Pi Day, Pi Minute, or Pi Second?



In this challenge you will need to determine whether it's Pi Day, Pi Minute, or Pi Second.

Because Pi is irrational, it wants your code to be as short as possible.


No input is provided, your program should use the system time. I've just added it for clarity

March 14, 2016 0:00:00
Pi Day
December 25, 2015 3:14:45
Pi Minute
December 29, 2015 0:03:14
Pi Second
January 1, 2016 0:00:00
<No Output>

What is Pi Day / Minute / Second

  • Pi Day is when the month is March, and the date is the 14th
  • Pi Minute is when the hour is 3, and the minute is 14
  • Pi Second is when the minute is 3, and the second is 14
  • Pi Day should be preferred instead of Pi Minute or Pi Second, and Pi Minute should be preferred instead of Pi Second.
  • For this challenge you should use 12-hour time (15:14 == 3:14). The date/time used to determine the Pi Day/Minute/Second should be based on system time.

Scoring & Bonus

-15 byte Bonus: If you print "No Pi Time" when it's not Pi time.

As always, standard loopholes are disallowed. This is shortest code in bytes wins!


Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 27 116

6I don't think Costco allows you to purchase the mathematical constant pi at any time of the year. – Alex A. – 2016-01-02T01:35:44.320

2You've changed it to regular pie. That's also false because you can get pie from Costco all year. – Alex A. – 2016-01-02T01:39:52.987

1@AlexA. Hmm, weird I can never find it in the summer... – Downgoat – 2016-01-02T01:40:44.390

1Because pi is infinitely long and you want to be passive-aggressive? – Arcturus – 2016-01-02T01:53:27.743

Would "Pi day", "Pi month", etc. be accepted also? – Zach Gates – 2016-01-02T03:48:49.857

1@ZachGates Pi month doesn't exist but to answer your question, no, the output must be the correct case – Downgoat – 2016-01-02T03:49:51.653

8I went to Costco today - they were closed. – Digital Trauma – 2016-01-02T05:18:58.697

@DigitalTrauma why did you go – undergroundmonorail – 2016-01-02T07:45:42.373

@undergroundmonorail To buy pies – Digital Trauma – 2016-01-02T16:35:27.843

1@AlexA. Sure you can - any time you buy a tire or any other circular object, you're buying 2π. – Digital Trauma – 2016-01-02T16:47:00.870

I think you can't have Pi Minute and Pi Second at the same time, so there's no point in preferring either one. – PurkkaKoodari – 2016-01-02T23:52:54.017

Nothing special if it's March 14 2015 9:26:53? – user253751 – 2016-01-03T02:34:42.263

@DigitalTrauma but they were closed – undergroundmonorail – 2016-01-03T06:42:13.883

1@immibis Or March 14 1592 6:53:58? – wizzwizz4 – 2016-01-03T09:11:50.733



CJam, 41 bytes

Pi Day

Pi Minute
Pi Second

Test it here. Alternatively use this link to stub the result of et for easier testing.


et   e# Get the current datetime as an array with the following elements:
     e#   - Year
     e#   - Month
     e#   - Day
     e#   - Hour
     e#   - Minute
     e#   - Second
     e#   - Millisecond
     e#   - Weekday
     e#   - Tickrate or something.
[3E] e# Push the array [3 14].
#    e# Find the position of this subarray in the current datetime array. Let's see
     e# what results we can get:
     e#   - Year 3 is in the past and there is no 14th month, so we can't get 0.
     e#   - Pi day will give result 1.
     e#   - Day 3, hour 14 would give 2.
     e#   - Pi minute will give result 3.
     e#   - Pi second will give result 4.
     e#   - Second 3, millisecond 14 would give 5.
     e#   - Weekday and tickrate won't be 14, so we'll never get 6 or 7.
     e#   - If [3 14] isn't found at all we get -1.
"\Pi Day\\Pi Minute\Pi Second\"
     e# Push this string (with linefeeds instead of backslashes.
N/   e# Split into lines.
=    e# Select the corresponding element. The non-existent "pi hour" and "pi millisecond"
     e# would map to empty strings as well as the -1.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 184 808


Javascript (ES6), 114 112 - 15 = 97 bytes

x=>['Pi Day','Pi Minute','Pi Second'].find((x,i)=>[/ar 14/,/(03|15):14:/,/03:14/][i].test(Date()))||'No Pi Time'


['Pi Day', 'Pi Minute', 'Pi Second']  // array of outputs
.find(                                // find first element in the array
    (x, i)=>                          // which returns truthy for this function
    [/ar 14/, /(03|15):14:/, /03:14/] // array of regex patterns
    [i]                               // get corresponding regex based on index
    .test(Date())                     // test it against current date, date is automatically cast to string
) || 'No Pi Time'                     // if no result, then return "No Pi Time"

Thanks for -2 bytes @edc65


Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 4 912

Could be Date() instead of new Date – edc65 – 2016-01-02T10:56:43.750

'Pi '+['Day','Minute','Second'].find((x,i)=>................ – wizzwizz4 – 2016-01-03T09:13:03.317

@wizzwizz4 this won't work. If it's not Pi time, it returns "Pi undefined" – nderscore – 2016-01-03T17:04:51.197

Would a check for undefined be shorter than 6 chars? – wizzwizz4 – 2016-01-03T17:39:33.570

@wizzwizz4 its less bytes to just include "Pi " in all three strings :) – nderscore – 2016-01-03T18:07:19.873

1@nderscore It's fewer bytes to say nderscore than underscore. – wizzwizz4 – 2016-01-03T18:26:51.463


Ruby, 125 124 chars

i=[*[(t=Time.new).month,t.day,t.hour,t.min,t.sec].each_cons(2)].index [3,14];i&&$><<['Pi Day','','Pi Minute','Pi Second'][i]

Alas, the cleverer %i[month day hour min sec].map{|x|Time.new.send x} is longer.

The key here is the use of each_cons to avoid repetition (see the last few lines of the explanation below).

i=                          # send i (index) to...
[*                          # convert to array (splat)...
  (t=Time.new).month,       # the current month...
  t.day,t.hour,t.min,t.sec  # etc... (duh)
 .each_cons(2)              # each consecutive two elements
]                           # [[month, day], [day, hour], [hour, min], etc]
.index [3,14];              # first occurrence of [3, 14]
i&&                         # shorthand for "if i"...
$><<                        # output...
 'Pi Day',                  # [month=3, day=14] is Pi Day
 '',                        # [day=3, hour=14] isn't anything
 'Pi Minute',               # [hour=3, min=14] is Pi Minute
 'Pi Second'                # [min=3, sec=14] is Pi Second
][i]                        # index by index (obviously)


Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 68 138

You could save a few chars by pulling out 'Pi' like you did with t, no? – Cole Johnson – 2016-01-02T06:07:02.023

@Cole And what will you do with the second element? – nicael – 2016-01-02T14:21:22.657

Why isn't Pi Hour anything. What's wrong with 2 in the afternoon, tomorrow? – Mr Lister – 2016-01-02T14:31:50.473

@ColeJohnson No, [(p='Pi ')+Day','',p+'Minute',p+'Second'] is longer. – Doorknob – 2016-01-02T16:17:53.167


Python 2, 219 186 183 Bytes (198-15)

I tried


from datetime import datetime

now = datetime.now()
output = ['Pi Day', 'Pi Minute', 'Pi Second', 'No Pi Time']

if now.month == 3 and now.day == 14:
    print output[0]
elif now.hour == 2 and now.minute == 13:
    print output[1]
elif now.minute = 2 and now.second == 13:
    print output[2]
    print output[3]


from datetime import *
if n.month==3and n.day==14:print'Pi Day'
elif n.hour==2and a==13:print'Pi Minute'
elif a==2and n.second==13:print'Pi Second'
else:print'No Pi Time'


Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 272

4from datetime import*;n=datetime.now() is shorter. Also, there's no point in indexing into an array when you're printing constant strings. – Doorknob – 2016-01-02T01:29:15.380

@Doorknob冰 That's true :) – Zizouz212 – 2016-01-02T01:36:04.410

Shorter even: https://paste.ee/p/ebcSh

– Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-01-02T01:40:36.033

Made by swapping if/elses with [else,if][statement]. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-01-02T01:41:04.107

1The latter numbers are wrong (2:13 instead of 3:14), and the 12-hour clock requirement isn't met. (Seems to apply to some other answers too) You can also get it shorter by indexing the result of time.localtime(); it comes down to 148-15 bytes (without the 12-hour fix). The 12-hour thing is unfortunate though; without it you could easily get it down to 129-15 bytes: import time;x=3,14;T=time.localtime();print{1:'Pi Day',3:'Pi Minute',4:'Pi Second'}.get((zip(T,T[1:])+[x]).index(x),'No Pi Time') (and 118-15 bytes on Python 3, by converting to bytes and using find, which makes things simpler) – Aleksi Torhamo – 2016-01-02T03:49:01.850


Japt, 78 - 15 = 63 bytes

D=Ð)g ¥3©Df ¥E?"Pi Day":Dd %C¥3©Dc ¥E?`Pi M©e`:Dc ¥3©Db ¥E?`Pi SeÖ:No Pi Te

Pretty straightforward - just checks the date for every case.


  • D=Ð)g get the current date (Ð), store it in the variable D and get the month (g). Why store it in the variable, if it's already one-letter? Because since then you can dress any part of date with Da, where a is the function, returning year, month, date, etc. But otherwise you'd have to do Ð a, see the space.

  • ¥3 is ==3, checking if the month is March.

  • © is &&, i.e. "and".
  • Df is the day of the month.
  • E is 14
  • ?...:... - typical sets of ternary operators
  • Dd %C the reminder of dividing the hour (Dd) by 12 (C)
  • Dc is the minutes
  • Db are seconds

Try it online!

To emulate Pi Day:

D=Ð"3/14/11 11:11:11";
Dg ¥2©Df ¥E?"Pi Day":Dd %C¥3©Dc ¥E?`Pi M©e`:Dc ¥3©Db ¥E?`Pi SeÖ:No Pi Te

To emulate Pi Minute:

D=Ð"11/11/11 3:14:11";
Dg ¥2©Df ¥E?"Pi Day":Dd %C¥3©Dc ¥E?`Pi M©e`:Dc ¥3©Db ¥E?`Pi SeÖ:No Pi Te

To emulate Pi Second:

D=Ð"11/11/11 00:3:14";
Dg ¥2©Df ¥E?"Pi Day":Dd %C¥3©Dc ¥E?`Pi M©e`:Dc ¥3©Db ¥E?`Pi SeÖ:No Pi Te


Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 4 585


TI-BASIC, 124 bytes

Thanks to FlagAsSpam for shaving a few bytes.

If min({3,14}={Ans(2),Ans(3
"Pi Second→Str1
If Ans(2)=14 and max(Ans(1)={3,14
"Pi Minute→Str1
If min({3,14}={Ans(2),Ans(3)
"Pi Day→Str1

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 36 228

Are you using i (imaginary unit) and e (Euler's constant) as shortcuts? If not, that could also save you some bytes. – Addison Crump – 2016-01-02T19:30:09.947

@FlagAsSpam I thought about using those, but I wasn't sure if it counts. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-02T19:39:26.880

@FlagAsSpam Whether or not they're valid here, e is actually two bytes! – lirtosiast – 2016-01-02T21:37:24.830

@ThomasKwa Oh, right. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-02T21:39:38.287

@FlagAsSpam It is no longer invalid. ^_^ – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-02T23:26:41.307

@FlagAsSpam Oh, thank you for pointing that out. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-02T23:28:48.520


Perl, 80 - 15 = 65 bytes

print'No 'x localtime!~/(ar | 15:|03:)14/,'Pi ',(Time,Day,Minute,Second)["@-"/4]

Take 2, parsing the string representation of localtime. At present, this looks something like this:

Sun Jan  3 15:14:15 2016

The position of the matched string is used to determine the correct Pi Time.

Perl, 100 bytes

@t=localtime;$t[2]%=12;3-/3/^{@t[$_,$_+1]}->{14}||exit!print'Pi ',(Second,Minute,_,Day)[$_]for 3,1,0

localtime returns the months zero indexed, hence the need for 3-/3/.


Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 30 891


Python 3, 137 - 15 = 122 bytes

import time
print({1:'Pi Day',3:'Pi Minute',4:'Pi Second'}.get(bytes(T[1:6]).find(b'\x03\x0e'),'No Pi Time'))

The 12-hour requirement was unfortunate, as this would've been 118-15=103 bytes without it:

import time
print({1:'Pi Day',3:'Pi Minute',4:'Pi Second'}.get(bytes(time.localtime()[1:6]).find(b'\x03\x0e'),'No Pi Time'))

Aleksi Torhamo

Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 1 871


AppleScript, 202 190 187 183 181 bytes

Hey, this isn't so bad after all.

set n to current date
set b to n's time string
if n's date string contains"March 14"
log"Pi Day"
else if b contains"3:14:"
log"Pi Minute"
else if b contains"3:14"
log"Pi Second"

I actually found a use for AppleScript's method calling. Go figure. Nope. Just turns out that I'm an idiot. Setting a variable is shorter.

(for those wondering, current date command returns a date-type with the contents "Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 2:46:01 PM" or the like)

Addison Crump

Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 10 763


PHP, 85 - 15 = 70 bytes

<?=['No Pi Time','Pi Day','Pi Minute','Pi Second'][strpos(@date(Ymdhi_is),'0314')/4];

The main trick use here is the Ymdhi_is date format, at the time of writing, date('Ymdhi_is') returns 201501030258_5828.

  • md, hi and is are the values who will be replaced by 0314 if it's Pi-something. Note that all those strings will be always be replaced by a 4-character long string.
  • They are put in that specific order since strpos will stop searching at the first occurrence of the needle, so we put them in the order of priority.
  • A separator between hi and is is necessary because we don't want strpos to match a value that would overlap both (thanks to primo for saving bytes here).
  • The needle is 0314 because 314 would wrongly match 10:31:42 as Pi-Second.

The Y part is the trickiest. We need a prefix to to offset the first occurrence of Pi-something, allowing us to distinguish strpos's return values between false (not found, Pi-nothing) and 0 (found at index 0, Pi-day).

And we want this prefix to be either 4 or 5-character long, since we are planning to divide strpos's return value by 4.

Y is 4-character long, but:

  • it will be 5-character long someday, and this will break the program (think about year 10314): the PHP documentation says that Y will be replaced by 4 digits, but it's not true.
  • if you come back in time, at year 314, it will break the program.

Since PHP didn't exist in year 314, and will likely not exist anymore in year 10314, I guess these bugs can be safely ignored.

Note that 0314 can overlap Ymd since:

  • Ymmd configuration: there's no 31st month.
  • YYmm configuration: there's no 14th month.
  • YYYm configuration: there are less than 40 months.

Also, there's a version without the bugs related to the year, which is 86 - 15 = 71 bytes:

<?=['No Pi Time','Pi Day','Pi Minute','Pi Second'][strpos(@date(D_mdhi_is),'0314')/4];

Benoit Esnard

Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 311

Great answer. If you use underscores rather than dots, you can drop the quotes around Ymd_hi_is. Also, I don't think a separator is necessary between md and hi, as the 12-hour h can never be 14, and never start with 3 or 4. – primo – 2016-01-03T07:02:36.010


Python 3, 179 bytes

import functools as F,datetime as D
F.reduce(lambda i,j:print("Pi "+i.title())if G(T,i)/G(T,j)==3/14else j,"month day hour minute second".split(" "))

Zach Gates

Posted 2016-01-02T01:01:09.680

Reputation: 6 152