"Hello, World!"



So... uh... this is a bit embarrassing. But we don't have a plain "Hello, World!" challenge yet (despite having 35 variants tagged with , and counting). While this is not the most interesting code golf in the common languages, finding the shortest solution in certain esolangs can be a serious challenge. For instance, to my knowledge it is not known whether the shortest possible Brainfuck solution has been found yet.

Furthermore, while all of Wikipedia (the Wikipedia entry has been deleted but there is a copy at archive.org ), esolangs and Rosetta Code have lists of "Hello, World!" programs, none of these are interested in having the shortest for each language (there is also this GitHub repository). If we want to be a significant site in the code golf community, I think we should try and create the ultimate catalogue of shortest "Hello, World!" programs (similar to how our basic quine challenge contains some of the shortest known quines in various languages). So let's do this!

The Rules

  • Each submission must be a full program.
  • The program must take no input, and print Hello, World! to STDOUT (this exact byte stream, including capitalization and punctuation) plus an optional trailing newline, and nothing else.
  • The program must not write anything to STDERR.
  • If anyone wants to abuse this by creating a language where the empty program prints Hello, World!, then congrats, they just paved the way for a very boring answer.

    Note that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. It is allowed (and even encouraged) to write this interpreter yourself for a previously unimplemented language.

  • Submissions are scored in bytes, in an appropriate (pre-existing) encoding, usually (but not necessarily) UTF-8. Some languages, like Folders, are a bit tricky to score - if in doubt, please ask on Meta.
  • This is not about finding the language with the shortest "Hello, World!" program. This is about finding the shortest "Hello, World!" program in every language. Therefore, I will not mark any answer as "accepted".
  • If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language which already has an answer (think BASIC or SQL dialects, Unix shells or trivial Brainfuck-derivatives like Alphuck), consider adding a note to the existing answer that the same or a very similar solution is also the shortest in the other language.

As a side note, please don't downvote boring (but valid) answers in languages where there is not much to golf - these are still useful to this question as it tries to compile a catalogue as complete as possible. However, do primarily upvote answers in languages where the authors actually had to put effort into golfing the code.

For inspiration, check the Hello World Collection.

The Catalogue

The Stack Snippet at the bottom of this post generates the catalogue from the answers a) as a list of shortest solution per language and b) as an overall leaderboard.

To make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:

## Language Name, N bytes

where N is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you can keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:

## Ruby, <s>104</s> <s>101</s> 96 bytes

If there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the last number in the header:

## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes

You can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:

## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes

/* Configuration */

var QUESTION_ID = 55422; // Obtain this from the url
// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page
var ANSWER_FILTER = "!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe";
var COMMENT_FILTER = "!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk";
var OVERRIDE_USER = 8478; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.

/* App */

var answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;

function answersUrl(index) {
  return "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/" +  QUESTION_ID + "/answers?page=" + index + "&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=" + ANSWER_FILTER;

function commentUrl(index, answers) {
  return "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/" + answers.join(';') + "/comments?page=" + index + "&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=" + COMMENT_FILTER;

function getAnswers() {
    url: answersUrl(answer_page++),
    method: "get",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    crossDomain: true,
    success: function (data) {
      answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);
      answers_hash = [];
      answer_ids = [];
      data.items.forEach(function(a) {
        a.comments = [];
        var id = +a.share_link.match(/\d+/);
        answers_hash[id] = a;
      if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;
      comment_page = 1;

function getComments() {
    url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),
    method: "get",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    crossDomain: true,
    success: function (data) {
      data.items.forEach(function(c) {
        if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)
      if (data.has_more) getComments();
      else if (more_answers) getAnswers();
      else process();


var SCORE_REG = /<h\d>\s*([^\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\n>]*>[^\n<]*<\/[^\n>]*>)[^\n,<]*)*),.*?(\d+)(?=[^\n\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\n<>]*<\/s>|[^\n<>]+>)[^\n\d<>]*)*<\/h\d>)/;

var OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\s*header:\s*/i;

function getAuthorName(a) {
  return a.owner.display_name;

function process() {
  var valid = [];
  answers.forEach(function(a) {
    var body = a.body;
    a.comments.forEach(function(c) {
        body = '<h1>' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '</h1>';
    var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);
    if (match)
        user: getAuthorName(a),
        size: +match[2],
        language: match[1],
        link: a.share_link,
    else console.log(body);
  valid.sort(function (a, b) {
    var aB = a.size,
        bB = b.size;
    return aB - bB

  var languages = {};
  var place = 1;
  var lastSize = null;
  var lastPlace = 1;
  valid.forEach(function (a) {
    if (a.size != lastSize)
      lastPlace = place;
    lastSize = a.size;
    var answer = jQuery("#answer-template").html();
    answer = answer.replace("{{PLACE}}", lastPlace + ".")
                   .replace("{{NAME}}", a.user)
                   .replace("{{LANGUAGE}}", a.language)
                   .replace("{{SIZE}}", a.size)
                   .replace("{{LINK}}", a.link);
    answer = jQuery(answer);

    var lang = a.language;
    lang = jQuery('<a>'+lang+'</a>').text();
    languages[lang] = languages[lang] || {lang: a.language, lang_raw: lang, user: a.user, size: a.size, link: a.link};

  var langs = [];
  for (var lang in languages)
    if (languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))

  langs.sort(function (a, b) {
    if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() > b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return 1;
    if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() < b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return -1;
    return 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)
    var language = jQuery("#language-template").html();
    var lang = langs[i];
    language = language.replace("{{LANGUAGE}}", lang.lang)
                       .replace("{{NAME}}", lang.user)
                       .replace("{{SIZE}}", lang.size)
                       .replace("{{LINK}}", lang.link);
    language = jQuery(language);

body {
  text-align: left !important;
  display: block !important;

#answer-list {
  padding: 10px;
  width: 290px;
  float: left;

#language-list {
  padding: 10px;
  width: 500px;
  float: left;

table thead {
  font-weight: bold;

table td {
  padding: 5px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/codegolf/all.css?v=ffb5d0584c5f">
<div id="language-list">
  <h2>Shortest Solution by Language</h2>
  <table class="language-list">
    <tbody id="languages">

<div id="answer-list">
  <table class="answer-list">
    <tbody id="answers">

<table style="display: none">
  <tbody id="answer-template">
    <tr><td>{{PLACE}}</td><td>{{NAME}}</td><td>{{LANGUAGE}}</td><td>{{SIZE}}</td><td><a href="{{LINK}}">Link</a></td></tr>
<table style="display: none">
  <tbody id="language-template">
    <tr><td>{{LANGUAGE}}</td><td>{{NAME}}</td><td>{{SIZE}}</td><td><a href="{{LINK}}">Link</a></td></tr>

Martin Ender

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 184 808

1Must the language meet our usual requirements for what a programming language is, or are we operating by kolmogorov complexity rules? – isaacg – 10 years ago

2@isaacg No it doesn't. I think there would be some interesting languages where it's not obvious whether primality testing is possible. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

6If the same program, such as "Hello, World!", is the shortest in many different and unrelated languages, should it be posted separately? – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 10 years ago

1@aditsu Yes, because there's no way anyone to find to the shortest version in an answer of an unrelated language. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

Is there a way to make the snippet runnable without having to click "Show code snippet" first? – mbomb007 – 10 years ago

2@mbomb007 Well it's hidden by default because the three code blocks take up a lot of space. I could minify them so that they are a single line each, but I'd rather keep the code maintainable in case bugs come up. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

@MartinBüttner About minifying the code, why not minify it with a repeatable minification program, and then include a link to the pre-minified script? – isaacg – 10 years ago

Or the non-minified code could be included in the post in a html comment. – curiousdannii – 10 years ago

Would it be alright for me to answer in my custom esolang that I have not published yet, but have been planning for a few weeks? (I'll only post after I publish it, of course.) It doesn't have any built-ins for "Hello, World!"; the answer will still output it "the hard way". – ETHproductions – 10 years ago

7@ETHproductions "Unlike our usual rules, feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge." Publishing the language and an implementation before posting it would definitely be helpful though. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

@MartinBüttner Oh, right, didn't catch that the first time. Thanks! – ETHproductions – 10 years ago

This solution of mine causes graphical glitches in the scoreboard when the score is added. – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

@LegionMammal978 I'll see if I can do something about it later, but does it really make sense to add a separate Unary solution, if the optimal solution will always be the translation of the optimal BF solution? I think this falls under the "trivial derivatives" bullet point in the spec. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

Can you assume that there is no input? – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

@LegionMammal978 Yes.

– Martin Ender – 9 years ago

1Each submission must be a full program. ... pleace enforce this! Obeying this rule creates a handicap as long as solutions ignoring it are tolerated. – None – 9 years ago

@yeti are they? Could you point me to any that ignore it? I try to keep an eye on all new submissions but at almost 350 answers, occasionally one might slip through the cracks. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

@MartinBüttner What if the language doesn't have a conventional STDOUT? My preferred language, Mathcad, doesn't have a STDOUT. It is effectively a virtual whiteboard (or sheets of paper) that allows the user to mix text and mathematical expressions, plus graphics, on the "page". Even simply evaluating an expression using the "=" operator causes the output to appear on the "page" (eg, typing "2+2=" results in "2+2=4" appearing). – Stuart Bruff – 9 years ago

1@StuartBruff might be worth asking that on meta, but if stuff appearing on the page is the only way to produce output then I'd call that the closest alternative to STDOUT. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

@MartinBüttner Thanks, Mathcad answer added. – Stuart Bruff – 9 years ago

2@MartinEnder ... Almost. If two BF solutions have the same size, the one with smaller lexicographical order will take smaller number of bytes in Unary. Of course the smallest Unary solution translated to BF is guaranteed to be smallest. – user202729 – 7 years ago



Stuck, 0 bytes

Well, can't get shorter than that... An empty program will output Hello, World! in Stuck.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 32 976

58Damn, i was 20 minutes late! :P – Kade – 10 years ago

35Noooo c'mon fastest gun in the west effect ;) – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

2Wow ! Thats fascinating :) – abhixec – 10 years ago

7@Shebang Did you create the language just so you can win puzzles like this? – Elmo – 10 years ago

34@Zuck Well yes, Stuck was made for code-golfing, just like CJam/GolfScript/Pyth. The Hello, World! thing was just something I had put in as a placeholder early in development. I didn't intend to leave it in so long, just never got around to removing it. – Kade – 10 years ago

139I've been trying to come up with a shorter solution, but I'm stuck. – Cyoce – 9 years ago

14@Shebang 20 minutes, 150+ upvotes. I kinda feel for you – Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub – 9 years ago

58-1 bytes in jQuery. Have you tried jQuery? – 10 Replies – 8 years ago

@Cyoce How can you have negative quantity? – facepalm42 – 6 years ago


PHP, 13 bytes

Hello, World!

Yes. It works.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 169

269As usual with PHP, you always wonder how it can work – Fatalize – 10 years ago

98It works, of course, because there's no <?php in the code, causing it not to get interpreted by PHP at all :) – Lynn – 10 years ago

59That means this is just an HTML answer... – Nelson – 10 years ago

85@Nelson no, it doesn't. PHP doesn't necessarily have to be placed in to HTML. And plus, HTML doesn't print to the stdout – georgeunix – 10 years ago

29This is the most hilarious answer ever – Oliver Ni – 9 years ago

14@Fatalize Let's work on giving the anti-PHP comment more votes than the PHP answer. We're getting closer... – YoYoYonnY – 9 years ago

1@georgeniux html is just markup. If you want a "program" to "run" html you could do alias html=cat and then it outputs to stdout. – Marcel – 8 years ago

6This is an html answer. it's lame to call it php. You'd get the same thing for the same reason in any template language. It's pugs/mason/template toolkit too! – Evan Carroll – 8 years ago

9trying this out via CLI with php -r "Hello, World!" results in an error. – phil294 – 8 years ago

2@YoYoYonnY Success has been achieved :P – HyperNeutrino – 8 years ago

5See, when I did this, I got a -1, not +173 – Stan Strum – 8 years ago

@StanStrum Because then it would be a duplicate of this answer – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago

@MilkyWay90 I vaguely remember the context of this (being about 2 years ago) but I had written a similar answer to a similar question and received a -1. Not on this question, being not a duplicate. – Stan Strum – 6 years ago

Well, it seems to work at least at ideone.com, outputting Hello, World! to stdout.

– hyde – 6 years ago


Brainfuck, 78 bytes

Open-ended bounty: If anyone can improve this score, I will pass the bounty (+500) on to them. @KSab has found a 76 72 byte solution!


Try it online!

The first 28 bytes --<-<<+[+[<+>--->->->-<<<]>] initialize the tape with the following recurrence relation (mod 256):

fn = 171·(-fn-1 - fn-2 - fn-3 + 1), with f0 = 57, f1 = 123, and f2 = 167.

The factor of 171 arises because 3-1 ≡ 171 (mod 256). When the current value is translated one cell back (via <+>---) subtracting 3 each time effectively multiplies the value by 171.

At n = 220 the value to be translated is zero, and the iteration stops. The ten bytes preceding the stop point are the following:

[130, 7, 43, 111, 32, 109, 87, 95, 74, 0]

This contains all of the components necessary to produce Hello, World!, in hunt-and-peck fashion, with minor adjustments.

I've also found an alternative 78 byte solution:


Try it online!

I consider this one to be better than the first for several reasons: it uses less cells left of home, it modifies less cells in total, and terminates more quickly.

More Detail

Recurrence relations have surprisingly terse representations in Brainfuck. The general layout is the following:


which represents:

fn = c1·fn-1 + c2·fn-2 + c3·fn-3 + ... + k


f0 = s1, f1 = s2 + c1·f0 + k, f2 = s3 + c2·f0 + c1·f1 + k, etc.

Additionally, the <+> may be changed to multiply the range by a constant without affecting the stop point, and a term may be added before the >{k} to shift the range by a constant, again without affecting the stop point.

Other Examples

Fibonacci Sequence


N-gonal Numbers

Triangular Numbers


Defined as fn = 2·fn-1 - fn-2 + 1, with f0 = 0, f1 = 1.

Square Numbers


Pentagonal Numbers



BF Crunch

I've published the code I used to find some of this solutions on github. Requires .NET 4.0 or higher.

Usage: bfcrunch [--options] text [limit]

  text              The text to produce.
  limit             The maximum BF program length to search for. If zero, the length of the
                    shortest program found so far will be used (-r). Default = 0

  -i, --max-init=#  The maximum length of the initialization segment. If excluded, the
                    program will run indefinitely.
  -I, --min-init=#  The minimum length of the initialization segment. Default = 14
  -t, --max-tape=#  The maximum tape size to consider. Programs that utilize more tape than
                    this will be ignored. Default = 1250
  -T, --min-tape=#  The minimum tape size to consider. Programs that utilize less tape than
                    this will be ignored. Default = 1
  -r, --rolling-limit
                    If set, the limit will be adjusted whenever a shorter program is found.
  -?, --help        Display this help text.

Output is given in three lines:

  1. Total length of the program found, and the initialization segment.
  2. Path taken, starting with the current tape pointer. Each node corresponds to one character of output, represented as (pointer, cost).
  3. Utilized tape segment.

For example, the final result for bfcrunch "hello world" 70 -r -i23 is:

64: ++++[[<+>->+++++>+<<]>]
49, (45, 5), (44, 3), (45, 6), (45, 1), (45, 4), (42, 4), (43, 5), (45, 3), (45, 4), (46, 2), (44, 4)
32, 116, 100, 104, 108, 132, 0, 0, 132, 0

This corresponds to the full program:


Other Records

Hello, World!

Wrapping, 78 bytes:




Non-wrapping, 87 bytes (previously 92 bytes (mitchs)):


Hello, world!

Wrapping, 80 bytes:


Non-wrapping, 81 bytes (previously 92 bytes (hirose)):


hello, world!

Wrapping, 74 bytes:


Non-wrapping, 84 bytes:


Esolangs Version

Hello World!\n

Wrapping, 76 bytes:


This uses one cell left of home, and thus would be considered 77.

Non-wrapping, 83 bytes:


Rdebath approved. profilebf output:

Hello World!
Program size 83
Final tape contents:
 :   0   0  73 101 109 115 112  88  33  10   0
Tape pointer maximum 10
Hard wrapping would occur for unsigned cells.
Counts:     +: 720          -: 79           >: 221          <: 212
Counts:     [: 9            ]: 84           .: 13           ,: 0
Total:         1338

inversed.ru (Peter Karpov)

Hello World!

Wrapping, 70 bytes (previously 781):


Non-wrapping, 77 bytes (previously 89?):


The author claims that the shortest hand-coded "Hello World!" is 89 bytes, but provides no reference. I hereby claim the record for this, too.

hello world!

Wrapping, 65 bytes (previously 66 bytes):


This is actually hand-coded as well (the best I could find by crunching is 68 bytes). The first cell is initialized to 259 (3), and decremented by 7 each iteration, looping 37 times. The next cell is decremented by 6, resulting in 256 - 6·37 = 34. The rest of the cells are decremented by 4 each time, adding one cell each iteration, with each new cell inialized to 252 (-4). The result is the following:

[  3,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, ...]
[252, 250, 248,   0,   0,   0,   0, ...]
[245, 244, 244, 248,   0,   0,   0, ...]
[238, 238, 240, 244, 248,   0,   0, ...]
[231, 232, 236, 240, 244, 248,   0, ...]
[224, 226, 232, 236, 240, 244, 248, ...]
[ 35,  64, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, ...]
[ 28,  58, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, ...]
[ 21,  52, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, ...]
[ 14,  46, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, ...]
[  7,  40, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, ...]
[  0,  34, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, ...]

1 The solution given (79 bytes) can be trivially reduced by one:



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 30 891

5This is great! Got the small-w version down to 82 :) +>---->->+++>++>->+[++++++++[>++++++++>>+++++<<<-]<]>>.+>++>.>..+>>.+>-->--[>-.<<] – Mitch Schwartz – 9 years ago

41This is nuts. One of you should submit the 82-byte version to anarchy golf. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

120The best Java solution to this question is 76 bytes. Only 9 more bytes to go to prove Java developers should switch to Brainfuck. – Level River St – 9 years ago

9@LevelRiverSt The small-letters one is 2 bytes shorter than Java. The endtimes have come. – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

6Awesome work Primo! @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ the edit was on Jan 29, nearly 4 weeks after my previous comment, and the world has not ended. Remember the fuss about Millenium Bug back in late 1999, and nothing happened in 2000? Just like then, the world remains the same, and developers are STILL using Java. WTF! – Level River St – 9 years ago

13"Only 9 more bytes to go to prove Java developers should switch to Brainfuck." interface a{static void main(String[]A){System.out.print("No!");}} – user8397947 – 9 years ago


Sorry to break dreams, but Java got really ahead...

– Olivier Grégoire – 8 years ago

@dorukayhan main(){puts("Hahaha");} – Stan Strum – 7 years ago


@primo 76 bytes! https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163590/15858

– KSab – 7 years ago

@OlivierGrégoire that's a really outdated version of Java though, who uses that in production anymore :P – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

@ASCII-only I know a few companies... – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago


ArnoldC, 71 bytes


Just for lols..


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 2 401

4Worked for me. Try putting it's showtime on the first line and you have been terminated on the last line – JelloDude – 10 years ago

78I really need to learn how to use this language. – Buzz – 10 years ago

3Doesn't a space and a newline take up the same number of bytes? And technically, IT'S SHOWTIME and TALK TO THE HAND should be on the first and last lines. – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

3@wizzwizz4 It worked for me like this :D – AlCode – 9 years ago

6@AlCode But it's more correct and takes up the same number of bytes and there is more compatibility and it looks nicer and why am I making a fuss this is a code golf challenge on PPCG and it is a surprise that your code is readable and well done you made a well golfed answer that was readable and +1. – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

13@wizzwizz4 thank your very much, I try to be as professional as possible with ArnoldC the language of the future! – AlCode – 9 years ago


Seed, 6016 4234 4203 bytes

20 854872453003476740699221564322673731945828554947586276010721089172712854441839676581917455319274850944955030258951339804246125714958815519550291630078076933441706558540342671975808828643360922071900333028778314875248417953197990571991784126564752005357199892690656368640420204822142316716413192024742766282266114842280731756458212469988291309261528542889299297601723286769284159107438930448971911102280330101196758384815655479640836157495863547199726234352265518586460633795171196315255736880028338460236768181141732764911402112878175632130129852788301009582463631290071329795384336617491655825493435803011947670180368458659271192428341035912236946048939139042310380278430049252171822721598175984923434205610723412240162418996808671543770639111617709604242882388664919702606792443015941265168129550718541372361144081848761690730764968771245566074501485020726368378675085908872608679630368472956274468410052703615106090238423979678950131481176272880569100533049143775921798055136871254424261001442543122666701145111965968366507060931708140304772342855064834334129143038575569044150428480231956133612367393837580345180691911525531699573096952433882387811884727975431823620782822755161559988205401134640722220804177812794328129589949692446031008866917615922944976151073653201316255518389496411696741029209242119521978920200314572718584995265523235225587228975886710511855501710470163649632761488899317729943053884132314641377747687975638119132094777769497069556255954031537245957811105217875011509899497752696062748928963281605780942517262774976217663461063680912331030221981433051827519906741285738915397005702326447635845195923640649166530310494885569783989508000344280715868581532826832242144647203531393142251025361866506821695860883605004105862208004440476654027574832078603305884731766236740069411566854496824754558761536201352147934963241039597221404341132342297870517293237489233057335406510464277610336142382379135365550299895416613763920950687921780736585299310706573253951966294045814905727514141733220565108490291792987304210662448111170752411153136765318541264632854767660676223663544921028492602135525959428999005153729028491208277493747933069008199074925710651071766675870081314909460661981433426167330215548196538791617762566403934129026219366764038390123622134753742930729751695349588862441999672547791630729398908283091638866715502470152431589429837867944760012419885615525232399584379209285060418518373512154801760060312646951597932345591416241634668119867158079946680321131213357200382937049485606706114467095019612014749723443159443363662563254359712162432143334612180576945072905749883870150120687696027984317320305291407322779803583395375616762530641605634303022155218169343410634115050596030685041633824154135240376022159918501703555881290333205131375705406831260759974112248490451605422031345264183102048614606636275942039438138959188478277971377232005036301145411215067576576667743288951344423152531417111852584846747428443123174595987315325304540564683047858415059703724263652136185848573853965992798725654430360647040362341567082462847275277303225817689141675391972818943419663764371222973269129542760661385278009266471167618553065823580448848795731295589715602705860758954890415040763604082216728159486423396295188510311881004469017351709060492844398219491990895826924575575549615118821417543037296628825303328056839433114519945243963946989899508355224823109677424196639930153649890175062456649384605721510239142861693109687536600667811037619175927995599388547421689316110236566026931360164495251160997857372500940728057700473763884480342708897319990346726967220426504612260565552531158509215849649565188655100774748485416791517853427613458459889062942881409801879085054494129489535044719193283409051007851153504224002807392992520076910314763705776345053922387355156981872691537772657428096384535960466923475731297217863371650154415835785630016335858514130863258775100537612371430357576913148500310344278511588325852376442503898849856566716198848377379400158332792027967216204970114516984638014129252882482309132898416484525230488700253065644547798869056136044415413099076332059572505138116227535024546891015836838323022822272664771489129085797354578016574544759934333471793

The resulting Befunge-98 program (based on this) is

"9!dlroW ,olleH"ck,@


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 29 566

5Very impressive! According to the spec and reference implementation on esolangs, the 21 should come first though. As is, this tries to generate a Befunge program with 10⁶⁰¹¹ characters. – Dennis – 8 years ago

6@Dennis Oops LOL. – feersum – 8 years ago

37Wow! How did you find this? – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

3@ETHproductions I'll probably want to see if I can make the seed shorter than the length of the PRNG's state vector before I do an explanation. – feersum – 8 years ago

32What. That's insane. – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago

49HOW DID YOU GOLF THIS? – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago

44Did you reverse engineer the mersenne twister? And does this have any security implications? – primo – 8 years ago

5Given the size of the number and the fact that feersum was able to golf it down, this is almost certainly an abuse of some mechanic about the mersenne twister, but I'll leave feersum to answer the second question. – Zwei – 8 years ago

2Inquiring minds want to know ! – Aaron – 8 years ago

2@feersum We demand to know. – Buffer Over Read – 8 years ago

5I was actually about to start work on this lol. The MT is entirely linear. It isn't a Cryptographically Secure PRNG, so it is possible to reverse a desired output back to a seed. – Liam – 8 years ago


@Liam If you're still interested in the problem, you could try to crack this.

– feersum – 8 years ago

70I'll give you another +500 for a detailed (theoretical) explanation. – primo – 8 years ago


I've read this before, but his method needs 624 samples. I'd like to see how feersum did it as well.

– mbomb007 – 8 years ago

Is it possible to output a quote? It doesn't seem easy as there is a second loop in init_by_array.

– jimmy23013 – 8 years ago

18I think I'll pitch in +250 along with @primo – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago

8@ConorO'Brien As will I – NoOneIsHere – 8 years ago

8Trying to golf this... Estimated time: 511576891064129323642698858496 days, 18 hours – Christopher – 8 years ago

4My solution is 6014 bytes. :( This was a fun challenge to attempt. For anyone interested in how he managed to get this answer, take a look at Python's source code on GitHub. You'll be interested in _randommodule.c, random(), and init_by_array() – TehPers – 8 years ago

5Explanation plz!! – NoOneIsHere – 8 years ago

3Please. How did you do this?!?!?!?!?! – wizzwizz4 – 7 years ago

4 start="2018">

  • Still no explanation. I'm beginning to lose hope :(
  • < – betseg – 7 years ago

    6Essentially he took advantage of the fact that the Mersenne Twister is not a one-way random number generator (this is part of why it is not cryptographically secure). There are no security implications of this answer.

    More detailed: You can generate 624 integers to create the state of the Mersenne Twister, then generate the seed from that. He presumably kept generating integers until he found the string he was looking for (in this case the Befunge code above, then generated the seed for the 624 integers before it, which is posted above. Repeated searches is how he reduced the seed. – Spenser Truex – 7 years ago

    3@SpenserTruex This is not a good description of my algorithm. – feersum – 7 years ago

    18@feersum Then why not give one? ;) – musicman523 – 7 years ago

    6I guess it's because feersum likes to get these monthly reminders that he/she is smarter and wiser than everyone else... :) – Stewie Griffin – 7 years ago

    1@SpenserTruex I can't speak for this solution, but mine at least generates the 624 states by taking the expected output of the random number generator (padded with however many characters are needed to use 624 states in total), then reversing all the operations done by the random number generator. Since each character output accounts for two states in the generator, mine pads the expected output to 312 characters and reverses it to its states from there. I don't know how feersum golfed this though, or if that's even the same process used here. – TehPers – 7 years ago

    1Please, we need an explanation. I'm starting to think that you secretly reverse-engineered the Mersenne Twister and think that humanity is not ready for it and that telling it will make the world go into chaos – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago

    @TehPers how did you get the states? – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago


    For the sake of feersum's inbox, here's my (slightly broken) implementation of a Befunge-to-Seed converter. I would love to see the code used to generate this solution, but it seems like we won't get to view it anytime soon. For anyone interested in creating one on their own, you'll want to write a function that takes the expected output of the Mersenne Twister, converts it to the states that represent that output, then take a look at how the seed is used to generate those states to reverse it to the original seed. Have fun!

    – TehPers – 6 years ago

    This could actually be useful for my programming language – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago


    Outgolfed: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/191482/61379 Update: Now my answer is 68 digits less!

    – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 5 years ago


    Mornington Crescent, 3614 3568 bytes

    Thanks to NieDzejkob for saving 46 bytes by using shorter line names.

    Take Northern Line to Hendon Central
    Take Northern Line to Bank
    Take Circle Line to Bank
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Victoria
    Take Victoria Line to Seven Sisters
    Take Victoria Line to Victoria
    Take Circle Line to Victoria
    Take Circle Line to Bank
    Take Circle Line to Hammersmith
    Take Circle Line to Cannon Street
    Take Circle Line to Hammersmith
    Take Circle Line to Cannon Street
    Take Circle Line to Bank
    Take Circle Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Paddington
    Take District Line to Acton Town
    Take Piccadilly Line to Holloway Road
    Take Piccadilly Line to Acton Town
    Take District Line to Acton Town
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take Circle Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Victoria
    Take Victoria Line to Seven Sisters
    Take Victoria Line to Victoria
    Take Circle Line to Victoria
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take Circle Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Paddington
    Take District Line to Acton Town
    Take Piccadilly Line to Heathrow Terminals 1, 2, 3
    Take Piccadilly Line to Holborn
    Take Central Line to Holborn
    Take Central Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Barking
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Barking
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Wood Lane
    Take Circle Line to Victoria
    Take Circle Line to Victoria
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Paddington
    Take District Line to Mile End
    Take Central Line to Fairlop
    Take Central Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Barking
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take Circle Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Gunnersbury
    Take District Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Richmond
    Take District Line to Mile End
    Take District Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Paddington
    Take District Line to Richmond
    Take District Line to Bank
    Take Circle Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Stepney Green
    Take District Line to Hammersmith
    Take District Line to Stepney Green
    Take District Line to Upney
    Take District Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take Circle Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take Circle Line to Notting Hill Gate
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Upney
    Take District Line to Upminster
    Take District Line to Bank
    Take Circle Line to Bank
    Take Northern Line to Charing Cross
    Take Bakerloo Line to Charing Cross
    Take Bakerloo Line to Paddington
    Take Circle Line to Bank
    Take Circle Line to Bank
    Take Northern Line to Mornington Crescent

    Try it online!

    This is most certainly suboptimal, but it's half the size of the solution on esolangs.

    Hello, World is constructed via slicing the following station names and concatenating the results:

    Hendon Central
    Holloway Road
    Heathrow Terminals 1, 2, 3
    Wood Lane

    Finally, I'm computing the character code of ! as (2<<4)+1 == 33. All these parts are concatenated in Paddington and finally printed in Mornington Crescent.

    Note: The language doesn't specify whether it's possible to travel to same station twice in a row, but the interpreter does allow it, so I've made use of it.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    46This is absolutely brilliant :D – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    34I love this language. Excuse me, while I do systems programming in this language. – cat – 9 years ago

    6Where on EARTH has this language been all my life? – ScottMcGready – 8 years ago

    33@ScottMcGready between Camden Town and Euston. – Martin Ender – 8 years ago


    Mornington Crescent is on TIO now. https://tio.run/#mornington-crescent

    – Dennis – 7 years ago

    Pushing this to production... – arodebaugh – 7 years ago

    3572 bytes – NieDzejkob – 7 years ago

    @NieDzejkob what did you golf? Is it just some minor changes? – Martin Ender – 7 years ago

    @MartinEnder just using shorter Line names where possible – NieDzejkob – 7 years ago

    @NieDzejkob ah, right. I actually wrote a script for that when doing the primality test. I might see how short it gets using that if I can be bothered to understand the code again. – Martin Ender – 7 years ago

    @MartinEnder I believe you've misunderstood what I've done. Your script finds intermediate stations, mine finds shortest line names. I wrote a script to do this to get 3568 bytes.

    – NieDzejkob – 7 years ago

    @NieDzejkob Actually, I misremembered what my script does. I thought it just computes the overall golfiest path (including intermediate stations and lines), but apparently it only looks at the length of station names and leaves the rest up to the programmer. – Martin Ender – 7 years ago

    What the heck is this language? – AJFaraday – 7 years ago


    evil, 70 bytes


    It uses the following four commands:

    a - increment the register
    u - decrement the register
    e - interweave the register's bits (01234567 -> 20416375)
    w - write the value of the register as an ASCII character


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 18 565

    63That is evil... – David says Reinstate Monica – 10 years ago

    64Especially since your avatar is Black Hat. – TheDoctor – 10 years ago

    5can u explain me the interweave process. – Kishan Kumar – 9 years ago

    2@KishanKumar the register is one byte. Its 8 bits, bit 0 to bit 7, are reordered to form a new byte: (bit 2, bit 0, bit 4, bit 1, bit 6, bit 3, bit 7, bit 5). – grc – 9 years ago


    @KishanKumar yes

    – grc – 9 years ago

    1@grc thanks. Any offline compiler will also be great – Kishan Kumar – 9 years ago


    @KishanKumar there's a java implementation here.

    – grc – 9 years ago

    32If you read this program out loud, it sounds like a dubstep bass. – Joe Z. – 9 years ago


    brainfuck, 72 bytes


    Try it online!

    And the original non-wrapping 76 byte solution:


    Try it online!

    Other shortest known (to my knowledge) solutions I've found

    'Hello, world!' 77 bytes:


    Try it online!

    'hello, world!' 70 bytes:


    Try it online!

    These were found using a c++ program I wrote here: https://github.com/ksabry/bfbrute

    Note: I originally wanted to clean up this code before I posted it to make it actually somewhat readable and usable, but since I haven't gotten around to it in over a year I figure I'll just post it as is. It makes heavy use of templates and compile time constants for any potential optimizations and it has a bunch of commented out code from my testing but no helpful comments so sorry but it's a bit horrible.

    There is nothing terribly clever about the code, it's brute forcer at it's core, however it is quite optimized. The major optimization is that it first iterates through all programs without loops (no [ or ]) up to a specified length (16 currently) and caches an array of all the changes it will make on the data array. It will only store a single program per unique array of changes so for example only one of >+<<-> and <->>+< will be stored. It then iterates through all possible programs which are composed of any program in this cache with any combination of loops between them. After executing each program it does a simple greedy hunt and peck for the characters and appends this to the end of the program.

    After running this through the space of all programs I noticed that almost all the shortest programs (up to length ~19) were of the form *[*[*]*]. Restricting the search to programs of this form sped up the search considerably. The current record holder was found at length 27. This one was actually computed to be length 74, but I noticed a particular sequence .>.>.>. which was lucky enough to have a 0 in the data cell to it's right allowing it to be simplified to [.>]< bringing it down to 72.

    I let it run for quite awhile and completed the search with the current parameters up to length 29, I suspect it will be difficult to beat the current one by simply going higher, I think the most promising approach would probably be increasing the search space in some intelligent way.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 984

    32How on Earth did you find this? – Dennis – 7 years ago

    2@Dennis I will probably post an explanation of my process when I get the chance, along with the source code I used (once I clean it up) – KSab – 7 years ago

    34Hey you beat Java. – Poke – 7 years ago

    @KSab I wonder if this is optimal – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    18That's some device, it doesn't even require wrapping cells ó_Ò – primo – 7 years ago

    This is extremely impressive! For reference, the initialization loop leaves the tape as ...35 42 87 106 99 72 35 (0)... – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago

    5Would love to see the algorithm behind this :) – musicman523 – 7 years ago

    Are those other shortest solutions from a source that is not your brain? If so, can you post those sources? – Engineer Toast – 7 years ago

    1@EngineerToast sorry for the unclear wording, I did find those using the same method as the main solution – KSab – 7 years ago

    @Poke No, they don't beat Java

    – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago

    1Explain! (please.) – 3D1T0R – 7 years ago

    1I like how this uses a loop even during the "find and print" second half of the program. – LyricLy – 7 years ago

    1When are you going to explain it :P – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    We want an explanation! – Esolanging Fruit – 6 years ago

    1@EsolangingFruit I've been busy and honestly sort of forgot about this. It might not be too in depth but this weekend I think I'll make some time to write an explanation and upload the source code. – KSab – 6 years ago


    Piet, 90 codels

    enter image description here

    This is a 30 by 3 image. Alternatively, at codel size 10:

    enter image description here

    The uses a 3-high layout so that I only need to pointer once. If this is still golfable I could probably shave at most another column, since there's a push-pop no-op in there.

    Edit: @primo's 84 codel solution.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    6Trying to take your own bounty? I thought more of you Sp3000 ;) – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    7Hah, just because I set a bounty doesn't mean I can't join in the fun :P – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    Have a +1 anyway. I love Piet – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    This is the smallest Piet "Hello, World!" that I've seen. – mbomb007 – 10 years ago

    Great job! I’m trying to find a smaller solution, although I doubt I’ll be able to. Yeah, pointering is a pain in the butt. – M L – 10 years ago

    Nice! My Piet solution was the shortest one for a good half hour that's already something I guess :) Have you tried redrawing it with the first codel in the upper left corner black? (you won't have to rotate the pointer at all then). – plannapus – 10 years ago

    @plannapus I saw yours and thought about doing that, but as far as I can tell from the spec that's undefined behaviour, and in particular the interpreter I'm using doesn't do anything if the top left is black... – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    oh i didn't realize it was, as I always used PietDev. – plannapus – 10 years ago

    PietDev does not behave according to the specification, at least not in all respects. One major flaw is that PietDev does not work with integers once you use the DIV operation, which produces floating point values as a result. That’s why I always check my results with npiet. – M L – 10 years ago

    @plannapus one can, however, put a black codel on the second row, with largely the same effect: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/67601

    – primo – 9 years ago


    A push-pop isn't a no-op to me. It's this.

    – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    1What the hell is this "language"? I love it! – Zoltán Schmidt – 8 years ago

    8"push-pop no-op" is now my favourite phrase – BobTheAwesome – 8 years ago

    1Modern international spies must use this language. – Kzqai – 8 years ago

    You should be able to consider one codel equals 3 bytes, right? There are 2 bytes for x and y and one byte for the color. – Mega Man – 8 years ago

    @MegaMan Base 18 encoding would take 47 bytes, plus 2 bytes for dimensions makes 49. A better compression probably exists. – primo – 8 years ago


    Haystack, 17 Bytes

    Haystack is a 2D programming language that executes until it finds the needle in the haystack |, all while performing stack-based operations. All programs start from the top left corner, and can use the directional characters ><^v to move around the program. Direction is inherited, so you do not need to keep using > to go right, direction will only change when it hits a different directional character.

    By default, the interpreter reads from the top left going right, so we can just put "Hello, World!" onto the stack, use o to print it, then place the needle to finish executing.

    "Hello, World!"o|

    Bonus: A more exciting version:

    v      >;+o|
    v      "
    v      !
    v      d
    v      l
    v      r
    >>"Hello, ">>>v
           W      v
           "      v


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 463

    Just out of curiosity, what happens if you include one of the characters in a string? – Random832 – 10 years ago

    @Random832 In a string, directional characters are treated as regular characters, i.e. you can include them in a string. – Kade – 10 years ago

    Is there somewhere a detailed description or specification of the language? In particular I'm interested, what happens if you "step" on a whitespace? – Kritzefitz – 10 years ago

    @Kritzefitz I haven't written an official spec, but whitespace will preserve the direction that was used to travel to it. So, if your program is using right, it will continue right on a whitespace or a noop. – Kade – 10 years ago

    Most entertaining solution here; this one wins. – MrDuk – 10 years ago



    – bjb568 – 9 years ago

    3I wish I was half as smart as everyone here, but in the "documentation" (read: some guy's forum post) it says o outputs as a number. Shouldn't it be c at the end? Is there proper documentation anywhere? This is super interesting! – Devil's Advocate – 9 years ago

    2@Scott Super late to reply to this, that forum post was probably me! o outputs the top stack item as-is, i.e. if a number is there it prints that. c would simply cast that to a char. So, if you have a string or char on the top of the stack o would be what you want :) Eventually these docs will be updated.. – Kade – 8 years ago


    Help, WarDoq!, 1 byte


    Not only does Help, WarDoq! have a built-in for most common spellings of the phrase, it even satisfies our usual definition of programming language.

    Try it in the official online interpreter (code goes in Input).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    1Hahaha well done for creating the most useful golfing language ever :D – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    7So, HQ9++, essentially, eh? ;-) – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago


    @TimmyD Nope, not HQ9++.

    – Dennis – 10 years ago

    31Oh for crying out loud. Is there anything that isn't an esolang at this point? :) – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    104"Space: Begin a comment. The next non-space character ends the comment and is interpreted as usual." So you can only have comments made of spaces then??? I suppose even the most useful language in the world has to have one unuseful feature +1, – Level River St – 10 years ago


    @steveverrill Maybe if tabs are also considered as comments, then we can have the comments written as Whitespace programs

    – Optimizer – 10 years ago

    3And in which way the space is explicitly stated as character for comments, while it states any unkown character is ignored? doesn't it resolv to the same?! – Zaibis – 10 years ago

    3@LevelRiverSt I was going to upvote your comment, but it has 42 upvotes. – gcampbell – 9 years ago

    @LevelRiverSt Who says you can't encode comments in unary? Number of spaces in it's binary representation split into chunks of eight pieces all converted to base-10 and take each of their Unicode character equivalents, than you have your comment! It's as simple as that. – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago


    MarioLANG, 259 249 242 240 235 bytes


    This has been tested in the Ruby implementation.

    After obfuscating "Hello, World!" in MarioLANG I looked into golfing it a bit. The above is the shortest I have found so far.

    As before I started from a Brainfuck solution which sets four cells to the nearest multiple of 10 to the characters He, and space and converted it to MarioLANG. You can then shorten the code a bit by making use of the auxiliary floor in the loop which almost halves the width of the loop. Note that the bottom is only executed one time less than the top, so you don't get exact multiples of the initial counter in all 4 cells any more.

    Finally, I wanted to make use of the wasted space in front of the loop, so I added a bunch of elevators to make use of the vertical space there. And then I realised that I could fold the code after the loop (see previous revision) below the loop to make use of some more vertical space, which saved five more bytes.

    This is likely still far from perfect, but it's a decent improvement over the naive solution, I think.


    Time for some automation...

    I have started setting up a solver in Mathematica to find an optimal solution. It currently assumes that the structure of the code is fixed: counter set to 12, 4 cells for printing, with the fixed assignment to He,<space> and the same order of those cells. What it varies is the number of +s in the loop as well as the necessary corrections afterwards:

    n = 12;
       12(*initialiser base*)+
       Ceiling[(n - 6)/2] 3(*additional initialiser*)+
       8(*loop ends*)+
       18(*cell moves*)+
       43*2(*steps between letters in one cell*)+
       -2(*edge golf*)+
       4 Max[4 + a + d + g + j + 2 Sign[Sign@g + Sign@j] + 2 Sign@j + 2,
         4 + b + e + h + k + 2 Sign[Sign@h + Sign@k] + 2 Sign@k] +
       2 (Abs@c + Abs@f + Abs@i + Abs@l),
      a >= 0 && d >= 0 && g >= 0 && j >= 0 &&
       b >= 0 && e >= 0 && h >= 0 && k >= 0 &&
       n*a + (n - 1) b + c == 72 &&
       n*d + (n - 1) e + f == 101 &&
       n*g + (n - 1) h + i == 44 &&
       n*j + (n - 1) k + l == 32
     {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l},

    It turns out, that for an initial counter of 12 my handcrafted solution is already optimal. However, using 11 instead saves two bytes. I tried all counter values from 6 to 20 (inclusive) with the following results:

    6: {277,{a->7,b->6,c->0,d->16,e->1,f->0,g->0,h->9,i->-1,j->0,k->6,l->2}}
    7: {266,{a->6,b->5,c->0,d->11,e->4,f->0,g->2,h->5,i->0,j->0,k->5,l->2}}
    8: {258,{a->2,b->8,c->0,d->3,e->11,f->0,g->5,h->0,i->4,j->4,k->0,l->0}}
    9: {253,{a->8,b->0,c->0,d->5,e->7,f->0,g->2,h->3,i->2,j->0,k->4,l->0}}
    10: {251,{a->0,b->8,c->0,d->3,e->8,f->-1,g->4,h->0,i->4,j->3,k->0,l->2}}
    11: {240,{a->1,b->6,c->1,d->1,e->9,f->0,g->4,h->0,i->0,j->3,k->0,l->-1}}
    12: {242,{a->6,b->0,c->0,d->6,e->3,f->-4,g->0,h->4,i->0,j->0,k->3,l->-1}}
    13: {257,{a->1,b->5,c->-1,d->6,e->2,f->-1,g->3,h->0,i->5,j->0,k->3,l->-4}}
    14: {257,{a->1,b->4,c->6,d->0,e->8,f->-3,g->3,h->0,i->2,j->2,k->0,l->4}}
    15: {242,{a->1,b->4,c->1,d->3,e->4,f->0,g->1,h->2,i->1,j->2,k->0,l->2}}
    16: {252,{a->0,b->5,c->-3,d->4,e->2,f->7,g->0,h->3,i->-1,j->2,k->0,l->0}}
    17: {245,{a->4,b->0,c->4,d->5,e->1,f->0,g->0,h->3,i->-4,j->0,k->2,l->0}}
    18: {253,{a->4,b->0,c->0,d->1,e->5,f->-2,g->2,h->0,i->8,j->0,k->2,l->-2}}
    19: {264,{a->0,b->4,c->0,d->5,e->0,f->6,g->2,h->0,i->6,j->0,k->2,l->-4}}
    20: {262,{a->0,b->4,c->-4,d->5,e->0,f->1,g->2,h->0,i->4,j->0,k->2,l->-6}}

    Note: This solver assumes that the linear code after the loop is all on the top line, and the above code is that solution folded up. There might be a shorter overall solution by making the solver aware of the folding, because now I get 3 more +s in the first part for free, and the next 4 instructions would cost only 1 byte instead of 2.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    2@justhalf You should see my Pada answer. :P – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    Martin I love this answer. Would you consider making a post about this at our official forum ? We use the same as stackexchange editor. Our editorial would like to add it to Staff Picks.

    – Vitaliy Kaurov – 7 years ago


    Dark, 106 bytes

    +h hell
    h$twist sign s
    s$scrawl " Hello, World!
    h$twist stalker o

    I'll just let some quotes from the language specification speak for the brilliance of this esolang:

    Dark is a language based on manipulating entire worlds and dimensions to achieve goals and to build the best torturous reality possible.

    Whenever a syntax error occurs, the program's sanity decreases by 1. [...] If the program's sanity reaches zero, the interpreter goes insane.

    Corruption flips a single bit in the variable when it occurs.

    When the master dies, all servant variables attached to that master also die. This is useful for grouping and mass killing variables.

    Forces a variable to kill itself, freeing it (remember though that it will leave decay).

    Sets a variable to a random value. Uses the Global Chaos Generator.

    If a stalker is not initialized, any attempts to perform IO will result in depressing error messages to be written to the console.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    39This language is so metal. – Alex A. – 10 years ago

    7If we had to list programming languages in order of evilness, Dark would top evil. – LukStorms – 9 years ago

    39there is hell in hello – Khaled.K – 9 years ago

    super evil, you can even raise an army of walking gotos – bobrobbob – 7 years ago


    Chef, 465 bytes

    72 l h
    101 l e
    108 l l
    111 l o
    44 l C
    32 l S
    87 l w
    114 l r
    100 l d
    33 l X
    Put X into mixing bowl.Put d into mixing bowl.Put l into mixing bowl.Put r into mixing bowl.Put o into mixing bowl.Put w into mixing bowl.Put S into mixing bowl.Put C into mixing bowl.Put o into mixing bowl.Put l into mixing bowl.Put l into mixing bowl.Put e into mixing bowl.Put h into mixing bowl.Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish.
    Serves 1.

    Tested with the Ruby interpreter. Makes alphabet soup.

    I tried to be as compliant to the original spec as I could, so even though the interpreter I used lets you drop the thes in the Pour contents instruction, I haven't done so.

    The mixing bowl is pretty expensive, so there might be a better approach. I tried using base conversion to encode the message, but unfortunately the spec doesn't clarify whether Divide uses integer or floating point division, and the interpreter I have uses the latter. There's also no modulo operator, which doesn't help either.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    20If anyone could golf in Chef it's Sp. – Alex A. – 10 years ago

    12Now try golfing recipes in real life. :D – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    2Lol, this is not only not good to eat, but also uses non-standard measuring units. XD – thepiercingarrow – 9 years ago


    Homespring, 58 bytes

    Universe net hatchery Hello,. World!  powers a b snowmelt 

    The trailing space is significant.

    Let me tell you a story. There was once a power plant which powered a nearby salmon hatchery. The salmon hatchery hatched a young homeless salmon which embarked on a journey upriver to find a spring. It did find such a spring, with the poetic name "Hello, World!", where it matured and spawned a new young salmon. Both fish now swam downstream, in search of the wide ocean. But just short of the mouth of the river, there was a net in the river - the mature fish was caught and only the young one managed to slip through and reached the ocean and the rest of the universe. In the meantime, the hatchery had hatched more salmon which had travelled upstream as well and spawned and so on and so on.

    However, vast amounts of melting snow had been travelling down a different arm of the river. And just after our first young salmon from the springs of "Hello, World!" has reached the ocean, the snowmelt hit the universe and... uh... destroyed it. And they lived happily ever after... or I guess they didn't.

    Those were actually the semantics of the above program. Homespring is weird.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    16This is...weird... – kirbyfan64sos – 10 years ago

    11I haz found a new favorite salmon-powered universe destroyer...uh...I mean "Hello, World!" program. +1 – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

    8Every time I come back to this, I have a good laugh. Thanks for creating possibly the most entertaining Hello, World! program of all time. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

    3This is my new favorite language. – Mega Man – 8 years ago

    https://tio.run/#homespring – Dennis – 7 years ago


    Piet, 84 codels

    Piet Hello World

    28x3, here shown with codel width 10.

    Created with PietDev, tested with npiet. The layout of the program is the following:

    Piet Layout

    Yellow fill indicates codels where the path overlaps, orange fill indicates codels which must be the same color, for purposes of control flow.

    To aid in the creation of this, I wrote a rudimentary interpreter for a stack-based language with piet-like commands, which I have dubbed "pasm" (source). The output from this interpreter (with this input) is the following:

        1 nop     blu1 []
        4 push 3  blu2 [3]
        5 dup     grn2 [3, 3]
        6 add     cyn2 [6]
        7 dup     ylw2 [6, 6]
        8 mul     grn1 [36]
        9 dup     red1 [36, 36]
       10 dup     blu1 [36, 36, 36]
       11 add     mgn1 [36, 72]
    H  12 putc    blu0 [36]
       15 push 3  blu1 [36, 3]
       16 sub     mgn2 [33]
       17 dup     cyn2 [33, 33]
       20 push 3  cyn0 [33, 33, 3]
       21 mul     blu2 [33, 99]
       22 push 1  blu0 [33, 99, 1]
       23 add     mgn0 [33, 100]
       24 dup     cyn0 [33, 100, 100]
       25 push 1  cyn1 [33, 100, 100, 1]
       26 add     blu1 [33, 100, 101]
    e  27 putc    cyn0 [33, 100]
       28 dup     ylw0 [33, 100, 100]
       32 push 4  ylw1 [33, 100, 100, 4]
       33 dup     mgn1 [33, 100, 100, 4, 4]
       34 add     red1 [33, 100, 100, 8]
       35 add     ylw1 [33, 100, 108]
       36 dup     mgn1 [33, 100, 108, 108]
    l  37 putc    blu0 [33, 100, 108]
       38 dup     grn0 [33, 100, 108, 108]
    l  39 putc    ylw2 [33, 100, 108]
       40 dup     mgn2 [33, 100, 108, 108]
       43 push 3  mgn0 [33, 100, 108, 108, 3]
       44 add     red0 [33, 100, 108, 111]
       45 dup     blu0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111]
    o  46 putc    cyn2 [33, 100, 108, 111]
       47 dup     ylw2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111]
       48 dup     mgn2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 111]
       53 push 5  mgn0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 111, 5]
       54 div     ylw0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 22]
       55 dup     mgn0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 22, 22]
       56 add     red0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 44]
       57 dup     blu0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 44, 44]
    ,  58 putc    cyn2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 44]
       59 dup     ylw2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 44, 44]
       60 add     grn2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88]
       64 push 4  grn0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88, 4]
       65 dup     red0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88, 4, 4]
       66 mul     ylw2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88, 16]
       67 dup     mgn2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88, 16, 16]
       68 add     red2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88, 32]
       69 putc    mgn1 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88]
       70 push 1  mgn2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 88, 1]
       71 sub     red0 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111, 87]
    W  72 putc    mgn2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 111]
    o  73 putc    blu1 [33, 100, 108, 111]
       76 push 3  blu2 [33, 100, 108, 111, 3]
       77 add     mgn2 [33, 100, 108, 114]
    r  78 putc    blu1 [33, 100, 108]
    l  79 putc    cyn0 [33, 100]
    d  80 putc    grn2 [33]
    !  81 putc    ylw1 []

    No pointer, switch, or roll commands are used. No codels are wasted either; in fact two are reused.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 30 891

    Congrats, you got my bounty :) – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

    @LegionMammal978 Thanks, it was fun to work on. And merry christmas :) – primo – 9 years ago

    7This is what hollywood should show on "hacker" screens. – Hubert Grzeskowiak – 8 years ago


    Whitespace, 192 150 146 bytes

    Whitespace only needs spaces, tabs and linefeeds while other characters are ignored.
    Which can be troublesome to display on here.
    So in the code below the spaces & tabs were replaced.
    And a ';' was put in front of the linefeeds for clarity.
    To run the code, first replace . and > by spaces and tabs.


    Hexdump of code

    00000000: 2020 200a 2020 0909 2020 0920 0920 0a20
    00000010: 2009 0909 090a 2020 2009 0a20 2020 0909
    00000020: 090a 2020 2009 2020 0a20 2009 0920 0920
    00000030: 200a 2020 0909 2020 0920 0909 0a20 2009
    00000040: 0909 0909 0909 0a20 2020 0920 200a 2020
    00000050: 2009 0a20 0a20 2020 0909 0920 0a20 2009
    00000060: 0920 2020 0909 0a0a 2020 0a20 0a20 0a09
    00000070: 2009 0a20 2020 0909 2009 2009 090a 0920
    00000080: 2020 090a 2020 0a20 0a0a 0a20 2009 0a0a
    00000090: 0a0a

    Whitespace assembly code:

    push 0      ;null
    push -74    ;! chr(33)
    push -7     ;d chr(100)
    push 1      ;l chr(108)
    push 7      ;r chr(114)
    push 4      ;o chr(111)
    push -20    ;W chr(87)
    push -75    ;  chr(32)
    push -63    ;, chr(44)
    push 4      ;o
    push 1      ;l
    dup         ;l
    push -6     ;e chr(101)
    push -35    ;H chr(72)
     dup jumpz e
     push 107 add printc
     jump p


    I had to write a program just to calculate that adding 107 gives the optimal golf for the sentence. Since the bytesize that an integer takes in the code changes. : 4+int(abs(log2($n)))
    The code will still run without the "e:" label & exit part on whitespace.kauaveel.ee. But that could make the whitespace code invalid on other whitespace compilers. So those bytes weren't golfed out from the solution.

    It Should Be Noted That

    As Kevin Cruijssen pointed out in the comments, by allowing an "exit by error" as per meta, the Whitespace can be golfcoded more to 126 characters.



    push -74
    push -7
    push 1
    push 7
    push 4
    push -20
    push -75
    push -63
    push 4
    push 1
    push -6
    push -35
    push 107
    jmp label_0


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 776

    I know it's been a while, and I see you're mentioning it does run without the exit-label on most compilers, but you can lower it to 129 bytes by exiting with an error using an SSN (error value) instead of SSSN (push 0), which is allowed according to the meta. Try it online (with added highlighting and explanation), or try it online raw.

    – Kevin Cruijssen – 7 years ago

    @KevinCruijssen I finally checked your version. It's basically the old version with the assembly dup jumpz e and the e: exit removed. But at least on whitespace.kauaveel.ee it keeps on looping till the browser complains. I'd rather not change my version to that, despite the lower golf and the meta allowing "exit by error". But you're free to submit your version as a new answer. – LukStorms – 7 years ago

    Nah, I won't post a separated answer. It's basically the same as yours, just a tiny bit shorter due to exit by error. I also just realized I can lower it to 126 instead of 129 by removing the SSN at the start, in which case it errors with Can't do Infix Plus when it only has a single item on the stack (the 107). (Try it online.) I'll just leave my comment here when anyone has the same suggestion. And I've already +1-ed your answer about a year ago I think. ;)

    – Kevin Cruijssen – 7 years ago

    1@KevinCruijssen In that case, your solution has now been noted in the answer. Whitespace is one of the most unlikely languages to golf in. But for the sake of saving bytes your findings are worth mentioning. – LukStorms – 7 years ago


    HTML, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    The text is automatically inserted into the <body>, and is displayed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 898

    164Wow. That's some really hardcore coding skills – BlueWizard – 10 years ago

    3@JonasDralle at least it does what you'd expect! – jrich – 10 years ago

    46HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language (that's why it ends with ML). – CodeManX – 10 years ago

    31But HTML isn't printed in STDOUT. – Harshil Sharma – 10 years ago

    25-1 HTML Doesn't meet the requirements for a valid language – Downgoat – 10 years ago

    5HTML doesn't print to STDOUT – Oliver Ni – 9 years ago

    4HTML doesn't stop people not refraining from repeating each other. It's just a markup language! – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

    10@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ Since this is a constant output challenge, languages that don't meet our usual requirements for a programming language are allowed. – a spaghetto – 9 years ago

    6HTPL, anyone??? – metalim – 9 years ago

    127-1 not enough jQuery – Valentin Lorentz – 9 years ago

    22This is a polyglot, also works in plaintext! – fede s. – 9 years ago

    1@CoDEmanX: By that logic, is ML a markup language? – Mark – 8 years ago

    @Mark Hmm, rather "ML in HTML stands for markup language"? Although a markup language = a markup language (as in identity definition?) – CodeManX – 8 years ago

    @CoDEmanX: I meant the language called ML (by Robin Milner and others), but it wasn't really serious :-) – Mark – 8 years ago

    ML can also mean "meta language", which is the same as programming language IIRC – RedClover – 7 years ago

    Also works in Text

    – Hello Goodbye – 5 years ago

    Just make it HTML+CSS, and you're golden. https://stackoverflow.com/a/5239256/4294399

    – Calculuswhiz – 5 years ago


    Java, 79

    class H{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}}

    Earlier versions of Java may allow you to use a static block (51 bytes), but currently I don't know of a way to bypass the main method.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 19 061

    The static block trick resulted in something being written to stderr, which is not acceptable here. – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 10 years ago

    Ah, right. I was thinking there was something like that, so didn't post the actual code. Didn't have version <7 at hand to test, though. – Geobits – 10 years ago

    7Use enum instead of class. – Thomas Eding – 10 years ago


    @ThomasEding What compiler does that actually work on? I've tried this tip on several, and have never been able to save bytes with it.

    – Geobits – 10 years ago

    I know I've recently seen an example of using an enum to bypass the main call somewhere around here. Only worked for Java 1.5 though. – Luminous – 10 years ago

    4@Luminous Ah, it might have worked for 1.5. I'm not going to install it to find out, though, but stick to something released in the last 10 years. If I never see Java 5 again it'll be a nice life :) – Geobits – 10 years ago

    1Processing (also java): print("Hello, World!"); – TheDoctor – 10 years ago

    2@TheDoctor From what I've seen, Processing is usually seen as a separate language here. You should post it as an answer, or at least ask for clarification from the OP. – Geobits – 10 years ago

    @Geobits That's why I didn't post it as an answer. – TheDoctor – 10 years ago

    2@ThomasEding Declaring it as an enum would require a semicolon at the start of the class body, since it's required to start with type declarations. It would still come out to 79 bytes. – caseif – 10 years ago


    User OptiFine suggested saving 3 bytes by using an interface and ditching the public specifier. I've rejected the edit following policy but since they can't comment, I thought I'd let you know so you can use it if you like.

    – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

    1U may be able to use interface than a class in Java 8 – Sudara – 8 years ago

    Beaten by TheNumberOne's answer with -3 bytes.

    – Stevoisiak – 7 years ago

    @StevenVascellaro ... which in turn is beaten by my answer with -14 bytes.

    – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago


    CSS, 30 bytes

    :after{content:"Hello, World!"

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) isn't a typical programming language, but it can do fixed output fairly well. This is done by creating a pseudo-element after every element with the content Hello, World!. So only one element (<html>) is selected, this assumes that we're using the most basic HTML document, i.e.

    <html><style>:after{content:"Hello, World!"</style></html>

    This works in most major browsers, with the notable exception of Firefox, which applies the selector to the <html> and <body> elements. This is also why Stack snippets don't work, because there is always a body element that gets styled as well. Below is a slightly modified version to test.

    * :after{content:"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 925

    3You can also use * * to select body. – jimmy23013 – 10 years ago

    18@jimmy23013 That sounds gloriously inefficient. Thanks – NinjaBearMonkey – 10 years ago

    1For whatever reasons * :after also seemed to work. – jimmy23013 – 10 years ago

    @jimmy23013 Um... of course? *` :after** means the **:after** content insertion point of an element that has any element (**`*) in its ancestor tree. That's why you can do stuff like div a: an a element that has a div as one of its ancestors. – Toothbrush – 10 years ago

    1@toothbrush I know it is by design, but that just doesn't mean I like it. Intuitively, body::after is in body just like div a in div. – jimmy23013 – 10 years ago

    @jimmy23013 Yeah, I agree. It isn't intuitive that you apply ::after to the element you want to insert the content into. – Toothbrush – 10 years ago

    12I'm asking my self which of the letters in CSS is the abrreviation for "language". – Zaibis – 10 years ago

    11@zaibis the same letter for PHP probably :) – Fabrizio Calderan – 8 years ago

    Related: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/119682/65989

    – arodebaugh – 8 years ago


    x86_64 machine code for Linux, 32 bytes

    When Linux starts a new process, all the registers (except RSP) are zero, so we can get RAX=1 by only modifying the low byte. The x86-64 System V ABI doesn't guarantee this, but it's what Linux actually does. This code only works as _start in a static executable.

    0000000000000000 <_start>:
       0:   e8 0d 00 00 00          call   12 <hello>
       5:   48 65 6c 6c 6f
       a:   2c 20 57 6f 72
       f:   6c 64 21 5e 40
    0000000000000012 <hello>:
      12:   5e                      pop    rsi
      13:   40 b7 01                mov    dil,0x1
      16:   b2 0d                   mov    dl,0xd
      18:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
      1a:   0f 05                   syscall
      1c:   b0 3c                   mov    al,0x3c
      1e:   0f 05                   syscall

    The call instruction pushes the next address, which contains the hello world string, onto the stack. We pop the address of the string into rsi.

    Then the other arguments are set up for a syscall to sys_write, which prints the string.

    The program terminates with a syscall to sys_exit. sys_write returns the number of bytes written, so the upper bytes of RAX are zero after the first syscall (unless it returned an error), so mov al, 60 gives us RAX = __NR_exit in only 2 bytes.

    You can make this program segfault by closing its stdout (./a.out >&-), so sys_write() will return -EBADF, the second syscall will return -ENOSYS, and then execution will fall off the end. But we don't need to handle write() errors gracefully.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 18 565

    Specifically this only works on Linux, where __NR_write is 1. This is not standard across different x86-64 Unix systems. You're also depending on the Linux behaviour of zeroing all registers except RSP before entry into a fresh process (so this only works if you build it as a static executable, otherwise the dynamic linker will leave garbage in the upper bytes of rax and you'll get -ENOSYS). The x86-64 System V ABI says registers can hold arbitrary garbage values on entry to _start, the Linux kernel itself chooses zero them to avoid info leaks. – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    You can save a byte with mov al, 1 / mov edi, eax (2 bytes), instead of needing a REX prefix for DIL, because __NR_write == STDOUT_FILENO = 1 – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    This only works in a Linux static executable, so the address of your string is guaranteed to be in the low 2G of virtual address space (the default memory model for non-PIE executables puts all symbols where they can be used as zero or sign-extended 32-bit immediates). Thus you can use 5-byte mov esi, msg (NASM) aka mov esi, OFFSET msg (GAS .intel_syntax). Put your string after the last syscall. call/pop is 1 byte shorter than 64-bit RIP-relative LEA, but mov is best.

    – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago


    Hexagony, 37 32 bytes

    Notice: I'll be giving a bounty of 500 rep to the first person who finds a valid solution in a hexagon of side-length 3 or a provably optimal solution of side-length 4. If you can't find such a solution but manage to beat my score in a side-length 4 hexagon (by getting more no-ops at the end of the program, which can be omitted from the source code), I'm willing to give out a smaller bounty for that as well.


    Try it online!

    I proudly present my second 2D programming language, and (to my knowledge) the first ever 2D language on a hexagonal grid.

    The source code doesn't look very 2D, does it? Well, whitespace is optional in Hexagony. First, the source code is padded to the next centred hexagonal number with no-ops (.). The next such number is 37, so we insert five no-ops at the end. Then the source code is rearranged into regular hexagon:

       H ; e ;
      P 1 ; @ /
     ; W ; o ; /
    l ; ; o ; Q /
     r ; l ; d ;
      2 ; P 0 .
       . . . .

    This is also runnable. Try it online!

    Hexagony has a bunch of pretty funky features, including 6 different instruction pointers and a memory layout which is the line graph of a hexagonal grid, but this code uses only one IP and one memory edge, so let's not worry about that for now.

    Here is an overview over the relevant commands:

    • Letters just set the current memory edge to their ASCII value
    • ; prints the current value, modulo 256, as a byte to STDOUT.
    • / is a mirror which behaves as you'd expect (causing the IP to take a 120 degree turn).
    • Digits work as they do in Labyrinth: they multiply the current cell by 10 and then add themselves.
    • @ terminates the program.

    Now the final catch is that the source wraps around all 3 pairs of edges. Furthermore, if the IP leaves the grid through one of the six corners, there are two possible rows to jump to. Which one is chosen depends on whether the current value is positive or non-positive. The following annotated version shows where the IP re-enters each time it leaves the grid:

             H ; e ;     -> 1
    5 ->    P 1 ; @ /    -> 4
    3 ->   ; W ; o ; /   -> 2
    1 ->  l ; ; o ; Q /
    4 ->   r ; l ; d ;   -> 5
    2 ->    2 ; P 0 .    -> 3
             . . . .

    So if we remove all the direction changes, this program boils down to the following linear code:


    What's with Q2, P0 and P1? Letters are printed easily because we can just set the edge to the corresponding value. For the comma, the space and the exclamation mark, that doesn't work. We also can't just set their value with 44, 32, 33, respectively, because the memory edge is non-zero to begin with, and due to the semantics of individual digits that would wreak all sorts of havoc. If we wanted to do that, we'd have to reset the edge value to zero with something like *, +, -, & or ^ first. However, since the value is taken modulo 256 before being printed we don't have to set the values exactly to 44, 32, or 33. For instance, Q2 will set the edge value to 81*10 + 2 = 812, which is 44 when taken modulo 256. This way we can save a byte on each of those three characters. (Unfortunately, it's never possible to get there with a single digit from the value the cell already has. Amusingly, where it does work is the o in World, because that can also be obtained from W9.)

    You can use this CJam script to find all letter-digit combinations that result in a given character.

    I'm not sure whether this is optimal. I doubt it's possible to do it in a hexagon of side-length 3 (where you'd only have 19 characters available), but it might be possible to solve it in a hexagon with side-length 4 with less than 32 commands, such that there are more no-ops at the end of the grid.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    1Dammit, you beat me to it. I myself am working on a hexagonal language kind of similar to Cardinal. – M L – 9 years ago

    How did you find this solution? By hand or brute-force? Anyway, +1 :) – Adnan – 9 years ago

    @Adnan By hand. It's the simplest linear layout you could possibly have, I think. (I did write a CJam script to find combinations of letter + digit that give ,, space and ! if that's what you're asking. There are two solutions for each of them.) – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

    1The Q2, P0 and P1 is very clever. I didn't know the modulo 256 part. – Adnan – 9 years ago

    1@Adnan The person who suggested the mod-256 part on GitHub actually did so along with the example that linefeeds could then be printed as M8; (or g4;), which I've used a couple of times since then. It just never occurred to me until now to revisit this answer after I made that change. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

    And it just shortend this submission by 5 bytes easily. I have also spent some time to actually golf this, but I didn't succeed and never actually came up with this. I will think of this in the future though :). – Adnan – 9 years ago


    Note: This was reduced to 31 a while ago. H;e;P;2Q/d;l;r/l;$@;o];o;W;03&;

    – Mitch Schwartz – 8 years ago


    Malbolge, 112 bytes


    I'm going to see if there's a shorter one. Got a better computer since last time, so I can generate quite a bit faster.

    For show, here's "Hello World!" without the comma.



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 761

    How about this one? ('<;_#"~6Z|{y1UTvt,PrpMo,llj"Fgge{A??P=^t:8&7YtFVqjSQ@PNM)u(I8%$#"D2AA/[TYXQu88MLp3n1Gk.D-ge (92 bytes) – dingledooper – 5 years ago

    71 bytes – ceilingcat – 5 years ago


    Fourier, 15 bytes

    BIG CHANGES to Fourier!

    `Hello, World!`

    Try it on FourIDE!

    Yes, the days of typing out the ASCII code of each character are gone forever: Fourier now kind of supports strings. When you enclose a string in backticks, that string will be outputted.

    Note that you can't do anything other than output that string: you cannot store it in a variable, it is not stored in the accumulator and there are no string manipulation tools.

    Here, you can find the train wreck that was old Fourier. ;)


    Try it online!

    Now, some of you will probably have met Fourier before and may be fairly familiar with the language. The whole language is based upon an accumulator: a global variable which pretty much all operators use.

    The most important part of the code is the a operator. This takes the numerical value of the accumulator and converts it to a character using the Python code chr(accumulator). This is then printed to STDOUT.

    Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to use Fourier yet (nudge nudge, wink wink), mainly because of its lack of strings and string operators. Even so, it's still usuable for many other challenges (see the examples section of its EsoLangs page).

    Note that this is shorter than my entry into the Esolangs list because I didn't actually think that I could golf it any more. And then, when writing the Fourier string golfing challenge, I realised I could go quite a bit shorter.


    If you were wondering about variable syntax, Geobits wrote a program which uses variables and is the same length:


    Try it online!

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478

    What's a usuable? Is it like a usable? – CalculatorFeline – 9 years ago


    C, 30 Bytes

    main(){puts("Hello, World!");}

    Fairly vanilla, but I can't think of a commonly compilable way to do it any shorter (unless maybe some kind of raw asm trick might work?). Still, beats most esolangs!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 499

    3It's not worth a separate answer, but the fully ISO compliant C89 and C99 answers are 39 main(){puts("Hello, World!");return 0;} and 53 #include <stdio.h> int main(){puts("Hello, World!");} bytes respectively. Slightly more if you think main(void) is required. – Random832 – 10 years ago

    23@Random832: for the former, main(){return!puts("Hello, World!");} is two bytes shorter. – Lynn – 10 years ago

    17The program h is 29 bytes shorter. Note: you'll have to compile it with -Dh='main(){puts("Hello, World!");}' I'm half trolling, half amusing myself with compiler abuse. – matega – 10 years ago

    20@matega That is clearly cheating. For it not to be cheating you'd have to make the file contain only __FILE__ (8 bytes) and name the file main(){puts("Hello, World!");}. Then it is totally not cheating ;) – C0deH4cker – 10 years ago

    Actually, by 2017 rules those would be 34 and 38 bytes respectively. – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago


    C--, 155 bytes

    target byteorder little;import puts;export main;section"data"{s:bits8[]"Hello, World!\0";}foreign"C"main(){foreign"C"puts("address"s);foreign"C"return(0);}

    Unfortunately, the only known C-- compiler, Quick C-- is no longer maintained. It's a pain in a neck to build, but it is possible...


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730

    8Really fascinating language - I'd never heard of it before, and it's certainly an ambitious project that they (were/are) doing. But in terms of code golf, I don't think it'll be a contender. I mean ... dang, this thing loses to Java ... – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    11@TimmyD It's really an assembler. There's a reason it loses to Java... :) – kirbyfan64sos – 10 years ago

    I have good news for you. While the C-- project itself seems to be quite dead, one variant is quite alive. The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) uses C-- as its final stage before assembly or LLVM, and that version is still actively maintained. It shouldn't be any trouble whatever to get it installed (along with the rest of GHC). – dfeuer – 6 years ago

    @dfeuer Indeed I tried using their Cmm backend directly before, but I had some weird issues and never really looked into it much further ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ – kirbyfan64sos – 6 years ago

    You can probably get some help on the Haskell mailing lists. Try glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org, or perhaps haskell-cafe@haskell.org. – dfeuer – 6 years ago


    Unreadable, 843 755 732 666 645 629 577 bytes


    Unreadable programs are supposed to be displayed with a variable-width font, so they honor the language's name. I'm slightly disappointed that my more sophisticated approaches turned out to be a lot longer. Loops are insanely expensive in Unreadable...

    Try it online!

    How it works

    Unreadable has only ten functions; six of these are used in this code:

    '"        p Print.
    '""       + Increment.
    '"""      1 Return 1.
    '""""""   : Set.
    '"""""""  = Get.
    '"""""""" - Decrement.

    After using my single-character notation and adding some whitespace and comments, the above code looks like the following. Multi-line statements are executed from bottom to top.

    p+++                                        Print 3 + variable 2 (o).
     pp                                         Print variable 2 two times (l).
      :+1+++++++                                Save 8 + variable 3 in variable 2.
       p+                                       Print 1 + variable 3 (e).
        :++1+++++++++++++                       Save 13 + variable 4 in variable 3.
         :+++1+++++++++++++++                   Save 43 + variable 0 in variable 4.
          p++++++++++++++++++++++++++++         Print 28 + variable 0 (H).
           :-1++++++++++++                      Save 44 in variable 0.
            :1+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1  Save 32 in variable 1.
    p=-1                                        Print variable 0 (,).
    p=1                                         Print variable 1 ( ).
    p=+++1                                      Print variable 4 (W).
    p+++                                        Print 6 + variable 2 (r).
     p+++=+1                                    Print 3 + variable 2 (o).
    p=+1                                        Print variable 2 (l).
    p=++1                                       Print variable 3 (d).
    p+=1                                        Print 1 + variable 1 (!).

    I've generated the actual source code by running the uncommented version of the above pseudocode through this CJam program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    3What are you talking about? Its pretty readable! – Optimizer – 10 years ago

    20@Optimizer Fixed. – Dennis – 10 years ago

    4Still readable! (of course I am telling the truth. Why won't you believe me?) – Optimizer – 10 years ago

    6Feels like this language would benefit from a better huffman coding - both in terms of size, and unreadability. – primo – 9 years ago


    JSFuck, 6293 6289 6277 bytes

    This may get a mention as one of the longest "shortest Hello, World! programs" (actually I do not know if this is optimal, but it's the shortest I managed to get).

    Warning: only works in Firefox and Safari


    There is also a slightly longer version (+4 bytes) that also works in Chrome and Microsoft Edge:


    For those unfamiliar with JSFuck, it's about writing JavaScript as if there were only six characters, and it can get pretty crazy at times.

    This table shows how the characters used in the Hello, World! program are encoded in JSFuck. The plain text code is just alert("Hello, World!").

    |JavaScript|               write as               |           JSFuck          |
    |     a    | (false+[])[1]                        | (![]+[])[+!![]]           |
    |     l    | (false+[])[2]                        | (![]+[])[!![]+!![]]       |
    |     e    | (true+[])[3]                         | (!![]+[])[!![]+!![]+!![]] |
    |     r    | (true+[])[1]                         | (!![]+[])[+!![]]          |
    |     t    | (true+[])[0]                         | (!![]+[])[+[]]            |
    |     (    | ([]+[]["fill"])[13]                  | 114 bytes                 |
    |     "    | ([]+[])["fontcolor"]()[12]           | 539 bytes                 |
    |     H    | btoa(true)[1]                        | 1187 bytes                |
    |     o    | (true+[]["fill"])[10]                | 105 bytes                 |
    |   space  | ([]["fill"]+[])[20]                  | 107 bytes                 |
    |     W    | (NaN+self())[11]                     | 968 bytes                 |
    |     d    | (undefined+[])[2]                    | ([][[]]+[])[!![]+!![]]    |
    |     !    | atob((Infinity+[])[0]+false)[0]      | 1255 bytes                |
    |     )    | (0+[false]+[]["fill"])[20]           | 114 bytes                 |

    Here the strings "fill", "fontcolor", etc. must be written as "f"+"i"+"l"+"l", "f"+"o"+"n"+"t"+"c"+"o"+"l"+"o"+"r" to be encoded.

    The global identifiers self, atob and btoa get written like Function("return self")().

    Function itself should be []["fill"]["constructor"].

    The comma "," is tricky, I'm not 100% sure how it works but it uses the []["concat"] function to create an array. I'll post an update when I have time to do more tests.

    I encoded this using JScrewIt - credits to GOTO 0 for creating such a sophisticated tool:

    • Open Firefox (You can choose any other browser(s), but Firefox only code is the shortest.)
    • Navigate to JScrewIt: http://jscrew.it
    • Input: alert("Hello, World!")
    • Executable code: checked
    • Compatibility: Only this browser

    This differs from my answer to this question for the presence of the comma after "Hello".

    Interestingly, the ES6 syntax

    alert`Hello, World!`

    takes even more bytes to encode (+1500 or so) because of the higher complexity of encoding two backticks rather than (" and ").

    me and my cat

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 107

    Well it works in Chrome on Android – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    Works in Chrome on OS X too – C0deH4cker – 10 years ago

    @BetaDecay @C0deH4cker I think that's because of the []["fill"]. Just updated my answer, thanks! – me and my cat – 10 years ago

    @Sp3000 Nice!!! Thanks ;) You could report that to JScrewIt as an issue. – me and my cat – 10 years ago

    Safari on OS X works too :D – Kametrixom – 10 years ago

    2You did a great job here! Be sure to check the last update. – GOTO 0 – 10 years ago

    4@GOTO0 Wait... you are the author of JScrewIt, right? – me and my cat – 10 years ago

    1How the hell do you call functions with this? – None – 8 years ago


    Befunge 98, 19 18 Bytes

    New answer (from undergroundmonorail)

    "ck,@!dlroW ,olleH


    • " starts string mode
    • Everything that follows is pushed to the stack. The stack is now Hello, World!@,kc
    • After hitting the end, interpreter go back to the start
    • It encounters " again, ending string mode
    • 12 is pushed to the stack (c)
    • k takes the top value of stack and executes the next command the instruction pointer can see that many times
    • , pops a value from stack and outputs it as a char. It has been executed 12 times by last k instruction, and one time more when the interpreter actually reads the , instruction
    • @ ends the program

    The difference with the old answer is that we cleverly reuse the " character by using Befunge's looping behavior when it hits the end of the line. Since it might be less intuitive, I'm letting the old one as well. Also, you may have noticed that the stack will still contains some characters (ck,@) because of this nice trick, leaving some mess if we ever wanted to do something after that.

    Old Answer

    "!dlroW ,olleH"ck,@

    This works for funge and befunge 98


    • Everything between "" is pushed to the stack. ('H' is now on top.)
    • c (12) is pushed to the stack
    • k takes the top value of stack and executes the next command the instruction pointer can see that many times.
    • , pops a value from stack and outputs it as a char. It has been executed 12 times by last k instruction, and one time more when the interpreter actually reads the , instruction
    • @ ends the program

    Luke Marlin

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 401

    2I don't think 93 has k – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    @Sp3000 Checked the spec, you are right. I thought that p was missing. It's the opposite. Thanks. – Luke Marlin – 10 years ago

    1Well, now that it's 98 only you can use c for 93+. – PurkkaKoodari – 10 years ago

    @Pietu1998 Indeed, nice one. – Luke Marlin – 10 years ago

    3In 18: "ck,@!dlroW ,olleH – undergroundmonorail – 9 years ago

    @undergroundmonorail I have to admit that I don't get the behavior of funge here. Does it empty the stack after hitting @, and interprets what is in it ? – Luke Marlin – 9 years ago

    1It hits the " to start the string, adds the entire rest of the line to that string, wraps around and hits the same " to end the string. Now the whole program except that " has been pushed to the stack, with !dlroW ,olleH on top. Then it prints the top 12 characters the same way yours does and stops at @. – undergroundmonorail – 9 years ago

    Didn't though of the wrapping around. Great little hack ! – Luke Marlin – 9 years ago


    For the 18 byte solution, my interpreter produces Hello, World (leading space, no exclamation). The Anarchy Golf interpreter (use form, select Befunge-98, paste code, submit) does the same.

    – primo – 9 years ago

    @primo Weird. It looks like k is executing , 12 times but it's not being executed again when the instruction pointer actually reaches it. Luckily it's an easy fix. – undergroundmonorail – 9 years ago

    @Luke The second character should be d, not c. I don't know why but it fixes the bug primo pointed out. – undergroundmonorail – 9 years ago

    @undergroundmonorail I don't think that's what's happening. According to the docs any out-of-bounds character defaults to 32. Because one is encountered, as part of a string, it gets pushed to the stack. One could argue that this is a bug, but it seems to be a common one.

    – primo – 9 years ago

    @undergroundmonorail rcfunge gives the correct result with this exact code, and ck, do it 13 times as per the specification – Luke Marlin – 9 years ago

    In your explanation, you have a typo. Hello , World!@,kc There's an extra space. I haven't edited because that would be a trivial edit, and I don't have enough rep to do it w/o the review queue. – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

    even the befunge solution is boring :/ – bobrobbob – 7 years ago


    Pada, 83 68 bytes


    I believe this is optimal for a linear program (i.e. one which doesn't use the control flow operators ? and *). It might be optimal overall, but I don't know how to go about making use of those additional operators in such a small amount of code (or how to explore the possibilities programmatically).

    The language has recently undergone some changes after I started discussing it with the author by email. However, I have written a reference implementation for the current state of the language spec last week, so the above code is actually runnable.


    Originally, I had used the output of my reference implementation to this challenge and created a hand-crafted solution based on that. However, that was just a heuristic approach.

    So instead I wrote a solver in Mathematica which actually knows about the Pada data structures and operators to find an optimal solution. On average, it grows linearly with the length of the string (although some character combinations are a bit slower than others) and took about 1.5 hours for Hello, World!.

    So how did I go about writing the solver. First, we notice that we only need to consider 6 operators: ~.oOqQ (plus the necessary w for each of the printed characters). Using the stacks or the bit locks isn't useful in linear code, and I don't believe that ? and * can be used effectively in less than 68 bytes.

    Pada's state (ignoring the stacks and locks) consists of 7 switches and 8 bits, arranged like this:

       /       \
     /   \   /   /
    0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

    So that's 215 = 32768 possible states. My first preprocessing step was to set up a directed graph of states where each edge corresponds to a single operation. That is, the graph has 32768 vertices, each with out-degree 6 (one outgoing edge for each of the 6 operations under consideration). We can use this graph to find the shortest path between any two states (this graph alone can be quite useful for golfing Pada).

    Now for each character, we want to reach a state where w prints that character. How many such states are there? w reads the byte from the bit it is dropped on (cyclically). So there are 8 possible rotations of the bits of the character which can all print that character. For each of those rotations, three switches are fixed (in order to make w drop in the correct position). This leaves 4 arbitrary switches. So we've got 8 * 24 = 128 possible states for each w in our code.

    With those we can solve another graph problem: construct a graph which has a source vertex, then one "layer" for each character, and a sink vertex. The layers consist of the 128 states for each vertex, the source node corresponds to the initial state of the program (all switches to the left and all bits are zero). The sink node corresponds to no state in particular. We've got directed edges from every vertex in one layer to every vertex in the next layer, where the edge weight is the distance between the two states in our earlier graph. The weights of the edges from the last layer to the sink are all 0. That is, we can precompute all those edge weights. This is the most expensive step of the computation and took 1.5 hours for Hello, World!.

    With this graph set up, we can find the shortest path from the source to the sink quite quickly (it took 0.05s on my machine). For Hello, World! the desired states are:

    0, 16960, 22052, 13828, 13828, 30389, 12487, 8307, 27299, 23450, 18922, 22778, 18682, 18459

    where the least significant 7 bits correspond to the switches and the most significant 8 bits to Pada's bits.

    Now we go back to the first graph and find the actual edges (i.e. operations) corresponding to the shortest path between each pair of subsequent states, and end each of them with a w. Voilà, an optimal solution (based on the above assumptions).

    Here is the full Mathematica if anyone ever wants to metagolf a different string in Pada:

    string = "Hello, World!";
    width = StringLength@string;
    getState[letter_, state_] := (
      {shift, switchState} = IntegerDigits[state - 1, 16, 2];
      bits = RotateRight[
        IntegerDigits[ToCharacterCode[letter][[1]], 2, 8], shift];
      switchState = IntegerDigits[switchState, 2, 4];
      switches = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
      {top, middle, bottom} = IntegerDigits[shift, 2, 3];
      switches[[1]] = top;
      If[top < 1,
       switches[[2]] = middle;
       If[middle < 1,
        switches[[4]] = bottom,
        switches[[5]] = bottom
       switches[[3]] = middle;
       If[middle < 1,
        switches[[6]] = bottom,
        switches[[7]] = bottom
      For[i = 1, i <= 7, ++i,
       If[switches[[i]] < 0,
        switches[[i]] = First@switchState;
        switchState = Rest@switchState
      {bits, switches}
    encode[state_] := FromDigits[Join @@ state, 2]
    decode[id_] := Partition[IntegerDigits[id, 2, 15], 8, 8, 1, {}]
    getBitFromSwitches[switches_] := (
      If[switches[[1]] < 1,
       If[switches[[2]] < 1,
        1 + switches[[4]],
        3 + switches[[5]]
       If[switches[[3]] < 1,
        5 + switches[[6]],
        7 + switches[[7]]
    toggle[list_, index_] := ReplacePart[list, index -> 1 - list[[index]]]
    stateEdges = Flatten@Table[
        {bits, switches} = decode@id;
        bit = getBitFromSwitches@switches;
         Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits~toggle~bit, switches}, 
         Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1}, "."],
         If[switches[[1]] < 1,
           Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~2}, 
            id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1~toggle~3}, 
           If[switches[[2]] < 1,
            Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~4}, 
            Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~5}, 
           If[switches[[3]] < 1,
             id \[DirectedEdge] 
              encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1~toggle~3~toggle~7}, "Q"],
             id \[DirectedEdge] 
              encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1~toggle~3~toggle~6}, "Q"]
           Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~3}, 
            id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1~toggle~2}, 
           If[switches[[3]] < 1,
            Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~6}, 
            Labeled[id \[DirectedEdge] encode@{bits, switches~toggle~7}, 
           If[switches[[2]] < 1,
             id \[DirectedEdge] 
              encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1~toggle~2~toggle~5}, "Q"],
             id \[DirectedEdge] 
              encode@{bits, switches~toggle~1~toggle~2~toggle~4}, "Q"]
        {id, 0, 2^15 - 1}];
    stateGraph = 
      Graph[# & @@@ stateEdges, EdgeLabels -> Rule @@@ stateEdges];
    uid = 0;
    layers = Join[{{{uid++, 0}}}, 
       Table[{uid++, encode@getState[#, i]}, {i, 128}] & /@ 
        Characters@string, {{{uid++, -1}}}];
    edges = Flatten[Table[
          from \[DirectedEdge] to
          {from, #},
          {to, #2}
          ] & @@@ Partition[layers, 2, 1], 2];
    Timing[weights = (
         {from, to} = Last /@ List @@ #;
         If[to < 0,
          GraphDistance[stateGraph, from, to]
         ) & /@ edges;]
    characterGraph = Graph[edges, EdgeWeight -> weights];
    Timing[path = 
      Last /@ Most@
        FindShortestPath[characterGraph, {0, 0}, layers[[-1]][[1]]]]
    (PropertyValue[{stateGraph, #}, EdgeLabels] & /@ 
          DirectedEdge @@@ 
           Partition[FindShortestPath[stateGraph, ##], 2, 1] <> "w" & @@@ 
       Partition[path, 2, 1]) <> ""

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    An interesting language to do metagolf on =). This makes me wonder, what's your day job? o.O – justhalf – 10 years ago


    @justhalf I'm currently in limbo between a master's degree and PhD studies (so I've definitely got too much time on my hands if that was your implication ;)). (This is generally more of a discussion for chat though :))

    – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    Pada means when in bahasa Indonesia/Malay. Is that relevant? – XiKuuKy – 8 years ago

    @XiKuuKy afaik, the language is called Pada, because it means "falling" in Croatian. – Martin Ender – 8 years ago

    And this answer to (see here ). You probably can combine 2 answers in one to describe this wonderful Hello World problem in general.

    – Vitaliy Kaurov – 7 years ago


    Java 8, 76 bytes

    Thought I would try to beat Geobit's answer :)

    interface A{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}}

    Try here!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 855


    Shakespeare Programming Language, 755 749 715 612 605 592 bytes

    -34 bytes thanks to jimmy23013

    -And a whole 107 bytes more! Wow!

    ,.Ajax,.Puck,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Enter Ajax and Puck]Ajax:You big big big cat!Puck:You is the sum ofI the square ofI!Speak thy!You is the square ofthe sum ofI a big cat!Ajax:Remember the sum oftwice twice you a cat!Remember I!You is the sum ofI you!Puck:You is the sum ofyou a cat!Speak thy!You is the sum ofa big cat a cat!Ajax:Speak thy!Speak thy!Remember you!You is the sum ofyou I!Speak thy!Remember the sum ofyou I!Remember you!You big big big big big cat!Puck:You is the sum ofI twice twice you!Speak thy!Ajax:Remember the sum oftwice I a pig!Scene V:.Ajax:Speak thy!Recall!Let usScene V!

    Try it online!

    Non-erroring version, 626 bytes

    ,.Ajax,.Puck,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Enter Ajax and Puck]Ajax:Remember I!You big big big cat!Puck:You is the sum ofI the square ofI!Speak thy!You is the square ofthe sum ofI a big cat!Ajax:Remember the sum oftwice twice you a cat!Remember I!You is the sum ofI you!Puck:You is the sum ofyou a cat!Speak thy!You is the sum ofa big cat a cat!Ajax:Speak thy!Speak thy!Remember you!You is the sum ofyou I!Speak thy!Remember the sum ofyou I!Remember you!You big big big big big cat!Puck:You is the sum ofI twice twice you!Speak thy!Ajax:Remember the sum oftwice I a pig!Scene V:.Ajax:Speak thy!Recall!Be you nicer zero?If solet usscene V!

    Try it online!

    An improvement over the previous community wiki answer.


    ,.Ajax,.Puck,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Enter Ajax and Puck]   #Initialise Ajax and Puck
    Ajax:You big big big cat!                    #Set Puck to 8
    Puck:You is the sum of I the square of I!    #Set Ajax to 8+8*8=72 ('H')
    Speak thy!                                   #Print 'H'
    You is the square of the sum of I a big cat! #Set Ajax to (8+2)^2=100 ('d')
    Ajax:Remember the sum of twice twice you a cat! #Push 2*2*8+1=33 ('!') to Puck's stack
    Remember I!                                  #Push 'd' to Puck's stack
    You is the sum of I you!                     #Set Puck to 100+8 ('l')
    Puck:You is the sum of you a cat!            #Set Ajax to 100+1=101 ('e')
    Speak thy!                                   #Print 'e'
    You is the sum of a big cat a cat!           #Set Ajax to 3
    Ajax:Speak thy!Speak thy!                    #Print 'll'
    Remember you!                                #Push 'l' to Puck's stack
    You is the sum of you I!Speak thy!           #Set Puck to 108+3=111('o') and print it
    Remember the sum of you I!                   #Push 111+3=114 ('r') to Puck's stack
    Remember you!                                #Push 111 ('o') to Puck's stack
    You big big big big big cat!                 #Set Puck to 32 (' ')
    Puck:You is the sum of I twice twice you!    #Set Ajax to 32+12=44 (',')
    Speak thy!                                   #Print ','
    Ajax:Remember the sum of twice I a pig!      #Push 2*44-1=87 ('W') to Puck's stack
    Scene V:.Ajax:Speak thy!Recall!Let us Scene V!  #Print and pop repeatedly until Puck's stack is empty (', World!')

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234

    Impressive. Take another +1. This should win one of ASCII-only's bounties for improving the RosetTIO solutions. – Khuldraeseth na'Barya – 7 years ago

    Ah, just noticed the no stderr rule, so the 622 byte version is probably invalid. – jimmy23013 – 7 years ago

    @jimmy23013 Eh, we already had 43 warnings in stderr, I think we're good. Very nice work! – Jo King – 7 years ago

    @JoKing They were all compiler messages and it was not the program itself writing to stderr. But this time a runtime error. – jimmy23013 – 7 years ago

    Let us Scene V works. – jimmy23013 – 7 years ago

    @jimmy23013 I've added a non-erroring version – Jo King – 7 years ago

    For some reasons nobody has noticed yet you had a "remember me" instead of "remember I" in the non-erroring version. – jimmy23013 – 6 years ago

    Right, weird... >.< – Jo King – 6 years ago


    Pyth, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Doubt it'll get smaller than this in Pyth.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 37 067

    15This also works in TI Basic – Patrick Roberts – 10 years ago

    I checked all nine zlib.compress levels with [len(zlib.compress("Hello, World!",i))+2 for i in range(10)] .Z"compressed text isn't more efficient for any level. – Tornado547 – 7 years ago


    Python 2, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    Python 2 is better for printing than 3 :D

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478

    26Just in case anybody is wondering: import __hello__ prints "Hello world!", which is incorrect punctuation for this challenge. – Sp3000 – 10 years ago


    @Sp3000 Yeah, I looked into it. It actually prints Hello world... (tested on repl.it. You're thinking of Python 3, which has a different result.

    – mbomb007 – 10 years ago

    @mbomb007 Ah, I didn't realise Python 2 and Python 3 had different __hello__ messages, indeed I tested on the wrong one. – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    Python 2.7 prints Hello world... \o/ What is this!!! – Zizouz212 – 8 years ago


    Brainfuck, 92 (hirose)


    This is a slight modification of hirose's 92-byte solution for the lowercase-w version of the problem on Anarchy Golf.

    Changing ++ to -- conveniently subtracts 32 from the cell that holds w, turning it into W.

    Brainfuck, 95


    For this solution, I used code that I wrote for this problem on SPOJ and touched up the output a bit by hand.

    Note: Both solutions are compatible with Alex Pankratov's bff (brainfuck interpreter used on SPOJ and ideone) and Thomas Cort's BFI (used on Anarchy Golf).

    Mitch Schwartz

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 899

    Here's the variant for a brainfuck derivative, oOo code: http://pastebin.com/BqNcDnm7 I'm not sure if it deserves its own answer. (It's based on the 92-char one you posted)

    – JNV – 10 years ago

    What is the advantage of the 95-byte solution? Why mention it at all? – anatolyg – 10 years ago


    @anatolyg The 92 is my modification of hirose's solution. The 95 is another solution that I developed from scratch. If you can't see the value of mentioning alternative approaches, or of distinguishing your own work from (trivial or non-trivial) modifications of someone else's code, I don't know what to say. This type of thing is standard practice on Anarchy Golf, and I'd be happy to see it catch on here as well. Incidentally, I've been informed that the 95 translates to 97 in ???, while the 92 translates to 98.

    – Mitch Schwartz – 10 years ago

    (I was misinformed; it's 95 -> 96 and 92 -> 97 for ???.) – Mitch Schwartz – 10 years ago


    Java, 61 bytes

    enum H{H;{System.out.print("Hello, World!");System.exit(0);}}

    This is valid in both Java 5 and Java 6. This won't work in Java 4 or earlier (because enum didn't exist) and will not work in Java 7 or after (because the bypass[1] was "fixed").

    enum H {                               // An enum is basically a class.
      H;                                   // Static initialization of the mandatory instance, invoking the default constructor.
                                           // Happens before the existence check of "main"-method.
                                           // No constructor means default constructor in Java.
      {                                    // Instance initialization block.
                                           // Executed in each constructor call.
        System.out.print("Hello, World!"); // duh!
        System.exit(0);                    // Exit before the JVM complains that no main method is found.
                                           // (and before it writes on stderr)

    Rough equivalence in Java as usually written

    The above code is roughly equivalent to the following one.

    class HelloWorld {
      public final static HelloWorld INSTANCE;
      static {
        INSTANCE = new HelloWorld();
      public HelloWorld() {
        System.out.print("Hello, World!");

    Proof of correctness

    $ java -version
    java version "1.6.0_45"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
    $ javac H.java
    $ java H
    Hello, World!

    1: The bypass consists of the static execution of code when the class is being linked. Before Java 7, the main-method-containing class was no exception to the static initialization code. Afterwards, static initialization was delayed until the main method would actually be found.

    Olivier Grégoire

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 647

    I recommend changing the title to “Java 6, 62 bytes” to clarify the version requirement. I’d also like to ask for more detail on the “bypass” fixed in Java 7. – Stevoisiak – 7 years ago

    @StevenVascellaro Explanations have been added. – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago

    5The explanation is much appreciated. I still recommend specifying the language as Java 6 in the title to distinguish it as a unique, version specific language – Stevoisiak – 7 years ago

    @StevenVascellaro "This is not about finding the language with the shortest "Hello, World!" program. This is about finding the shortest "Hello, World!" program in every language." This is the shortest answer in Java (so far); not writing the version is actually more correct as answer. Plus you're aware of the Java 8 answer, but haven't asked that answer to be Java 8 tagged. Double standard?

    – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago

    1@OlivierGrégoire Nice job ;) Also, I changed my program's header to Java 8 when I saw the comments here. – TheNumberOne – 7 years ago

    Uh, this is actually 61 bytes

    – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago

    @cairdcoinheringaahing Oops, thank you, I fixed it. – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago

    Isn't stderr ignored on PPCG? Wouldn't that mean that you can remove the System.exit? – NieDzejkob – 7 years ago

    @NieDzejkob The challenge explicitly says no to that interpretation. – Olivier Grégoire – 7 years ago


    Stack Cats, 134 + 3 = 137 148 907 bytes

    I'm happy to give a 500-rep bounty to the first person who can bring this down below 100 (+3) bytes.


    Needs to be run with the -l switch of the Ruby interpreter, hence +3 bytes.

    Try it online!

    There's definitely still room for improvement here, but I haven't quite figured out myself yet how to program in this language effectively. The current solution was just a general idea for how to approach the challenge and I just wrote the code in a rather ad-hoc way. Even without changing the overall approach I'm confident that one can end up much closer to 100 bytes or even below.


    Proudly introducing my latest creation, this time in collaboration with Sp3000. :) The idea for this language was originally born for feersum's language design CnR, but at the time we weren't able to figure out whether this idea was usable, and then kept putting it off. A couple of weeks ago we decided to revisit the idea, cleaned up the design a lot and managed to make progress towards proving its Turing-completeness, so here it is.

    Stack Cats is a stack-based, reversible programming language. In fact, in order to undo any piece of code, you simply mirror it (which means reversing it and swapping all brackets and slashes). Furthermore, every program has to have mirror symmetry itself. This implies that every non-trivial program has odd length and the form f g f-1, where g is a single very simple command which is also an involution. That makes programming and especially golfing in Stack Cats fairly tricky.

    Note that the source code above isn't actually symmetric. This is because the -l switch lets you omit the first half (before the g), since it's redundant in any valid program anyway. So the full program is actually:


    When I say "stack-based", I mean that the memory model is actually a tape of stacks. As in my other stack-based languages, each stack is initially implicitly filled an infinite amount of zero (this time, that was actually necessary to ensure full reversibility of all commands on all possible states). In addition to this the initial stack starts with a -1 on top when there is no input (which is the case here).

    Output in Stack Cats works simply by printing the contents of the final stack, top to bottom. So the goal is to generate a stack with the following values (top is right):

    33 100 108 114 111 87 32 44 111 108 108 101 72

    (There are a few other options but this is what the above program does.)

    I'm going to represent the tape as follows, with the v indicating the tape head's position:

    ... -1 ...

    Now on to the code. Note that the program begins with a (...) which continues until just before the central *-*. This is a loop, which can be used as a conditional. The loop is entered and exited only when the top of the stack is positive. Since the initial stack holds a -1, the entire first half of the program is skipped. This makes programming a lot easier, but of course it's also somewhat wasteful in terms of golfing. I haven't yet been able to figure out how to make easy use of both halves of the code except for simple toy problems.

    Next comes the *-*. Here, * takes the top of the stack XOR 1, i.e. turns -1 into -2, the - negates it to give 2 and then we have another *, giving 3. Now that the top of the stack is positive, we do enter the (...) in the second half. The code in there will be executed only once and now turns this single 3 into the stack we need for the output.

    It turns out that the quickest way to obtain large numbers without loops is a Fibonacci-like progression where we repeatedly add the last value to the one before. I say Fibonacci-like because we have some flexibility here since we can occasionally increment or decrement values in the process, or add the last value to the previous one several times before swapping their roles.

    For now, we're trying to compute 33 and 87, because they both appear in the same Fibonacci-like sequence. (And they are the character codes of ! and W.) If the top of the stack is a and the value below is b, I'll be writing this as (a, b), so the current state is (3, 0). Let's go:

    :    Swap the top two values.              (  0,  3)
    ^    XOR the second into the first.        (  3,  3)
    -    Negate top.                           ( -3,  3)
    _    Subtract top from second.             (  6,  3)
         As you can see, -_ can be used to
         add the second-to-top to the top.
    -_   Add second into top.                  (  9,  3)
    :    Swap.                                 (  3,  9)
    -_   Add second into top.                  ( 12,  9) 
         The last two together form a normal
         "Fibonacci step".
    :-_  Fibonacci step.                       ( 21, 12)
    :-_  Fibonacci step.                       ( 33, 21)
    :-_  Fibonacci step.                       ( 54, 33)
    -_   Add second into top.                  ( 87, 33)
    :    Swap.                                 ( 33, 87)

    Now [ pushes the 33 one stack to the left (moving the tape head along), :^ duplicates it and ] moves one copy back. Together, this just puts a 33 on the stack to the left. And then ]:^ moves the 33 to the right and duplicates it again there. So now we've got:

    ... 33 87 33 ...
         0  0  0

    Next, it turns out that most of the lower case letters are multiples of 3 and their other factors are 36, 37, 38 which aren't too far away. 99 is also useful, since we'll need both 100 and 101, so we now create a stack with those factors so we can multiply all of them by 3 later.

    Stack Cats doesn't have a decrement or increment command. The standard way to increment a value is to combine bitwise NOT (!) and unary negation (-). However, if we know that our value is even we can also increment by toggling the least significant bit with *. Hence, the following !-*!- brings the 33 on top of the stack up to 36. Next, we pull over two 0s from the empty stack to the right, turn use them to get incremented copies of the 36 with >[!_>[!_. The tape now looks like this:

    ... 33 87 33 ...
         0  0  0

    Time for the loop:


    Besides the (...) we've already seen, Stack Cats has another loop, {...}, but its semantics are also a bit unusual. The loop body is always executed at least once. When the loop starts, Stack Cats remembers the value on top of the stack, and then the loop doesn't terminate until that value is seen again at the end of an iteration. That means the easiest way to work through a stack is to put a zero on top and then shift the stack away one value at a time until we hit the zero at the bottom. Here is what the loop does:

    >[       Fetch a zero from the empty stack to the right.
    {        Loop until zero...
      ]        Push the current factor X to the right.
      >[       Fetch a zero from the stack next to that.
      ^        XOR X into that zero, duplicating X.
      -_-_     Add X into the new value twice, computing 3*X.
      :        Swap 3*X and X.
      ]]<<     Push X two stack to the right and return.
      <        Move back to the stack we're looping over.
    >        Move onto the stack which now holds the multiples.

    This is the new tape:

                 99   33    
                108   36    
                111   37    
    ... 33 87   114   38 ...
         0  0 0   0 0  0

    The next bit is [!-:^ which you've seen before: it increments the 99 to 100 and duplicates it on the empty stack next to it. The [[ moves one of those 100s over onto the 33 — we're now starting to build the final stack there. Here's what we've got:

                   108   36    
        100        111   37    
    ...  33 87 100 114   38 ...
          0  0   0   0 0  0

    It's going to be annoying to fetch all the values from so many stacks away, so here's a new command. \ swaps the current stack with the one of the right, moving the tape head along. So the \\ now brings the output stack closer to the useful values:

                   108   36    
               100 111   37    
    ... 87 100  33 114   38 ...
         0   0   0   0 0  0

    Next, there's >]:^ which moves the 108 onto the empty stack to duplicate it. [[>:[ moves one of them and the 114 onto the output stack. >:^[ duplicates the 111 and moves one copy onto the output stack. Then we fetch the 87 with <<]], and move the stack two positions further with another \\. We've now got World!:

                    114 33    
                    108 36    
                    100 37    
    ... 100 111 108  33 38 ...
          0   0   0   0  0

    Time for the space: we've still got that 33 around, so we fetch and decrement it with >[*. We don't need those 36, 37, 38 any more, but we do need a 44. We also still need the 72 for the H later on, and we can actually compute that on the way. All of this is accomplished with the following code:


    The new command here is + which swaps the top of the stack with the third value from the top. We use it together with : to put the 36 below the 37 and 38. The ^ replaces the 37 with 37 XOR 38 which is 3. We then add this to 38 with :-_ which gives 41. ]:^ duplicates that on the stack to the right. Then we add a 32 into it with [[-_ and decrement it with * by toggling the least-significant bit. Voilà, there's our 72. We move it to the side with [, go back to the other copy of 41 with >>> and add another 3 into it with [-_ before putting it on the output stack with [. Next, we move the current stack to the left with /. Here's the current tape:

                100  72  3    
    ... 100 111  33 108 36 ...
          0   0   0   0  0

    Now all that's left is collecting a few more values with


    The <] fetches the 111. Then >+^ swaps the 72 with the zero below in order to duplicate the 108. [>[ moves both of those onto the output stack. <<]] fetches the 100 and * turns it into a 101. Finally >[ gets the 72 and we're done.

    If you've actually followed all of this you'll noticed that there's tons of stuff we could have done differently which may or may not have saved bytes. There are many more ways to compute the different numbers, maybe XOR would have been useful more often. We could also generate some larger or negative numbers, since the final values are taken modulo 256 before being printed. We could also have made more use of loops, or used the stacks differently. There are also further stack manipulation commands like | to reverse it, X to swap the stacks left and right and = to swap only their top values.

    As difficult as it is to program in Stack Cats, it still provides quite a large set of useful commands, which allow for many different approaches to any given problem.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    1Crazy language, very nice answer. – Raghu Ranganathan – 7 years ago


    Common Intermediate Language, 126 123 bytes

    .assembly H{}.method static void M(){.entrypoint
    ldstr"Hello, World!"
    call void[mscorlib]System.Console::Write(string)

    With proper indentation:

    .assembly H {}
    .method static void M()
        ldstr "Hello, World!"
        call void[mscorlib] System.Console::Write(string)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 017

    You can save 2 bytes by removing unneccesary newlines (at least in Mono) – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Python 3, 22 bytes

    print("Hello, World!")

    In Python 3, printing is a function and so it requires parenthesis.

    A 16 byte solution would be import __hello__, but annoyingly this prints the message without the comma!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 26 661

    2Don't forget wrong caps :P – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago


    Javascript (ES6), 20 bytes

    alert`Hello, World!`

    Javascript ES6 features are awesome when it comes to code golf!

    Here, the use of templates allows for a two byte savings by removing parentheses.

    How it works

    This syntax is known as tagged templates, and it is not the same as merely calling a function with a single string as a parameter, as I initially thought. The function, in this case alert, is called with an array of the string portions of the template and an array of the inserted values. Since there were no inserted values and only a single string portion of the template, alert is called with the array ["Hello, World!"] as its sole (defined) parameter. alert displays this, conveniently, as Hello, World!

    Try replacing alert with console.log, and it won't work! You'll get Array [ "Hello, World!" ] instead, since the console doesn't follow the same display rules as alert.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 898

    wait, but alert does not print to STDOUT? – an earwig – 10 years ago

    5@James_Parsons Since JavaScript doesn't really have a traditional STDOUT, alert is typically considered acceptable. – jrich – 10 years ago

    oh, ok sorry. I'm kinda new here – an earwig – 10 years ago

    1@James_Parsons No problem. Welcome to PPCG! – jrich – 10 years ago

    6console.log("Hello, World!") (28 bytes) outputs to STDOUT if run in node. – jib – 10 years ago


    You may use Javascript Shell and change alert to print which will print to STDOUT.

    – tsh – 10 years ago


    Jelly, 8 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    Wat. How on earth did you compress it so much... – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

    5Jelly now has an experimental decompressor that indexes an English dictionary. – Dennis – 9 years ago

    15Jelly is ḅaė. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    2you mean: ḅaė is jelly – Daniele D – 9 years ago


    Hexagony, 23 bytes


    Try it online!

    This was found with a brute force program. Time taken:

    In 0 days 0 hours 52 minutes 56.4935 seconds

    I suspect this is optimal.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 14 620

    1I was hoping it wouldn't be brute-forced, but you still get the bounty – Jo King – 7 years ago

    2@JoKing I was hoping it would be :D ... I've been meaning to write a brute forcer for linear programs for ages and never got around to it, so I'm glad someone finally did. – Martin Ender – 7 years ago

    3Any plans on posting the brute-forcer as well? – Jo King – 7 years ago

    1@JoKing Before posting the brute force program, I need to optimize it and make sure that it doesn't produce a shorter solution in a reasonable amount of time. – user202729 – 7 years ago

    1I'm quite impressed by this backwards code the brute force has worked out, where it uses each ; at least twice in passing, and twice again when the paths cross over – Jo King – 7 years ago

    @user202729 did you ever get around to posting the brute forcer – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ASCII-only It's linked right there – user202729 – 6 years ago


    Hot Soup Processor, 17 bytes

    mes"Hello, World!

    This one's pretty straightforward, but I'm not aware of any other language which can use mes ("message") to print. The language itself is actually of Japanese origin, as one can tell from their website.

    Apparently the closing quote isn't necessary (as of ver 3.4a), which is unusual for a non-esolang.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    10"HSP is a development language of the interpreter type. The world can be constructed by expanding the wing of the creation."

    Did you expand the wing of the creation? – 2xsaiko – 8 years ago


    Wordy, 1666 bytes

    xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x x.xx x.x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x x x x x x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x x x x x.xx x.x x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.xxx x x.xxx xxx xxx x x x x.xxx xxx x x x.xxx xxx xxx x x.xx x.x x.xx x.x.

    We can greet the World by executing the following instructions:


    Wordy encodes all instructions as sentences, where the fraction of words that are longer and shorter than the rounded average selects the command.

    The shortest sentences I could find for the used instructions are:

    ASSIGN xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.
    VALUE xxx xxx x x x.
    ADD xxx x x.
    MULTIPLY xxx xxx xxx x x x x.
    OUTCHAR xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x.
    NOP xxx xxx xxx x x.
    LITERAL xx x.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Wierd (John's), 432 421 302 289 256 225 197 181 bytes

    -*******************           !dlroW ,olleH
     R*   *    *     *
     E*  **    **   *
     T*  **    **  *
     U ***   ***  ****
     R   *  *  *      *
     N  *    *  ********
        *  ****
     0   **

    Try it online!


    Wierd's workspace determines both code and data. While each character sets the workspace's cell to its code point (missing characters are treated as spaces, which have code point 32), the code is defined by a particle that starts in the upper left corner and moves along a wire. This wire is also defined by the characters: non-spaces form wires, spaces separate these wires. Instructions are encoded into the kind of turns the particle takes.

    At the beginning, the upper left corner holds the number 45, which is the x-coordinate of the cell to the right of !dlrow ,olleH. Each loop through the asterisks that form the main wire decrements that coordinate, prints the character, then prints the character it points to. After all 13 characters have been printed, the upper left corner becomes a space, causing the particle to traverse RETURN 0 instead of the main wire. Once 0 is reached, the particle can no longer move; the program ends.

    For the first 12 iterations, the particle moves as follows.

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 210 105"><path d="M 20 80 L 20 100" fill="none" stroke="#FFC0C0" stroke-width="3"/><path d="M 20 8.5 L 20 80" fill="none" stroke="#C00000" stroke-width="3"/><path d="M 20 98.5 L 20 101.5" fill="none" stroke="#C00000" stroke-width="3"/><path d="M 180 30 L 200 10 L 199 10" fill="none" stroke="#C0C0C0" stroke-width="3"/><path d="M 200 10 L 10 10 L 30 30 L 30 50 L 40 60 L 60 60 L 70 50 L 70 30 L 60 40 L 60 70 L 50 80 L 50 90 L 60 100 L 70 100 L 80 90 L 110 90 L 90 70 L 100 60 L 120 60 L 130 50 L 130 40 L 120 30 L 120 70 L 130 80 L 200 80 L 180 60 L 150 60 L 180 30" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="3"/><path d="M 10 10 L 30 30 L 30 50 L 40 60 L 60 60 L 70 50 L 70 30 L 60 40 L 60 70 L 50 80 L 50 90 L 60 100 L 70 100 L 80 90 L 110 90 L 90 70 L 100 60 L 120 60 L 130 50 L 130 40 L 120 30 L 120 70 L 130 80 L 200 80 L 180 60 L 150 60 L 180 30 L 200 10 Z" fill="none" id="move-loop"/><circle r="4" fill="#00C0C0"><animateMotion dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite"><mpath xlink:href="#move-loop"/></animateMotion></circle></svg>

    However, during the thirteenth and last iteration, the upper left corner if removed, so the particle moves down the red wire instead.


    As illustrated in the Stack Snippet, the particle takes the following left turns on the main wire.

    • 315° Subtract. Nothing is done, since the stack is empty.

      This turn, like the other no-ops, is made solely to save space.

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 1 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 1 1 1]

    • 135° Pop the stack. Since the popped element is 1, pop two more values (1 1) and push the code point of the character at those coordinates. STACK: [1 n]

      Initially, the character at (1, 1) is -, so n = 45.

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 n 1]

    • 315° Subtract. STACK: [1 (n-1)]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 (n-1) 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 (n-1) 1 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 (n-1) 1 1 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 (n-1) 1 1 1 1]

    • 315° Subtract. STACK: [1 (n-1) 1 1 0]

    • 135° Pop the stack. Since the popped element is 0, pop two more values (1 1) and store the next value on the stack (n-1) at those coordinates. STACK: [1]

      During the first run, the upper left corner changes from - (45) to , (44).

      During the thirteenth and last run, the upper left corner changes from ! (33) to space (32), essentially cutting the wire.

    • 270° Pop the stack. Since the popped element is 1, continue. STACK: []

    • 315° Subtract. Nothing is done, since the stack is empty.

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [1 1 1]

    • 135° Pop the stack. Since the popped element is 1, pop two more values (1 1) and push the code point of the character at those coordinates. STACK: [(n-1)]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [(n-1) 1]

    • 45° Push 1. STACK: [(n-1) 1 1]

    • 135° Pop the stack. Since the popped element is 1, pop two more values (1 (n-1)) and push the code point of the character at those coordinates. STACK: [c]

      During the first run, this retrieves the character at (44, 1), which is H.

    • 45° Push 1.

    • 225° Pop the stack. Since the popped element is 1, pop the next item and print it to STDOUT. STACK: []

    • 180° Jump to the rightmost star on the first line.

    • 135° Get/set. Nothing is done, since the stack is empty.

      After this turn in the upper left corner, the particle starts over.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    That is amazing. I couldn't figure out how to exit the loop and settled for doing it the long way - big mistake. – Jerry Jeremiah – 7 years ago


    IRC, 27 bytes

    /nick h
    /quit Hello, World!

    The esolangs page comes with a really lengthy two-file "Hello, World!" example. It turns out that is completely unnecessary. The main file of an IRC program contains the program name, a list of channels (which are found in separate files and define individual threads) as well a generic error message which is displayed for various errors. However, that error message can be anything and goes to STDOUT. So let's define our error message as Hello, World!. The shortest way to raise an appropriate error is simply not to define any channels. Voilà, almost 800 bytes saved.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    6You know some of the weirdest esolangs. – kirbyfan64sos – 10 years ago

    Does it print to STDERR? – minmaxavg – 9 years ago

    1@minmaxavg it's been a while, but since I explicitly mention it in the explanation I'm pretty sure that I checked that the error message goes to STDOUT and not too STDERR. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


    Piet, 93 codels

    The 1 pixel bitmap of the 31x3 program :

    Piet 31x3 - Codel 1[1]

    There might be still some room for improvement.
    But the Direction Pointer & Codel Chooser are not making things easier.

    This is the 12 codel image :

    Piet 31x3 - Codel 12[2]

    Remarks :

    Because of the upper-left black codel, npiet online seems to have a problem with it.
    But it works on PietDev.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 776

    PietDev should be used with caution because it ignores some specs. The black start codel problem is one of them. The other is wrong behavior for the DIV operation that generates float values although the spec says that all values in Piet are integers. Npiet is a good way to check if a program really works. – M L – 10 years ago

    1Yes, I noticed that after I posted this solution. The div problem on PietDev is not a problem if you just use it for output, since that only uses the integer part. And i.m.h.o., I do believe it would be an enrichment to npiet if it allowed to start with black codels till another colour is found. You could write piet programs with a black frame that way. – LukStorms – 9 years ago

    I'm awarding the bounty to this submission, despite the black codel. The reuse of 2 and 3-large cells is very nice - I thought I'd try golfing this down a column or two but it's surprisingly hard. Makes me think 87 might be possible though. – Sp3000 – 9 years ago

    @Sp3000 Thanks for the bounty reward. I've been trying to find a solution without the black codel that's below 30x3. But can't seem to find one. But I still believe there should exist a 29x3 solution. Piet is just a immense pain to golf. It's not just a matter of getting the optimal result from the stack. – LukStorms – 9 years ago


    GOTO++, 31 bytes

    s=«Hello, World!»

    This one is actually a bit interesting. There is a more intuitive way to output things in GOTO++, which would be this:

    GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE()«Hello, World!»

    This is however 35 bytes. GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE outputs its arguments to STDOUT (Du texte means some text in french). Note that the arguments of a function don't necessarily have to be inside the brackets, as long as they are to the right of the left bracket. So GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE()«Hello, World!» is just as valid as GOTOPRINTDUTEXTE(«Hello, World!»)

    GOTOPRINT() on the other hand, outputs to STDOUT the very last variable modified by a =.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 32 976


    Starry, 191 188 186 182 172 169 bytes

            + + +* +  * + + +* + .* +         + +* * +      +* .  + + . + . +        + +   +* + . +          +   * +* + .         + +  * +* . +*      + * . + .* . . .  + * .

    This is almost definitely suboptimal, but Starry golfing is surprisingly difficult, due to the cost of pushing a number being higher than that of performing an operation. Thankfully we can reuse a lot of past computations, due to duplicate letters in the message "Hello, World!".

    Starry operators are determined by the number of spaces before one of +*.,`. The relevant ones used are:

    Spaces       Char      Operation
    1            +         Duplicate top of stack
    2            +         Swap top 2 stack elements
    3            +         Rotate top 3 stack elements
    n >= 5       +         Push n-5 to stack
    0 mod 5      *         Add
    1 mod 5      *         Subtract
    2 mod 5      *         Multiply
    1 mod 2      .         Output as ASCII

    And here is the program broken down:

    Line                        Explanation            Stack                 Out
            + + +* +  * +       Push 3 and 36, dup     [3 36 36]
     + +* + .                   Dup, x2, dup, print    [3 36 36 72]            H
    *                           Add                    [3 36 108]              H
     +         + +* * +         Dup, sub 8, dup        [3 36 108 100 100]      H
          +* .                  Add 1, print           [3 36 108 100]          He
      + + .                     Swap, dup, print       [3 36 100 108]          Hel
     + .                        Dup, print             [3 36 100 108]          Hell
     +        + +               Dup, push 3, dup       [3 36 100 108 108 3 3]  Hell
       +* + .                   Rot 3, add, dup, print [3 36 100 108 3 111]    Hello
     +          +   * +* + .    Dup, //5*2, dup, print [3 36 100 108 3 111 44] Hello,
             + +  * +* .        Print 32               [3 36 100 108 3 111 44] Hello, 
     +*      + * .              Double, sub 1, print   [3 36 100 108 3 111]    Hello, W
     + .                        Dup, print             [3 36 100 108 3 111]    Hello, Wo
    * .                         Add, print             [3 36 100 108]          Hello, Wor
     . .                        Print, print           [3 36]                  Hello, World
      + * .                     Swap, sub, print       []                      Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729


    Funciton, 212 209 bytes

    ║52834632  ║

    I found that 10 digits per row yielded the least bytes, although there may have been a mistake in my calculations.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Minecraft 1.8.7, 26 + 2 = 28 Blytes

    This is using this version of byte counting.

    the system

    The command block contains the code:

    tellraw @a "Hello, World!"

    This one doesn't really need an explanation.

    Addison Crump

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 763

    Use a button instead on this one. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    2This scoring method is called blytes (blocks + bytes). – user48538 – 9 years ago

    @zyabin101 I know - I created the term. I hadn't updated it though. :P Thanks. – Addison Crump – 9 years ago

    20You couldn't have taken a screenshot during the day? – mbomb007 – 9 years ago


    Brain-Flak, 142 140 136 bytes


    Try it online!

    In the time since this answer was originally posted (original code below) Jo-King wrote a computer program that was able to find a shorter Hello World. After careful examination I was able to shave 2 bytes off of the computers program. Jo-King then improved his program to outgolf me. But I'm not beaten that easily and I've golfed it back, taking another 2 bytes off the machine. I won't explain the entire program because I don't understand it and Jo-King has already done that in the linked post but I will explain my golf. My golf pertains the part that looks like:


    From here I noticed that [][] was repeated twice. I thought it might be a good idea to cache this value instead:


    However because there is a [] between the push and the pop this is off by one. We can fix this by moving the () outside of the double to decrease by 1.


    At this point we can increase the [] in between by another one by pushing [][] twice instead of once


    This saves 2 bytes.

    A man ain't nothin' but a man, And before I'll let your [metagolfer] beat me down, I'll die with the [keyboard] in my hand.

    Original code, 148 bytes

    Now that DJMcMayhem's answer has depreciated. I made a replacement (and even removed a few bytes).


    Try it Online!


    This explanation was create by Poke

              (()()()()){} Add 8... to 0
             ){} Double to 16
            ){}() Double and add 1 to 33 which is !
           ) Push the ! to save it for the end
          ) Push an extra 33 to help add to get to the first letter
         ){}{}() Triple the 33 and add 1 for 100 which is d
        )[][][][] Push the d to save it for the end. Add height-2, 4 times for 108 which is l
       )[][] Push the l to save for the end then add height-3, 2 times = 114 which is r
      )[[]]() Push the r to save for the end then subtract height-4 and add 1 = 111 which is o
     )[[][][][][]]() Push the o to save for the end then subtract height-5 5 times and add 1 = 87 which is W
    ) Push W to save for the end
    At this point the stack contains "!dlroW". 87 Floating
    ( We're now a level lower so we start at 0 for the math here.
     [([]([])[][]{})]()()() Push 6+6+7+7+6=32 which is the space, then negate it + 3 = -29 Floating
      [[]] negate height-7 = -7 Floating
        [()()()] -3 Floating
         [([][][])] Push 3*height-7 = 21 and negate it = -21 Floating
            ({}()){} 21+1+22 = 44 which is the comma
           ) Push the , to save for the end
          ) Push another 44
         ){}{} 44+44+44 = 132
        ) Push 132 plus the -21 we left floating earlier = 111 which is o
       ) Push 111 plus the -3 we left floating earlier = 108 which is l
      ) Push another l
     ) Push 111 plus the -7 we left floating earlier = 101 which is e
    ) Push 101 plus the -29 we left floating earlier = 72 which is H
    At this point the stack contains "!dlroW ,olleH" and our accumulator is at 159 which doesn't get used.

    Post Rock Garf Hunter

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 382


    Here's an explanation... It's not great. I don't know the proper vernacular for this language. Try it online!

    – Poke – 8 years ago


    Seed, 4154 4135 4117 4078 bytes

    Possibly smallest one can create in finite amount of time.

    Feersum's generator has been outscored by 125 digits.

    18 1999111369209307333809858526699771101145468560828234645250681099656696029279480812880779443148152835266354745917034724622145903651417563371730237765283326056988244774110441802133624468817714160177386022056512108401823787027806425684398448067970193332644167536135089961308323052217690818659345826221618714547471817786824952177760705661213021136861627615564344797191592895410701640622192392412826316893318666484043376230339929937013414786228802341109250367744273459627437423609306999946689714086908789713031946200584966850579209651689981508129953665360591585003323062426849065928803791631705897655870676902001410564547259097078231664817435753967511921076054045034302323796976905054512737624542497156263914722954936458789312271946701667519720841308380062811251340113402138536813062807047486584549696366881131076129644333426157514410757991556230404583924322168740934746079177400690540383270574734570453863131129670312070568678426587468145691141064452504683450565188718043501125177371576228281599163415914580472091806809959254536307112226422637068036069837636348250796013947548859219492684001888592443619271863264913733271796439829896342322684180478385639971904415730730155249230972472713598001454701479081682503703435292522488015910406951417625194589254609756805750713606175216991897729604817653297756338264018378339186646236428245791304007449872675676823828828025054891324604572924113135541994460293993994930010757779465315482913805320566037487246911578188713647298779820394853314711728701462997760060773720597833413054385989484972761510228922232188763499675904892361201334056531237561182096332707820332381472154893517831468669407424867949853884550905603295504680929068346527584718316837786318710085149722173684889784734888358566137013072868037395888296895408992035862679921478330680631465096402120764369879221964359613565641652779510635224788673321444028128955312660697375763703507924497355056468329176678508797277505818080245055083627993568557883893217501909841992899324584338401263402065617507377073719573642373296064002058833488593469308722954567388945161866200094063588423591356962865924188962743278147095803148276100759174767606637848987740320689762075562393521992008413240632519860537097220403160035470139899869535541445941688033346042941342229305392639867768112643798588915164061012851035069872578424685533430920913310727097269791325370108354115267003538502506307401037702631576755065238836157990287620373910423088628131973441805618500402407032751005850768445522318425479521483938945040598642922742796671148454685792926662105094734939468210307429214048710552195412807154088634170043145174020299723624868716804740205833308025010299791473201989330179511900752421521748244324520372384555472905196933204791343923384985673930225356512632819977168423365518584516873151142795940198973519372718229122661025988052451376835210066645728260048500257088773609522352231828810506243886764860621803233068079848240668323783996022507908005888468315483796728648978952610219628600082949325089555677853995177602958596492703349550377871982505777660804519503438416790609328789548538308170189581940118961959513239411467871900221985235702327603132341245854941342838886675363828149587290416073764877392438738417021129652498464495269870868163299830870636019233313974206364225614175115905798645888824666280593535350493547833757379214088677125769505793280646751090271497879000895725329057103702349349795211071357094147037863458426851391499872003703049553149335378055054176480977774050198041879243243264959205957441742983643583697591926138999543475339555662645088503078864968452030049140027407987267835123806661736568594687416676322591834962173789578844522343172160526435025531896189408441645468352864002987706103448393710107805248652709736711528349633758515438315407447026188178510124322920110858766628704828773265703683997486487094455425009292414948853993709223752434073750917088611480305840639869649933404702780843770306859066070919534638022435125602050780767420448917941603557783974740312706609928585387278690009349321957381507513875981113699582062422293555869483805964659436085153933836036107786

    Try it online!

    Krzysztof Szewczyk

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 819


    I don't know Befunge nor Seed, but is there a reason both you and @feersum use the Befunge-98 program "9!dlroW ,olleH"ck,@ (20 bytes)? Won't the Befunge-98 Hello World answer posted here: "ck,@!dlroW ,olleH (which is 18 bytes) result in a shorter Seed program as well?

    – Kevin Cruijssen – 5 years ago

    @KevinCruijssen you are mistaken. I'm not using the same program as feersum. – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 5 years ago

    3Also, the shorter befunge solution is incorrect - it starts with a leading space and no excalamation mark. To fix these issues, the program would be 19 bytes big - that's as much as the no-9 solution I've been working on. – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 5 years ago

    Oh. Is the Python 3 program which converts Seed programs to Befunge from the Seed Esolang page in that case incorrect? Because when I decode feersum's Seed code I get the same Befunge program as when I decode your Seed code. (As I said, i don't know anything about Befunge nor Seed. I simply copy-pasted that Python 3 script and used it for your Seed code when I noticed there is a shorter Befunge answer posted..)

    – Kevin Cruijssen – 5 years ago

    ^ Crap, I haven't updated my answer with the lastest score. Sorry, I will do that in a hour after a new program generates with the best generator. – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 5 years ago

    1The output of the latest revision appears to be incorrect. – Dennis – 5 years ago

    @Dennis I'm using the code suggested by Kevin. The deal is probably PyFunge98 is biased and can't run the valid code. – Krzysztof Szewczyk – 5 years ago

    1If you provide an explanation of how you derived your solution, I may bounty depending on how good the explanation is – user41805 – 5 years ago


    Piet, 15x15(225) 13x15(195) codels

    I think Piet program size is counted by codels. If someone wants to know the size in bytes anyway, I could shrink it down to 495 bytes(15x15 codels) and 476 bytes(13x15 codels) using PNGGauntlet.

    Codel size 10 for better visibility.

    13x15 version:

    Piet "Hello, World!" 13x15

    First version (15x15):

    Piet "Hello, World!"

    I was a bit lazy with this solution. I should be able to golf it down a bit more. This solution fills up the stack with ASCII-32 and reads it out in a loop (ASCII+32).


    D:\codegolf\Piet\npiet-1.3a-win32>npiet "Hello World codegolf.png"
    Hello, World!

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865


    FiM++, 88 bytes

    Dear Princess Celestia:H.Today I learned:I sang "Hello, World!".Your faithful student,M.

    FiM++ is an object-oriented language inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yeah, right.

    Printing "Hello, World!" is fairly straightforward, and there was an example in the interpreter's repository which I used as the basis for the above code. The main golfing steps were figuring out which parts could be shortened or left out and which couldn't... and the fact that I could replace I wrote ... with I sang ....

    The interpreter prints a bunch of diagnostic information before running the code, but that does not appear to be part of the actual language specification.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Wierd, 1341 bytes

    Unlike other languages where the symbols in a program determine which instructions are executed, in Wierd, it is the bends in the chain of arbitrary symbols that determine which instructions are executed.

    From the website:

    First, a Riddle:
    Q: What do you get when you put three marginally-sane programmers on a mailing list with the Befunge and BrainF*** programming languages?
    A: You get BeF***, and then they get Wierd.
    Chris Pressey then jumped on it, created the angle-to-instruction mapping, and christened the entire mess "Wierd"--a cross between the words "weird" (which the language seemed to be) and "wired" (which would describe the appearance of programs written in the language).

    Try it online at http://catseye.tc/installation/Wierd_(John_Colagioia)

    EDIT: Dennis has killed this answer quite thoroughly with this

    Even though this is much smaller than the sameple that comes with the interpreter I am positive this can be golfed more (and it has been - by Dennis) Please try to come up with something smaller and edit the question with that version.

    ,!dlroW             ++
    o     #           ++  +
    l               ++    + ++++
    l     +++     ++      ++  +
    e    +   +  ++    ++  +  +
    H   +  +  ++    ++  +   +
    +  +  ++      ++     +++
    + ++++ +    ++
    +      +  ++           ++
    +  +++++++   +++     ++  +
     ++    +    +   +  ++    + ++++
           +   +  +  ++      ++  +
           +  +  ++      ++  +  +
           + ++++ +    ++  +   +
           +      +  ++     +++
           +  +++++++
            ++    +   +++
        +         +  +   +  ++
        ++       +  +  +  ++  +
        + +     +  +  ++      + ++++
        +  +    + ++++ +      ++  +
         +  +   +      +  ++  +  +
          +  +  +  +++++++  +   +
        ++++  +  ++    +     +++
        +      +       +
         +      +++++++      +++
          +                ++   +
           +             ++     +
           +           ++      +
    ++++++++++++     ++   ++  ++++
     +     +    +  ++   ++  +     +
      ++++ +     ++   ++     +++++++
        +  +        ++
       +   +      ++
      +    +    ++
     +     +  ++
    +       ++        +++
    +               ++   +
    + +++++++     ++     +
    +  +     +  ++      +
    +   ++++  ++   ++  ++++
    +     +      ++  +     +
    +    +     ++     +++++++
    +    +   ++
    +  ++++++   +++++++     +++
     ++  +       +     +  ++   +
         +        ++++  ++     +
         +          +         +
         +      ++++     ++  ++++
         +             ++  +     +
         +  +++++++++++     +++++++

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217

    1Nice job! I was hoping someone would beat the official HW example eventually. :) – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

    I wonder if they misspelled "weird" intentionally... – mbomb007 – 9 years ago


    @mbomb007 Yes. The web page http://catseye.tc/view/wierd/dialect/wierd-jnc/doc/wierdspec.txt says that Chris Pressey then jumped on it, created the angle-to-instruction mapping, and christened the entire mess "Wierd"--a cross between the words "weird" (which the language seemed to be) and "wired" (which would describe the appearance of programs written in the language)

    – Jerry Jeremiah – 9 years ago


    Cheddar, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"


    I have been waiting for this day a long time. After days of banging my head on my desk trying to get Cheddar to work. I have finally made a Cheddar REPL. The REPL is very alpha, so if you'd like to test it out, ping me in chat @Downgoat

    Update: To run simply go to cheddar.vihan.org and follow the download instructions

    Update 2: Use the experimental online REPL at: cheddar.vihan.org/repl


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 27 116

    2-1 Language name makes me want cheese ;) – Beta Decay – 9 years ago


    Alchemy, 1013 bytes

    Fixate 1 dr Eulerius (1 oz Alkahest): Bius
    Fixate 1 dr Periphius (1 oz Alkahest): Cius
    Fuse 1 dr Bius, 1 dr Bius, 1 dr Cius, 1 dr Cius (4 oz Alkahest): Zius
    Fuse 1 dr Zius, 1 dr Bius (2 oz Alkahest): Hium
    Fuse 1 dr Cius, 1 dr Periphius, 1 dr Periphius (3 oz Alkahest): Dius
    Project 1 oz Hium, 1 oz Dius (3 oz Alkahest): Eium
    Fuse 1 dr Zius, 1 dr Cius (2 oz Alkahest): Lium
    Project 1 oz Lium, 1 dr Cius (3 oz Alkahest): Oium
    Fuse 1 dr Bius, 1 dr Cius, 1 dr Eulerius, 1 dr Eulerius (4 oz Alkahest): Cium
    Ferment 1 dr Zius, 1 dr Periphius (2 oz Alkahest): Sium
    Project 1 dr Cium, 1 dr Cium (4 oz Alkahest): Wium
    Ferment 1 dr Wium, 1 dr Aquaphidium (4 oz Alkahest): Wium
    Project 1 dr Oium, 1 dr Cius (3 oz Alkahest): Rium
    Ferment 1 dr Eium, 1 dr Aquasoothius (3 oz Alkahest): Dium
    Project 1 dr Sium, 1 dr Aquasoothius (3 oz Alkahest): Xium
    Multiply 1 oz Hium, 1 oz Eium, 1 oz Lium, 1 oz Lium, 1 oz Oium, 1 oz Cium, 1 oz Sium, 1 oz Wium, 1 oz Oium, 1 oz Rium, 1 oz Lium, 1 oz Dium, 1 oz Xium (26 oz Alkahest): Scribius

    This is one weird language. The above is probably not entirely optimal, but I also don't think that the optimal solution will be significantly shorter (I did try to obtain the numbers as efficiently as possible locally). Also, the language spec seems to imply that the amounts of the reagents should actually match up (when multiplied by their "substance numbers" which are the sums of their ASCII values...), but the only interpreter I could find doesn't seem to be checking that.

    In fact, the interpreter had a memory corruption bug which I had to fix to run the above code.

    Some explanation would probably be helpful. Let e, π, and φ have their usual meanings. Then the above code translates roughly to the following pseudocode:

    b = floor(e)         // 2
    c = floor(π)         // 3
    z = b * b * c * c    // 36
    H = z * b            // 72
    d = c * π * π        // 29.6088
    E = H + d            // 101.6088
    L = z * c            // 108
    O = L + c            // 111
    C = 2 * 3 * e * e    // 44.3343
    S = z - π            // 32.8584
    W = C + C            // 88.6686
    W = W - φ            // 87.0506
    R = O + c            // 114
    D = E - 1            // 100
    X = S + 1            // 33
    Print( H, E, L, L, O, C, S, W, O, R, L, D, X )

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Zsh, 17 bytes

    <<<Hello,\ World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 34 042


    ><>, 23 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"l?!;oe0.

    ><>, or "Fish", is a 2D stack-based language like Befunge. Here's the breakdown:

    "                    Start string parsing
    !dlroW ,olleH        Push each of these chars one-by-one onto the stack
    "                    Stop string parsing
    [main loop]
    l?!;                 If the length of the stack is 0, halt
    o                    Otherwise, output the top of the stack as char
    e0.                  Jump back to just before the l


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729


    Cubix, 31 29 bytes

    Saved 2 bytes thanks to @MartinBüttner


    I proudly present Cubix, my new 2-dimensional, stack-based esolang. Cubix is different from other 2D langs in that the source code is wrapped around the outside of a cube.

    Test it online! You can now adjust the iteration speed if you want it to run faster or slower.


    The first thing the interpreter does is figure out the smallest cube that the code will fit onto. In this case, the edge-length is 3. Then the code is padded with no-ops . until all six sides are filled. Whitespace is removed before processing, so this code is identical to the above:

          . / v
          . o ;
          @ ? /
    " ! d l r o W " S ' , u
    / " H e l l o " . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . .
          . . .
          . . .
          . . .

    Now the code is run. The IP (instruction pointer) starts out on the top left char of the far left face, pointing east. Here's an overview of the basic commands:

    • \|/_ are mirrors, and reflect the IP depending on the direction it's traveling.
    • >v<^ set the direction of the IP unconditionally.
    • ? turns the IP right if the top item is positive, or left if it's negative.
    • ' pushes the char code of the next char.
    • " toggles string mode, performing ' on each char until the IP encounters another ".
    • o outputs a char code.
    • ; pops an item.
    • @ ends the program.

    The first char we encounter is ", which toggles string mode. Each char code is pushed to the stack until we run into the next ". Then we push a space with S, and a comma with ',. The stack now contains !dlroW ,.

    Next we hit u, which turns the IP right, then right again before executing the next instruction. The IP is now at the far right of the fifth row in the above diagram, facing west. Now the IP executes "olleH", making the stack !dlroW ,olleH. The / points the IP south, where it travels through the bottom row of the bottom face, back up to the S (which adds an extra space), and finally hits the v.

    Now the IP is in what I call the "output loop". First it moves down and hits the ;, which turns pops the unnecessary space. Then it hits the ?, which directs it through o to output, bounces back around to ; to pop the char, then comes back to ?.

    This repeats until the stack is empty. Then, since the top of the stack is no longer truthy, ? leaves the IP headed north. The next char is @, which terminates the program.

    I'm not sure if this program is optimal; there's four two no-ops which could probably be put to better use. Martin and I will keep looking to find a better solution.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    Z80Golf, 19 bytes

    00000000: 674a 4343 4003 0f78 405d 434b 0e76 7e23  gJCC@..x@]CK.v~#
    00000010: e5ee 2f                                  ../

    Try it online!

    Z80Golf is, essentially, a Z80 machine hooked up to $8000=putchar and $8003=getchar. The source code is a binary copied to $0000 (all other memory is zeroed out, just like the registers); execution starts there and runs until a halt instruction.

    It was designed by mokehehe on anarchy golf for code golf competitions there, but seems to have fallen into disuse. It's really fun to golf in, but excelling in it requires a pretty thorough understanding of the Z80 chip (that I myself don't even have, but some golfers like kodera and *yuko* do, and every solution they write is very clever.)

    A naïve Hello, World! program might look like this:

      ld a, (ix+hello)
      or a
      jr nz, okay
      call $8000  ; putchar
      inc ix
      jr start
      db "Hello, World!"

    It assembles into a 27 byte binary. It even cheats a little bit: we don't need to explicitly zero-terminate the string "Hello, World!" ourselves, as all the memory past our source code is zeroed already. And it's still a fair bit longer than our 19-byte solution.

    So how does the 19-byte solution work?

    It doesn't look much like a Hello, World! program when disassembled:

      ld h,a
      ld c,d
      ld b,e
      ld b,e
      ld b,b
      inc bc
      ld a,b
      ld b,b
      ld e,l
      ld b,e
      ld c,e
      ld c,0x76
      ld a,(hl)
      inc hl
      push hl
      xor 0x2f

    We can look at the program in a slightly more revealing manner.

      db 47 ^ 'H'  ; 67  ld h, a
      db 47 ^ 'e'  ; 4a  ld c, d
      db 47 ^ 'l'  ; 43  ld b, e
      db 47 ^ 'l'  ; 43  ld b, e
      db 47 ^ 'o'  ; 40  ld b, b
      db 47 ^ ','  ; 03  inc bc
      db 47 ^ ' '  ; 0f  rrca
      db 47 ^ 'W'  ; 78  ld a, b
      db 47 ^ 'o'  ; 40  ld b, b
      db 47 ^ 'r'  ; 5d  ld e, l
      db 47 ^ 'l'  ; 43  ld b, e
      db 47 ^ 'd'  ; 4b  ld c, e
      db 47 ^ '!'  ; 0e  ld c,
      halt         ; 76        $76
      ld a, (hl)
      inc hl
      push hl
      xor 47
                   ; 32749 nop instructions, and then:
                   ; putchar(A)
                   ; ret

    Whenever the PC becomes $8000, Z80Golf is programmed to write the byte in register A to STDOUT, and then effectively execute a ret (the PC is set to (SP) and SP is incremented by 2). In our code, instead of using call $8000 to access this behavior, we let the PC wade through a sea of nops (opcode 00) from $0013 to $7fff.

    Keeping this in mind, the code will run as follows:

    • Execute some meaningless instructions (effectively NOPs), starting from ld h,a.
    • Set A to mem[0] ^ 47, which is 'H'.
    • Increment HL and push it ($0001).
    • Fall through to putchar, and return to the $0001 we pushed.
    • Execute some meaningless instructions, starting from ld c,d this time.
    • Set A to mem[1] ^ 47, which is 'e'.
    • Increment HL and push it ($0002).
    • Fall through to putchar, and return to the $0002 we pushed.
    • Set A to mem[12] ^ 47, which is '!'.
    • Fall through to putchar, and return to the $000d we pushed.
      • We finally jump into the argument of the ld c, $76 — and $76 is the halt opcode!

    Of course, the constant 47 was carefully picked so that none of the first instructions 13 influence the execution of the code, and the last one is some opcode that takes a single-byte argument, “hiding” the halt opcode until we jump there after printing '!'.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Fission, 17 bytes

    R"Hello, World!";


    ;"!dlroW, olleH"L

    or any cyclic permutation of the two. In Fission, we need the R or L to release an atom and get control flow going. " toggles print mode, which just prints everything encountered until switched off. Finally ; destroys the atom to avoid an infinite loop.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Packed 7-bit ASCII, 12


    Since Markdown eats some of the characters, here's a hexdump:

    $ xxd hello.ascii 
    0000000: 9197 66cd eb10 57df cb66 4420            ..f...W..fD 

    And yes, the trailing space is necessary.

    Packed 7-bit ASCII is created by taking 8-bit ASCII (the normal kind), removing the high zero bit from each byte, packing the remainder, and then padding it out with trailing zero bits.

    According to this site, this character encoding is used by "a specific US MIL STD message header format", making it a real thing.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 39 268

    2Is Packed ASCII a programming language on its own right? – user3819867 – 10 years ago

    @user3819867 It's an edge case. It depends on definitions. – isaacg – 10 years ago

    Packed 7-bit ASCII is the encoding SMS uses – slebetman – 10 years ago


    gs2, 2 bytes


    where \x12 is a raw byte.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Fortran, 28 bytes

    print'("Hello, World!")'

    You can't write print*,"Hello, World!" because there's a leading space in the default print format. Thus, we pass in our own format that simply contains a constant string.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    Which version of Fortran is this? In F77 you'd need some spacing if I'm not mistaken. – Robert Benson – 9 years ago

    @RobertBenson F77 would also require fixed form if I'm not mistaken. In any case, this works in GFortran. https://tio.run/##S8svKilKzNNNT4Mw/v8vKMrMK1HXUPJIzcnJ11EIzy/KSVFU0lTnSs1L@f8fAA

    – Dennis – 8 years ago

    Yes, F77 is fixed format, so you'd need some tabs, which adds to byte-count :( – Robert Benson – 8 years ago

    GFortran: print*,"Hello, World!";end 26 bytes, but it prefixes a space char :( – roblogic – 6 years ago


    VSL, 35 33 bytes

    Saved 2 bytes thanks to @ASCII-Only

    fn main(){print("Hello, World!")}

    Try it online!

    Okay after over one year development, the day has come where I can post this :D

    There is a print("Hello, World!") function but this is shorter. As I seperate libc and libvsl this will probably have to switch over to print but for now this is the shortest.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 27 116

    Using fn can save two bytes – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    BBC BASIC, 20 bytes

    PRINT"Hello, World!"

    Ahh, this was my first language :)

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478

    so BBC Basic does not accept ? as a shorhand for print? – edc65 – 10 years ago

    @edc65 I have no idea... I'll try – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    @edc65 It doesn't work in BBC BASIC for Windows – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    Strange, as it's quite standard in basic. A posted an answer as VBA – edc65 – 10 years ago

    Is the trailing quotation mark required? – 12Me21 – 8 years ago

    1@edc65, The "?" is NOT accepted, seems it conflicts with BBC Basic's PEEK() variant. But this is: P."Hello, World!" – user3710044 – 8 years ago


    Sed, 14 bytes

    I'm hoping the sed exemption from no-input-rules applies here. If so, we can do:

    cHello, World!

    All that is required as input is one empty line.

    Digital Trauma

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 64 644

    cHello, World! – Mitch Schwartz – 10 years ago

    1@MitchSchwartz excellent - I've never used the c sed command before - thanks! – Digital Trauma – 10 years ago

    Something like sed -e 'cHello, World!' <<<'' – F. Hauri – 6 years ago


    PDP-11 (Unix) Assembly, 33 38 bytes

    Source (No trailing newline required):

    sys 4;10;15;sys 1;<Hello, World!>

    Binary output:

    0000000 000407 000026 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
    0000020 104404 000010 000015 104401 062510 066154 026157 053440
    0000040 071157 062154 000041 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
    0000060 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000

    The output is zero-padded to 60 bytes for some reason, but I know enough about the architecture to know that it doesn't matter and can be considered 38 (maybe 37) bytes. Unfortunately, while this works on the terminal, it actually prints to STDIN.

    So, a correct program (I believe it exits with status 1, but that's not important) is:

    5200;sys 4;12;15;sys 1;<Hello, World!>

    That 5200 in the beginning is actually an "inc r0" instruction, but writing it in octal is shorter. Coincidentally, the length of this source code is also 38 bytes.

    0000000 000407 000030 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
    0000020 005200 104404 000012 000015 104401 062510 066154 026157
    0000040 053440 071157 062154 000041 000000 000000 000000 000000

    Output clocks in at 20 non-zero words, or 39 non-zero bytes, and this time the assembler doesn't insert quite as much padding so the actual output file size is 48 bytes.

    Unobfuscated source for the same program:

    inc r0
    sys write; 0f; 13.
    sys exit
    0: <Hello, World!>

    If you actually assemble this source the output has an extra nonzero byte (value 2) in the second-last word of the output, probably something to do with the fact that named symbols were used for the system calls.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 796

    So is your answer optimized for short machine code, or for short source? Or both? Maybe post two header lines, one for the machine-code count and one for the asm source count? – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago


    GNU Make, 27

    $(info Hello, World!)

    Digital Trauma

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 64 644

    You can stick these two lines together, in either order, on one line to eliminate one more char. – user3710044 – 8 years ago


    Carrot (version: ^3), 13 bytes

    Carrot is a language of Κριτικσι Λίθος. The syntax is stack^commands, where the stack is a string, and the interpreter outputs everything that's on the stack at the end of the program. The carrot is optional if you have no commands.

    Hello, World!

    In version ^, the carrot wasn't optional yet if you had no commands, so then it was 14 bytes:

    Hello, World!^


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 017


    +6 carrot.png

    – Addison Crump – 9 years ago

    Write the version number as "^". – user41805 – 9 years ago

    @ΚριτικσιΛίθος Sure! Done. – ProgramFOX – 9 years ago

    Version ^3 makes the ^ optional is you do not want to use any commands. Thus this can be shortened down by one byte. – user41805 – 9 years ago

    @ΚριτικσιΛίθος Cool! Added that. – ProgramFOX – 9 years ago


    Hexagony, 30 29 bytes


    Try it online!

    Source laid out:

        H ; _ e
       ; r ; 2 l
      . ; P . Q W
     ; l / P 1 ; @
      ; 0 d ; \ o
       ; . . . .
        . . . .

    One more byte off!

    Here's a crappy gif of the program in action.

    29 byte gif

    Given there's 2 nops inside the program itself, I'm confidant this can be golfed by at least one more byte. I'm willing to offer a bounty for a smaller version.

    Old version:


    Try it online!

    Source laid out:

        H ; e ;
       r ; 0 P l
      d ; P _ 1 ;
     l ; ; o ; Q \
      ; W \ ; $ 2
       @ \ . . .
        . . . .

    Reuses the same tricks as Martin Ender's answer, i.e Q2 printed is the comma, P0 is the space, P1 is the bang, but manages to be 2 bytes shorter through clever mirroring to reuse several ;s and the o.


    Here's a coloured Hexagony grid to show the non-branching path that the pointer takes:

    30 byte path

    The executing code, ignoring mirrors, is:


    Filtering out the skipped instructions and the literals that are overwritten by other literals, we are left with:


    Which simply prints "Hello, World!"

    After a few attempts, I gave up on a size 3 Hexagony answer. You need a minimum of 12 instructions out of 19 reserved for string literals, along with three ;s for printing and one @ for ending the program. This leaves only 3 spaces for IP management and memory management, provided you find the optimal path that reuses both the o and the l. From all this, I'll rule that a size 3 answer is impossible, though I'll give a sizable bounty to anyone who proves me wrong.

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234

    1I posted a shorter solution. – user202729 – 7 years ago

    1I came up with a 25-byte solution by hand - this will be my first answer here! I'm a bit miffed now to find this has already been beaten, albeit by brute force. Up until half an hour ago i thought Martin's original post was the only one for Hexagony. Still, my approach is different from the others. Hope to post soon although it may have to wait till Saturday when I get back from vacation and have access to my computer again. – Oliphaunt - reinstate Monica – 7 years ago

    @Oliphaunt It's been a while, but I noticed you never posted your 25 byte solution. Do you still have it or remember it? – Jo King – 5 years ago


    Javascript, 22 bytes

    alert("Hello, World!")

    You don't NEED semicolons in Javascipt!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 26 661

    Don't you need them? – OldBunny2800 – 9 years ago

    Apparently not for 1 liners (I don't know JS golfably) – Blue – 9 years ago

    1The JS interpreter will automatically insert them where it thinks they should be, if they aren't present – MayorMonty – 9 years ago

    It does not print to stdout like the spec says – Valentin Lorentz – 9 years ago


    @ValentinLorentz Javascript doesn't have a stdout - I used the nearest alternate; see Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods

    – Blue – 9 years ago


    C#, 85 67 bytes

    class P{static void Main(){System.Console.Write("Hello, World!");}}

    I guess it cannot get worse. Did not even beat Java this time.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 121

    7class P{static void Main(){System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");}} -- 71 bytes. More golfing you must do young padawan. – Stephan Schinkel – 10 years ago

    7You don't need to specify the accessibility modifiers, C# will use defaults so you can remove both instances of public. You can also use the Write method on Console to save a few more bytes. – None – 10 years ago

    4The newline in the output is optional, so use Write instead of WriteLine to save 4 bytes – SLuck49 – 10 years ago

    Yeah, a lang of Microsoft is worse than Java! – Mega Man – 9 years ago


    Foo, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Not printing Hello World seems to be a lot harder in Foo that the opposite...

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    Would s print Hello World? ;) – OldBunny2800 – 9 years ago

    Probably. – Dennis – 9 years ago

    If you find out, you might be able to golf it down to 0 or 1 byte! – OldBunny2800 – 9 years ago


    Labyrinth, 46 45 40 bytes


    Try it online!

    Labyrinth is my new two-dimensional programming language (although the 2D'ness isn't really used here). Labyrinth operates on two stacks (although this code only uses one). Each character is a separate command. However, as opposed to most similar languages individual digits don't push that digit (which makes it annoying to build up larger numbers), instead they multiply the top of the stack by 10 before adding themselves. This allows you simply to write out the numbers you want to push. (Another language with this concept is Emmental.)

    The other commands you need to know for the above code are . which prints the top of the stack (modulo 256), : which duplicates the top of the stack, ) which increments it and # which pushes the current stack depth. @ terminates the program. There's only one tricky part: W is printed by appending a 1 to 111 (o), because 1111 % 256 = 87.

    Here is what the stack and output look like throughout the program:

    Command(s)  Stack               Output
    72          [72]                ><
    .                               >H<
    10          [10]                >H<
    :           [10 10]             >H<
    1           [10 101]            >H<
    .           [10]                >He<
    :           [10 10]             >He<
    8           [10 108]            >He<
    :           [10 108 108]        >He<
    ..          [10]                >Hell<
    :           [10 10]             >Hell<
    )           [10 11]             >Hell<
    :           [10 11 11]          >Hell<
    1           [10 11 111]         >Hell<
    :           [10 11 111 111]     >Hell<
    .           [10 11 111]         >Hello<
    #           [10 11 111 3]       >Hello<
    2           [10 11 111 32]      >Hello<
    #           [10 11 111 32 4]    >Hello<
    4           [10 11 111 32 44]   >Hello<
    ..          [10 11 111]         >Hello, <
    :           [10 11 111 111]     >Hello, <
    1           [10 11 111 1111]    >Hello, <
    ..          [10 11]             >Hello, Wo<
    4           [10 114]            >Hello, Wo<
    .           [10]                >Hello, Wor<
    :           [10 10]             >Hello, Wor<
    8           [10 108]            >Hello, Wor<
    .           [10]                >Hello, Worl<
    0           [100]               >Hello, Worl<
    .           []                  >Hello, World<
    33          [33]                >Hello, World<
    .           []                  >Hello, World!<

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    1This maybe could be golfed more if you allow the code to intersect itself. – TheNumberOne – 10 years ago

    I really don't understand why "1111" is a "W". The ascii code for 'W' is 87. Can somebody explain this to me? – Robert Hickman – 8 years ago

    Oh, I see the explanation in the description, but I wasn't aware that . did a % 256 before printing. – Robert Hickman – 8 years ago


    LLVM IR 4.0.1, 149 145 152 bytes

    declare i8@puts(i8*)@t=global[14 x i8]c"Hello, World!\00"define void@main(){call i8(i8*)@puts(i8*getelementptr([14 x i8],[14 x i8]*@t,i1 0,i1 0))ret void}

    I'm not very good in LLVM IR, so chances are good, that it's possible with fewer bytes.

    Ungolfed Version:

    declare i8 @puts(i8*) ; Declare puts from C standard. i8, was the shortest return type possible.
    @t=global [14 x i8] c"Hello, World!\00" ; Hello world string as global, to have a pointer to it.
    define void @main(){
        call i8(i8*) @puts(i8* getelementptr([14 x i8], [14 x i8] *@t, i1 0, i1 0)) ; Get pointer to constant "Hello, World!" and pass it to puts
        ret void


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 200

    would int main be smaller, with ret 0 instead of ret void? I don't know LLVM IR at all, really >.< – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago


    ???, 96 bytes


    Based on the 95-byte approach by Mitch Schwartz.

    Note that the 92-byte Brainfuck solution would yield 97 bytes in ???, because the sequential loops require four more apostrophes.

    Alex A.

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 761

    24This is... wait, wrong challenge. – Dennis – 10 years ago

    80 bytes – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Ziim, 1222 bytes

    In an unexpected turn of events, I'm counting this submission in UTF-16.

    ↘ ↓↘↘↘↘↙↓↘↘ ↙↓↘ ↓↘ ↙↘←↓ ↘↘↙↓↘↘↘↙↓↘↘↘↘↙↓↘↘↘↘↙↓ ↘↘↙↓↘↘↙↓↘ ↙ ↘ ↓↘ ↙↘←↓↘ ↙ ↘ ↓ ↘↘↙↓↘↘↙↓↘↘↘↘↙↓ ↘ ↙↘←↓↘ ↙ ↘ ↓ ↘ ↙ ↘ ↓↘↘↙↓↘↘↘↙↓↘↘↘↙↓↘↘ ↙↓↘←↓↘ ↙↓↘ ↓↘↘↙↓ ↘↘↙↓↘↘↙↓↘ ↙↘←↓↘ ↙↘←↓ ↘ ↙↘←↓ ↘↘↙↓↘↘↙↓ ↘ ↙ ↘ ↓↘↘ ↙ ↘ ↓↘ ↙↓↘←
    ↓→↘ ↑↑↓→↘ ↑↓  ↓→↘ ↓↓↓→↘↘ ↓→↘ ↑↓→↘ ↑↑↓→↘ ↑↑↓→↘↘ ↓→↘ ↓→↘ ↓↓↓↓→↘ ↓↓↓→↘ ↓↓↓↓→↘↘ ↓→↘ ↓→↘ ↑↑↓→↘↘ ↓↓↓→↘ ↓↓↓↓→↘↘ ↓↓↓↓→↘ ↓→↘ ↑↓→↘ ↑↓→↘ ↑↓  ↓→↘ ↓  ↓→↘ ↓→↘↘ ↓→↘ ↓→↘ ↓↓↓→↘ ↓↓↓→↘↘ ↓↓↓→↘↘ ↓→↘ ↓→↘↘ ↓↓↓↓→↘ ↑↓↓↓↓→↘ ↓  ↓→
    ↗  ↑↖ ↗  ↑↖↗↑↗↗  ↑↗↗↗  ↑↑↗  ↑↖↗  ↑↖ ↗  ↑↖ ↗  ↑↑↗  ↑↗  ↑↗↗↗↗  ↑↗↗↗  ↑↗↗↗↗  ↑↑↗  ↑↗  ↑↖ ↗  ↑↑↗↗↗  ↑↗↗↗↗  ↑↑↗↗↗↗  ↑↗  ↑↖↗  ↑ ↗  ↑↖↗↑↗↗  ↑↗↑↗↗  ↑↗  ↑↑↗  ↑↗  ↑↗↗↗  ↑↗↗↗  ↑↑↗↗↗  ↑↑↗  ↑↗  ↑↑↗↗↗↗  ↑↖↗↗↗↗  ↑↗↑↗↗

    Because the code snippet above will likely not render in a very readable manner for you (either because of missing characters, or because the diagonal arrows aren't as monospaced as they should be), here is an image of the solution. I've marked the concatenators where a new byte starts in red:

    enter image description here
    Click for larger version

    Well, this is a bit embarrassing. I spent quite some time on this solution, and at 610 characters, it is 267 characters shorter than the one on the esolangs page. However, it contains a lot more arrows, and because those are 3 bytes in UTF-8, it's actually longer than the one on esolangs (1516 vs 1345). But because this solution is so dense and contains far more arrows than spaces, I'm actually saving bytes by using UTF-16 and counting each character as two bytes.

    Anyway, regardless of how we're counting, this is far from optimal. The above code is entirely linear, and builds one bit at a time. So I'm not reusing any bitstrings (like I could for the ls or os or even other substrings). I chose this approach because I wanted to start with something where it would be easier to pack the arrows very densely. If one used a more square layout, one could make use of a lot more repetition in the output (on a bit level), and thereby make massive savings.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    Most 2d languages are generally scored by the area of the bounding box, why not do that here? – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224 [citation-needed]? I've never scored any 2D language like that and the only one which I've seen like that is Piet where I think that's not how we should do it. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

    I've definitely seen befunge and <>< scored that way before, and that's how I've generally been scoring BotEngine. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    1@SuperJedi224 if I saw that I would recommend changing it. Programs should be scored by the size of the source file and I don't know any 2D language that chokes on omitted trailing spaces. Plus, if a submission did use up the entire bounding box, you wouldn't be counting any bytes for the aspect ratio of the grid, which is also important information. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


    Pancake Stack, 1118 1073 bytes

    Put this supercalifragilisticexpialidociouseventhoughthesoundofitissomethingquite pancake on top!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put this floccinaucinihilipilification pancake on top!
    Put the top pancakes together!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put another pancake on top!
    Put this piquant pancake on top!
    Put the top pancakes together!
    Show me a pancake!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put another pancake on top!
    Put this big pancake on top!
    Put the top pancakes together!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put this osteosarchaematosplanchnochondroneuromuelous pancake on top!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put this kolmivaihdekilowattituntimittari pancake on top!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put the top pancakes together!
    Put this scrumptious pancake on top!
    Put the top pancakes together!
    Show me a pancake!
    Eat the pancake on top!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put this big pancake on top!
    Put the top pancakes together!
    Show me a pancake!
    Eat the pancake on top!
    Show me a pancake!
    Eat the pancake on top!
    Take off the syrup!
    Show me a pancake!
    Put this nonilfenossipolietilenossietonolo pancake on top!
    Show me a pancake!
    Eat all of the pancakes!

    I've been avoiding this one because I haven't found a good way of golfing it yet, but here's a submission for now.

    The relevant operations are:

    Instruction                               Result
    Put this X pancake on top!                Push word length of X to stack
    Eat the pancake on top!                   Pop and discard
    Put the top pancakes together!            Add top two
    Put another pancake on top!               Duplicate
    Show me a pancake!                        Print as ASCII without popping
    Take off the syrup!                       Decrement all stack values by 1
    Eat all of the pancakes!                  Terminate program

    If you take a look a Pancake Stack's full instruction set, you'll notice that you only ever have access to the top two stack elements at any time, which makes this language a pain to program in normally. That and the fact that you can only output as ASCII, i.e. no numeric output.

    Note that, if you're using the Python interpreter, you'll need an extra line with a ~ afterwards if you want to test by piping in a file. We don't use it here, but anything after the ~ is treated as normal STDIN input.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729


    ELF 32-bit LSB executable (Linux), 59 bytes

    0000000: 7f 45 4c 46 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 43 0d  .ELF..........C.
    0000010: 02 00 03 00 19 90 43 0d 19 90 43 0d 04 00 00 00  ......C...C.....
    0000020: b9 2e 90 43 0d b2 0d cd 80 cc 20 00 01 00 48 65  ...C...... ...He
    0000030: 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21                 llo, World!

    This exits with INT 3 (breakpoint), so your shell may display a message to indicate this. However, the program itself prints nothing to STDERR.

    Try it online!


    $ cksum hw32
    3205536342 59 hw32
    $ ./hw32
    Hello, World!Trace/breakpoint trap
    $ ./hw32 | cat; echo
    Hello, World!
    $ ./hw32 | xxd -g 1
    0000000: 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21           Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    or echo $(./hw32) – F. Hauri – 6 years ago


    USML, 9 bytes


    Try it online!


    S0h7       # Get characters 0-7 of h ("Hello, world!").
        cW     # Get the character "W"
          s8h  # Get the remaining characters, starting at character 8, of h.

    This program is an interesting problem, as it has a command that outputs "Hello, world!" (and an empty program will also do this), but the capitalization is not correct. As a result, we need to take some substrings and add in the correct character.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 101

    7This is probably the first interesting use of a HW-built-in I've seen in this challenge. – Martin Ender – 8 years ago


    Lost, 56 54 45 bytes

    Two bytes saved thanks to @MartinEnder

    >%?"Hello, WorldvU"-+@

    Try it online!


    This is now a bit outdated, I will try to update soon

    Lost is a 2 dimensional language in which the start location and direction are entirely random. As you might imagine it is rather difficult to write deterministic programs in lost. However the language has a couple of design features that allow for deterministic programs to be written.

    Here's how this one works:

    I'll first give you some information on the operations in Lost that are important here, so you don't have to read the github. I will leave out the more obvious ones.

    • @ exits, but only if the "safety" is off. The safety begins on.

    • % turns the safety off.

    • ? Pops the TOS and jumps if it is non-zero.

    • ! jumps unconditionally.

    • ( pops a value and saves it for later.

    Ok now we are read to dive in.

    The main code is the following line

    "Hello, WorldvU"-+@

    This pushes the string Hello, WorldvU, subtracts the U from the v to get a !, and then terminates the program (we assume the safety is off)

    However we have to get to this program so we create a line of arrows to catch the randomly moving pointers

    >%"Hello, WorldvU"-+@

    We also add a % to turn the safety off once we have corralled the programs. We can now see that the v is in the string to redirect ips that start inside the string.

    Now the problem is that some of the programs accumulate junk before we catch them, for example if you start on the 1 you might get a 1, or even worse if you start in the string going west you will get %>@+!(. So we add some code to clear the stack. >?!| should do the trick, and if we use the > from earlier we can save a byte.

    >%?!|"Hello, WorldvU"-+@

    Now there is just one problem. If the program starts on ! going north or south, it will jump the stream back to itself and loop forever. To fix this we add a v below the !.

    >%?!|"Hello, WorldvU"-+@

    Lastly I reversed some of the upper stream. This just makes the program a little faster, doesn't lose me any bytes so why not.

    Post Rock Garf Hunter

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 382


    R, 20 bytes

    cat("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 610


    INTERCAL, 285 bytes

    PLEASE DO,1SUB#4<-#256
    PLEASE DO,1SUB#7<-#48
    PLEASE DO,1SUB#10<-#168
    PLEASE DO,1SUB#13<-#162

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730


    Mouse, 19 bytes

    "Hello, World"33!'$

    Oddly enough, ! inside of a string makes a newline, so we have to work around that by getting the ASCII code for !, which is 33, and outputting that as a character.

    Alex A.

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 761


    Prelude, 38 bytes


    If you're using the Python interpreter, you'll need to make sure that NUMERIC_OUTPUT is set to False.

    Prelude is a relatively simple stack-based language, with 0-9 pushing the corresponding single digits and the only arithmetic being addition and subtraction. In particular, there is no multiplication.

    To make the most of the single digit pushing behaviour, I took a look at the code points in various bases. For base 12, we get this:

    [[6 0] [8 5] [9 0] [9 0] [9 3] [3 8] [2 8] [7 3] [9 3] [9 6] [9 0] [8 4] [2 9]]

    Everything here is a single digit - that's perfect! This means that we can encode each character using two digits via base 12, e.g. H -> 72 (base 10) -> 60 (base 12). That's what the long string of 26 digits at the beginning is for.

    The back half of the code then needs to take each pair of digits a, b and give 12*a+b. But remember, Prelude doesn't have multiplication! What it does have, however, is ^ and v, which get the top stack values from the program rows ("voices") above and below. Since this is a one-line program, ^ effectively duplicates the top of the stack, allowing us to do ^+^+^^++ to multiply the top stack element by 12. We then add the second digit with + and output with !. All of this is wrapped in (), which is a BF-like loop which executes while the top stack element is nonzero.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729


    Emotinomicon, 18 characters / 30 bytes

    Try it here.

    !dlroW ,olleH⏪⏬⏩


      !dlroW ,olleH     ⏪   ⏬   ⏩   explanation
                                       begin quote string
        !dlroW ,olleH                   
                                       end quote string
                            ⏪           open loop
                                ⏬       pops and outputs top of stack as character
                                    ⏩   close loop

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    ELF 64-bit LSB executable (Linux), 104 bytes

    0000000: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 03 b0 04 b3 01 b2 0e eb 18  .ELF............
    0000010: 02 00 3e 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 40 00 00 00 00 00  ..>.......@.....
    0000020: 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b9 48 00 40 00 90 eb 30  0........H.@...0
    0000030: 01 00 00 00 01 00 38 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ......8.........
    0000040: 01 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57  ..@.....Hello, W
    0000050: 6f 72 6c 64 21 0a 00 00 6f 72 6c 64 21 0a 00 00  orld!...orld!...
    0000060: cd 80 b0 01 b3 00 cd 80                          ........

    This sets as many proper headers as possible without affecting the byte count, prints a trailing linefeed and exits cleanly with exit code 0.

    Try it online!


    $ cksum hw64
    3288151474 104 hw64
    $ file hw64
    hw64: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1, statically linked, corrupted section header size
    $ ./hw64
    Hello, World!
    $ echo $?


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    Disassembly output of the code stuffed into the ELF headers would be nice, if you needed any special tricks to make instruction bytes also be valid ELF headers. (Future readers: see http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.html for more about this kind of hack.)

    – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    O_o why is there an extra orld! – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only The answer saves bytes by storing data in the ELF's program header. The longs at 0x50 and 0x58 encode the virtual and physical addresses of the segment, and they program segfaults if they do not match. – Dennis – 7 years ago


    Monkeys, 484 460 455 448 bytes

    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    7 UP
    5 DOWN
    5 RIGHT
    4 DOWN
    7 TEACH
    7 BOND
    4 UP
    7 BOND
    7 TEACH
    7 TEACH
    6 YELL
    4 TEACH
    4 TEACH
    7 FIGHT
    5 TEACH
    6 YELL
    7 TEACH
    7 TEACH
    5 FIGHT
    6 YELL
    6 YELL
    7 TEACH
    5 FIGHT
    6 YELL
    7 EGO
    4 TEACH
    5 TEACH
    6 YELL
    4 FIGHT
    7 TEACH
    6 YELL
    4 TEACH
    4 TEACH
    4 DOWN
    7 TEACH
    4 UP
    4 TEACH
    5 FIGHT
    6 YELL
    4 TEACH
    7 TEACH
    6 YELL
    7 TEACH
    5 FIGHT
    6 YELL
    7 FIGHT
    5 FIGHT
    5 FIGHT
    6 YELL
    7 FIGHT
    7 FIGHT
    6 YELL
    7 EGO
    7 TEACH
    7 TEACH
    6 YELL

    Try it online!

    How it works

    Monkeys consists internally of a 10x10 grid containing 7 monkeys (and 14 bananas we won't use). The grid initially looks as follows.


    All monkeys initially have a value of 0. Moving a monkey UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT increments its value by 1, unless the target square is adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to another monkey.

    In addition, any monkey can modify all adjacent monkeys' values with TEACH (adding the "teacher's" value to adjacent monkeys' values), FIGHT (subtracting), BOND (multiplying), and EGO (dividing).


    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    7 UP
    5 DOWN
    5 RIGHT

    moves monkeys 5 and 7 to their final positions. This sets 5's value to 1 and 7's value to 4. The grid now looks as follows.



    4 DOWN
    7 TEACH
    7 BOND
    4 UP

    monkey 4 moves down (and is now adjacent to 7), monkey 7 adds its value (4) to monkeys 4 and 6, monkey 7 multiplies 4's and 6's values by 4, then 4 moves back to its place. The monkeys' values are now as follows.

     5:  1
     7:  4
     4: 16
     6: 16

    From now on, we'll mostly use monkeys 5, 7, and 4 to add or subtract 1, 4, or 16 to/from monkey 6's value. Making monkey 6 YELL prints its value as a character.

    If we represent monkey 6's value with v, the remainder of the program looks as follows in pseudo-code.

    7 BOND   v *=  4 // v ==  64
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v ==  68
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v ==  72 == 'H'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    4 TEACH  v += 16 // v ==  88
    4 TEACH  v += 16 // v == 104
    7 FIGHT  v -=  4 // v == 100
    5 TEACH  v +=  1 // v == 101 == 'e'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v == 105
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v == 109
    5 FIGHT  v -=  1 // v == 108 == 'l'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v == 112
    5 FIGHT  v -=  1 // v == 111 == 'o'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 EGO    v /=  4 // v ==  27
    4 TEACH  v += 16 // v ==  43
    5 TEACH  v +=  1 // v ==  44 == ','
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    4 FIGHT  v -= 16 // v ==  28
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v ==  32 == ' '
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    4 TEACH  v += 16 // v ==  48
    4 TEACH  v += 16 // v ==  64
    4 DOWN   The next operation will affect monkey 4 as well.
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v ==  68
    4 UP     Monkey 4's value changed from 16 to 20.
    4 TEACH  v += 20 // v ==  88
    5 FIGHT  v -=  1 // v ==  87 == 'W'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    4 TEACH  v += 20 // v == 107
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v == 111 == 'o'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v == 115
    5 FIGHT  v -=  1 // v == 114 == 'r'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 FIGHT  v -=  4 // v == 110
    5 FIGHT  v -=  1 // v == 109
    5 FIGHT  v -=  1 // v == 108
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 FIGHT  v -=  4 // v == 104
    7 FIGHT  v -=  4 // v == 100 == 'd'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)
    7 EGO    v /=  4 // v ==  25
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v ==  29
    7 TEACH  v +=  4 // v ==  33 == '!'
    6 YELL   putchar(v)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    COBOL, 55 bytes


    Thankfully not quite as verbose as some ancient bloated languages like Java.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    2You're cheating. Last I checked, COBOL needed a lot of newlines and useless spaces at the start of each line... – Wouter Verhelst – 9 years ago

    When I compile that at http://www.tutorialspoint.comcompile_cobol_online.php it says Error: syntax error, unexpected "end of file", expecting "FUNCTION-ID" or "PROGRAM-ID" because it doesn't like the missing newlines. The exact same code on three lines compiles and runs.

    – Jerry Jeremiah – 9 years ago


    @JerryJeremiah This works just fine with GNU COBOL, assuming you provide the -F (or -free) flag. https://tio.run/##S85Pys/RTc8r/f8/IMjfPcjRV9fTRc9DD8hxdnUJDXJVcPEM8wz29PfTc/EMDvBxjFTySM3JyddRCM8vyklRVNL7//9fclpOYnrxf103AA

    – Dennis – 8 years ago


    if(j)invert()if(l)change()if(q)input()if(t)output(x);, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Breaks the scoreboard. Any non-instruction characters are printed verbatim.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Brian & Chuck, 42 38 32 bytes


    Try it online!

    Introducing my latest esolang, originally submitted for Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable.

    Each of the two lines defines a Brainfuck-like program which operates on the other program's source code - the first program is called Brian and the second is called Chuck. That makes "Hello, World!" about as simple as it is in Self-modifying Brainfuck (compared to Brainfuck itself).

    I said that looping was too expensive in B&C to be worthwhile for a simple "Hello, World!", but it turns out I was wrong. Now I'm much less convinced that the code is optimal as it stands...


    One note about the source code: when parsing it, the interpreter replaces all _ with null bytes to make it easier to insert zero cells into the tapes.

    Notice that Jgnnq."Yqtnf# is Hello, World! shifted by two characters. Why is it shifted? Because the , in Hello, World! is a valid command which would set a cell on Chuck to -1. We could shift it by one character (either way), but then the , would turn into either + or - which are also valid commands. We could reverse those at the end of Brian but the code as above has the same byte count and it seems a bit neater: we shift them by two characters, such that . becomes , which is a no-op for Brian.

    So, when the program begins, Brian ignores everything on the tape until {? which switches control to Chuck, starting on the second command.

    {<{> on Chuck finds the first non-zero cell on Brian (initially the #, which is just a dummy no-op). We decrement it with -. If that didn't make the cell zero yet, ? switches control back to Brian. Brian again ignores all the "code" in Jgnnq."Ypynf#_ and resets the loop on Chuck with {?.

    Once that first cell has been zeroed, ? is a no-op. >--. moves to the next cell, subtracts 2 (to correct the offset) and prints it. Then we check if there's another character left to print by moving one to the right with >. If this reaches the null byte after the string (the _ on Brian's tape), then ? is a no-op and the program terminates. If that isn't a null byte yet, we've got more printing to do, and start over by switching to Brian who resets the loop with {? once more.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    3Congratulations on posting the 300th answer to this question. [insert_celebrate_emoticon_here] – manatwork – 9 years ago


    Monicelli, 46 bytes

    Lei ha clacsonato
    "Hello, World!" a posterdati

    Probably appreciated only by italian coders, all the tokens of this language are taken from a well-known italian movie called "amici miei"

    Fabrizio Calderan

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 470


    05AB1E, 14 7* bytes

    *14 bytes for the use of the trademarked Ÿ



    Try it online!

    Like Jelly, this uses a compression method using an English dictionary. How it works? Let's find out:

    ”       # Start a compressed string with all words titlecased
     Ÿ      # In Info.txt, you can see that this has index 24
      ™     # Index 19
            # These two indexes combined is 2419, in the dictionary you can see that the
              2419th word is hello
       ,    # Since this has no index, this will be interpreted as a normal character
        ‚ï  # Index 0118, which is the word "world". An extra space before this word is
            # implicitly added.
          ! # Regular exclamation mark
            # All the compressed words are automatically title cased.
              resulting in: "Hello, World!"

    This uses CP-1252 encoding

    Previous version:

    "Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 965

    10Ÿ™, That's right, I just trademarked Ÿ. You cannot use it without doubling your code golf score :P – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    2@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Hahaha, fair enough then :p – Adnan – 9 years ago


    beeswax, 15 bytes

    Finally the first esolang I created is ready for use. I started working on beeswax as an esolang on a hexagonal grid parallel to Martin Büttner’s Hexagony, but he got finished his well before my language, as it took me quite a while to get everything right. So, here is the second esolang working on a hexagonal grid. ;)

    A short hello world program is rather unspectacular, as the ` character toggles output to STDOUT.

    So, here are the two short, but boring versions:

    _`Hello, World!


    *`Hello, World!

    Or slightly less boring:

    !dlroW ,olleH`*

    _ creates instruction pointers in the horizontal axis, one moving to the right, one moving to the left.

    * creates instruction pointers in all main axes, like demonstrated below.

    A little more interesting, but 1 byte longer:

    !lo olH`_`el,Wrd

    And finally, an even more interesting version, if that’s possible:

    r  l
     l o
       e H

    And the same, using the beeswax prettyprint tool:

          r     l
           l   o
            ` `
       o l ` * ` , d !
            ` `
           e   H

    Both of which work because IPs execute their instructions in the reverse order they were created/pushed on the IP stack.

    The neighborhood of every cell in a program (named honeycomb) looks like shown below. β marks a bee (instruction pointer), the numbers show the directions of the surrounding cells.

      2 — 1
     / \ / \
    3 — β — 0
     \ / \ /
      4 — 5

    This would be rather like a beautified version of the actual code, which is stored in a rectangular format like


    Each bee carries a stack with a fixed length of 3 values around (which isn’t used in the examples above), but they can push values on a global stack of unlimited size, or take values from it, for handling larger amounts of data. The global stack can only do basic stack operations like rotating values up and down. Only bees can do more complex operations like arithmetics or logic operations. All values are 64 bit unsigned integers.

    Bees can also drop values to any place on the honeycomb and change its size or modify the source code this way, or they can pick up values from any place on the honeycomb. The contents of the global stack can be written to files, or file contents can be stored in the global stack.

    More info, the full specification, an interpreter (with very basic debugging abilities) written in Julia, examples etc. can be cloned from my github page. Pretty much the same information is also available on the esolangs.org beeswax page.

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865


    Flummery v3, 165 bytes

    Flummery is a BF derivative, but not in the usual sense. It's a meta BF, if you will. There is a pointer, and there is a tape.

     [ < > + - ]

    The > command moves the pointer right one, < moves the pointer left one, . is ., , is ,, and any other character is a no-op. After each character is read, the character pointed to is added to the transpiled code. (At the moment, you'll have to copy+paste the transpiled code into a BF interpreter.) Without further ado, here is the code:


    All in one textbox:


    Or, in a readable fashion:


    Each line represents a single character added to the source code.

    oh heavens what have I made

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    What do the ';' do? A combination of . and ,? – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago

    @RikerW any non > or < character is treated as "add the currently pointed at character to the result" – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    Oh, okay. That makes sense. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago

    I hate you so much. So, so much. So much. – Fund Monica's Lawsuit – 9 years ago

    @QPaysTaxes Thanks mate :) – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    "readable version" Don't you mean "very slightly less unreadable"? – HyperNeutrino – 8 years ago

    @AlexL. It's much more readable, what are you talking about? :P – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago


    Fueue,  44  42 41 40 bytes

    Thanks to Ørjan Johansen for saving 2 bytes.

    72:108)<101[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111

    Try it online!


    Fueue is, as the name suggests, a queue-based language, which is a lot more mindboggling than it sounds (although a lot of that is due to the fact that the program and the data reside in the same queue).

    Here is a breakdown of the program's execution (there are no negative integer literals in Fueue, so there's no syntax for them; I'll be representing the minus sign as _ to distinguish it from the negation command -):

    Cmd    Explanation               Queue
    72     Print 'H'.                :108)<101[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111
    :108   Duplicate 108.            )<101[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111 108 108
    )      Inactive.                 <101[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111 108 108)
    <      Inactive.                 101[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111 108 108)<
    101    Print 'e'.                [44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111 108 108)<
    [...]  Inactive.                 :111 108 108)<[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]
    :111   Duplicate 111.            108 108)<[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]111 111
    108    Print 'l'.                108)<[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]111 111
    108    Print 'l'.                )<[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]111 111
    )      Inactive.                 <[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]111 111)
    <      Append to block.          111)[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87 111]
    111    Print 'o'.                )[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87 111]
    )      Deblock.                  44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87 111
    44     Print ','.                +-6:114)32[100 33H]87 111
    +      Inactive.                 -6:114)32[100 33H]87 111+
    -      Negate 6.                 :114)32[100 33H]87 111+_6
    :      Duplicate 114.            )32[100 33H]87 111+_6 114 114
    )      Inactive.                 32[100 33H]87 111+_6 114 114)
    32     Print ' '.                [100 33H]87 111+_6 114 114)
    [...]  Inactive.                 87 111+_6 114 114)[100 33H]
    87     Print 'W'.                111+_6 114 114)[100 33H]
    111    Print 'o'.                +_6 114 114)[100 33H]
    +      Add -6 and 114.           114)[100 33H]108
    114    Print 'r'.                )[100 33H]108
    )      Deblock.                  108 100 33H
    108    Print 'l'.                100 33H
    100    Print 'd'.                33H
    33     Print '!'.                H
    H      Halt the program.

    I guess the more interesting question is how on earth did we get here. I started from the basic "Hello, World!":

    72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33H

    My primary goal was to get rid of the duplicate 108 for ll, since Fueue has a duplication command. So the naive thing to try is this:

    72 101:108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33H

    The problem is that now the 108 doesn't get printed when its duplicated: every command in Fueue puts the result at the end of the queue. So after printing He, and duplicating the 108 we'd end up with this queue:

    111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33H108 108

    Which would just print o, World! and then halt the program, dropping the ll completely.

    So we need to delay the execution of everything from 111 to H until after we had time to print the ll. To delay a piece of code by one cycle through the queue, we can wrap it in a block and "unblock" it:

    72 101:108)[111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33H]

    This works! It prints He, then duplicates the 108, then puts the entire rest of the code after the double 108 so we have this queue now:

    108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33H

    Which is exactly what we want. But we can save one more byte: since the 108 don't get printed immediately, we're free to move the 72 and 101 around in the program: they're going to be printed in the first cycle through the queue no matter what and the 108s are going to end up after them. So by moving the 101 to the end of the program, we can avoid the space between the two numbers.

    At this point, we've got my initial 44-byte solution. But I wanted to get rid of the duplicate 111 as well, which seems kinda possible since one of them is now at the start of the block and we've got swap commands. So the first idea is to split up our block around the 111 and add in a duplicate and swap:

    72:108~[44 32 87]:111)[114 108 100 33H]101

    Of course, this doesn't quite work. There's a couple of problems here: a) we've got no deblock command for the first block. b) The swap happens on the first cycle through the queue, so it actually swaps the block with the duplication wreaking all sorts of havoc. What we really want is to duplicate the 111, then swap the block between the two numbers, but then we also want to deblock that before printing the second 111. That last part is an issue, because if we don't deblock the block the first time around, the 111 is going to printed on the second cycle (before the block can be executed), but if we do deblock it immediately, we can't swap it between the two numbers as a single unit.

    The trick is to use the "append" command instead of swap. Instead of trying to get from here:

    [44 32 87]111 111

    to here:

    111 44 32 87 111

    We are going to go here instead:

    111[44 32 87 111]

    By appending the first copy of 111 into the block, and making use of the automatic move to the end of the queue, we hit two birds with one stone: we've moved the , W characters in between the two os and we've ensured that the second 111 can't be printed before the other characters get deblocked. So the basic idea now looks something like this:

    72:108<[44 32 87]:111)[114 108 100 33H]101

    There's still an issue: the < should happen on the second cycle, because we need the duplication to happen first. We could go with the )[<] technique we used for the 44-byte solution, but we can also delay it by moving the101between it and its argument (because numbers are not a valid first argument for<, the<` will be inactive on the first cyle). We also still need a deblock command for the first block:

    72:108)<101[44 32 87]:111)[114 108 100 33H]

    Now we're talking. On the first cycle, ) has nothing to deblock so it just moves to the end. Likewise, < has nothing to append we have time to duplicate the 111. On the second cycle, ) still has nothing to deblock, and < appends one copy of the 111 to the block, whereas the other one gets printed. On the third cycle, ) can finally deblock [44 32 87 111], so that they get printed on the fourth cycle. Woohoo, we got Hello, Wo!

    But wait: what about the second block? In the current code, it gets deblocked immediately in the first cycle so it would already be executed on the second cycle, printing rld! and terminating the program way too early. The trick is to move it into the first block. That way, it can't possibly be deblocked or executed before those other characters are printed:

    72:108)<101[44 32 87)[114 108 100 33H]]:111

    We're at 43 bytes now, but we can save two more. This is similar to how we saved the space in the original solution: it doesn't matter where the three numbers inside the outer block appear, because they are going to be printed on the first cycle regardless of where they are. So we can move the ) and the inner block between the numbers to avoid the spaces again:

    72:108)<101[44)32[114 108 100 33H]87]:111

    This does in fact delay the program by one cycle (because the ) can't deblock the inner block on the first cycle of the outer block), but it doesn't affect the program's result.

    The final byte is saved with a bit of arithmetic, courtesy of Ørjan Johansen, to compute the 108 from the 114. The actual code to do so is fairly simple: +-6:114. We make a copy of the 114, we negated a 6 and then add them together to get 108. Since -6 is not a negative literal, but a command applied to a 6, this computation takes two cycles. Thankfully, the : delays the 114 as well, so this just works out. We also now need to remove this from the inner block, so that we have enough time for these two cycles to go through before the d! is printed:

    72:108)<101[44+-6:114)32[100 33H]87]:111

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    Got another byte with arithmetic: Try it online!

    – Ørjan Johansen – 7 years ago

    @ØrjanJohansen Oh wow, now it's getting crazy. :D – Martin Ender – 7 years ago


    Grass, 463 446 bytes

    It exits with a crash. Append vw to get a non-crashing version (448 bytes).


    Try it online!

    Based on the TIO example. I think it was from this page by rst76 (613 bytes with lowercase w).

    wWWWwWWWWwWWWWWwv                      x -> x + 3
    wwWWwWWWwv                             f -> apply f twice (Church numeral 2)
    Ww                                     f -> apply f 2**2 = 4 times
    Wwwwww                                 x -> x + 4
    WWWw                                   x -> x + 8
    WWWw                                   x -> x + 32
    WWWWWw                                 x -> x + 64
    vwWWwwwwwwwwwwwWWWwWWWWWwWWWWw         f -> f(u+2 + 64 + 64 + 32) = f(23)
    vwWWwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWwWWWwv            f -> f(23 + 8 + 1) = f(32 space)
    Wwwwwwwwwwww                           (f->f(32))(x->x+1) = 33 !
    WWwwwwww                               (f->f(32))(x->x+8) = 40
    WWWWWWWWw                              40 + 4 = 44 ,
    WWWWWWWww                              40 + 32 = 72 H
    WWWWWWwwwwwww                          (f->f(23))(x->x+64) = 87 U+2
    vwWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWWWwv  f -> f(32 + 64 + 4) = f(100 d)
    Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww                     (f->f(100)(x->x+1) = 101 e
    WWwwwwwwwwwwww                         (f->f(100)(x->x+8) = 108 l
    WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw                     108 + 3 = 111 o
    vw                                     begin function
    Ww                                       c -> print c; return this function
    Wwwwwwwww                                print H
    Wwwwwww                                  print e
    Wwwwwww                                  print l
    Wwwwwwww                                 print l
    Wwwwwwww                                 print o
    Wwwwwwwwwwwwwww                          print ,
    WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw                      print space
    vwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWWWwwwv      f = f -> c -> print c; return f(f)
                                           f(f) will return itself as a quine.
    WWw                                    Apply the first half of output with
                                             the previous function as argument.
    WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwww              111 + 3 = 114 r
    WWwwwwwwwww                            print U+2
    Wwwwwww                                print o
    Wwww                                   print r
    Wwwwwwwwww                             print l
    WWWWWWWWWWWWw                          print d
    Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww                    print !

    Generator based on ASCII-only's (too long to post in a comment).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 34 042

    :| explanation pls – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    Or even better, convert to this form if you don't mind

    – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only Added the link to answer. Not sure it is actually better. – jimmy23013 – 7 years ago

    Probably not, I just wanted it to add to RosetTIO to make it easier for other people to attempt to golf it (not that anyone will :P) – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Ruby, 18 19 bytes

    puts"Hello, World!"

    Output wasn't quite right. Thanks Martin


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 91

    Why not p"Hello, World!"? It's only 15 bytes. – John – 9 years ago

    1@John: p always always prints quotes around strings. – Mega Man – 9 years ago


    Retina, 14 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Try it online!

    A program with two lines describes a single regex replacement. Here, we just replace the empty string (i.e. the input) with the desired output.

    For one additional byte, we can make it work with non-empty input, by using a constant stage:

    K`Hello, World!

    Try it online!

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Haskell, 26 bytes

    main=putStr"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    Putting one of the many compilers you downloaded for PLQ to good use I see. ;) – Alex A. – 10 years ago


    Yorick, 21 bytes

    write,"Hello, World!"

    Yorick is a fast programming language for scientific number-crunching and graph-potting. It's relatively unknown and doesn't distinguish itself too much from other languages like R, but this Y-language completes the alphabet. Whoo!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    3+1 for completing the alphabet. Also for answering like 20 times. – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago


    Mind, 26 bytes

    The program is encoded in Shift_JIS:

    "Hello, World!"

    It means something like:

    MAIN is:
    "Hello, World!"

    As you can see, Mind is a Japanese programming language. It's based on Forth, which turns out to suit Japanese's SOV word order rather well!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Trigger, 40 bytes

    HHHeeelll#lllooo,,,   WWWooorrrlllddd!!!

    Trigger is pattern-based, so commands are symbol independent. Three of the same character outputs that character to STDOUT.

    The # is to introduce a break in the middle so that the double l doesn't turn into a six-long pattern, which will not decompose as intended. A single char is a NOT operation, but it is irrelevant for our purposes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    Can you only go 1 letter at a time? Or could you say Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World! which would be 1 character shorter because it doesn't need the "#"? – Albert Renshaw – 9 years ago

    @AlbertRenshaw Trigger is based on patterns, and three of the same char in a row outputs. A pattern of AAB (e.g. llo) is a jump operation, and any other one-char pattern is NOT. So the example you give would be a lot of NOTs and jumps, rather than outputs. – Sp3000 – 9 years ago


    7, 45 bytes

    (Important note: 7 is an unpublished esolang of my creation.)


    7 is a stack-based esolang of my invention. It has no built-in String or Array support, and you can't even push a specified number to the stack (with a few exceptions), so everything has to be done by hand. Here's what each operator does:

    • 4 sets variable b to 4. This can only be done at the beginning of the program. 7 is the default value, hence the name.
    • Arithmetic +-*/ works as you would expect, but operates between the top item and b. (This is changable, but this program doesn't change it.)
    • n and d increment and decrement the top item by 1, respectively.
    • : duplicates the top item.
    • o outputs the top item, while u outputs and pops the top item.

    This program outputs the ASCII values of the proper characters. There are a bunch more operators which have a bunch more jobs, but I won't go into detail right now. I'm planning to publish it as soon as I have enough time.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    Bodyless HTTP response headers, 134 bytes

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: text/html
    link: <data:text/css,body:after{content:"Hello, World!"}>; rel=stylesheet
    content-length: 0

    It is a valid http-response headers set. They have to be followed by 2 newlines \r\n\r\n. The response body is empty. Firefox can handle such response and shows an HTML page with Hello, World! text.

    Line breaks are counted as 2 symbols, according to HTTP specification. The 2 trailing newlines are not counted as they do not belong to the headers themselves.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 697

    Does it work if you omit content-length and just close the connection? – jimmy23013 – 10 years ago

    @jimmy23013, I didn't check it. I expect your version to work, but it won't be a valid response as I understand. – Qwertiy – 10 years ago


    Is this a programming language? No, it's not. It can't represent natrual numbers in a mathematically useful way, it cannot represent tuples, it cannot check for primes, and it cannot add two natural numbers. see eg here

    I'm not sure if programming language-ness actually matters for this challenge; it's just a note.

    – cat – 9 years ago


    ferNANDo, 111 109 bytes

    7 7
    5 5
    6 5
    4 3 3
    0 5 3 0 7 3 0 0
    0 5 7 0 0 5 0 4
    0 6 5 2 4 6 2 3
    0 6 6 0 7 7 2 3
    0 6 6 2 5 4 7 4
    2 2
    3 5

    The above loops three times, printing five characters each time, trailing with \r\n, which I am considering to be a single newline. The general setup I use to loop three times is the following:

    7 7
    5 5
    6 5
    4 3 3
    1 6 6
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 1
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 2
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 3
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 4
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 5
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 6
    0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7
    0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0
    2 2
    3 5



    which I think makes the variable names 0-7 somewhat evident. In this arrangement the value 1 is not needed, saving 6 bytes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 30 891


    MATL, 15 bytes

    'Hello, World!'

    A string literal is pushed onto the stack. It gets implicitly printed at the end of the program.

    Luis Mendo

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 87 464

    1Is it finished? Congratz! Looking forward to seeing it in use. I'll hopefully have the chance to check it out one day :-) – Stewie Griffin – 9 years ago

    1@StewieGriffin Not sure if it's "finished"... let's just say "stable enough". It's in version 1.0.0. But yes, it's an official version now. Being an experienced Matlab user, I hope you'll find it interesting! – Luis Mendo – 9 years ago


    Binary-Encoded Golfical, 40+1 (-x flag)= 41 bytes

    Can be transpiled back into the standard graphical version using the included Encoder utility, or run directly using the -x flag.

    Hex dump:

    01 90 01 00 48 18 00 65 18 00 6C 18 18 00 6F 18
    00 2C 18 00 20 18 00 57 18 00 6F 18 00 72 18 00
    6C 18 00 64 18 00 21 18

    Original image:

    enter image description here

    Zoomed in by a factor of 16:

    enter image description here

    Explanation: Uses the active cell to store values, and prints them as characters


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    Pris, 107 bytes


    Try it out here! And here's an explanation!

    (][[[]]( ; 72
    }]       ; out H
    )]]]])   ; 32
    {]       ; 72 -> reg
    (]]][    ; r += 29
    }]       ; out e
    (]]      ; r += 7
    }]       ; out l
    {]]]     ; nop
    }]       ; out l
    (]       ; r += 3
    }]       ; out o
    {]       ; set r to 72
    }]]]     ; nop
    {{       ; change focus
    }]]]     ; nop
    {]       ; 32 -> reg
    (][](    ; r += 12
    }]       ; out ,
    {]       ; set r to 32
    }]       ; out " "
    {        ; change focus
    (]]]     ; r += 15
    }]       ; out W
    (]][     ; r += 13
    {]       ; 100 -> reg
    (][]     ; r += 11
    }]       ; out o
    (]       ; r += 3
    }]       ; out r
    {]       ; reg -> r
    )        ; "nop"
    {]       ; r -> reg
    (]](     ; r += 8
    }]       ; out l
    {]       ; reg -> r
    }]       ; out d
    {{       ; change focus
    }]       ; out !

    Now aren't you ready to take on the world? Haha, here's some help. From the README:

    Pris has six functional characters, but has more commands than that. Strings of symbols have different meanings according to their number.

    A Pris program is comprised of a series of meta-commands, or keywords. A keyword is made of a series of one of any of the four main construction symbols ((, ), {, and }) and some modifier symbols ([ and ]). It must start with a constructoin symbol, and this denotes a change in meta-command. For example, the string (([[][()]])[) has two meta commands: (([[][( and )]])]).


    There are two registers, designated LEFT and RIGHT. One of them is "focused" and the other is "unfocused".

    In the above explanation, r is the focused register. reg is the external register for holding other values. It cannot be focused on, but only accessible using {{{, or {].

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    3My only words are "O_o" – Downgoat – 9 years ago

    @Downgoat Then I have done my job. – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago


    Sesos, 24 21 bytes

    0000000: 2845ee adaa55 ddcabd 123596 b32b71 5f398a 23b577  (E...U....5..+q_9.#.w

    Try it online! Check Debug to see the generated binary code.

    I tried several less straightforward approaches – including a port of @primo's brainfuck answer – but they all turned out longer.

    How it works

    The binary file above has been generated by assembling the following SASM code.

    add 72  ; Set cell 0 to 72.
    put     ; Print 'H'.
    fwd 1   ; Advance to cell 1.
    add 101 ; Set cell 1 to 101.
    put     ; Print 'e'.
    add 7   ; Set cell 1 to 108.
    put     ; Print 'l'.
    put     ; Print 'l'.
    add 3   ; Set cell 1 to 111.
    put     ; Print 'o'.
    fwd 1   ; Advance to cell 2.
    add 44  ; Set cell 2 to 44.
    put     ; Print ','.
    sub 12  ; Set cell 2 to 32.
    put     ; Print ' '.
    rwd 2   ; Retrocede to cell 0.
    add 15  ; Set cell 0 to 87.
    put     ; Print 'W'.
    fwd 1   ; Advance to cell 1.
    put     ; Print 'o'.
    add 3   ; Set cell 1 to 114.
    put     ; Print 'r'.
    sub 6   ; Set cell 1 to 108.
    put     ; Print 'l'.
    sub 8   ; Set cell 1 to 100.
    put     ; Print 'd'.
    fwd 1   ; Advance to cell 2.
    add 1   ; Set cell 2 to 33.
    put     ; Print '!'.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    How does this end up being shorter than the trivial solution when assembled? http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/86567/34718

    – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    Because the arguments to add and sub are considerably smaller. Arguments are encoded in bijective binary, and each digit requires 3 bits. – Dennis – 9 years ago


    Casio Basic, 15 Bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    I think it explaines itself well enough...


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 171

    Hello, and welcome to PPCG! This is a good answer; the downvote was an automatic Community downvote (AFAIK), and I cancelled it with an upvote. – NoOneIsHere – 8 years ago

    Thanks and sorry that I messed up the formatting, I'm not really used to yet... – ADDB – 8 years ago

    Perfectly OK! Just use four spaces before code, and a pound sign (#) or two before your header. – NoOneIsHere – 8 years ago


    Cubically, 124 123 111 99 78 bytes

    -11 bytes thanks to TehPers, -12 thanks to language updates, -21 thanks to user202729


    Generated via this amazing algorithm.

    There is a good explanation of Cubically in this question.

    Cubically, the Rubik's Cube Programming Language, is the most complex language I have ever written, or dealt with, for that matter. It entirely comprises of operations on a single 3x3 Rubik's Cube in its memory, and one extra value, the "notepad".

    The only way to perform mathematical operations is to take values from a certain cube face and add/subtract/multiply/divide it with the scratch pad value, replacing said value.

    For example, performing /0 divides the notepad value by the sum of all integers on the 0-indexed face, or the first face.

    The cube starts out initialized like this:


    Performing a 90-degree clockwise turn on the right face will make the cube look like this:


    Version from TehPers:

    Here's a run-down of how the program works: (Note that I have replaced @6 with @ in the code, but changing each instance in the rest of this answer would be too tedious and I need to get back to real life.)

    • +53 adds the DOWN face and RIGHT faces into the notepad, in this case, 45 and then 27. This results in 72, the ASCII code for H.
    • @6 prints the notepad value as ASCII.
    • :2 sets the notepad to the value of the FRONT face (18).
    • /1 divides the notepad by the LEFT face (9), resulting in 2.
    • +551 Adds the DOWN face (45) twice, then the LEFT face (9). As you can see, without rotating the cube, the faces will contain a total value equal to 9 times the index. For example, face index 5 has a value of 45, face index 1 has a value of 9, and so forth. After rotating the cube, this no longer applies.
    • @6 again prints the notepad value, or e.
    • :5 sets the notepad to the value of the DOWN face (45).
    • +52 adds the DOWN face (45) and the FRONT face (18) to the notepad.
    • @66 prints the current notepad value as a character twice. At this point Hell has been printed, which should be good enough for this language. :P
    • :3/1 sets the notepad to the value of the RIGHT face (27), then divides the notepad by the value of the LEFT face (9), resulting in 3. Do you see the pattern yet?
    • +552 adds 108 to the notepad, or 9*(5+5+2). Remember, if you rotate the cube, then the faces will not necessarily be multiples of 9!
    • @6 prints the notepad value as a character, finishing the word "Hello".
    • From this point there is nothing interesting. The program follows the pattern of setting the notepad value to whatever c % 9 is (where c is the target character), then adding multiples of 9 to the notepad get to the target character. The faces are not rotated, so this isn't exactly the best showcase program for Cubically, but it's certainly simpler than what could be accomplished with rotating the faces. There may be a shorter way to write this program using rotations, though.

    Original (written by hand >.<)


    The above Hello World program uses arbitrary turns that I fiddled with until they got some desired values. Eventually, I got the top face to add up to 4 and made do with that.

    Here's a run-down of how the program works:

    • +5+3 adds the DOWN face and RIGHT faces into the notepad, in this case, 45 and then 27. This results in 72, the ASCII code for H.
    • @6 prints the notepad value as ASCII.
    • +1 adds the LEFT face to the notepad value, resulting in 81.
    • F2 turns the FRONT face to look like this.
    • L2 turns the LEFT face to look like this.
    • +0 adds the UP face to the notepad, resulting in 101.
    • @6 prints memory as ASCII e.
    • L2F2U3R3F1L1 turns the cube to look like this.
    • +2 adds the FRONT face to the notepad, resulting in 108. @66 prints as ASCII twice ll. At this point Hell has been printed, which should be good enough for this language. :P
    • L3F3R1U1B3 turns the cube to look like this.
    • +0 adds the UP face to the notepad (resulting in 111), @6 prints it as ASCII o.
    • :4 sets the notepad to the BACK face 36.
    • U1R1 turns the cube to look like this. The cube is not turned again 'cause this was about as good of a setup I could get.
    • +0+0 adds the UP face to the notepad twice, resulting in 44.
    • @6 prints as ASCII ,.
    • -000 subtracts 12 from the notepad (32). @6 prints as ASCII .
    • From this point there is nothing interesting except messing with the existing faces, particularly the top face (which has a convenient value 4), to print the remaining characters.

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605

    It's not complex, just insanely difficult :o – HyperNeutrino – 8 years ago

    @HyperNeutrino It's rather complex. Wait for the explanation :P – MD XF – 8 years ago

    you should change the title on this – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago

    Also that is not postfix – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago

    @DestructibleLemon oh duh – MD XF – 8 years ago

    The output is incorrect: the w should be a W. – Dennis – 8 years ago

    @Dennis Crud, just a minute... – MD XF – 8 years ago


    AArch64 machine language Linux, 48 45 bytes

     0: d2800020 mov x0, #0x1       ; stdout is fd=1
     4: d28001a2 mov x2, #0xd       ; length of string
     8: 94000001 bl  c              ; put addr of pc to x30
     c: 910053c1 add x1, x30, #0x14 ; put addr of string to x1
    10: d2800808 mov x8, #0x40      ; select write() syscall
    14: d4000001 svc #0x0           ; syscall
    18: d2800bc8 mov x8, #0x5e      ; select exit() syscall
    1c: d4000001 svc #0x0           ; syscall
    20: 6c6c6548 "Hello, World!"

    To try it out on an AArch64 Linux machine or Android device with Termux, compile and run the following C program. You may need to pass the -zexecstack argument to the compiler.

    const char main[]=" \0\x80\xd2\xa2\1\x80\xd2\1\0\0\x94\xc1\x53\0\x91\b\b\x80\xd2\1\0\0\xd4\xc8\v\x80\xd2\1\0\0\xd4Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 503


    Pepe, 122 120 bytes

    Pepe is my brand new programming language, which is horrible.


    Try it online!

    There might be shorter solutions, but that's not task for my brain .-.

    That's why I'd offer a 50 100 bounty to anyone who can make it shorter, if it's possible. I don't really believe it is, but maybe you can change my mind?

    This solution is quite simple, but better to explain it ungolfed and commented:

    reeEeeEeee   # H > print H
    reeEEeeEeE   # e > print e
    rEeEEeEEee   # l > push l to r
    reee reee    #     print it twice
    REeEEeEEEE   # o > push o to R
    Reee         #     print it
    reeeEeEEee   # , > print ,
    reeeEeeeee   #   > print a space
    reeEeEeEEE   # W > print W
    Reee         # o > print active value in R (o)
    reeEEEeeEe   # r > print r
    reee         # l > print active value in r (l)
    reeEEeeEee   # d > print d
    reeeEeeeeE   # ! > print !

    The first line prints Hello, and a space, the second prints World!. Most of this program are character functions, ex. reeEeeEeee which prints H. By letter:

    • r - Stack r
    • e - Print
    • eEeeEeee - 01001000 (72), the ASCII character for H

    As said, most of the program consists of similar commands, but, to golf it a bit, in first occurrence of l, I replaced the first e with E, so instead of printing, it pushed the charcode to the stack. Thanks to this, we can later print l using reee, the command for printing. Edit: Now, I've done the same with o, thanks to the existence of the second stack (notice the R letter).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 719


    Backhand, 15 bytes

    "ol!,ld elWHro"

    Now on Try It Online thanks to Dennis!

    Backhand is my first new language, taking inspiration from 2D languages like Befunge and ><>. However, it is 1D, but makes up for the missing dimension by having the pointer move more than one character at a time. Initially, the program starts at location 0 with step count 3.

    "  !  d  l  r       " starts a string literal and starts pushing characters to the stack
     o  ,     W  o      Change direction and go left when you reach the end
      l  l  e  H  "     Switch direction again to go right and end the string literal
               H        Halt and output stack

    Of course, it looks quite funny, since the program is also an anagram of just "Hello, World!".

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234


    Symbolic Python, 175 157 147 136 bytes

    _=('%'+`''`[~_/_])*-~-~_%(~-_*~-~-_,_*_+_/_,__,__,_*_-~_,',',' ',__-_+~_,_*_-~_,`_==_`[_/_],__,_*_)+'!'

    Try it online!

    I'm not sure this is optimal, but it sure was fun.


    _=-~(_==_)           # Set _ to 2
    _*=_-~_              # Set _ to 2*(2+2+1) = 10
    __=_*_+~-~-_         # Set __ to 10*10+(10-1-1) = 108
    _=                   # Set _ to
      ('%'+`''`[~_/_])      # %c, where c is coming from the character \x0c
      *-~-~_                # Repeated 12 times
      %(...                 # Then format into that format string
      ~-_*~-~-_,              # (10-1)*(10-1-1) = 72  = 'H'
      _*_+_/_,                # 10*10+1         = 101 = 'e'
      __,                     #                   108 = 'l'
      __,                     #                   108 = 'l'
      _*_-~_,                 # 10*10+10+1      = 111 = 'o'
      ',',                    #                         ','
      ' ',                    #                         ' '
      __-_+~_,                # 108-10-(10+1)   = 87  = 'W'
      _*_-~_,                 # 10*10+10+1      = 111 = 'o'
      `_==_`[_/_],            # second letter of True = 'r'
      __,                     #                   108 = 'l'
      _*_                     # 10*10           = 100 = 'd'
    )+'!'                   # Then add the last char    '!'
                         # And implicitly print _

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234


    Lua , 22 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Thanks to @mathmandan for saving 2 bytes


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 61


    I don't think you need the parentheses, so you can save two bytes: https://repl.it/BEPR

    – mathmandan – 10 years ago

    How about ="Hello, World!" – because technically this does output "Hello, World!". – ascx – 10 years ago

    1@Socialz I just relized(thanks to you) that the = is not even necessary. – jakebacker44 – 10 years ago

    @JakeBacker I can't reproduce that though, heh, which version are you running? – ascx – 10 years ago

    @Socialz http://repl.it/BGIS

    – jakebacker44 – 10 years ago

    @JakeBacker Cool! In that case this works as well [[Hello, World!]]. Yours is obviously shorter, though. – ascx – 10 years ago


    APL, 17 bytes

    ⎕←'Hello, World!'

    This is the portable way of printing from a full program.

    In the ngn/apl demo, you can omit the ⎕← for 15 bytes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Pascal, 32 bytes

    begin write('Hello, World!')end.

    aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 22 326


    C++, 48 bytes

    (must be compiled with g++)

    puts is slightly more concise than std::cout, shaving 6 bytes off of the other c++ answer.

    main(){puts("Hello, World!");}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 54 537

    1With g++, you can eliminate the space on line 1 and the int on line 2. – Dennis – 10 years ago

    @Dennis, done. I think this is the shortest possible in C++. – James – 10 years ago

    3This is not legal C++ code. The return type of main must be int and cannot be empty. – Hubi – 10 years ago

    @Hubi but it does correctly compile and run if you use g++. – James – 10 years ago

    @DJ yes, but only because of the C compatibility of the C++ compiler! If you compile your source with the flag "-Wall", you get a warning that ISO forbids no return type! – Hubi – 10 years ago

    int puts(...); instead of #include<cstdio> makes it 3 bytes shorter. Or not... – Qwertiy – 10 years ago

    In Obj-c you can use #import instead of #include, 1 shorter :D – Albert Renshaw – 9 years ago

    1@DJMcMayhem The fact, that compiler compiles something, does not mean, that it is correct. C++ does not support default int. – Zereges – 9 years ago

    @Zereges This was discussed on [meta[(http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/5851/are-compiler-specific-submissions-allowed).

    – James – 9 years ago

    In this code yields two errors with g++ in Mac OS. – CroCo – 9 years ago

    It's 47 bytes, not 48 – ASCII-only – 8 years ago


    Beatnik, 148 Bytes

    It could probably be done better, but this is one of the first times I used a stack based language.

    Beatnik determines commands and values based in the scrabble score for the words, but it (thankfully) doesn't check them against a dictionary.


    Python interpreter can be found here

    A breakdown of what I've done

    K QQQQQQQG  # push 72         72
    ZD          # duplicate       72 72
    XO          # output H        72            
    K QQJA      # push 29         29 72
    KD          # add             101
    ZD          # duplicate       101 101
    XO          # output e        101           
    K KG        # push 7          7 101
    KD          # add             108
    ZD          # duplicate       108 108
    ZD          # duplicate       108 108 108
    ZD          # duplicate       108 108 108 108
    XO          # output l        108 108 108   
    XO          # output l        108 108       
    K B         # push 3          3 108 108
    KD          # add             111 108
    ZD          # duplicate       111 111 108
    XO          # output o        111 108       
    K QQQQF     # push 44         44 111 108    
    ZD          # duplicate       44 44 111 108
    ZD          # duplicate       44 44 44 111 108
    XO          # output ,        44 44 111 108
    K QQQD      # push 32         32 44 44 111 108    
    XO          # output <space>  44 44 111 108              
    K A         # push 1          1 44 44 111 108
    Z           # subtract        43 44 111 108
    KD          # add             87 111 108
    XO          # output W        111 108    
    ZD          # duplicate       111 111 108
    XO          # output o        111 108       
    K B         # push 3          3 111 108
    KD          # add             114 108
    XO          # output r        108           
    ZD          # duplicate       108 108
    XO          # output l        108           
    K J         # push 8          8 108
    Z           # subtract        100           
    XO          # output d                      
    K QQQB      # push 33         33
    XO          # output                        


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 735

    Can you add Scrabble scores to the explanation? – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago

    The version using valid scrabble words is only 100 bytes longer. – pppery – 8 years ago


    Deadfish~, 1 byte


    Hooray for built-ins.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Parenthetic, 766 698 630 bytes


    Try it online!

    Still got a lot to golf. This version uses a single definition

    (define f (lambda (a b) (char (+ (* a 13) 30 b))))

    In other words, each char is encoded by two numbers a and b, for which 30 + 13*a + b is calculated (e.g. H = 73 = 30 + 3*13 + 3) .


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    nice work ... I thought it could be done better – MickyT – 10 years ago

    608 bytes using (define f (lambda (a b) (char (- (* 6 19) (* a 13) b)))) – Leaky Nun – 8 years ago

    604 bytes after golfing Leaky Nun's answer slightly – Sherlock9 – 8 years ago


    Mascarpone, 29 bytes

    [!dlroW ,olleH]$.............

    The esolangs page notes that

    from a typical programmer's point of view, it is not obvious how to program in it

    In fact, although the language's designer believes it to be Turing complete, and I personally respect his expertise in esoteric languages enough to take it on trust that it's at the very least a non-trivial language, I haven't figured out how to write a loop. So what this does is to push the characters [!dlroW ,olleH] onto the stack (the [] delimiters are necessary, and do for some reason end up on the stack too), pop the ] with $, and then print everything except the [, one character at a time.

    Peter Taylor

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 901

    2I know this is way late, but you can loop by having an operation call itself [!dlroW ,olleH]$[/.:!]v*:! – BlackCap – 8 years ago


    Self-modifying Brainfuck, 28 19 bytes

    represents a literal NUL byte.

    <[.<]␀!dlroW ,olleH

    Try it online

    This is my Python interpreter that is referenced on the Esolangs page for SMBF. The default/example program is the program above. The SMBF code is entered on line 178 so that the Input box can be used for STDIN.

    If input is not empty, it would need to be this (20 bytes):

    <[.+<]␀!dlroW ,olleH

    Since SMBF has its own source code on the same tape, we put the string on the tape in reverse to facilitate printing. Then we print all the cells from right to left up to the cell with zero in it (the cell represented by ). After printing, I have to change the comma to a different character so it doesn't look for input. Using + changes it to a - and vice versa, so either way it's a no-op (not that it matters, since printing is done anyway).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944

    The second version could be just <[.+<]\x00!dlroW ,olleH, couldn't it? – primo – 9 years ago

    @primo Yeah, it could. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    1Doesn't the second version work even with input? Sure, it'll read a byte of input, but the program does the same thing regardless of whether any byte or EOF is read. – None – 8 years ago

    Taking input when you're not supposed to isn't allowed. That's what the 2nd program is assuming. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago


    Glava 1.4, 16 bytes

    Edit: from Doorknob's and ConorO'Brien's suggestions, the name has changed to Glava.

    p("Hello, World!

    Glava is a golfing Java dialect (obviously). It adds shorthands to many keywords and common phrases in Java code. So, the code above actually corresponds to the Java code:

    System.out.print("Hello World!")

    You may be wondering, where does the ") come from? Well, Glava has a feature where it automatically adds closing brackets and double quotes. Also, when a closing curly bracket is needed, it places a semicolon before it.

    Another neat feature is that if you do not specify a main class or method, it will do it for you. So the compiled code in the end looks like:

    public class Main {public static void main (String[] A) { System.out.print("Hello World!");}}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 058

    1FREAKING FINALLY! Suggestion: Add a piece of code that completes quotes, parens, and } <-- those so you can omit the last four chars. (Maybe a little AIS could help here?) – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    Java for golf, but there's STILL a freakin' semicolon! – cat – 9 years ago

    @cat yeah, I know. Me and Conor are trying to figure out how to avoid having to use it. – GamrCorps – 9 years ago

    3@cat well, Glava 1.2+ supports semicolon insertion before closing curly brackets, so it fixes that problem – GamrCorps – 9 years ago


    Shtriped, 199 bytes

    e n
    e b
    i b
    + x y
      i x
      d y
     d x
     + b b b
     + b n n
    s n

    (Tested in v1.0.0. Does not output trailing newline.)

    Shtriped has no strings, only non-negative arbitrary precision integers. But you can print strings by encoding them as integers.

    The integer that encodes Hello, World is 46758282851806618588827407. Every two digits essentially encodes one character in offset ASCII order, 82 is l, 85 is o, etc. The program basically declares the variable n to 0, and increments it one by one until it is 46758282851806618588827407, then prints it as a string. (In Shtriped, any integer larger than 0 needs to be incremented one by one to get there.)

    Incrementing that high is obviously impossible in any reasonable amount of time, (a 3Ghz processor could maybe do it in 500 million years) so don't run this program, you will never see it finish! However, I am certain that it would finish, it if had the time. It should never run out of memory or have a stack overflow thanks to tail recursion optimization.

    To explain what's really happening, here's a nearly identical program that will finish in a few seconds, outputting Hel. Everything is the same except the large column of 01AB's above the last line.

    e n \ declare n to 0, this is the variable that will be incremented to that huge number 
    e b \ declare b to 0, this is the binary place value that will keep getting doubled
    i b \ increment b, making it 1
    + x y \ define a function called "+" that returns x + y
     +    \ define a nested function also called "+"
      i x \ increment x
      d y \ decrement y unless y is 0, in that case return the last statement's value
      +   \ recursively call self
     +    \ call nested "+"
     d x  \ decrement (and return) x, since we will have over counted by 1
    0 \ define a function called "0" that adds b to itself, doubling it
     + b b b
    1 \ define a function called "1" that adds b to n, then calls 0
     + b n n
    \ at this point we could set n to be any number by calling 0 and 1
    \ according to the desired number's reversed binary representation
    \ but these A and B helper functions help golf that part
    A \ calls 1 then 0
    B \ calls 0 then 1
    \ call functions 0 1 A B to increment n to the desired number
    \ expanding the B's and A's, this becomes 0111111001000100111
    \ which reverses to 1110010001001111110 in binary
    \ which is 467582 in decimal
    \ which is the encoding of the string "Hel"
    s n \ finally, print n as a string

    Note that I'm very doubtful this answer is optimal for Shtriped. Printing each character of Hello, World! or some combinations of its substrings could be much shorter, but doing that would require lots of trial and error and mathematical calisthenics (or at least a better golfer). For now, I like this elegant, if suboptimal solution.

    Calvin's Hobbies

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 84 000


    Brain-Flak, 180, 176, 170 + 3 = 173 bytes


    Try it online!

    This code is 170 bytes long, but adds three bytes for the -A flag, which is required to force brain-flak to input and output in ASCII. One little detail is that this also requires the -r flag, but it did not when I first wrote this answer, so I am not adding one byte for it.

    I'd post a detailed explanation, but this language hurts my brain...

    Thanks to @Wheatwizard for saving 4 10 bytes!

    Crossed out 4 is still regular 4... :(


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 54 537


    You can save two bytes by moving the last 3 in the first push portion to the beginning and popping it for the first 3. (Since that is probably confusing here is a try it online)

    – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 9 years ago

    You can also change ([]){} to [][]. (try it online)

    – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 9 years ago

    @WheatWizard Good tips, thankyou! – James – 9 years ago

    You can change (({})){}([])[](){} to (({}))[]{}[][](). (try it online)

    – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 9 years ago

    Ok, two more: try it online

    – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 9 years ago

    Another two: try it online

    – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 9 years ago


    V, 14 bytes

    iHello, World!

    Try it online! This enters insert mode, then inserts Hello, World! into the field.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Chip, 174 166 106 97 bytes

    94 bytes for the code + 3 bytes for the flag (-w) which allows execution without input.

        b e^b^e

    Try it online!

    Chip is a 2D language inspired by integrated circuits, input and output are broken down into individual bits which travel through gates and across wires.

    Ungolfed (134 bytes):


    How the ungolfed version works:

    This implementation encodes the target string Hello, World! as a bit matrix, somewhat reminiscent of core memory. The leftmost column of )'s and x's corresponds to H in the output, the rightmost column to !. The ) is an Or-gate (mapping to a 1 in the output), and the x is a wire crossing (mapping to a 0).

    The first row is for timing, and the remaining rows are for each of the bits of the output (the row ending in h is the highest bit, and a is the lowest).

    The timing behavior starts with the !. ! produces a single 1-cycle pulse at the beginning of execution. The line of Zs then control the left-to-right propagation of the signal at a rate of one element per cycle, each one corresponding to the transition between consecutive letters of the output. Each Z also sends a signal to the column below. At the end of the timing row is t, which terminates the program, preventing infinite output of null characters at the end.

    In the first cycle, the first data column is powered. We see OR-gates ()) on the rows for bits d and g, turning them on; the remaining bits stay off because the wire crosses (x) won't propagate the signal from the top to the left. This gives us 01001000, which is H.

    In the next cycle, only the second data column is powered. Rows a, c, f and g turn on much like the bits in the first cycle, and the remaining bits are off. This gives us 01100101, which is e.

    This continues all the way across to the right, giving the remainder of the output.

    Golfing it:

    There's not a lot that could be done here, but there are a few things of note:

    • The h row is always off, so that can be eliminated.
    • Each row can be trimmed on both ends, removing unnecessary x's, so long as the timing signal can still be propagated downward to rows that need it below. This is why the rows are rearranged; to maximize the trimming that can occur.
    • The construct )a is equivalent to simply a, so long as the signal did not need to be propagated downward from the OR-gate.

    All other changes are just mashing things around to save single bytes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 366


    K (oK), 20 19 bytes

    !`0:"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Note that this program gets killed, which effectively prevents implicit or error output. Your shell might indicate that the program was killed, but this output is produced by the shell, not the program.

    Alternative solution, 20 bytes, clean exit

    {}`0:"Hello, World!"

    I'm still trying to figure out why this works, but it does.

    Try it online!


    • "Hello, World!" prints the string with the quotes.

    • `0:"Hello, World!" prints Hello, World!"Hello, World!", the first copy explicitly, then second one implicitly.

    • 0`0:"Hello, World!" prints the correct output to STDOUT, but the leftmost 0 is a type error and prints an error message to STDERR.

    • !`0:"Hello, World!" prints on


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    6You know you've attained master rank when you don't know why your code golf works, but it still does. – AdmBorkBork – 8 years ago

    Of course. The true&tested method of "Can't possibly work, let's try it anyway." ~ Eugene van der Pijll – primo – 8 years ago


    Alice, 19 18 bytes

    Thanks to Sp3000 for saving 1 byte.

    "&O@!dlroW ,olleH

    There should be a carriage return (0x0D) at the end of the program, but browsers don't like those. Consequently, this version is also not testable on TIO. Here is a 19-byte printable-only alternative:

    "!dlroW ,olleH"d&O@

    Try it online!

    Finally introducing my latest language! This works like Hello, World in most Fungeoids, and doesn't really touch upon all the advanced features Alice has:

    "&O@!dlroW ,olleH  Push the individual code points of the entire source code
                       except the " to the stack. Remember that there's a 13 at the end.
    &                  Repeat the next command 13 times.
    O                  Pop 13 characters from the stack and print them.
    @                  Terminate the program.

    In the 19-byte version, we're pushing the 13 explicitly, using the stack depth command d.

    Here is a somewhat more interested 21-byte version, which makes use of Alice's main feature: by moving diagonally, Alice operates in a separate mode (called Ordinal mode), which works with strings instead of integers. However, due to the diagonal movement, it's a bit harder to follow the code:

    /oH!lloo /

    Try it online!

    The initial / sends the instruction pointer off southeast, where it will bounce diagonally up and down between the two lines. The \/ at the end offset the IP's position by one cell so that on the way back, the IP bounces through the other characters. So ignoring those mirrors, the code that actually gets executed is:

    "Hello, World!"o@

    In Ordinal mode, "Hello, World!" actually pushes an entire string to the stack, o prints that string, and then @ still terminates the program.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Aceto, 19 bytes

    Aceto is the coolest programming language because I got it as a birthday present. It is a stack based programming language that makes use of a 2D Hilbert curve grid. Here is Hello World:

    l Wl

    Laura Bostan

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 181

    1Golfed 16+1=17 for -l flag – drham – 7 years ago


    MY, 73 bytes

    Here's the hex:

    07 24 21 21 28 26
    0A 24 21 28 26
    0B 24 20 20 28 26
    0B 24 20 20 28 26
    0B 24 21 28 26
    04 24 21 21 21 21 28 26
    02 25 28 26
    09 24 20 20 20 28 26
    0B 24 21 28 26
    07 25 21 21 28 26
    0B 24 20 20 28 26
    0A 24 28 26
    02 25 21 28 26

    I didn't want to update my old answer, because this one isn't just a simple one-byte solution that uses a builtin.

    How it works: Outputs each character by using the few commands I have interpreted:

    • Number Literal: 0x00 - 0x0F
    • Minus 1: 0x20
    • Add 1: 0x21
    • Times 10: 0x24
    • Times 16: 0x25
    • Output: 0x26
    • Character value: 0x28


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 710

    1Someone upvoted this, wow. – Zacharý – 8 years ago

    you should make a codepage for this. – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago

    I already have a codepage: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/139824/turn-an-integer-n-into-a-list-containing-it-n-times/139894#139894 is an example of its usage.

    – Zacharý – 8 years ago


    Sad-Flak, 199+3 bytes = 202 bytes

    3 bytes for the -A arg. This lang uses a "codepage", where ≤≥ are one byte each (that is, I have a thing that replaces ` and ~ with those chars and runs it)


    Try it online!


    The main idea behind this is that the way Sad-Flak works, you can easily get it to repeat a line a constant number of times.

    in Sad-Flak, there is a line pointer. The line pointer starts at the beginning

    -> 32

    however, the 32 is not actually a command. it is a simple way to express 32 blank lines. I could expand them for the demonstration, but then it would be unreadable. anyway.

    So, the line pointer points at the first of 32 blank lines. When the line pointer points at a non-blank line, it will execute that line. when the line pointer points at a blank line, it will execute the first non-blank line after that line. that means we execute ({}≤()≥). What does this line do? This lang is a brainflak derivative, btw, so some of the brackets do the same thing, but not all

    (        push...
     {}      pop off the main stack and evaluate to that value, plus
       ≤     jump by the amount inside, evaluate to that value for the purpose of other commands
        ()   1

    so, this pops off the stack, adds one to it while jumping one forward, then pushes back on the stack. What is jumping? why are we jumping in the middle of a line?

    Jumping in Sad-Flak is rather different to most other langs. Jumping does not take immediate effect, but rather moves the line pointer. when the line pointer is moved, nothing happens until the current line is finished executing. when it is finished, we see which line the line pointer points at, and execute that. If the line pointer didn't get moved, the same line gets executed again, and again, until it gets moved. however, all lines in this program either are blank, or they jump or halt. So, this line moves the line pointer one forward and increments top of stack.

    What is the line pointer pointing at now? it's still on a blank line, so it does the same thing again, and again, until it gets to the line that it keeps executing

    -> ({}≤()≥)

    Then, it executes it one last time, before moving to the next line. this end up with the charcode of ! on the stack (32 blanks + 1 actual line)

    -> (≤()≥)

    this line ((≤()≥)) pushes a new 1 to the stack, and moves the line pointer one forward, onto a new blank line, to do basically the same thing as it did before. however it puts charcode of e. and also the next line is this: ((<>[≤()≥])). What is this complex line? well:

    ((        push twice...
      <>      value popped from stack, and pushed onto the offstack for later retrieval
        [     minus ...
         ≤    (jump but eval to the argument still)
          ()  1

    so, this pops the e off the stack, and replaces it with two ds, while leaving an e on the off stack for later retrieval, and also jumping the line pointer to the next line. we have two, because one will be changed into l, because it saves bytes from pushing a 1 and incrementing it up to the next letter. we don't do this for all of them because it also cost bytes popping and pushing back onto the stack, as well as fitting the jump in there.

    from now on, I'm skipping the blank lines and the increment top of stack lines, because this explanation is long enough already.

    after adding 8 to yield l

    ((          push twice...
      <>        a value popped from stack, also pushed to offstack
          ≤     jump ...
           ()   1

    add 6 to yield r: this one again: (≤()≥) new value at 111 (o):

    (           push...
     <>         popped value, also pushed to offstack.
        (       push...
         ≤      (jump and eval to same as...)
          ()    1

    so this pushes to the off stack while keeping it on the stack, and pushing another 1 on the stack.

    new 87 (W): this again: (≤()≥)

    new 32 (space): same again: (≤()≥)

    new 44 (,): ({≤()≥})(({()}))({()})(()) woah, what is that? put simply, it is just pushing onto the main stack what we pushed on to the offstack, then a 1 to make into a H:

    (             push...
     {            pop from the off stack, evaluate to that multiplied by...
      ≤           jump and eval to...
       ()         1
           )         this pushes o
            ((         push twice...
              {        multiply an offstack popped value by...
               ()      1
                  ))     this pushes l twice
                    (        push...   
                     {       offstack popped value times...
                      ()     1 
                         )      this pushes e
                          (    push...
                           ()  1

    new 72 (H): ≤≥: this is the halt command and it stops the program

    That pushed !dlroW ,olleH char codes, which then gets printed, but backwards because it is a stack. "Hello, World!"

    Destructible Lemon

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 908


    Pyramid Scheme, 857 bytes

      ^      ^      ^     ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^
     / \    / \    / \   / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \
    /out\  /out\  /out\ /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\  /out\
    -----^ -----^ -----^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^-----
        / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \
       /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\  /chr\
      ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^----- ^-----
     / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \
    /72 \  /101\  /108\  /111\  /44 \  /32 \  /87 \  /111\  /114\  /108\  /100\  /33 \
    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

    Try it online!

    Wow. At least it's kinda clear how this works...

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Windows Portable Executable (PE), 1175 bytes

    By using the following Assembly code instead of C code (which inevitable imports unecessary libraries and whatnot), we can cut down the executable size from 261591 bytes (compiled C answer) to a measily 1536 bytes.

    extern ExitProcess, GetStdHandle, WriteConsoleA
    section .n
        msg db "Hello, World!",10
    ; <entry point>
        ; GetStdHandle(in A1)
        push -11           ; A1 - STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        call GetStdHandle  ; Puts in eax
        ; WriteConsole(in A1, in A2, in A3, out A4, reserved A5 )
        push 0             ; A5 - Don't care (reserved argument)
                           ; A4 - Don't care ("number of chars written")
        push 14            ; A3 - Length ("number of chars to write")
        push msg           ; A2 - String (buffer pointer)
        push eax           ; A1 - Console output handle (from GetStdHandle)
        call WriteConsoleA
        ; ExitProcess(in A1)
        push 0             ; A1 - Exit code
        call ExitProcess

    However, that is still way too large. So I installed HxD, a hex editor, and went on to try and remove unecessary parts.

    Apparently, Windows' executables are filled with padding (hex indication) for no apparent reason. So I removed the tailing block of zeroes at the end of the file, messed around a bit, and managed to cut it down to 1175 bytes. Here's the pastebin hexdump of the executable.

    Unfortunately, at my every attempt to remove the other paddings (0x1A8-0x1FF, 0x22B-0x3FF), the program would simply not run. I've been doing this for a few days to no success. Thus, I'm posting this beaten, at the still staggering 1KB of size.

    I am sure this can be golfed even further, so if anyone manages to cut down the size, feel free to edit this answer or perhaps even post another one.

    As a bonus, this executable also works on DOS.

    Matheus Avellar

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 273

    If anyone wants to try golfing this down some more, they may find this answer on SO and the material it references helpful.

    – 3D1T0R – 7 years ago

    1https://github.com/pts/pts-tinype Some smaller Hello World .exes, not mine. I couldn't get the 268-byte ones to run at all, and the 402-byte one would only run with my antivirus shut off. – Nnnes – 7 years ago


    Magic Number, 174 bytes


    Magic Number is a simple human-writable stack-based esolang where the source code consists of a single positive integer. The decimal digits are read from most significant to least significant.

    The only two commands used here are 0010xxxxxx, which pushes the non-negative integer xxxxxx onto the stack, and 006, which pops the stack and prints the character with that character code. The program pushes the numerical value of the characters in "Hello, World!" onto the stack in reverse order and prints them all. Branching is fairly expensive, so I feel this is probably optimal.

    Daniel O

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 51

    1Welcome to PPCG! – Martin Ender – 8 years ago


    Pain-Flak, 152 bytes


    This is a trivial modification of @HeebyJeebyMan's “Hello, World!” in Brain-Flak. They also discovered a slightly different solution with the same length shortly before I golfed mine down to this byte count.

    Try it online!

    How it works

    Pain-Flak is transpiled to Brain-Flak as follows.

    • Let the Pain-Flak source code be S.
    • Transliterate S, replacing all opening brackets with their closing counterparts and viceversa. Call the result T.
    • Reverse S character by character. Call the result R.
    • The Brain-Flak source code is T || R, where || symbolizes concatenation.

    For the Pain-Flak program in this answer, transpilation yields the following Brain-Flak program.


    Newlines have been inserted for "readability". The programs works as follows.

    • Line 1 pushes garbage on the first stack.

    • {<>} on line 2 switches stacks until the top of the stack is non-zero.

      This switches to the second stack.

    • {<>} does the same. Since the top of the second stack is 0, we stay on the second stack.

    • Line 4 is just @HeebyJeebyMan's “Hello, World!” in Brain-Flak, which never switches stacks and is, therefore, unaffected by the garbage on the first stack.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    You care if i use the pain-flak description for my readme? – Christopher – 7 years ago

    @Christopher2EZ4RTZ Go ahead. :) – Dennis – 7 years ago


    Brain-Flak, 144 138 bytes


    Try it online!

    The product of my code from the Text to Brain-Flak challenge. Beats the previous answer by 4 bytes! Wheat Wizard has since updated to beat mine by 2. And my code has produced a 140 byte solution (which I've golfed a further 2 bytes off).

    Explanation coming as soon as I understand it myself...

    How It Works:

    Note that Brain-Flak is a stack based language which outputs the stack on exit. This means the text has to pushed to the stack in reverse.


    This first part pushes "World!". This part is actually near identical to Wheat Wizard's answer, and has the same byte count.

    ( Pushing "W"
     ( "o"
      ( "r"
       ( "l"
        ( "d"
         ( "!"
               (()()) Push 2
              {}) Pop the 2 to push 4
             {}) Pop the 4 to push 8
            {}) Pop the 8 to push 16
           {}()) Pop the 16 and create a 1 to push 33 ("!")
          )){}{}()) Create two copies of 33 and pop them to push 99 and a 1 to push 100 ("d")
          ([][]) Push the stack height (2) twice to the stack
         {}) Pop the 4 and push 8 + 100 = 108, ("l")
        [][] Add the stack height (3) twice to the current value
       ) Push 108 + 3*2 = 114 ("r")
      [[]]() Add negative stack height (4) and 1 to the current value
     ) Push 114 + (-4) + 1 = 111 ("o")
    [ Subtract
      (()[]) Push stack height (5) + 1
     {}) Pop the 6 to create 12
     {} Pop the 12 to create 24
    ]) Push 111 - 24 = 87 ("W")

    This part pushes "ello, "

    ( "e"
     [()[]] Save negative stack height (6) and 1 for later (-7)
     ( "l"
      ( "l"
       [] Save stack height (6) for later
       ( "o"
        [] Save stack height (6) again
        (( ","
          [][] Save stack height (6) twice (12)
          ( " "
           [] Save stack height (6)
           (()[][]){} Push 1 + stack height (6)*2 = 13 and double it = 26
          ) 26 + 6 = 32 (" ")
         ) 32 + 12 = 44 (",")
        )[]{}[] Add the stack height (9), pop the 44 and add the stack height again (8)
       ) 44 + 9 + 44 + 8 + 6 (saved) = 111 ("o")
      [[]] Subtract stack height (9)
     )) Push 111 - 9 + 6 (saved) = 108 ("l") twice
    ) Push 107 - 7 = 100 ("e")

    And finally (([][][]){}) pushes "H" by adding the stack height (12) three times and doubling it.

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234

    3I'm not going to let a computer beat me – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 7 years ago

    2@WheatWizard Really? :> – Jo King – 7 years ago

    1I will not. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 7 years ago


    Logo (programming language) - 20 bytes

    PRINT [Hello, World!]

    Or even more exciting version:

    to helloworld
     fd 20 left 180
     fd 40 left 180
     fd 20 right 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 180
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 right 90
     fd 20 right 90
     fd 10 right 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 10 left 90
     fd 30 left 90
     fd 40 left 180
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 40 left 180
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 60 left 90
     fd 40 left 180
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 180
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 40 left 180
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 right 90
     fd 20 right 90
     fd 5  left 90  
     fd 5  left 90  
     fd 25 left 180
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 40 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 20 left 90
     fd 40 left 180
     fd 40
    lt 90 pu fd 200 pd rt 90 helloworld 


    enter image description here

    Artur Kędzior

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 151

    Welcome to PPCG! This is code golf, so you should make sure that your answer is as short as possible. I don't know Logo, but it seems the HELLO is an arbitrary identifier, so you can probably shorten it and maybe it's also possible to get rid of some of that whitespace? Also, please use the required spelling Hello, World! and include the byte count of the code in your answer so that people can easily see its score. – Martin Ender – 7 years ago

    First-timer here. Cool, thanks. – Artur Kędzior – 7 years ago

    2Hmm. I think you should stop drawing in between letters – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Whirl, 955 733 bytes

    -~200 bytes using implicit modulo when output magic - I haven't checked anywhere close to all the simple possibilities, so this might be very suboptimal.

    It might be possible to use memory/the operations wheel value as extra storage to make things shorter, but all approaches I've tried using those are not golfier than the naive one


    Try it online!


    1 _
    : ; _ + _ + _ + _ : _ + _ : _ * _ + _ : .
          + _ + _ + _ + : - _ + _ + _ + _ - _ : . _ :
          + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ : . _ . _ :
          + _ + _ + _ : .
          + _ + _ + _ + : + _ : .
          * _ - _ + _ + _ + _ + _ : . _
    : ; _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ : _ * _ * _ : .
          * _ * _ * _ - _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + : - _ + _ : . _ :
          + _ + _ + _ : . - :
          + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ - _ : . - :
          + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ - _ : .
          + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + : + _ : .

    Every command switches operation wheels, starting from the operation wheel. Note that the cost depends on the current and previous command of the wheel, which is why there are so many no-ops.

    Each character is on its own line, except for the two ls in a row. Some constructs used here are:

    • : ; - load the 1 from operation value into math value
    • _ + - add memory to math value - this can be used for e.g. repeated additions to emulate multiplications
    • _ * - square. This is used for H since 72 = 8 * 8 + 8
    • : . _ - store math value to memory, output, switch back to math wheel

    Lines ending with : indicate the 1 from the operation wheel is being loaded, but the math value is not being overwritten. This is useful when consecutive characters are close in character codes.

    Operation wheel commands

    • 1 - set (operation) value to 1
    • : - store value into memory. In this program it's always 1
    • . - output chr(memory)

    Math wheel commands

    • + - add memory to (math) value - this is different to operation value
    • * - multiply memory with value
    • - - negate value - this is the only way to subtract
    • ; - load memory into value
    • : - store value into memory

    See the language page for descriptions of unused commands

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 687

    :| this is shorter than the all-caps no-punctuation one here (official website). is everyone bad at golfing or do i just have no life? also i have absolutely no clue how to contact the author

    – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    whenyouaccidentallylose100endorsementsinnationstates -  900   761   728   552  260 bytes


    Try it online!

    Golfed down to 761 bytes by increasing the brute-forcer to seeds up to 9999, instead of 999

    Golfed down to 728 bytes by increasing the brute-forcer to seeds up to 99999, instead of 9999

    Golfed down to 552 bytes by increasing the brute-forcer to seeds up to 999999, instead of 99999

    Golfed down to 260 bytes with the help of @ASCII_only


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 264

    I'm very curious as to what the inspiration for this languages name is. – Gabriel Mills – 6 years ago


    @GabrielMills Explained here to Dennis

    – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago


    C++ (gcc), 40 bytes

    main(){__builtin_puts("Hello, World!");}

    Try it online!

    Using builtins are shorter since #include takes up a lot of bytes. I believe this solution is optimal.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 421

    "Optimal?" A bold claim. Ken Thompson: "Last year I taught at University of Sydney I gave that to my class, the shortest self-reproducing program in C, and I got a surprise. I didn't think there was a surprise there to be had. But, I got somebody who has the shortest one I've ever seen, which is a record breaker, by about four characters of what I had proved to myself was the shortest program, and they did it by a totally different mechanism which of course nullified the proof." https://www.princeton.edu/~hos/mike/transcripts/thompson.htm

    – roblogic – 6 years ago


    Prolog, 23 bytes

    write('Hello, World!').


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 32 976

    What did you use to define a string if you didn't use "? – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    1@BetaDecay Nothing, strings didn't exist as far as I know. So using " to create strings would create an array of character codes (ie ascii/unicode codes) representing the string. Character codes strings is created with backquotes in SWI-Prolog now. – Fatalize – 10 years ago

    You can use single quotes to turn this into an atom, and thus make the program completely portable: write('Hello, World!'). More declaratively, I would simply define a a fact like: msg('Hello, World!').. Usage example: ?- msg(M)., succeeding with M = 'Hello, World!'.. – mat – 10 years ago

    @mat Good suggestion that I use atoms instead of strings. For the msg('Hello, World!') though, I don't think it's valid in this challenge because it outputs M = 'Hello, World!'. instead of just Hello, World! (granted, it also outputs true after in my answer but I assume this is acceptable because Prolog really likes to output true or false :)) – Fatalize – 10 years ago

    I know, the way this challenge is formulated kind of forces you to use impure langauge elements. Too bad! (BTW: The last sentence of your post is no longer applicable.) – mat – 10 years ago


    J, 15 bytes

    'Hello, World!'

    No call to any write function needed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 32 976


    PowerShell, 15 Bytes

    Likely in Foo (among others) as well, but I'll let someone with more knowledge of those languages post.

    "Hello, World!"

    or, alternatively,

    'Hello, World!'

    In PowerShell, both ' and " denote string literals. The difference is the double-quotes will expand variables (e.g., $myString) and escape characters (e.g., `n), while the single-quote will treat everything literally.

    PowerShell does an implicit Write of anything that's on a line by itself in a program (the relative merits of Write-Host vs Write-Output are left as an exercise to the reader) -- variable, literal string (as this is), result of a one-line command, etc. This stems from the fact that every line gets executed, and the way to execute a string is to print it. For other data types, if they have a way to convert to a string, the execution silently does the conversion in the background and then prints the resultant string. If there's no way to get a string, you'll wind up printing a description of the datatype. This is one of the ways that PowerShell, as ... verbose clear ... as it is, can wind up somewhat competing with other languages.

    A short article on the topic, not written by me, though the author and I have a similar name.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 581


    Forth, 17 bytes

    .( Hello, World!)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944

    ." Hello World! is one byte shorter. – Lynn – 10 years ago

    1." may only be used within a function declaration. ." : error(-14): use only during compilation – mbomb007 – 10 years ago

    Why the space in .( Hello,? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ Forth requires spaces between tokens. The ending ) is the exception to the rule. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    @mbomb007 It's unfair that ." is only in functions. – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ Same with loops. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago


    Batch File, 19 Bytes

    @echo Hello, World!

    Short and to the point. You'd think you could golf off the @ at the beginning, but if you do you get the literal program echo'd out before the string is printed. This is why you'll see @echo off at the beginning of near every .bat file around.

    Example without the @

    C:\Tools\Scripts>echo Hello, World!
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 581

    Isn't the language itself just called "Batch"? – mbomb007 – 10 years ago


    @mbomb007 Kinda, sorta, maybe, not really. Batch files are just collections of lines that are executed by the associated command-line interpreter (usually COMMAND.COM but not necessarily, especially in newer Windows releases). It technically has some additional commands, like the infamous GOTO, but it's not in and of itself a language.

    – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    If you leave off the the echo you get an infinite amount of hello world!'s – User112638726 – 10 years ago

    @User112638726 No, you should get something like 'Hello' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. If you get something else, you must be using a different version of the interpreter than I am. – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    @TimmyD It does that if i type directly into CMD but if it is run as a .bat it loops forever. Weird. – User112638726 – 10 years ago

    @User112638726 I believe it. Using batch files with command-line interpretation in Windows is ... quirky, shall we say. Nevermind the differences between CMD.EXE and COMMAND.COM, let alone the spaghetti code hodge-podge that's resulted in changes from DOS to 9x to NT to XP to Vista+ ... It's a right mess ... And that's not even counting the OS/2 flavors, the 4DOS flavors, DR-DOS ... or the ridiculousness of the FOR command ... ugh. Best to just leave all that crud behind and move on.

    – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    Well User112... gave me an idea. Rename your batch file to Hello.cmd and call it via Hello and you can shave off some extra bytes: @echo %0, World! 16 bytes – MrPaulch – 10 years ago

    2@MrPaulch if the filename is significant it has to be added to the byte coutn – undergroundmonorail – 10 years ago


    Bash, 18 bytes

    echo Hello, World!

    This works when invoked as a full program or with history expansion disabled (default for scripts).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Julia, 22 bytes

    print("Hello, World!")

    Short and sweet.

    Alex A.

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 761


    Unlambda, 36 bytes

    `.!`.d`.l`.r``.W`. `.,``.l`c`.H.e.oi

    Unlambda is a minimal functional programming language based on combinatory logic. It uses prefix notation; `fx is an application of f to x. Specifically, .c is a primitive that takes some v, prints the character c as a side-effect, and returns v. Thus, the usual program would be to take i, apply .H to it, apply .e to it, etc., giving you `.!`.d`.l...

    This 36-byte solution is due to irori on anarchy golf. It uses the primitive c, which I think is kind of like call/cc, to avoid having to write .o and .l twice. I have no idea how it precisely works. The sort-of equivalent Lisp syntax would be:

                      (call-cc (print-h print-e)))


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    D, 51 bytes

    import std.stdio;void main(){puts="Hello, World!";}

    In D, a=b is sometimes equivalent to a(b), allowing us to shave off one more byte than you might expect.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Inform 7 + C by G, 36 bytes

    Include C by G.Z:say "Hello, World!"

    This code requires at least version 1/150829 of the code golfing extension.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 657

    3I got rid of my old version. – Lynn – 10 years ago

    Please change the language name to "Inform 7 + C by G", since you're using a library – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only As the cost of the library is included I don't think that's necessary. – curiousdannii – 7 years ago

    @curiousdannii nope, it's still necessary (at least for libraries that don't come with the standard distribution) – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    NULL, 91 bytes


    This number represents a program, and it has 126 digits in decimal representation. I use base-36 here to shorten the number. It seems acceptable because the interpreter of NULL uses the python eval on the program before executing it (presumably to allow specifying the program as a product of prime numbers). The prime factorization (used while executing the program) is


    I found this program by using something like A* search. It tracks the state of the NULL interpreter and two additional values:

    • print - number of characters in the Hello, World! message it managed to output so far
    • length - natural logarithm of the number that represents the program

    For each state, it picks 10 possible commands the language has (there are 14, but the rest are too uncomfortable to search), and calculates 10 new states. To find the shortest program, it holds the states in a priority_queue, arranged by the following cost function:

    print - length / 25

    If I use a fudge factor much different from 25, it either keeps searching forever (until it eats all RAM) or finds sub-optimal solutions.

    BTW there is a bug in the interpreter in the generation of prime numbers. I fixed it by simplifying the code this way:

    def factor_g(include_builtin_list = True):
        if include_builtin_list:
            for x in plist: yield x
        k = plist[-1] + 2
        while True:
            yield k
            k += 2


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 719


    goruby, 6 bytes


    Apart from the method_missing override, goruby also defines Kernel#h which accepts 3 parameters: the first letter of _ello (default H), the first letter of _orld (default w), and the final character (default !).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 30 891

    1Nice, I didn't know about the parameters it takes :) – Lynn – 10 years ago


    Jasmin, 251 219 165 bytes

    Jasmin is an assembler for the Java Virtual Machine. It takes ASCII descriptions of Java classes, written in a simple assembler-like syntax using the Java Virtual Machine instruction set. It converts them into binary Java class files, suitable for loading by a Java runtime system.

    .class H
    .super sun/misc/MessageUtils
    .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    ldc "Hello, World!"
    invokestatic H/out(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    .end method

    Compile with java -jar jasmin.jar H.j. Execute byte code with java H.

    This program is based off the "Hello, World!" program by pearce at SJSU. Golfing mainly entailed removing comments and unnecessary white space (this was true four years ago but, I have since made substantial changes). Something interesting I noted while golfing it is that a class file doesn't have to include a constructor. When a normal Java program doesn't have a constructor, a default is provided but. When there is no constructor in Jasmin, the resulting class file doesn't have one either. This would probably result in issues when trying to instantiate the class but, for the purpose of executing the main method, it works fine.

    4 Years Later Golfs

    1. I found out about the static method sun.misc.MessageUtils.out from this answer. Using this instead of System.out.print saves quite a few bytes because calling instance methods is rather expensive in Jasmin.
    2. Extending sun.misc.MessageUtils saves even more bytes on that invokestatic because I can write H instead of the fully qualified class name. Omitting the .super line is not an option in Jasmin so, the other option would be extending a class with a short fully qualified name (e.g. java/io/File.

    Non-competing golfs

    1. You can omit return if you invoke the class with java -noverify. This causes the JVM to segfault after printing "Hello, Word!". (-7 bytes)

    2. I think I should be able to use a static initializer instead of a main method if I execute the class file with Java6 but, I can't get this to work. It would be done by replacing the header for main with .method public static <clinit>()V.(potentially -15 bytes)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 350


    Turing Machine Code, 132 bytes

    As usual, I'm using the table syntax defined here.

    0 * H r q
    q * e r w
    w * l r e
    e * l r r
    r * o r t
    t * , r y
    y * _ r u
    u * W r i
    i * o r o
    o * r r p
    p * l r a
    a * d r s
    s * ! r halt

    If the above link isn't working (sometimes it works for me, other times the page refuses to load) you may also test this using this java implementation.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    HolyC, 24 bytes

    Print("Hello, World!");

    Nothing special here, I just wanted to pay tribute to the lunatic who wrote TempleOS and its companion language, HolyC.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 010


    Rotor, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Nothing too fancy here. Like Pyth, quotes and most other structures are implicitly closed at EOF.

    Try it online.

    Check out Rotor.

    a spaghetto

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 647


    Candy, 18 bytes + 1 = 19 bytes

    Push (technically queue) string (character-by-character) onto the stack, and loop to print

    "Hello, World!"(;)

    The interpreter should be called with -q to suppress STDOUT messages.

    Dale Johnson

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 509

    Why 3 bytes for switch? The Binary-encoded Golfical answer takes a switch and that's only a byte...

    – cat – 9 years ago

    There was a suggestion on one of my other posts that suppressing STDOUT should have a cost, so I followed that here. But it doesn't seem to be consistently followed. – Dale Johnson – 9 years ago

    The convention is typically 1 byte / switch. However, you can raise the question on Meta and get the community's opinion.

    – cat – 9 years ago


    Wise, 135 + 3 = 138 bytes


    Try it online!

    Post Rock Garf Hunter

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 382


    TP, 17,806 bytes

    TP is a language I created based on using toilet paper.

    The main operation is USE TP which removes a sheet (1) from the current roll (cell), each roll starts at 255 sheets. There is also GET TP which adds a new roll to the toilet paper pile. There is also the accompanying NEW TP and OLD TP which switches to a newer roll or older roll respectively. The final notable command is DIS TP which displays the ASCII value for the current roll.

    This is included as tphelloworld.tp for the interpreter download.

    This can definitely be shorter.

    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
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    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
    USE TP
    DIS TP

    Notes About the Interpreter

    The interpreter always removes whitespace from the working line, so USE TP becomes USETP, this allows a 1 byte decrease per line. Since the interpreter uses Python, I believe newline style (CR+LF, LF) doesn't matter. A thing that I'm trying to think of a way to do is add a separator (command; command). If I figure out a way to implement that, then the filesize can be drastically reduced.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 249

    Doing a quick estimate you can probably get this down to around 6500 bytes. I would write it up but I can't at the current time (if I get some time this weekend I'll run through it). – Teal pelican – 8 years ago

    Nice! I'm surprised anyone actually cares about this. – ender_scythe – 8 years ago

    6damn, that's a lot of trees cut down... – FlipTack – 8 years ago

    @Flp.Tkc Maybe I should make a version where you plant trees? – ender_scythe – 8 years ago

    Calculation for chars(6405 bytes)
    H=(255-72)"USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    e="GET TP NEW TP "(255-101)
    "USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    l="GET TP NEW TP "+(255-108)"USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    l="DIS TP "
    o="GET TP NEW TP "+(255-111)
    "USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    ,="OLD TP OLD TP OLD TP "+(72-44)"USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    "USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    W="NEW TP "+(101-87)"USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    r="GET TP NEW TP "+(255-114)
    "USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    d=(108-100)"USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    !="OLD TP "+(87-33)
    "USE TP "+"DIS TP "
    – Teal pelican – 8 years ago

    I messed up the formatting a little but the basic premise is using 5 TP's and just going to the nearest TP with more than we need the removing it from it. – Teal pelican – 8 years ago

    @Tealpelican That works? – ender_scythe – 8 years ago


    uBASIC, 21 bytes

    1PRINT"Hello, World!"

    uBASIC is the most basic BASIC.

    Exits with an error (no trailing newline).

    It took me until just now to realize I don't need a space between 1 and PRINT...

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 585


    OIL, 15 bytes

    Hello, World!

    OIL is a self-modifying turing-machine-like programming language with random access, and weak typing. The first line does nothing, because it's not one of the integers currently defined as commands, so it is just skipped. The second line is a 4, the print command, which takes one argument (the next line) and prints the value at that location. Since the next line doesn't exist, it's uninitialized and defaults to 0, which causes OIL to print the contents of the 0th line, Hello, World!.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 151


    Klein, 50 + 6 = 56 bytes

    +3 bytes due to the -A flag.

    +3 bytes for 000 topology (though in my testing, pretty much all valid topoligies work)


    (Eligible for the bounty) Probably not optimal, but it's a start.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 025

    You do have to add 3 for the topology you are using and 3 for the -A flag, (but so does everyone else, so it shouldn't hurt you) – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 8 years ago

    @WheatWizard Yep, just added that in. – Okx – 8 years ago

    @WheatWizard It appears to work with an empty argument as well. https://tio.run/##DcgxEoAgEAPA70AyFsiJkEofY@Ho@P8usuU@73V/dh@ITYBSoXZKlUoxVqIHhtCYZzVVIM8pPGwvp38

    – Dennis – 8 years ago

    @Dennis Would that be +2 bytes then? – Okx – 8 years ago

    Could you make the title Klein, 50 + 6 = 56 bytes as it kinda messes up the catalogue? – caird coinheringaahing – 8 years ago

    @RandomUser Sure thing. – Okx – 8 years ago


    Klein, 48 + 3 + 3 = 54 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 345


    COBOL, 65 Bytes


    Just from what I remember. Probably doesn't work but I can't tell since my machines set up to run COBOL are long-gone.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 141

    2Welcome to the site! – James – 8 years ago

    This works just fine with GNU COBOL assuming you set the -F (or -free) flag, but you're missing a comma in your string. https://tio.run/##S85Pys/RTc8r/f8/IMjfPcjRV9fTRc9DD8hxdnUJDXJVcPEM8wz29PfTc/EMDvBxjFRQ90jNycnXUQjPL8pJUVTX@///X3JaTmJ68X9dNwA

    – Dennis – 8 years ago

    So I am. I shall fix this. – Bakna – 8 years ago


    Memescript, 820 bytes

    what the frick frack backtrack snick snack quarterback diddily dack diddily dack quarterback diddily dack diddily dack backtrack diddily dack backtrack diddily dack biofeedback quarterback diddily dack diddily dack quarterback quarterback diddily dack quarterback diddily dack diddily dack patty wack quarterback diddily dack slack mack frick frack thumbtack snick snack snick snack quarterback diddily dack patty wack sidetrack quarterback diddily dack snick snack patty wack patty wack biofeedback quarterback diddily dack diddily dack sidetrack diddily dack sidetrack quarterback diddily dack diddily dack patty wack quarterback diddily dack patty wack slack mack quarterback diddily dack patty wack crackerjack quarterback diddily dack slack mack frick frack thumbtack snick snack patty wack quarterback diddily dack


    what the                     open program
    frick frack backtrack        push 10
    snick snack quarterback      multiply by 7 (70)
    diddily dack diddily dack    add 2 (72)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('H')
    diddily dack backtrack       add 10 (82)
    diddily dack backtrack       add 10 (92)
    diddily dack biofeedback     add 9 (101)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('e')
    diddily dack quarterback     add 7 (108)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('l')
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('l')
    diddily dack patty wack      add 3 (111)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('o')
    slack mack                   pop
    frick frack thumbtack        push 11
    snick snack snick snack      multiply by 4 (44)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char (',')
    patty wack sidetrack         subtract 12 (32)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char (' ')
    snick snack patty wack       multiply by 3 (96)
    patty wack biofeedback       subtract 9 (87)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('W')
    diddily dack sidetrack       add 12 (99)
    diddily dack sidetrack       add 12 (111)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('o')
    diddily dack patty wack      add 3 (114)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('r')
    patty wack slack mack        subtract 6 (108)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('l')
    patty wack crackerjack       subtract 8 (100)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('d')
    slack mack                   pop
    frick frack thumbtack        push 11
    snick snack patty wack       multiply by 3 (33)
    quarterback diddily dack     print as char ('!')

    No one

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 71


    Triangular, 66 bytes


    Try it online!

    How it works


             . 9
            , * <
           > @ 5 \
          , 1 * 6 <
         > - + @ 7 \
        , + 3 @ @ + <
       > @ : 3 _ 7 + \
      , 3 @ - * 4 3 @ <
     > * 9 - @ p @ 3 + \
    @ _ 3 @ - 8 @ - 6 @ <

    Executed commands, ignoring directional commands:


    Commands used, ignoring directional commands:

    • 1 to 9: push the literal value
    • +: add
    • -: subtract
    • *: multiply
    • _: divide
    • :: duplicate top of stack
    • p: pop top of stack
    • @: print top of stack as charcode

    Triangular is a 2D stack-based language which uses postfix notation.

    Leaky Nun

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 45 011


    Husk, 8 bytes


    Try it online!

    Husk got compressed strings!

    A dictionary of common n-grams for n from 1 to 9 was built using a procedure based on Huffman coding, taking frequencies of n-grams from http://norvig.com/mayzner.html. All printable ASCII characters plus newline were forced to have 1-byte encodings with codes corresponding to themselves, while newlines were encoded with . N-grams that occurr frequently at the start of words also have variants with title-case and with a leading space/newline; n-grams that occurr frequently at the end of words also have variants with a trailing space/newline.

    Some optimizations were performed on the resulting dictionary: for instance, the 5-gram "Hello" was removed from the dictionary since it had been encoded with three bytes, while the 4-gram "ello" is encoded with two bytes, so we can simply encode "H"+"ello" for a total of 3 bytes.

    After the Huffman tree was built, codes were reassigned (mantaining their length unchanged) such that the encoded words could in some way recall their respective plaintext: most compression systems ignore this and as such their results are completely obscure to the human reader, while in this case I'm sure that most of you could guess what H◄⁰,ω]! means even if it was not presented inside this challenge. In particular, ◄⁰ encodes "ello", since stands for l (left), and looks like an o, while ω] encodes " World" since ω looks like a w and ] looks like a D (capitalization was ignored for this assignment of codes).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 482


    Sqirrel - Peter, 903 bytes

    A couple notes about my golfing:

    • The examples have punctuation at the end of sentences but the spec doesn't say that it should be there so I left it off.
    • The spec says The request consists firstly of the text "I wish I had a " then is followed by a thing. and list of the variable-things you can use: ... an Apple which is inconsistent so I used "I wish I had a Apple" because it is shorter.
    • The spec says Here is [nr] [thing][s] Set the var to NR. Add an 's' if needed and even though the examples use Fishes the only ones that should be valid are Fish and Fishs and I chose Fish because I don't think it needs to be plural and it is shorter.
    • There is an exit command but the spec doesn't say what happens if the flow reaches the end of the text so I am assuming the program ends and I didn't use the exit command.

    Here is my attempt:

    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 72 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 101 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Apple
    Here is 108 Apples
    I wish I had a Apple
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Apple
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Forrest
    Here is 111 Forrests
    I wish I had a Forrest
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 44 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 32 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 87 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Forrest
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 114 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Apple
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 100 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it
    I wish I had a Fish
    Here is 33 Fish
    I wish I had a Fish
    Now everyone has it

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217

    If I count correctly, that's 66 more bytes for the version with correct punctuation and grammar. I.e. an apple, 100 fishes, etc. and a dot at the end of each line. – Cœur – 8 years ago


    ,,,, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    I finally added unclosed strings to ,,,. Took me long enough.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 378


    ZT, 199 bytes

    The ZT programming language is quite romantic: it features little data couples (Romeos & Juliets). ZT program flow is diagonal and commands are defined only by program flow.

    The webpage is at:

    It has a link to is an interpreter at:

    But that interpreter is broken and doesn't do jumps correctly. The website also has a link to a self extracting archive containing the documentation, the interpreter and some examples:

    And that interpreter works so that's the one you need to use to test this.

    I am not too confident that this is the smallest possible Hello World but it is much smaller than the one published on the website. If you have comments for golfing it please let me know.


    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    Numberwang, 77 bytes


    Try it online!

    Just incrementing and decrementing the pointer by certain amounts.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    Brainfuck translation, 72 – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    ADJUST, 281 bytes

     ;I-      &  e$      &  m-        &  g2Ph$      &  a2$      &  n$      &  e2+-      &  g2Ph$      &  OPh$      &  m-      &  e-      &  n-
    }     AgR};      AgR};      A=AgR};         AgR};       AgR};      AgR};        AgR};         AgR};        AgR};      AgR};      AgR};      AC

    Try it online!

    Diagonal }; turn IP right. I-, e$, m-, etc. create ascii code in the accumulator and push it on both stacks. A print char. gR};& move IP to the first line. = swap stacks. C exit.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 175


    Broccoli, 23 bytes:

    (print "Hello, World!")

    Broccoli is a random language I ran across whilst recording the PPCG podcast. I promised that I would post an answer in it, so here it is. The better way of writing this (in 28 bytes) would be:

    (print "Hello, World!" endl)

    But since the newline is optional, this works.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 54 537

    Just finished the PPCG podcast this morning! Is there documentation available for Broccoli? – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago

    @EsolangingFruit I'm glad to hear it! :) There is a little bit of documentation in the folder, but it's pretty minimal. Mostly examples. But there is also a project to re-write it. You can ask for ask for help from the people there or in chat or on github.

    – James – 7 years ago


    ELVM-IR, 116 68 66 65 bytes

    .string"Hello, World!"load B,A
    putc B
    add A,1jne 0,A,13exit

    Thanks to @ASCII-only for golfing off 48 50 51 bytes!

    Try it online!


    Running the above program with eli <file> interprets it, but elc -<target> <file> is where the real magic happens: it translates ELVM-IR source code to any of the supported backends!

    Try it online!

    The ELVM toolchain also supports compiling (a subset of) C and its standard library to ELVM-IR.

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    78 bytes – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    68 bytes – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    40% shorter now. Thank you! – Dennis – 7 years ago

    golfed another two bytes off :P – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    Looks weird, but it works. Thanks! – Dennis – 7 years ago

    65. looks even weirder >_> – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only Thanks again! – Dennis – 7 years ago


    095, 16 bytes

    'Hello, World!'s

    First answer in my attempt at making a programming language! Pushes Hello, World! to the stack and then prints.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 81

    2Welcome to PPCG! – Erik the Outgolfer – 7 years ago


    Atari Logo, 21 bytes




    enter image description here

    Grant Miller

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 706


    Nikud, 672 bytes


    Try it online

    Even though it has tons of bytes, it's top 3 in width, as all the characters are diacritical marks.

    There isn't much useful to explain. The character codes are put in reverse order into the stack using mostly אֱ (push 1), אֶ (dup) and אַ (add). Then אֵ (print as char) is called 13 times.

    Another thing that adds to the byte count is that each character is represented by 2 bytes in UTF-8. So it's actually 336 characters.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 189

    I think this can be golfed more using multiplication. – Windmill Cookies – 7 years ago


    Flobnar, 53 42 41 bytes

    -12 thanks to @JoKing

    !dlroW ,olleH
    :| <\@6
    0_\^> +
    - <

    Try it online! (requires the -r and -i flags)

    Flobnar is an interesting 2D language vaguey similar to Jellyfish. It shares a creator and many of its instructions with Befunge.

    Befunge is an "instruction-based" language, in that the functionality of most commands is encapsulated by an effect. Flobnar, on the other hand, is an "expression-based" language, in that the functionality of most commands is encapsulated by a return value. For example, the 4 term always returns 4, the > term is a tail call to the cell to the east, and the + term returns the sum of the terms to its north and south.

    The relevant terms used by this program are:

    • @ indicates the starting point of the program. @ evaluates the term to its west, and the result of this is the return value of the program (this is printed by default; the -r interpreter flag is needed to disable this behavior).
    • lets evaluation "pass through" (it is a tail call to the cell opposite to the direction from which it was evaluated).
    • ^>v< are tail calls to the cells in the direction they point.
    • Digits return themselves.
    • # is like , except that is jumps to the cell two steps away, like Befunge's # command.
    • \ evaluates the cell to the south to get an argument, then lets evaluation pass through to the other side with the new argument. After evaluation is finished, the original argument is restored.
    • : returns the current argument.
    • + returns the sum of the cells to the north and south.
    • - returns the difference of the cell to the north and the cell to the south.
    • ! evaluates the cell on the other side, and returns 1 if it is 0 and 0 otherwise.
    • g evaluates the cell to the north to get an x-coordinate, the cell to the south to get a y-coordinate, and returns the Unicode codepoint of the cell at those coordinates.
    • | evaluates the cell on the other side. If the result is 0, it returns the cell to the south; otherwise, it returns the cell to the north.
    • _ evaluates the cell on the other side. If the result is 0, it returns the cell to the west; otherwise, it returns the cell to the east.
    • , evaluates the cell on the other side to get a codepoint and outputs the Unicode character with that codepoint. It always returns 0. This is one of the few non-referentially-transparent operations in the language.
    • This program evaluates the invalid term l. This would be an error, but -i will cause invalid characters to be ignored (treated as ).

    This program defines a recursive function that takes a single argument x and always returns 0. It looks something like this in Python:

    def f(x):
        if x:
            print(playfield[x, 0])
            return f(x - 1)
            print(playfield[x, 0])
            return 0

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542

    A fascinating language. It took me a bit to figure out how to do basic looping, so I tried a get/put approach and only got it down to 58 bytes. Well done!

    – Jo King – 7 years ago

    146 bytes – Jo King – 7 years ago

    @JoKing Nice! Very clever usage of the !. I hadn't thought of the use of _ as another way to discard the result of ,. – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago


    @JoKing I managed to get down to 45 bytes through some fairly drastic rearrangement of the code. The bytes needed to compute the 12 bother me, though -- maybe you can see something I didn't?

    – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago


    All I could get was a different 45er

    – Jo King – 7 years ago

    Going back to my old version, I got 42 bytes (i swear, the last character being printed was completely accidental)

    – Jo King – 7 years ago

    @JoKing Even if it was an accident, that's very clever! I can't see this getting much shorter without a new approach so I'll edit that version into the answer. – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago

    Technically, if you use the -i flag to disregard invalid instructions you can save one byte by removing the # – Jo King – 7 years ago


    axo, 22 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"[>[(#<\

    Try it online!

    Pushes "Hello, World!" to the stack "!dlroW ,olleH"

    Duplicates top of stack afterward, which results in "HHello, World!" [

    Moves to the right >.

    Duplicates it again, which results in "HHHello, World!" [

    Outputs "H" while popping from the stack, so the stack is "HHello, World!" (

    Pops the top of the stack, results in "Hello, World!" #

    Moves left <

    Pops the top of the stack, results in "ello, World!" #

    Outputs "e" while popping from the stack, which results in STDOUT being "He" and the stack being "llo, World!" (

    Duplicates the top of the stack, resulting in the stack being "lllo, World!" [

    Moves right. >

    And I'm sure you can figure out the rest. If you can't, I'll update a more indepth-explanation soon.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 264


    strict, 18 bytes

    out: Hello, World!

    Believe it or not, the space is required (hence the language name). In case the website dies, here's the interpreter download link.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41


    Triangular, 55 bytes


    This one took a while. Also will be very difficult to golf, since there is zero no-ops in it, meaning you'll have to save 10 bytes to get it to a size 9 triangle in order to save any bytes

    This expands out into this size 10 triangle:

            \ 6
           + @ *
          8 \ C :
         : 6 - - :
        : @ \ @ # 2
       " + 3 ^ 8 2 *
      @ 3 / # - < * #
     + / @ " # + F < 3
    / 3 @ @ # - 7 : * <

    How it works

    Note: this ignores all control flow characters and just looks at what gets run in order

    66* Push 36
    :: Duplicate it twice
    2*# Output H, popping it
    3*  Multiplies by 3, yielding 108
    :   Duplicates
    -7# Outputs e, popping it
    @@  Outputs l twice, without popping it
    3+@ Outputs o, without popping it
    " Swaps, putting 36 at the top of the stack
    :: Duplicates it twice
    8+@  Outputs comma, without popping
    C-#  Outputs space, popping the top of the stack
    2*F+# Outputs W, popping it
    "     Swaps back around, putting 111 at the top of the stack
    @     Outputs o, without popping
    3+@   Outputs r, without popping
    6-@   Outputs l, without popping
    8-#   Outputs d, whilst popping
    3-@   Subtracts 3 from 36, giving !, and outputs it
    6     Pushes 6, which does nothing

    Try it Online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 106

    Rearranging the structure, I can get you 3 no-ops, though really it's only one byte TIO. Only 7 more to go!

    – Jo King – 6 years ago

    2 more. Halfway there. – Jo King – 6 years ago

    Ok, I've got all the characters onto the stack in a size 9 triangle, but I dont have any space to put a loop to print all of them. Maybe could be golfed slightly more to fit it in TIO

    – EdgyNerd – 6 years ago


    EBCDIC Punched Card, 13 bytes

    enter image description here

    Disk Operating System/360, also DOS/360, or simply DOS, is a discontinued operating system for IBM mainframes. It was announced by IBM on the last day of 1964, and it was first delivered in June 1966.In its time, DOS/360 was the most widely used operating system in the world.

    A typical configuration might consist of a S/360 model 30 with 32KB memory and the decimal instruction set, an IBM 2540 card reader/card punch, an IBM 1403 printer, two or three IBM 2311 disks, two IBM 2415 magnetic tape drives, and the 1052-7 console.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 554


    Cascade, 23 bytes

    d e

    Try it online!

    This is about as compressed as it is possible to get. The } instruction is the put instruction, but it doesn't really matter what it does since we're just using it to execute the three of the instructions below it, all of which are ".

    First we execute the left, which wraps around to be the rightmost column, printing Hello. Then right (which is the center column), printing , Wor. Finally directly below in the left column, we print ld!, terminating the string literal early rather than wrapping, to avoid printing the } as well.

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234


    Plumber, 1606 445 bytes


    With some modifications of an idea by @dzaima, I've golfed 1161 bytes off of this. This one uses a single falling packet, incrementing each time it falls, and forks it off each time it reaches the right value to be outputted.

    Old version

    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ] ]   ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
    ] ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     ]
      ] ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
        ] ] ]     [ ]
            ]     [ ] ]
            ]     [ ] ]
            ]     [ ] ]
                  [   ]
                  [   ]
                  [   ]

    It's a little long. I could probably steal some tricks from a BF solution, maybe.

    In Plumber, the program is divided into units, each of which are 2 characters wide. Each line is padded to the length of the longest line with spaces, which can be used to shorten programs. Each ] unit is an increment operator on a falling packet of information, which is dropped by the [] at the top. Chains of [[ can be used to duplicate packets and drop them one by one in different columns.

    Redwolf Programs

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 561

    2@downvoter Please explain? I worked pretty hard to golf this down from over 2500 bytes. It's a new language, but according to the challenge spec, Unlike our usual rules, feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge. – Redwolf Programs – 5 years ago

    2Wish I could vote this up a second time; sweet golf! – Reinstate Monica – 5 years ago


    Brainfuck, 128 bytes

    Generated using this generator, which is sub-optimal.



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944


    unc, 38 bytes

    ZNVa[]<<chgf[L'uRYYb~ JbeYQ#']:if 5:>>


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730


    Scala, 22 bytes

    print("Hello, World!")

    scala can run "scala scripts" which are not full program. you can save the above to a file and execute in the shell scala file.scala, and it will execute (shortcut without saving a file: scala -e 'print("Hello, World!")').

    a full ordinary scala program that prints hello world:

    object H extends App{print("Hello, World!")}

    gilad hoch

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 717


    T-SQL, 20 bytes

    print'Hello, World!'

    Try it online


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944


    Nim, 20 19 bytes

    echo"Hello, World!"

    Saved one byte thanks to sp3000!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 329

    You can drop the space in between for the first one, I think :) – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    Indeed, saved me one byte! – kvill – 10 years ago


    Applescript, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Normally a fairly verbose language, for this one this is all that is required.

    Digital Trauma

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 64 644

    1It's nice to see these verbose languages -- Applescript, PHP, PowerShell, etc. -- getting the better of lots of other languages for once. :) – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    @TimmyD That doesn't mean that they are good languages. It's just that they are better at some things. – georgeunix – 10 years ago

    1@georgeunix Oh, without a doubt. Every language has its pluses and minuses. There are plenty of things I'd change about PowerShell, but there's nothing else I'd rather use to script and config Exchange. Even if it had commands and functionality to do so, I don't think I could use Pyth or CJam or whatnot on a day-to-day basis instead. I was just meaning "It's nice to see non-golfing languages toward the top of the lowest-byte-count list for a change." – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    I understand @TimmyD – georgeunix – 10 years ago


    Emily, 22 bytes

    println"Hello, World!"

    This is a nice little language I stumbled upon recently.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730


    TI-BASIC, 22 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Note that the lowercase letters are 2 bytes each.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 855

    4I don't think the initial : is really part of the program, so I think this has a score of 22. – Ypnypn – 10 years ago

    @Ypnypn I'll take your word on it :) – TheNumberOne – 10 years ago


    VBScript, 28 Bytes

    WScript.Echo "Hello, World!"

    This (should be) the shortest that prints to STDOUT (i.e., the command prompt window), when executed via command prompt wscript .\hello-world.vbs or cscript //nologo .\hello-world.vbs (the //nologo is necessary to prevent copyright info from being displayed). If you just double-click it, you'll get a pop-up message box instead, similar to the shorter example, below, at 22 bytes:

    MsgBox "Hello, World!"

    When executed, this second option will output a pop-up message box displaying the text inside the quotes. Since it's not technically STDOUT, and we do have a legitimate way to display STDOUT, we'll count the longer version instead.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 581


    Ook!, 949 Bytes

    Just translated one of the Brainfuck answers here.

    Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook?
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook!
    Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook?
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook.
    Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook? Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook!
    Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook!
    Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook.
    Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook.
    Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook.
    Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook!
    Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook.
    Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 210

    2I always smile when I see this language. – AdmBorkBork – 10 years ago

    2This might be a case of "If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language...". The shortest Ook! program will always be the translation of the shortest BF program (because each BF character is converted to the same length in Ook). So if Ook has a separate answer it needs to be updated every time someone finds a new shortest Brainfuck solution. (Ultimately, it's your call though if Ook should remain separate.) – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    3I love reading the "Code" in a manner as if two people were talking to each other :) – MrPaulch – 10 years ago

    @MrPaulch I agree. The fact that first O is capitalized makes it sound like a fast Oh, okay with vocalized differences for punctuation in my mind. – mbomb007 – 10 years ago


    Vim, 17 bytes

    iHello, World!{ESC}ZZ

    Where {ESC} is a raw escape byte \x1b.

    This will switch to insert mode (i), write Hello, World!, leave it (ESC), and save+quit (ZZ). An environment like vimgolf or anarchy golf has to do the output part for you, as Vim is, of course, just a text editor.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    @LegionMammal978 the other seems to be Vimscript mislabelled as Vim. – primo – 9 years ago

    3I think generally the standard is that vim solutions don't have to save and quit, they can just display the text onscreen at the end. (That's what mine have all done). This would allow you to take 3 bytes off. – James – 9 years ago

    Way longer and wrong output, but more interesting: :h_4<CR>/"H<CR>ly2wZZp – BlackCap – 7 years ago


    Octave, 19 bytes

    disp"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Go, 64 61 bytes

    3 bytes thanks to George Gibson

    package main
    func main(){Print("Hello, World!")}

    Go requires an import to print to standard output, unfortunately. No trailing newline.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 39 268

    package main;fund main(){print("Hello, world!")} – Eric Lagergren – 10 years ago


    @eric_lagergren That prints to STDERR, not STDOUT. See here

    – isaacg – 10 years ago

    Oh gotcha. Never looked it up because I never use it. Thanks. – Eric Lagergren – 10 years ago

    Save 3 bytes by importing fmt into the global namespace with import."fmt" then just call Print("Hello, World!"). – George Gibson – 9 years ago

    @GeorgeGibson Thanks, that's a nice trick. – isaacg – 9 years ago


    Q, 16 bytes

    1"Hello, World!"

    Just Y to go and we have the alphabet :)

    Bit of a late update, but thanks to Mauris, we now have at least one language for every letter of the alphabet :D

    Thanks @AaronDavies

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478

    1Not quite the requested output. I think you want 1"Hello, World!"; (doesn't include the trailing newline; to add one, change the 1 to a -1). Note, also valid for k. – Aaron Davies – 10 years ago


    PARI/GP, 22 bytes

    print("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988


    123, 282 267 bytes


    The newlines are only for cosmetic purposes. I'm fairly sure that this is not optimal.

    Here is a slightly more readable (and also runnable) version:

    H 22221121121112112
    e 2222222112111121112112112
    l 22222221121121133121121312
    l 12112
    o 22222221112112133121121312
    , 2222222111211332113312112
    W 222222211112111112112
    o 222211112112112
    r 2222222112111112112112112
    l 222222111112112112112
    d 2222133121121312
    ! 2222222112111332113312112

    I started out by constructing an optimal linear code (i.e. one which doesn't use 3s which allow for loop). That is quite simple: for each character, determine which bytes to flip from the last one. Move to the right-most character that has to be flipped (with a series of 2s), then move back to the left with 1 for each byte that has to be flipped and 121 for each byte that shouldn't be flipped. Finally move to the writing index -2 and print the character with 21. Repeat. At the very end, move to index -1 with a trailing 1 in order for the program to terminate.

    This jumble of 1s and 2s was generated with this CJam script, which you can run online here:

    0c"Hello, World!"+2ew::^{

    Then I removed some repetition of ones and twos by inserting loops by hand. 3 works as follows: if the instruction pointer is to the left of index 0, skip the 3. Otherwise, jump to the previous 3 if the current bit is 1 or jump ahead to the next 3 if the bit is 0. So simple loops, repeating a code segment x can be constructed as 33x33 or 33x3 (depending on whether the termination condition is "current bit is zero" or "moved to a negative index"). Then I started enumerating some relevant simple loops and when they are applicable. I've been using these loops only when moving back through the bits to change one character code to the next. If we can use a loop here depends both on the current state of a bit a and the target state b. I'll be denoting this combined state of each position as [a b]. Now here are the relevant loops and the required position patterns in a regex-like syntax:

    121:    (^|[0 0]|[0 1]) ([1 1])+ [0 0]
    112:    (^|[1 1]) ([0 0])+ ([0 1]|[1 1])
    211:    ([0 0]|[0 1]) ([1 1])+ [0 0] ([0 0]|[1 1])
    121121: ([0 0]|[0 1]) ([1 1] ([1 1]|[0 0]))+ [0 0]

    Listing out the combined states for each character, we can annotate the potential loops and how many bytes they'll save (each ___ annotates the character above; sometimes multiple loops are possible):

    H [[0 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0]]
    e [[0 0] [1 1] [0 1] [0 0] [1 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 1]]
    l [[0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [0 1] [1 1] [0 0] [1 0]]
            __________________121 -2
      ________________________121121 -3
    l [[0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0]]
    o [[0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 1] [0 1]]
            __________________121 -2
                  __________________211 -2
      ________________________121121 -3
    , [[0 0] [1 0] [1 1] [0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [1 0] [1 0]]
            ________________________211 -2
      [[0 0] [0 0] [1 1] [0 0] [1 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0]]
      ____________112 -2
    W [[0 0] [0 1] [1 0] [0 1] [0 0] [0 1] [0 1] [0 1]]
    o [[0 0] [1 1] [0 1] [1 0] [0 1] [1 1] [1 1] [1 1]]
    r [[0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 1] [1 0] [1 0] [1 1] [1 0]]
    l [[0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [1 0] [0 1] [0 1] [1 0] [0 0]]
    d [[0 0] [1 1] [1 1] [0 0] [1 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0]]
            __________________121 -2
      ________________________121121 -3
    ! [[0 0] [1 0] [1 1] [0 0] [0 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 1]]
            ________________________211 -2

    Now I just picked the most profitable loop in each case and inserted it into the code.

    I'm fairly certain that one could find a couple more loops that I've overlooked. But I also think that it's possible to find a significantly shorter solution that isn't based on anything a human would come up with. So far I have no idea how to efficiently search for such a solution automatically though, so I'll leave it at that for now.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    4, 117 bytes


    How it works

    Generating characters with a code point below 100 is straightforward.

    I've managed to create the others (derol) with three assignments and five additions/subtractions, which I believe is optimal.

    3.            Begin the program.
      6 00 01     Set cell[ 0] to 1.
      6 01 03     Set cell[ 1] to 3.
      6 02 13     Set cell[ 2] to 13.
      6 03 32     Set cell[ 3] to 32 = ' '.
      6 04 33     Set cell[ 4] to 33 = '!'.
      6 05 44     Set cell[ 5] to 44 = ','.
      6 06 72     Set cell[ 6] to 72 = 'H'.
      6 07 87     Set cell[ 7] to 87 = 'W'.
      0 08 07 02  Set cell[ 8] to cell[ 7] + cell[2] =  87 + 13 = 100 = 'd'.
      0 09 08 00  Set cell[ 9] to cell[ 8] + cell[0] = 100 +  1 = 101 = 'e'.
      0 12 09 02  Set cell[12] to cell[ 9] + cell[2] = 101 + 13 = 114 = 'r'.
      1 11 12 01  Set cell[11] to cell[12] - cell[1] = 114 -  3 = 111 = 'o'.
      1 10 11 01  Set cell[10] to cell[11] + cell[1] = 111 -  3 = 108 = 'l'.
      5 06        Print cell[ 6] = 'H'.
      5 09        Print cell[ 9] = 'e'.
      5 10        Print cell[10] = 'l'.
      5 10        Print cell[10] = 'l'.
      5 11        Print cell[11] = 'o'.
      5 05        Print cell[ 5] = ','.
      5 03        Print cell[ 3] = ' '.
      5 07        Print cell[ 7] = 'W'.
      5 11        Print cell[11] = 'o'.
      5 12        Print cell[12] = 'r'.
      5 10        Print cell[10] = 'l'.
      5 08        Print cell[ 8] = 'd'.
      5 04        Print cell[ 4] = '!'.
    4             End the program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Var'aQ, 20 bytes

    "Hello, World!" cha'

    Var'aQ nIv rur Hol. 'oH rut lo' jIH ngaj-ghItlh.

    Note: ghu'vam laH mugh jIH vaj DaneH'a'.

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478

    mughwI' vItu' 'oHbe' majQa'. – mbomb007 – 10 years ago

    @mbomb007 Qo', jIHvaD pIch, bing pIch – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    What language is this? – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

    1@LegionMammal978 Klingon :) – Beta Decay – 9 years ago


    Piet, 132 codels

    On a 4x33 grid. On the last few commands I had to stretch to reach the end, meaning it could be golfed a little more (it probably fits on a 4x31 grid). Here it is, with codel size 10:

    Piet code

    I made it in a rectangular space to minimize the number of time I needed to flip the pointer. The stack is based on numbers 36 and 108 that are constantly being duplicated or rolled to produce the new letters.

    Made and tested on PietDev.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 610


    Beam, 312 161 bytes


    Try it online!

    Beam is a 2D language similar to Befunge. Thanks to @MickyT for helping me golf it down.

    Beam is based on several memory components:

    • The beam, the main integer value
    • The store, a secondary integer value
    • The memory, an array of integer storage

    I've only used the beam and the store here.

    Used commands:

    • + and - increment and decrement the beam by 1, respectively.
    • @ outputs the beam as an ASCII character.
    • ' and ` increment and decrement the store by 1, respectively.
    • ) sends the beam to the left if the store's value is not 0.
    • > sends the beam to the right. Combined with ), this is used here to make a loop.
    • L sets the beam to the store's value (0 in this case).
    • H halts the program. Not sure if this is necessary.

    For more info, visit the Esolangs wiki page. Suggestions welcome!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880

    Looking at the constants at the bottom of the esolangs page, you could make use of the beam bouncing. For example 72 could be built like '''''>\++++++++)` – MickyT – 10 years ago

    Using constants like that (assuming I got it right) reduces it to 136. Probably better ways to do this still. '''''>``++++++++)@'''''''>``++++)+@''>``++)+@@+++@L''''''>``----)@''>``----)@''''''>``-----)@'''>``++++++++)@+++@------@''>``---)@L''''''>``+++)@ – MickyT – 10 years ago

    @MickyT There's no better way to get someone interested in an obscure esolang than to post an ungolfed solution in that language... ;) BTW, are all the double graves supposed to be single? – ETHproductions – 10 years ago

    @MickyT Actually, each of the graves will be run through twice in each loop (right at the beginning and right at the end), so there needs to be twice as many apostrophes beforehand. I'll update the post once I fix this. – ETHproductions – 10 years ago

    Oops, I miscounted the decrementers in the loop. Counted them once instead of twice on the turn around and I escaped them wrong when I posted to the comment. – MickyT – 10 years ago

    The H is, in fact, not neccessary. – Pavel – 8 years ago

    @Pavel You are correct. I removed the error for the beam leaving the source code when I ported it to TIO. Thanks :-) – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

    Small optimised version. 159 bytes, changes the ending to use 2 less -. Try it online!

    – Teal pelican – 8 years ago

    Scrap that! I used the memory store in a little better way (storing o) and re-used it a bunch to come up with this 141 bytes; Try it online!

    – Teal pelican – 8 years ago

    @Tealpelican See also MickyT's 120 byte answer

    – ETHproductions – 8 years ago


    Bubblegum, 11 bytes

    0000000: 15 27 4d 50 62 a9 9a 29 6b 6d e2  .'MPb..)km.

    Although technically Turing complete, Bubblegum was made for constant-output challenges.

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Gol><>, 16 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"H

    Try it online.

    I've really enjoyed golfing in ><>, but unfortunately I've found that ><> lacks several features, e.g. STDIN integer input, which prevent it from being competitive in challenges it otherwise would be. Gol><> is designed to (hopefully) be an easier-to-use variation of ><>. I worked on it earlier in the year, around when the language showcase was happening, but took a break and only picked it up again recently. It's starting to stabilise, so I thought it'd be a good time to post a first answer.

    Similarly to ><>, " is a string parsing operator which pushes chars one at a time until it reaches a closing ". H then halts the program, outputting the stack until it is empty.

    Even without H, Gol><> can still output the stack in a relatively short way. l pushes the length of the stack, o outputs a char from the stack and R pops a number n, repeating the next instruction n times. Thus, an equivalent program would be

    "!dlroW ,olleH"lRo;

    where ; terminates the program with no output.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    Another solution would be S"Hello, World!". – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

    @LegionMammal978 Indeed :) (although you'll need a ; at the end or it'll print forever) – Sp3000 – 9 years ago


    Vitsy, 18 16 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"Z
    "!dlroW ,olleH"     Push Hello, World! to the stack.
                   Z    Push the entire stack to STDOUT - equivalent to l\O
    Hello, World!

    Z is new syntax - it was not made for this question.

    Addison Crump

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 763


    Japt, 15 14 11 bytes

    (using the ISO/IEC 8859 character encoding)

    Japt is a shortened version of JavaScript. Interpreter

    `HÁM, Wld!

    There's an unprintable char in there, so here's a hexdump:

    60 48 C1 4D 2C 20 57 8E 6C 64 21
    `  H  Á  M  ,     W  .  l  d  !

    Recently, @Vɪʜᴀɴ has helped me add in the shoco library for compressing strings. Using backticks around a string tells the interpreter to automatically decompress the string, and when a backtick is needed at the end of a program, you can leave it off. Thus, Japt now beats or ties all languages that don't have some sort of built-in to obtain "Hello, World!". (Including Pyth :D)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    TeaScript, 12 bytes

    (using ISO/IEC 8859 character encoding)

    D`HÁM, Wld!

    Compresses Hello, World!, decompresses with D (æ) function


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 27 116

    This is 12 bytes, I think; there should be an unprintable in Wl. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

    @ETHproductions you're right, whoops. I guess SE kills unprintables – Downgoat – 9 years ago

    2Perhaps a hexdump would be useful (via xxd or similar). – primo – 9 years ago


    Purple, 62 bytes

     ! d l r o W   , o l l e H

    Purple in a Nutshell:

    Purple is a self-modifying language in the same sense that self-modifying brainfuck is: The code is executed from the same array that contains data, which is infinite and otherwise initialized with zeroes. It has one instruction with three arguments: subtract the third argument from the second and store it in the first. It has two registers, a and b, which can be dereferenced as A and B to get the contents of that memory address. It also has i, the instruction pointer, o which represents the outside world (i.e., stdout in the first argument, stdin in either of the other two), and the literal 1, which cannot be the first argument.

    It is as hard to read and write as it looks.

    This Program:

    It may seem strange that I'm entering a program that is almost more not-code than code in a contest for "shortest program", but it would be REALLY DIFFICULT to do it in less. The reason is that, when doing loops in Purple, it requires the least effort to jump to memory location 3 (because you just set i to 0), but this means you have exactly one instruction to initialize the loop. This means we need to set A to the location of the first character to be printed in a single instruction. Otherwise, we'd have to do a lot of extra work to jump somewhere else at the end of each loop. But since a starts out at zero, the only positive value we can set it to in a single instruction is 64. (i.e. the contents of the zeroth cell--the "A" itself, which is ASCII 65, minus one.)

    Obviously, we're going to want to iterate backwards over the string since

    • Iterating forwards means we have to put the string AFTER position 64, thereby making the program longer.
    • It takes one fewer instruction to decrement the pointer than to increment it.

    And we can shave bytes off the end of the program by decrementing the pointer before we print. In fact, we have enough space between the cell 64 and the end of the program to decrement twice between each address to be printed. Thus, the first character we need to print can be at character 62, hence, exactly 62 bytes long.

    Here's The Nitty:

    AA1               Set the first cell to 64
    AA1AA1            This is the entry point for the loop. M[0]=M[0]-2
    bA1               Point b the cell to the left of what cell 0 points to.
    b1B               Set b to one more than the opposite of the character there.
    o1b               Output the character M[0] pointed to (one more than the opp. of b)
    b1b               Set b to the just output character.
    bib               Subtract the just output character from the IP (24)
                      Until we hit the newline (ascii 10), this yields a negative.
    b1B               Set b to 1 minus what b was pointing to.
                      Negative addresses are initialized to zero, so until we hit the newline
                      this will set b to 1. When we hit the newline, b will be pointing to
                      the 11th character ("1"), and this will set it to -48.
    i1b               Set the instruction pointer to 1-b. 
                      Until the newline, this sets i=0, jumping back the beginning of the loop.
                      After the newline, this sets i=49, where it finds the 
                      non-instruction "W  ", and Purple halts without error in such a case.

    The rest of the program is the string itself and arbitrary padding to position the characters in the right place.

    EDIT: Figured out how to save 30 bytes on this program, and updated all explanations to match the new version.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 899


    BTClang, 53 bytes

    My newest invention! BTClang is short for Bitcoin language. Although it has nothing to do with bitcoins, it shares some similiarities with this language. Code:



    First of all, each line of the code consists of a number, a pipe and a key. The process goes as following for the example 2|5C. We take the key (5C), and generate the SHA256-hash of it. We get this:


    The number before the pipe says how many hexadecimal number we want to extract from the end of the hash. This number is 2, so we take two 2-digit hexadecimal numbers from the end of the hash.

    We are left with ae and b0. Converting these to integers will result into 174 and 176. These will be processed with the formula n % 94 + 32, so when this is converted to a character, the character will always be a printable ASCII character with 31 < ord < 128. The hashtags are replaced with newlines.

    174 % 94 + 32 = 112 (p)
    176 % 94 + 32 = 114 (r)

    And so on...

    The final translation of the code is print("Hello, World!"), which is then evaluated as normal Python. Although this is a solution, I am pretty sure this can be golfed further. It just takes a lot of computational power...

    (By the way, you can try to find sets of characters yourself with the BTClang_miner)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 965

    How do you choose which hexadecimal numbers? – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    1@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You mean from the hash? The numbers chosen are all taken from the end of the hash. So from ad5d3cc03d8b60e308b22e27fe4bbccae6a83d5496bc5e2a36aeb76eae51aeb0, the last two hexadecimal numbers are ae and b0. – Adnan – 9 years ago

    Oh, I'm an idiot. :| – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago


    Scratch, 15 bytes

    (scoring used)
    Makes the sprite say "Hello, World!" Can't get much simpler than that.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 605

    You already welcomed me in Output the Current Time – weatherman115 – 9 years ago

    Sorry, the review link said you were new. – NoOneIsHere – 9 years ago

    Is this different from https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/76182/6691 ?

    – b_jonas – 8 years ago

    Well, this is awkward. – weatherman115 – 8 years ago


    68k machine code (EASy68k), 30 bytes

    00000000: 303c 000d 43f9 0000 1010 4e4f ffff ffff  0<..C.....NO....
    00000010: 4865 6c6c 6f2c 2057 6f72 6c64 2100       Hello, World!.

    I don't know what I'm doing!


        ORG    $1000
    START:                  ; first instruction of program
        MOVE #13, D0        ; put text display task number in D0
        LEA HELLO, A1       ; load address of string to display into A1
        TRAP #15            ; activates input/output task
        SIMHALT             ; halt simulator
    HELLO DC.B 'Hello, World!',0
        END    START        ; last line of source


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 478


    Your Mom, 14 bytes

    'Hello, World!


    '... - Push the string. The ending ' is not needed at the end of program
         - Implicit output


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 478


    Emojicode, 37 bytes

    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 493


    Golfuck, 39 bytes


    Credit to primo, this is his answer, but in Golfuck.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 728


    Addict, 248 bytes

    Addict is my new Turing-tarpit esolang, based on PRINDEAL.

    a A
     i 1
     i 1
    a B
     A 1
     A 1
    a C
     B 1
     B 1
    a D
     C 1
     C 1
    a E
     D 1
     D 1
    E H
    E H
    C H
    c H
    E e
    E e
    E e
    B e
    i e
    c e
    E l
    E l
    E l
    C l
    B l
    c l
    c l
    E o
    E o
    E o
    D o
    d o
    c o
    E c
    C c
    B c
    c c
    E s
    c s
    D H
    d H
    c H
    c o
    A o
    i o
    c o
    c l
    d e
    c e
    i s
    c s

    Test it online here!

    Primer on addict

    • All memory is stored in variables. Variables can hold only non-negative integers; all variables start out at 0.
    • Addict has 4 built-in commands: decrement, increment, print a charcode, and take a charcode from input.
    • You can define your own commands with alias. This has very strict syntax:

    a commandname

    This creates a new command called commandname. Whenever commandname is called, the following process happens:

    • command1 is called.
    • If command1 succeeded, command2 is run.
    • If command1 failed, command3 is run.

    See the GitHub repo for more information about Addict.

    Act I

    The first part of the program defines five commands: A, B, C, D, and E. Each one has this format:

    a A
     i 1
     i 1

    This defines a command A which adds two to the input through the following process:

    • increment the 1st input.
    • If this succeeded, increment again. (i always succeeds unless it has no argument.)
    • Otherwise, decrement nothing. (This never gets run for the above reason.)

    The next command defined is B, which adds 4 to the input:

    a B
     A 1
     A 1
    • Run A on the 1st input. (Always succeeds.)
    • If this succeeded, run A again. (Always gets run.)
    • Otherwise, decrement nothing. (Never gets run.)

    Through the same process, C adds 8, D adds 16, and E adds 32.

    Act II

    The rest of the program is devoted to outputting Hello, World! in as few bytes as possible. The charcodes we need to output are 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33, in that order. The shortest method I have found to output them all is to use six variables:

    • H to output 72 and 87
    • e to output 101 and 100
    • l to output 108
    • o to output 111 and 114
    • c to output 44
    • s to output 32 and 33

    Here's a table of commands, and the values of the variables after each command:

    Command  Output   H   e   l   o   c   s
    E H              32   0   0   0   0   0
    E H              64   0   0   0   0   0
    C H              72   0   0   0   0   0
    c H      H       72   0   0   0   0   0
    E e              72  32   0   0   0   0
    E e              72  64   0   0   0   0
    E e              72  96   0   0   0   0
    B e              72 100   0   0   0   0
    i e              72 101   0   0   0   0
    c e      e       72 101   0   0   0   0
    E l              72 101  32   0   0   0
    E l              72 101  64   0   0   0
    E l              72 101  96   0   0   0
    C l              72 101 104   0   0   0
    B l              72 101 108   0   0   0
    c l      l       72 101 108   0   0   0
    c l      l       72 101 108   0   0   0
    E o              72 101 108  32   0   0
    E o              72 101 108  64   0   0
    E o              72 101 108  96   0   0
    D o              72 101 108 112   0   0
    d o              72 101 108 111   0   0
    c o      o       72 101 108 111   0   0
    E c              72 101 108 111  32   0
    C c              72 101 108 111  40   0
    B c              72 101 108 111  44   0
    c c      ,       72 101 108 111  44   0
    E s              72 101 108 111  44  32
    c s      (space) 72 101 108 111  44  32
    D H              88 101 108 111  44  32
    d H              87 101 108 111  44  32
    c H      W       87 101 108 111  44  32
    c o      o       87 101 108 111  44  32
    A o              87 101 108 113  44  32
    i o              87 101 108 114  44  32
    c o      r       87 101 108 114  44  32
    c l      l       87 101 108 114  44  32
    d e              87 100 108 114  44  32
    c e      d       87 100 108 114  44  32
    i s              87 100 108 114  44  33
    c s      !       87 100 108 114  44  33

    If you can find any way to golf this program, please let me know!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880

    Wow, this is a great language. Nice work! – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago

    Seeing that 108, 111 and 114 are part of the output, maybe an alias to add 3 might help? – Martin Ender – 8 years ago

    @MartinEnder Thanks for the suggestion. An alias to add N will cost at least 17 bytes, so it'd need to save at least 5 lines (4 bytes each) to be worth it. (I originally had an alias F to add 64, but I only used it 4 times, so getting rid of it saved 1 byte.) – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

    @ConorO'Brien Thanks, I'm glad you like it! After spending a few months designing it, writing sample programs, and wishing I had time to code it, it took me about 4 hours to code: by far my shortest start-to-finish esolang implementation. ;) – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

    @Martin Using aliases for adding 2 3 6 12 24 48 seems to be about 7 bytes longer, but perhaps there's a different optimal set of aliases. I might write a brute-forcer when I have time. – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

    @ETHproductions Please publish it too, I wrote a longer program for the same thing before I discovered you had answered. – Erik the Outgolfer – 8 years ago


    Pushy, 16 bytes

    `Hello, World!`"

    Try it online!

    The first thing to note is that Pushy has no string type. The backticks open/close "stringmode": every character in between has its codepoint (as an integer) pushed to the stack. The " is the print command, which takes all the stack's values, converts them to the corresponding chars, and prints the string.

    In the very first version, before stringmode was implemented, program looked like this (can probably be golfed more):

    72HhH8+&&3+44 32 87 111&3+&6-H33"

    It basically just appends the necessary ASCII code points, then prints.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 242


    *><>, 21 bytes

    "!dlrow ,olleH"Ool?u;

    Try it out on the online interpreter here.

    *><> (pronounced "Starfish") is an esolang based on ><>, developed by redstarcoder. Its aim is to add some useful features which are missing from base ><>, such as file IO, time functionality, and an interesting feature called 'dive/rise', which is used here.

    If the 'dive' command, u is encountered, no instructions other than directional modifiers are executed until a 'rise' command, O, is encountered. Encountering a dive whilst already diving, or a rise when not diving, is treated as a no-op.

    "!dlrow ,olleH"Ool?u;   
    "!dlrow ,olleH"         Push "Hello, world!" to the stack in reverse.
                   O        Rise - a no-op on first iteration
                    o       Output top of stack as ASCII character
                     l?u    If length of stack is non-zero, dive
                        ;   End program execution


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 592

    I love ><> and been interested in *><> so using the dive command for a huge benefit which I haven't seen before is great :) – Teal pelican – 8 years ago


    DUP, 31 bytes

    0$"Hello, World!"\[^^>][$;,1+]#

    DUP is a descendant of FALSE, with FALSE being a subset of DUP in most aspects—with a few exceptions. One exception being the way strings are handled. See the FALSE solution in this thread for comparison. In DUP, strings cannot be ouput to STDOUT directly unless the characters are output one by one like this:

    'H,'e,'l,'l,'o,',,' ,'W,'o,'r,'l,'d,'!,     (this solution would be 39 bytes long)

    ' pushes the Integer value of the following character on the data stack. , prints the character according to the integer value on the stack to STDOUT.

    For shorter strings, this method is usually the shortest way, but in the case of Hello, World! this method is beyond the break even point of the actual string handling method of DUP.

    0$"Hello, World!"\[^^>][$;,1+]#

    This method successively assigns the characters between both double quotes " to addresses of a cell array, starting at a given address (in this case address 0).

    In this case, the cells would carry the values

    0=72 1=101 2=108 3=108 4=111 5=44 6=32 7=87 8=111 9=114 10=108 11=100 12=33 

    After assigning the values to the cells, the length of the stored string gets pushed on the stack (in this case 13). The while loop [^^>][$;,1+]# at the end reads out the cell content, starting at 0, prints the according character to STDOUT, increments the counter, and repeats the procedure until the string length 13 is reached.

    Try out the solution in this online DUP interpreter or clone my DUP interpreter written in Julia from my GitHub repository, the latter coming with a thorough explanation of all operators.

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865


    Whirl, 1350 bytes

    I found this Hello, World! example was written by Kang Seonghoon in 2005. I'm including it here for completeness and because I found it helpful along with this visual demonstration of Whirl.



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 228


    Threead, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"o

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 585

    Also works in Check.

    – Esolanging Fruit – 8 years ago


    Traffic, 191 bytes

     C C C C C C C C C C C C C

    Traffic is a 2D language modelled after cars moving around streets. Each car holds a value (acting as a variable).

    This language is as bad at dealing with "strings" as Brainfuck is, so this is kinda bulky.

    How it works

    An ungolfed/more "proper" version of the above would look like this:

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
     C C C C C C C C C C C C C

    In this program, 13 cars are defined: all the digits directly adjacent to a $ (in the #$# constructions) become cars with that initial value. So the program begins with cars that have values 0 2 9 9 3 0 0 0 3 3 9 1 0. The cars' initial directions are away from the $.

    The streets are defined as the space between #s; #s comprise the walls that cars can't pass through.

    All the cars move upwards. They pass over the literal, ignoring it because they haven't seen an operator to use yet. Once the reach the top, they'll each see an operator (either + or *). On the next step, they'll all turn around because they hit a dead end.

    Now when walking back downwards, they will observe the literal, since they have operators to use. After fully walking over each literal (i.e. reaching the start point again), each car performs its operation using the literal and assumes the result of the operation. This results in each car containing the ASCII value of a character in Hello, World!: 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33.

    Then they all step on the $. The $ is a street exit, and one of a few valid characters usable for those. The $ means to output the specified value and destroy the car. The output value for each $ is C, meaning to output the ASCII character given by the car's value.

    After all cars hit their respective $s, there won't be any cars left in the field. Thus, the program terminates.

    Business Cat

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 927


    PUPPY, 369 bytes


    The language that can only be read by puppies.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 021


    ;# 1142 bytes


    ;# isn't Turing Complete and doesn't meet the site's standard for a valid language but why not?

    ; adds one to the accumulator

    # outputs the accumulator mod 127

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702

    isn't Turing Complete and doesn't meet the site's standard it does, since this is [tag:kolmogorov-complexity]. – Erik the Outgolfer – 8 years ago

    @EriktheOutgolfer yeah yeah, you know what I mean. – caird coinheringaahing – 8 years ago


    Ook!, 779 bytes

    Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook.

    Based on the shortest Brainfuck Hello World :)

    No one

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 71


    Folders (pure), 195 folders

    Some languages, like Folders, are a bit tricky to score

    I'm not sure how it translates to bytes, but we can just count the number of folders: (src)

    $ ls -l -R . | grep -c ^d
    $ ls -l -R . | grep :$
    ./New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder (5):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy/New folder (2)/New folder (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (10)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (11)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (12)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (2)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (3)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (4)/New folder (2)/New folder (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (5)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (6)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder/New folder (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (7)/New folder (2)/New folder (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (8)/New folder (2)/New folder (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder (3):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder (3)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder (4):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder/New folder (4)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder (2):
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder (2)/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder (2)/New folder/New folder:
    ./New folder/New folder (2)/New folder (3)/New folder - Copy (9)/New folder (2)/New folder (2):

    Folders (concise), 2 folders + (5 + 13) bytes

    ./Setup/Hello, World!

    Eran W

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 131

    1Welcome to PPCG! / Using inline code formatting can be quite hard to read, I edited the answer. – user202729 – 7 years ago

    Does this include the comma? I don't see one in your concise version but I don't have a folders installation to check. – Potato44 – 7 years ago

    According to the original site, (and by the number of folders) it is with the comma. I fixed my concise example. – Eran W – 7 years ago

    1Easier way to count: find * -type f | wc -l (counts lines of output) – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    Right, It is shorter by one character... But I could use -lR – Eran W – 7 years ago

    If your filesystem is NTFS you need 4kb per folder (for metadata and such) so this answer is probably 4096 bytes x 195 folders, i.e. approx 798720 bytes. Not a golfing language! :P

    – roblogic – 6 years ago


    Wumpus, 19 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"l&o@

    Try it online!

    Introducing the first 2D language on a triangular grid! (Unfortunately, you're not seeing much of that grid in this answer...)


    "!dlroW ,olleH"   Like in many other Fungeoids, this pushes the individual code
                      points of the string to the stack.
    l                 Push the stack depth, 13.
    &o                Print 13 characters.
    @                 Terminate the program.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Forked, 42 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    AlphaBeta, 68 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Dodos, 167 164 160 159 bytes

    	* 2
    	1 0 4
    	1 *
    	4 3 1
    	2 1 1
    	2 2 3
    	1 *
    	4 *
    	+ 0 0 4
    	3 1 1
    	3 1 4
    	2 4
    	+ j
    	dip + dab
    	i + 0
    	i 1
    	i 2
    	i 3

    @Thanks to @Leo for golfing off 1 byte!

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Meq, 145 111 bytes


    Thanks Steadybox for saving 34 bytes


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 139

    Welcome to PPCG! As far as I can tell, this is just the HW from the esolangs page (which seems to print Hello World) with two characters dropped. Does this actually print the correct punctuation of Hello, World!? – Martin Ender – 7 years ago

    @MartinEnder It does not, it prints Helo World. (And the original prints Hello World.) – Ørjan Johansen – 7 years ago

    1.==++>:+>+>[:++++++++>]:=+>====++++>===++>.===+++++++>:=+>:=++++>:++++++++>:>===+++rp>p>>p>p>p>p>p>p>p>p>p>p>p! should work. – Steadybox – 7 years ago


    ]=[, 164 bytes


    ]=[ was a language which only uses the symbols ], =, and [.

    The ]=[ interpreter is written in 12-Basic.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 110

    There's something amusing about the fact that the ]=[ interpreter at the link is written in the 12-basic interpreter. – snail_ – 7 years ago

    Permalink no longer works – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    now I can't find the interpreter... – 12Me21 – 6 years ago

    I was looking through some old files and I found the interpreter, finally. – 12Me21 – 6 years ago


    Aubergine, 29 bytes

    -a1=oA-a1:bA=iB\0!dlroW ,olleH

    Where \0 is a null byte

    Try it online!


    -a1                             Decrement a (now points to H)
       =oA                          Output *a (loop starts here)
          -a1                       Decrement a
             :bA                    If *a is not 0 (we're not at null byte), jump to b (which is 0). IP then moves by 3, so IP starts at 3 next tick
                =iB                 Else move IP to *b, which is the character code of `-`, moving us out of bounds and ending execution without error.
                   \0!dlroW ,olleH


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 687


    Bootable x86 machine code, 512 bytes


    31 c9 8e d9 be 10 7c b1  0d ac b4 0e cd 10 e2 f9  |1.....|.........|
    48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57  6f 72 6c 64 21 00 00 00  |Hello, World!...|
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|

    * represents 464 bytes of padding required to place the bootable flag (55 aa) at offset 510.

    This is the same as the following assembler code, which can be assembled using nasm hello.asm -f bin -o hello.bin, assuming the assembler code is in a file called hello.asm

    [ORG 0x7C00]
    [BITS 16]
        xor cx, cx      ; Set cx to 0
        mov ds, cx      ; Set ds to cx (0)
        mov si, msg     ; Set si to the address of the message
        mov cl, 13      ; Set cx to 13 (the size of the message)
    print_loop:         ; For each character in the message:
        lodsb           ;   Set al to the character
        mov ah, 0x0E    ;   Set ah to 0x0E
        int 0x10        ;   Call interrupt 0x10 (video services) with ah set to 0x0E (print al to screen)
        loop print_loop ;   Decrement cx and continue the loop if cx > 0
        db 'Hello, World!' 
    times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
    db 0x55
    db 0xAA


    The code can be runned with QEMU using the following command, assuming the binary code is saved in a file called hello.bin:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=hello.bin

    Herman L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 611

    Can you assume that regs like cx are already cleared? – ceilingcat – 6 years ago


    Rockstar, 21 bytes

    Shout "Hello, World!"

    Yeah, kinda boring... oh well.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 656

    5You can save 2 bytes by using Say instead of Shout. – RamenChef – 6 years ago


    Pikachu, 1562 bytes

    So simple even Pikachu can do it!

    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika
    pi pika pikachu
    pi pika pika pikachu
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pika pi
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pi pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pika pi
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pika pi
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pika pi
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pi pika pi pi pikachu
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pi pi pika pi pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pikachu pi pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pika pi
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pi pika
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pika pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pi pika pi pikachu
    pi pika
    pi pikachu pi pikachu
    pika pi
    pi pika pi pikachu
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu

    Try it at Trove42! (Copy and paste above text)


    # H
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu         # push 9 to `pi` stack 
    pi pika                                             # copy top of `pi` stack, 9, to `pika` stack
    pi pika pikachu                                     # push 1 to `pika` stack 
    pi pika pika pikachu                                # add top two elements of `pika` stack
                                                        # push result, 10, to `pika` stack 
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu            # push 9 to `pi` stack 
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 72, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 72, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'H', and print
    # e                                                 
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 100, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pikachu                                       # push 1 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 101, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 101, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'e', and print
    # l
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 100, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pika pi pikachu            # push 8 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 108, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 108, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'l', and print
    # l
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 100, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pika pi pikachu            # push 8 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 108, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 108, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'l', and print
    # o
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 100, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pika pi pikachu # push 11 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 101, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 111, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'o', and print
    # "," (comma)
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pi pikachu                            # push 4 to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 40, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pi pikachu                            # push 4 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 44, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 44, 
                                                        # to ASCII, ',', and print
    # " " (space)
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pikachu                               # push 3 to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 40, to `pi` stack
    pikachu pi pi pikachu                               # push 2 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 32, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 32, 
                                                        # to ASCII, ' ', and print
    # W
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu            # push 8 to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 80, to `pi` stack
    pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu               # push 7 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 87, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 87, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'W', and print
    # o
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 100, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pi` stack, 100, to `pika` stack
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu # push 11 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 111, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 101, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'o', and print
    # r
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 100, to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu  # push 14 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 114, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 114, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'r', and print
    # l
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 100, to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu            # push 8 to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 101, to `pi` stack 
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 101, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'e', and print
    # d
    pikachu pikachu pika pikachu                        # convert top of `pika` stack, 100, 
                                                        # to ASCII, 'd', and print
    # "!" (exclaimation point)
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 10, to `pi` stack
    pi pi pika pi pikachu                               # push 3 to `pi` stack
    pi pika                                             # copy top of `pi` stack, 3, to `pika` stack
    pi pikachu pi pikachu                               # multiply top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 30, to `pi` stack
    pika pi                                             # copy top of `pika` stack, 3, to `pi` stack
    pi pika pi pikachu                                  # add top two elements of `pi` stack
                                                        # push result, 33, to `pi` stack
    pikachu pikachu pi pikachu                          # convert top of `pi` stack, 33, 
                                                        # to ASCII, '!', and print

    Taylor Scott

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 709


    Keg, 15 8 bytes


    Try it online!

    Wow. It's been a while since I posted this. And boy oh boy how Keg has changed.


    « #Start a special compressed string
    H% #String compression code (SCC) for "Hello"
    c¡ #SCC for "World"
    |,! #Join "Hello" and "World" with a `,` and `!` to create "Hello, World!"
    « #Close the special compressed string and implicitly print

    Old Program

    Hello\, World\!

    Keg is a newly created stack-based, golfing language, which focuses on only having symbols as functions and keywords. As such, alphanumeric characters are pushed to the stack as letters (even spaces are pushed, meaning that they aren't NOPs).

    Symbols that would normally be commands can be escaped using \'s.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 253


    A Pear Tree, 25 bytes

    print'Hello, World!'#»G²Ú

    Try it online!

    A Pear Tree programs are written in an arbitrary ASCII-consistent 8-bit character set; for codepoint 128 and above, the interpreter cares about the codepoint numerically, not the represented character. TIO uses Latin-1, so the above program is actually a Latin-1 decoding of the codepoints that make it up.


    print'Hello, World!' should be fairly self-explanatory. However, there is some choice available here; print"Hello, World!" would have been the same length, but leads to the resulting checksum being less printable.

    The checksum is the interesting part of the program. In this program, that's the #»G²Ú at the end. For golfing, you'd want the shortest workable checksum, which is normally 4 or 5 bytes long. (It's a 32-bit checksum, so 4 bytes would normally be enough, but the checksum is also executed as code, and thus needs to be a valid command; the # starts a comment, so # plus 4 bytes is normally enough to add a checksum to anything.) The checksum doesn't have to cover the whole code, but does have to cover a prefix of the part of the code that actually runs; adding comments at the end is terser than adding them at the start, and we want to execute the entire program, so for this program, I caused the checksum to cover the entire program.

    Although a Hello World program doesn't benefit much from the checksumming, we could have made use of the checksum behaviour to embed the Hello World program into a larger document or write multiple copies of the program so that if one gets corrupted, the others can still run. This makes A Pear Tree considerably more robust than most languages are.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11


    Bitwise Cyclic Tag But Way Worse, 324 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 264


    legit, 1 commit, 67 bytes (commit messages), 179 + 3 = 182 bytes (repository)

    Commit tree:

    * 63c5d78 "!dlroW ,olleH" put put put put put put put put put put put put put

    The program is quite boring -- commits are expensive, and the messages are compressed, so there's little incentive to use proper control flow.

    The program in its proper representation consists of 4 files:

    .git/HEAD (21 bytes, an empty file here is still accepted by the interpreter, but git does not recognize the repository):


    .git/refs/heads/master (40 bytes):


    .git/objects/4b/825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 (15 bytes, xxd):

    00000000: 78da 2b29 4a4d 5530 6000 000a 2c02 01    x.+)JMU0`...,..

    .git/objects/63/c5d7873f5b0ede65885bfdfd5c935827d6752a (103 bytes, xxd):

    00000000: 78da 04c1 4501 c030 0c00 c0bd a722 0e4a  x...E..0.....".J
    00000010: 4137 6366 f0df bbf6 dcf7 f983 80a1 f89e  A7cf............
    00000020: be07 6c34 52d7 32c6 b6e1 beb1 dab3 ef09  ..l4R.2.........
    00000030: 9b41 3bb6 a83a 347d 8fe6 b1ac ff6f 3a1f  .A;..:4}.....o:.
    00000040: f090 6763 c705 31a4 2415 cae5 5252 4cc9  ..gc..1.$...RRL.
    00000050: 29ca 0f57 d0c9 cfc9 49f5 5052 2828 2d21  )..W....I.PR((-!
    00000060: 1503 00bd ca30 75                        .....0u


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 630

    hmm seems like you should measure repository size using a tar instead? – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ASCII-only Is there precedent for this? Also, tar on my machine always creates at least 10240-byte files minimum, which removes almost all possibilities for golfing. Moreover, the filenames literally can't store any extra information - they are hashes of the content (after decompressing with zlib). – NieDzejkob – 6 years ago

    hmm. well the structure needs to be counted somehow. maybe some kind of tar archive instead? – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ASCII-only I've found the relevant meta post for multi-file programs and linked it in the header of my answer. Can you take a look? – NieDzejkob – 6 years ago

    Looks fine now, but still feel like that's a bit hacky (e.g. it's impossible to make it work with 1-byte filenames) :/ IMO the best way to do this would be to count the bytes of a shell script to create the appropriate structure – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ASCII-only That opens up a can of worms. For example: is using bash string interpolation or looping to compress the repeated puts allowed? – NieDzejkob – 6 years ago

    Let us continue this discussion in chat.

    – ASCII-only – 6 years ago


    32 bit SPARC machine language on SunOS, 48 45 bytes

    0x00:  40 00 00 02    call 0x8            ! PC relative jump, return addr to %o7
    0x04:  82 10 20 04    mov  4, %g1         ! delay slot; select write() syscall
    0x08:  90 10 20 01    mov  1, %o0         ! stdout is fd=1
    0x0c:  92 03 E0 20    add  %o7, 32, %o1   ! put addr of string in %o1
    0x10:  94 10 20 0d    mov  13, %o2        ! length of string
    0x14:  91 D0 20 08    ta   %icc, %g0 + 8  ! call write()
    0x18:  82 10 20 01    mov  1, %g1         ! select exit() syscall
    0x1c:  91 D0 20 08    ta   %icc, %g0 + 8  ! call exit()
    0x20:  48 65 6c 6c    "Hello, World!"
           6f 2c 20 57
           6f 72 6c 64

    Porting to 64 bit SPARC requires changing the argument of the trap instruction from 8 to 64.

    To try this on a SunOS machine, compile and run the following C program.

    const char main[]="\x40\x00\x00\x02\x82\x10\x20\x04\x90\x10\x20\x01\x92\x03\xe0\x20\x94\x10\x20\x0d\x91\xd0\x20\x08\x82\x10\x20\x01\x91\xd0\x20\x08Hello, World!";


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 503


    Nandy, 159B

    Simply sets the stack to bits 0 and 1 and then puts them in the output stack.



    Posted 10 years ago


    Wow, I'm surprised anyone noticed this language. This can probably be golfed quite a lot if you use a loop to output at the end – EdgyNerd – 6 years ago

    But how? Can you present you program? (I actually found your language by looking at your TIO request.) – None – 6 years ago

    I don't think using a loop at the end would be any shorter since it would be the same amount of bytes to output as it is to dupe a bit – Jo King – 6 years ago


    Verbosity v2, 152 bytes

    OutputSystem:DisplayAsText<outpu;"Hello, World!">

    Try it online!

    Introducing Verbosity v2! This is a short as it gets, as variable names must be 5 characters or more. The ungolfed version isn't much different:

    output = OutputSystem:NewOutput<DEFAULT>
    OutputSystem:DisplayAsText<output; "Hello, World!">

    Try it online!

    And it's pretty obvious how it works.

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    Poetic, 324 bytes

    the i/o case of HELLO
    a good i/o drill is:say a HELLO
    i said HELLO,saying it in Poetic
    i code in Poetic,a good way to write a poem
    a special piece for you
    a special piece in machine writing for you
    i already think i do pretty well writing for the machine poem
    Poetic program syntax is nice
    a perfect sorta poem and a program

    Try it online!

    This is nothing original, it's a straight port of the brilliant brainfuck answer from @KSab...but it turns out that it's the shortest representation of Hello, World! that I can find in Poetic. If anyone can golf this, please let me know; I'm definitely interested if someone can beat this solution!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 600


    Intcode, 201 bytes


    And this kids is why we don't golf using languages made up for programming competitions.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 253

    mmm undefined behavior – Unrelated String – 5 years ago

    Invalid opcodes are just NOPs in my interpreter – Lyxal – 5 years ago

    @UnrelatedString I mean, they haven't said what to do with undefined ops – Lyxal – 5 years ago

    Outgolfed – pppery – 5 years ago


    naz, 64 bytes


    naz is my new language where every command is given by a number and a letter. Programs operate on a single register whose value can be between -127 and 127, inclusive.

    This program uses the instructions for add, subtract, multiply, and divide to set the register to the ASCII value of each character in the string Hello, World!, then outputs that character with the o instruction. In the case of the Ls in Hello, once the register is set to the correct value, 2o is used to output twice instead of just once.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 461

    2Welcome to the site :) – FlipTack – 5 years ago


    Actionscript 3.0, 23 22 bytes

    trace("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944

    Does actionscript 3.0 REQUIRE semi-colons? I stopped after 2.0 but I don't think it did back then. – Albert Renshaw – 9 years ago

    1@AlbertRenshaw is correct, it doesn't require a semi-colon in 3.0. – Elliot Blackburn – 9 years ago

    This works in the Actions pane of the Flash IDE, but Flash Builder or the Actionscript compiler, you need a full class definition. – Brian – 9 years ago


    FlogScript, 17 bytes

    {Hello, World!}P.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944


    LOLCODE, 22 bytes

    VISIBLE"Hello, World!"

    Works in interpreters that don't require the presence of HAI and KTHXBYE.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 32 976

    1Agh! Posted a minute before me :P – Kade – 10 years ago

    @Shebang Gotta go fast! – Fatalize – 10 years ago

    damn I'm a few days to late :( – Alex Carlsen – 10 years ago

    2And I pronounce this code, Ungolfable! – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago


    Perl, 18 bytes

    say"Hello, World!"


    "say" is used in Perl 6. While "print" is a Perl 5 thing. But "say" can be used in version 5.10+ when the -M5.010 switch (or -M for a higher version) is used.

    Perl 5 without version switch, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    Perl/Tk, 91 Bytes

    Ok, this doesn't exactly print to STDOUT as was requested by the challenge. Since it creates a window with a button. So this was just added for the sake of entertainment/completeness.

    use Tk;MainWindow->new->Button(-text=>"Hello, World!",-command=>sub{exit})->pack();MainLoop

    Perl/Tk Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 776


    You can shave off 2 bytes by replacing print with say, provided the OP agrees with this meta post in -M5.010 being free.

    – Slade – 10 years ago

    I knew "say" is used in Perl 6, but didn't realise they added it to a more recent version of Perl 5 than the one I use. So I added both to the post. – LukStorms – 10 years ago

    There is another Perl 6 answer, so maybe you could just post the Perl 5 one.

    – LegionMammal978 – 10 years ago


    Wheat, 32 Bytes

    Wheat is an esolang that is based on outputting and inputting. Only what has been output on a previous cycle can be input on the current one. The buffers last only one cycle; if the data of previous cycle is not read on current cycle, on the next cycle it can not be accessed, it will all be erased, replaced by the output of the current cycle (if any, otherwise the empty string is used).

    output "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 463

    1The description of Wheat that you gave is taken directly from the Wheat esolang page. Care to cite? – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago


    Gibberish, 17 Bytes

    Surprisingly, the shortest answer I could make is not gibberish at all.

    [Hello, World!]eo


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 463


    golflua, 16 bytes

    w"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 17 865


    VBA, 15

    ?"Hello, World!

    Try it, for instance, in the "Immediate" panel of the development window in MS Excel.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 31 086

    I see. I'll try Brandy – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    Nope, returns with "Type mismatch: number wanted" – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    @BetaDecay I can post a screenshot if you like – Jerry Jeremiah – 10 years ago

    1@edc65 This still works (least in my VBA7 version) if you remove the trailing quote saving you 1 byte: ?"Hello, World! – i_saw_drones – 6 years ago

    1@i_saw_drones amazing! VBA is really forgiving (or really a mess). Thanks for the hint – edc65 – 6 years ago


    Rust, 34 bytes

    fn main(){print!("Hello, World!")}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 329


    CJam, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Try it online

    aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 22 326


    XSM, 28 bytes

    <print>Hello, World!</print>


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    This is an actual XML programming language? Wow. That's... different! – georgeunix – 10 years ago

    1Damn it, I was hoping I could write my own... Now someone's already gone and made it :P – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    @BetaDecay There is also http://xplusplus.sourceforge.net/ and http://www.o-xml.org/

    – Jerry Jeremiah – 10 years ago


    GolfScript, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 22 326


    ///, 13

    Hello, World!

    can't get much simpler than this

    proud haskeller

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 866


    Underload, 16 bytes

    (Hello, World!)S

    Underload is the Brainfuck of stack-based languages. (x) pushes the string x to the stack, and S prints the value on top of the stack.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Rail, 27 bytes

     -[Hello, World!]o#

    Rail is a 2D language where the instruction pointer is a train that runs on, well, rails. Execution begins from the main function, starting from the $ and initially moving southeast.

    The first command encountered is -, which makes the train turn so that it's moving eastward. Then we push a string, output with o and terminate with #.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729


    bc, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    (bc requires a trailing newline - hence 16 instead of 15)

    Digital Trauma

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 64 644


    Sinclair BASIC, 16 bytes

    PRINT "Hello, World!"

    Note: PRINT on the Sinclair Spectrum is written with a single keystroke (p) and takes a single byte. The code above works on the "command line".

    You can try it online at http://torinak.com/qaop. Keystrokes for that emulator: p shift-' shift-h e l l o , space shift-w o r l d ctrl-1 shift-'. Don't press shift-1 as that seems to delete the whole line.

    Depending on your definition of a "full program", this may or may not be acceptable. Especially for bigger programs, you would need to use line numbers, type the whole program and then use the RUN command (keystroke r). In that case, prepend a 1 to the above code (for 1 extra byte).

    aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 22 326


    Idris, 36 bytes

    main:IO();main=putStr"Hello, World!"

    Idris is sort of like Haskell, but top-level definitions need a type signature.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    Also, it has dependent types and is a way better language xD – Mega Man – 6 years ago


    CoffeeScript, 21 bytes

    alert "Hello, World!"

    or console.log "Hello, World!", if that's closer to STDOUT for your tastes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    pb, 80 bytes


    Super naive. I tried to golf it down by keeping 108 (the character code for "l") in T, either by doing t[108] at the beginning of the program or t[B] after the first time it was printed, but each attempt ended up exactly the same length.

    Note that pb doesn't require you to write b[32]. Any blank spaces on the canvas (with at least one non-blank space to the right of it) are automatically printed to the terminal as a space.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 897


    Fueue, 47 bytes

    72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33H


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    3var, 65 bytes


    Here's a 3var program found by brute force. Note that this might not be optimal since I assume that we'll only ever need numbers in the range 0-150, for efficiency reasons. I'll probably address this in a later edit.

    3var is a Deadfish variant which has, well, three variables A, B and R. The relevant commands are:

    Command              A           B           other
    Increment            i           a
    Decrement            d           k
    Square               s           m
    Output as char       P           O
    Copy from R          >           <
    Set R = A+B                                  +
    Set R = A-B                                  -
    Set R = A*B                                  *
    Set R = A div B                              /

    And here's a trace:

    Line           A     B     R     Output
    iiisa-         9     1     8
    <*             9     8     72
    >P             72    8     72    H
    />             9     8     72    H
    is+            100   8     108   H
    iP             101   8     108   He
    >PP            108   8     108   Hell
    m-             108   64    44    Hell
    iiiP           111   64    44    Hello
    i<O            112   44    44    Hello,
    /<m            112   4     2     Hello,
    />             28    4     28    Hello,
    +<O            28    32    32    Hello, 
    +d<            27    60    60    Hello, 
    +<O            27    87    87    Hello, W
    +><            114   114   114   Hello, W
    kkkOP          114   111   114   Hello, Wor
    ->             3     111   3     Hello, Wor
    siskkkOP       100   108   3     Hello, World
    </             100   3     33    Hello, World
    >P             33    3     33    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729

    @LegionMammal978 Do you mean esolang wiki? The site seems fine to me... – Sp3000 – 9 years ago


    Tcl, 19 bytes

    puts Hello,\ World!

    I think this can get smaller than it already is.

    Johannes Kuhn

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 122

    Is that missing the comma? – curiousdannii – 10 years ago

    What comma do you mean? – Johannes Kuhn – 10 years ago

    I'm just guessing, but will this print "Hello World!" rather than "Hello, World!"? – curiousdannii – 10 years ago

    Right... Forgot that piece... – Johannes Kuhn – 10 years ago


    99, 283 bytes

    999 9 9
    99 99999999 999 9
    99 99999 9 999 9
    99 99 999 999999
    99 9999999 9999 999 9
    99 99 9999999 9 999 9 999 9 999 9
    99 99 999999 9 999999 9
    99 99999 999 999999 999 9
    99 9999999 9999 9 999 9
    99 99 999999 9
    99 99 999999 999 9
    99 99999 9999999 9

    This was handcrafted so it is very likely suboptimal. Someone should write a metagolfer...

    The following table has been quite useful writing 99 code by hand:

    Variable  /9%128    Can print?
    9              1 
    99            11    !
    999          111 
    9999          87    !
    99999        103 
    999999         7    !
    9999999       71 
    99999999      71    !

    All further rep-digits of 9 also yield 71 when taken modulo 128 (after dividing by 9).

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    All further rep-digits of 9 also yield 71 when taken modulo 128. you can't just drop these math facts like they're nothing.now i'm going to be amazed all day – undergroundmonorail – 10 years ago

    @undergroundmonorail Note that it's actually the rep-digits of 1 which do this, because the variable is divided by 9 before taking the modulo. And the reason this works is that (710 % 128) happens to be 70. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago


    Dogescript, 42 37 bytes

    plz console.loge with "Hello, World!"

    Translates to console.log("Hello, World!").


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    plz console.loge with "Hello, World!"is shorter, but admittedly less wow – kvill – 10 years ago

    1Is the plz necessary? I thought you could just console.loge. – Alex A. – 10 years ago

    @AlexA. doesn't work without plz in the online interpreter, in accordance with the specs

    – kvill – 10 years ago

    That's what I was thinking... – LegionMammal978 – 10 years ago


    KEMURI, 65 bytes


    There's a KEMURI to C compiler available here if you'd like to test.

    KEMURI is stack-based, and has the following 6 instructions:

    ~    Pop byte and push its NOT
    ^    Pop two bytes and push their XOR
    "    Duplicate top of stack
    '    Rotate top three of stack (top becomes third)
    `    Push the ASCII values of "Hello, world!"
    |    Output stack as ASCII

    Note that ` pushes "Hello, world!" with a lowercase w. This means that the shortest "Hello, world!" program is


    but that doesn't mean that the best "Hello, World!" program, with an uppercase w, will be particularly short.

    To aid our search for the best "Hello, World!", here are a couple of observations:

    • | empties the stack, so we will only need it exactly once, as the very last character in the program.
    • ~ is useless, since NOT will flip the most significant bit to 1, which no printable ASCII character needs.
    • We will never need to duplicate with " if the top two stack elements are the same, since:
      • Rotating three identical elements is a no-op.
      • The only way to reduce the stack size is with ^ XOR. XOR of two identical elements just introduces a 0 and XOR 0 is a no-op.
      • "Hello, World!" contains neither a triple letter nor ASCII 0.

    This means that we only need to look at the four instructions ^"'`. To piece together the "Hello, World!", I looked at programs which contain a single `, at the very start. This gives a bunch of "jigsaw pieces" which we can fit together to form the whole message. There's no guarantee that this approach is optimal, but the search space is pretty big, so any better solution will probably need to be a bit more intelligent.

    The pieces I managed to obtain were (<sp> is trailing space):

    World!   `^^^^^"^^^|
    orld!    `^^^^^^^"^^|
    rld!     `^^^^^^^^"^^|
    ld!      `^^^^^^^^^"^^|
    d!       `"^^^^^^^^^^^^|
    World!   `^^^^^"^'"'^'^|
    <sp>     `^"^^^^^^^^^^^^|
    !        `^^^^^^^^^^^"^^|
    H        `^^^^^^^^^^'^"^^|
    ,        `^^^^^^^^^^''"^^^|
    d        `^^^^^^^^^^''^"^^|
    o        `^^^^''^"^^^^^^^^|
    e        `"^^^^^^'"^^^^^^^^|
    W        `^"^^^^^^'"^^^^^^^|
    l        `^^"^^^^'"^^^^^^^^|
    , World! `^^^^"^^'"'^'"'"^^|
    ld       `^^^^^^^^^"^^''"^^|
    ll       `^^"^^^^'"^^^^^^^^"|
    r        `^^^^^^'"^^^^'^"^^^|
    rl       `^^^^^^'"^^^^''"^^''^|
    He       `^^^^^'"^^'^'^''^'^'^|
    el       `^^"^^^^^^^^''"^^''"^^|
    o,       `^^'^"^^^^"'^'^'^'^'^'^|
    Wo       `^^^^"^^^'"^^'^''^''^''^|
    ,<sp>    `^^^^^'^'^'^''^''^'"'^'^|
    lo       `^^^^^^^"^^'"^^''"^^''"^^|
    or       `^^^^^^'^"^^''"^^''"^^''^|
    llo      `^^'^''^"^^^^^^''^'"''"^^|
    ell      `^^"^^^^^^^^''"^^'"''"^^''|
     W       `^"^^^^^^''^''^''^''^''^"'^|

    The program at the top of the post was formed by combining the He, llo and , World! pieces.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 58 729


    Aheui, 177 bytes


    Aheui is Befunge, but with Hangul. Test this here.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    MicroSoft Windows HTA - 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    MicroSoft Windows HTA occupies a niche between HTML and applications, where you get the simplicity and ease of HTML, with the direct access to the system API of applications, including file and system calls.

    When I was first introduced to it, I wondered how I ever got along without it. I used it to make really easy intuitive interfaces for complex command line utilities.

    Sadly, it's fallen by the wayside and you hardly hear about it anymore. One thing I remember about the official documentation was that they boasted how a bare Hello, World! is a legal hypertext application.


    Posted 10 years ago



    Swift, 22 Bytes

    Before Version 2.0 (24 Bytes)

    println("Hello, World!")

    After Version 2.0 (22 Bytes)

    print("Hello, World!")

    Includes trailing newline

    Top level code in the main file gets executed automatically. In playgrounds, anything at top level gets executed as well.

    In version 2.0 beta 6 this is also possible:

    print("Hello,", "World!")

    which will print all the items provided, separated by a space, terminated by a newline. This is equal to the following (which is probably the longest Swift version of a non-ridiculous "Hello, World!" program):

    print("Hello,", "World!", separator: " ", terminator: "\n")

    Since version 2.0 beta 6, Swift is one of the few languages that can have a vararg parameter at any position (not just the end), due to named parameters.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 426


    Beam, 128 120 Bytes


    This uses the general construct:

    '''''''''              # increment store to 9
             >             # set direction right. Beginning of loop
              `            # decrement store
               ++++++++    # increment beam 8 
                       )   # set direction left if store not 0. End of loop
                        @  # Output character

    Effectively translates to 9 * 8. The store needs to be odd before entering the loop otherwise it will end up being an infinite loop. The Esolangs has examples of this at the bottom in the constants section.

    P is used to save to l, o and memory slots 0, 1 and 2.
    p is used to retrieves those values to the beam.

    The following snippet should run Beam programs, but it hasn't been put through the ringer yet, so is likely to have some bugs.

    var ITERS_PER_SEC = 100000;
    var TIMEOUT_SECS = 50;
    var ERROR_INTERRUPT = "Interrupted by user";
    var ERROR_TIMEOUT = "Maximum iterations exceeded";
    var ERROR_LOSTINSPACE = "Beam is lost in space";
    var code, store, beam, ip_x, ip_y, dir, input_ptr, mem;
    var input, timeout, width, iterations, running;
    function clear_output() {
    document.getElementById("output").value = "";
    document.getElementById("stderr").innerHTML = "";
    function stop() {
    running = false;
    document.getElementById("run").disabled = false;
    document.getElementById("stop").disabled = true;
    document.getElementById("clear").disabled = false;
    document.getElementById("timeout").disabled = false;
    function interrupt() {
    function error(msg) {
    document.getElementById("stderr").innerHTML = msg;
    function run() {
    document.getElementById("run").disabled = true;
    document.getElementById("stop").disabled = false;
    document.getElementById("clear").disabled = true;
    document.getElementById("input").disabled = false;
    document.getElementById("timeout").disabled = false;
    code = document.getElementById("code").value;
    input = document.getElementById("input").value;
    timeout = document.getElementById("timeout").checked;
    code = code.split("\n");
    width = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < code.length; ++i){
     if (code[i].length > width){ 
      width = code[i].length;
    running = true;
    dir = 0;
    ip_x = 0;
    ip_y = 0;
    input_ptr = 0;
    beam = 0;
    store = 0;
    mem = [];
    input = input.split("").map(function (s) {
      return s.charCodeAt(0);
    iterations = 0;
    function beam_iter() {
    while (running) {
     var inst; 
     try {
      inst = code[ip_y][ip_x];
     catch(err) {
      inst = "";
     switch (inst) {
      case ">":
       dir = 0;
      case "<":
       dir = 1;
      case "^":
       dir = 2;
      case "v":
       dir = 3;
      case "+":
      case "-":
      case "@":
       document.getElementById("output").value += String.fromCharCode(beam);
      case ":":
       document.getElementById("output").value += beam+"\n";
      case "/":
       switch (dir) {
        case 0:
         dir = 2;
        case 1:
         dir = 3;
        case 2:
         dir = 0;
        case 3:
         dir = 1;
      case "\\":
       switch (dir) {
        case 0:
         dir = 3;
        case 1:
         dir = 2;
        case 2:
         dir = 1;
        case 3:
         dir = 0;
      case "!":
       if (beam != 0) {
        switch (dir) {
        case 0:
         dir = 1;
        case 1:
         dir = 0;
        case 2:
         dir = 3;
        case 3:
         dir = 2;
      case "?":
       if (beam == 0) {
        switch (dir) {
        case 0:
         dir = 1;
        case 1:
         dir = 0;
        case 2:
         dir = 3;
        case 3:
         dir = 2;
      case "|":
       switch (dir) {
       case 0:
        dir = 1;
       case 1:
        dir = 0;
      case "_":
       switch (dir) {
       case 0:
        dir = 1;
       case 1:
        dir = 0;
      case "H":
      case "S":
       store = beam;
      case "L":
       beam = store;
      case "s":
       mem[beam] = store;
      case "g":
       store = mem[beam];
      case "P":
       mem[store] = beam;
      case "p":
       beam = mem[store];
      case "u":
       if (beam != store) {
        dir = 2;
      case "n":
       if (beam != store) {
        dir = 3;
      case "`":
      case "'":
      case ")":
       if (store != 0) {
        dir = 1;
      case "(":
       if (store != 0) {
        dir = 0;
      case "r":
       if (input_ptr >= input.length) {
        beam = 0;
       } else
        beam = input[input_ptr];
     // Move instruction pointer
     switch (dir) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
     if (running && (ip_x < 0 || ip_y < 0 || ip_x >= width || ip_y >= code.length)) {
     if (iterations > ITERS_PER_SEC * TIMEOUT_SECS) {
    <div style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;">Code:
        <textarea id="code" rows="3" style="overflow:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;width:90%;">'''''''''>`++++++++)@'''P''''>`++++)+@+++++++@P@+++@'P'L'''>`++++++)''P'>`++++)@''p@'p>`+++++)@'p@+++@`p@--------@''p+@H</textarea>
        <textarea id="input" rows="2" style="overflow:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;width:90%;"></textarea>
            <input id="timeout" type="checkbox" checked="checked">&nbsp;
            <input id="run" type="button" value="Run" onclick="run()">
            <input id="stop" type="button" value="Stop" onclick="interrupt()" disabled="disabled">
            <input id="clear" type="button" value="Clear" onclick="clear_output()">&nbsp; <span id="stderr" style="color:red"></span>
        <textarea id="output" rows="6" style="overflow:scroll;width:90%;"></textarea>


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 735


    Commodore Basic, 16 bytes

    In order to input this program, you'll need to switch your Commodore 64 to character set 2 by pressing <SHIFT> + <C=>.

    1?"hELLO wORLD!

    The Commodore home computers come with two character sets: "unshifted" mode, which is derived from ASCII-1963 and so lacks lower-case letters, and "shifted" mode, which has both lower- and upper-case letters, but in the opposite order from modern ASCII-1967-derived encodings. Any "Hello, World!' program that produces the requested byte stream on a Commodore will look funny on the Commodore's screen. In the interests of not having to look up a half-dozen obscure Unicode characters, I've chosen to write my program in "shifted" mode, which merely has reversed case.

    As a side note, the Commmodore Basic interpreter (and presumably many other Microsoft Basic variants) will let you omit the trailing quotation mark if a string extends to the end of the current source line.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 099


    Simplex, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"g

    g is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    1Thanks for using Simplex :D – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago


    Acc!!, 122 bytes

    Due to limitations of the scoreboard snippet, the title of this post is incorrect. The correct name of this language is Acc!! with italics.

    Write 72
    Write 101
    Write _
    Write _
    Write 111
    Write 44
    Write 32
    Write 87
    Write 111
    Write 114
    Write _
    Write 100
    Write 33

    The first line stores 108 (char code for l) in the accumulator. The rest writes Hello, World! one character at a time, with _ referencing the accumulator value. Using the accumulator beats the straightforward version by 2 bytes. :^)

    Works the same in Acc!.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 213

    @quartata Thanks for the edit, but italics in the language name breaks the scoreboard. – DLosc – 9 years ago

    Ah. Sorry, didn't realize :P – a spaghetto – 9 years ago

    Maybe the scoreboard snippet should be updated. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago


    BitShift, 216 211 209 bytes

    Introducing my first esolang;
    BitShift is a language which can only operate on 1 value, and use a limited set of bit-shifting instructions to modify it.
    Therefore it's challenging to write programs and it's not great for golfing.

    A valid Hello, World! is 209 bytes long, and this is believed optimal. Generated by this metagolf.


    You can test it here.

    Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 707


    PlatyPar, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    In PlatyPar (my language that is still in development), parens, quotes, brackets, etc. are automatically closed at the end of the line. Additionally, the last item on the stack (in this case, "Hello, World!") is implicitly printed.

    Try it here!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 690


    pl, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Yes, it works. Try it online.


    In pl, all printable ASCII chars (between 0x20 and 0x7E in CP437) are reserved for variable names. Normally, these chars push the contents of that variable onto the argument stack. BUT, if the variable doesn't actually exist, pl assumes that this is actually the start of a string literal. The string literal is closed when it encounters a variable that exists or a function char. In this case, since none of these variables have been defined, Hello, World! gets pushed onto the stack as a string and printed implicitly at the end.

    a spaghetto

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 647


    Whenever, 25 bytes

    Whenever is a programming language which has no sense of urgency. It does things whenever it feels like it, not in any sequence specified by the programmer. Since Whenever code is not necessarily executed sequentially, lines of code become more like "to-do" lists, which the language interpreter may tackle in any order it likes.

    1 print("Hello, World!");

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    This is a new language I created with inspiration from @Conor's NTFJ, @MatinBüttner's Brian and Chuck, and a couple others.

    It has 2 stacks.

    This is fairly simple and only uses one stack though.

    The "..." denotes a string literal that is pushed to the stack.

    Then implicit output.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 410


    VHDL, 98 bytes

    entity m is
    end;architecture a of m is
    report"Hello, World";end process;end a;

    At least it's not Java...


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 19 757

    class a{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}} Nope, you've been Java'd. Also this appears to print "Hello World", not "Hello, World!" – CalculatorFeline – 9 years ago


    Y 16 bytes

    No, not http://foldoc.org/Y or https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Y although we probably need an entry for both of them as well...

    Y is a stack-oriented FORTH-type programming language by Thomas Fischbacher derived from Wouter van Oortmerssen's "FALSE". Like FALSE, Y is cryptic to the extreme. According to the readme it is much more powerful because "virtually all of the example programs in 'Kernighan & Ritchie - Programming in C' can be done in Y in a fraction of time and code."

    "Hello, World!"`

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    Kotlin, 50 48 bytes

    fun main(a:Array<String>)=print("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 221


    Pyramid, 587 294 bytes


    Yikes... this is a monstrosity. This is now less of a monstrosity, but still crazy big for "Hello, World!".

    The new byte count was because for-loops were implemented in Pyramid (YES!)

    Pyramid is a stack-based language, which was built on Stackylogic. You should probably go and click on the link before you go to the Github page, because you'll understand the what the commands mean on the GH page better.

    There's 250 104 lines of code here, if you're interested.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 600

    link 404 why :(? – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago

    @DestructibleWatermelon Oh yeah, that's because I stopped working on Pyramid. – clismique – 8 years ago


    x86/x86_64 on Linux, 34 32 31 bytes

    00:      e8 0d 00 00 00          call   <+0x12>
    05:      48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21
                                     "Hello, World!"
    12:      59                      pop    %ecx
    13:      6a 01                   push   $0x1
    15:      5b                      pop    %ebx
    16:      6a 0d                   push   $0xd
    18:      5a                      pop    %edx
    19:      6a 04                   push   $0x4
    1b:      58                      pop    %eax
    1c:      cd 80                   int    $0x80
    1e:      c3                      ret

    Main differences between this one and grc's version: mine makes no assumption of prior register contents, works in both x86 and x86_64 modes and does a ret in lieu of a sys_exit() syscall.

    If you want to Try it online!, compile and run the following C program.

    const char main[]="\xe8\r\0\0\0Hello, World!Yj\1[j\rZj\4X\xcd\x80\xc3";

    Note that Windows Services for Linux currently doesn't seem to support this type of syscall.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 503

    The difference is that yours is a function, @grc's is code that only works from _start in a static executable (where Linux does give you zeroed registers), and runs sys_exit when it's done. (And BTW, this won't work in 64-bit PIE executables (so your sample caller fails on many recent Linux distros where gcc -pie is the default, or any other context where the code is outside the low 32 bits. int 0x80 truncates pointers to 32 bits)

    – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    If you make position-dependent code, you could use mov $msg, %ecx (5 bytes) instead of call/pop. Put msg after the ret in your function. You can also save instructions (but not code size) by using lea 3(%ebx), %eax (3 bytes) instead of push/pop, after getting a known value of ebx=1. (Still portable between ia32 and x86-64 with the same machine code, because lea 3(%rbx),%eax is safe. Tips for golfing in x86/x64 machine code). Other than position-dependent mov r32, imm32, I don't see a way to make this shorter.

    – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    Here's a 30-byte version https://godbolt.org/g/xAcGMg (position-dependent, and avoiding push/pop in favour of xor-zero/inc and LEA). Note that as a function, it clobbers EBX, thus violating the standard calling convention. That's fine for asm functions, though, but maybe something to mention when you're showing how to use it as a C main. The CRT code that calls main doesn't actually break if main clobbers EBX on my system, last I checked, but it could.

    – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago

    *window subsystem for linux – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Processing, 23 bytes

    print("Hello, world!");

    It also opens a window for drawing, but this message does go to stdout in the IDE.

    I don't understand why more people don't use Processing over Java for code golf. With most of the boilerplate removed, you can almost always outdo it with the same syntax.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 447


    Codelike, 127 bytes


    Try it!

    Connor D

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 81


    TI-83 Hex Assembly, 21 bytes


    Run it with Asm(prgmH). First line is code section, 2nd line is data section. I count each pair of hex digits as one byte.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 189


    stacked, 18 bytes

    'Hello, World!'out

    Try it here!

    Introducing my newest creation, stacked! It's a stack based language. Creative, I know. But this pushes 'Hello, World!' to the stack the outputs it. Simple enough!

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    WSF, 223 bytes

    Stack Exchange cannot display this code properly, so here is a reversible xxd hexdump:

    00000000: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020                  
    00000010: 2020 2020 0a20 200a 2020 2020 2020 2020      .  .        
    00000020: 2020 2020 2020 200a 2020 2020 2020 2020         .        
    00000030: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 200a 2020               .  
    00000040: 2020 2020 200a 2020 0920 0920 0920 0920       .  . . . . 
    00000050: 2009 0a09 200a 2020 2020 0909 200a 2020   ... .    .. .  
    00000060: 0909 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020  ..              
    00000070: 0909 0909 2020 2020 2020 0909 200a 2020  ....      .. .  
    00000080: 2020 0909 0920 0920 2020 2020 2020 2020    ... .         
    00000090: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020                  
    000000a0: 2020 2020 2020 0909 200a 0909 2020 2020        .. ...    
    000000b0: 2020 0909 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009    .. . . . . . .
    000000c0: 0909 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009  .. . . . . . . .
    000000d0: 2009 0909 200a 2020 0909 200a 0909 0a     ... .  .. ....

    Ruby inspected string:

    "                    \n  \n               \n                     \n       \n  \t \t \t \t  \t\n\t \n    \t\t \n  \t\t              \t\t\t\t      \t\t \n    \t\t\t \t                               \t\t \n\t\t      \t\t \t \t \t \t \t \t\t\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t\t\t \n  \t\t \n\t\t\n"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 781

    There's a 174 byte one on TIO – ASCII-only – 8 years ago


    Befunge-93, 21 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH">:#,_@

    Try it online!


    "!dlroW ,olleH"   Push the string onto the stack in reverse. Note that there is an
                        implicit null terminator since an empty stack will always pop zero.
    >                 Start the output loop.
     :                Duplicate the character at the top of the stack.
      #               Skip the following operation to the right.    
        _             Test if the character is null, dropping the duplicate copy.
       ,              If not, branch left and write the character to stdout.
      #               Skip the following operation to the left.
    >                 Reverse direction and repeat the loop with the next character.
         @            Once the null is reached, branch right and exit.

    James Holderness

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 298


    Del|m|t, 29 + 1 = 30 bytes

    Try it online!

    =#:#Hello, World!#/#2#>#?#9#"

    ...With # passed as a command line argument.

    This is a new language that I recently created, which uses regex to parse its source code. I highly recommend that you read the documentation and tutorial.


    The regex passed as an argument acts as a delimiter (hence the name), which parses the code into tokens, which are read as commands based on their ASCII values.

    Because the regex is #, the tokens are =, :, Hello, World!, /, 2, >, ?, 9, and "

    These correspond to commands depending on their ASCII values mod 32:

    (=) 29    29 pops the top value of the stack, and skips that many instructions.
              Right now, the top is 0, so it's a no-op. Later, we will use it to
              skip the following part that pushes the string
    (:) 26, (H...) "H..."    26 pushes the next token as a string backwards onto the stack
    (/) 15    Duplicates the top of the stack, so we have 2 copies of the top character.
    (2) 18    Nots the top of the stack. It the top was 0, it is now 1
    (>) 30, (?) 31    Iff the top of the stack is non-0, exit the program
    (9) 25    Print the character
    (") 2     Push 2 - This is used to skip the String pushing part when we...
              Go back to the start of the program and repeat


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 907


    SmileBASIC, 15 bytes

    ?"Hello, World!

    ? is a shorthand for PRINT, which is of course always at least 4 characters shorter and never needs whitespace before or after it. In addition, strings which run to the end of the line don't need the closing ".


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 982

    It's supposed to print an uppercase W (even though it's in the middle of the sentence...) – 12Me21 – 8 years ago


    Taxi, 184 bytes

    "Hello, World!" is waiting at Writer's Depot.Go to Writer's Depot:w 1 r 3 l 2 l.Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.Go to Post Office:e 1 r 2 r 1 l.Go to Taxi Garage:n 1 r 1 l 1 r.

    Try it online!

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134

    When golfing in Taxi, is it strictly necessary to return to the garage after the post office? Officially, the program isn't successful unless you end in the garage but it still prints on Tio Nexus. I don't know what happens using the C++ interpreter from github. If it's not required, dropping it saves 32 bytes. – Engineer Toast – 8 years ago

    @EngineerToast The challenge specification specifically says there can't be any STDERR output, while if you don't return to the garage, it says something along the lines of being fired from your position as a taxi driver because you didn't return the car at the garage. Try removing Go to Taxi Garage.... and then click on "Debug" to open STDERR output + TIO debug output, then run the program. – Erik the Outgolfer – 8 years ago

    Ah, good point; I overlooked that. Thank you for explaining it so completely for the novice that is me. It's something I plan to use in other Taxi golfing, though, bolstered by a meta post that discusses it.

    – Engineer Toast – 8 years ago

    You can remove the space after the quote – ASCII-only – 8 years ago


    Valyrio, 17 bytes

    s ∫ main [´Ø]

    and start and end comments.

    s ‹Sets the mode to stack mode, usually used for code golf as its shorter›
    ∫ ‹Tells the interpreter that the previous letter was a tag, not a command›
    main [ ‹Starts the main code block›
    ´ ‹Pushes "Hello, World!" in unicode numbers to the stack (Alt-Shift-E on Mac)›
    Ø ‹Outputs the stack as unicode characters›
    ] ‹Ends the main code block‹


    Posted 10 years ago


    2Nope. It's 17 bytes. – TuxCrafting – 8 years ago

    2No, not 13 bytes. 17 bytes. The interpreter recieves a file as UTF-8 bytes, of which there are 17, it doesn't matter how it tokenises those bytes. This is opposed to, e.g. TI-Basic which has a character encoding that really does represent multiple characters with one bytes. – Pavel – 8 years ago

    Oh. Didn't realise it worked that way, I'll change it. – None – 8 years ago

    Also why downvote simply because I didn't understand string encoding? Seems a little mean. – None – 8 years ago

    @JackBates reading the readme on GitHub, I noticed that Valyrio includes a "code-golf" mode, in which every builtin is a byte. How does that work? – Pavel – 8 years ago

    That was in the above confusion. I'll remove it from the code – None – 8 years ago

    Is there a 6-byte file you can pass to the interpreter to print Hello World? If there is, you can claim a score of 6 bytes. – Dennis – 8 years ago

    Not in UTF-8 but I'm not sure about other encodings. s ∫ main [ is needed to prefix all stack mode languages so... – None – 8 years ago


    Commodore 64/128/VIC-20 & others (BASIC) (21 bytes 20 bytes):


    Commodore 64/VIC-20 (assembly) using the Kernal** (27 bytes assembled):

    ldx #$00
        lda message,x
        jsr $ffd2
        cpx #$0d
    bne loop
       .text "hello, world!"

    Once assembled (and loaded into memory), call with sys 828

    ** Yes, I know. Don't use the Kernal (probably also works in 128 native mode, I can't remember).

    Shaun Bebbers

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 814

    Might be able to save a few bytes by counting the X index to zero if you reverse the string, like this [untested]: *=$033c ldx #$0c loop lda message,x jsr $ffd2 dex bne loop rts message .text "!dlrow ,olleh" – Shaun Bebbers – 8 years ago

    2Somehow I could 22 bytes in the basic solution, also 0?"HELLO, WORLD!" should work for 17 bytes. – NieDzejkob – 8 years ago

    1You know, you don't actually have to include the line numbers for the program to work. PRINT"HELLO, WORLD!" for 20 bytes will do fine. – MD XF – 8 years ago

    1Also, if Commodore 64 BASIC is like most old BASIC implementations (which I'm pretty sure it is) you could leave off the ending quote altogether. – MD XF – 8 years ago

    @NieDzejkob - using Commodore BASIC abbreviations does not save any bytes in the computer, it only saves typing. – Shaun Bebbers – 8 years ago

    @MDXF Unless you are doing a straight character count, rather than how much actual bytes you are using of the available free memory, then you are correct. However, without a line number, it is more difficult to say how much memory is being used as you're running in direct mode rather than keeping an executable symbolic listing in memory. – Shaun Bebbers – 8 years ago


    Ada, 68 bytes (-15)

    Noticed there wasn't a plain Ada answer yet, only one with GNAT, so I made one:

    with Text_IO;procedure H is
    Text_IO.Put("Hello, World!");end;

    Thanks to 3D1T0R and breadbox for improving this!

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 89

    I'm not all that familiar with Ada, but took a swing at 'golf'ing this down a bit. Please evaluate: https://ideone.com/JjmhIt 75 bytes.

    – 3D1T0R – 7 years ago

    1Also note that the Ada. can be dropped (both places) to save 8 bytes. – breadbox – 7 years ago

    1Wow, somebody replied to this over a year later! You can combine 3D1T0R's golf with breadbox's tip to golf it down quite a bit. – python-b5 – 7 years ago

    @breadbox: I could have sworn I tried that, but apparently not. I kind of doubt this can be golfed much more. – 3D1T0R – 7 years ago

    TIO link pls – ASCII-only – 6 years ago


    Hillberth, 32 bytes

    []H ,olH
    .<   Wle

    If this code is weird looking, it's because the flow of an Hillberth program follows an Hilbert curve. So, the executed program is this:

    [.<]H                                              !dlroW ,olleH

    The code is similar to a Self-Modifying BrainFuck code, with the H command stopping the program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    KanyeC, 78 bytes

    "A programming language based on the brilliance of Kanye West."

    I am the greatest
    make her say "Hello, World!"
    I still think I am the greatest

    Yes, it is essentially just an ArnoldC substitution, but I thought I'd contribute it for the sake of completeness.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 121


    NO!, 1178 bytes

    NOOOOOOOOO?Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Because why not?

    Don't ask. Just read the GitHub page.

    Also please (and I beg you here) please say this out loud.

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    HODOR, 2384 bytes

    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!
    Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!
    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!
    Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!
    Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!

    I decided that my NO! answer wasn't long enough so I finished my commemoration of Hodor and spend a while coding this.

    Hodor uses an accumulator because he's learning to count and can't remember more than 1 number.

    In short (because I'm not doing a line-by-line explanation) these are the main commands:

    Walder Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor

    Start the program because Hodor's original name was Walder

    Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor

    Add 1 to the accumulator

    Hodor! Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor

    Subtract 1 from the accumulator

    HODOR! Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor

    Output the accumulator as a Unicode character

    HODOR!!! Hodor Hodor (Hodor hodor hodor)

    Kill Hodor (End the program)

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702

    Dammit hodor, why? – Matthew Roh – 8 years ago

    You should answer this with HODOR: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/48907/hodorize-a-string

    – Malivil – 8 years ago


    Turing, 18 bytes

    put"Hello, World!"

    Daniel Floca

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21

    Is this the correct github page? https://github.com/Open-Turing-Project/OpenTuring

    – mbomb007 – 8 years ago

    Welp, I'm blind. – Daniel Floca – 8 years ago


    Charcoal, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Charcoal prints the canvas state at the end of execution, and any run of ASCII characters is considered a string, which is implicitly printed to the canvas.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 687


    Braingolf, 17 bytes

    Got bored, made my own language, here's Hello World

    "Hello, World!"&@


    "Hello, World!"    Push the 13 chars of Hello World to the stack as charcode integers
                   &@  Pop the entire stack and print as chars

    Alternatively, here's hello world from before I added multi-char strings and printing:

    #!#d#l#r#o#W# #,#o#l#l#e#H@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    #!                                 Push the charcode of char '!' to the end of the stack
      ....................             Do this for every character in "Hello, World!" in reverse order
                          @@@@@@@@@@@@@  Pop and print the last element of the stack 13 times


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 656


  • outdated, 2. doesn't even print the right Hello, World!
  • < – ASCII-only – 8 years ago

    @ASCII-only fixed – Skidsdev – 8 years ago


    MY, 1 byte.

    Here is the hex:


    I'm finally ready to reveal my language. It's still a major WIP, and the undefined byte meaning is temporary (except for maybe 0xFF). I will eventually update this to include a non-hacky solution when MY is able to do that.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 710

    I did add another solution, this time not relying on a built-in! https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/55422/hello-world/127294#127294

    – Zacharý – 8 years ago


    SASS, 32 bytes?

      content:"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 577


    Klein, 16 + 3 = 19 bytes

    "Hello, World!"@
    • +3 for -A flag
    • Also contains a null argument for the topology, I'm not even sure how to score that.

    Try it online!

    Competing for the bounty.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 898


    Not competing for the bounty, Wheat Wizard stated in chat that he wouldn't award it to those using " (otherwise this would be a trivial bounty).

    – Okx – 8 years ago


    StupidScript, 214 bytes

    It's a joke language that I just made. Mark Watney would be proud.

    80.5 0.0
    80.5 23.0
    69.0 103.5
    69.0 161.0
    80.5 46.0
    23.0 0.0
    23.0 23.0
    46.0 92.0
    69.0 57.5
    69.0 138.0
    69.0 138.0
    69.0 172.5
    23.0 138.0
    23.0 0.0
    57.5 80.5
    69.0 172.5
    80.5 23.0
    69.0 138.0
    69.0 46.0
    23.0 11.5
    23.0 23.0


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 417


    Fishing, 25 24 bytes

    |C]`Hello, World!`Ni

    It exits with an error.

    Fishing, 34 bytes


    Without errors.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 34 042


    Lean Mean Bean Machine, 55 bytes

    Hello, World!

    I think this is the shortest.

    Here's a somewhat more entertaining alternative approach in 96 bytes:

      !o, W
       !   "
      !     d!

    This one only sets 1 marble to each letter, and re-uses the l and o marbles, much less golfy, but more true to the spirit of the language.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 656


    Emoji, 23 24 bytes

    Hello, World!➡ 

    Should be pretty clear. Just pushes Hello, World! and than outputs.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203


    Shtriped, 239 bytes

    e n
    e b
    i b
    + x y
      i x
      d y
     d x
     + b b b
     + b n n
    z x
     d x
     z x
     s n
     z n n
     z b b
     i b

    Try it online!

    This Hello, World! in Shtriped terminates somewhat quickly, since it doesn't encode the entire string in one number.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Set, 123 bytes

    set ! H
    set ! 101
    set ! 108
    set ! 108
    set ! 111
    set ! 44
    set ! 32
    set ! 87
    set ! 111
    set ! 114
    set ! 108
    set ! 100
    set ! 33

    Needed to use raw ASCII codes because lowercase letters are reserved for variable names.

    Try it online!

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605

    Wow, someone actually used this language. I'm both surprised and very happy – Matheus Avellar – 8 years ago


    @MatheusAvellar If you haven't yet noticed it has been used in the largest polyglot in existence.

    – MD XF – 8 years ago

    I had no idea! That's the coolest! Hahaha – Matheus Avellar – 8 years ago

    You can use W instead of 87 – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only but the bytecount is 123 – MD XF – 7 years ago

    @MDXF :|||||||| – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    MY, 60 bytes


    MY IS ON TIO!!


    Outputs H, e, ll, o, <space>, W, o, r, l, d, ! to the console.

    I created a 3rd answer to this question due to the differing techniques used, this uses concatenation on numbers (27á pushes 72), one uses increment and decrement, while another uses a builtin.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 710


    AsciiDots, 18 bytes

    .-$"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 141


    DOBELA, 214 bytes

    .                                                                                                         #

    With comments:

    !        d        l        r        o        W                 ,        o        l        l        e        H
    ,,.,,,,. ,..,,.,, ,..,..,, ,...,,., ,..,.... ,.,.,... ,,.,,,,, ,,.,..,, ,..,.... ,..,..,, ,..,..,, ,..,,.,. ,.,,.,,,$^
    .                                                                                                                     #
    H = ascii 0x48 = 01001000 = ,.,,.,,,

    Put bits in FIFO then print them by hitting ^ from below.

    Try it online


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 175

    123 – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    LNUSP, 360 353 bytes

    -6 bytes thanks to ASCII-only

    001 . !.!
    002 !    !
    001 *  !!
    033 +
    001 *
    100 +
    001 *
    108 +
    001 *
    114 +
    001 *
    111 +
    001 *
    087 +
    001 *
    032 +
    001 *
    044 +
    001 *
    111 +
    001 *
    108 +
    001 *
    108 +
    001 *
    101 +
    001 *
    057 +
    015 +                    ?...?@             !
    001 *                   ?@ .  ?
    001 !                   . +.  *
    001  .                  ?  !  ?
    001   !..................?.@.?

    Ungolfed version:

    001 . !.!                  .OUTPUT          .EXIT
    001  .   !                 .                .
    001 ! .  !                 .                .
    001 .  !!                  .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    033 + !                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .  
    100 + d                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    108 + l                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    114 + r                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    111 + o                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    087 + W                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    032 +                      .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    044 + ,                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    111 + o                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    108 + l                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    108 + l                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    101 + e                    .                .
    001 *                      .                .
    072 + H                    .                .
    001 *                      .                !
    001 .                      .               .
    001 .                      .              .
    001 .                      .             .
    001 .                      .            .
    001 !                      .           .
    001  .                     .          .
    001   .                    .         .
    001    .                   .        .
    001     .                @ .       .
    001      .                +.      .
    001       .                !     .
    001        .               .    .
    001         .           ?.....?@
    001          .         ?   .   ?
    001           .        .   .   *
    001            .       ?   .   ?
    001             !.......?..@..?

    Note that TIO LNUSP does not require newline at the end of file.
    Some explanations are here. Can be golfed 4 bytes more, I didn't do it for aesthetic purpose.

    Try it online


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 175

    You can move the topmost * one line up – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    Also, what is the 4-byte golf? I'm assuming it's removing one character from the right side of the print loop? – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    re: topmost *: never mind. it appears you can remove it completely – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only yes (about 4-byte golf) – stasoid – 7 years ago


    CRPL and its sister language PRPL, 21 bytes

    Bit of an obscure language, but the official tutorial doesn't contain a Hello World program so this at least is worth something.

    "Hello, World!" Trace

    "Hello, World!" pushes the string Hello, World! to the stack, and Trace pops an item from the stack and add it to the trace log, the closest thing the language has to SDTOUT or a console.

    Alas, for this language is too obscure for Dennis's gadget; however, I have written the following interpreter in JS with all the complexity needed for this demo. I may one day make it support more.

    var code = '"Hello, world!" Trace';
    var stack = [];
    var vars = Object.create(null);
    var literals = [];
    code = code.replace(/"(.*?)"/g, (m, $1) => 'lit' + [literals.length, literals.push($1)][0]).split(/\s/);
    for (var token of code) {
        if (token.match(/^lit(\d+)$/)) {
        } else if (token.match(/^-?\d+.?\d*/)) {
        } else if (token.startsWith('<-')) {
        } else if (token.startsWith('->')) {
            vars['v' + token.slice(2)] = stack.pop();
        } else {
            switch(token) {
                case 'Trace5':
                case 'Trace4':
                case 'Trace3':
                case 'Trace2':
                case 'Trace':
                    throw new Error(token + 'is not implemented.');


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 334

    No language is too obscure, you just have to ask for it on https://talk.tryitonline.net lol

    – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    Yeah probably. You could've just edited it yourself. – Nissa – 5 years ago


    LLVM IR, 110 bytes

    @s=global[13x i8]c"Hello, World!"declare i8@puts([13x i8]*)define i8@main(){call i8@puts([13x i8]*@s)ret i8 0}

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Triangularity, 71 49 bytes

    .... ....
    ." Wor"+.

    Try it online!

    Saved 22 bytes thanks to an ingenious method by Mr. Xcoder!

    Old version

    .."o, Wo"..

    Try it online!

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    Stax, 8 bytes


    Run and debug online!


    èï┬▀↨╩4G is the packed form of the ASCII Stax code `jaH1"jS3!, which is in turn a compressed string literal of Hello, World! with the ending backtick omitted.

    Weijun Zhou

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 396


    Min, 20 bytes

    "Hello, World!" puts


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 111


    ALPHA, 36 bytes

    ALPHA is a palindomic alphabetical esoteric programming language made by me and caird. Thought it would be fun to write an answer here.

    ALPHA is made of mirrored alphabetical "Containers" that perform programming commands.

    KMDHello World!DMK


    K - Start line container
    M - Start print container
    D - Start string container
    Hello World!
    D - End string container
    M - End print container
    K - End line container

    This lang is WIP. If you want to fix bugs, fork the interpreter, or contribute to completing the interpreter, Go to ALPHA's repository.

    Mercury Platinum

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 161


    PHP (on a standard Apache Server, result needing to target STDOUT), 30 27 Bytes

    <?php die("Hello, World!");

    Note: this is not to detract form earlier PHP example relied on an option assuming PHP wasn't being used as a webserver and abusing the HTML-effect outside of ?php tags to have an answer that was just "Hello, World!"

    That said, that solution made some non-standard server assumptions which aren't common with PHP. So I'm presenting an alternative that assumes a normal server layout, but still needs to go to STDOUT. This is not to detract from the previous posters example, but to present one in a different setting with different constraints.

    Note: originally thought using

    <?php fwrite(STDOUT,"Hello, World!"); ?> 

    would be the only way, but then realized the die (normally used killing the script with an error) outputted to STDOUT and didn't use extra variables.

    Updated: Cut off a few bytes recalling that "die" wont' bother with anything after itself, so didn't need the closing ?>.

    Note: Worth noting, that if shorttags were on with a PHP5 server, could drop down 3 more bytes to 24 bytes with

    <? die("Hello World!"); 

    However, I was specifically going a standard server, and shortags are now off by default making a server with them on no longer standard.

    Example (courtesy of Scrooble): Try It Online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 131


    Welcome to the site, and nice answer and explanation! It is common practice here to include a Try it online! link in answers so others can run and inspect your code with ease.

    – Khuldraeseth na'Barya – 7 years ago


    Euphoria, 23 bytes

    puts(1,"Hello, World!")

    The (1, parameter tells the puts function to send the output to STDOUT, and there is no carriage return or EOL character for this one line program. This program will work as-is on both RDS Euphoria (v3.1.1 - last commercial version) and OpenEuphoria (v4.1 - current opensource version). The code omits the "optional trailing newline" (per the challenge rules) or else it would be two characters longer (adding \n after the !).

    I am surprised that no one had added Euphoria to this challenge before now but I am glad that I could as I really like this powerful little language. Since no one added it to this list after more than 2 years I am thinking that maybe CodeGolfers never heard of Euphoria? I am not sure if it is okay to do this here but what follows is a very short description of the language for context. If this is not okay I apologize in advance. Also, where would such information be appropriate? Is there a "directory" of languages post somewhere in the site?

    Euphoria was released in 1995 (back in the days of DOS and Windows 3.1) with only two data types: the atom (each contains a single number) and the sequence (essentially a dynamically-sized array of zero or more atoms). Two other types (the integer and the object) were added in recent years to help with efficiency of execution. One of the most interesting things that attracted me to this language long ago besides its remarkably uncomplicated structure is that it runs incredibly fast for an interpreted language. Also it has engines that run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX so user code is cross-platform.

    PS: It seems as of the time of this posting that the original RDS website linked above is down due to hosting problems after 20 years with the same host. It is unclear when (or if) it will come back up. However the rather extensive library of user created programs for the language is archived here if anyone is wanting good sample code to explore the language.

    Mathew Ambrose

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21


    2DFuck, 157 150 bytes


    Try it online!

    Print He, print l twice, print o, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 089


    Ahead, 17 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"W@

    A (very-unfinished at the time of this writing) fungelike. This works on the current master version.

    Ahead is my first esolang (well... that actually has progress). It borrows a lot of concepts from Befunge and ><> but hopefully it provides enough unique features to be interesting. I particularly want to provide features that can improve code density and golfing, one of which is included in this answer.

    W is called "Writewhile". This pops cells from the stack and prints them as chars, until it encounters a 0. The 0 is popped and discarded (not printed). Since stringmode pushes a 0 to the stack when it starts, this makes printing strings rather easy.

    "!dlroW ,olleH"    push chars to stack
                   W   pop and print until 0
                    @  kill head

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 982


    , 21 bytes

    ("Hello, World!")

    Try it online!

    This is a language written in Cuneiform, and uses Sumerian words as keywords.

    At its heart, this is just a translation of Python into Sumerian, but in the future there will be new features added, such as the Babylonian numeral system (which works in base 60).

    Because it relies heavily on unicode, this is not going to be a very good golfing language.

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478

    You could always translate from unicode to a golfier encoding :P – ASCII-only – 6 years ago


    ESOPUNK, 191

    COPY 72 #STDO
    COPY 101 #STDO
    COPY 108 #STDO
    COPY 108 #STDO
    COPY 111 #STDO
    COPY 44 #STDO
    COPY 32 #STDO
    COPY 119 #STDO
    COPY 111 #STDO
    COPY 114 #STDO
    COPY 108 #STDO
    COPY 100 #STDO
    COPY 33 #STDO

    Can probably save some bytes by copying a constant to X, and ADDI/SUBI from it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 585


    Pixiedust, 153 bytes


    Try it online!


    Each line of the program is:

    • ++ indicating that this line prints the following to STDOUT;
    • .*, the portal register indicating a number literal; and
    • A sequence of + and . characters forming the binary representation of the character to be printed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 334


    Xanathar, 24 bytes

    printf["Hello, World!"];

    Xanathar is a work in progress language, so it is rather hard to use.


    $ xanathar helloworld.xan
    $ ./helloworld.xan.o


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 916

    Link to interpreter no longer works – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ascii-only fixed – NoOneIsHere – 6 years ago


    Kitten, 18 bytes

    "Hello, World!"say


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988


    Alchemist, 24 22 bytes

    _->Out_"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 345


    Grocery List, 94 bytes



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 253

    Could you please link to the interpreter you used to test this? – Dennis – 6 years ago

    From the challenge spec: Note that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. The only interpreter I know of is this one, but your program just prints H in it.

    – Dennis – 6 years ago

    fixed, but space can't print – u_ndefined – 6 years ago

    The output looks fine now, but the program seems to exit by popping from an empty stack and the challenge says The program must not write anything to STDERR. – Dennis – 6 years ago


    Clam, 15 bytes


    Try it online!

    Oh boy, he did it again, he started another language.


    All functions and operators in Clam are prefix

    p                Print
     +               Addition
      [...........]  Argument list
       [......]        Standalone list
        u                Uppercase the first letter of..
         a               ..the string at dictionary index..
          +              ..42 (+) - 32 = 10, dictionary[10] = 'hello'
           ua,           Do the same as above for index 11, 'world'
                       End of list, standalone list concatenates its
                       contents as strings with ', ' as delimiter
               "!"     String literal
                     End of argument list, Addition also acts as string concat

    Transpiled JS code:

    console.log('Hello, World' + "!");


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 656


    Tamsin, 27 20 bytes

    main='Hello, World!'.

    This is an interesting language.

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542


    Turing Machine But Way Worse, 853 bytes

    0 0 0 1 1 0 0
    0 1 1 1 2 0 0
    0 2 0 1 3 0 0
    0 3 0 1 4 0 0
    0 4 1 1 5 1 0
    0 5 1 1 6 0 0
    0 6 0 1 7 0 0
    0 7 1 0 8 0 0
    0 8 0 0 9 0 0
    1 9 1 0 a 0 0
    1 a 0 0 b 0 0
    0 b 0 0 c 0 0
    0 c 1 1 d 1 0
    0 d 0 1 e 0 0
    0 e 1 1 f 0 0
    1 f 1 1 g 0 0
    0 g 0 1 g 0 0
    1 g 0 0 h 1 0
    0 h 0 1 i 1 0
    0 i 1 0 i 0 0
    1 i 1 1 j 1 0
    1 j 1 1 k 0 0
    1 k 1 1 l 0 0
    0 l 0 1 m 0 0
    0 m 0 1 n 0 0
    0 n 1 1 o 0 0
    0 o 0 1 p 0 0
    0 p 1 1 q 0 0
    0 q 1 0 r 1 0
    1 r 0 1 s 0 0
    1 s 0 1 t 1 0
    0 t 0 1 u 0 0
    0 u 1 0 v 0 0
    0 v 0 0 v 0 0
    1 v 1 0 w 0 0
    0 w 0 0 w 0 0
    1 w 1 0 x 0 0
    1 x 1 0 x 0 0
    0 x 1 1 y 0 0
    1 y 0 0 z 0 0
    1 z 1 0 A 0 0
    1 A 0 1 B 1 0
    1 B 0 1 C 0 0
    0 C 1 0 D 0 0
    0 D 0 0 E 0 0
    0 E 1 1 F 1 0
    0 F 1 1 G 0 0
    1 G 0 1 G 0 0
    0 G 0 0 H 0 0
    0 H 0 0 I 0 0
    0 I 1 0 J 1 0
    0 J 1 0 J 0 0
    1 J 0 1 K 0 0
    1 K 1 1 K 0 0
    0 K 0 0 L 0 0
    1 L 0 0 M 1 0
    1 M 1 0 N 0 0
    1 N 0 1 O 1 0
    1 O 0 1 P 0 0
    0 P 0 1 P 0 0
    1 P 1 1 P 1 1

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 253


    Incalculate (2.0), 21 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"[pov?]

    Probably won't get shorter than this.
    Incalculate is an esoteric language I have written for fun, don't expect anything fancy. It uses 3 stacks for storage.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21


    Visual Basic Script, 21 bytes

    MsgBox"Hello, World!"

    You can try it by making a .txt file with that text in it, changing the extension to .vbs and running it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 169

    Welcome to the site! As this is a very busy question, you should be aware that your answer may not be unique. However, it is just as valid either way. Would it be possible to edit in a link to an online testing site, such as Try it online! so that others can verify your answer?

    – caird coinheringaahing – 6 years ago


    Pxem, 0+17=17 bytes

    Using the filename as data without counting the length is cheating. Therefore it is 17 bytes. (It even uses the filename extension as part of the program!)

    Save the program as

    Hello, World!.pxe

    and the file contents should be empty.


    Posted 10 years ago


    You know, just testing Feeds... – None – 5 years ago


    International Phonetic Esoteric Language, 16 bytes (WIP language)

    <Hello, World!>o

    No TIO interpreter yet, but is runnable by cloning the repository above, and calling python main.py "code here".

    <Hello, World!>o
    <Hello, World!>  ;push string "Hello, World!"
                   o ;pop, print


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 483


    1+, 87 83 bytes


    Try it online!

    This should be very golfable, but it is hard to golf 1+ directly.

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234

    Nice! I'm doing nothing now. – HighlyRadioactive – 5 years ago


    Scheme, 24 26 25 bytes

    (write "Hello, World!")

    (display"Hello, World!")

    simple but no one has done it in this language yet.

    edit: fixed the quotes being printed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 121

    i changed the code a little so it doesn't show the quotes – Buzz – 10 years ago

    Are the quote marks necessary in case of display? The H in Hello needs to be upper-case btw. – CodeManX – 10 years ago

    @CoDEmanX Yeah the quotes are necessary. Otherwise it thinks its a variable. – Buzz – 10 years ago

    Sure you can't get rid of the space before "? – Lynn – 10 years ago

    That space can be removed. Normally scheme needs the spaces to tell two things apart. but in this case it doesn't need it – Buzz – 10 years ago


    Common LISP, 22 bytes

    (princ"Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Burlesque, 17 bytes

    ,"Hello, World!"Q

    The leading , tells Burlesque to ignore standard input. "Hello, World!" pushes a string to the stack, and Q formats it for display without quotes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    Yes, otherwise Burlesque will add "". – Lynn – 9 years ago

    Sure, that works just as well! The , primitive (it's sort of like a flag, I guess?) is there for historic reasons; Q is a new-ish synonym for sh which was longer. – Lynn – 9 years ago


    RPython, 60 bytes

    def e():print'Hello, World!';return 0


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730


    Erlang, 63 bytes

    Save as h.erl, then compile with erl -s h m, I think.

    -module h.
    m()->io:fwrite("Hello, World!").


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Mathematica, 21 bytes

    Print@"Hello, World!"

    Mathemaica 10.3, 20 bytes

    Echo@"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988

    3Feel free to count the 10.3 version as the main solution and include the older one for reference. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


    23, 52 bytes


    This uses 23.dezsy notation: 17,13 prints the 13 integers that follow as characters.

    Try it online here. (Don't forget to replace the example with the above source code.)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Glypho, 480 bytes

    In the "shorthand" format, it's 120 bytes:


    An example conversion to "true" Glypho (using the translation of the Java interpreter, which differs slightly from that documented in the esolangs.org page) is:

    v># #  :: < <   <v#  #*>*> ##:#**#,<,<: : > > *  *v>>v # ##,#, + +:++: ++ ##
    *<<*,^,^<<#v<<v#v::v< < <,, +,+,+>>+*,,*+*+*,,*>**^v#  #,,:^#vv#>+>+ << >  >, , ++*>:
    :v<v<^#^#v::v>::>v**v # #::>^>+>>:>:>>>*>>##>*^ *# #  vv ,::,<<>:++
    *vv*v:v:^vv< > > ,,>>:>: << >+>>^ ^ ^^*^+,+,#::#*:*::  :v v  ,   # #<<#<#**#^,^,+##+**
    +**+,:,:::>*<^v< v v+^+^*^^*+<<++##+v#v#++<>:< :* **+ +   ^ *  *<+<+<  *vv+<:^^:::
    ^+*<<***<^+  ++:+:^##^:>:>+::< > >#>># *  >,>, :^ ^>>^##<#,<,*^   *<:<

    (using Windows line terminators \r\n) where I tried to disguise it as a 2D language for the Programming Language Quiz.

    The basic approach is to push onto the stack a 0 followed by the codepoints in reverse order, and then print them with the loop [o]. In order to golf the pushing, I first push 11 and then I can push a new 11 whenever I want with <d>; the final <d-+> replaces that 11 on the bottom of the stack with the desired 0.

    I experimented with various values on the bottom of the stack, and 11 is the only one for which my brute-force searcher was able to find expressions for each of the characters which were no more than 11 bytes each. (12 bytes was taking too long).

    Peter Taylor

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 901

    Quick translation from my CSL answer (i.e. super suboptimal), 456

    – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Maxima, 23 bytes

    print("Hello, World!")$


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988




    :x prints x as a character and . acts as a statement separator.

    The official interpreter is written for Python 2.2. You can use it in modern versions of Python by prepending the line

    # coding: latin1


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    HPPPL, 44 43 bytes

    HP Prime Programming Language for the HP Prime color graphing calculator.

    export h()begin print("Hello, World!");end;

    (golfed down by one byte, thanks to kirbyfan64sos!)


    Hello, World! HPPPL

    This is a full program that you call by entering h to start it.

    If you just want to have the output to the terminal, then a shorter (22 bytes) version in Home Mode works, too:

    print("Hello, World!")

    A free emulator is available here: http://www.hp-prime.de/en/category/13-emulator

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865

    1Is the space between the right parenthesis and begin needed? – kirbyfan64sos – 10 years ago

    @kirbyfan64sos Thanks for the hint. No, it’s not necessary. – M L – 10 years ago


    K5+iKe, 44 bytes

    iKe is a way to "rapidly write event-driven graphical programs in K" (to quote the README).

    draw:,(0 0;`cga;~,/'+text@0+"Hello, World!")

    To try it, go here, replace the text in the box with the above program, and hit the big right arrow button.



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730


    az, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!".


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    TRANSCRIPT, 36 bytes

    He is here.
    >HE, Hello, World!
    >X HE

    The second line sets HE, and the third line outputs it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    I was initially going to post this, but for some reason I kept getting errors whenever I tried to use single-char NPC names... – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    @Sp3000 You're right, I just looked at the interpreter and found that it only matches two-letter words or longer. – LegionMammal978 – 10 years ago

    1@LegionMammal978 You should use He. – mbomb007 – 10 years ago


    Cardinal, 15 bytes

    %"Hello, World!

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865


    LMNtal, 35 bytes

    io.use.io.print("Hello, World!",_).

    A weird programming language from Japan that seems to be inspired by Prolog.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    RUBE, 47 bytes

    A cellular automaton-based language about warehouses, crates, dozers, and conveyor belts:


    It turns out stacking all the crates on top of each other like 2\n1\n6\n... is also 57 bytes, and is "simpler", but I didn't want to stretch the page. :)

    Update: stacking the crates into a rectangle is shorter! Who'd've thought?


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Fishing, 37 bytes

      `Hello, World!`N

    I don't think there's anything to golf beyond the example listed on the esolangs page, so I didn't really write this myself. Hence, community wiki.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Doorspace, 92 bytes

    The language is also known as Qugord.

    ~group h from %2 to %14 affect h into "Hello, World!" each h into 0 task give 0 to 1 publish


    ~group h from 0 to %12 affect h into "Hello, World!" each h into 0 task give 0 to %0 publish

    It's seriously bugging me that this has a horizontal scrollbar because of a single character. I don't see how to shorten it any further though.

    This solution is mostly a golfed version of the "Hello, World!" example on the esolangs page. The important concepts of the language are that it operates on an infinite main array, initialised to zeroes; and then there's also an output array, which is reset every time you print its contents. If you know what the commands mean, the code is actually quite readable if split across several lines (which is not valid in the language):

    group h from %2 to %14 
    affect h into "Hello, World!" 
    each h into 0 task 
      give 0 to 1 

    The first line defines a "group tag" h, which is some subarray of the main array. In this case, it addresses the cells at indices 2 to 14 (leaving 2 cells for future use).

    The second line writes the character codes of Hello, World! into these 13 cells.

    The third line defines a foreach loop over the cells in h, which works by copying the current value into the specified cell (0) and then executing the code after it.

    The fourth line is executed once for each character code (which we find in cell 0). It moves the character code from the 0th cell of the main array to the 0th cell of the output array (which we index relatively by looking at index 1 on the main tape, which is zero).

    The fifth line prints everything in the output array up to the last non-zero element (i.e. just the first cell in our case).

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Parenthetic, 1036 Bytes

    This can undoubtedly be done better, but it's about the best I can come up with at the moment.


    General Steps

    Define A 32
    Define B 36
    Define C 32 * 3
    Define D 36 * 3
    Build a list of chars with (A*2)(C+5)(D)(D)(D+3)(A+12)(A)(C-9)(D+3)(D+6)(D)(C+4)(A+1)
    Output list + empty set as string


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 735


    l33t, 104 bytes

    7 99999998 1 7 9991 1 7 6 1 1 7 2 1 5 0 7 99997 1 8 92 1 6 0 8 995 1 7 995 1 7 2 1 8 5 1 8 7 1 5 0 7 0 1

    I've been using the Ruby interpreter which seems to insert an 10 (END) at the end of the code implicitly.

    l33t is supposed to look like l33t-5p34k. However, it is interpreted by simply summing the digits in each "word" and turning that into an opcode. So for golfing all we want is those digits. Golfing l33t like this is definitely living on the edge though. Quoting from the language spec:

    It is possible to program in l33t just using numbers, i.e. not forming letters in l33t 5p34k. However, programmers who do this are teh sUxX0r, and the interpreter is well within its rights to format your hard drive for attempting this.

    As for the language itself, it's basically a Brainfuck-derivative. The main differences are that the source code is living on the tape as well (with an independent memory and instruction pointer), and that you define an offset whenever you move forward, backward, increment or decrement (so you can make larger jumps and increment more efficiently). Therefore, the techniques used in the short Brainfuck solutions don't help much here.

    I started out with the naive solution (increment/decrement to value, print, repeat). That was 105 bytes. I managed to shave off one byte by computing the symbols , ! on a different memory cell than the letters (because the offsets from o to ,, space to W and d to ! are expensive. I think I might be able to save a few more by jumping into the program memory, but I'll have to try that tomorrow.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Wake, 16 bytes

    :"Hello, World!"

    Not much room for golfing.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Condit, 41 bytes

    when H=""then set H="Hello, World!"put H

    Condit programs always consist of an infinite loop that is broken once no statement gets executed, so modifying H is necessary to break the loop.

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    ShortScript, 2 bytes

    By using the function from the standard library:


    And by not using it:

    →Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 71

    That library seems to be missing from your reference implementation on Esolang. – Dennis – 10 years ago

    Yes, I the current version is a bit buggy – YourDeathIsComing – 10 years ago

    I have updated the esolangs page. Now it will work. – YourDeathIsComing – 10 years ago

    That implementation doesn't seem to print the exclamation point. – Dennis – 10 years ago

    I will fix it tomorrow, when I am at PC. – YourDeathIsComing – 10 years ago

    I have fixed it. – YourDeathIsComing – 10 years ago


    Quipu, 41 bytes


    Quipu looks like an interesting language, but I don't think there's anything to golf off this "Hello, World!" example from the esolangs page.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Sieve, 69 bytes


    Sieve is a BF-like programming language. It adds a special command |X|, called a sieve, that executes the command before it until the selected tape unit is equal to the number within the sieve. +|72|. outputs the character 72, which is an "H".

    Here's an alternative with the same byte count:


    The only change is that it saves 32 (space) and uses it later to print 33 (!).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 566

    Can you save some bytes by leaving the cell of the space untouched for World and then going back to it to print ! with a simple +.? – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    @MartinBüttner Yes, oops. – The_Basset_Hound – 10 years ago

    @MartinBüttner Actually, the byte count is the same. – The_Basset_Hound – 10 years ago

    +|72|.+|101|.>+|108|..>+|111|.>+|44|.-|32|.+|87|.<.+++.<.<-.-|33|. for 66 – Sp3000 – 10 years ago

    @Sp3000 Welp, already getting my butt kicked at my own language. – The_Basset_Hound – 10 years ago


    Ceylon, 40 bytes (or 24)

    A file with this content can be executed in the Ceylon IDE:

    shared void h(){print("Hello, World!");}

    As Ceylon has no "top-level procedural code", all code needs to be either in a class or in a function. And only shared functions/classes can be called from outside ... and the IDE will chose the only shared function or class, if there is only one.

    The Ceylon Web runner seems not to accept that text (it complains that "shared declaration is not a member of a class, interface, or package"), but instead allows directly statements:

    print("Hello, World!");

    (I guess the entered text is automatically wrapped in a function, and you can't declare stuff inside a function shared.)

    Paŭlo Ebermann

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 010


    Symball, 47 bytes


    Try it here. (dead link)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637

    The link is dead. – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

    That's unfortunate. I've replaced the link at the top with a link to the Esolang page, but unless the website comes back, there are no docs and no interpreter... – Dennis – 9 years ago


    Monkeys, 505 bytes

    6 DOWN
    6 DOWN
    7 RIGHT
    7 RIGHT
    6 LEFT
    5 DOWN
    5 DOWN
    5 DOWN
    7 BOND
    6 BOND
    6 BOND
    7 YELL
    7 DOWN
    6 DOWN
    6 BOND
    7 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    7 YELL
    7 LEFT
    7 LEFT
    6 BOND
    6 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    7 YELL
    7 YELL
    6 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    7 YELL
    5 BOND
    7 LEFT
    7 YELL
    6 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    5 BOND
    7 YELL
    7 DOWN
    7 DOWN
    7 DOWN
    5 DOWN
    5 DOWN
    5 DOWN
    5 BOND
    7 YELL
    6 LEFT
    7 DOWN
    6 BOND
    7 DOWN
    7 YELL
    7 LEFT
    7 LEFT
    7 LEFT
    7 YELL
    7 LEFT
    6 LEFT
    5 BOND
    5 BOND
    5 BOND
    7 YELL
    7 LEFT
    6 DOWN
    6 DOWN
    6 BOND
    7 LEFT
    7 YELL
    7 LEFT
    6 DOWN
    6 DOWN
    6 BOND
    7 YELL

    I wanted to post this one for a while, but the interpreter had several bugs. However, David Catt (the author) was kind enough to upload a new, working interpreter, so I got to work...

    I have no idea how to golf this language effectively, because there are so many things which are interacting. My basic approach was this:

    • Move monkeys 5, 6 and 7 to the bottom row, like this:


      At this point they have values 1, 1, 2.

    • This gives me comparably flexible operations: I can increment 5 and 7, or 7 and 6. I can decrement each one individually. And I can multiply 7 by the value of either 5 or 6 (mod 256).

    • So I just wrote a simple Mathematica program to look into short ways to get 7 to the next value via a few multiplications and de/increments. This search was not exhaustive, but provided much better results than naively incrementing/decrementing to the next value.

    There are many more opportunities to golf this though:

    • One can use the other arithmetic operators, particularly addition and subtraction could be useful.
    • I'm always using 7 for printing - allowing 5 or 6 to print (or involving even more monkeys) might shorten things.
    • One could try to store some useful values like 111 or 32 in a monkey for later use.
    • Arrange the monkeys vertically, so that one could use UP instead of LEFT.
    • Maybe this can even be shortened with loops.

    ...but the language is so complicated that I'm not sure how to explore these possibilities systematically.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    Hodor, 66 bytes

    hodor.hod("Hhodor? Hodor!? Hodor!? o, Hooodorrhodor orHodor!? d!")

    This only works in the previous version of Hodor (the one before the update from 1 July 2015). The latest version prints HODOR instead, which could be fixed at the cost of 3 bytes:

    hodor.hod("Hhodor? Hodor!? Hodor!? o, Hooodorrhodor orHodor!? "+"d!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    C#, 67 Bytes

    class a{static void Main(){System.Console.Write("Hello, World!");}}

    Ken Gregory

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 151

    This has been posted before

    – RobIII – 9 years ago

    I missed it. Sorry. – Ken Gregory – 9 years ago


    Minkolang 0.1, 18 bytes

    "Hello world!"(O).

    "Hello world!" is pushed onto the stack in reverse order (by Minkolang), then (O) repeatedly prints the top of stack (as it's a while loop) until it's empty, at which point the program counter proceeds to . and terminates.

    El'endia Starman

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 14 504

    From the explanation, it sounds like the parentheses can be dropped. But correct me if I'm wrong. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224: The parentheses are the while loop. The O outputs the top of stack as a character. – El'endia Starman – 9 years ago

    But I think you can just do that once without the loop. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224: It would only output "H". – El'endia Starman – 9 years ago

    Oh, so it pushes the individual characters and not the entire string at once. Thanks for explaining that for me. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224: Right. Minkolang (well, really, the Python interpreter) flips the string around before pushing the characters onto the stack for the programmer's convenience. Number literals, however, are pushed as one number. – El'endia Starman – 9 years ago


    BotEngine, 2x15=30

    vHello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    Ouroboros, 27

    S"Hello, World!"1(

    The program consists of two lines of code, each of which represents an ouroboros snake.

    Snake 1

    S sets the snake's active stack to the shared stack. The string literal pushes the character codes of Hello, World! in reverse order. Finally, 1( causes the snake to swallow the last character of its tail. Since this is the instruction that the IP is currently on, the snake dies.

    Snake 2

    13w causes the snake to wait for 13 ticks (so snake 1 can finish pushing the string). S switches to the shared stack and o outputs a character. L! pushes the length of the shared stack and logically negates it, resulting in 1 if the stack is empty and 0 if not. ( swallows that many characters of the snake's tail. If the stack is not yet empty, nothing is swallowed, and control loops back to the head of the snake, where it waits a while, sets the active stack as the shared stack, and outputs the next character. Once all the characters have been output, L! gives 1, and the snake swallows its IP and dies.

    See it in action via Stack Snippet:

    // Define Stack class
    function Stack() {
      this.stack = [];
      this.length = 0;
    Stack.prototype.push = function(item) {
    Stack.prototype.pop = function() {
      var result = 0;
      if (this.length > 0) {
        result = this.stack.pop();
      return result;
    Stack.prototype.top = function() {
      var result = 0;
      if (this.length > 0) {
        result = this.stack[this.length - 1];
      return result;
    Stack.prototype.toString = function() {
        return "" + this.stack;
    // Define Snake class
    function Snake(code) {
      this.code = code;
      this.length = this.code.length;
      this.ip = 0;
      this.ownStack = new Stack();
      this.currStack = this.ownStack;
      this.alive = true;
      this.wait = 0;
      this.partialString = this.partialNumber = null;
    Snake.prototype.step = function() {
        if (!this.alive) {
          return null;
        if (this.wait > 0) {
          return null;
        var instruction = this.code.charAt(this.ip);
        var output = null;
        if (this.partialString !== null) {
          // We're in the middle of a double-quoted string
          if (instruction == '"') {
            // Close the string and push its character codes in reverse order
            for (var i = this.partialString.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            this.partialString = null;
          } else {
            this.partialString += instruction;
        } else if (instruction == '"') {
          this.partialString = "";
        } else if ("0" <= instruction && instruction <= "9") {
          if (this.partialNumber !== null) {
            this.partialNumber = this.partialNumber + instruction; // NB: concatenation!
          } else {
            this.partialNumber = instruction;
          next = this.code.charAt((this.ip + 1) % this.length);
          if (next < "0" || "9" < next) {
            // Next instruction is non-numeric, so end number and push it
            this.partialNumber = null;
        } else if ("a" <= instruction && instruction <= "f") {
          // a-f push numbers 10 through 15
          var value = instruction.charCodeAt(0) - 87;
        } else if (instruction == "$") {
          // Toggle the current stack
          if (this.currStack === this.ownStack) {
            this.currStack = this.program.sharedStack;
          } else {
            this.currStack = this.ownStack;
        } else if (instruction == "s") {
          this.currStack = this.ownStack;
        } else if (instruction == "S") {
          this.currStack = this.program.sharedStack;
        } else if (instruction == "l") {
        } else if (instruction == "L") {
        } else if (instruction == ".") {
          var item = this.currStack.pop();
        } else if (instruction == "m") {
          var item = this.ownStack.pop();
        } else if (instruction == "M") {
          var item = this.program.sharedStack.pop();
        } else if (instruction == "y") {
          var item = this.ownStack.top();
        } else if (instruction == "Y") {
          var item = this.program.sharedStack.top();
        } else if (instruction == "\\") {
          var top = this.currStack.pop();
          var next = this.currStack.pop()
        } else if (instruction == "@") {
          var c = this.currStack.pop();
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
        } else if (instruction == ";") {
        } else if (instruction == "+") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(a + b);
        } else if (instruction == "-") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(a - b);
        } else if (instruction == "*") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(a * b);
        } else if (instruction == "/") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(a / b);
        } else if (instruction == "%") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(a % b);
        } else if (instruction == "_") {
        } else if (instruction == "I") {
          var value = this.currStack.pop();
          if (value < 0) {
          } else {
        } else if (instruction == ">") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(+(a > b));
        } else if (instruction == "<") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(+(a < b));
        } else if (instruction == "=") {
          var b = this.currStack.pop();
          var a = this.currStack.pop();
          this.currStack.push(+(a == b));
        } else if (instruction == "!") {
        } else if (instruction == "?") {
        } else if (instruction == "n") {
          output = "" + this.currStack.pop();
        } else if (instruction == "o") {
          output = String.fromCharCode(this.currStack.pop());
        } else if (instruction == "r") {
          var input = this.program.io.getNumber();
        } else if (instruction == "i") {
          var input = this.program.io.getChar();
        } else if (instruction == "(") {
          this.length -= Math.floor(this.currStack.pop());
          this.length = Math.max(this.length, 0);
        } else if (instruction == ")") {
          this.length += Math.floor(this.currStack.pop());
          this.length = Math.min(this.length, this.code.length);
        } else if (instruction == "w") {
          this.wait = this.currStack.pop();
        // Any instruction not covered by the above cases is ignored
        if (this.ip >= this.length) {
          // We've swallowed the IP, so this snake dies
          this.alive = false;
        } else {
          // Increment IP and loop if appropriate
          this.ip = (this.ip + 1) % this.length;
        return output;
    // Define Program class
    function Program(source, speed, io) {
      this.sharedStack = new Stack();
      this.snakes = source.split(/\r?\n/).map(function(snakeCode) {
        var snake = new Snake(snakeCode);
        snake.program = this;
        snake.sharedStack = this.sharedStack;
        return snake;
      this.snakesLiving = this.snakes.length;
      this.io = io;
      this.speed = speed || 10;
      this.halting = false;
    Program.prototype.run = function() {
      if (this.snakesLiving) {
        this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.run.bind(this), 1000 / this.speed);
    Program.prototype.step = function() {
      for (var s = 0; s < this.snakes.length; s++) {
        var output = this.snakes[s].step();
        if (output) {
    Program.prototype.halt = function() {
    var ioFunctions = {
      print: function(item) {
        var stdout = document.getElementById('stdout');
        stdout.value += "" + item;
      getChar: function() {
        if (inputData) {
          var inputChar = inputData[0];
          inputData = inputData.slice(1);
          return inputChar.charCodeAt(0);
        } else {
          return -1;
      getNumber: function() {
        while (inputData && (inputData[0] < "0" || "9" < inputData[0])) {
          inputData = inputData.slice(1);
        if (inputData) {
          var inputNumber = inputData.match(/\d+/)[0];
          inputData = inputData.slice(inputNumber.length);
          return +inputNumber;
        } else {
          return -1;
    var program = null;
    var inputData = null;
    function resetProgram() {
      var stdout = document.getElementById('stdout');
      stdout.value = null;
      if (program !== null) {
      program = null;
      inputData = null;
    function initProgram() {
      var source = document.getElementById('source'),
        stepsPerSecond = document.getElementById('steps-per-second'),
        stdin = document.getElementById('stdin');
      program = new Program(source.value, +stepsPerSecond.innerHTML, ioFunctions);
      inputData = stdin.value;
    function runBtnClick() {
      if (program === null || program.snakesLiving == 0) {
      } else {
        var stepsPerSecond = document.getElementById('steps-per-second');
        program.speed = +stepsPerSecond.innerHTML;
    function stepBtnClick() {
      if (program === null) {
      } else {
    .container {
      width: 100%;
      padding: 6px 0;
    .so-box {
      font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
      font-weight: bold;
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      text-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
      background: #f88912;
      box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 2px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) inset;
    .control {
      display: inline-block;
      border-radius: 6px;
      float: left;
      margin-right: 25px;
      cursor: pointer;
    .option {
      padding: 10px 20px;
      margin-right: 25px;
      float: left;
    h1 {
      text-align: center;
      font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;
    a {
      text-decoration: none;
    textarea {
      box-sizing: border-box;
    textarea {
      display: block;
      white-space: pre;
      overflow: auto;
      height: 40px;
      width: 100%;
      max-width: 100%;
      min-height: 25px;
    span[contenteditable] {
      padding: 2px 6px;
      background: #cc7801;
      color: #fff;
    #stdin-container {
      height: auto;
    #stdin-container {
      display: none;
    #reset {
      float: right;
    #source-display-wrapper {
      display: none;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      overflow: auto;
      border: 1px solid black;
      box-sizing: border-box;
    #source-display {
      font-family: monospace;
      white-space: pre;
      padding: 2px;
    .activeToken {
      background: #f88912;
    .clearfix:after {
      content: ".";
      display: block;
      height: 0;
      clear: both;
      visibility: hidden;
    .clearfix {
      display: inline-block;
    * html .clearfix {
      height: 1%;
    .clearfix {
      display: block;
    Designed and written 2015 by D. Loscutoff
    Much of the HTML and CSS was taken from this Befunge interpreter by Ingo Bürk: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/40331/16766
    <div class="container">
      <textarea id="source" placeholder="Enter your program here" wrap="off">S"Hello, World!"1(
      <div id="source-display-wrapper">
        <div id="source-display"></div>
    <div id="stdin-container" class="container">
      <textarea id="stdin" placeholder="Input" wrap="off"></textarea>
    <div id="controls-container" class="container clearfix">
      <input type="button" id="run" class="control so-box" value="Run" onclick="runBtnClick()" />
      <input type="button" id="pause" class="control so-box" value="Pause" onclick="program.halt()" />
      <input type="button" id="step" class="control so-box" value="Step" onclick="stepBtnClick()" />
      <input type="button" id="reset" class="control so-box" value="Reset" onclick="resetProgram()" />
    <div id="stdout-container" class="container">
      <textarea id="stdout" placeholder="Output" wrap="off" readonly></textarea>
    <div id="options-container" class="container">
      <div class="option so-box">Steps per Second: <span id="steps-per-second" contenteditable>100</span>


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 213


    AniRad, 237 bytes

    I doubt if this is the shortest solution:

     # # #   # # # #
    #5+7*3      *2  =C
     / * +       *
    #9*9+9+5+6      =C
       + *   +
    #> 9*9+1+9  +9+8=C
       +     +   * *
    #^ 9     > 4*6  =C
         +     *
    #9+1*9+9+5+3  +4=C
       + -     * - +
    #  6-6  +4*9+8 1=C
       = =     = = =
       C C     C C C

    This is a 2D esolang which looks a bit like a magic square. This is a very early stage of the language, so a lot of new functions etc. will come in the future.

    The # is the starting point of the pointer. The interpreter goes through every starting point. The order is based on the position of the #:

       4 5 6 7
       # # # #
    1 #
    2 #
    3 #

    If the position of the starting point is on the left, the pointer direction is right. If the position of the starting point is on the top, the pointer direction is down.

    The +, -, * and / are just basic math operators. After reading a number from the pointer, every other number on it's path will be ignored until an operation has been executed, e.g. #4+3 5-2= is equivalent to #4+3-2=

    The direction of the pointer can be changed with >, ^, < and v

    To output a char, we use the =C. This outputs the result of all the math operators and converts the int to a char. If = is used, the interpreter will only print the result.

    Here are all the paths executed in the program:

    (1)  5+7*3*2           = (((5+7)*3)*2)            = 72  = H
    (2)  9*9+9+5+6         = ((((9*9)+9)+5)+6)        = 101 = e
    (3)  9*9+1+9+9+8       = (((((9*9)+1)+9)+9)+8)    = 108 = l
    (4)  9*9+1+9+9+8       = (((((9*9)+1)+9)+9)+8)    = 108 = l
    (5)  9+1*9+9+5+3+4     = (((((9+1)*9)+9)+5)+3)+4) = 111 = o
    (6)  6-6+4*9+8         = ((((6-6)+4)*9)+8)        = 44  = ,
    (7)  5/9*9+1+9+9+8     = ((((((5/9)*9)+1)+9)+9)+8)= 32  = 
    (8)  7*9+9+9+6         = ((((7*9)+9)+9)+6)        = 87  = W
    (9)  3+9*9+9-6         = ((((3+9)*9)+9)-6)        = 111 = o
    (10) 6+9+4*6           = (((6+9)+4)*6)            = 114 = r
    (11) 4*3*9             = ((4*3)*9)                = 108 = l
    (12) 2*9*6-8           = (((2*9)*6)-8)            = 100 = d
    (13) 8*4+1             = (8*4)+1                  = 33  = !


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41 965


    Seriously 0.1, 1 byte


    Try it online

    Yes, I made my language have a one-byte Hello World program. A less boring answer for 16 bytes:

    "Hello, World!".

    "Hello, World!" pushes that string onto the stack, and . pops the top value on the stack and prints it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 32 998


    Arcyóu, 18 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Arcyóu is a LISP-like golfing language. Since this is the only thing in the program, we don't need a p function or even parentheses. Just quotes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 062

    2No need for the disclaimer here. Newer languages are allowed and even encouraged this time. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


    Kotlin, 49 bytes

    fun main(a:Array<String>){print("Hello, World!")}

    This is a programming language created by JetBrains to overcome the limitations of Java (like Scala), be fast (like Java itself) and yet retain full interoperability with Java. This means that Kotlin can easily call Java code ... and vice versa.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 855


    AutoHotkey, 61 bytes

    FileAppend % "Hello, World!", CONOUT$

    AHK was written to automate Windows tasks and it seems as if the authors considered StdOut/In as an after thought. This is the shortest method I could come up with. When executed the console will flash with Hello World! and exit immediately, it would require additional code (either adding a Hotkey or #persistent or sleep command) to keep the console active, however I feel this does the job and meets the requirements. I could also make the program with DLLCall("AttachConsole, Int, -1") so that it can be executed from the command line and write to the same console it was executed from, however this code golf.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 220

    1Greetings from the future! I can't tell if this worked at the time but it works now and its 27 bytes: FileAppend,Hello`, World!,* – Engineer Toast – 8 years ago


    X.so, 48 42 bytes

    $A($Main("X"Include"Hello, World!"X.Show))

    Requires XCore to run, so it can use the X.Show command.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Par, 14 bytes

    `Hello, World!

    I don't know Par, but it looks golfy.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 20 331


    Templates Considered Harmful, 50 bytes


    Templates Considered Harmful is a language defined by C++ templates. The St template creates a string of characters, which is then implicitly printed to STDOUT.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Factor, 17 21 bytes

    Push a string, then print it without quotes.

    "Hello, World!" print


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 989


    Jolf, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Records a string, implicit output. Try it here.

    Jolf, 9 bytes, cheating

    (unprintable chars replaced with ?):

    e         evaluate as Jolf code
     .         from the object
      $   #     nsp, get
           0    property 0
            ? (08, backspace character; restrain implicit output)

    nsp is an object on the interpreter page that contains example programs. The zeroth one is the Hello, World! program. Try it here.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    This is a catalogue, is it not? Therefore, this answer is completely valid. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224 Indeed, yes. Fixing. – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago


    Samau, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Samau is yet another stack-based golfing language.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988


    Eodermdrome, 18 bytes

    al(Hello, World!)a

    Replaces the a - l edge on the initial graph with the a node, and outputs Hello, World! in the process.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    1Hi, your program works, but not for the reason you think - it actually matches the o-g edge, because the l in your program must represent a node with only one outgoing edge. – Ørjan Johansen – 8 years ago


    ROOP, 17 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    At the beginning an object is created with the string that is in quotation marks, then the h operator prints all existing objects and ends the program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 191


    BASIC-80, 16 bytes

    BASIC-80 aka MBASIC does not need a trailing " to end string constants at the end of the line, so...

    1?"Hello, World!

    ...is all you need.

    CP/M nostalgia...

    BASIC-80 Rev. 5.21
    [CP/M Version]
    Copyright 1977-1981 (C) by Microsoft
    Created: 28-Jul-81
    32824 Bytes free
    1?"Hello, World!
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago



    Visual Basic.NET, 63 bytes

    Module A
    Sub Main
    System.Console.Write("Hello, World!")
    End Sub
    End Module


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    JavaScript function golf, 19 bytes

    p("Hello, World!");

    I made this[1] for you!

    JavaScript function golf is included into the language page HTML, so use it right from the console!

    If you want it as an alert, here you are (21 byte):

    p2a("Hello, World!");

    That said, I finally got time for improvement of the framework.

    [1]: I mean, the language golfing framework.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 478


    Welcome to PPCG. This is a good start for a Golfing language, however there a lot of features of JavaScript, like Prototypes, that you might want to take advantage of (e.g. 42.s() could turn a number into a string instead of i2s(42).) If you want help or tips, feel free to visit http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/27364/esoteric-programming-languages for help, tips and showcasing your language.

    – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

    @wizzwizz4 thanks, but my real introduction to PPCG was a question. :P Also, I have still to learn about prototypes, and I'm not active enough to chat in the PPCG rooms. – user48538 – 9 years ago

    @wizzwizz4 42.s() is a syntax error in some js engines, you'd have to do (42).s() which doesn't actually save anything – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224 That was an example. :-P – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

    @zyabin101 You don't need much reputation to chat. – wizzwizz4 – 9 years ago

    @SuperJedi224 Or you could type 42..s() – Stefnotch – 9 years ago


    Boo, 22 bytes

    Quoting from https://github.com/bamboo/boo/raw/master/docs/BooManifesto.pdf:

    The guys who came up with “public static void main” were probably kidding, the problem is that most people didn't get it was a joke. The infamous HelloWorld in all its boo glory:

    print("Hello, World!")

    “public static void main”, that was a good one!

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    Detour, 19 bytes

    @"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    This language was not designed with strings in mind.
    "How do you fit a string literal into a 2D language represented on a grid of characters?"
    You don't! Just put a `, and then define what the `'s stand for on the bottom with @ signs (sigh)! This will push all its code points to the ` cell, and the u cell will print it as a string

    I'll try to come up with a shorter way to fit in strings later. At least it's not Java.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 690


    NTFJ, 118 bytes

    NTFJ is an esoteric programming language intended to be a Turing tarpit. It is stack-based, and pushes bits to the stack, which can be later coalesced to an 8-bit number. I believe that this is the optimal, using a loop. (Maybe something can be done by hard-coding @ into the string, which would allow for us to double the l. I haven't checked, but I believe this would come out as more bytes.)

    Anyhow, this is the full code:


    Or, more readable:


    All the ~s push 0 and the #s push 1. The interesting part is the output loop:

    @              Coalesce to bit (top 8 items); is 0 on an empty stack
     (           ) Skip the inside if the top of the stack is not truthy.
      *            Output as character.
       ~##~#~~~@   Push 104 to the stack
                ^  Jump to index 104, which is right here --.

    The interpreter is here, but with no permalinks as of yet.

    Boring Loop-less version, 130 bytes:


    Doubling (:) the l character, 122 bytes:


    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Jolf, 7 bytes

    Try it here!


    ξ read three characters and interprets them as a base 256 number index in a gigantic word list. 'Nuff said.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Oration, 28 bytes

    capture Hello, World!

    Fun to write.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 410

    You can include the 32-byte version: Literally, print("Hello, World!"). – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    Ooh nice, thanks @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ . – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago

    Can I figuratively print something? :P – Downgoat – 9 years ago

    @Downgoat yes, but the compiler ignores such frivolity. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago

    Can't you remove \nthat's it? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ yeah, forgot I fixed/messed that up when I added python 2 support. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago

    @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Now you can replace your older version with the newer one. – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ ---yeah, I did.--- er thanks – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago


    NTFJ, 106 bytes


    Try it online!

    NTFJ is an esoteric programming language, made by user @ConorO'Brien, that is intended to be a Turing tarpit. It is stack-based, and pushes bits to the stack, which can be later coalesced to an 8-bit number.

    How it works

    Output          Stack
    H  ~#~~#~~~@*
    e  ~##~~#~#@*
       ~##~##~~@    l
    ll ::**         l
    o  ~##~####@:*  l o
    ,  ~~#~##~~@*   l o
       ~~#~~~~~@*   l o
    W  ~#~#~###@*   l o
    o  *            l
    r  ~###~~#~@*   l
    l  *
    d  ~##~~#~~@*
    !  ~~#~~~~#@*


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880

    Fantastic job!! – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    ::**==:*:*. – CalculatorFeline – 9 years ago

    @CalculatorFeline Yeah, it can be either way. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago


    Javascript (Nashorn), 22 bytes

    Nashorn is the JS engine that comes built in to Java.

    print('Hello, World!')


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    Gogh, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    This one is pretty self-explanatory. Gogh has self-closing strings, so if there isn't a closing double-quote, it tacks one on the end and you have yourself a string.

    You can run it from the command line like this:

    $ ./gogh o '"Hello, World!'

    Zach Gates

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 152


    Verilog, 60 bytes

    module m;initial
    $write("Hello, World!");end

    Try it online here.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 19 757


    Scratch, 2 blocks

    enter image description here

    Self explanatory really.


    Posted 10 years ago



    You're missing a comma in "Hello, World!" Also, I believe the byte count for Scratch submissions is usually done with this: http://scratchblocks.github.io/

    – a spaghetto – 9 years ago

    2@quartata That means this script takes up 43 bytes. – haykam – 9 years ago


    JavaScript (Node.js), 28 bytes

    console.log("Hello, World!")

    Michał Perłakowski

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 520

    We already have a JavaScript answer at 22 bytes.

    – Zach Gates – 9 years ago

    1@ZachGates But that answer runs in browser environment. My answer runs in Node.js. – Michał Perłakowski – 9 years ago


    .kill();, 39 bytes

    Try it here! Github.


    Alright, so I made another monster! This is how this works. First, the code is iterated through, and a resulting string is made. First, let's look at the first character and some related information:

    char: S
    opposite char: T
    average char floored: (@S + @T) / 2 = (83 + 84) / 2 = 83.5 => 83 = S
    index: 0
    result: S

    Each character in the new string is calculated by averaging the values of the current char and the char that lies the same distance from the end of the string; this value is incremented by the index (starting at zero) then floored. The resulting character is appended to the result.

    Once this result is made, we look for a valid base64 string in it. This is what that result looks like:


    This will result in the string SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ== being found as the base 64 string for "Hello, World!", and is thus outputted.

    (When no such string is found, then a more complicated algorithm ensues that transpiles this to JavaScript, so this is most definitely turing-complete and thus a valid language.)

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Pickle, 34 bytes

    cbuiltins\nprint\n\x8c\rHello, World!\x85R.

    Replace the escape sequences by their appropriate character code.

    Surprise. Python's default serialization implementation actually uses an interpreter over a stack-based language. Just call pickle.load on it to run it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 951


    UGL, 80 bytes


    Try it online!

    With comments:

    #H  e   l   l   o   ,     W  o   r   l   d   !
    #72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33
    cuu$u$$$$$$*$d*O  #print H  72        (stack:2 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    $*u$*u$O$@        #print e  101       (stack:101 2 3 3 3 3 101)
    ++u$O$O           #print ll 108 108   (stack:101 2 3 3 108)
    ^^+$O@@           #print o  111       (stack:108 111 101 2 3 3)
    $$uu**dO          #print ,  44        (stack:108 111 101 2 3)
    %$$*$**$O@        #print    32        (stack:32 108 111 101 3)
    $*$u*dddO         #print W  87        (stack:32 108 111 101)
    %$O               #print o  111       (stack:32 108 101 111)
    uuuO              #print r  114       (stack:32 108 101)
    %O                #print l  108       (stack:32 101)
    dO                #print d  100       (stack:32)
    uO                #print !  33        (stack:)

    Leaky Nun

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 45 011

    Which part is the actual 80-byte source code? The non-space prefixes of the lines? Might be best to include that separately for clarity. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


    Tellurium, 17 bytes

    µHello, World!~^

    Well, this is pretty easy to explain.

    • µ starts reading the string
    • ~ stops reading the string, and stores it in the selected cell.
    • ^ outputs the selected cell's value, which is currently "Hello, world!"

    Alternate version (5 bytes)

    This one uses the preinitialized variable !o, which expands to "Hello, World!".



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 765

    OP says you can use languages made after this challenge. – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ Yeah, I know, but using a builtin Hello World seems kind of like cheating. – m654 – 9 years ago

    2*If we want to be a significant site in the code golf community, I think we should try and create the ultimate catalogue of shortest "Hello, World!" programs (similar to how our basic quine challenge contains some of the shortest known quines in various languages). So let's do this!* – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    2*Unlike our usual rules, feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge. If anyone wants to abuse this by creating a language where the empty program prints Hello, World!, then congrats, they just paved the way for a very boring answer.* – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ Oh, I didn't notice that :P – m654 – 9 years ago

    Which of them?? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ First one. – m654 – 9 years ago


    INTERCALL, 311 bytes

    PUSH C

    It can probably be more golfed, but coding in INTERCALL is very hard.

    CALL ONE jump to a line, execute it and return to the line after the calling line.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    remove the AND's for more golfing – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 8 years ago


    Apps Script + Google Sheets, 39 bytes


    function Q(){return"Hello, World!"}



    Original, 40 bytes


    function Q(){return "Hello, World!"}




    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 605

    2Can't you do return"Hello, World!"? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago


    DOG, 20 bytes

    bark "Hello, World!"

    Business Cat

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 927


    Casio BASIC, 15 bytes

    There is a TI-BASIC answer, but no Casio BASIC ? what a shame !

    Fortunately, I went here

    "Hello, World!"

    Unlike in TI-BASIC, you can't thug around the closing " (you still can with parentheses tho). However, lowercase letters are 1 byte long (on recent models, it might not have been the case with previous ones, but writing lowercase letters was a PITA anyway).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 361


    S.I.L.O.S, 19 bytes

    print Hello, World!

    Seems legit!

    Rohan Jhunjhunwala

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 569

    2This is a 19 bytes. – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago

    @ConorO'Brien whops, I can progam, but I can't count to 19.... :( – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 8 years ago

    4Ironic... the nineteenth byte ;) – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago


    Commercial, 75 bytes

    I post a link to my implementation, but there is a link to the esolang page in the README

    "Hello, World!" - Satisfied Consumer of x
    x has been selling out worldwide!

    This code is equivalent to the following pseudocode

    Put "Hello, World!" in x
    Print the value of x


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    like the theme lol – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 8 years ago


    Cow, 1539 Bytes

    MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo Moo MoO MoO MoO Moo OOO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo Moo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo Moo MoO MoO MoO Moo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo Moo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo MOo Moo OOO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Moo


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 129

    ...I count 1539 bytes. – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    What? O.o I don't. – Ronronner – 9 years ago

    Well, unless this is in a special encoding, there are 1539 characters thus 1539 bytes. – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    I've correct it. – Ronronner – 9 years ago

    This seems to print a non-breaking space (0xa0) instead of a regular space (0x20). https://tio.run/nexus/cow#@u@b768wivHhfIAGqb35WNTkK/j7j4YxYKN4kMSp/xDA@USqIdZvRJo3ePJp/v//AA

    – Dennis – 8 years ago

    D: the W isn't capitalized – ASCII-only – 8 years ago

    1261 bytes, which is a trivial variant of the brainfuck solution. I'm sure COW can do better, I just don't know what methods could be used to beat recurrence relations – ASCII-only – 8 years ago


    Jellyfish, 15 bytes

    P"Hello, World!

    Try it online!

    Not terribly interesting, but for completeness' sake...

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    ARMv7 machine language on Linux, 40 36 32 bytes

     0: fa000002         blx 12          ;put string addr in lr; thumb mode
     4: 48 65 6c 6c 6f   "Hello, World!\0"
        2c 20 57 6f 72
        6c 64 21 00
    12: 2001             movs r0, #1     ;stdout is fd=1
    14: 220d             movs r2, #13    ;length of string
    16: 4671             mov r1, lr      ;put string addr in r1
    18: 2704             movs r7, #4     ;select write() syscall
    1a: df00             svc 0           ;syscall
    1c: 2701             movs r7, #1     ;select exit() syscall
    1e: df00             svc 0           ;syscall

    To try this out on a Raspberry Pi or Android device with GNURoot, compile and run the following

    const char main[]="\2\0\0\xfaHello, World!\0\1 \r\"qF\4'\0\xdf\1'\0\xdf";


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 503


    Caker, 294 bytes



    • ω flip the cell at the left of the tape head if the current cell is 0, at the right otherwise
    • Ω move the tape head leftward if the current cell is 0, rightward otherwise
    • θ push the current bit on the print stack
    • Θ print the character in the print stack and clear the print stack


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    -1 language name makes me want cake :P – Downgoat – 9 years ago


    Ru, 15 bytes

    “Hello, World!”

    Body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 29.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    Haxe, 56 bytes

    class H{static function main(){trace("Hello, World!");}}

    Test it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    Logicode, 121 bytes

    var a=11011
    var l=@(a+00)
    var o=a+11
    out @1001000+@(a+01)+l+l+@o+@101100+@10000+@1010111+@o+@1110010+l+@1100100+@10001

    As Logicode works on binary strings, it's pretty hard to convert stuff to ASCII. In comes the @ operator!

    It basically converts a binary string to its ASCII counterpart, so something like @1001000 turns into H (1001000 is 72 in binary, and H's ASCII code is 72).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 600

    1This prints Hmllo,World on TIO. – Dennis – 8 years ago


    Mathematica 21 Bytes

    When run in the kernel console, output will be sent to the kernel console. Same for the notebook interface. Since the kernel can be launched from any command line, this will work.

    Print@"Hello, World!"

    You can also have Mathematica pass the command as a string to the OS like so:

    Run["Echo Hello, World!"]

    which will open up a command window for a very short amount of time but if you don't blink, you'll see the message.

    Kelly Lowder

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 225

    3the one thing mathematica doesn't have a builtin for! – FlipTack – 8 years ago


    Z, 172 bytes

    zz z zzz Z  Z
    zz z z zZZ z  Z
    zz z z zZZ zzZ  Z  Z
    zz z z z z  Z
    zz z zz Z  Z
    zz z zzZ zzz  Z
    zz z z z z  Z
    zz z z z zZ  Z
    zz z z zZZ zzZ  Z
    zz z z zZZ zZZ  Z
    zz z zz zz  Z

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542

    Yeah... unless you have an interpreter from before the challenge that works with 43 bytes, it doesn't count as 43. – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago

    @DestructibleWatermelon Ok, I edited that out. – Esolanging Fruit – 8 years ago


    Kotlin, 22 bytes

    print("Hello, World!")

    There is an existing answer which includes a main function and a class definition, which aren't actually necessary when running Kotlin as a script (.kts).

    Tyler MacDonell

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 701


    Kitanai, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    Pretty easy to understand :)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 137


    Zetaplex, 23 bytes

    "Hello, World!"SrOsDrFe

    Documentation for this language is here, basically this is a stack-based language where every command is 2 characters.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 410


    Gammaplex, 22 bytes

    X"Hello World!"XXSXrRE

    The links for the specs for this lang are dead, you can download the source code (C++) here.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 410

    Don't use XS. Just reverse it yourself. – jimmy23013 – 8 years ago


    Somme, 38 bytes


    Somme is kind of a complicated language. Some of the finer details are irrelevant, so I'll give you what you need to know.

    1. Somme is stack-based.
    2. The numbers 0-9 push that number, along with A-F pushing 10-15.
    3. The above are treated as 0-arity functions.
    4. When a 0-arity function is invoked, the default pop for the stack is set to the result. So, 8s+ first pushes 8, squares 8, then adds 8 to it. This is 72, orH.
    5. m, prints the stack as characters.

    I'll add some more explanation later.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    C (works with gcc/linux/x86_64), 129 bytes

    Not my original idea, just changed a couple of bytes and golfed a little:

    const main[]={-443987883,440,113408,-1922629632,4149,965120,84869120,15544,266023168,1818576901,539783020,1819438935,-1878384284};

    G B

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 099

    Seg fault on my system. – MD XF – 8 years ago

    Works on Ubuntiu 16.04.04 using gcc 5.4.0 – G B – 8 years ago


    8th, 16 17 bytes

    "Hello, World!" .

    Push the string on TOS. Then print the item on stack with .

    Chaos Manor

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 521

    With version 17.01 of 8th a bug has been fixed. Therefore a space before . is strictly required. – Chaos Manor – 8 years ago


    QBIC, 3 bytes


    QBIC has a built-in specifically for this purpose, it was kind of a test to see how this sort of function-calls would look in QBIC source and how the QBasic interpreter would need to handle this. For those who frown upon built-ins:

    ?@Hello, World!

    15 bytes, still not bad. QBIC needs string literals to be closed by a ` (backtick), and auto-closes literals at End-Of-File.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 772


    Minkolang v.0.9, 18 bytes

    "Hello, World!"$O.

    Try it online! The v.0.1 answer seems to no longer, so it makes sense to post an answer in the most recent version.

    "Hello, World!"$O.
    "Hello, World!"     Push these chars to the stack
                   $O   output all these characters
                     .  terminate the program

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    C++, 54 bytes

    main(){std::cout<<"Hello, World!";}

    Try Me Online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21

    #include<cstdlib> main(){puts("Hello, World!");} is shorter and still C++ (newline after include, not space) – NieDzejkob – 8 years ago

    You can save a byte by removing the space between #include and <iostream>. i.e. #include<iostream> instead of #include <iostream> – Elronnd – 8 years ago

    There are so many better ways to do this. – MD XF – 8 years ago


    SQLite, 22 bytes

    select"Hello, World!";

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 585


    Changeling, 90 bytes

    "" "Tr4r[
    "" #!&...

    Try it online!


    Changeling is a particularly cumbersome encoding of ShapeScript, designed to make it more difficult to program in and forcing certain geometric shape upon the source code. Both were designed for Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable. I got a little nostalgic when TIO surpassed 200 languages, so since ShapeScript was the very first language on TIO, I decided to add Changeling as the 201st.

    All Changeling programs have to form a square of printable ASCII characters. Each line of that square independently creates a bit of ShapeScript code, and the concatenation of these code snippets are evaluated as a ShapeScript program.

    Each line begins with an accumulator of 0. For each character c of the line (including the trailing linefeed), the code point of c is XORed with the accumulator divided by 2, and the Unicode character that corresponds to the resulting code point is appended to the source code. Then, the difference between the code point of c and the integer 32 is added to the accumulator, and the next character of the line (if any) is processed.

    The resulting program must contain only valid ShapeScript statements or it will not run at all. Exceptions are caught and error messages are replaced with cryptic complaints.

    How it works (WIP)

    The standard Hello World program in ShapeScript is simply

    "Hello, World!"

    However, no Changeling program can encode this exact program.

    Since the accumulator is initially 0 on each line, modeling the characters at the beginning of each line into something useful is comparatively easy. The remainder of the line can be enclosed in a string (which is later popped) to avoid syntax errors in the resulting ShapeScript code.

    "#" Wor""

    can be generated by

    "" "Tr4r[
    "" #!&

    which, by itself, is not a valid Changeling program yet, as its source code is not a square. That's easily fixed by adding characters though, but some care has to be taken not to end the strings started by each trailing " in the ShapeScript program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    JSFuck, 22948 bytes



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11

    1Welcome to PPCG! All answers on [tag:code-golf] questions such as this one must include their length in their header; I've edited this in for you. – ETHproductions – 8 years ago


    D, 55 53 52 bytes

    import std.stdio;void main(){"Hello, World!".write;}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 101

    1You can save 2 bytes, by removing \n – Khaled.K – 8 years ago

    1Capitalization is important. (i.e. change world to World). And won't "Hello, World!".write work? – Zacharý – 8 years ago


    Crayon, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"q

    Try it online!

    Crayon is a stack-based golfing language designed to be good at ASCII-art challenges. Instead of the traditional one-line-at-a-time output format, Crayon writes to a 2D "canvas" of characters, which is sent to STDOUT at the end of the program. The q command writes the top item directly onto the canvas.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    Graphic 154 bytes

    x=72 printa(x) y=101 printa(y) y+7 y+3 x-28 x-12 x+55 + y-6 y-8 x-54 +
    2 0 0 13 7 8 9 0
    4 9 5 6 0 0 0 5 10 11 12
    1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3

    There is a trailing newline

    This language is based off of a directed graph. The first line is the list of nodes, each consisting of a single command. The following n lines are the links between nodes on the graph.


    The first line initializes the nodes as 0: x=72 1: printa(x) 2: y=101 3: printa(y) 4: y+7 5: y+3 6: x-28 7: x-12 8: x+55 9: + 10:y-6 11:y-8 12:x-54 13:+

    The program starts with a direction value of 0 at node 0.

    x=72 go to node 1

    Print character represented by x go to node 2

    y=101 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 4

    Add 7 to y go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 5

    Add 3 to y go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 6

    Subtract 28 from x go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 1

    Print character represented by x go to node 7

    Subtract 12 from x go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 1

    Print character represented by x go to node 8

    Add 55 to x go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 1

    Print character represented by x go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 5

    Add 3 to y go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 10

    Subtract 6 from y go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 11

    Subtract 8 from y go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 3

    Print character represented by y go to node 12

    Subtract 54 from x go to node 9

    Increment direction by 1 go to node 1

    Print character represented by x go to node 13

    End program


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 166


    √ å ı ¥ ® Ï Ø ¿ , 2 bytes

    H  › Push the string "Hello, World!" to the stack
     W › Output the whole stack as Unicode interpretations

    Yes it's that basic...

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    ASP / VBSCRIPT, 13 bytes

    Another boring answer!

    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 24 623


    ~~~, 2200 bytes


    Yet another brainfuck-esque language. This uses UTF-32 encoding

    ~ adds one to the value

    ¬ outputs the value mod 127

    - move forward along the tape

    _ move back along the tape

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702

    @ovs "This uses UTF-32 encoding" – Fund Monica's Lawsuit – 8 years ago

    This is not a programming language. – Esolanging Fruit – 8 years ago


    shortC, 26 21 19 16 bytes

    AR"Hello, World!

    Just to showcase the language.

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605



    Interpreter provided by @ETHProductions

    Read this for a full list of commands.


    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702

    Sorry, not a language :( – Esolanging Fruit – 8 years ago

    @Challenger5 kolmogorov-complexity challenge. Doesn't have to be – caird coinheringaahing – 8 years ago

    Oh yeah, that's true. Never mind. – Esolanging Fruit – 8 years ago


    2Col, 2 bytes


    Hooray, another boring answer using a Hello world builtin.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 656

    Does this print Hello, World! exactly or some variant of it? – Beta Decay – 8 years ago

    @BetaDecay prints it exactly, followed by a trailing newline – Skidsdev – 8 years ago

    Oh nice. A few answers have had built ins which don't print it correctly – Beta Decay – 8 years ago

    1The general convention when it comes to hello world programs is Hello, World! so I made HW do exactly that. Of course I'm screwed if somebody asks me to print Hello World! or Hello World – Skidsdev – 8 years ago

    Can we get a link to more information about 2Col? [Edit: Nevermind I found the GitHub repo. https://github.com/gunnerwolf/2col] – 3D1T0R – 7 years ago

    @3D1T0R the title of the answer is also a link to the github. It's a dead language because it comes from the period where I was trying out new language ideas for the heck of it, most of which were quickly dropped. – Skidsdev – 7 years ago

    @3D1T0R oh I didn't see that you made the edit, my bad :P – Skidsdev – 7 years ago

    @Mayube: No problem. – 3D1T0R – 7 years ago


    Packed Pyth, 13 bytes


    0000000: 4523 2ecd 9bd6 20af bf96 cc88 40         E#.... .....@

    Packed Pyth is Pyth with a 7-bit ASCII encoding.

    This Pyth program:

    "Hello, World

    Gets packed into this Packed Pyth program:

    E#.͛� ���̈@

    To create the file:

    $ echo -n '"Hello, World!' > hello.pyth
    $ py ../pyth/packed-pyth.py -p hello.pyth hello.ppyth

    To run it:

    $ py ../pyth/packed-pyth.py hello.ppyth 
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 39 268

    Probably the best and most ultimate ever golfing language using only printable ASCII and newlines, now packed! – Erik the Outgolfer – 8 years ago


    Noether, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"P

    Try it here!

    Noether is basically a stack-based, Reverse Polish Notation version of Fourier. Plans for this language include overloaded functions and string functions.

    Noether is named after the pioneering mathematician Emmy Noether.


    "Hello, World!" - Push the string "Hello, World!" to the stack
    P               - Print the item on the top of the stack

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478


    Python 1, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 425

    This is a duplicate of a previous answer... I'll find it – Beta Decay – 8 years ago

    5To any delete-voters, this is a valid answer in a language that hasn't yet been used. It is no longer a duplicate to the two pointed out by ETHproductions. It may not be particularly interesting, but that is no reason to delete this answer. – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago


    Decimal, 48 bytes


    This uses only two commands:

    • 13 - push a STRING
    • 301 - print from stack to output

    On the date of posting, Decimal has another Hello World that's a bit more boring:


    According to the README:

    Decimal, also called 09D, is an esoteric stack-based programming language that uses the characters 0 through 9 and D. Any other characters in the source code are simply printed.

    But spaces and newlines are ignored, because those often fallthrough from comments and commands, adding the necessity for the 13032301. (I need to update the README.)

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605


    Neim, 16 bytes

    (Hello, World!)B

    Try here

    Made possible thanks to (partial) BigInteger support.

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    Plain English 901 308 bytes:

    To run:
    Start up.
    Put "Hello, World!" in a b buffer.
    Call "kernel32.dll" "GetStdHandle" with -11 returning a h number.
    Call "kernel32.dll" "WriteFile" with the h
    and the b's first and the b's length
    and a r number's whereabouts and 0 returning the r.
    Call "kernel32.dll" "CloseHandle" with the h.
    Shut down.

    ungolfed, with comments and error traps:

    To run:
      Start up.
      Put "Hello, World!" in a buffer.
      Write the buffer to stdout.
      Shut down.
    To write a buffer to stdout:
      Clear the i/o error.
      Get stdout returning a standard handle.
      If the i/o error is not blank, exit.
      Call "kernel32.dll" "WriteFile" with the standard handle
        and the buffer's first and the buffer's length
        and a number's whereabouts and 0 returning the number.
      Call "kernel32.dll" "CloseHandle" with the standard handle.
      If the number is not 0, exit.
      Put "Error writing to the standard error stream." into the i/o error.
    To get stdout returning a standard handle:
      \ std_input_handle = -10; std_output_handle = -11
      Call "kernel32.dll" "GetStdHandle"
        with -11 [std_output_handle]
        returning the standard handle.
      If the standard handle is -1 [invalid_handle_value],
        put "Error opening the standard output stream." into the i/o error; exit.

    The Plain English IDE is available at github.com/Folds/english. The IDE runs on Windows. It compiles to 32-bit x86 code.

    Write a buffer to stdout and Get stdout returning a standard handle seem like good candidates for adding to Plain English's library. Similar routines already exist for stderr.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 409

    Seems like a very interesting language, but very verbose. Wow! – Neil A. – 8 years ago

    Is there a character I am missing? It shows up as 307/899 bytes for me, respectively – Neil A. – 8 years ago

    @NeilA. - Your counts are probably correct. I estimated the byte counts by adding up the (1-based) indexes of the character positions after the last character on each line. It is likely that this process resulted in an extra character being counted after the last line. This process also assumes that the lines can be separated using one byte (such as a space or line feed) instead of the actual two-byte CRLF that is used when the editor saves the file. But since Plain English is designed to successfully compile the file if the CRLFs were replaced by spaces, the latter issue is not a problem. – Jasper – 8 years ago

    @NeilA. -- My first stab at the problem was much shorter (about 76 bytes), but it launched a complete CGI environment and output to that environment's stdout. This version outputs in the stdout that the user starts in. If I make Plain English treat stdout as nicely as it treats stderr, this version can be shortened to about 88 bytes. – Jasper – 8 years ago

    @programmer5000 -- According to the rules of this challenge, "The program must not write anything to STDERR." – Jasper – 8 years ago


    cQuents, 15 bytes

    Hello, World!?0

    Try it online!


    Hello, World!    Literal "Hello, World!"
                 ?   Mode ? (query)
                  0  Necessary for interpreter
                     Because there is no input for query mode, only print literals


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 12 293


    @, 2 bytes

    The language is made of a tree of function calls. Each character (with some exceptions) represents a function that may take as many or few arguments as it likes. Arguments are then read from directly after it in the code.


    The ħ builtin returns the string "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11


    nouse, 321 bytes

    I can't figure out from the spec how to specify operands in Line Noise syntax. If anyone knows please comment.

    Here is the Assembly syntax version:

    cut 0,72,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,101,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,108,write 0,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,111,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,44,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,32,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,87,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,111,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,114,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,108,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,100,write 0,paste 0
    cut 0,33,write 0,paste 0
    swap 0

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    Aheui, 147 144 bytes



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 31


    Ly, 19 18 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"[o]

    First submission in my new language!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 313


    Positron, 21 bytes

    print@"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Just to get this out there :)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 26 575


    Emmental, 68 bytes


    From the esolangs.org page.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203

    57 bytes – ASCII-only – 8 years ago


    HTML & JS (w/ jQuery), 85 bytes

    <b><script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"><script>$("b").html("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203


    Caker, 294 bytes


    Looks like alot of zeros...


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203


    Dreaderef, 31 bytes

    This file contains unprintables. Here is a reversible hexdump created with xxd:

    00000000: 2206 4806 6506 6c06 6c06 6f06 2c06 2006  ".H.e.l.l.o.,. .
    00000010: 5706 6f06 7206 6c06 6406 2106 5c6e 22    W.o.r.l.d.!.\n"

    Try it online!

    How does it work?

    The reason this file is so unreadable is because it makes use of string literals to golf the code. The preprocessor expands string literals into their respective character values. The actual numbers this represents are:

    6 72 6 101 6 108 6 108 6 111 6 44 6 32 6 87 6 111 6 114 6 108 6 100 6 33 6 10

    6 is the command associated with chro (char output). So this code looks like this:

    chro 72
    chro 101
    chro 108
    chro 108
    chro 111
    chro 44
    chro 32
    chro 87
    chro 111
    chro 114
    chro 108
    chro 100
    chro 33
    chro 10

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542


    JoshScript, 596 bytes


    JoshScript is an esoteric language that is made up entirely of joshes.

    JoshScript is pretty easy to learn, below is the usage of JoshScript v1.01

    JOSH increases the value by 1

    josh decreases the value by 1

    Josh multiplies the value by 2

    josH divides the value by 2 and rounds down to the nearest integer

    JOsh outputs the current value

    joSH takes input and sets the value to the ascii repr. of the char

    im not josh-obsessed i promise


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 021


    PATH, 113 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    BrainFlump, 362 bytes


    Try it online!

    Should be shorter once we fix loops, but that's it for now.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 656


    Bitwise, 149 bytes

    MOV 1 &1 &1
    OUT &72 1
    OUT &101 1
    OUT &108 1
    OUT &108 1
    OUT &111 1
    OUT &44 1
    OUT &32 1
    OUT &87 1
    OUT &111 1
    OUT &114 1
    OUT &108 1
    OUT &100 1
    OUT &33 1

    Pretty simple - just prints integer literals (&x) as ASCII characters. MOV 1 &1 &1 sets the 1st register to 1, so that each line can save 1 byte (using 1 instead of &1). The second variable to OUT is not optional. If the second variable (register/frame register/literal) is true, the character will be printed, otherwise it will not.

    Try it online!

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605


    Nhohnhehr, 181 bytes

    |00001  @  \|

    Try it online!

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    Archway2, 182 bytes

      \    \
    ++++++++/                         /

    Try it online!

    This program was derived from the Hello, World! program that I wrote for TIO. I realized that the code not inside the sub-loops can be aligned with the code inside the sub-loops removing some redundant direction changing. Unrolling the loop consisting of only a < to <<<< saves many bytes by not requiring the spaces to support the positioning of the reflectors. Flipping the main loop to go around the bottom of the program instead of the top allows the first few instructions of the main loop to be put on its own line while still being reachable from the start of the program. This lets us move the sub-loop closer to the edge of the program saving bytes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 835


    Symbolic Python, 200 bytes

    Managed to cut down 16 bytes from my original example on the wiki. Note that the unprintable on line two is \xc2\x8d.

    This can definitely be shorter, but it took me long enough. I'll come back to it another time.

    __,_=___+__[-~_]+__[_]*-~_+__[_>_]+', '+___+__[_>_]+`_`[_]+__[-~_-_]+__[~_]+'!',-~-~_

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 242

    1Cool, but JSF*ck is better. – Cyoce – 7 years ago


    Excel VBA, 15 Bytes

    Anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes no input and outputs Hello, World! to the VBE immediate window.

    ?"Hello, World!

    Taylor Scott

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 709


    Verbosity, 382 bytes

    String:DefineVariable<s;"Hello, World!">
    DefineMain<> [

    Try it online!


    Integer:DefineVariable<one; 1>
    Output:DefineVariable<STDOUT; 0>
    String:DefineVariable<string; "Hello, World!">
    String:RedefineVariable<string; String:RemoveCharactersFromStart<string; one>>
    String:RedefineVariable<string; String:TakeFirstCharacters<string; one>>
    Output:DisplayAsText<STDOUT; string>
    DefineMain<> [

    Try it online!

    I proudly present yet another language: Verbosity. Who needs to be good at code golfs, when you have a language like this?

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702

    I'm somewhat impressed at how it manages to error out on all my attempts to "obviously" shorten it. – Ørjan Johansen – 7 years ago


    face, 41 bytes

    (Hello, World!


    (...)   comment, skipped over by interpreter but used to embed string in source
    \$*     assign $ to a pointer to the source code and * to a pointer to the IP
    m%*     malloc space for %, a variable which will be used to store the length
    7%+%%%  set % to 14 in a roundabout way (% = 7, % += %), the length of the string
    ,c'$,i  step into char mode to increment $, setting the start of the string
    oo      set o to stdout
    w%$%o   fwrite(str, 14, stdout), throwing the return value into %

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 68 138


    Pyt, 40 39 bytes



    89*                                                  Pushes 72 ('H')
       2ᴇ⁺                                               Pushes 101 ('e')
          Đ7+                                            Duplicates 101, then adds 7 ('l')
             Đ                                           Duplicates 108 ('l')
               Đ3+                                       Duplicates 108, then adds 3 ('o')
                  5⬡⁻                                   Pushes 44 (',')
                      2⁵                                 Pushes 32 (' ')
                        9²6+                             Pushes 87 ('W')
                            Đ4!+                         Duplicates 87, then adds 24 ('o')
                                Đ3+                      Duplicates 111, then adds 3 ('r')
                                   Đ6-                   Duplicates 114, then subtracts 6 ('l')
                                      2ᴇ                 Pushes 100 ('d')
                                        Đ₃               Duplicates 100, then divides by 3 (Python 2-style integer division)
                                          á              Replaces the stack with an array containing the stack's contents
                                           Ƈ             Cast to unicode characters
                                            ǰ            Join strings
                                                         Implicit print

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 833


    Ace, 1 byte


    Try it online!

    This is a golfing language I am currently in the process of making, so I thought I'd post it here. It's based on Aceto. I wasn't quite satisfied with what Aceto had to offer but I really liked using it so I decided I'd make my own language and include more builtins and NOT RUN THE IP ON A HILBERT CURVE. It currently has ~30 commands and I am improving it every day. I plan to get it officially on TIO by August 2018


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 425


    Clean, 30 bytes

    module m
    Start="Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    TIO link is 3 bytes longer to match TIOs file name: main.icl


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 916


    Rust, 34 bytes

    fn main(){print!("Hello, World!")}

    Short, Sweet, and simple.

    I do not believe it's possible to make this program any smaller. If someone does, congratulations.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 693


    This has already been done, and with less bytes (actually, it's the exact same submission, but you miscounted here).

    – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago

    Nice to know. I'm new enough that I don't know if a search function exists for searching the answers (If one does, i can't find it) – moonheart08 – 7 years ago

    Some challenges, including this one, have a Javascript leaderboard snippet included in the question. (When there isn't, I don't know how to search well either.) – Ørjan Johansen – 7 years ago


    @ØrjanJohansen Searching for "Rust" answers on this question seems to work.

    – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago


    Ook!, 1426 bytes

    Ook! is a joke esoteric programming language created by David Morgan-Mar. It is identical to Brainfuck, except that the instructions are changed into Orangutan words. It represents the first, although unfortunately not the last, in a long line of trivial Brainfuck command substitutions. As such, it is a member of the TrivialBrainfuckSubstitution family of programming languages.

    Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook.
    Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook?
    Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook.
    Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook? Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook.
    Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.
    Ook! Ook. Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook.
    Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook!
    Ook! Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook! Ook.

    Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 9 639


    Apparently there is already a shorter Ook! answer for this challenge, based on the shortest Brainfuck answer. :) Welcome to PPCG, though!

    – Kevin Cruijssen – 7 years ago


    NEUPL, 14 bytes

    "!dlrow ,olleH

    Try it online


    "!dlrow ,olleH
    "               Begin pushing characters to the stack.
     !              Push the character "!" to the stack.
      d             Push the character "d" to the stack.
       l            Push the character "l" to the stack.
        r           Push the character "r" to the stack.
         o          Push the character "o" to the stack.
          w         Push the character "w" to the stack.
                    Push the character " " to the stack.
            ,       Push the character "," to the stack.
             o      Push the character "o" to the stack.
              l     Push the character "l" to the stack.
               l    Push the character "l" to the stack.
                e   Push the character "e" to the stack.
                 H  Push the character "H" to the stack.
                    Implicitly stop pushing characters to the stack.
                    Implicitly pop and print each character in the stack.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 592


    R16K1S60 Assembly, 56 Bytes

    mov bx, .b
    mov ax, [bx]
    send 4, ax
    add bx, 1
    cmp bx, .c
    jne .l
    jmp .h
    .b: dw "Hello, World!"
    .c: dw 14

    Writes output to screen peripheral the R16K1S60 in ASCII. Runs on The Powder Toy save 2012356. (See link in header for info)

    Note: How exactly should this be scored? I'm assuming just score the size of the ASM.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 693

    The link is a 404. I'd score the length of the resulting machine code, if that's a thing. – NieDzejkob – 7 years ago

    I'll try and get the length. I'll also fix the link. – moonheart08 – 7 years ago

    Code is 56 bytes compiled. I'll fix the byte count. However, i'm afraid a hexdump is beyond my reach at the moment, i don't know how the R16K1S60 encodes instructions on FILT, only that it uses 16 of the 48 available bits for it's word. – moonheart08 – 7 years ago


    Momema, 63 bytes


    Try it online!

    This is a golfed version of the Hello World program given by TIO. The only difference is that we store the value -9 (the cell which is memory-mapped for character-based I/O) in cell 0, and then use *0 (the value of cell 0) instead of -9 everywhere. This wouldn't save bytes except that Momema will parse a leading 0 on a string literal as a separate number, so you can write e.g. *0108 instead of -9 108. This saves a byte for every write.

    As hinted above, the program consists of a series of writes of various codepoints to -9 (the address which is memory-mapped to perform character-based I/O). In ungolfed form, it looks like:

    0   -9
    *0  72
    *0  101
    *0  108
    *0  108
    *0  111
    *0  44
    *0  32
    *0  87
    *0  111
    *0  114
    *0  108
    *0  100
    *0  33

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542


    Crayon, 16 Bytes

    "Hello, World!"q

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 99

    2Welcome to PPCG! – Martin Ender – 7 years ago


    Felix, 21 bytes

    print"Hello, World!";

    Try it online!

    Somebody linked to this language on PPCG and I thought it was interesting. In the interest of getting to know the language, I thought I'd write some programs in it.

    The Felix docs all use print$ x instead of print x because print is a procedure and not a keyword, so use of the Haskell-style low-precedence application operator $ allows a slightly more natural syntax (compare print (1 + foo(5)); with print$ 1 + foo(5);. I'm not sure I agree completely with this, but it's just a convention and as I'm on PPCG I can break it without feeling guilty.

    print is Felix's function to output something, with no trailing newline.

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542


    rk, 22 + 2 (-e) = 24 bytes

    print: "Hello, World!"

    Requires the -e flag (remove necessity for rk:start). Try it online!

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605


    Brat, 17 bytes

    p "Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Mr. Xcoder

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 39 774


    Dreaderef, 42 bytes

    "??	?\r?0"-1"Hello, World!\n"

    Try it online! This file contains unprintables. Hexdump:

    00000000: 2201 1004 013f 0704 3f09 3f07 5c72 063f  "....?..?.?.\r.?
    00000010: 0201 1510 0130 222d 3122 4865 6c6c 6f2c  .....0"-1"Hello,
    00000020: 2057 6f72 6c64 215c 6e22                  World!\n"

    There already is a Dreaderef submission, but this uses a different approach (looping through memory rather than printing out each character directly).


    ; Dereference the string pointer
    0.  deref 16 4
    ; End the program if the value pointed to is zero
    3.  deref ? 7
    6.  bool ? 9
    9.  ? 7 13 ; Black magic
    12. chro ?
    ; Increment the string pointer
    14. add 1 21 16
    ; Go back to the beginning
    18. deref 100 -1
    21. "Hello, World!\n"

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542


    Reflections, 41 bytes

    _Hello, World!;#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_

    Test it!


    1. The _ at (0|0) pushes my source to the stack.
    2. Hello, World! consists of no-ops
    3. ; pops the first character.
    4. 13 times #_:
      1. # redefines (0|0)
      2. _ at (1|0) prints a character


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 089


    MachineCode on x86_64, 125 bytes


    Requires string output via the s flag. Try it online!

    This language works like so:

    • The first line is machine code. This is translated to a C function.
    • The second line is C code. It specifies the arguments to the function created in line 1.
    • A command-line argument specifies how the function's return value is used.

    So, the machine code is equivalent to:

    char *a(char *s) {
        s[0]='H'; s[1]='e'; s[2]=s[3]='l'; s[4]='o'; s[5]=','; s[6]=' '; s[7]='W'; s[8]='o'; s[9]='r'; s[10]='l'; s[11]='d'; s[12]='!'; s[13]=0;
        return s;

    I generated the machine code via my C lambda script.

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605


    DipDup, 15 bytes

    [Hello, World!]

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988


    QUARK, 46 bytes

    33 100^8+^6+^3−87 32 44 111^3−^^7−72›I

    Sets up the numbers in reverse order, with quick number twiddling used for the lowercase characters, as they are quite close together.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 693


    Dirty, 16 bytes

    'Hello, World!'‼

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 916


    R16K1S60, 42 40 bytes


    C301 000D 0001 5180 2C20 A539 0008 5100 C589 00FF 4701 0003 1000 4865 6C6C 6F2C 2057 6F72 6C64 2100


    [C301 000D] mov sp,hello ;set the stack pointer to the start of the message
    [0001     ] dw 1 ;do nothing + skip next instruction
        [5180] send 0,cx ;output cx (skipped the first time)
        [2C20] pop bx ;read a value into register bx
        [A539 0008] shr bx,cx,8 ;copy bx into cx, shift bx 8 bits to the right
        [5100] send 0,bx ;output bx
        [C589 00FF] @flags and cx,0xFF ;get the lower 8 bits of cx
    [4701 0003] jnz loop ;repeat if cx is not 0
    [1000] hlt ;end
        [4865 6C6C 6F2C 2057 6F72 6C64 2100] db "Hello, World!" ;byte data


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 110


    MachineCode, 68 62 bytes


    Credit to ceilingcat for finding this (and for the language inspiration). Try it online!

    Here's a hacky version that isn't true machine code but works with my language.

    MachineCode, 54 bytes


    Abuses the current compiler's parser. Try it online!

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 371


    Shakespeare Programming Language, 926 835 bytes

    Thanks to @JoKing for -91!

    CW'd. At present, the only SPL answer is completely ungolfed and has been so despite comments from last June, so I thought I'd post the RosetTIO answer (with modifications). I couldn't figure out the original author (perhaps this GH user? Who's that on SE?); if this is your work, I'll happily delete (or ask a mod to transfer post ownership and un-CW or something).

    a.Ajax,.Puck,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Enter Ajax and Puck]Ajax:You big big big cat!Puck:You is the sum of I the square of I!Speak mind!You is the sum of you twice twice I!Ajax:You is the sum of a big cat a cat!Puck:You is the difference between you I!Speak mind!You is the sum of the sum of you I a big big cat!Speak mind!Speak mind!You is the sum of you I!Speak mind!Ajax:You big big big big big cat!You is the sum of the sum of you a big big big cat a big big cat!Speak mind!You big big big big big cat!Speak mind!You is the sum of the difference between I you a big big big cat!Speak mind!You is the sum of a big cat a cat!Puck:Speak mind!You is the sum of you I!Speak mind!You is the difference between you twice I!Speak mind!You is the sum of you a big big big pig!Speak mind!You is the sum of a cat a big big big big big cat!Speak mind!

    Try it online! 46 warnings, but it does what it needs to do and sounds like Shakespeare[citation needed]. Yay.

    I wrote none of this; I merely removed from the RosetTIO program some unnecessary stuff. I outgolfed nothing (just shortened), so this is not eligible for that one bounty.


    • [Exeunt] at the end removed
    • Linebreaks removed
    • thy in Speak thy mind! removed
    • as big as in You is as big as removed
    • and removed
    • myself and thyself replaced with I and you, respectively

    Khuldraeseth na'Barya

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 608

    as big as = is – Jo King – 7 years ago

    somebody1234 is me, but I'm pretty sure I basically stole it from somewhere else lol – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Attache, 21 bytes

    Print!"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Lorale 37 (36) bytes

    This is a language I am making. It shouldn't count as a loophole, as I am making this legitimately, but a hello world program requires you to pass this to the interpreter as args:

    ;Main{§vmain(){¶"Hello, world!"}};

    Alternatively, the program could be put into the semi-IDE as:

    Main{§vmain(){¶"Hello, world!"}};

    making it 36, not 37 bytes.

    Main{                                 Defines the main class
         §v                               Defines a void
           main(){                                       named main
                  ¶"Hello, world!";       Prints "Hello, world!"
                                  }};     Closes the main method and class


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 079

    I think that 36 is allowed. – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago


    Beatnik, 111 bytes

    k zzzzzzzzc k xx k x k d k k k zzxa k zzzzzzzzf xw k zd z xw xo k k k x xw k zk
    k zzzzzzzzzzxx qs z xo xw xj kd

    Try it online!

    Non-crashing version, 117 bytes

    k zzzc xw xw z k xx k x k d k k k zzxa k zzzzzzzzf xw k zd z xw xo k k k x xw k zk
    k zzzzzzzzzzxx qs z xo xw xj kd xo

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 34 042


    Subskin, 47 bytes


    Try it online!

    So Ruby allows negative indices.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 34 042


    IO, 20 Bytes

    "Hello, World!"print

    Other possibility, 21 22 Bytes

    write("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11


    Welcome to PPCG! You can add a TIO link so everybody can run your program easily.

    – ovs – 7 years ago

    You can do the same in 19 bytes by removing the space between the string and print.

    – ovs – 7 years ago

    I wasn't knowing about TIO. Thanks for the link – Mesabloo – 7 years ago

    @ovs that doesn't have a comma >_> – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    1@ASCII I put the comma and removed the space as suggested so that it's still 20 bytes – Mesabloo – 7 years ago


    Zig, 81 bytes

    pub fn main()!void{try(try@import("std").io.getStdOut()).write("Hello, World!");}

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 025

    This looks like an interesting language. The author appears to be aware of TIO! – Esolanging Fruit – 7 years ago


    BrainfuckSubstitutor, 65 bytes


    Based off KSab's Brainfuck answer.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 025


    tinyBF, 94 bytes


    Try it online!

    I noticed there wasn't a tinyBF answer here. This is based on Ksab's record-breaking brainfuck answer.

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234


    HadesLang, 20 19 bytes

    -1 byte thanks to Oliver

    out:'Hello, World!'


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 41

    Welcome to PPCG! The output should be Hello, World!, not Hello world!. Also, there's an escaped dot in your link; it is broken for me. – Dennis – 7 years ago

    Based on the docs, it looks like you can omit the brackets: out:'Hello, World!' – Oliver – 7 years ago

    Uppercase that w, and your answer will look valid :-) Also, welcome to PPCG, we're glad you're here! – Oliver – 7 years ago

    @Oliver Thanks! Will do! :) – Azeros – 7 years ago


    Thing, 37 bytes

    Pushes the characters to the stack one by one (the second "l" is made with duplication, saving 1 byte), then concatenates them.

    \!\d\l\r\o\W\ \,\o\ld\e\H++++++++++++

    Try it online!

    Windmill Cookies

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 601


    Q#, 43 bytes

    function H():String{return"Hello, World!";}

    Try it online!

    Might as well put it out there. Q# is Microsoft's programming language for quantum computers, not that there's anything quantum happening here.

    "Now hold on a moment! This isn't a complete program!"--You, probably.

    Well, it's not actually possible to write a complete program in Q#. You always have to call it from a different language. So I'm just submitting a "function", although note that while Q# is a .NET language, the function keyword actually defines a class and not a method, and the submission is equivalent to the following C# code:

    public class H : Operation<QVoid, String>, ICallable
        public H(IOperationFactory m) : base(m)
        String ICallable.Name => "H";
        String ICallable.FullName => "qsharp.H";
        public override Func<QVoid, String> Body => (__in) =>
            return "Hello, World!";
        public override void Init()
        public override IApplyData __dataIn(QVoid data) => data;
        public override IApplyData __dataOut(String data) => new QTuple<String>(data);
        public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<String> Run(IOperationFactory __m__)
            return __m__.Run<H, QVoid, String>(QVoid.Instance);

    You can use this link to "disassemble" Q#.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 585

    *transpile, not disassemble – ASCII-only – 6 years ago


    µ6, 25 bytes


    Try it online!


    Just apply the ASCII code-points to the pairing function , - strings/string-manipulation is not really the strength of µ6 (I guess nothing really is).


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 345


    ObCode, 68 bytes


    0000000: 9a62 c6c6 ca78 b665 a999 4ea9 5995 aa66  .b...x.e..N.Y..f
    0000010: 53a9 6363 6665 3958 d996 a539 6363 6565  S.ccfe9X...9ccee
    0000020: 6363 6656 5396 3636 3656 65a9 9594 ea8d  ccfVS.666Ve.....
    0000030: 9599 6aa5 6339 6395 9599 594e 5656 5665  ..j.c9c...YNVVVe
    0000040: aa99 94e5                                ....


    Unpacking the program gives the following object:


    Indented and commented, this gives:

    ( Start of main object
        (()) Define () (()) doing: (
            (()()) Save top stack value to register
            ((())()) ((())()) Push twice
            (()()(())) Concatenate
            This code will double an object
        ) ((()())())
        (()) (()()) Push 2
        () () Double it twice, producing 8
        (()) (()) Push 1
        (()()(())) Add: 8 + 1 = 9
        () () () Double thrice, producing 72
        (()()()) Output 72 = 'H'; Stack: empty
        (()) (()()()) Push 3
        () () () Double thrice, producing 24
        (()) (()) (()()(())) Add 1, producing 25
        () () Double twice, producing 100
        (()()) ((())()) ((())()) Duplicate and save to register
        (()) (()) (()()(())) Add 1, producing 101
        (()()()) Output 101 = 'e'; Stack: 100
        ((())()) Load 100 from register
        (()) (()()) Push 2
        () () Double twice, producing 8
        (()()(())) Add 100 + 8 = 108
        (()()) ((())()) ((())()) Duplicate and save to register
        (()()()) (()()()) Output both 108 = 'l'; Stack: 100
        ((())()) ((())()) Load 108 twice
        (()) (()()()) Push 3
        (()()(())) Add 108 + 3 = 111
        (()()) ((())()) ((())()) ((())()) Triplicate
        (()()()) Output 111 = 'o'; Stack: 100, 108, 111, 111
        (()) (()()) Push 2
        () () Double twice, producing 8
        (()) (()()()) Push 3
        (()()(())) Add 8 + 3 = 11
        () () () Double thrice, producing 88
        ((())()) Load 44, saved by the last doubling
        (()()()) Output 44 = ','; Stack: 100, 108, 111, 111, 88
        (()) (()()) Push 2
        () () () () Double four times, producing 32
        (()()()) Output 32 = ' '; Stack: 100, 108, 111, 111, 88
        ((())(())) Use 88 as new stack
        (()()) Load 1
        ((())) Exit the stack which is now 87
        (()()()) Output 87 = 'H'; Stack: 100, 108, 111, 111
        (()()()) Output 111 = 'o'; Stack: 100, 108, 111
        (()) (()()()) Push 3
        (()()(())) Add 111 + 3 = 114
        (()()()) Output 114 = 'r'; Stack: 100, 108
        (()()()) Output 108 = 'l'; Stack: 100
        (()()()) Output 100 = 'd'; Stack: empty
        (()) (()()) Push 2
        () () () () Double four times, producing 32
        (()) (()) Push 1
        (()()(())) Add 32 + 1 = 33
        (()()()) Output 33 = '!'
    ) End of main object


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 089

    I don't understand why anybody cares about this language .__. – Esolanging Fruit – 6 years ago


    ABC, 21 bytes

    WRITE "Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    ABC-assembler, 80 39 bytes

    .start s
     print "Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 916

    78? – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ASCII-only even shorter actually. – Οurous – 6 years ago

    1Haha, I almost got that :P where are the docs for this btw – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    @ASCII-only there's a paper here but there aren't really any.

    – Οurous – 6 years ago


    LC-3 object file, 36 bytes

    .ORIG x3000
    LEA R0, TEXT
    TRAP x22
    TEXT .STRINGZ "Hello, World!"

    This compiles to an object file:

    ibug@ubuntu:~ $ hexdump -Cv hello.obj
    00000000  30 00 e0 02 f0 22 f0 25  00 48 00 65 00 6c 00 6c  |0....".%.H.e.l.l|
    00000010  00 6f 00 2c 00 20 00 57  00 6f 00 72 00 6c 00 64  |.o.,. .W.o.r.l.d|
    00000020  00 21 00 00                                       |.!..|
    ibug@ubuntu:~ $ stat -c "%s" hello.obj
    ibug@ubuntu:~ $


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 477


    JVM bytecode (OpenJDK asmtools JASM), 235 bytes

    public class h {public static Method main:"([Ljava/lang/String;)V" stack 2 locals 1 {getstatic java/lang/System.out:"Ljava/io/PrintStream;";ldc "Hello, World!";invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream.println:"(Ljava/lang/String;)V";return;}}


    public class h {
        public static Method main:"([Ljava/lang/String;)V" stack 2 locals 1 {
            getstatic java/lang/System.out:"Ljava/io/PrintStream;";
            ldc "Hello, World!";
            invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream.println:"(Ljava/lang/String;)V";

    Pretty much the same thing as Jasmin, just with a different syntax.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 161

    I just found out about a static method sun.misc.MessageUtils.out from this answer. It does the same thing as System.out.println but should work out to be substantially shorter because it's a static call rather than virtual call.

    – ankh-morpork – 6 years ago


    JS (Windows Script Host), 25 bytes

    WSH.Echo("Hello, World!")

    I don't know if someone did already post Windows Script Host JS.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 61

    1Different languages should usually go in separate answers. Especially in challenges like this one which has an automatic leaderboard - only your first language shows up there. – Ørjan Johansen – 6 years ago


    VBS (Windows Script Host), 26 bytes

    WScript.Echo "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 61


    VTL-2, 21 bytes

    1 ?="Hello, World!"

    ? is the I/O system variable in VTL-2. Byte count may seem off, but line numbers are always two bytes, and the CR at the end of the line is mandatory and counted. Space between line numbers and commands is also mandatory.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 291


    Keg, 15 bytes

    Hello\, world\!

    Keg pushes all of the unrecognized commands onto the stack (with , and ! escaped). After the program terminates, it prints the content of the stack.


    Posted 10 years ago


    Now I feel bad. – None – 6 years ago


    anyfix, 14 bytes

    “Hello, World!”

    Simply the string, pushed onto the stack. Really boring.

    (By the way, just use postfix for all operators in anyfix; this leads to the least confusion compared to infix modes and prefix modes, and anyfix is the easiest to understand in the postfix mode.)



    Posted 10 years ago



    Simula (cim), 24 bytes

    OutText("Hello, World!")

    Try it online!

    Over 750 answers and we can still find languages not yet submitted. Wowsers.

    Reinstate Monica

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 382



    Since Advent of Code will inevitably be adding more features to Intcode as this year's event progresses, I'll just treat the separate revisions as different languages, and add to this if a new one makes it shorter.

    Day 2, N/A Bytes

    Having no real way of outputting multiple values yet, the version in day 2 can't do a proper Hello World.

    There is technically this 42-byte solution, but it feels like cheating because I'm pretty sure no interpreter can run it:


    This program copies that really long number to memory location 0 (which counts as output) and then halts. The really long number happens to be Hello, World! when read in bigendian form as a string.

    Day 5, 89 Bytes

    In day 5, dedicated I/O instructions are added, so a proper Hello World is possible. The ability to use immediate values doesn't hurt either.



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 334


    Java, 82 bytes:

    class Main{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 25

    1@JoKing I think it's intended to be some kind of proof of the length - "look, it really is 82 bytes!" - but of course you could trivially verify the byte count by copy-pasting it into a text editor, so I agree that it's unnecessary. – F1Krazy – 5 years ago


    Wren, 29 bytes

    System.print("Hello, World!")

    Try it online!


    System.print(               ) // Output the following string:
                 "Hello, World!"  // "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago



    W d, 12 10 bytes (SBCS)



    This program is a compressed program. After decompression this becomes:


    After string-decompression:

    Hello, World!"

    After quote auto-completion:

    "Hello, World!"

    After which it is implicitly output.


    Posted 10 years ago



    Intcode, 83 72 70 bytes


    Try it online!

    Old 83 byte version:



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 987

    Consider a TIO link using your own interpreter for now? like so

    – Value Ink – 5 years ago

    @ValueInk Done. – pppery – 5 years ago


    Ral, 103 bytes

    What better way to introduce a new language than by posting the 768th "Hello, World!"?

    Hand-made code, can probably be improved a lot.


    Try it online!

    Herman L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 611


    Spice, 20 bytes

    @OUT "Hello, World!"


    Should be pretty straight forward what's happening, but we use some undefined behaviour to shave off 2 bytes (interpreter version, which is current at time of submission). The program should read:

    OUT "Hello, World!";

    as per the spec, but we drop the ; as we only have one instruction and don't need to define an instruction separator, and so also have no trailing ; at the end.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 71


    Symbolic Raku, 34 bytes

    $_='(%,,/ @)/),$!'~^'`@@@@`~@[@@'

    Try it online!

    My newest language, though it's not too original. This is inspired by FlipTack's Symbolic Python, which bans the use of alphanumeric characters, but otherwise executes as Python code. In this case, I've used the language Raku (previously known as Perl 6), which takes input through the $_ and similarly outputs it's contents at the end of execution. Symbolic Raku does not have an extra eval operator like Symbolic Python, but it is still Turing complete through the other operators and symbols that Raku provides.

    In this case, we use the string xor operator (~^), which takes two strings to produce the string Hello, World!, which is obviously banned from hardcoding because it contains letters. A shortcut for producing these strings is included in the reference implementation through the -g=string flag. Currently, this is not yet on TIO, so the link goes to the Raku language instead.

    Jo King

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 234


    tq, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Pretty much just defines a list with the only item as the string "Hello, World!".


    Posted 10 years ago



    Algoid, 28 bytes

    text.output("Hello, World!")

    Now that's just boring in such a fun language... Here's a slightly longer version, let's get some colours going for 104 bytes:

    algo.text("Hello, World!")

    See the output here

    Okay I've finished for the day now :)

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478


    F#, 21 bytes

    printf"Hello, World!"

    Thanks for the comment @LegionMammal978!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 542

    5This can be shortened to printf"Hello, World!" for a 21-byte solution. – LegionMammal978 – 10 years ago


    C++, 59 bytes

    #include <iostream>
    int main(){std::cout<<"Hello, World!";}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 855

    Isn't the newline optional? – jrich – 10 years ago

    @UndefinedFunction try it. It will not work without a new line – georgeunix – 10 years ago

    Isn't printf smaller? #include <cstdio>? – georgeunix – 10 years ago

    1@georgeunix My comment referred to a previous version, in which it read cout<<"Hello, World!\n". The \n was removed, since a newline was not required after the output. – jrich – 10 years ago

    Oh OK, sorry for that @UndefinedFunction – georgeunix – 10 years ago

    @LegionMammal978 no – TheNumberOne – 10 years ago


    Stackstack, 20 Bytes

    This is a stack-based language not focused on golfing! Looks similar to Forth, and was made two years ago.

    "Hello, World!"print


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 463


    STATA, 17 bytes

    di"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 114


    Enema, 21 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"[DZBO]

    How it works

    "!dlroW ,olleH" Push those characters (including a null byte) on the stack.
    [               Infinite loop:
      D               Duplicate the topmost element on the stack.
      Z               If it is non-zero, skip the next instruction.
        B             Break out of the loop.
      O             Output as a character.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Matlab / Octave 21 20 bytes

    21 bytes:

    disp 'Hello, World!'

    Try it on ideone (using Octave).

    Note that removing disp is not acceptable, as the output would be ans = Hello, World!.

    20 bytes:

    !echo Hello, World!

    This works for Matlab on Windows, Linux or Mac.

    Luis Mendo

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 87 464

    1disp"Hello, World!" is shorter. – kvill – 10 years ago

    1@kvill Thanks! But that doesn't work in Matlab. I'll leave that to you to write an Octave answer, and I'll remove the "Octave" language from mine – Luis Mendo – 10 years ago

    Hm, I thought they shared more syntax and I had no matlab available for testing. Good to know! – kvill – 10 years ago


    dc, 16 bytes

    [Hello, World!]p

    I can't think of any way to get this one shorter.

    Digital Trauma

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 64 644


    Element, 17 bytes

    Hello\,\ World\!`

    The ` outputs the string, while the \s are used to escape out of other characters.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 26 739


    FALSE, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 210


    Vimscript, 17 bytes

    ec"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 553

    You can remove the colon to save one byte ;) – wefwefa3 – 10 years ago


    Io, 21 bytes

    "Hello, World!" write


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 169

    This Io (TIO) seems to have print, but not write. Is this another language with the same name? – Dennis – 7 years ago

    @Dennis It appears to have write, but it appears to write to some mysterious location/file/somewhere else instead of STDOUT – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Objective-C, 30 bytes

    main(){puts("Hello, World!");}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Ada (GNAT), 54 bytes

    procedure gnat.io.a is begin put("Hello, World!");end;

    This trick is from anarchy golf: by defining your program in the GNAT.IO namespace, you have access to the put function, which is shorter than the usual way to print strings.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Curry, 26 bytes

    main=putStr"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Clojure, 22 bytes

    (print"Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Betterave, 16 bytes

    $"Hello, World!"

    Betterave is unusual in that it has the whole "one character = one command" thing going on that many esolangs have, but it uses prefix notation, and the program is one big expression à la Scheme, as opposed to being tape- or stack-based. Here, $"Hello, World!" is just like a function call to print.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    K, 18 bytes

    `0:"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    I think you should try for every letter in the alphabet ;) – Beta Decay – 10 years ago

    In some versions of K, you can just use "Hello, World!" as the entire program. I can't recall, but I believe it's either official K2 (NOT Kona, which doesn't print it; I think it's a K3 thing) or the official K5 (not sure about oK, though). – kirbyfan64sos – 10 years ago


    Frink, 23 bytes

    println["Hello, World"]

    I only know of this through my searches for programming apps in the Play Store.

    Beta Decay

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 478


    TvmJIT, 29 bytes

    (!call print "Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 730


    awk, 25 bytes

    END{print"Hello, World!"}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648

    I know little of awk, but I think you can remove the END part. (It's June I know). – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    Actually, if you use END, it requires some kind of input... the input can be empty but it seems to be needed on my version of AWK. You do need a label, though, otherwise nothing will happen. BEGIN works, but it adds 2 bytes. :( – Robert Benson – 9 years ago

    You're both right(ish). If you can invoke the one blank line of input rule you don't need the END, otherwise you must use BEGIN not END. – user3710044 – 8 years ago


    REBOL, 26 bytes

    REBOL[]prin"Hello, World!"

    REBOL scripts needs a valid header; the first seven bytes of this program are the simplest possible header. Then, prin prints a value without a trailing newline.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Dart, 31 bytes

    main(){print("Hello, World!");}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 55 648


    Gema, 21 bytes

    \A=Hello, World\!@end

    (Without input it would wait forever without terminating. Hence the need for explicitly @end.)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 17 865


    Inform 6, 24 bytes

    [Main;"Hello, World!";];

    This must be compiled to Z-code, not Glulx.

    Inform 6 has the neat feature that bare string literals are compiled into a print statement followed by a return true statement.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 657


    Muriel, 16 bytes

    ."Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    O, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"o

    Try it online in the O Online IDE.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    small s.c.r.i.p.t., 15 bytes

    Hello\, World\!

    Using the OpenCOBOL interpreter, you have to pass this code as a command-line argument. Reading the from a file does weird things.

    I'm not entirely sure why, but this works when reading from a file:

    \, World\!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    0(nop^), 19 Bytes

    1$(Hello, World!")`

    Time to start completing the numbers :)

    1                   # push a non zero to top of stack
     $                  # duplicate top of stack
      (              )  # Push characters to pointer address
       Hello, World!    # Hello, World!
                    "   # Pop string and save
                      ` # Output string if top of stack not 0 


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 735


    LOLCODE, 35 bytes

    HAI !
    VISIBLE"Hello World!"
    • HAI ! initializes the code (just using HAI with a newline results in error)
    • VISIBLE"Hello World!" prints Hello, World!
    • KTHXBYE ends the program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 111

    It seems we already have a shorter LOLCODE answer (feel free to leave yours as well though if you want).

    – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    1Ah - ok. I'll leave mine here for the purpose of having HAI and KTHXBYE. – 智障的人 – 10 years ago


    ~English revised, 21 bytes

    Show "Hello, World!".

    ~English is not English, but looks like it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    REGXY, 16 bytes

    //Hello, World!/

    The implementation on the Esolang page generates Perl code, which will attempt to read from STDIN.

    Input may (and has to) be empty for correct output, but STDIN has to be closed for the code to run.


    $ perl -e "$(perl regxy.pl hello.xy)" <&-
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Snowman, 18 bytes

    ("Hello, World!"sP


    ( sets variables a and f active. Then the string Hello, World is pushed to the first active variable, in this case, a. Then sP (String Print) prints the string from the first active variable with a string in it.


    Posted 10 years ago



    MoonScript, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 17 865


    BrainfuckXT, 16 bytes

    {Hello, World!}$

    {...} puts a string on the tape, and $ outputs it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    PureStack, 18 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Pushes "Hello, World!" to the stack and prints it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Kipple, 67 17 bytes

    "Hello, World!">o

    Sends the string to o using the preprocessor.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Loader, 22 bytes

    printf "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    Microscript, 17 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"ah


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    Perl 6, 18 bytes

    say"Hello, World!"

    I'm pretty sure this is as short as you can get, please let me know if there's any improvements that can be made.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 935

    say needs a space after though – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Staq, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"


    Executing D:\codegolf\Staq Hello World codegolf.txt
    Hello, World!
    Execution complete.

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865


    MagiStack, 22 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"|,?0=_@

    Note that the reference implementation will print a leading linefeed, because it reads the filename interactively. This is not part of language specification.

    How it works

    "!dlroW ,olleH"         Push those character on the stack (last on top).
                   |        Set marker.
                    ,       Print a character from the stack and pop it.
                     ?      Push the stack's length.
                      0=    If the length is zero:
                        _     End the program.
                         @  Go back to the marker.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Emoticon, 26 bytes

    Esolangs page for Emoticon.

    Hello, World! :-Q S:-P :-P

    One or both of the Ps could be Qs instead. Hello, and World! are just treated as strings and added to the "current list". :-Q prints Hello, and removes it from the list. S:-P prints a space, and :-P prints World!. I don't see how I could golf this any further, and I'm making it CW, because it's essentially copied from the examples section of the docs.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808

    I had a play arounf with there online interpretor and this appears to work Hello, World! :Q S::P :P and a couple shorter – MickyT – 10 years ago

    @MickyT ah thanks, I'll have to test that tomorrow. The docs mentioned that there are 2-character emoticons, but they seemed to imply that the eyes were optional, not the noses. This makes much more sense though. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    @MickyT I found this in the language spec: "These Emoticons output values from lists to Output Channels. Output channels are not lists, they are defined by the Interpreter and could be on screen areas, files, pipes and the like. Output Channels are implementation dependant. The Channel to which output should be printed is indicated by the nose of the Emoticon. By default screen print values should go to the channel -". Looking at the output of the interpreter, it seems like your code uses the : channel instead or - (which is STDOUT), so I think the code will have to stay as it is. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago

    That makes sense – MickyT – 10 years ago


    Marbelous, 26 bytes


    Huh, I'm surprised no one has done Marbelous yet. There is not much to golf though: just list the 13 character codes in hexadecimal, to create one marble for each. As they fall off the grid, they're printed.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 184 808


    X-D, 81 Bytes

    I can't be sure that this would work as I can't find an interpreter, so if someone can, that would be good :) <- gratuitous smiley


    An explanation of what I think should be happening

    #                        Pointers:   8    ;    :    %   
    8-~~~~~>8P  # set 8 to 72, print 8  72
    8;$         # copy 8 to ;                72
    ;~~>;P      # inc ; 29, print ;         101
    ;------>;-P # inc ; 7, print ;          108
    ;%$         # copy ; to %                         108
    ;-->;P      # inc ; 3, print ;          111
    :~~->:P     # set : to 44, print :            44
    :~<         # dec : 15                        29
    :-->:P      # inc : 3, print :                32
    8~>8P       # inc 8 15, print 8     87
    ;P          # print ;                   111
    ;-->;P      # inc ; 3, print ;          114
    %P          # print %                             108
    ;~<         # dec ; 15                   99
    ;>;P        # inc ; 1, print ;          100
    8>8P        # inc 8, print 8                  33


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 735


    ISCOM, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    KimL, 22 bytes

    io.out"Hello, World!"

    The byte count contains a trailing linefeed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Basil, 16 bytes


    "Hello, World!"o



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 566


    OCaml, 30 bytes

    print_string "Hello, World!";;


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 161

    1print_string"Hello, World!" also works, for 27 bytes. Try it online! – Dennis – 7 years ago


    Hassium, 38 Bytes

    Neat challenge! Love all the different submissions so far. Here is mine in a language I wrote called Hassium.

    func main(){println("Hello, World!");}

    Run it online here

    Jacob Misirian

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 737

    Using your online interpreter you can shorten it a bit using func main()println("Hello, World!") – MickyT – 9 years ago


    tinyAll, 1 byte

    Tinyall is a language that I've developed after this challenge was published.

    It was written in a few hours, at 1AM.

    The smallest valid example of an Hello, world! program was inspired by @Fatalize's answer. But it is too easy and only allows 1 syntax.

    I've decided to do better:


    This is the equivalent to Hf or H15. Low-case letters are considered numbers from 10 to 46(?).

    H is the Hello, World! function, responsible for the output. Passing an argument, you can set specific bits to output a variation of the Hello, World! output.

    You could also write like this:


    Or, with string expansion:


    Or just plain:

    _"Hello, World!"

    And a dynamic example:


    This one takes whatever input and outputs whatever version you decide it to. (By using :, the input has to be a number)

    Execution example:

    (function(window, undefined) {
     var funcs = {
      H:function(value) {
       return 'hH'[value&1]
        +' '
      I:function(value, data){
       return data.input;
      '_':function(value, data){
       var tmp = data.out + (value === undefined ? data.last : value);
       data.vars[';'] = data.out = tmp;
       return tmp;
       return get_value(value);
       return value;
     var expand_string = function(value, data){
      return value.replace(
       function(_, func, arg, value){
         return funcs[func](get_value(arg, data, true), data);
         return get_value(value, data, true)
     var get_value = function(value, data, recursion) {
      if(value === null || value === undefined || value === ' ')
       return undefined;
      var x = (value || '').toString();
       //returns a number
       return Function('return ' + x)();
      else if(/^[a-z]$/.test(x))
       //returns a number between 10-43
       return (x in data.vars) ? data.vars[x] : x.charCodeAt(0) - 87;
      else if(x[0] == '\'')
       return x[1];
      else if(x[0] == '"' && x.length >= 2)
       var sub = x.substr(1, x.length - 2);
       return recursion ? sub : expand_string(sub, data);
       return data.vars[x];
     var noop = function(){};
     window.tinyAll=function(code, input) {
      var data = {
       out: '',
       last: 0,
       input: input || 0,
       vars: {
        ':':input || 0,
      if(!code || /^[a-z\d]$/.test(code))
       return funcs.H(get_value(code, {}));
       // /(?:([^A-Z_:'"])=)?([A-Z_])(?::('.|"[^"]*"|-?\d+|.))?/g,
       function(_, name, func, value){
        data.vars[name || ':'] = data.last = (funcs[func] || noop)( value ? get_value(value, data) : data.last, data);
        return '';
      return data.out || 0;
    })(Function('return this')());
    alert(tinyAll('_"\'Hf\' produces: \'[:Hf]\'"'));

    This is the original version. I'll post a new version of the code, as soon as I have time to publish on Github.

    Ismael Miguel

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 797


    Aeolbonn, 14 bytes

    :Hello, World!

    : is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Amiga E, 38 bytes

    PROC main() IS WriteF('Hello, World!')

    WriteF is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    96, 44 bytes


    Uses the accumulator to store the L.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Sprects, 14 bytes

    .Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 140


    MUMPS, 17 bytes

    w "Hello, World!"

    Not terribly exciting, but there you have it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 641

    http://i.imgur.com/RG0BS1U.gif – DanTheMan – 9 years ago


    A:;, 19 bytes

    b:Hello, World!;p:b

    Sets b to the string and prints it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Thue, 24 bytes

    a::=~Hello, World!

    When a is encountered in the last line, the string is printed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    ABCD, 390 bytes


    Equivalent to +++++etc+++.+++++etc+++.+++++++..+++.-----etc in brainfuck.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Dogless, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    There is no |, so the program just terminates and outputs itself.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Version, 37 bytes

    A:OUTPUT="Hello, World!"

    The first line prints the string. The second line tells the interpreter to ignore all lines, to prevent an infinite loop.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    UniBasic, 19 Bytes

    CRT 'Hello, World!'

    Ken Gregory

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 151


    Windows Batch, 18 bytes

    echo Hello, World!

    Shane Smiskol

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 151

    2We need to hide the prompt.... – stevefestl – 8 years ago


    Blank, 64 bytes


    Hint: Read the interpreter / compiler to ensure that you use all features. This esolangs page, for example, used to exclude the p instruction.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    EXCON, 137 bytes


    Simple bit-hacking.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Stackstack, 21 bytes

    "Hello, World!" print

    print is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Processing, 23 bytes

    print("Hello, World!");

    Well, that's pretty much it!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 16 320


    jq, 17 bytes

    (15 characters code + 2 characters command line options.)

    "Hello, World!"

    (jq being a JSON processor filter, for this task you have to specify the -n (null input) and -r (raw output) options.)

    Sample run:

    bash-4.3$ jq -nr '"Hello, World!"'
    Hello, World!

    On-line test (Passing -r through URL is not supported – check Raw Output yourself.)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 17 865


    G*, 15 bytes

    p Hello, World!

    Pretty simple.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 765


    Augeas, 42 bytes

    module A=let _=print_string"Hello, World!"

    I'm writing this because ℝaphink won't.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    If it got someone else to post an Augeas answer, I'm happy with that :-) – ℝaphink – 9 years ago


    Stringy, 17 bytes

    (Hello, World!);p


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 765


    Pip, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Straightforward. Any expression at the end of the program is auto-printed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 213

    Out of curiosity, dose Pip have auto-closing end quotes? Or is that impractical for an infix language? – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago

    @ConorO'Brien It would certainly have been possible, I just decided I didn't like it for aesthetic reasons. – DLosc – 8 years ago

    Fair enough. :D – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago


    Aysolang - 30 23 bytes

    {dlrow, olleH};


    {dlrow, olleH}; ~~ Push the ascii values of "Hello, world" on the stack, reversed and terminate the line
    l0=             ~~ Check if the length equals zero
    ?;o             ~~ If it equals zero, terminate. Otherwise, output the top of the stack as a character.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 594


    , 19 17 bytes

    ô`Hello, World!`

    The “” string construction actually ends up using more bytes.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    1Yay, someone else is using my language! You can do ô\Hello, world`` too. – Mama Fun Roll – 9 years ago


    Chaîne, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Everything is an implicit string, and everything is implicit output.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    1Ooh, fancy i-like character~ Also an interesting language. – Addison Crump – 9 years ago


    ShapeScript, 15 bytes

    'Hello, World!'

    I created ShapeScript for this competition. The interpreter on GitHub has a slightly modified syntax and better I/O (none of which are required in this answer).

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 196 637


    Microscript II, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    SuperCollider, 27 bytes

    "Hello, World!".post;1.exit

    a spaghetto

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 10 647

    Where is the documentation for SuperCollider? – user48538 – 9 years ago

    @zyabin101 http://supercollider.github.io/

    – a spaghetto – 9 years ago

    It's not an esolang. – a spaghetto – 9 years ago


    Geom++, 17 bytes

    " Hello, World! "

    Yes, the spaces around the string are necessary.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    DStack, 21 bytes

    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 191


    Brainfuck, 177 bytes


    And, just for fun, an ascii version:

    +++   +++   ++[>+++++
    +++   +<-   ]>.<[-]++
    ++++[>+++      ++<      
    -]>-.++++      +++
    ..+   ++.   >>+++++++
    +[>   +++   ++<-]>+++

    Yeah, near the end I kinda slouched off and stopped trying to save characters..


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 793


    Joy, 24 bytes

    "Hello, World!"putchars.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 988

    1You forgot the exclamation mark! – kirbyfan64sos – 9 years ago


    Lines, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    There are no control characters, so the string is just output.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Gray Snail, 22 bytes

    OUTPUT "Hello, World!"

    OUTPUT just outputs the string.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Jumper, 59 bytes



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Milky Way 1.0.0, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"!


    "Hello, World!">


    "Hello, World!"   # push "Hello, World!" to the stack
                   !  # output the TOS


    "Hello, World!"   # push "Hello, World!" to the stack
                   >  # rotate the stack rightward.
                        if nothing is output manually,
                        the bottom stack item is output

    Zach Gates

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 152


    Dirst, 21 bytes

    dss_Hello, World!.txt

    Note: this must be run in a system where ! is allowed in filenames.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Elixir, 22 bytes

    IO.puts"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Pig, 27 bytes

    /dev/stdoutPIGHello, World!

    Requires a Unix-like OS to run. Pig is a simple language in which a program is a filename, followed by PIG, followed by anything else, which writes the string to the file specified by the filename. In this case, I use the tactic of writing the output to /dev/stdout, outputting the string. /dev/tty outputs the string, but it requires a console window to work, and doesn't pipe output correctly.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    Not a programming language. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago


    C, 32 bytes

    main(){printf("Hello, World!");}

    Tested on C99 Strict, compiler will generate a warning that there is no return-type, and int is assumed.

    What actually happens in most environments is that the return value from the last printf is left in the register used for return values.

    Quote Reference

    In our case the printf("Hello, World!") is the only statement in our program, which will set 13 in the registry for return values.

    In most environments, EXIT_FAILURE is usually 1 as in gcc, which means that on most environments this will not write to STDERR.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 435

    It seems we already have a shorter C solution. Your elaboration is nice though, so I guess it's your call whether you keep this answer or not.

    – Martin Ender – 9 years ago

    @MartinBüttner is it okay to provide an answer that has a requirement on how to compile or a specific file name ? – Khaled.K – 9 years ago

    Answers that only work with specific compilers are fine (for the purposes of code golf here, languages are actually defined by their implementations). Specific command-line options and file names are legitimate too but need to be added to the byte count. – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


    Pilot, 15 bytes

    t:Hello, World!

    (no trailing newline is ok for the Pilot implementation I used)

    CP/M nostalgia...

    A>type hello.plt
    t:Hello, World!
    A>do pilot/pr hello
    SuperSUB V1.1
    PILOT/P version 2.5, 02/26/84
    Translating: HELLO
    No file
    InterSystems Pascal v - 4.0
    HELLO        1---
    VLENGTH     27-
    MEMAVAIL    28--
    SETLENGT    30-
    LENGTH      31-
    INDEX       33-
    POS         34-
    UCASE       35-
    LCASE       36-
    DELETE      37-
    COPY        38-
    INSERT      39--
    REPLACE     40-
    CONCAT      41-
    STR         42-
    IVALUE      43-
    HALT        44-
    ISALPHA     45-
    ISUPPER     46-
    ISLOWER     47-
    ISDIGIT     48-
    ISSPACE     49--
    TOUPPER     50-
    TOLOWER     51-
    KEYIN       52-
    KEYBOARD    53-
    DWRITE      54-
    CONSTAT     55-
    CONCHAR     56-
    GOTOXY      57-
    VAL         58-
    RANDOM      59--
    RND         63-
    RANDOMIZ    65-
    INITIALI    69-----
    WAIT       102---
    MATCH      124-------
    HELLO      185-
    0 compilation error(s).
    Pascal/Z run-time support interface ASMBLE v-7d
    0 errors.  312 symbols generated.  Space for 2819 more symbols.
    4275 characters are stored in 44 macros.
    1680 bytes of program code.
    LINK version 2b
    Load mode
    Generate a COM file
    Lo = 0100   Hi = 1A32   Start = 0172   Save  26 blocks
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago



    COMAL, 20 bytes

    1print"Hello, World!

    CP/M nostalgia...

             (C) Copyright 1987
      COMAL Users Group, U.S.A. Limited
    1print"Hello, World!
    Hello, World!
    End of program   


    Posted 10 years ago



    Algol-M, 36 bytes

    WRITE("Hello, World!");

    CP/M nostalgia...

    B>type hello.alg
    WRITE("Hello, World!");
    B>algolm hello
    B>runalg hello
    Hello, World!

    A problem?

    There is more output than just "Hello, World!" but that output is not caused by the program itself, it is caused by the interpreter.


    Posted 10 years ago


    In this challenge, not even extra interpreter output is allowed. Is there a way to disable it? – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago

    @Martin Büttner: Hey chef... I've no problem deleting this solution if that not-by-my-program-output really is a probem... or use your moderator magic power and delete it... definitely my life does not depend on this solution... ;-) – None – 9 years ago


    Befalse, 41 bytes

    I want to learn this language, but it's so confusing ):

    0"!dlrow olleH"!/$?\
                    \. /

    Demo (paste into the the box and click "Show", then click "Run".)


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 989


    SPL, 91 bytes

    File hello.spl:


    With some CRLFs (99 bytes):

    PROGRAM h;
    BYTE w='Hello, World!$';
    END h.

    (both without crlf after last line)

    CP/M nostalgia...

    E>type hello.spl
    E>do c hello
    SuperSUB V1.1
    SPL V- (17-Dec-06 13:41:11)
    No errors. Code = 31. Free memory = 30081.
    Link-80  3.44  09-Dec-81  Copyright (c) 1981 Microsoft
    Data    0103    01D6    <  211>
    46887 Bytes Free
    [0111   01D6        1]
    Hello, World!
    E> _


    Posted 10 years ago


    Can the downvoter please explain why downvoting was needed? Can it be done shorter in SPL? – None – 7 years ago


    Genie, 28 bytes

    File hello.gs:

            print "Hello, World!"

    (tab indented, needs final newline)

    Compile & run:

    $ valac hello.gs
    $ ./hello
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago



    Vala, 36 bytes

    File hello.vala:

    void main(){print("Hello, World!");}

    ...without trailing newline.

    After a diet suggested by @ASCII-only.

    Try it online!

    Vala, 42 bytes

    Yayyyy!!! 42!!! \o/

    File hello.vala:

    void main(){stdout.puts("Hello, World!");}

    ...without trailing newline.


    $ valac hello.vala 
    $ ./hello
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago


    You can just use print – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    WhoScript, 19 bytes

    1"Hello, World!";pf

    Not nearly as much fun as the full version:

    # 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21 
    @ push the ASCII values of the characters "Hello, World!" to the stack
    psychic_paper flush
    @ print all values on the stack as ASCII characters


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 109


    Freelang, 291 bytes

    A lot of whitespace, but it's an assembly language for a virtual machine. I'm pretty sure this won't compile without the indents.

      ." Hello world! " p
      : p ( s -- )
        [@] 4 * swap incw swap
          go[<=0] :e
            dec swap [@b]
              go[==0] :s
                writorb ::z
                go :n
              inc swap
              go :w
      z: halt


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 989


    o:XML, 48 bytes

    From the web site:

    o:XML is a complete object oriented programming language, with features including polymorphism, function overloading, exception handling, threads and more. The syntax is fully compliant XML. With o:XML, object-oriented paradigms can be leveraged to the maximum, while data and code remains in a standard format. With o:XML there is no 'impedance mismatch' when developing XML web-applications, tools and systems. Furthermore o:XML integrates seamlessly with most popular Java platforms, including Java Servlets, Struts, Ant, BSF and Spring 2.0.

    This program comes from http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/07/21/oxml.html

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <o:do>Hello, World!</o:do>

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    SuperX++, 37 bytes

    From the web site:

    Superx++ is an object-oriented language that is entirely based on XML's syntactical structure. Superx++ conforms with the XML version 1.0 specification as published on the W3C web site. Programming in XML itself has great potential and Superx++ pushes the envelope!

    This program comes from http://xplusplus.sourceforge.net/FAQ.htm#hellow

    <xpp><xout>Hello, World!</xout></xpp>

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    lang5, 17 bytes

    lang5 is a combination of APL and Forth (Hello World doesn't show off any of the APL bits)

    "Hello, World!" .

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    REXX, 19 bytes

    say "Hello, World!"

    Rexx is widely used as a scripting and macro language, and is often used for processing data and text and generating reports. Rexx is the primary scripting language in some operating systems, e.g. OS/2, MVS, VM, AmigaOS, and is also used as an internal macro language in some other software, such as KEDIT, THE and the ZOC terminal emulator.

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217

    Yeah, it's used on zOS – mbomb007 – 9 years ago


    Nemerle, 38 bytes

    System.Console.Write("Hello, World!");

    Description from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemerle

    Nemerle's most notable feature is the ability to mix styles of programming that are object-oriented and functional. Programs may be structured using object-oriented concepts such as classes and namespaces, while methods can (optionally) be written in a functional style. Other notable features include:

    • strong type inference
    • a flexible metaprogramming subsystem (using macros)
    • full support for object-oriented programming (OOP), in the style of C#, Java, and C++
    • full support for functional programming, in the style of ML, OCaml, and Haskell, with these features:
      • higher-order functions
      • pattern matching
      • algebraic types
      • local functions
      • tuples and anonymous types
      • partial application of functions

    The metaprogramming system allows for great compiler extensibility, embedding domain-specific languages, partial evaluation, and aspect-oriented programming, taking a high-level approach to lift as much of the burden as possible from programmers. The language combines all Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard features, including parametric polymorphism, lambdas, extension methods etc. Accessing the libraries included in the .NET or Mono platforms is as easy as in C#.

    Jerry Jeremiah

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 217


    Brachylog, 3 bytes


    @H is the string "Hello, World!", and w is the write predicate.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 32 976


    Mouse16, 16 bytes

    I finally made it turing-complete!

    "Hello, World!"!

    Boring, I know.

    If you want somewhat interesting, then there's this, which runs Python from inside Mouse, for 31 bytes:

    "!!PY!!print('Hello, World!')"`

    The to-be interesting bits of Mouse aren't implemented yet, but we have control structs, so...


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 989


    Falcon, 16 bytes

    I'm sad that the last update to this language was in 2010 :( it looks so cool! it's still indev!!

    >"Hello, World!"

    It gets its syntax from Python and PHP, most noticeably.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 989


    Pike, 35 bytes

    A fast OOP scripting language with familiar C-style syntax.

    int main(){write("Hello, World!");}

    The optional return 0; is left off, because it runs without it.

    In the REPL, the main declaration can be left off.

    Pythonish, but with C syntax. OO-enabled, and also inherits from PHP (the good parts), Perl and (duh) C/C++, but Pike isn't halfassed about OOP like C++ is.

    This can be compiled into ANSI C or C++ with a #define (and the #include, for standards compilance) for 113 bytes:

    #ifndef __PIKE__
    #define write(x) printf(x)
    int main(){write("Hello, World!");return 0;}

    No warnings with gcc -Wall -pedantic! Only a few more defines are needed to make almost any Pike into ANSI C. :D


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 989


    A-Ray, 16 bytes

    Any new language should be put here just for the sake of being put here...

    p"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 626


    Pylons, 16

    Toggles string mode with " and then pushes "Hello, World!" to the stack, then uses c to print the whole stack as a string.

    "Hello, World!"c

    For 14 bytes, thought possibly cheating, so it's not my main answer,


    with Hello, World! as a command line arg.

    I don't have an online interpreter yet, but if you download the repo and pass the command line args to main.py and the program to stdin, it'll run.

    Morgan Thrapp

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 574


    Y, 16 bytes

    Try it here!

    "Hello, World!"p


    "Hello, World!"g

    The former prints everything, and the latter prints one thing. In each case, the single entity on the stack is the string "Hello, World!".

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Quetzalcoatl 17 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"


    I completely redesigned the language. The program pushes "Hello, World!" to stack, and implicitly prints.

    P.S. I wrote Quetzalcoatl.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 916

    So you added ::. Does printing with slicing like this a=[1];::a[::] still work? – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    Yes it does. I specifically made sure it did. I just replace :: with print, and [print with [:: before I use exec. I am just assuming nobody makes arrays out of print statements, like [print 'a', print 'b']. – NoOneIsHere – 9 years ago

    What if :: is within a string or two? Like exec"exec'print \"::\" ' "? – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

    If the :: is in a string, you have to escape it like so: print "\::". – NoOneIsHere – 9 years ago

    I'd probably rather use Python just for the simplicity. It's more well-known. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago


    bAdkOde, 59 bytes

    I modified the example given on the language's website. Pushes the ASCII values in reverse order, then loops to print them.



    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 944


    ForceLang, 24 bytes

    io.write "Hello, World!"

    Or, which is the same length:

    gui.show "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342

    1Looks like Lua. Isn't Lua, is ForceLang. – cat – 9 years ago


    Mmmm(), 1583 bytes


    A semi-golfed version of the "Hello, World!" program I wrote for the esolangs article a while back.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342


    Reng v.1, 22 bytes

    I proudly present to you my new 2D language, Reng! It's a lot like ><>, and many of the commands are similar. However, Reng features a lot of more, erm, features. Here is the code!

    "!dlroW ,olleH"!|o?!|~

    This pushes each of the character codes in the string !dlroW ,olleH first. Then, ! jumps into a loop. o outputs a charcter, and ? activates the next character iff the top of the stack is zero. This does not happen untill there are no characters left. When this happens, the mirror is skipped and the end character is met, ~.

    Here is a visual representation of the code, which can be found here:


    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Cy, 21 18 bytes

    "Hello, World!" :<

    Cy is a new language I just made. It is stack-based/postfix, so the string "Hello, World!" must be pushed to the stack, then output it with the printing shortcut :<.

    This is the first language I have made that was not inspired by code golf, but of course I'm still going to post in it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 690


    Come Here, 19 bytes

    TELL"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 342

    -4 removing the NEXT, trailing newline is optional. – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago


    Mathcad, 18 bytes #

    (or 15 bytes or 13 bytes depending upon one's tastes)

    enter image description here

    18 bytes would seem to be more in keeping with the spirit of the game, in that the user only has to type "s=" to get the answer, whereas the other two options involve the user actually typing Hello, World! themselves.

    However, such considerations can get a little confusing sometimes in Mathcad, as the "source" file is also normally the "stdout". This is because the Mathcad allows text, mathematical expressions, programs, plots and results to be mixed on the same worksheet (it's often helpful to regard Mathcad as a virtual whiteboard or document with live expressions).

    Stuart Bruff

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 501


    Pylongolf, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"~

    Push Hello, World! into the stack then print it.


    Posted 10 years ago



    Constant, 115 bytes


    (the newline is unnecessary) Ungolfed:

    ppp * eee-pP;
    _fao * R;
    _fo + pp;
    _coo + p;
    eec * ppc + ef;
    _oZ + eeeepc;
    _o + eeef * pf;
    _o + pf;
    _ozeeef * pc + lf;

    Try it out here!

    This is a very natural program, except that numbers are not composed of the conventional digits, but rather constants such as p (pi) and e (euler's number). _ is the last expression, f is floor, c is ceil, and o is character output.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    1Nice answer. Constant looks almost as weird as NTFJ. – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago

    @EasterlyIrk Then my mission has been accomplished. ^_^ – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago


    META, 410 bytes

    Try it here!


    This is another heckuva program. You want to know what it does, I'm sure. First, here's a nicer-looking version:


    The basis of META is that it selects characters from the source code and performs operations of them. ><^v move the selection pointer around, {} allow for an extra level of eval and :;.,!? perform 6 different operations.

    Let c be the character in question, and @c be its charcode.

    • : yields atob(atob(c + c + "==") + c + "==")
    • ; yields atob(c + c + "==")
    • . yields char(127 - @atob(c + c + "=="))
    • , yields atob(c + char(127 - @c) + "==")
    • ! yields char(@c >> 2 ^ 94)
    • ? yields char((@c * 3 >> 3) + (@c >> 5))

    Each time a char is yielded, it's pushed to a string, which is eval'd, then eval'd again.

    The charset yielded by each character is not complete, so we cannot simply use these characters. The use of {} is mandatory for a lot of characters, which are constructed in a JSF**k-esque way.

    A full explanation will take a ridiculously long time, and now I have to breathe some nice air.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    1Are you sure this is META, not .kill() Jr.? – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 9 years ago


    Molecule, 24 bytes (UTF-16)


    Molecule files written must be written in UTF-16 for it to properly work.
    This basically uses the string compression method.


    Posted 10 years ago



    Pyke, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Try it here!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 26 661


    Batsh, 23 bytes

    print("Hello, World!");

    Try it online!

    One-sentence description

    Batsh is a language which compiles to bash and Windows Batch, thereby providing effortless cross-platform support for shell scripts, without additional dependencies.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 478


    Auo, 21 bytes

    i.o:['Hello, World!']

    George Gibson

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 369


    Grin, 15 bytes

    (Hello, World!)

    Grin is a BF-based language that aims to make it slightly less of a Turing Tarpit.

    George Gibson

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 369


    64-bit Windows NT executable, 261591 bytes

    Because why not?

    Anyway, here's a 89,890-byte ZIP archive containing this executable: http://pastebin.com/raw/pJ6CeNuG (encoded in Base64)


    we don't allow link-only answers for off-site code

    Okay. The C code I compiled the executable from is the classic Hello World program:

    #include "stdio.h" // Use <cstdio> on C++
    int main(){
        printf("Hello, World!");

    The compiler is GCC without optimizations. Maybe other compilers (such as Intel C(++) Compiler or Clang) can generate smaller executables.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 242

    @downvoter Did you get a smaller/larger executable? – user8397947 – 8 years ago

    1@Matheus Avellar got a much shorter executable (1175) from calling WriteConsoleA directly in asm (in a 32-bit PE executable). Did you even strip the compiler output of debug info? 261k is ridiculously huge, it's like an ungolfed baseline that you might mention in a real answer. – Peter Cordes – 7 years ago


    APL, 15 bytes

    'Hello, World!'

    In APL, the last value is printed, so the hello world is obvious.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    ABCD, 366 bytes


    Proof (note that I'm actually using the interpreter of ABCD)

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    Golisp, 21 bytes

    write@"Hello, World!"

    Equivalent to write["Hello, World!"], but shorter.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    BruhScript, 28 bytes

    I take the bytecount of the encoded version.


    «Hello, World!


    0000000: 007e 002f 0008 0018 0018 000e 0056 0005  .~./.........V..
    0000010: 0021 000e 0009 0018 0012 0044            .!.........D

    This insane count of NUL bytes is because the encoding of BruhScript is a 16-bit encoding.

    This code is really simple. A block (string literal, lambda, etc...) don't need to be terminated at the end of file.

    EDIT: BruhScript print every thing on the stack at the end of the program, so the print function is not needed


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    scratchblocks2, 33 bytes

    when gf clicked
    say[Hello, World!

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    Silicon, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Everything in between the quotes are pushed onto the stack. Output is implicit, so no output command is needed.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 765


    hashmap, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Just push Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago



    Gopher, 48 Bytes

    Hello World (42 Characters)


    Hello, World (45 Characters)


    Hello, World! (50 Characters)


    Hello, World! (48 Characters)


    Click Here to Run the Code
    This is an esolang I created myself, Not strictly designed for golfing, But it can be fun

    As far as I am aware, This is also the shortest Hello World in Gopher, Prove me wrong though
    It'll help me improve the optimiser I built for it!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 31


    Kipple, 55 bytes

    33>o<100 108>o<114 111>o<87 32>o<44 111>o<108>o<101o<72

    Shorter answer here. This, however, is supporter by each and every intepreter of the language. The other one uses ", which does not have full portability between interpreters.

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    OPL-32, 33 bytes

    ...see Open Programming Language.

    proc m:
    print"Hello, World!"

    (no trailing newline)

    Tested on Nokia Communicator 9300 with opl-1.56.


    Posted 10 years ago



    Standard ML, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    This works with Moscow ML by calling mosml hello.sml or with Standard ML of New Jersey and sml hello.sml. In both cases an interactive session is started and Hello, World! is printed.

    Inside a running session print"Hello, World!"; produces the desired output. The ; is needed to tell the interpreter to evaluate the expression.

    For a compiled version

    val _=print"Hello, World!"

    works with mosmlc and MLton. Try it online!

    However, MLton appears to accept interpreter-style programs too, so

    print"Hello, World!";

    works with a trailing ;. Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 23 676

    Which implementation does this use? MLton appears to require a ;. – Dennis – 8 years ago

    @Dennis This works with the Moscow ML interpreter, that is calling mosml hello.sml starts the interactive interpreter and prints Hello, World!. For a compiled version with mosmlc a leading val _= appears to needed. I'll edit the post for clarification. Thanks for adding Standard ML to TIO! – Laikoni – 8 years ago


    Rews, 14 CP437 bytes

    ïHello, World!


    ïHello, World! Insert in the buffer the text "Hello, World!" (the ¿ is not needed at the end of the program)
                   Implicit output


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    This is UTF-8 bytes--and encoded in CP437, I believe it's 16. But only if your interpreter supports reading the encoding. – Conor O'Brien – 9 years ago

    @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The Rews interpreter support CP437, and I'll fix the bytecount – TuxCrafting – 9 years ago


    PostScript, 16 bytes

    (Hello, World!)=

    Geoff Reedy

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 828


    Maple, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!";


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 560


    BrainCurses, 42 bytes

    '!!'d!'l!'r!'o!'W!' !',!'o!'l!!'e!'H![$@_]

    You can find an interpreter here, written by yours truly. This is part of my project to implement many of the unimplemented languages on esolangs.

    Running & output

    λ node BrainCurses.js HW.txt
    Hello, World!

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    Gaot++, 1349 1167 690 bytes

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bleeeeeeeeeet bleet baa bleeet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaaaaaaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet baaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaa bleet bleeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet bleeeeeeeeeet baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bleeeeeeeeeet

    Thanks to LeakyNun for having insanely golfed it

    Compressed code:

    73a 13e 10e 30a 2e 13e 10e 8a 2e 13e 10e 13e 10e 4a 2e 10e 45a 13e 13e 10e 33a 10e 2e 2a 3e 13e 10e 14a 2e 13e 9a 2e 13e 4a 2e 13e 10e 4a 2e 10e 10e 10e 34a 10e


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    This isn't working for me. It prints Hello,, then errors with ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256). – Dennis – 7 years ago


    MemeGolf, 570 bytes

    Yet another strange esolang from me

    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 72 bytes.
    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 29 bytes.
    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 7 bytes.
    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 3 bytes.
    jQuery.Juice avocado for 67 minutes.
    jQuery.Juice avocado for 12 minutes.
    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 55 bytes.
    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 24 bytes.
    jQuery.Outgolf Dennis by 3 bytes.
    jQuery.Juice avocado for 6 minutes.
    jQuery.Juice avocado for 8 minutes.
    jQuery.Juice avocado for 67 minutes.
    jQuery.HE COMES

    Outgolf Dennis by n bytes. add n to the accumulator, Juice avocado for n minutes. substract n from the accumulator, 44 print the value of the accumulator as a character and HE COMES terminate the program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    6Needs more JQuery – Business Cat – 9 years ago

    1@BusinessCat The correct orthography is jQuery – TuxCrafting – 9 years ago


    Neoscript, 28 bytes

    console:log("Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    PyMin, 4 bytes


    Body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 18.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 728


    SQF, 25 bytes

    systemChat"Hello, World!"

    Not sure if this qualifies as STDOUT, as to write to actual STDOUT the ArmA engine would have to to the writing, but the systemChat log is the closest thing SQF has to a standard output stream.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 7 916

    Link to SQF? (filler text) – user48538 – 9 years ago

    @zyabin101 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax

    – Οurous – 8 years ago


    MiniStringFuck, 1326 bytes


    Here, I present my new creation, MSF- (yes, MSF with a -, it's not Meta Server Fault here.) It's impractical for golfing, but it has 2 characters.

    I am the winner on this language; you can't golf it more. Here are the two operators:

    • +: Add 1 to acc. If acc = 256, acc = 0.
    • .: Output acc as ASCII.

    On the esolang page, I have, besides the interpreter (i.e. decoder), a generator (i.e. encoder) and an optimizer/golfer (i.e. compressor).

    Unfortunately, this language doesn't support Unicode (yet).

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134

    1If you support Unicode, wrapping would need 16777216 +, which is a bit long – TuxCrafting – 8 years ago


    Straw, 2 bytes




    Straw have 2 stacks. The first is initialized with a empty string, the second with Hello, World!.

    ~ toggle the active stack and - pop an item from the inactive stack and push it onthe active stack and > is the print command.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    Dialpha bytecode, 44 bytes

    Bytecode in Base64:


    Assembly code:

    push8 0
    "Hello, World!"
    jiz end
    jump loop


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    How does the string get pushed to the stack? – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago

    @ConorO'Brien "<string>" reverse the string and push each character on the stack – TuxCrafting – 8 years ago


    CILOS, 43 bytes

    int main(){__silos_print("Hello, World!");}

    CILOS is a subset of C99 compiling to SILOS.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    Lolo, 396 bytes

    Something I made today, :P

    loloLo loLO lo lOlo LO lOlolo loloLo loLolo lo Lolo LO loLolo lOlolo lolOlo loLO LO lOlolo loLolo loLolo lololo loLo LO lOlolo loloLo lolO lo lolO LO lOlolo lolO lolO lo lOlo lo lOlolo loloLo LOLo lo loLO LO lOlolo loloLo loloLo lo loloLo LO Lolo LO lOlolo loloLo loloLo lo loloLo LO lolO LO lOlolo loloLo loloLo lo LOLo LO loLolo lOlolo lolOlo LOLo lO lOlolo lolO lolO lo lOlo lo Lolo LO lOlolol


    Posted 10 years ago



    Awesome, 21 Bytes

    print "Hello, World!"

    "Awesome" is a sample language created in a e-book about language construction which can be found here: http://createyourproglang.com No, I didn't write this book but it's still worth a look.

    Mega Man

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 379

    Is there an interpreter for it? – TuxCrafting – 8 years ago

    I'm not sure if there is a free one, sorry. But, if you buy the book you have a money-back garanty if you don't like it. – Mega Man – 8 years ago


    FEU, 15 bytes

    As sed, need empty input.

    a/Hello, World!

    Try it online!

    Append Hello, World! to the input and the inout is implicitely printed.

    Alternative (boring) version, taking no input:

    Hello, World!

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    StackFuck, 18 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleH"{o}

    The first cell is not used for the stack (It's the register), and is 0 at the start of the program, so no need to push a 0 at the start


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    JSON, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    Apparently golfing doesn't need to be Turing-complete. Someone mentioned a meta-post but I took their word for it. And hey, this is the closest to STDOUT there is in JSON.

    Lord Ratte

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 111


    Stackish, 20 bytes

    Hey, a competing answer!

    "!dlroW ,olleH",l15'

    Simple stack stuff.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 249


    NetLogo, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 401


    Lily, 22 bytes

    Pretty darn similar to a lot of other languages.

    print("Hello, World!")

    Here's a Tio example to play with.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 5 228


    2sable, 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Extremely straightforward.

    Try it online!

    Business Cat

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 8 927


    fish, 18 bytes

    echo Hello, World!

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    PicoLisp, 26 bytes

    (prin"Hello, World!")(bye)

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    Racket, 24 bytes

    (display"Hello, World!")

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 47 880


    Glee, 15 bytes

    "Hello, World!"

    This creates a character vector/string, which gets printed to the output.

    M L

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 865


    JQuery, 222 214 194 147 113 bytes

    Saved 20 bytes thanks to ais523 and 34 thanks to Matheus Avellar.

    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"/><script>$()(function(){$("body").html("Hello, World!");})</script>

    Just because it's JQuery. You can't get enough JQuery :D

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605

    Why not shorten the div id to a single character to save some bytes? Also, you might be able to make that a self-closing div. – numbermaniac – 8 years ago


    @numbermaniac You can't use self-closing divs in HTML.

    – MD XF – 8 years ago

    Ah, alright then, my mistake. – numbermaniac – 8 years ago

    1Couldn't you just leave off the closing tags altogether, though? Browsers will add them implicitly (and this is actually specified in the most recent versions of HTML). – None – 8 years ago

    Here this will work better codegolf wise: <script>$(document).ready(function(){$("#m").html("Hello, World!");});</script><div id="m"><script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"/> – arodebaugh – 8 years ago

    @arodebaugh That doesn't work anyway.

    – MD XF – 8 years ago

    According to jQuery's spec, you can shorthand that $(document).ready() for a simpler $(). Also, <head> and <body> tags and ; are implicitly added. Finally, <script> tags cannot be self-closing. Thus, taking that in consideration, a 118 bytes jQuery answer would be: <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script><script>$(function(){$("body").html("Hello, World!")})</script> (tested on w3schools)

    – Matheus Avellar – 8 years ago


    NotQuiteThere, 17 bytes

    'Hello, World!'-1

    Try it online!

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    Add++, 70 20 bytes

    D,f,,"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Simple function, implicit call and return. You can see the revision history for the old version.

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702

    17? – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Small, 1552 bytes


    A joke language at https://esolangs.org


    Posted 10 years ago



    Pyffman 1, 16 bytes

    The code contains lots of unprintable characters, so here's a hexdump:

    00000000: 78c2 40a6 9a7a 5d51 7d8e 87cf 617d cf3d  x.@..z]Q}...a}.=

    To obtain the original source code, put the hexdump in a file and call xxd -r on it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 151


    Foam, 17 bytes

    <'|Hello, World!|

    <' grabs the next token from the source code an outputs it with a trailing newline. The next token is Hello, World! (It is wrapped in bars so that the space can be added without it being treated like another token.

    Esolanging Fruit

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 542


    Subterra, 30 bytes

    "Hello, World!"w[0>]{bct1-}


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203


    SE, 66 61 bytes

    array h is [H e l l o , _space W o r l d !] end
    do>with h end

    T h i s _space e s o l a n g _space i s _space b a d _space a t _space o u t p u t ! (This esolang is bad at output!)

    SE stands for self-explanitory, not Stack Exchange :(.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203


    ABCD, 390 bytes


    AAHH! This is a weird esolang.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 203


    axo, 22 bytes

    "!dlroW ,olleeH">[(#<\

    I'm not sure why I had to put a double e in there. But hey, it works.

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 025

    Invalid, output contains non-ASCII characters (i.e. not just Hello, World!) – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only it worked on the version on TIO when I made it. – Okx – 7 years ago

    It never worked, it was just that TIO didn't show the non-ASCII characters. I think Dennis recently changed it so both input and output work better with non-ASCII characters. – ASCII-only – 7 years ago


    Recursiva, 15 14 bytes

    "Hello, World!

    Try it online!

    This can also be done by explicitly using Por Print operator:

    Recursiva, 16 bytes

    P"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 739


    Deorst, 15 bytes

    'Hello, World!'

    Try it online!

    Yay for implicit output!

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    Implicit, 15 14 bytes

    «Hello, World!

    Pretty simple. « opens a string, implicit closing ». Implicit output.

    Try it online!

    MD XF

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 11 605

    14 bytes – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago

    @cairdcoinheringaahing is the trailing newline not necessary? – MD XF – 7 years ago

    Apparently not, according to TIO – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago

    @cairdcoinheringaahing I mean according to the challenge spec. It wants a newline. – MD XF – 7 years ago

    From the question: "optional trailing newline" – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago

    @cairdcoinheringaahing oh wow never noticed, thanks! – MD XF – 7 years ago


    Рапира (Rapira), 57 26 22 bytes

    OUTPUT:"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Or, more appropriately, (33 bytes):

    ВЫВОД:"Привет Мир!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 830

    As far as I can tell, this defines a procedure without calling it, which violates the full program requirement. A simple output:"Hello, World!" works though.

    – Dennis – 7 years ago

    @Dennis Okay. That saves 30 bytes, too! – KSmarts – 7 years ago

    The English version without the space is 4 bytes shorter... – Dennis – 7 years ago

    @Dennis If you're going to use English, why bother using Рапира? – KSmarts – 7 years ago


    Spaced, 91 bytes

    (q="Helo, Wrd!")[1]+q[3]+q[5]+q[5]+q[7]+q[9]+q[9+2]+q[9+4]+q[7]+q[9+6]+q[5]+q[9+8]+q[9+9+1]

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago



    Welcome to the site! Out of curiosity, do you have anything to do with this user?

    – caird coinheringaahing – 7 years ago

    1Thanks! No, we just happen to have the same brand of humor. – None – 7 years ago

    1That is really funny though – None – 7 years ago

    Apparently, this is exactly the same as the default Hello World code on TIO. – user202729 – 7 years ago

    yup, that would be the hello world I wrote for spaced @user202729 – Conor O'Brien – 6 years ago


    Brain-Flak, 448 bytes


    Try it online!

    Newlines added for clarity


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 425


    Flipbit, 148 bytes


    Try it online!

    I love explaining things :P

    How it works

    Flipbit uses an infinite tape, consisting of either a 1 or a 0 per cell. The way it outputs is getting all previous elements in the tape, converting that from binary, then indexing into Unicode.

    complete code walk through coming

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    Whispers, 29 bytes

    > "Hello, World!"
    >> Output 1

    Try it online!

    An even newer language than Verbosity.

    How it works

    > "Hello, World!" - Line 1
    >                 - Yield a constant value, which is...
      "Hello, World!" -   The string "Hello, World!"
    >> Output 1       - Line 2
    >>                - Replace numbers with line references
       Output         - Output the value...
              1       - ...on line 1

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4), 29 28 bytes

     OUTPUT ='Hello, World!'

    Try it online!

    Thanks to Ørjan Johansen for saving a byte!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 21 077

    The space after = can be removed. – Ørjan Johansen – 7 years ago


    Assembunny, 100 bytes

    out 72
    out 101
    out 108
    out 108
    out 111
    out 44
    out 32
    out 119
    out 111
    out 114
    out 108
    out 100
    out 33

    I think I could have miscounted.


    This code uses the extra signal generator instruction out x from day 25 for output.

    This is the output:

      Dec  72 101 108 108 111  44  32 119 111 114 108 100  33
      Hex  48  65  6C  6C  6F  2C  20  77  6F  72  6C  64  21
    ASCII   H   e   l   l   o   ,       w   o   r   l   d   !


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 3 334


    Commentator, 197 bytes

             {-        -}!/*{-{-           {-         -}!  /*       /*/*   /*-}-}#    {-   -}!/*{- e#-}///*{-e#-}//{-#  -}!{-# e#-}///*{-{-/*   /*{-e#-}//   /*-}-}             /*#   {-            -}!/*

    Try it online!

    I'm genuinely surprised it took me this long to make a somewhat golfed Hello, World! program in Commentator.

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 13 702


    uBASIC, 17 bytes

    0?"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Taylor Scott

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 709


    Yabasic, 16 bytes

    May there always be BASIC in this world!

    ?"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Taylor Scott

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 709


    MY-BASIC, 20 bytes

    Print"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Taylor Scott

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 6 709


    17, 71

    777{44 $ 5g $ 66 : : $ $ 69 : $ 1f $ 52 $ $ 6c $ $ 5f $ 1g $ a $ 0 @}


    Pushes ascii values for Hello World!(in base 17). Then store 17 at 0, to make it exit by relying on the fact that if it tries to pop at number and the stack is empty it return 17 to save two characters.

    Hugh Williams

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 51


    Unnamed, 14 Bytes

    Unnamed is an unfinished language, only custom output is supported at the time of posting this. But it works.

    !Hello, World!   


    ! -> user specified output
    Hello, World -> string


    Posted 10 years ago


    I'm reviewing this as Looks OK because in this challenge, there's no such thing as notability. – Nissa – 7 years ago


    TapeBagel, 511 bytes

    %% %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++
    %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++
    %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## @* %++ %++ %++ %++
    %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++
    %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++
    %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++
    %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ##  %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++
    %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ##

    %# - adds one to the integer index.

    %% - resets the integer index to zero.

    %& - the integer that the integer index is pointing to is inputted into the program.

    #% - sets all of the integers to one.

    ## - resets all of the integers to zero.

    && - pauses the program.

    &@ - clears the screen.

    %++ - adds one to the integer that the integer index is pointing to

    @[ int ] - outputs the integer as a character (1 = A, 2 = B, ... 26 = Z)

    * - integer 0


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 139


    Sisi, 21 bytes

    0print"Hello, World!"

    Try it online!

    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    +-=*/!&#, 64 Bytes


    This programming language was actually made by me on November 30th, and it's only useful for printing stuff. See here.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 97

    1If it's only useful for printing stuff, then it's not a programming language – ASCII-only – 6 years ago


    C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 22 bytes

    Write("Hello, World!")

    Try it online!

    I realize this question has an existing C# answer which presumably uses the traditional csc.exe compiler. This answers uses the csi.exe command-line REPL.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 541


    Scala, 63 bytes

    object Main{def main(a:Array[String])=print("Hello, World!")}

    Try it online!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 27

    an existing answer is shorter – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    That shorter answer doesn't work in tio. One of the requirements in this particular assignment was that each submission must be a full program. – Peter – 6 years ago

    Also, that answer has extra \n in the string. – Peter – 6 years ago

    The shorter one, sure. But not the longer one, which is still shorter than yours. Plus, yours is the one with extra newline, and incorrect capitalization for the W :| – ASCII-only – 6 years ago

    You are right, that answer is better and provides full version that works in tio. – Peter – 6 years ago


    33, 16 bytes

    "Hello, World!"p

    But that's boring, isn't it? Let's try with functions, instead.

    56 bytes

    {"Hello"p}'Hello'{", "p}', '{"World"p}'World'{"!"pi}qqqq

    Here's something to be explained.

    The string registers are initialised to "" when the interpreter starts. When the interpreter encounters a {, it copies all the code until the matching } and stores it as a function, labelled as what the destination string register was at the time (The destination string is set by single quotes).

    Changes to the registers persist when changing stack frames (is that the right term?), so the explanation looks like this:

    {                                                         (Creates function "")
      "Hello"                                                 (Stores "Hello" in the source string register)
             p                                                (Prints what is in the source string register)
              }'Hello'{                                       (Creates function "Hello")
                       ", "p                                  (Prints ", " after storing it in the source string register)
                            }', '{                            (Creates function ", ")
                                  "World"p                    (Prints "World" after storing it in the source string register)
                                          }'World'{           (Creates function "World")
                                                   "!"p       (Prints "!")
                                                       i      (Prints a newline)
                                                        }q    (Calls function "")
                                                          q   (Calls function "Hello")
                                                           q  (Calls function ", ")
                                                            q (Calls function "World")

    This is a language I created. The source is in the link. I haven't made a Windows release of the interpreter yet, because I cannot figure out how to cross-compile. If you're on Windows, you'll have to compile it yourself.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 079


    Super Stack!, 66 bytes

    0 33 100 108 114 111 87 32 44 111 108 108 101 72 if outputascii fi

    Pushes the letters followed by a zero onto the stack, and prints them while they aren't zero.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    SSBPL, 33 bytes

    0'!'d'l'r'o'W' ','o'l$'e'H[$][.]#

    This pushes the ASCII for "Hello, World!" followed by a 0 onto the stack, then prints the top value while it isn't zero.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Groovy, 20 bytes

    print"Hello, World!"

    Michael Easter

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 585


    AutoIt, 29 bytes

    ConsoleWrite("Hello, World!")

    Needs to be compiled as a console program.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    MsgBox(0,"","Hello, World!") is one shorter :) – seadoggie01 – 6 years ago


    Foobar and Foobaz and Barbaz, oh my!, 314 bytes

    72 and 72 and 0, oh my.
    37 and 37 and 64, oh my.
    72 and 72 and 36, oh my.
    . and 64 and 44, oh my.
    67 and 67 and 44, oh my.
    . and 44 and 0, oh my.
    . and 32 and 0, oh my.
    87 and 87 and 0, oh my.
    40 and 40 and 71, oh my.
    16 and 16 and 98, oh my.
    12 and 12 and 96, oh my.
    . and 64 and 36, oh my.
    1 and 1 and 32, oh my.

    I believe that this is an optimal solution, with each line outputting a character.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    ACIDIC, 16 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Prints the entire storage stack, which is filled with Hello, World!.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    [], 20 bytes

    (({<[Hello, World!})

    Don't ask me how this works.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    2How does this work? – NieDzejkob – 8 years ago

    1@NieDzejkob Good question! – LegionMammal978 – 8 years ago

    Here is some documentation on how this works. It works because (({<x) prints the value of x. What remains is to convert "Hello, World!" into something printable by putting it in the declareDataX function [x} like [Hello, World!}. Therefore the program is (({<[Hello, World!}). At least I think that is how it works. – NK1406 – 6 years ago


    Argh!, 27 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Each p prints the character below it.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    A0A0, 57 bytes


    2 commands per line was the densest packing that I could find.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    I get Hl,Wrdeo ol! as the output from this... – Sp3000 – 9 years ago

    @Sp3000 Should be fixed – LegionMammal978 – 9 years ago


    Ans, 16 bytes

    $"Hello, World!"

    $ is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Axo, 29 bytes

    "!dlroW, o%
     >( ^

    Please let me know if this can be golfed further.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731

    Another 29 byte solution: "!dlroW ,olleH"(((((((((((((\ – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago

    You may want to consider putting in a TIO link to make it more accessible for others to test it – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago


    Tarflex, 18 bytes

    outs Hello, World!

    outs is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    WARP, 16 bytes

    )"Hello, World!"

    ) is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    Swap, 13 bytes

    Hello, World!

    Similar to ///, but swaps the terms instead of replacing them.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    J--, 28 bytes

    main{echo("Hello, World!");}

    main is replaced with public static void main(String[]a), echo is replaced with System.out.println, and the entire program is put in a class.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    STXTRM, 15 bytes

    [Hello, World!]

    [...] is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    ZeptoBasic, 21 bytes

    print "Hello, World!"

    print is the standard output mechanism.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    rs, 14 bytes

    /Hello, World!

    Replaces the empty string with "Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 15 731


    EEL, 93 bytes

    (Also known as Extensible Esoteric Language)


    I'm sure this could be golfed quite a lot, but this is something I whipped up pretty quick. All it does is define some helpful functions and use them to display "Hello, World!"

    Also, this DOES print "Hello, World!" with the characters separated by newlines, but I can't do anything about that, it's impossible in EEL.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 765

    1its obviously not that extensible if you can't do the challenge... – Destructible Lemon – 8 years ago


    ~English, 29 bytes

    Display "Hello, World!".Stop.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 242


    0815, 92 80 bytes


    Erik the Outgolfer

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 38 134


    Wat, 47 + 1 = 48 bytes

    0«!dlroW ,olleH»>ó#ÐÑÅv
                    ^     <

    I post a explanation tomorrow Here is the explanation:

    First line:
    0«!dlroW ,olleH»>ó#ÐÑÅv
    0«!dlroW ,olleH»        Push a reversed null terminated string
                    >       Go forward
                     ó      Duplicate the top of stack
                      #     Skip the next instruction
                       Ð    Kill all "execution engines" (end the program)
                        Ñ   If the top of the stack is 0, go backward (execute Ð and end the program), otherwise go forward
                         Å  Print the character on the top of the stack
                          v Go downward
    Second line:
                    ^     <
    Simply loop from the 'v' to the '>'


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    Fith, 17 bytes

    "Hello, World!" .

    . is the print word.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 062

    Doesn't that thing have any documentation??? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

    @EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ Documentation is in progress. Don't let the one-byte instruction fool you - this lang is terrible for golfing. – jqblz – 9 years ago


    Arithmescript, 42 bytes

    Try it here!


    var input = "";add("Hello, World!");out();


    var input = "";
    add("Hello, World!");

    This defines the input as nothing, adds the string Hello, World!, and then alerts it (you can't log to console as of now)

    Technically this is 379 bytes, as v1.0 had a bug where not embedding the programming language interpreter led to not being about to change the input variable.

    Requires Arithmescript v1.0 or higher

    Arithmescript, 27 bytes

    Try it here!


    add("Hello, World!");out();


    add("Hello, World!");

    v1.1 of Arithmescript automatically defines the input variable, so we use less bytes!

    Requires Arithmescript v1.1 or higher

    Arithmescript, 11 bytes

    Try it here!





    Arithmescript has a function that works the same as add("Hello, World!") but is shorter and takes no parameters.

    Requires Arithmescript v1.1 or higher

    If you're wondering, Arithmescript is a programming language written in JavaScript for golfing. Technically, it's not a programming language, but it is. You can view the sources of v1.0 and v1.1.


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 784


    eacal, 24 bytes

    put string Hello, World!

    Simple enough. put prints its argument, string turns its arguments into a string entity.

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228


    s-lang, 18 bytes

    Literally replaces "nothing" with "Hello, World!" (s-lang is not really meant to create strings, just modify them).

    t[][Hello, World!]
    • t - replace function

    Try it here


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 783


    PAWN, 29 bytes

    print"Hello, World!\n"

    (no trailing newline)

    Originally I was looking how to get QuadPawn (video) installed on my handheld scope but it turned out that my scope's hardware version (V2.72/8MB) isn't supported... :-(

    Someone else wants to try this?

    Luckily getting Pawn compiler 4.0.5504M from https://github.com/compuphase/pawn compiled on Debian-8.5/AMD64 was not a big deal.

    That way I could run/verify these two lines.


    Posted 10 years ago



    Node.js REPL, 20 bytes

    throw"Hello, World!"


    > throw"Hello, World!"
    Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547

    4Does this satisfy the •Each submission must be a full program. requirement? – AdmBorkBork – 9 years ago


    Arc, 21 bytes

    (prn "Hello, World!")


    Posted 10 years ago



    reticular, 17 bytes

    "Hello, World!"p;

    This has a trailing newline.

    This doesn't:

    "Hello, World!"o;

    Conor O'Brien

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 36 228

    1Is there any documentation for Reticular? – Chance – 8 years ago

    @Chance yup. Follow the link in the header, then go to the Github wiki. – Conor O'Brien – 8 years ago


    Logy, 32 bytes

    main[_]->print["Hello, World!"];

    Define the rule main printing Hello, World!.

    EDIT: Now puts need to be included, so I need to use print


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    MATLAB, 20 bytes

    disp 'Hello, World!'

    This is one byte shorter than the standard disp('Hello, World!').


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 1 495

    3disp 'Hello, World!' is one byte shorter! – Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago


    Y, 19 bytes

    ∅O("Hello, World!")

    Call the special function O (output) with the string Hello, World!


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    Ruby, 19 Bytes

    $><<"Hello, World!"

    Jatin Dhankhar

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 141

    1The rules sais it should print "this exact byte stream, including capitalisation and punctuation) plus an optional trailing newline, and nothing else". Your solution prints the string with qoutes around it. – daniero – 8 years ago

    @daniero Fixed There is one alternate answer but while on repl it also prints additonal info but when run from a script outputs exact answer $><<"Hello, World!" – Jatin Dhankhar – 8 years ago

    @daniero Sorry, pressed enter without completing the response ruby -e "$><<"Hello, World!" – Jatin Dhankhar – 8 years ago

    Your solution is now identical to this one :P http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/55443/4372. But the $><< variant is the same length, so I'd go with that, unless that solution also already exists

    – daniero – 8 years ago

    @daniero Modified the answer :] – Jatin Dhankhar – 8 years ago


    JLisp, 23 bytes

    (write "Hello, World!")

    Call the write function, which print a text to stdout


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 4 547


    brainfuck, 137 bytes


    Try it online!

    Explained :

    ++++++++++[>+>+++>+++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>++.                       H
    >+.                                                                    e
    +++++++..                                                             l l
    +++.                                                                   o
    <<++++++++++++++.                                                    comma
    ------------.                                                        space
    >+++++++++++++++.                                                      W
    >.                                                                     o
    +++.                                                                   r
    ------.                                                                l
    --------.                                                              d
    <<+.                                                                   !

    This can definitely be golfed. (World record is 72 bytes so I already know that)

    This is basic hard coded answer, simply gets the Ascii value, resets and keeps going

    brainfuck, 210 bytes


    Try it online!

    Explained :

    -[>+<-------]>-.                                               H
    <-[>++<-----]>-.                                               e
    +++++++..                                                     l l
    >+[+>+[<]>->]<.                                                o
    --[>+<++++++]>+.                                               ,
    >-[-[-<]>>+<]>-.                                             space  
    -[>+<---]>++.                                                  W
    >+[+>+[<]>->]<.                                                o
    >+[-->++[<]>-]>.                                               r
    >+[++[++>]<<+]>+.                                              l
    -[>++<-----]>--.                                               d
    >-[-[-<]>>+<]>.                                                !

    Muhammad Salman

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 361


    Ruby, 19 bytes

    puts"Hello, World!"


    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 25


    So I am still developing this and it is still a beta , but I though I would post this anyways (Note : The language was made after the challenge,)

    Simple, 1 byte


    Other possible alternatives : +,*,/,%. No numbers just operators.

    Try it

    Muhammad Salman

    Posted 10 years ago

    Reputation: 2 361

    You don't need to say it was made after the challenge – ASCII-only – 7 years ago

    @ASCII-only : I see – Muhammad Salman – 7 years ago

    You removed the Try It code – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago

    This answer is invalid; the github interpreter link is dead. – MilkyWay90 – 6 years ago