188 0131 2030 2e35 3631 8800 3120 302e  1..1 0.561..1 0.
00000010: 3237 3888 0030 2e35 3188 0030 8801 3088  278..0.51..0..0.
00000020: 0130 8801 3188 0031 2030 2e35 8800 3188  .0..1..1 0.5..1.
00000030: 0030 87c8 0038 7b34 2031 9287 929d 87c8  .0...8{4 1......
00000040: 0030 2032 9258 3087 b400 9205 9216 9242  .0 2.X0........B
00000050: 880a 92a9 7d92 83                        ....}..


enter image description here


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 151


Processing, 196 186 181 179 169 163 bytes

int d=400,i=0;size(d,d/2);background(-1);int[]c={-65536,-33024,-256,#00ff00,#0000ff,#4b0082,#8f00ff,-1};for(noStroke();i<8;ellipse(200,200,d,d),d-=20)fill(c[i++]);


Saved 10 bytes thanks to Kritixi Lithos
... and another 6 bytes thanks to dzaima


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 001

2Can shave off one more byte by changing for(int i=0;i<8;i++) into for(int i=0;i++<8;) or similar – quat – 2016-06-21T21:14:06.220

I don't think you can use variables while calling size() – user41805 – 2016-12-04T18:36:12.030

@KritixiLithos What do you mean? – Flambino – 2016-12-04T21:56:33.723

When I call size with variables as parameters, it gives me an error (before running) that I cannot use variables to set the dimensions on the screen – user41805 – 2016-12-05T06:53:39.167

background(-1) is one byte shorter than background(255), and you can change the 255 in array c to -1 to save another byte – user41805 – 2017-04-23T15:38:17.053

You can do int d=400,i=0; so that you can remove the int i=0 in the for-loop. Furthermore I think you can do fill(c[i++]) to remove the i++ in the third statement of the for-loop – user41805 – 2017-04-23T15:54:40.067

@KritixiLithos Thanks again – Flambino – 2017-04-23T15:57:16.333

You should be able to move the d-=20 into the third statement of the for-loop and delete the space in int[] c :) – user41805 – 2017-04-23T15:59:40.390

@KritixiLithos Alright, alright! Jeez! Updated the answer :) – Flambino – 2017-04-23T17:56:22.460

Last one, I haven't tested this, but the last for-loop might be able to be changed into for(;i<8;ellipse(200,200,d,d),d-=20)fill(c[i++]); now that you've updated your answer :) – user41805 – 2017-04-23T17:59:08.063

@KritixiLithos Works. But that had better be the last one! :) – Flambino – 2017-04-23T18:01:35.967

You can move the noStroke(); in the for loops start, saving one byte – dzaima – 2017-04-23T20:39:52.817

And you can replace the color array to {-65536,-33024,-256,#00ff00,#0000ff,#4b0082,#8f00ff,-1} – dzaima – 2017-04-23T20:45:09.733

@dzaima Thanks - updated – Flambino – 2017-04-24T18:07:37.477


HTML + CSS, 310 307 bytes

<b style=background:red><b style=background:#ff7f00><b style=background:#ff0><b style=background:lime><b style=background:blue><b style=background:indigo><b style=background:#8f00ff><b style=background:#fff;width:260px;height:130px><style>b{float:left;padding:10px 10px 0 10px;border-radius:300px 300px 0 0}

Super-duper invalid markup (may or may not look correct in your browser). Just wanted to see if it was even possible.


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 001

You can cut two bytes by using #FF0 instead of yellow. You might be able to use the bgcolor attribute instead of style attributes too. – curiousdannii – 2016-03-13T04:59:59.133

@curiousdannii You're right about the colors (white could also be shortened) of course - don't know why I didn't see that. I did try bgcolor before posting though, but unfortunately it's no longer supported (here in Chrome anyway) – Flambino – 2016-03-13T09:47:17.393


PHP, 285 bytes

<?php $a=imagecreate(400,200);define("b",255);$c=array(b,b,b,b,0,0,b,127,0,b,b,0,0,b,0,0,0,b,75,0,130,143,0,b,b,b,b);for($i=0;$i<9;$i++){imagefilledellipse($a,200,200,420-$i*20,420-$i*20,imagecolorallocate($a,$c[$i*3],$c[$i*3+1],$c[$i*3+2]));}header("Content-type:png");imagepng($a);?>


Taste the rainbow!


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 037

1Nice effort. But please note that closing PHP tag at the end of file is considered bad habit even when not golfing. It would be shorter as CLI script, that way you can spare that header() call and even the opening PHP tag. On Linux the simplest is to run php -r '$a=imagecreate(400,200);const b=255;for($c=[b,b,b,b,0,0,b,127,0,b,b,0,0,b,0,0,0,b,75,0,130,143,0,b,b,b,b];$i<9;)imagefilledellipse($a,200,200,$r=420-$i*20,$r,imagecolorallocate($a,$c[$j=$i++*3],$c[$j+1],$c[$j+2]));imagepng($a);' | display from command prompt and count it as 227 characters. (Using PHP 5.6.11.) – manatwork – 2016-03-14T09:55:02.610


Bash + ImageMagick, 159 125 characters

eval convert -size 401x201 xc: '-fill \#'{f00,ff7f00,ff0,0f0,00f,4b0082,8f00ff,fff}' -draw "circle 200,200 200,$[i++*10]"' x:

Sample output:

rainbow by Bash + ImageMagick


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 17 865


Excel VBA, 213 202 196 192 172 Bytes


Anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes no input and outputs a rainbow, as a vector image, to the sheets(1) object

For i=0To 7:j=400-20*i:Set s=Sheet1.Shapes.AddShape(20,10*i,10*i,j,j):s.Fill.ForeColor.RGB=Array(255,32767,65535,65280,-31*4^8,8519755,&HE1008F,-1)(i):s.Line.Visible=0:Next

Subroutine Version

Sub a
For i=0To 7
set s=Sheet1.Shapes.AddShape(20,10*i,10*i,j,j)
End Sub

-11 bytes for removing .Adjustments(3)=3/80 call and adding a 8th, white arc

-6 bytes for using -1 over &HFFFFFF

-3 bytes for using Sheet1 over Sheets(1)

-6 bytes for converting with statement to set statement

-14 bytes for converting from Sub to anonymous VBE function


Pics or it didn't happen

Taylor Scott

Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 6 709


R, 184 170 bytes

Making an image with fixed pixel dimensions turns out to be surprisingly tricky with R, whose plotting functions are mostly intended for statisticians. In particular R leaves extra space for labels and coordinate axes unless you explicitly set margins as zero-width by calling par.

On the other hand some of the required colours (specifically red, yellow and blue) are found in the default palette, and can be referenced simply by integer indices.



Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 226


Forth Salon Haiku (184 bytes)

I can't satisfy the dimension constraints with this format, but I thought it worth sharing anyway.

: ^ 2 ** ;
: b 0.9 * dup x .5 - ^ y 2.01 / ^
+ sqrt dup rot > swap rot .045
+ < * * + ;
0 .56 .2 b .29 .25 b 1 .4 b
1 .45 b 1 .5 b 0 1 .35 b 1 .4 b
0.5 .45 b 0 1 .2 b .51 .25 b
1 .3 b

enter image description here


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 191


LibreLogo, 129 bytes


x=307 ps 7 fc [3]for i in [[5],0xff7f00,[11],65280,255,4915330,9371903][ x-=14 pc i circle x ]ps 0 pc [3]rt 180 fd 152 square 300


enter image description here


x = 307                                                          ; Circle Width = 307 pt
ps 7                                                             ; Pen Size = 7 pt
fc [3]                                                           ; Fill Color = #ffffff
for i in [[5], 0xff7f00, [11], 65280, 255, 4915330, 9371903] [   ; For each Rainbow Color
    x -= 14                                                      ; Circle Width -= 14 pt
    pc i                                                         ; Pen Color = Rainbow Color
    circle x                                                     ; Draw Circle (Circle Width)
ps 0                                                             ; Pen Size = 0
pc [3]                                                           ; Pen Color = #ffffff
rt 180                                                           ; Right 180°
fd 152                                                           ; Forward 152 pt
square 300                                                       ; Draw Square (300 pt)

Grant Miller

Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 706


Perl, 175 + 1 = 176 bytes

perl -MSVG -E '$z=SVG->new(width=>4e2,height=>2e2);@x=qw/#fff #8f00ff indigo #00f #0f0 #ff0 #ff7f00 red/;$z->circle(cx=>200,cy=>200,r=>200-10*$a++,style=>{fill=>pop@x})for 1..8;say$z->xmlify'

enter image description here


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 2 276


DIV Games Studio (184 bytes)

Not the shortest but quite simple. Uses the DIV default palette


Rainbow in div games studio


Define program start (named "r" to save space)


setup palette lookup


BEGIN program code


Set video mode to 400,200


loop x (predefined variable) from -80 (which bg hack) to 80 ( 7 colours + white centre)


define elipse constraints


draw elipse - on the first iteration this draws a circle larger than the screen in full white (index -8)

draw(type (5=filled elipse), colour, opacity, x0,y0,x1,y1)


once first is done, bump x up to zero to start drawing red band


end for loop


infinite loop, drawing screen.


end (matches BEGIN at top of program)



Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 11


PHP, 190 bytes


Run it like this:

php -r 'imagefill($a=imagecreatetruecolor($r=400,200),0,0,$w=0xffffff);foreach([255<<16,0xff7f00,$w-255,65280,255,4915330,9371903,$w]as$i)imagefilledellipse($a,200,200,$r,20+$r-=20,$i);imagepng($a);' | display

Resulting image 1

Also working in theory at 179 bytes (but the image looks a tad messed up, bad GD):

php -r '$r=410;imagesetthickness($a=imagecreatetruecolor(400,200),10);foreach([255<<16,0xff7f00,0xffff00,65280,255,4915330,9371903]as$i)imagearc($a,200,200,$r-=20,$r,1,0,$i);imagepng($a);' | display

Resulting image 2

Also not a perfect image, but much better than the above (and @166 bytes):

php -d error_reporting=30709 -r '$a=imagecreatetruecolor($r=400,200);foreach([255<<16,0xff7f00,0xffff00,65280,255,4915330,9371903]as$i)for(;++$$i<21;)imageellipse($a,200,200,$r,$r--,$i);imagepng($a);' | display

Resulting image 3


Posted 2016-03-11T23:02:29.730

Reputation: 1 583