JSFuck Golf - Hello World



JSFuck is an esoteric language in which any Javascript statement can be accurately reproduced into another valid Javascript program that uses only the 6 characters []()!+.

The JSFuck converter, when given an input of alert("Hello World!"), produces a block of code that is 22,948 characters long. Because the program used a lot of automatic conversions to create that block, I believe that the code can be made a lot shorter using manual optimizations.

Your task is to build a Javascript program that performs the task alert("Hello World!"), using only the characters []()!+. The shortest code to do so wins.

Joe Z.

Posted 11 years ago

Reputation: 30 589

Can we get $ and = as well, please? Otherwise I don't think we can best the generator. – John Dvorak – 11 years ago

2@JanDvorak I understand your point but it may somehow break the point of this challenge: use JSFuck. – Pierre Arlaud – 11 years ago

Heh, didn't realize someone turned this into a "language". – Griffin – 11 years ago

Because of the limited character set, surely after compression (as is common in all modern HTTP servers and browsers) this is better than minification! – Nick T – 10 years ago



JScrewIt (different solutions: 16117, 14747, and 5903 characters)

Javascript engines are not identical; slight implementation differences may cause code that works in a browser not to work in another one. In case of lipogrammatic code like JSFuck - which largely relies on hacks to encode things as short as possible - incompatibilities are even larger.

For example, the code generated by JSFuck for alert("Hello World!") does not run on Internet Explorer. If this is an acceptable limitation, we can still drop the size down to 16117 22174 characters (I cannot include the whole code directly because answer size is limited to 30000 characters):


A code that works on Internet Explorer too, but not so on some older browsers, takes 14747 characters to encode:


Finally, if it's ok to have code that runs on current Firefox [update] and Safari [end update] only, we could do it with 5903 5911 characters:


I encoded all of those with JScrewIt. You can find other encoders similar to JSFuck listed on Esolang: http://esolangs.org/wiki/JSFuck. I tried all of them and I have to say JScrewIt seems to be the best one (and also the only one that works in all browsers), though I havent't analysed how it works in detail.

Another interesting encoder is 6chars.js, which generates larger output for short input like alert("Hello World!"), but when the input gets longer it performs better than the other encoders because it encodes characters as numbers. Numbers are shorter to write in JSFuck but require extra overhead to decode. Unfortunately, 6chars.js only works in Chrome and I can't say if it's being still actively developed.

It would be interesting to know if there are more of such encoders. If one could join methods used by different encoders in one tool it would be possible to produce even shorter solutions.

me and my cat

Posted 11 years ago

Reputation: 1 107

I tried using JScrewit for Safari 9 only and it went down to 5908. – Joe Z. – 9 years ago

1Thanks @JoeZ. I guess the code size improves from time to time as new browsers/JScrewIt are released. – me and my cat – 9 years ago


JSFuck (15,863 characters)

Not really optimized (just 7,085 characters), but it's not that optimizations are really possible, as JSFuck is just a simple language hack.


Konrad Borowski

Posted 11 years ago

Reputation: 11 185

It's definitely much shorter than the autogenerated version. – Joe Z. – 11 years ago

4@JoeZ.: It's still autogenerated, but with different code, which is longer, but shorter for generator (and does the same thing). I just cannot see how to beat the generator, so I wanted to help it instead, by writing something else. – Konrad Borowski – 11 years ago


JSFuck, 18827


Couldn't get it down much further. Autogenerated code, I optimized the readable JS code for the generator. Only did very few optimizations in the JSFuck code.

Max Krause

Posted 11 years ago

Reputation: 161