How much present did you get for Christmas?



Yes, how much, not how many...

As we all know, a large present is far better than a small one. Therefore, the value of the presents should always be measured in total volume, not number of presents, weight, or even combined price.

As it's frowned upon to compare the amount of presents one gets, you don't want a long script that's easily seen and read by others at the Christmas party. Therefore you need to keep the number of bytes in your script at a minimum.

Your task is simple: Create a program that takes a list of dimensions as input, on any suitable format, and outputs the combined volume of your presents. The dimension of each present will either be a set of three numbers, or a single number. If the input is three numbers (L, W, H), the present is a cuboid of dimensions L x W x H. If it's a single number (R), the present is a sphere of radius R.


  • It can be either a full program or a function
  • The input can be in any convenient format
    • If desirable, a sphere may be represented by a number followed by two zeros
    • A cuboid will always have all non-zero dimensions.
  • The output should be a single decimal number
    • Additional output is accepted as long as it's obvious what the answer is
    • Output must have at least two digits after the decimal point
    • The output can be in standard form / scientific notation if the number is larger than 1000.
    • In case your language doesn't have a Pi-constant, the answer should be accurate up to 9999.99.


197.0973    // (1*4*3 + 2*2*2 + 4/3*pi*3^3 + 4*4*4)




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## Ruby, <s>104</s> <s>101</s> 96 bytes

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## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes

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## [><>](, 121 bytes

var QUESTION_ID=67027,OVERRIDE_USER=44713;function answersUrl(e){return""+QUESTION_ID+"/answers?page="+e+"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter="+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return""+s.join(";")+"/comments?page="+e+"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter="+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:"get",dataType:"jsonp",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:"get",dataType:"jsonp",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r="<h1>"+e.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG,"")+"</h1>")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery("#answer-template").html();t=t.replace("{{PLACE}}",n+".").replace("{{NAME}}",e.user).replace("{{LANGUAGE}}",e.language).replace("{{SIZE}}",e.size).replace("{{LINK}}",,t=jQuery(t),jQuery("#answers").append(t);var o=e.language;/<a/.test(o)&&(o=jQuery(o).text()),s[o]=s[o]||{lang:e.language,user:e.user,size:e.size,}});var t=[];for(var o in s)s.hasOwnProperty(o)&&t.push(s[o]);t.sort(function(e,s){return e.lang>s.lang?1:e.lang<s.lang?-1:0});for(var c=0;c<t.length;++c){var i=jQuery("#language-template").html(),o=t[c];i=i.replace("{{LANGUAGE}}",o.lang).replace("{{NAME}}",o.user).replace("{{SIZE}}",o.size).replace("{{LINK}}",,i=jQuery(i),jQuery("#languages").append(i)}}var ANSWER_FILTER="!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe",COMMENT_FILTER="!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk",answers=[],answers_hash,answer_ids,answer_page=1,more_answers=!0,comment_page;getAnswers();var SCORE_REG=/<h\d>\s*([^\n,]*[^\s,]),.*?(\d+)(?=[^\n\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\n<>]*<\/s>|[^\n<>]+>)[^\n\d<>]*)*<\/h\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\s*header:\s*/i;
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Stewie Griffin

Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 43 471


No lady gets hat in one of those funny cylindrical boxes?

– manatwork – 2015-12-18T12:10:56.660

2@manatwork, no, all ladies will get bowler hats, and you can easily fit those in a sphere =P – Stewie Griffin – 2015-12-18T12:13:20.150

1I assume (5) is just partial example and our code only has to handle ((5)). – manatwork – 2015-12-18T12:51:57.393

2If our language of choice does not have a Pi constant, how much precision is required? – Dennis – 2015-12-18T13:26:26.420

So the list separators can be other than ,? Because I would prefer + between list items and * between sublist items… – manatwork – 2015-12-18T13:27:44.543

1@manatwork, + and * are OK as long as they don't mean addition and multiplication (or other operations) in the language you're using. – Stewie Griffin – 2015-12-18T13:35:38.917

Can we take spherical input as (5,4/3,Pi)? :P – ETHproductions – 2015-12-22T02:38:43.607

I know, I was kidding. ;) – ETHproductions – 2015-12-22T14:57:20.733

1The second I saw the title my finger went straight to the edit button. Then I read your second line... – Daniel – 2015-12-22T18:56:18.500



Jelly, 19 18 bytes


Try it online!

Unfortunately, Jelly does not have a π constant yet, and the vectorizer doesn't handle floats properly.

To overcome these issues, instead of multiplying by 4π/3, we multiply by 1420 and divide by 339. Since 1420 ÷ 339 = 4.18879056… and 4π/3 = 4.18879020…, this is sufficiently precise to comply with the rules.

The newest version of Jelly could accomplish this task in 14 bytes, with better precision.


Try it online!

How it works

Zµ*3×1420÷339Ḣo@PS  Left argument: A, e.g., [[1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 0]]

Z                   Zip A; turn A into [[1, 4], [2, 0], [3, 0]].
 µ                  Begin a new, monadic chain with zip(A) as left argument.
  *3                Cube all involved numbers.
    ×1420           Multiply all involved numbers by 1420.
         ÷339       Divide all involved numbers by 339.
                    This calculates [[4.19, 268.08], [33.51, 0], [113.10, 0]]
             Ḣ      Head; retrieve the first array.
                    This yields [4.19, 268.08].
                P   Take the product across the columns of zip(A).
                    This yields [6, 0].
              o@    Apply logical OR with swapped argument order to the results.
                    This replaces zeroes in the product with the corresponding
                    results from the left, yielding [6, 268.08].
                 S  Compute the sum of the resulting numbers.

The non-competing version uses ×240° instead of ×1420÷339, which multiplies by 240 and converts the products to radians.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 196 637


Pyth, 19 18 bytes


1 byte thanks to Dennis


Input format is list of lists:


It simply multiplies the dimensions together to calculate the cube volume. If that comes out to zero, it calculates the sphere volume.

The sphere constant, 4/3*pi is calculated as 240 degrees in radians. .t ... 7 converts an input in degrees to radians, and C\ð calculates the code point of ð, which is 240.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 39 268


Haskell, 40 bytes

q x=product x q

Usage example: q $ [[1,4,3],[2,2,2],[3],[4,4,4]] -> 197.09733552923254.

How it works: For each element of the input list: if it has a single element x calculate the volume of the sphere, else take the product. Sum it up.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 34 639

1Is this way of counting bytes generally valid? I would have said q (and then told to use p on a list of lists of numbers) – Leif Willerts – 2015-12-19T13:52:10.427


@LeifWillerts: There's a recent topic on meta which allows unnamed functions that relay on global definitions. q is an unnamed function that depends on q, so I guess it's fine.

– nimi – 2015-12-19T23:19:14.777


Python 2, 86 70 bytes

lambda i:sum(x[0]*x[1]*x[2]if len(x)>1 else x[0]**3*4.18879for x in i)


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 19 246

I get your byte count as 86, how did you get yours?

– wnnmaw – 2015-12-18T13:53:38.733

Additionally, you can save bytes by just manually putting in a value for pi, you can use up to 3.14159265358979323 to break even – wnnmaw – 2015-12-18T13:54:18.627

@wnnmaw I forgot to count the import -.- – TFeld – 2015-12-18T13:59:07.680

I believe your hardcoded value for pi is a bit off :) – wnnmaw – 2015-12-18T15:45:52.593

4@wnnmaw That's not Pi; it's 4Pi/3. – Dennis – 2015-12-18T16:06:21.783

Cool, I didn't know you could write 9for without the space. – Thomas Ahle – 2015-12-19T14:17:43.887


Mathematica, 34 bytes


An unnamed function which takes a nested list of lengths and returns the volume as a real number.

We first replace single values with the volume of the corresponding sphere with /.{r_}:>{4r^3/3Pi}. Then we multiply up the contents of each list with 1.##&@@@. Finally we compute the sum as the trace of the vector with Tr[...].

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 184 808


JavaScript (ES6), 56


The more sensible .reduce version is 1 byte longer



Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 31 086

You could save a couple of bytes by using 4.11879 in place of 4/3*Math.PI, as that should be accurate enough to qualify. – ETHproductions – 2015-12-20T23:05:04.960

@ETHproductions yes, but In case your language doesn't have a Pi-constant, and my language has a PI constant, so I don't know if it qualifies – edc65 – 2015-12-21T07:39:10.273


Python, 49 bytes

lambda l:sum(a*b*c or a**3*4.18879for a,b,c in l)

Uses the representation of spheres as (a,0,0). Treated as a cuboid, this has volume 0, in which case the sphere volume is used instead. I'm not clear on how accurate the constant needs to be, so I hope this is enough.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 115 687


MATL, 20 bytes


Input format is a matrix in which each row describes a cube or a sphere. A sphere is defined by only the first number in that row; the other two numbers are zero. So the first example from the challenge would be:

[1 4 3; 2 2 2; 3 0 0; 4 4 4]

This uses the current release of the language, 2.0.2, which is earlier than this challenge.


>> matl it!ptbw~)3^4*3/XT*hs
> [1 4 3; 2 2 2; 3 0 0; 4 4 4]

>> matl it!ptbw~)3^4*3/XT*hs
> [5 0 0]


i             % input matrix
t!            % duplicate and transpose: each object is now a column
p             % product of elements in each column
t             % duplicate                                               
b             % bubble up top-third element in stack                              
w             % swap top two elements in stack                                  
~             % logical 'not'. This gives logical index of speheres                 
)             % reference () indexing. This is a logical-linear index to get sphere radii
3^4*3/XT*     % formula for volume of spehere; element-wise operations
h             % horizontal concatenation                                
s             % sum                

Luis Mendo

Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 87 464


Prolog, 115 100 bytes


[[L,W,H]|T]*V:-W=0,X is 4*pi*L^3/3,T*Y,V is X+Y;X is L*W*H,T*Y,V is X+Y.


[[L,W,H]|T]*V:-W=0,                           % When 2nd dimension is 0
                  X is 4*pi*L^3/3,            % Calc volume of sphere
                  T*Y,                        % Recurse over list
                  V is X+Y                    % Sum volumes
                  ;                           % When we have a cube
                  X is L*W*H,                 % Calc cube volume
                  T*Y                         % Recurse over list
                  V is X+Y.                   % Sum volumes
p(L):-L*V,                                    % Get combined volume of list of lists
      write(V).                               % Print volume




Try it online here

Edit: saved 15 bytes by defining a dyadic predicate.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 50 798


Perl, 52 47 bytes

s/,/*/g||s@$@**3*4.18879@,$\+=eval for/\S+/g}{

46 + 1 for -p (that's been common; let me know if it's different here and I'll update)

Usage: put in a file and echo 1,4,3 2,2,2 3 4,4,4 | perl -p

With comments:

s/,/*/g                # x,y,z becomes x*y*z
||                     # if that fails,
s@$@**3*1420/339@      # x becomes x**3 * 1420/339
,                      # 
$\+=eval               # evaluate the expression and accumulate
for/\S+/g              # iterate groups of non-whitespace
}{                     # -p adds while(<>){...}continue{print}; resets $_

update 47 Thanks to @Dennis for saving some bytes using this trick.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 946

s/,/*/g||s@$@**3*4.18879@,$\+=eval for/\S+/g;}{ saves a few bytes. – Dennis – 2015-12-19T16:51:17.773

@Dennis Thanks! I tried with $\ before but resetting $_ cost as much. Still unclear as to why $_ is reset in a new block, though.. Is $_ block-local in while(<>){}? – Kenney – 2015-12-19T17:14:21.270

Yes, $_ is the default variable of the current scope. In the END block, it is undefined. – Dennis – 2015-12-19T17:17:52.953


CJam, 24 21 bytes


Test it here.


q~       e# Read and evaluate input.
{        e# Map this block over the list of presents...
  3*     e#   Repeat the list of lengths 3 times. This will expand cuboids to 9 elements
         e#   and spheres to three copies of the radius.
  )      e#   Pull off the last element.
  4P*3/* e#   Multiply by 4 pi / 3.
  +      e#   Add it back to the list of lengths.
  3<     e#   Truncate to 3 elements. This is a no-op for spheres, which now have three
         e#   elements [r r 4*pi/3*r] but discards everything we've done to cuboids, such
         e#   that they're reduced to their three side lengths again.
  :*     e#   Multiply the three numbers in the list.
:+       e# Sum all the individual volumes.

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 184 808


PowerShell, 67 Bytes


Some black magic happening here. I'll try to walk through it smoothly.

We first take our input, expected as individual comma-delimited arrays e.g. (1,4,3) (2,2,2) (3) (4,4,4), and pipe that into a loop |%{}.

Inside the loop, we first check whether $_, the particular array we're considering, has only one item and use that to index into an array (essentially a shorter if/else construction). If it's more than one item, suppose (1,4,3) as input, we execute the first half, which is simply to spit out the array via $_, such as (1,4,3). Otherwise, we create a new dynamic array consisting of the element three times with (,$_*3) and tack on an approximation of 4/3rd*Pi. For input (3), this will result in (3,3,3,4.18879) output.

Yes, PowerShell has a Pi constant, accessed via .NET call [math]::PI, but that's longer and I don't want to use it. :p

Regardless, we concatenate that output array with asterisks via -join'*', so "1*4*3". Once we're completely through the loop, we now have a collection of strings. We -join'+' all those together for our addition, and iex the expression to calculate the result.



Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 41 581


R, 70 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 2 379


Pip, 23 bytes


There's a couple ways to give input to this program. It can take each present as a command-line argument of three space-separated numbers (which will need to be wrapped in quotes: present.pip "1 4 3" "3 0 0"). Alternately, specify the -r flag and give each present as a line of stdin consisting of three space-separated numbers. Try it online!


                         g is list of cmdline args (or lines of stdin, if using -r flag)
                         s is space, PI is what it says on the tin (implicit)
                    g^s  Split each argument on spaces, so we have a list of lists
{                }MS     Map this function to each sublist and sum the results:
 $*a                      Fold the list on * (i.e. take the product)
    |                     Logical OR: if the above value is zero, use this value instead:
     4/3*PI*              4/3 pi, times
            @a            First element of the list
              **3         Cubed
                         Autoprint the result


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 21 213


Ruby, 58 characters

->b{b.reduce(0){|t,s|a,b,c=*s;t+(c ?a*b*c :a**3*4.18879)}}

Sample run:

2.1.5 :001 ->b{b.reduce(0){|t,s|a,b,c=*s;t+(c ?a*b*c :a**3*4.18879)}}[[[1,4,3],[2,2,2],[3],[4,4,4]]]
 => 197.09733

Ruby, 50 characters

Improvement idea shamelessly stolen from edc65's JavaScript answer.

->b{t=0;{|a,b,c|t+=c ?a*b*c :a**3*4.18879};t}

Sample run:

2.1.5 :001 > ->b{t=0;{|a,b,c|t+=c ?a*b*c :a**3*4.18879};t}[[[1,4,3],[2,2,2],[3],[4,4,4]]]
 => 197.09733


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 17 865


Japt, 27 22 bytes

N®r*1 ª4/3*M.P*Zg ³} x

Takes input as space-separated arrays. Try it online!

How it works

N®   r*1 ª 4/3*M.P*Zg ³  } x
NmZ{Zr*1 ||4/3*M.P*Zg p3 } x

          // Implicit: N = array of input arrays
NmZ{   }  // Map each item Z in N to:
Zr*1      //  Reduce Z with multiplication.
||4/3*M.P //  If this is falsy, calculate 4/3 times Pi
*Zg p3    //  times the first item in Z to the 3rd power.
x         // Sum the result.
          // Implicit: output last expression


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 47 880


R, 38 36 bytes


Uses default arguments to switch between the cases: with three arguments computes the product, and with one argument computes the sphere formula.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 1 135

do you need the f<- and the {}? – Giuseppe – 2018-09-14T17:09:00.977

This code does not output correctly for the test case (5,0,0). Also, it does not accommodate the test case where there are multiple presents and the volumes need to be summed together. – Robert S. – 2018-09-14T20:11:52.133

For (5,0,0) I get zero — is that not correct? Have edited to use sum (and removed some stuff that wasn't necessary per Giuseppe's suggestion) – JDL – 2018-09-17T07:29:16.357


05AB1E, 18 16 bytes


Try it online.


ε                # Map each inner list of the (implicit) input to:
 D               #  Duplicate the current inner list
  gi             #  Is the length 1 (is it an `R`):
    3m           #   Take the duplicated current item and take its cube
                 #    i.e. [3] → [27]
      žq         #   PI
        4*       #   Multiplied by 4
          3/     #   Divided by 3
                 #    → 4.1887902047863905
            *    #   And multiply it with the current cubed `R`
                 #    [27] and 4.1887902047863905 → [113.09733552923254]
]                # Close both the if and map
 P               # Take the product of each inner list
                 #  i.e. [[1,4,3],[2,2,2],[113.09733552923254],[4,4,4]]
                 #   → [12,8,113.09733552923254,64]
  O              # Take the total sum (and output implicitly)
                 #  i.e. [12,8,113.09733552923254,64] → 197.09733552923254

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 67 575


Perl 5, 142 bytes

Run with -p in the command line, and type numbers delimited with a comma, like so:

5,0,0 or (5,0,0)

would produce


There is no pi keyword in Perl. This is, in most cases, accurate to the significant figures specified, however even if I typed in all the figures of pi I know, it wouldn't be very accurate for some calculations. So I left it with 3.1415. I'm unsure if this is acceptable or not.


@a=$_=~/(\d+,*)/g;$_=0;@n = map(split(/\D/),@a);for($i=0;$i<$#n;$i+=3){$x=$n[$i];$n[$i+1]==0?$_+=1420/339*$x**3:$_+=($x*$n[$i+1]*$n[$i+2]);}

Edited for greater precision on the advice of Dennis, who is better at basic mathematics than I, and from a suggestion by MichaelT to save bytes whilst remaining precise.


Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

Reputation: 297


  • How would you parse 1511? 2. 3.1415 is neither rounded properly nor sufficiently precise. If my calculations are correct, the error must not be greater than 0.0000017. 3. (4/3)*3.1415 can be replaced with a single float.
  • < – Dennis – 2015-12-18T15:54:01.233


  • The OP says we may assume trailing zero's for spheres (which is in fact the example input I provided), 2. I don't know what calculations you're using, but sure, I'll increase the precision, and 3. good suggestion, I missed that one. Thanks!
  • < – Codefun64 – 2015-12-18T15:58:20.043

    I don't have the resources in front of me at the moment, though I wonder if doing 1420/339 would give you a few bytes back with a reasonable approximation. (this is 4/3 * 355/113). The difference between the fraction and the value you have is is -8.49130615e-8 – None – 2015-12-18T16:08:19.473

    @MichaelT That is the most interesting thing. Do you have a script that finds the smallest fractional representation of numbers? ;) – Codefun64 – 2015-12-18T16:09:32.070

    Codefun64 I just worked off of the other common approximation for pi. 22/7 isn't within enough tolerance, so I glanced at an used the next one to see if it had a tolerance better than what @Dennis was asking for.

    – None – 2015-12-18T16:11:17.590

    Re 1. Zeroes are OK, but without a separator between the numbers, how would you differentiate 15,1,1 from 1,51,1? Re 2. 1420/339 is what I use in my answer. See the discussion following this for the precision requirement. (CC @MichaelT)

    – Dennis – 2015-12-18T16:16:54.547

    @Dennis I very much screwed up by getting rid of delimiters for the numbers, I see. Thank you for that. I will be fixing that now. For what it's worth, I had it delimited with commas, but then got rid of it, thinking that was a clever way to save bytes... – Codefun64 – 2015-12-18T16:20:00.273

    Isn't there a math module with pi in it? – ASCIIThenANSI – 2015-12-18T16:22:13.510

    @ASCIIThenANSI use Math::Trig ':pi'; takes up quite a few bytes. – None – 2015-12-18T16:23:51.050

    Fixed the delimiter, and also changed the regex to be more golfed. – Codefun64 – 2015-12-18T16:31:24.883

    Take a look at - you can get that down to 66 bytes at least.

    – Kenney – 2015-12-18T23:46:12.053


    Lua, 115 104 bytes

    function f(a)b=0 for i=1,#a do c=a[i]b=b+(1<#c and c[1]*c[2]*c[3]or(4/3)*math.pi*c[1]^3)end return b end

    Straightforward solution, I have to wrap the pseudo-ternary operation <condition> and <non-false> or <value if false> in parenthesis else b would sum with both areas.

    Input must be in the form array={{1,4,3},{2,2,2},{3},{4,4,4}} and the result can be seen by executing print(f(array)).


    Posted 2015-12-18T12:04:15.790

    Reputation: 2 857