Tips for golfing in JavaScript



What general tips do you have for golfing in JavaScript? I'm looking for ideas that can be applied to code golf problems in general that are at least somewhat specific to JavaScript (e.g. "remove comments" is not an answer).

Note: Also see Tips for Golfing in ECMAScript 6 and above


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544

This link has a bunch of tips relevant here. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:53:53.297

I was actually wondering, is it allowed to put variables in global (saves var)? And should JavaScript golf code be a function or output something directly? I honestly think this can make much difference. – pimvdb – 2011-05-27T05:28:56.007

1@primvdb: It is allowed, but you have to be careful because it can cause side-effects if a function is called multiple times and it is manipulating global variables, or if it is a recursive function. – mellamokb – 2011-05-27T13:44:05.157



Fancy For Loops

you can use the standard for loop in non-standard ways

for ( a; b; c )

is essentially equivalent to:

while ( b )

so a good trick is to write your code with a while loop, and then split it into the a,b,c parts in a for loop.

A couple examples I've written:


Chain your setters

If you're initializing or resetting multiple values, chain the value to all the variables that need it:


Implicit Casting

Don't check your types, just use them as they are. parseInt() costs 10 characters. If you need to cast out of a string, be creative:

c = a + b; //failure
c = parseInt(a) + parseInt(b) //too long

c = -(-a-b); //try these
c = ~~a+~~b;
c = +a+ +b;
c = a- -b;

Avoid Semicolons

JavaScript has automatic semi-colon insertion. Use it often and well.


Save on brackets by shoving as much as possible into single lines, or parameters:

a( realParam1, realParam2, fizz='buzz' )

Increment/Decrement operators

a = a - 1;


a = a - 1;

can easily be rewritten as





Use this or self instead of window in global context

self explanatory 2 character savings.

Use bracket notation for repeat property access

This is definitely a balancing act between property name length and number of accesses. Instead of calling a.longFunctionName() with dot notation twice, it's shorter to save the name and call the function via bracket notation:




this is especially effective with functions like document.getElementById which can be reduced to d[e].


With bracket notation, the cost is 6 + name.length characters the first time. Each subsequent access has a cost of 3 characters.

For dot notation, all accesses cost name.length + 1 (+1 for the .) characters.

Use this method if 6 + name.length + (3 * (accesses - 1)) < accesses * (name.length + 1).

len = length of property name
i = minimum accesses to take advantage

len | i 
1   | ∞ 
2   | ∞ 
3   | 7 
4   | 4 
5   | 3 
6   | 3 
7   | 3 
8+  | 2 

The number of accesses can also span multiple objects. If you access .length 4 or more times on different arrays, you can use the same variable holding the string 'length'.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 2 915

Again, for loops and the stated while loop equivalent will differ in how they handle continue keywords. – SuperJedi224 – 2015-05-06T20:50:38.790

@SuperJedi224, continue is far too many characters to be worthwhile. Avoid it. – zzzzBov – 2015-05-06T21:35:02.063

@zzzzBov: In code golf, that is usually true, but that's still a point that's worth mentioning. – SuperJedi224 – 2015-05-07T00:28:51.030


Where can I add ?

– Inkbug – 2012-08-01T10:23:51.310

1Instead using document.getElementById('X').something, just X.something works as well – removed – 2016-02-13T09:33:08.883

Instead of ~~a+~~b, I think you can use ~-a-~b – Cyoce – 2016-05-24T06:44:31.637

8I swear I'm going to use d- -b in my code someday... – John Dvorak – 2013-12-19T14:21:29.593

4+a+b doesn't work (at least on mine...) // a="1",b="1",+a+b // gives "11" – imma – 2014-01-16T11:46:03.020

5c = ~~a-~~b should be c = ~~a+~~b. Also, you can implicitly cast to integer using |0, for example Math.random()*6|0. – mellamokb – 2011-06-01T19:48:22.913

7It's cheaper to coerce a string to a number with the unary plus operator. If a and b are strings, you can do +a+b to convert to number and add them. – Peter Olson – 2011-12-02T21:38:52.267

2For "Use Array-Access for repeat function calls" if you're using the function more than twice on the same object, what's a bit shorter is to assign the function to a new member like a.f=a.longfunctionname;a.f(b);a.f(c);a.f(d) – Martin Ender – 2014-09-11T14:40:46.007


Splitting with numbers to save the quotemarks:

"alpha,bravo,charlie".split(",") // before
"alpha0bravo0charlie".split(0)   // after


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 188

2It works, and I've used it for multiple digits. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T03:55:49.573

12Lol this is actually pretty creative – NiCk Newman – 2015-11-03T19:37:23.050

11in ES6 this doesn't matter anymore, you can just do .split\...`` – David Archibald – 2017-04-15T22:41:48.107

1"alpha,bravo,charlie".split\,`` – Kamil Kiełczewski – 2019-09-16T09:32:38.530


Use the comma operator to avoid braces (also applies to C):


Instead of


which is one character longer.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544

2Is the semicolon necessary at the end of the first sample? – wjl – 2012-08-20T06:12:18.737

4@wjlafrance: It would only not be required if it's at the end of the one-liner. – mellamokb – 2012-08-20T14:57:59.477

This can also be written as i<10&&m+=5,n-=3 – Pavitra – 2019-11-11T21:41:25.407


Shorter random number generation

If you need a random boolean (0 or 1):

new Date&1 // equivalent to Math.random()<0.5

If you need a random integer 0 <= n < 1337:

new Date%1337 // equivalent to Math.floor(Math.random()*1337))

This works because a Date is stored internally in JavaScript as the amount of milliseconds since an epoch, so the new Date is being coerced into 123somebignumber456 when you try to do integer math on it.

Of course, these "random" numbers really won't be as random, especially if you call them multiple times in quick succession, so keep that in mind.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 68 138


Just remembered this answer while reading More falsehoods programmers believe about time: “21. If you create two date objects right beside each other, they’ll represent the same time. (a fantastic Heisenbug generator)”.

– user42589 – 2019-03-01T13:35:26.007


You can use the object literal form of get/set to avoid using the keyword function.

var obj = {
  get f(){
    console.log("just accessing this variable runs this code");
    return "this is actually a function";
  set f(v){
    console.log("you can do whatever you want in here, passed: " + v);

1 && obj.f; // runs obj.[[get f]]
obj.f = Infinity; // runs obj.[[set f]](Infinity)


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683


the getter/setter part was really helpful. thx – gion_13 – 2012-03-14T10:01:07.207

1Actually, even better is an object method, if you only use it <= 2 times. On the other hand, arrow functions are far better at cutting down characters, as they serve almost the same purpose, and classes are rarely useful in golfed code. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T03:57:42.530

if support is important arrow functions aren't supported in fx. ie11 – Jim Wolff – 2017-09-18T13:38:56.647


This one is lesser known and lesser used, but can be impressive if used in the right situation. Consider a function that takes no arguments and always returns a different number when called, and the returned number will be used in a calculation:

var a = [ 
    /* etc... */ 

You might normally shorten this function using a single-letter variable name:

var r=Math.random,a=[r()*12|0,r()*11|0,r()*10|0,r()*9|0,r()*8|0,r()*7|0,r()*6|0,r()*5|0];

A better way to reduce the length is by abusing valueOf, which gives you a saving of 2 characters per invocation. Useful if you call the function more than 5 times:

var r={valueOf:Math.random},a=[r*12|0,r*11|0,r*10|0,r*9|0r*8|0,r*7|0,r*6|0,r*5|0];

Andy E

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 781

8Or, you could do it like either of these: let a=[5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12].map(x=>x*Math.random()|0) or let a=Array(7).map((_,i)=>i*Math.random()|0+5), 36 or 42 bytes saved, respectively. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:05:58.053

Is it possible to replace r(), or make it shorter? – NiCk Newman – 2015-11-03T19:46:23.817

3r={valueOf:Math.random} That's just genius :D – ETHproductions – 2016-11-22T17:03:37.300

1@Isiah, well yeah, you can do that now :-D – Andy E – 2016-11-22T22:57:26.823


Taking advantage of short-circuit operators

Rather than long if statements or using ternary operators, you can make use of && and || to shorten your code. For instance:

var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(;

return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')) : null;

can become

var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(;

return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));

The || operator is often used in this way for setting defaults:

evt = evt || window.event;

This is the same as writing

if (!evt)
    evt = window.event;

Creating repetitive strings using Array

If you want to initialize a long string of a particular character, you can do so by creating an array with a length of n+1, where n is the number of times you wish to repeat the character:

// Create a string with 30 spaces
str = "                              ";

// or
str = Array(31).join(" ");

The larger the string, the bigger the saving.

Parsing numbers

Use + and ~ operators instead of parseFloat() or parseInt() when coalescing a string type that is just a number to a number type:

var num = "12.6";
parseFloat(num) === +num;  // + is 10 characters shorter than parseFloat()

var num2 = "12"
parseInt(num2) === +num2;   // + is 8 characters shorter than parseInt()

var num3 = "12.6"
parseInt(num3) === ~~num3;  // ~~ is 7 characters shorter than parseInt()

var num4 = "12.6"
parseInt(num4) === num4|0;  // |0 is 7 characters shorter than parseInt()

Be wary though, other types can be coalesced with these operators (for instance, true would become 1) an empty string or a string containing just white space would become 0. This could be useful in certain circumstances, however.

Andy E

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 781


To create repetitive strings, in ES6 you can use str.repeat(count)

– Oriol – 2015-05-12T16:38:42.477

6+1 for Creating repetitive strings using Array - hadn't thought about that one. – mellamokb – 2011-06-09T15:04:30.740


Sneak variable initialization into the prompt() call for getting user input

n=prompt(i=5);     // sets i=5 at the same time as getting user input

instead of using


As a side-effect, it displays the input value in the prompt window while saving 1 character.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544

@DocMax Only if you are taking advantage of ASI. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:10:27.597

3@DocMax: You could use comma operator for that - i=5,[1,2,3].join(). – Konrad Borowski – 2013-01-04T11:59:33.723

@GlitchMr: I could, but it doesn't save any characters. I agree that most of the time that will be cleaner. I think there may still be cases where my ordering might save a char, although I cannot come up with one at the moment (and I may well be wrong). – DocMax – 2013-01-04T17:01:22.227

a="in "+[1,i,3].join('',i=5)+" minutes"
saves 2 chars compared to
a="in "+([1,i,3].join(),i=5)+" minutes"
– imma – 2018-01-26T10:42:34.863

12This can also be applied to any function that doesn't accept arguments. – Casey Chu – 2011-06-19T21:59:33.610

3Even when the function accepts arguments it can be useful, as in [1,2,3].join('',i=5) in cases where it saves a pair of braces. – DocMax – 2011-06-30T00:58:23.083


Unicode shortcuts

If you use a hell of a built-in property at a big golfing challenge you can alias every property to a one character equivalent:


After executing the code above you can use it like this:
"foo".Č(/.*/,'bar') // replaces foo with bar

This costs 118 bytes, so it might not be useful in certain situations

It may be browser dependent and i'm not sure if it's shorter than with(Array){join(foo),...} or defining variables as used properties with(Array){j=join,m=map...} but still it is worth mentioning.

    Math        Number              String              Array

ø   toSource    prototype           prototype           prototype
ù   abs         NaN                 quote               join
ú   acos        POSITIVE_INFINITY   substring           reverse
û   asin        NEGATIVE_INFINITY   toLowerCase         sort
ü   atan        MAX_VALUE           toUpperCase         push
ý   atan2       MIN_VALUE           charAt              pop
þ   ceil        MAX_SAFE_INTEGER    charCodeAt          shift
ÿ   clz32       MIN_SAFE_INTEGER    contains            unshift
Ā   cos         EPSILON             indexOf             splice
ā   exp         isFinite            lastIndexOf         concat
Ă   floor       isInteger           startsWith          slice
ă   imul        isNaN               endsWith            filter
Ą   fround      toInteger           trim                isArray
ą   log         parseFloat          trimLeft            lastIndexOf
Ć   max         parseInt            trimRight           indexOf
ć   min         length              toLocaleLowerCase   forEach
Ĉ   pow         name                toLocaleUpperCase   map
ĉ   random      arguments           normalize           every
Ċ   round       caller              match               some
ċ   sin                             search              reduce
Č   sqrt                            replace             reduceRight
č   tan                             split   
Ď   log10                           substr  
ď   log2                            concat  
Đ   log1p                           slice   
đ   expm1                           fromCharCode    
Ē   cosh                            fromCodePoint   
ē   sinh                            localeCompare   
Ĕ   tanh                            length  
ĕ   acosh                           name    
Ė   asinh                           arguments   
ė   atanh                           caller  
Ę   hypot           
ę   trunc           
Ě   sign            
ě   cbrt            
Ĝ   E           
ĝ   LOG2E           
Ğ   LOG10E          
ğ   LN2         
Ġ   LN10            
ġ   PI          
Ģ   SQRT2           
ģ   SQRT1_2         


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 916

I'm using google chrome, and these are all giving undefined. – SuperJedi224 – 2015-05-14T19:19:34.343

It must be very firefox specific then. Sorry for the inconvenience. – bebe – 2015-05-15T16:44:59.550

Why are these all special characters? Why not just use printable ASCII? (easier to type, more reliable, and only 1 byte for golfing) – Cyoce – 2016-02-10T20:02:21.713

This doesn't really work for Math because it doesn't have a .prototype attribute. Removing Math, though, I managed to golf this down to a 114-byte snippet that assigns them all to single-byte letters. You can find it here.

– ETHproductions – 2016-12-03T20:50:36.153


You can also golf my solution to 106 bytes at the expense of moving all these properties to the range À-ÿ, which is still 1 byte each in the ISO-8859-1 encoding (which JS supports). In Firefox 50, this unfortunately puts the .localeCompare method on ×, but that shouldn't usually be an issue. source

– ETHproductions – 2016-12-03T21:59:13.507


Combine nested for loops:

// before:

// after:

Example with different values for i/j:

// before:

// after:

Kae Verens

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 401

(I've edited a) minor typo, but very clever! Note that this will only work on nested loops of same length (unless I'm wrong). – Camilo Martin – 2012-12-18T13:26:31.067

1@CamiloMartin No, the loops don't need to be of equal length. The resulting number of iterations is i*j and the division/modulus operators retrieve the individual values of i and j. – quietmint – 2013-12-19T00:38:09.250

@user113215 You're right, awesome! :) I've edited the answer to include an example. – Camilo Martin – 2013-12-19T14:14:54.747


Exception abusing

in case string/character literals are prohibited, you can use a try catch block:


now str equals "something"

if more strings are needed you can chain it with a number (e.g. zeros)


now arr equals ["something", "foo", "bar", " is not defined"]


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 916


Converting a while loop into a for loop is often equivalent:


But the second form can have variable initialization combined:


Notice the second form is one character shorter than the first form.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544

6Or, even better, just use for loops. There's really no case where using a for loop results in larger code, as far as I have experienced. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:08:41.197


If you can accept Spidermonkey (for now) specific scripts, you can use ECMAScript 6 arrow functions. Insteading of writing code like the following.{return x*2}) // function? return?

You can shorten it like this.>x*2)

Konrad Borowski

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 11 185


If you're initializing a variable to 1 in every iteration of a loop (for example, resetting a variable in an outer loop for an inner loop), like the following (from my answer to this question):


Since the result of a condition like j++<=n is 1 whenever its true, you can just assign the condition directly to the variable (because when it becomes false, the loop will stop executing and will no longer matter):


You can usually save 2 characters using this method. Regards to @ugoren for the idea in the comments to that answer.

For another example, I also applied this trick to my answer here with the expression w=r=++c<S.length in my outer for loop, saving a total of 4 characters.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544


If you need to check for NaN, don't use isNaN(x), but use x!=x, which is shorter and also works.


Note that this only works if typeof(x) === "number"; if it's a string for example, isNaN("string") returns true, but "string" != "string" returns false. Thanks to Cyoce for pointing this out!


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 8 017

2That's a genius use of this quirk. +1 – ETHproductions – 2015-12-22T21:05:51.233

Warning: these are not always equivalent: isNaN("string") returns true, whereas "string"!="string" returns false (obviously) – Cyoce – 2016-02-10T22:18:46.327

@Cyoce Good point, thanks! I edited my answer. – ProgramFOX – 2016-02-11T07:36:39.410

In many cases, you can even go for if(!x){, if you are detecting NaN explicitly. – SE - stop firing the good guys – 2016-08-09T21:24:31.337

More specifically, x!=x returns true only for NaN. – ETHproductions – 2016-12-01T19:15:03.603

1Casting x to number, +x!=+x, makes it equivalent to isNaN(x), yet still 2 characters shorter. Then, +"string"!=+"string" returns true. – Tomas Langkaas – 2017-09-08T19:50:42.577


Array sum / product / quotient

ES5: 17 bytes


ES6: 15 bytes


Of course you can swap the + for anything you want, e.g., * for product or / for quotient.

George Reith

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 2 424


Use a bitwise operation to round a number toward zero:

// do this

// or do this

(Source: Random dice tipping)

Operator precedence determines which will be shorter in your program.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 369

To keep the comments up-to-date, in current Fx they're both fast & about equal. Not that it's likely to be a bottleneck in the first place, compared to surrounding code... – FireFly – 2014-02-01T20:13:14.377

2This can also be used to coalesce a string input into an integer, i.e., n=prompt()|0. – mellamokb – 2011-05-27T13:31:09.250


bitwise is also super fast compared to math.floor :

– vsync – 2011-06-07T22:33:31.407

@vsync: Weird. I get math.floor to be about twice as fast as bitwise on Chrome 11.0.696.77. – mellamokb – 2011-06-08T11:47:39.473

very weird. for me they are both more or less same speeds & super fast in Chrome, but in FF the bitwise is a lot faster than Chrome, and Math.floor is terribly slow..almost should not be used I would say. – vsync – 2011-06-08T16:15:06.203


Looping Tip I

You can save 1 character when looping by changing the i on the last time used:

//not so god


Note: works with -- too (but modify the loop accordingly to avoid infinite looping)

Looping Tip II

There are certain scenarios where you can save one character by playing with the incrementing operator and values:


Note: you need to pay attention when for example 0 to -1. and 9 to 10, 99 to 100, so play around until you find a way to save the character


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 188


Use ^ instead of != or == when comparing to an integer



Replace calls to built-in Math functions with shorter expressions







Tomas Langkaas

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 324

2Alternatively, you can simply use - instead of != for integers; For example, n!=1?a:b would be equivalent to n-1?a:b – vrugtehagel – 2019-05-03T10:32:29.510


Abuse literals

The recent sample: Check whether "c" is uppercase or lowercase, doesn't matter if not letter

"c"<{} // returns false, lower case
"C"<{} // returns true, upper case


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 985

3How does this work? – user41805 – 2018-06-26T10:15:43.607

3@Cowsquack String({}) gives "[object Object]". – Dennis – 2018-06-26T14:49:54.610


Something worth noting is that you can use a string in place of zero in some instances to save a couple of bytes here and there in loops:

// s="123456789", i=10

Dom Hastings

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 16 415

1I tried ""++ in the console earlier wondering if it would work, of course it has to be in a variable first. Thanks! – Vartan – 2015-07-30T21:00:34.713


tl;dr: Use ES6 features!

Arrow functions


s = x => x*x
// s = function (x) {
//   return x * x;
// }


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 2 557

@Florent - consider deleting an answer which doesn't work? – vsync – 2016-04-21T07:35:43.993

@vsync I've removed the array comprehension part. Thanks. – Florent – 2016-04-21T18:22:52.393

Arrow functions were already mentioned on Oct 13 '13 at 15:42. But that for..of is cool. Even shorter than for

– manatwork – 2014-01-07T15:11:19.007


The array comprehension syntax seems to be wrong. According to the documentation should be like in Python: b = [s(x) for (x of a)].

– manatwork – 2014-01-07T15:15:05.870

@manatwork The above samples run fine in Traceur's REPL – Florent – 2014-01-07T15:31:52.807

No idea about Traceur, but you mentioned ECMAScript and pointed to Mozilla documentation. And array comprehensions in none of them looks like you wrote it.

– manatwork – 2014-01-07T15:39:23.243

1Array comprehensions were actually pulled midway through. – Isiah Meadows – 2014-12-03T22:20:50.453


Very simple one, even so, no one had mentioned it.

If you're using Math.min() or Math.max() you can save 6 chars by doing this:

Math.min(a,b)  // 13 chars
a<b?a:b        //  7 chars


António Almeida

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 288



I know that alternatives to Math.floor() have been posted, but what about the others?


Math.floor(x) //before
0|x           //after


Math.round(x) //before
0|x+.5        //after


Math.ceil(x) //before
x%1?-~x:x    //after - credits to @Tomas Langkaas

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 7 234

1Note that 0|x+1 simply adds 1 if the number you want to find the ceiling of is already an integer. A (mostly) safe alternative is 0|x+1-1e9, but this is only three bytes shorter. – ETHproductions – 2015-11-07T18:11:16.283

@ETHproductions don't you mean 0|x+1-1e-9? – Mama Fun Roll – 2015-11-24T01:40:03.690

Oops, yeah. Thanks for pointing that out. (For some reason, I can't do @(your username)...) – ETHproductions – 2015-11-24T01:42:48.820

Probably because my username chars are upside down :) – Mama Fun Roll – 2015-11-24T01:45:53.840

~~x also works for flooring, same length as your shorthand – Octopus – 2017-05-25T00:48:38.703

1For ceiling, x%1?-~x:x (9 characters) is a better alternative. However, like the flooring alternatives 0|x and ~~x, it only works for positive numbers. – Tomas Langkaas – 2017-09-08T18:40:22.497


Free commas!

Often you'll want to include a comma in a string, perhaps like so:


By abusing the string representation of arrays, this can be shortened by two bytes:


This particular instance only works if you have three variables you want to concatenate as shown. You can use the same trick with two, but you need to be careful. There are three variants you might try:


The first one will return an actual array rather than a string, which defeats the purpose. The second one looks like it will work, but in fact most modern browsers will remove the trailing comma when parsing the array. The third one will work though, at the same byte count as the second.

To put this to good use, say you have a function which creates the range [0...n]:


If returning a string with a separator is allowed, you might do something like this, saving a few bytes:

f=x=>x?f(x-1)+" "+x:0

However, you can save another byte with an array literal:


Note that depending on how you arrange the recursion, you may end up with a leading or trailing separator, so you'll need to make sure your output format is allowed by the challenge.

Example usage


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 47 880

You may not be able to do [x,]+y, but you can do [x,,]+y. Though it occurs to me that's the same amount of bytes as x+','+y, so nevermind. – Patrick Roberts – 2017-10-05T05:43:46.930


Instead of writing true you can use !0.

Wolle Vanillebär Lutz

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 256

4Likewise, !1 for false. – James M. Lay – 2015-01-17T17:46:29.013

11Better yet, use 1 for true and 0 for false, unless you really need the literal values. – ETHproductions – 2016-12-13T18:24:46.650


In cases where you are using the ternary operator to chose between two numbers, and the conditional is either a boolean or number 1 or 0, you can do math operations instead:

(x ? num1 : num2) conclusions:

    1)if num1 equals num2, there ARE savings
    2)if num1 is (+1) or (-1) than num2, there ARE savings
    3)if either num1 or num2 equals to 0, there ARE savings
    4)it is MORE LIKELY to find greater savings on num1>num2 instead of num1<num2
    5)in method (*A) and (*B), savings are NOT GUARANTEED

            ex1: (x?5:4) to (x+4)
            ex2: (x?8:7) to (x+7)
            ex1: (x?3:0) to (x*3)
            ex2: (x?7:0) to (x*7)
            (*A) or (*B) //one might be shorter

            ex1: (x?4:5) to (5-x)
            ex2: (x?7:8) to (8-x)
            ex1: (x?0:3) to (!x*3)
            ex2: (x?0:7) to (!x*7)
            (*A) or (*B) //one might be shorter

            ex1: (x?5:5) to (5)
            ex2: (x?-3:-3) to (-3)

    (*A) use ((x*(num1-num2))+num2)
        ex1: (x?8:4)   to ((x*4)+4)
        ex2: (x?4:8)   to ((x*-4)+8)

        ex3: (x?6:-4)  to ((x*10)-4)
        ex4: (x?-4:6)  to ((x*-10)+6)

        ex5: (x?4:-6)  to ((x*10)-6)
        ex6: (x?-6:4)  to ((x*-10)+4)

        ex7: (x?-5:-9) to ((x*4)-9)
        ex8: (x?-9:-5) to ((x*-4)-5)

    (*B) use ((!x*(num2-num1))+num1)
        ex1: (x?8:4)   to ((!x*-4)+8)
        ex2: (x?4:8)   to ((!x*4)+4)

        ex3: (x?6:-4)  to ((!x*-10)+6)
        ex4: (x?-4:6)  to ((!x*10)-4))

        ex5: (x?4:-6)  to ((!x*-10)+4)
        ex6: (x?-6:4)  to ((!x*10)-6)

        ex7: (x?-5:-9) to ((!x*-4)-5)
        ex8: (x?-9:-5) to ((!x*4)-9)

Note: In addition to this, you will need to remove the unnecessary 0-, +0, +- etc.

Note2: there is an isolated case where (x) !== (x?1:0), as x must be typeof === "number" for it to work. However, in the case of (-x) it works just fine.

Note3: In case you don't find savings, simply use the former (x?y:z)

Previously I thought method B couldn't ever beat A, however exceptions do exist:

(x?97:100) //original


I created a github project that makes the simplification for us (jsFiddle demo)


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544

@ajax333221 void 0 (it isn't a function, but a keyword) is not a value, it simply returns undefined. – Camilo Martin – 2012-12-18T12:07:19.370

@CamiloMartin you are right, also I now see the point in this answer, however a must be either 1 or 0 for it to work – ajax333221 – 2012-12-18T16:30:23.200

@ajax333221 Yes, actually the funny thing about code golfing to me is that most of the best tricks only work for that particular thing you're doing, and one feels so clever to find one of these corner cases with corner solutions :D By the way, you don't have to delete comments... – Camilo Martin – 2012-12-19T02:07:45.990


Prefer .map over .reduce

Consider the following code for summing an array:

a.reduce(function(x,y){return x+y})

Pretty long, right? What if I told you that you could get rid of the return? Well, you can:{t+=x},t=0)    // 7 bytes saved

(Although an even shorter way is eval(a.join("+")).)

How about reducing by multiplication, where you have to specify the starting number anyway?

a.reduce(function(x,y){return x*y},1)  // Looooong{t*=x},t=1)    // An easy 9 bytes shorter

(Again, eval(a.join("*")) works as well.)

Here, let's try one that doesn't work with eval(a.join()):

a.reduce(function(x,y){return x+f(y)}){t+=f(x)},t=0)

Note that this doesn't work quite as well with ES6, although it's still a little shorter:


Note: in all of the .map versions, you will need to call t afterwards to get the actual value.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 47 880

Can you apply the same logic for ES6? – Sunny Patel – 2016-08-23T19:57:09.373

@SunnyPatel Yep, although it doesn't work out quite as well. – ETHproductions – 2016-11-22T15:53:42.990


Use if(~a.indexOf(b)) instead of if(a.indexOf(b)!=-1)


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 505

Also have a look at Array.prototype.includes as in 2017

– tsh – 2017-04-08T15:37:14.313


Use Mozilla's nonstandard "expression closures" feature to save many characters in a script that only needs to work in the SpiderMonkey/Firefox or Rhino engines. For example,

function foo(){return bar}


function foo()bar

See the Stack Overflow page for more such tricks.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 369

5ECMAScript 6: let foo = () => bar;, ironically shorter than the golfed code above. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:41:49.153

1ECMAScript 6 to the rescue! ->bar – Ry- – 2012-06-10T18:53:38.633

2ECMAScript 6: foo=_=>bar, even shorter. – ETHproductions – 2015-12-22T01:02:32.433

that link is broken. – Cyoce – 2016-02-11T07:45:38.450

2That's not Javascript. That's a SPACE STATION!!! – Thomas Eding – 2011-08-20T00:40:04.267


Transforming to a Boolean:


Note: This changes 0, "",false, null, undefined and NaN to false (everything else to true)


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 188


How to compare a number with help of how numbers turn into booleans:

If you are going to check if something is equal to a positive number, you can subtract that amount and reverse what was inside the if and else blocks:

//simplified examples:
x==3?"y":"n"; <- 13 Chars
x-3?"n":"y"; <- 12 Chars

//expanded examples:


And in case you are wanting to compare with a negative number (*different than -1), you just simply need to add this number instead of subtracting.

*well, you can surely use x.indexOf(y) + 1, but in the special case of -1 you have the opportunity to use ~x.indexOf(y) instead.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 188


2 to a power

If for some reason you need to calculate 2 to the nth power,

1<<n is shorter than Math.pow(2,n).

If you needed to calculate 2 to the n+1th power,

2<<n is even shorter than 1<<n+1

Likewise for 4<<n for n+2, 8<<n for n+3, 16<<n for n+4, etc.

(sorry if this is too obvious)


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 898

1and 2**nin ES6 – Cétia – 2018-06-27T07:57:00.867

@Cétia That’s ES7. – user42589 – 2019-01-16T22:13:03.700


for a given array, we know a loop might lead to errors because stuff might be added to the Array.Prototype, so we revert to a normal for loop:

So instead of this iteration:

for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++ )

lets do this:

for (var i=arr.length; i--; )

if we just want to iterate the Array not caring it goes backwards


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 170

1Nicely found, but var can be dropped here as well I guess. Secondly, I honestly don't think you'd add functions to Array.prototype when golfing. – pimvdb – 2011-06-07T20:12:26.300

var makes the counter a local and not global variable, and globals are considered bad – vsync – 2011-06-07T21:17:38.310

Oh well I don't know, but that was the reason of the downvote of my post here :) – pimvdb – 2011-06-08T06:01:23.963

11Indeed globals are considered bad in general JavaScript programming. But in code-golfing, it saves 4 characters which is never bad :-) In code golfing, you're generally breaking a lot of readability and usability rules anyway to squeeze out the last character. – mellamokb – 2011-06-08T11:53:33.310

haha, then just compress your code then! your program might very well break if you use globals, so always ask yourself if you omit some var, would that effect something else far down the code – vsync – 2011-06-08T16:16:56.843

12@vsync: It seems like you're missing the point of golfing. Golf code isn't supposed to be readable, flexible, reliable or even maintainable. It's not for practical application, but just for fun challenges. Coding standards don't matter at all - all that matters is making your code short. – kba – 2011-11-29T06:07:02.123

1Actually, reversing for loops saves 1 character, more in a few cases. – Isiah Meadows – 2014-12-03T22:25:11.973


Repeated characters

Be creative when trying to repeat the same character:


With ES6, this becomes even shorter:


Note: It is unlikely that you use it to form a string, but the idea can be applied to form large numbers too


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 188

8new could be dropped; the Array constructor called as a function does the same as if it's called as a constructor. If the character to repeat is unimportant, it could be left out and it'll default to ",". – FireFly – 2012-08-30T21:59:39.083


Converting a number from hexadecimal

Instead of using the lengthy parseInt to convert a number from hexadecimal:


Add "0x" to the beginning, then convert to a number with a usual technique:

+("0x"+a)   // 5 bytes saved

Even better solution, abusing order of operations:

"0x"+a-0    // another byte saved

Note that this last one will not work in all situations, depending on the surrounding operators.

In ES6, you can also use this trick to convert from octal or binary:

"0b"+a-0   // binary
"0o"+a-0   // octal


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 47 880

2An additional alternative is 0|"0x"+a – Tomas Langkaas – 2017-09-08T17:09:28.887


Conditionally reverse an array with .sort

Let's say you have an array, l, and you want to reverse it if and only if someBoolean.

The naïve way to do it would be if(someBoolean)l.reverse()

Instead, you can abuse the way that JavaScript's sort function works.

if(someBoolean)l.reverse() // before
someBoolean&&l.reverse()   // golfier before
l.sort(_=>someBoolean)     // after


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 2 690

Note that the last line l.sort(_=>someConstant) is implementation dependent. It works on Firefox, but not on V8 where this fails when there's >10 elements, or there's undefined values inside the array. – Voile – 2017-12-20T02:46:39.603


Comparing numbers by absolute value:

a*a<b*b // 7 bytes

Vastly shorter than Math.abs (8 bytes without counting ()), and like calling the function this will allow casting strings to numbers on the fly.

Sorting by arrays of multiple values, comparing them all one by one (e.g. finding minimum time durations in 01:23:45 notation):>v.split`:`).sort(([h,m,s],[g,n,a])=>h-g||m-n||s-a)[0].join`:`

This example sorts 00:00:00 < 01:00:00 < 01:00:01 < 22:59:59 < 23:00:00 and finds the smallest element. This works because || short-circuits for any value that isn't falselike and so the expression h-g||m-n||s-a will evaluate the next value in the chain only when the last difference was 0.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 115

2The standard string comparing sort will do just fine with this example – pepkin88 – 2018-09-26T12:39:39.597


Sometimes declaring a variable (or more) as function parameters can save some strokes by avoiding the var keyword. This use case is fairly rare though:

function f(){var i} => function f(i){}

Also you can use short circuit operators to avoid if statements:

if(a)b => a&&b

if(!a)b => a||b

To coerce to a number: str-0

Thomas Eding

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 796


Use valueOf to make shorter function calls. Instead of:

function f(){...}



If you call the function f frequently enough, you will save characters because +f is 1 shorter than f().

If you usef even more than that, you can use __defineGetter__:


This trick also works for a function that takes 1 argument.

function f(v){...}



But now it will always return v.

Edit: I forgot to mention this, but it only works for a function that doesn't take arguments.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 2 690

The var keyword is unnecessary. Same with the semicolons. n={valueOf:f} would be enough for that line. – mbomb007 – 2015-05-21T19:36:16.843

Duly noted; edited – Cyoce – 2015-05-22T19:21:05.770

I had no idea this was possible in JS! But there's a typo in your last example; it should be __defineGetter__('f',function(){}) rather than __defineGetter('f',function(){})__. – ETHproductions – 2016-11-22T15:49:02.260

@ETHproductions I guess I missed that. Fixed. – Cyoce – 2016-11-22T16:05:02.893

And it is even shorter in ES2015+: f={valueOf(){…}} or f={valueOf:_=>…}. – Toothbrush – 2019-01-09T12:36:06.350


You can use -~s instead of +s+1, and ~-s instead of +s-1, if s is a string or a number between -(2^31)-1 and 2^31.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 197

Actually, it's also sometimes great for numbers if you want to not actually increment the number, where this has higher precedence than s+1 – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-11T02:08:00.890

And multiplication. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-11T02:08:24.227

s-1 will also coerce s to a number. – Shaggy – 2018-09-12T11:57:16.060

@Shaggy True. So will +s, s*n, -n, s/n, n-s, etc. where n is a Number (as opposed to a String). – Toothbrush – 2018-09-12T20:53:39.973

Because ~ is a bitwise operator, it will treat NaN or undefined as 0, which may be useful in some cases.

– user202729 – 2019-01-09T04:26:11.057

@user202729 True, that is occasionally useful. – Toothbrush – 2019-01-09T12:33:40.833


Initialize arrays with [] instead of Array(), and add to arrays with [.length]:

a=[];       // initialize a new array
a[0]=15;    // insert element to end of array
a[1]=30;    // insert another element to end of array


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 5 544

Not a[a.length]. @Alconja is correct in suggesting a.push. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:42:34.433

8note: I know this is obvious, but if we are going to insert elements too close to index 0, it might be good idea to write it like this a=[15,30]; – ajax333221 – 2012-12-18T16:36:19.943

a.push(4) // returns index a[a.length]=5 // returns new value a=[...a,3] // returns array [...a,3] // doesn't mutate – imma – 2018-01-26T15:24:19.207

well it seems breaks and pre markdown isn't working :-( – imma – 2018-01-26T15:26:57.530

7You can also leave elements undefined (say if you want a 2 indexed version of the above -> a=[,,15,30];. Also, I think you're suggesting adding things to the array using a[a.length]=x, but a.push(x) is shorter... – Alconja – 2014-08-07T01:59:47.353


When it comes to comparing strings against eachother, you’d normally use


If it is the case that x only has a few fixed options, e.g. x can only be one of the lowercase letters or the asterisk (*), then you can use JavaScript’s string comparison like this:


In the case of limited options, this will be true if and only if x=='*' and false otherwise, saving one amazing byte! This is based on the Unicode table.

For an actual example, see this revision of an answer of mine.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 230


Treat strings like you do C Strings.

Given s="hello"


is equivalent to





Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 4 349

2Too bad JS doesn't support a[3]="d". Instead we have to use the obnoxiously long a=a.slice(0,3)+"d"+a.slice(4). – ETHproductions – 2015-12-22T01:08:16.057

1This is EcmaScript 5, but for code golf it's fine. – Konrad Borowski – 2013-01-04T12:03:00.383

@ETHproductions try: a=s.split('e').join('d'); And for this case (2 L's) - s.split('ll').join('ld'); – yonatanmn – 2016-04-23T09:08:36.213

@yonatanmn That's a smart workaround, but I think it really only works when you know exactly what the string is. – ETHproductions – 2016-09-07T02:26:00.290

Also, s.split``[0] or ...s[0] – Stan Strum – 2018-03-02T06:48:21.837

1what about '12345'.replace(/(..)./,'$1d') – l4m2 – 2018-04-13T16:19:09.933

1@xfix Yes, it's defined in EcmaScript 5, but Firefox has supported it from version 0.9. – Toothbrush – 2014-02-24T10:37:33.910


setInterval Hacks

Pass a string instead of a function to setInterval.

setInterval(function(){console.log(0)},1) //before
setInterval('console.log(0)',1) //after

You can also omit the last argument if you don't care about the speed at which your interval will execute. NOTE: This does not work in Firefox...

setInterval('console.log(0)',1) //before
setInterval('console.log(0)') //after
setInterval`console.log(0)` //after - ES6 only

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 7 234

They all work in Firefox – Toothbrush – 2015-11-05T16:42:50.877

@Toothbrush not the second tip. That only executes once before stopping. – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-02-01T17:28:30.413

You are right, but I'm sure it worked when I tried it. – Toothbrush – 2016-02-10T17:24:42.547

You can pass additional arguments to setInterval which will be passed to the function argument when it is called. For example setInterval("f(x,y)",1e3) becomes setInterval(f,1e3,x,y) for a 3 byte saving. – Shaggy – 2018-09-12T12:03:33.747



This one's a HUGE byte-saver.

document.getElementById('a').innerHTML="foo"; //before
a.innerHTML="foo"; //after

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 7 234

If you are using jQuery, it should be $(a).html('foo') – tsh – 2017-04-08T15:40:38.790

How does this work? – AnnanFay – 2018-02-09T16:46:48.553


@Annan See Do DOM tree elements with ids become global variables?.

– user42589 – 2019-01-16T22:07:43.450

3@tsh This is unrelated to jQuery. $(a) is not necessary. – user42589 – 2019-01-16T22:08:04.367


Some extra tricks that I don't see very often, that are more JS-specific:

  • Use array literals and indexing as a sort of switch as an expression. You can leave out "unnecessary" elements and they'll default to undefined (which is a falsy value, by the way). E.g. [,1,,-1][i%4] would evaluate to either 1 or -1 depending on whether i is 1,5,9,13,... or 3,7,11,15,... (and we don't care about the other cases).

  • Similarly, use object literals when you want arbitrary strings for the keys.

  • This one is common to all C-style languages: (ab)use the fact that that & and | works just as well as && and || with boolean values, albeit with different precedence. Keep in mind that the single-character variants aren't short-circuiting though!

  • -~x is the same as x+1, and ~-x is the same as x-1. Sometimes the {bitwise,arithmetic} negation variants are useful to avoid extra parens; for instance, 4*~-n rather than 4*(n-1).

  • ~9 could be used as a two-character literal for the value -10 (I've never had a use for this, but it's a fun curiosity).


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 7 107


Use with to import methods and properties from objects into the local scope.

It becomes more apparent with longer class names or repeated use of the same one:



Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 217

1Note: you don't need to initialize your variables while golfing. let a,b,c; would be unnecessary. – Cyoce – 2016-05-18T21:42:04.777

@Cyoce True, thanks for the tip! – Scott – 2016-05-18T23:59:53.257


Determining if an array is empty

The empty array is truthy in JavaScript, i.e. []?b:c returns b. This leaves us to find our own ways to determine if an array is empty. The most obvious way is .length:


However, this can be shortened by 2 bytes with the in operator:

0 in a?b:c

Note: unlike in Python, x in y checks whether y has a key x; it's a shorthand for y.hasOwnProperty(x).

This is, I believe, the shortest code that unconditionally detects whether a is empty. However, there are a few alternatives that work in various scenarios:


This works iff the first item in a is guaranteed to be truthy. For example, a=[1];a[0] returns 1, which is truthy; a=[];a[0] returns undefined, which is falsy; but a=[0];a[0] returns 0, which is also falsy. But in general, this trick works on arrays of chars or positive numbers.


When arrays are casted to strings, the brackets are left out. [1,2,3]+"" returns the string "1,2,3". So casting a to a string will return the empty string (falsy) for the empty array, and a truthy string otherwise.

Caveat: If a contains a single array which contains either nothing or a single array containing... etc., e.g. [[]], [[[[[[]]]]]], it will still be casted to the empty string.


This is practically exactly the same as the above example, but a byte shorter. When + is called on two arrays, JS stupidly converts them both to strings and concatenates those. So a+a returns exactly the same thing as a+"", but doubled.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 47 880

1Note that 0 in a and a[0] will fail for sparse arrays such as a = [,1,2]. Thus, !a.length is the most safe way to test for an empty array. When taking advantage of type casting to string, a==0 is another solution that directly returns a boolean value. – Tomas Langkaas – 2017-09-08T16:06:00.507


Instead of checking if something is a string like this:

var a = "aString";
if (typeof a === 'string') {

You can do this:

var a = "aString";

Christian Sandven

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 41

Nice! Can also be used for checking other types, such as numbers, n===+n, and booleans, b===!!b. – Tomas Langkaas – 2017-09-08T16:57:42.140


There's a few other ideas that come to mind:

Ternary operators with functions

Ternary operators also work well as a substitute for if..then..else statements with functions...


can be replaced with


You can take this further by abusing functions that don't take parameters:


If a, b, and d are numbers, you can use subtraction to test for 0.


Decimal Base Exponents

Another is the reduction of decimal base exponents... for example 1000000 can be replaced with 1e6


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 6 949

@PeterTaylor Sure, a lot of languages have a ternary operator... But how many have ternaries for top-level expressions or functions that return void? JS is nearly on a class of its own in that respect. – Mario Carneiro – 2016-01-30T18:36:47.567

The question asks for tips which are somewhat specific to Javascript. The ternary operator is included in the tips for all languages.

– Peter Taylor – 2014-03-17T20:36:11.640

1Yes, but not all languages have the ternary operator, Pete... Besides, I put this in some six months ago... – WallyWest – 2014-03-17T22:45:05.577

Enough languages have it: there's no point mentioning it on lots of separate per-language tips pages. It's been on the generic tips for some 11.5 months; I've commented on it today because I commented on it in a new language tips page and the person who'd posted it there mentioned that lots of other ones had it. – Peter Taylor – 2014-03-17T23:02:42.107


Another thing I came across is forcing a multidimensional array into a single-dimensional array like this:

[[1,2],[3,4]].join().split(",") // ["1", "2", "3", "4"]

It does convert everything into strings, so basically only numbers/strings are possible, but it can come in handy. Calculating with strings automatically converts it into numbers anyway.

EDIT: As Austin Hyde pointed out, you can flatten one level like this:


Although it only takes it down one level, the data types remain.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 821

It's terrible, and it only works with numbers, but: eval('['+[[1,2],[3,4,[5]]]+']') is quite short and does not convert the integers to strings. – Jordan Eldredge – 2015-11-21T20:09:20.030

1Unless you just need to pass in an array, you can flatten it like this: [].concat([1,2],[3,4]), and if you need to pass in an array and you know the contents, this works too: [].concat(a[0],a[1]). – Camilo Martin – 2012-12-18T12:09:45.880

1You could also abuse implicit type casting to save a few bytes: ([[1,2],[3,4]]+"").split(",") – ETHproductions – 2016-11-22T17:05:07.163

Or save some on the concat version by just doing [].concat([[1,2],[3,4]]) – ETHproductions – 2017-04-20T21:33:51.427

If you are using newer es stander, consider a.flat(1/0) which is 5 bytes shorter than (''+a).split ,. – tsh – 2019-06-25T02:49:50.650

I use [[1,2],[3,4]].reduce(function(a,b){ return a.concat(b) }) – vsync – 2011-06-07T19:03:05.187

@vsync: Isn't that longer? – mellamokb – 2011-06-07T19:40:18.863

1yeah but if you need to use indexOf on the array later to find numbers in won't find them if the array so made of strings, so this is more pure flattening – vsync – 2011-06-07T20:05:19.893

2[].concat.apply([],[[1,2],[3,4]]) also works, but only flattens it one level. It's two characters longer, but works on any data type. – Austin Hyde – 2011-06-13T18:11:16.683

@Austin Hyde: Nice one, thanks. – pimvdb – 2011-06-14T07:15:00.947


If you want to use ES6, you can use the spread operator and shorten that example to [...[1,2],...[3,4]]

– Alconja – 2014-08-07T02:08:31.953


Use shorthands instead of primitives

Most of these are done by any sane minifier, but not all.

  • 2 bytes saved

  • 3 bytes saved

  • 3 bytes saved

  • 4 bytes saved

    [][0]   (any digit works)

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 546

Undefined is [][0] – edc65 – 2015-02-11T00:14:01.710

@edc65 Thanks! Fixed. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-11T01:50:51.367

5 bytes saved, undefined === []._ – WallyWest – 2015-08-17T22:50:41.987

71/0 => Infinity – r3mainer – 2015-10-13T08:47:29.487

2undefined is also probably [].a – muhmuhten – 2015-11-06T05:21:25.800

(or any other 1ch identifier) – muhmuhten – 2015-11-06T05:21:56.637

1Or, if x is a variable that does not hold null or undefined, you can do x.a for undefined. – Cyoce – 2016-05-24T18:08:49.597


Prefer Array#map() to Array#forEach()

Self-explanatory, a flat 4 bytes saved

a.forEach(function(e){/* ... */}){/* ... */})

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 546


For strings and arrays, instead of using a=b.length>a.length?b:a to set a to b if b.length > a.length, you can use a=b[a.length]?b:a.

Note: If b is an array and contains either 0 or false, you'll have to use a=b[a.length]!=null?b:a (still one character shorter).


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 197


Abuse uninitialized variables, mostly for null and undefined

  • undefined varies, some better than others

    • One-time use (5 bytes saved):

      1..a       (any digit+letter works)
    • Multiple uses (8 per use - 5 bytes saved, 10 bytes for 2 uses)

      var u;u;u
    • Existing declaration (8 per use - 5 bytes saved, 5 bytes for 1 use, 13 bytes for 2 uses)

      var x;undefined
      var x,u;u
      var x;undefined;undefined
      var x,u;u;u
  • null varies, generally better replaced in larger golfs

    • If there is a declaration anywhere, replace it unless null is specifically required (3 per use - 2 bytes saved).

      var x;null
      var x,n;n
    • Single uses:

      • If no variable declaration exists, do not change.

      • If any undefined exists (in any form), declare an unused variable (5 bytes saved if one of each).

        var u;v==u;u
      • If more than two such tests exist, declare an unused variable (two are equal).

        var u;a==u;b==u;c==u
      • Otherwise, keep as null

    • Multiple uses:

      • Declare an unused variable, unless null is specifically required (2 is equivalent).

        var u;u;u;u
  • Prefer to avoid these tests when possible. Aim for implicit boolean tests (if(0);)

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 546

Another way to get undefined easily is 1..a – Dom Hastings – 2016-05-19T12:05:46.877

Good catch - I fixed it – Isiah Meadows – 2016-05-19T23:37:29.190

If you're restricted to non-alphanumeric characters, [].$ will also equal undefined – WallyWest – 2018-09-12T23:11:49.857


Return 1 for true, 0 for false as much as possible

This should be relatively self-explanatory.

function f(x){return x?(d(x),!1):!0}
function f(x){return x?(d(x),0):1}
function f(x){return !x&&d(x)&0}
if(f(v)){/* ... */}

// ES6 versions
let f=x=>x?(d(x),!1):!0
let f=x=>x?(d(x),0):1
let f=x=>!x&&d(x)&0
if(f(v)){/* ... */}

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 546

Don't get what's going on here but from your description +!!x is shorter and more concise. – George Reith – 2015-11-05T17:27:42.950


If returning void, see if it is shorter to return something useful. This is kinda language-agnostic here.

This isn't an easy apply-anywhere thing, either, though. Word of warning, make sure your parentheses are balanced.

In ES6, in this example, 6 bytes saved

let l=x=>console.log(m+x),x=1,a;l(a=f(x));l(a=g(a));l(h(a))
let l=x=>(console.log(m+x),x),x=1;l(h(l(g(l(f(x))))))

In ES5, it is only 1 byte saved

function l(x){console.log(m+x)}var x=1,a;l(a=f(x));l(a=g(a));l(h(a))
function l(x){console.log(m+x);return x}var x=1;l(h(l(g(l(f(x))))))

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 546

If you need to call a void-returning function repeatedly, it can be especially useful to return the function itself. For example, l=(x,y)=>c.lineTo(x,y);l(1,2);l(3,4);l(5,6);l(7,8) can be rephrased as l=(x,y)=>c.lineTo(x,y)||l;l(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), saving 3 bytes. Example usage

– ETHproductions – 2016-11-22T16:56:00.737


Less/Greater than "10/100/1000..." vs "9/99/999...":


Note: Just remember to swap what is inside the if with the else


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 3 188


Use atob() and btoa() to compress/decompress strings

alert('adifonoiewnfqowinfiodnasfoinqeiwnfqoiwnfoiansdfoinqowfe') //before
alert(btoa('iØ¢z"{ ߪ"ø¨vv¬~§©è°ú¨    ߢ&§±×èz¨Á÷')) //after

Great for some challenges. Only works on strings with a-zA-Z0-9 and no other chars.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 7 234

+/ are allowed in the string as well. Also, you can sometimes use a .replace to add back in incompatible chars while still saving bytes. – ETHproductions – 2015-12-22T01:25:13.530

One more thing: this doesn't work for strings of all lengths.

– ETHproductions – 2016-02-12T17:25:32.513


Oh, and JavaScript supports ISO-8859-1, so you can count every char in the compressed string as 1 byte.

– ETHproductions – 2016-12-13T18:22:51.560

Waaaait...... For real? I thought JS used UCS-2/UTF-16 for encoding. Is there an example of this working? – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-12-13T22:44:54.230

Here's what I did: 1. Create a .js file that contains some chars in the range 0xA0-0xFF and save it in the ISO-8859-1 encoding. 2. Create a .html file that calls the JS file via a <script src="myfile.js"> tag. 3. Open the HTML file in any browser. I'm not sure if this proves that JS supports ISO-8859-1, but that's the best method I can think of... – ETHproductions – 2016-12-13T23:00:11.423

I verified it another way using Node.js. I took a JS file with ÿ somewhere in the source, converted it from UTF-8 into ISO-8859-1 using iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1, ran the file to make sure it worked, and verified the encoding with file -I. – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-12-14T01:12:01.030


If you are ever in a situation where you have an array a and you need to get its last element as an array of itself, use Array#slice():

[a[a.length-1]]    // 15
a.slice(-1)        // 11

Ron Martinez

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 21

2And, if you don't mind changing the original array, [a.pop()], at 9 characters. – Tomas Langkaas – 2017-09-08T16:53:35.507


This is one of my favorites - ES6

 ["d", "a", ",", "d", "a", "d", ",", "s", "a"]

["da", "dad", "sa"]

Newbie programmer

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 21

3The first one [...'asdasd'] – l4m2 – 2018-04-25T06:34:36.907

Did you copy and paste ? it, if done in the console and in code pen I get ["d", "a", ",", "d", "a", "d", ",", "s", "a"]


(9) ["d", "a", ",", "d", "a", "d", ",", "s", "a"] – Newbie programmer – 2018-04-26T13:26:01.780

[...'da,dad,sa'] ... – Cétia – 2018-06-27T15:58:41.640


If you are using the same function more than once, it's often useful to reference the function to a new function name. I.e:

Instead of:


you can do:



Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 21


Correct, but that is not JavaScript specific, is a generic tip added to Tips for golfing in <all languages> by Blazer more that 6 years ago.

– manatwork – 2018-06-26T08:32:29.223

Welcome to PPCG! As manatwork pointed out this tip has already be posted, so I recommend deleting it. But I hope you nevertheless stick around and answer some challenges. :) – Laikoni – 2018-06-26T12:55:58.660

24**.5;16**.5;100**.5 is even shorter. – Dennis – 2018-06-26T14:53:14.380

Thanks for your replies. I will take a look at the general tips. Maybe I find something which has not yet been added ;) love code golfing though! – Xzibitee – 2018-06-29T11:57:04.327


Use the simplest shortening method available - your variable declaration!

var myName = "Jack";

Obviously is very long compared to:


It's a whole 12 characters shorter. You have all 64 of these single-character variable names available:


And also - never use spaces or semicolons in your variable naming - changing m = "Mum"; to m="Mum" saves another three characters.


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 121


Convert ints to strings by adding an empty string

For example:





Adding [] works too


Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 309


ES6-specific: avoid Function#bind()

Self-explanatory, 7 bytes saved


Use sloppy mode to avoid variable declarations

Here, 8 bytes saved

a.forEach(e=>{let b=e+1,c=d(b)+2;f(e);g(b);h(c);i(b,c)})

// Even better, reuse variables and use `Array#map()`
// Drops an additional 6 bytes>{f(e++);g(e);h(b=d(e)+2);i(e,b)})

This also holds in ES5. Here, 8 bytes saved

a.forEach(function(e){let b=e+1,c=d(b)+2;f(e);g(b);h(c);i(b,c)})

// Even better, reuse variables and use `Array#map()`{f(e++);g(e);h(b=d(e)+2);i(e,b)})

Isiah Meadows

Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

Reputation: 1 546


  • You don't ever need to initialize variables in code-golf unless you want them to be undefined, so getting rid of let saves 4 bytes off of the first line of both examples. 2. If you want to use .bind with customizable parameters, .bind is better: q=f.bind(0,x) vs. q=(..._)=>f(x,..._) (though if you only want one parameter, q=y=>f(x,y) is better).
  • < – ETHproductions – 2016-12-03T20:12:59.567

    @ETHproductions Updated – Isiah Meadows – 2016-12-03T20:39:32.470


    Adding Values with Implicit Casting

    Improved zzzzBov solution:

    //not so good
    a- -b==c;

    We save 2 characters by using these solutions.


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 3 188

    +"10"+ +"5"===15 – gion_13 – 2012-03-14T09:59:43.637

    1You can replace the space with a + (e.g. a-+-b) – Toothbrush – 2015-11-05T16:37:20.107

    2Note that the space is needed because the -- (decrement) operator takes precedence over subtraction. Also, @gion_13, what's the point? your solution has one extra character. – Camilo Martin – 2012-12-18T13:18:11.147

    2In this case use a==c-b – l4m2 – 2018-04-13T16:24:12.620

    maybe that can work, in some cases, but i don't think they are interchangeable on all scenarios, but very cool! – ajax333221 – 2018-04-27T23:16:20.337


    Use Bitwise as Logic Operators When Dealing With Booleans

    a = 1 //although this would usually be a boolean expression
    b = 0 //same

    Then, use && lazy evaluation to make a chain of ampersands:


    Saves 3 characters


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 2 690

    You could use 0 and 1 instead of booleans. Again, semicolons are optional. – mbomb007 – 2015-05-21T19:37:31.560

    I know, these were just examples. Instead of true and false, there would most likely be expressions. I used variables to illustrate my point. – Cyoce – 2015-05-21T21:33:47.617


    Stack Ternary Operators

    Need to test many conditions, try this:

    a ? b : c ? d : e ? f : g

    Use the comma operator

    Using an arrow function, and need to return something else than what your doing? Feel no need to break out the {b;return a} and instead use the comma operator:

       f=>{>...);return a}

    Take advantage of =

    Assignment without var can be vital to shave off bytes. Since it returns the value, you can:

    Assign variables in function calls:


    Stack variable assignment:


    Assign variables in control structures:

    if(b=1) {...}

    Since 1 is truthy (If tested against a boolean it will convert to true), the block will run


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 778

    1I feel like most of these tips are already somewhere else in the thread (yes, this feels like a thread, not a question). Please remove the redundant ones. – lirtosiast – 2015-10-16T02:52:38.047



    If you need a function in as few bytes as possible, and any function will do (perhaps you just want to access some of the goodies from Function.prototype), then here are some options (starting with large ones):

    CSS     (available in modern browsers)
    Map     (ES6: available in Node and modern browsers)
    Set     (ES6: available in Node and modern browsers)
    URL     (available in very old browsers, but not in Node)

    So if you want a reference to the call function, you can get it like this:


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 601


    When stringifying dates, .toJSON saves 5 bytes over .toISOString. Apparently this was supported as far back as Firefox 4, but this answer is only the sixth on PPCG to mention it.


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 95 035


    Shortening Promise Chains with async/await

    Sometimes you can shorten longer promise chains with async/await. The main benefit is from getting rid of the beginning of the arrow function in each then callback. .then(x=>x (10) gets replaced with await( (-4), but you first pay with async (+6). So to make up for the initial overhead of 6 bytes, you'd need at least two then chains to get any benefit.

    | then chains | async overhead |
    | 0           | +6             |
    | 1           | +2             |
    | 2           | -2             |
    | 3           | -4             |
    | …           | …              |

    Example 1

    async x=>await(await(x()).foo()).bar()

    Example 2

    async u=>/\0/.test(await(await fetch(u)).text()))


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 739


    Square root hack

    Use (x+2)**(1/2) instead of Math.sqrt(x+2).


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 11

    a√b = a^(1/b) This can be applied to non-JavaScript languages. – None – 2020-02-01T03:20:48.290

    3Wouldn't it be shorter to use .5 instead of 1/2? – Stephen – 2020-02-01T05:17:35.220


    You can check if a value is *truish by simply passing it:


    *everything different than 0, "", false, null, undefined and NaN is evaluated to true !

    This method can be applied with many other functions and operators:

    • ternary operator val?"true":"false";
    • for loop for(;val;){...}
    • while loop while(val){...}
    • etc...


    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 5 544

    Or val&&.... Now, it is *not* equivalent to val == true. Example: 0 != true. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T04:56:17.337

    All these strings also evaluate to true: '0', ' ', ' 0', '0 ' – Toothbrush – 2015-11-05T16:41:10.550


    If iterating through own properties, prefer Object.keys.

    15 bytes saved

    for(let p in o)if(o.hasOwnProperty(e)){/* ... */}
    for(let p of Object.keys(o)){/* ... */}
    Object.keys(o).map(p=>{/* ... */})

    This is also the case for ES5, where it is 7 bytes saved.

    for(var p in o)if(o.hasOwnProperty(e)){/* ... */}
    Object.keys(o).map(function(p){/* ... */})

    If you do that more than once, alias it as a function.

    In this ES6 example, 6 bytes saved. It still saves bytes in ES5, but only if used 3 times or more.

    Object.keys(o).map(p=>{/* ... */})Object.keys(o).map(p=>{/* ... */})
    i=f=>Object.keys(o).map(f);i(p=>{/* ... */});i(p=>{/* ... */})

    Isiah Meadows

    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 1 546


    Array#concat() and the spread operator

    This largely depends on the situation.

    Combining multiple arrays.

    Prefer the concat function unless cloning.

    0 bytes saved


    3 bytes wasted


    3 bytes saved


    6 bytes saved

    // Concatenate array of arrays

    Prefer using an already existing array to Array#concat().

    Easy 4 bytes saved


    Isiah Meadows

    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 1 546

    Can't see the point of all this. Concat works with multiple array parameters, does not need apply or spread. Example 1: a.concat(b,c,d,e,f) – edc65 – 2015-02-11T00:09:00.160

    Flatten: let f=l=>[].concat.apply(>Array.isArray(x)?f(x):x)) vs let f=l=>[>Array.isArray(x)?f(x):x)] – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-11T01:56:40.883

    Well...except my flatten shouldn't work. Here's a corrected version: let f=x=>[].concat(>Array.isArray(x)?f(x):x)). The previous version would've done nothing. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T03:53:14.767

    It's still 6 bytes saved. – Isiah Meadows – 2015-02-12T03:53:41.270


    Remove duplicates from array

    a.filter(e=>!(t[e]=e in t)) 

    let unique= (a,t={})=> a.filter(e=>!(t[e]=e in t));
    // "stand-alone" version working with global t:
    // a1.filter((t={},e=>!(t[e]=e in t)));
    // Test data
    let a1 = [5,6,0,4,9,2,3,5,0,3,4,1,5,4,9];
    let a2 = [[2, 17], [2, 17], [2, 17], [1, 12], [5, 9], [1, 12], [6, 2], [1, 12]];
    let a3 = ['Mike', 'Adam','Matt', 'Nancy', 'Adam', 'Jenny', 'Nancy', 'Carl'];
    // Results
    console.log(JSON.stringify( unique(a1) ))
    console.log(JSON.stringify( unique(a2) ))
    console.log(JSON.stringify( unique(a3) ))

    O(n) performance; we assume your array is in a and t={}. Explanation here

    And shorter but slower version (which not work with 2D arrays)

    [ Set(a)]

    let unique = a => [ Set(a)];
    // Test data
    let a1 = [5, 6, 0, 4, 9, 2, 3, 5, 0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 4, 9];
    let a3 = ['Mike', 'Adam', 'Matt', 'Nancy', 'Adam', 'Jenny', 'Nancy', 'Carl'];
    // Results

    Kamil Kiełczewski

    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 531

    @manatwork So it is, I missed that when reviewing :/ – caird coinheringaahing – 2019-08-22T09:50:52.157


    Add elements to Array

    The concat is more useful than push in many situations because it returns whole array e.g. we want from d=[{a:1,b:2,c:3},{a:7,b:8,c:9}] generate 'pivot object' p={"a":[1,7],"b":[2,8],"c":[3,9]}

    let p={}, d=[{a:1,b:2,c:3},{a:7,b:8,c:9}]; > Object.keys(x).map(k=> p[k]= (p[k]||[]).concat(x[k]) ))

    Kamil Kiełczewski

    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 531


    Instead of mapping the keys, you can do for(k in x) and, instead of the concatenation, you can do p[k]=[...p[k]||[],x[k]]. After wrapping that in {}s, it saves you 14 bytes. TIO

    – Shaggy – 2019-09-17T09:37:21.280

    @Shaggy thanks :) - I don't know that tricks. May be you have also some suggestion to this?

    – Kamil Kiełczewski – 2019-09-17T10:10:41.137


    The 9**999 is Infinity shortcut (2 characters shorter)

    console.log( 9**999===Infinity )

    Kamil Kiełczewski

    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 531

    11/0 is a bit shorter – James – 2020-02-27T14:53:39.993

    @James wow - it is not NaN (I don't know this) – Kamil Kiełczewski – 2020-02-27T14:58:35.150


    Converting a string to an int/float by subtracting a empty array

    Before(22 bytes)


    After(13 bytes, saved 9 bytes)



    Posted 2011-05-27T01:10:42.683

    Reputation: 309

    12This is covered by other answers already. The shortest version is +"12.52463". – Martin Ender – 2015-02-10T19:18:00.470