Cops and Robbers: Reverse Regex Golf



Note: This challenge is now closed. Any future cops' submission will not be considered for the accepted answer. This is to ensure that no one can post a very simple regex in the future that only remains uncracked because no one is interested in the challenge any more.

The Cops' Challenge

You are to write a short, obfuscated regex, satisfying the following spec:

  • You may choose any flavour that is freely testable online. There's a good list of online testers over on StackOverflow. In particular, Regex101 should be good to get you started, as it supports PCRE, ECMAScript and Python flavours. You can increase the timeout limit by clicking on the wrench in the top right corner if necessary. Please include the tester you choose in your answer.

    If no suitable tester is available for your flavour of choice, you may also use an online interpreter like ideone and write a little script in the host language which people can use to test your submission.

  • You may use any feature of that flavour, which does not directly invoke the host language (like Perl's code evaluation features).
  • Likewise, you may use any modifiers (if your flavour has them), unless they result in code evaluation.
  • Your regex must accept at least one string S and reject at least one string T, each of which is at least 16 and not more than 256 characters in length, in a reasonable amount of time (not significantly longer than a minute). S and T may contain Unicode characters that aren't ASCII, as long as there's a way to enter them into the online tester. Any such pair of strings will be a key to your submission.
  • Your regex may take arbitrarily long on any other input.

The core of the challenge is to craft a regex whose key is hard to find. That is, it should either be hard to tell which string it doesn't match or which string it matches (or potentially even both if the regex takes days to finish on all but the key's strings).

The Robbers' Challenge

All users, including those who have submitted their own regex(es), are encouraged to "crack" other submissions. A submission is cracked when one of its keys is posted in the associated comments section.

Important: Make sure that both strings you post are between 16 and 256 characters inclusive, even if almost any string could be used be used for one part of the key.

If a submission persists for 72 hours without being modified or cracked, the author may reveal a valid key by editing it into a spoiler-tag in his answer. This will make his answer "safe", i.e. it can no longer be cracked.

Only one cracking attempt per submission per user is permitted. For example, if I submit to user X: "Your key is 0123456789abcdef/fedcba9876543210." and I'm wrong, user X will disclaim my guess as incorrect and I will no longer be able to submit additional guesses for that submission, but I can still crack other submissions (and others can still crack that submission).

Cracked submissions are eliminated from contention (provided they are not "safe"). They should not be edited or deleted. If an author wishes to submit a new regex, (s)he should do so in a separate answer.

Do not crack your own submission!

Note: For long strings in the comments without spaces, SE inserts manual line breaks in the form of two Unicode characters. So if you post a key in backticks which is so long that it line-wraps between non-space characters, it won't be possible to copy the key straight back out into a regex tester. In this case, please provide a permalink to the relevant regex tester with the cop's regex and your key - most testers include this feature.


A cop's score will be the size of their regex in bytes (pattern plus modifiers, potential delimiters are not counted), provided that it hasn't been cracked. The lowest score of a "safe" submission will win.

A robber's score will be the number of submissions they cracked. In the event of a tie, the total byte size of submissions they cracked will be used a tie-breaker. Here, highest byte count wins.

As stated above, any cop may participate as a robber and vice-versa.

I will maintain separate leaderboards for the two parts of the challenge.


Last update: 19/10/2014, 20:33 UTC


Submissions in italics are not yet safe.

  1. nneonneo, 841 bytes
  2. Wumpus Q. Wumbley, 10,602 bytes
  3. Sp3000, 52,506 bytes
  4. user23013, 53,884 bytes
  5. nneonneo, 656,813 bytes


  1. user23013, Cracked: 11, Total Size: 733 + 30 + 2,447 + 71 + 109 + 121 + 97 + 60 + 141 + 200,127 + 7,563 = 211,499 bytes
  2. nneonneo, Cracked: 10, Total Size: 4,842 + 12,371 + 150 + 3,571 + 96 + 168 + 395 + 1,043 + 458 + 17,372 = 40,466 bytes
  3. Wumpus Q. Wumbley, Cracked: 6, Total Size: 22 + 24 + 158 + 32 + 145,245 + 145,475 = 290,956 bytes
  4. Dennis, Cracked: 2, Total Size: 70 + 73 = 143 bytes
  5. harius, Cracked: 1, Total Size: 9,998 bytes
  6. g.rocket, Cracked: 1, Total Size: 721 bytes
  7. stokastic, Cracked: 1, Total Size: 211 bytes
  8. Sp3000, Cracked: 1, Total Size: 133 bytes
  9. TwiNight, Cracked: 1, Total Size: 39 bytes

Martin Ender

Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 184 808

@MartinBüttner: I think it will have to be standard for cops & robbers challenges to have an expiry date. Challenges only stay interesting for so long. (For the record, this challenge is probably still my personal favorite, but I may be biased in that opinion :) – nneonneo – 2014-12-16T00:15:09.653

6I wonder how many lines of code we've collectively written constructing these puzzles and attempting to solve them... and whether it would be worthwhile to collect it all and stick it on github when we're done. Everybody could contribute whatever they've got (encoders, decoders, solvers both successful and unsuccessful), as-is, uncommented and hackish though they may be. With a README if you feel like it. It would be like our conference proceedings. – None – 2014-10-25T00:22:01.400

While there aren't any new answers being posted anymore, it may be worth "closing" the question at some point. Otherwise, it may be possible for someone to answer when the interest has died down, and stand uncontested for a longer period. – nneonneo – 2014-10-27T03:51:35.167

@nneonneo Hm, I don't usually like to close my challenges, but in this case it may be a good idea. I even think the last 3 entries already benefited from getting less attention. I'll set a deadline for Friday. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-27T10:18:12.950



.NET regex, 841 bytes [Safe!]

Now that I've got a safe entry, lets see how small I can make the regex!



    ((?<-G>){997}|){9}      ((?<-G>)(?<g>)|){997}



  • Short, 841 bytes
  • Golfed and written by hand
  • Not known to encode an NP-hard problem
  • Times out on most invalid input :)
  • Tested on, takes ~5 seconds for the valid input

Thanks to Sp3000 and user23013 for cluing me in to .NET regex.

After 72 hours, I am revealing the key to make this submission safe.



Non-match: Aren'tHashFunctionsFun?


This regular expression implements a very simple and rather stupid hash function. The hash function computes a single integer x as output. x starts off equal to 53. It is adjusted based on each character encountered: if it sees a 0, it will set x = 7x + 5, and if it sees a 1, it will set x = 3x + 1. x is then reduced mod 9977. The final result is checked against a predefined constant; the regex fails to match if the hash value is not equal.

Seven capture groups (a-g) are used to store the base-997 digits of x, with seven more capture groups (A-G) serving as temporary storage. I use the "balancing capture groups" extension of .NET regex to store integers in capture groups. Technically, the integer associated with each capture group is the number of unbalanced matches captured by that group; "capturing" an empty string using (?<X>) increments the number of captures, and "balancing" the group using (?<-X>) decrements the number of captures (which will cause a match failure if the group has no captures). Both can be repeated to add and subtract fixed constants.

This hash algorithm is just one I cooked up in a hurry, and is the smallest hash algorithm I could come up with that seemed reasonably secure using only additions and multiplications. It's definitely not crypto-quality, and there are likely to be weaknesses which make it possible to find a collision in less than 9977/2 hash evaluations.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 11 445

I had an idea... Then I gave up because I don't have 500+GB free space on my hard drive. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-21T09:12:30.703


Seeing it now in 3 uncracked submissions, I'm officially registering my complete ignorance of the purpose of the construct (?<a>){53}. It appears to be capturing the empty pattern into named group a 53 times. So set a="" then repeat 52 more times? But I don't really know if (?< means the same thing in Microsoft's idea of a regexp. Their documentation fails to even mention it. If even a regexp contest ends with undocumented Microsoft extensions rolling over the unix people, my existence has no purpose.

– None – 2014-10-21T13:14:08.897

It is a group capture that captures nothing 53 times. .NET has an extension called balancing group captures which is their answer to paren matching. Each named group acts like a stack, so (?<a>){53} pushes the empty string 53 times. You can pop the stack using (?<-a>). Hopefully now it is clear why this construct is so useful. – nneonneo – 2014-10-21T13:52:36.720

The documentation you want is

– nneonneo – 2014-10-21T13:54:54.573

2@WumpusQ.Wumbley I'm the unix people who found this useful. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-21T14:48:56.767

@WumpusQ.Wumbley For some more elaboration, there's a link in the spoiler of my own .NET answer. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-21T18:16:08.143

if I google "perl regex syntax" or "perl regexp specification" or "perl regular expression manual" or "perl regex reference" the complete documentation of the perl regexp syntax is always among the top 3 links, sometimes outranked by perlreref (which tells you that perlre is the complete spec) and a wikipedia article. Same for python. In contrast, Microsoft puts some stuff on a separate page and doesn't link to it from the one titled "Regular Expression Syntax". sigh I've learned I should avoid contests that aren't explicitly unix-based; anger and sadness are the inevitable results. – None – 2014-10-21T23:16:06.627

@WumpusQ.Wumbley Because the page you have linked is the JScript regex, not the .NET one. And JScript doesn't have those features. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-22T04:12:32.343


@WumpusQ.Wumbley MSDN has an entire page about grouping constructs. Which can be found from the quick reference. Which is the first hit for ".net regex reference", analogously to your Perl search term. (Same for "syntax", "manual" or "specification").

– Martin Ender – 2014-10-22T11:30:26.233

@MartinBüttner: Is this submission now safe? I think the 72 hours have elapsed. – nneonneo – 2014-10-24T16:08:42.140

@nneonneo It's safe as soon as you reveal the key. ;) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-24T16:09:52.987

OK, was just checking to make sure the 72 hours had elapsed. – nneonneo – 2014-10-24T16:14:14.277

wondering what the solution is, and if you uncover key bar for new submissions is pretty high – masterX244 – 2014-10-24T21:21:56.890

It's just a randomly-generated string of 256 0s and 1s. I don't have the key on me here at work, or I'd post it right away. – nneonneo – 2014-10-24T21:24:40.520

@MartinBüttner: It is now safe. – nneonneo – 2014-10-25T05:02:12.657

@user23013: Now I'm curious: were you planning to meet-in-the-middle attack this hash function? How would that work, exactly? – nneonneo – 2014-10-25T05:03:00.810

@nneonneo Yes. And I'm still running the attack program which uses 280GB disk space. But I have lost half of the log file for stupid reasons. The rest doesn't contain a successful result. First make a guess of the first 186 bits (now i think 184 bits should be better, but only if I have a larger disk). Then list every possible result after the 221th bit (from both side). Discard half of them by checking a certain bit because I don't have so much space, and the CPU is faster than disk I/O. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-25T05:57:33.900

@nneonneo Write them to about 400*2 different files (or faster equivalent, each with a big cache) according to certain bits. When everything is done, load the corresponding files of both side, sort them and check if I'm lucky and there is a number appeared in both files. Run the search program again to get the bits. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-25T05:57:49.787

I tried a few times but it didn't work. Then I tried to "guess" first bits from the key you have revealed, it has returned exactly one solution. I think it isn't random enough to make this attack work. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-26T22:22:40.317

@user23013: Do you mean that the hash algorithm is not sufficiently random? I can absolutely believe that; the algorithm produces an output that has a strong mathematical relationship to the input data. I'm surprised that this makes it harder to crack. To be honest, I thought that it would be cracked via some clever number-theory reversal. – nneonneo – 2014-10-27T03:50:07.523

@nneonneo I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just unlucky. If it isn't random, the attack can still be fixed by not hard-coding 186 bit guess, but try 2^35 random 221 bit strings. But I didn't think of this. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-27T04:09:11.593


Basic Regex, 656813 bytes [safe!]

The regex to end all regexes. One final hurrah into the night.

Testable under PCRE, Perl, Python and many others.

bzip2'd and base64-encoded version on Pastebin: (Pastebin didn't want the raw version because it was too big).

To make sure you get the right regex, you can verify that its MD5 hash is


or check that it begins with


and ends with


The key is still a nice comfortable 256 bytes.

I tested this regex with Python, but note that this regex doesn't use any special features of Python. Indeed, with the exception of (?:) (as a grouping mechanism), it actually uses no special features of any regex engine at all: just basic character classes, repetitions, and anchoring. Thus, it should be testable in a great number of regular expression engines.

Well, actually, I can still crank the difficulty up, assuming someone doesn't just instantly solve the smaller problems...but I wager people will have trouble with a 1GB regex...

After 72 hours, this submission remains uncracked! Thus, I am now revealing the key to make the submission safe. This is the first safe submission, after over 30 submissions were cracked in a row by persistent robbers.

Match: Massive Regex Problem Survives The Night!
Non-match: rae4q9N4gMXG3QkjV1lvbfN!wI4unaqJtMXG9sqt2Tb!0eonbKx9yUt3xcZlUo5ZDilQO6Wfh25vixRzgWUDdiYgw7@J8LgYINiUzEsIjc1GPV1jpXqGcbS7JETMBAqGSlFC3ZOuCJroqcBeYQtOiEHRpmCM1ZPyRQg26F5Cf!5xthgWNiK!8q0mS7093XlRo7YJTgZUXHEN!tXXhER!Kenf8jRFGaWu6AoQpj!juLyMuUO5i0V5cz7knpDX0nsL

Regex explanation:

The regex was generated from a "hard" 3SAT problem with a deliberately-introduced random solution. This problem was generated using the algorithm from [Jia, Moore & Strain, 2007]: "Generating Hard Satisfiable Formulas by Hiding Solutions Deceptively". Six boolean variables are packed into each byte of the key, for a total of 1536 variables.
The regex itself is quite simple: it expresses each of 7680 3SAT clauses as a an inverted condition (by de Morgan's laws), and matches any string that does not meet one of the 3SAT clauses. Therefore, the key is a string which does not match the regex, i.e. one that satisfies every one of the clauses.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 11 445

I think this could definitely use a blog post or something, I'd like to hear more about how to encode problems like these into regexes. – ThePlasmaRailgun – 2019-02-27T05:43:54.987

1So, I just tried loading a 60MB regex into Python. Predictably, it wasn't too happy. It took several minutes to compile, but the cool part is that it was nearly instant to answer queries. I suspect loading a 1GB regex into Python will take a few hours to compile... – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T10:05:02.403

1minisat is running. The last one took 2 hours and this one is twice as big so I'm worried. It would be really easy to carve this up and make it a distributed crack... – None – 2014-10-18T00:06:48.073

3Or not so easy. Based on my first attempt to carve it down to solvable size, we'll need about 2**61 CPUs to finish in time. – None – 2014-10-18T00:31:45.140

1tried to post the raw regex on already? – masterX244 – 2014-10-18T08:30:08.400

seems that you got a pesky good one :) – masterX244 – 2014-10-18T21:27:35.423

12The challenge begins, "You are to write a *short*, obfuscated regex" (emphasis added) – Ypnypn – 2014-10-20T01:29:16.910

5@Ypnypn The challenge so far has been to even get any uncrackable regex on the board - this one looks like it'll be the first to break that barrier though :) – Sp3000 – 2014-10-20T01:36:57.887

Congratulations on being the first one to make it through the 72 hours after 34 cracked answers! You may now lock your answer against cracking by revealing the key. Until you do, the answer can still be cracked. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-20T08:22:54.990

3@MartinBüttner: Thanks! I have done so. Now I have to go off and try some of these other NP-hard regex problems... – nneonneo – 2014-10-20T11:24:26.140


ECMAScript (10602 bytes)

(Language note: I see a lot of posts labeled ruby, or python, or whatever, when they really don't use any language-specific features. This one only requires (?!...) and (?=...) on top of POSIX ERE with backreferences. Those features are probably in your favorite language's regexp engine, so don't be discouraged from trying the challenge because I chose to use the javascript online tester.)

Just a little bit of fun, not as computationally difficult as some of the others.


Test here:

(crickets chirping)

No takers? It's oddly disappointing to think of posting the spoiler with no evidence that anyone looked at it long enough to understand what type of problem it is.

I'm writing a complete explanation to post later but I think I'd be happier if someone beat me.

When I said it was not "computationally difficult"... it is an instance of an NP-complete problem, but not a big instance.

Hint: it's a type of pencil-and-paper puzzle. But I'd be quite impressed if you can solve this one with pencil and paper alone (after decoding the regexp into a form suitable for printing).

Spoiler time

There are multiple levels of spoilers here. If you didn't solve the regexp yet, you might want to try again after reading just the first spoiler block. The actual key that matches the regexp is after the last spoiler block.

This regexp encodes a Slitherlink puzzle.

Once you figure out what's going on and convert the regexp into a Slitherlink grid, you'll quickly discover that it's harder than the average Slitherlink. It's on a 16x16 square grid, larger than the usual 10x10. It is also slightly unusual in having no 0 clues and a relative shortage of 3's. 0's and 3's are the easiest clues to work with, so I didn't want to give you a lot of them.

slitherlink puzzle

Second layer of spoilage:

When you're solving the Slitherlink puzzle, an extra surprise kicks in: this Slitherlink has more than one solution. If you're a regular Slitherlink solver, and you have a habit of making deductions based on the assumption of a unique solution, you might have been confused by that. If so, you're a cheater and this is your punishment! Part of the job of a puzzle solver is to find out how many solutions there are.

Final layer of spoilage:

The final twist: the 2 solutions to the Slitherlink are mostly identical, but one is slightly longer than the other. You need to find the short one. If you only found the long one and encoded it as a string to match the regexp, the string would be 257 characters long. The path goes through 256 nodes, but you have to repeat the first node at the end to close the loop. And if you got that far, you might have thought I made a mistake and forgot to count that extra character. Nope! and/or Gotcha! (and/or Boosh! and/or Kakow!)

The short solution is 254 segments long and encodes to a string of 255 characters which is the key. Since you can start at any node on the loop and proceed clockwise or counterclockwise, there are 254*2=508 possible answers.

slitherlink solution

Non-match: bananabananabanana
Match: ƜpRԱԺեþɋэʌkȿՌOfɄCҷɐխɷլԿѪɮȹÞӿѤNɹЦʞӶdѯχԎԷӺջՒϻЉAɔbУƾձҴԉҨʬHѺӄӾԏxчɎֆFƈɊΞζџiփΨӃϣɂƱϬɣɿqϚɰƐդΦժʮgBƕȴւҵɺҏϯƋՐѠɴҔŋԀɤȻɸaЊѬҥѾҸшɉҶjnMʙƸՊʡEɟμƩςʢϪʊLՅȾɝUʝՉϥҁѧЩӷƆԋҳϙѭϢմԂɥȸhΔԓƛѿբՑҩSDȽԅҠGeωƪՈɅϛɃwҀҤՂΩßɜȶʟɀҹԄҡλѥՃȵҜҎɞԲЭщɌИдϠʄԻʫҝyϼӻҺЋϗѩͽɒʈէϞՀթЪΠƏƣoտʓюrԾϟϤƺϫճлљIնǂƎԳuȺԃQϧԶʁWըիcYЏʘƜ


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363


Congratulations on making it through the 72 hours! You may now lock your answer against cracking by revealing the key. Until you do, the answer can still be cracked. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-23T08:06:44.537

I tried but didn't find it is planar... – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-24T06:13:50.013


Perl flavour, 158 [cracked]

Here's my first attempt:


Test it on

(?(R)|^(?=[a-z])) the very first character must be a lowercase letter
(?!.*(?&K)) the string cannot contain letters in the ASCII range [?-K]
(?|...|(?'k'j'k'?)|...) matches j'k (the other groups are essentially red herrings)
(?(3)\3|3){3} recursively match the 3rd group, or '3' after 3 levels of recursion, repeated 3 times
(?(R)...|(?R)) recurse over the entire regex once or match a few characters
...(?!(?&k))... I think this is [?-K] again, but I can't remember
(?(R)|...$) after recursion, match some groups and end the string
|(?R) if anything fails to match, then it's time for infinite recursion :D


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 18 565


Match: j'k3j'kj'k3j'kj'kj'k3j'k3j'kj'k3j'kj'kj'k3R-k-<grc>-j'k<grc>-j'k$j'k-k- Non-match: HOLYCRAPTHATWASEVIL (match available at for proof)

– None – 2014-10-16T00:14:18.870

16Everybody who tried to solve this and got even halfway there is now prepared to send 2 bug reports and 3 documentation patches for the perl regexp engine. (And all of us for different things) – None – 2014-10-16T00:24:43.213

7+1 for cool key and having emoticon in your regex [^_^] (-.-) – justhalf – 2014-10-16T02:24:55.897

@WumpusQ.Wumbley Well done! I think the robbers are winning this one :( – grc – 2014-10-16T03:42:13.700

3My previous comment was mostly a joke, but maybe some explanation would be nice. The use of named capture groups inside (?|...) is tricky, but it is documented. See the passage in perlre that starts with Be careful when using the branch reset pattern in combination with named captures. The trick is that groups that have the same number but different names are the same group, while groups that have the same name but different numbers are different groups. – None – 2014-10-22T13:22:27.937

@WumpusQ.Wumbley There's no explanation because I hardly understand it myself. If I get the time tomorrow I will add a few comments though. – grc – 2014-10-22T13:29:56.543

When I built my answer I was surprised that the 4th branch with the C[^_^]{3,33} never came into play. I didn't know if it was an intentional red herring or a mistake. – None – 2014-10-22T13:45:33.370

@WumpusQ.Wumbley Yeah that was a last-minute red herring. I've added some brief comments to my answer. – grc – 2014-10-22T13:55:50.250


JS flavor, 9998 bytes [cracked]


Tested on Regex101

Each matched string is a Hamilton path from M to Ň.
I know this is not secure enough. I don't know how to generate hard Hamilton path problems either. It has too many solutions. And as Martin Büttner said, Mathematica did it instantly. But this is just another NP-complete approach other than COTO's. Feel free to improve this idea and post new answers.
The solution I have originally generated is:

The solution I have generated:



Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 34 042

Would you mind posting the solution here? regex101 messed up its database settings recently and bomb all Unicode strings. – n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ – 2015-05-20T09:24:10.283

@n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ Done. – jimmy23013 – 2015-05-20T14:18:33.330

I've cracked it, but as the OP of the challenge I don't want to steal someone else's robber's score, so here's what we'll do. The MD5 hash of a permalink to a matching string is 5555e0b8b9b8c4d3c5aa4d6eac4f5249. The MD5 hash of a permalink to a non-matching string is 93fede307127da8f43d1e7a0b8cdbae1. If someone else cracks this within the 72 hour window, they'll get the credit. If not, this answer is still cracked and I'll reveal the two links giving the above hashes some time after the deadline. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T20:00:52.863

@MartinBüttner: Please post your approach to crack this then. This problem at first analysis is a search for Hamilton path. – n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ – 2014-10-16T20:04:03.237

@n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ I don't want to spoil the fun for people who still want to crack this (and likewise, I don't want to make this free points for the first robber who comes along), so I won't give any hints before the deadline. The hashes are just to ensure that this goes down as cracked, even if I miss the 72 hour deadline with revealing the key. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T20:05:43.670

@MartinBüttner: Ah, I didn't mean to ask for the solution now. Just saying that when you post the solution, please also reveal your approach. That's all. – n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ – 2014-10-16T20:15:42.870

@n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ Oh, of course! :) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T20:17:47.923

14I imagine us being divided into 2 camps right now: those burning CPU and hoping to get lucky, and those trying to prove P=NP in a couple of days. – None – 2014-10-16T20:26:17.497

1@WumpusQ.Wumbley And those of us using Mathematica. ;) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T20:37:07.860

3Matches: See Doesn't match: good_job_user23013! – harius – 2014-10-16T20:25:43.907

2Since harius can't comment to elaborate how he cracked it, I'll quickly outline how I did it: the pattern indeed encodes a directed graph with 256 vertices (represented as characters) and 2270 edges (represented as pairs of characters that are allowed to be consecutive) and each match is a Hamiltonian path through that graph from M to Ň. Mathematica has a function FindHamiltonianCycle. We can turn this into a cycle that traverse Ň -> M by adding a new edge and connecting Ň and M through it. Thankfully, Mathematica finds such a cycle instantly. :) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T21:01:04.680


Well, I'm 3rd, but I felt like finishing my home-grown path-finder anyway. It gave me this:

– None – 2014-10-17T01:14:19.953


JS-Compatible RegEx - 3,571 bytes [cracked]

I... will... have... at least... one... uncracked.... submission. o\ __ /o


Resolves on virtually any string instantaneously. Testable on any JS console.

+100 rep to anyone who cracks this beast.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 3 701

1Challenge accepted... – Unihedron – 2014-10-17T17:08:19.720

10Match: ThatWasActuallyFun. Non-match: ,,;,;,,;,;;;,;,;,;;,,,,;,,,;,;;,,,,,,;;,,,,;;,;,,,;,;;;;,;;,;;,;,,;,,;,;;;,;,;,;;,,,;,;;;;,;,;;;,;,,;,,,;,,,,;,;;;;;;,,,,,;,;,;;;;;,;;;,;;,,,;;;,,;,;;,,,;,,,,,,;,;,,;;,,;;,,,;,;;,,,;,,;;,;,;,;;;;,,;,;,,;;;;;,,;,,;;,,;,,;;,,,,;,,;,,;;,;;;,,,,,;,,,,,,,,;,,,,. – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T19:56:37.823

I'm actually rather amazed at how efficient minisat is; it took just 30 seconds to solve the problem. I started with a bruteforce approach which didn't pan out, and decided to just go with a straight SAT-solver approach (using Tseitin transformation to encode the positive constraints). – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T19:57:14.250

5PLEASE! DON'T! BE! SO! QUICK! – TwiNight – 2014-10-17T20:24:42.253

6dude, you're insane, this RegExp has 122 alternations, 40 of which are negative lookaheads, WTG++ – CSᵠ – 2014-10-17T20:29:10.913

2@nneonneo: Lousy efficient SAT solvers. >___< But props for transforming the problem and making use of the tools available out there. I'll award the 100 rep to one of your answers ASAP, which is about 19 hours. – COTO – 2014-10-17T20:30:07.887


PCRE - 96bytes UTF8, no delimiters, no flags

[Defeated] because nneonneo is a wise-guy

(?<Warning>[You] \Will (*FAIL)!|\So just (*SKIP)this one!|\And (*ACCEPT)defeat!|[^\d\D]{16,255})

Nothing to see here, move along...


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 484

1Match: So just *SKIPthis one!; No Match: This string is not accepted. This string is not accepted. This string is not accepted. This string is not accepted. This string is not accepted. This string is not accepted. This string is not accepted. This string is still not accepted. Snow leopards FTW. – COTO – 2014-10-17T21:56:16.020

This isn't PCRE syntax; it's plain Perl syntax. (The backtracking modifiers don't work on PCRE, AFAIK) – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T21:59:37.740

6Match: Do just this one!. Non-match: WellThatWasTooEasy. (Tested with both Perl 5.12 and Perl 5.18 on my machine) – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T22:03:43.327

@nneonneo correct! PS: *VERBS exist in PCRE for at least 5 years, not enough documented indeed. – CSᵠ – 2014-10-17T22:06:16.277

@COTO the match is incorrect, NonMatch is ok. – CSᵠ – 2014-10-17T22:06:38.110

@CSᵠ: I stand corrected! Good to know they're in PCRE, though I haven't yet seen any downstream users of PCRE document these verbs. – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T22:07:32.620

@CSᵠ: By the way, what was the point of [^\d\D]{16,255}? It matches nothing because [^\d\D] should be an empty character class... – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T22:09:01.890

@nneonneo just to spice things up a bit more – CSᵠ – 2014-10-17T22:13:10.083

So what's up with the verbs? What do they do--in a nutshell? The regex tester I used matched on the specified input. – COTO – 2014-10-17T22:18:51.993

@COTO I used them especially because they lack proper documentation and maybe to generate false positives (eg. like you got). You either used a nonPCRE tester or a bad/old implementation of a PCRE. – CSᵠ – 2014-10-17T22:23:33.627

Comments start to pile up, I suggest joining RegEx room for further discussions

– CSᵠ – 2014-10-17T22:24:50.577


– nneonneo – 2014-10-17T22:40:58.330


JS-Compatible RegEx - 733 bytes [cracked]

Let's try this a second time with the metrics reversed: a hulking regular expression but a relatively tiny key (most importantly, within the 256-byte limit).


Resolves on virtually any string instantaneously. Tested on RegExr.

Expanded (for convenience):

[^a-e] |

Best of luck to all. ;)


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 3 701

5Match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa, Non-match: cacdbbcabdeababcdedaacdeecacbdabcd – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-14T22:37:19.307

@user23013: I expected a crack, but not quite that quickly. Did you do it on paper? – COTO – 2014-10-14T22:53:12.317

1Yes. There are only two possibilities left after the first two long expressions. And there is only one character not known after three, so I can simply try a few times to get the solution. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-14T23:09:31.780


.NET flavor, 60 bytes [cracked]


Tested with Regex Storm.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 196 637

3Match: 1234567890012345. Non-match: 1111222233334444. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T07:10:34.857

8٠߀०০੦૦୦௦౦೦൦๐໐༠၀႐០᠐᥆᧐᭐᮰᱀᱐꘠꣐꤀꩐0 So these are all considered digits in .NET... – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T07:31:25.493

2That's insane, half of those aren't even showing up right in my browser – Sp3000 – 2014-10-16T08:52:52.077


Python flavour: 211 bytes [cracked]

Note: This answer was posted before the rule change about maximum key length

Thought I'd get the ball rolling with this:


(Tested on RegExr)

Simple backreference explosion of the characters \()0123456789


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

I can tell you that the accepted string is approx. 7 million characters in length. As for actually representing it somehow, maybe a 7 MB text file somewhere? – COTO – 2014-10-14T13:09:00.277

Yeah, that's pretty much the only way to go. I thought I'd start off with something that isn't hard to decipher, but the trick was with output generation. If the minute limit wasn't in place though this would have been much longer :P – Sp3000 – 2014-10-14T13:22:51.887

Entering what I believe is the only string that matches your regex at reliably crashes my Chrome browser. In Safari it works but RegExr reports a 'timeout'. Have you successfully tested it online? – Emil – 2014-10-14T14:23:41.477

@Emil I tested it successfully in Firefox. And I'm still waiting to save it. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-14T14:28:19.323

Hm... well it worked when I tried in Chrome... – Sp3000 – 2014-10-14T14:54:54.927


The key is 5281064 bytes by my count. Uploaded file here (5 mb)

– stokastic – 2014-10-14T17:35:55.513

@stokastic Access denied? You might be able to put it in a gist on GitHub. (Also, technically, a key consists of two strings, but it shouldn't be hard to find a 16-character string that the regex doesn't match. ;)) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-14T17:59:34.477

@MartinBüttner strange, permissions were set to public. Try here (link will only last a few hours probably): . And here is a string that it doesn't match ;) "abcdef0123456789"

– stokastic – 2014-10-14T18:12:56.317

@stokastic Yep, you got it :) – Sp3000 – 2014-10-14T21:55:16.823


JS-Compatible RegEx - 12,371 bytes [cracked]

After some encouragement by Martin, and seeing that other cops are happily submitting 600+ KB regexes, I decided to take the plunge once more with this (and prettified version here).

Resolves on virtually any string instantaneously. Testable on any JS console. Unfortunately the size makes it untestable by many online regex testers.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 3 701

Ahaha I'll try not to go nuts with the regex sizes - this challenge is hard though :/ incriminates @user23013 – Sp3000 – 2014-10-17T07:34:46.857

2Match: this was not NP-hard. Non-match: nerdnydeprdoypoypwwwdprelwsprwssddayaeeeysyaaaypowroplsaoprdaolasnoylaeaeadeosladnnosyoywyesorlrydwddadoeyponneeyaaapesenaalnneydaewndplredlerwaawlnrssapapaopnrdwnslowdoanlrernpwyyarpprwnrssdlaopsnnrnnnardpaessldalroleswnnooarlpllasapsesaorardwreylayrr – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T08:57:46.423

I just bruteforced it completely (took ~0.06 seconds in Python) and obtained four admissible solutions, but due to a bug in your regex, your regex rejects many more solutions. (Basically, you don't check that every character in a given "substring" gets used, and you don't check that a "substring" only consists of 84 characters) – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T09:07:46.053


(Final note: handles this regex just fine; I'm guessing it probably just uses the browser's regex engine).

– nneonneo – 2014-10-17T09:08:26.460

1With 12k bytes there's no need to link to an external source. SE answers can have up to 30k characters. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-17T09:24:37.980

Dang it. Back to the drawing board. >___< @MartinBüttner: My browser was hanging while SE was trying to format the code, so I figured I'd leave it out. – COTO – 2014-10-17T12:52:53.617


.NET flavor, 458 bytes [cracked]


This one is easy. But I'll post a harder one later.

I think I'm pretty near the cryptographically secure answer.

Tested on RegexStorm.

This is basically about integer factorization. The matched string should be the binary representation of two integers A and B. For each 1 from A, it will match 512, 256, ..., 1 times group l, which can be added to get A. And for each time l, it will match B using lookahead, and B times group m which is similar to A times l. So m is matched a total of A*B times. Finally it removes the group m 669043 times and checks if there is no more m. So A*B must be exactly 669043.

For simplicity: 669043 = 809 * 827 and the solution is the binary form of these two numbers.

This method doesn't work with too big numbers to make it secure, because the Regex engine has to increase the number that many times. But I have posted a new answer to work with base 289 big integers. It has a 1536 bit long product.

Also thanks Martin Büttner for introducing the balancing group feature of .NET Regex in his answer.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 34 042

This idea, wow... – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T01:37:01.553

4Match: 1100101001,1100111011. Non-match: ThatsWhatIWantedToDo,Nice – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T03:23:48.417

1I think the only problem is that the match takes exponentially long, and that the target integer has to be expressed as a repeat count (so it is most likely limited to 32/64/128 bits, which are all trivial to factor). I have some ideas on surpassing these limitations using Karatsuba multiplication, but then I get log(n)^2 sized regexes... – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T03:27:31.467

@user23013 I really like the way you used empty strings here - seems like you could probably do something like this: (But I can't seem to get it to work without hardcoding in the numbers 11 and 13)

– Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T03:52:51.440


@Sp3000 This works. I'm not sure why. Perhaps its developer thinks matching empty strings repeatedly doesn't make sense.

– jimmy23013 – 2014-10-18T04:05:02.073

Oh nice, that fixes it nicely. Too bad, as @nneonneo has pointed out, repeat counts are going to be a limitation though :/ – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T04:12:42.493 Anything above 3 digits times out - I'm disappointed :( – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T04:43:17.390

1@Sp3000: not at all a surprise; you're basically asking the regex engine to count to 800000+. This is going to be really slow (especially when the "counting" is done via a regular expression evaluator virtual machine). – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T07:18:39.080


JS-Compatible RegEx - 2,447 bytes [cracked]

My final attempt.

I'm holding out hope that this one lasts at least a few hours before being cracked. After that, I give up. :P


Like all previous submissions, it resolves instantaneously. Unlike previous submissions, it's too long for RegExr.




Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 3 701

2Match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa. Non-match: fdeacdbfbdcadaafdadcfdddfdbffeccbdecaaebfdfcfecbbfad. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T04:01:12.440

Replace (.) with the matching character, and sort by that character, and it will become obvious. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T04:04:29.330

1Note that this is NP-complete, but not cryptographically secure. And there are too many restrictions and too few variables to make it difficult. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T04:24:51.593

1@user23013: Well played, sir. ;) And indeed I believe this is reducible to SAT, which was my intent. Just not enough bits in there to make it difficult, as you say. – COTO – 2014-10-15T07:26:33.343


Python flavour (721 bytes) [cracked]

It's time for "Parsing Problem v2":


Tested on Regex101.

This regex is effectively "hide a tree in a forest". The bulk of the regex consists of (?(id)yes-pattern|no-pattern) expressions, which match the appropriate pattern depending on whether or not a group with the specified id exists. Most of these expressions do not contribute to the key, but some do. However, not-so-subtly hidden in the regex was [(?(1):Q)] which is actually a character set, and \7, which requires you to keep track of the groups somehow. Both of these will show up on any editor with highlighting, but were meant to trip up anyone who wasn't cautious.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

Man, this is gonna take some work. – stokastic – 2014-10-15T01:34:08.500

4\ZRZTE[1LblHRKl3]?sHcKePT(7tvAE1K4r[zZTE[1LblHRKl3]?sHcKePT(7tvAE1K4rFxRzr matches. a doesn't match – Gavin S. Yancey – 2014-10-15T01:42:51.027

Additionally, the set of all possible matches is (my previous comment) with both of the ?'s replaced with any character in (?(1)Q) – Gavin S. Yancey – 2014-10-15T01:44:32.843

(on Regex101, it tells you exactly what it was trying to match when the match failed. This made finding the matching stuff somewhat easier (at least for spotting typos in my solution)). – Gavin S. Yancey – 2014-10-15T01:45:58.680

I was close, I was just missing the ?'s – stokastic – 2014-10-15T02:12:26.030

I got \ZRZTE[1LblHRKl3]1sHcKePT(7tvAE1K4r[zZTE[1LblHRKl3]1sHcKePT(7tvAE1K4rFxRzr there was no ? in mine? why? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa doesn't match – James Khoury – 2014-10-15T02:22:56.390

Ah I see it. Somehow I missed the ? in the `[(?(1)Q)] – James Khoury – 2014-10-15T02:40:22.677

Nice! I didn't expect it go down that quickly (I was hoping human error would hinder progress but I guess you guys are just too good at being careful :) ) – Sp3000 – 2014-10-15T03:27:42.417

@g.rocket Your key isn't technically valid, because both strings need to have 16 characters, but since almost everything fails the string, I'll accept that as successful cracking. ;) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T09:41:33.877


Perl flavor, 133 [cracked]

Okay, this one should be harder to brute force:


And a longer version, not part of the challenge:


Can be tested on Regex101 (pcre flavor).

The idea behind this pattern is that we can encode a simple system of congruence equations in a regex using lookaheads. For example, the regex ^(?=(..)*$)(...)*$ matches any string whose length is a common multiple of 2 and 3, that is, a multiple of 6. This can be seen as the equation 2x ≡ 0 mod 3. We can parameterize the equation using capture groups: the regex ^(.*),(.*),(?=\1*$)\2*$ matches strings where the number of characters after the last comma is a common multiple of the length of the first and second submatches. This can be seen as the parameterized equation ax ≡ 0 mod b, where a and b are the lengths of the two submatches.

The above regex begins by taking three "parameters" of length at least two, and is followed by three "systems of equations" of the from (?=.\1+,)(?=.\2+,)\3+, that correspond to {ax + 1 ≡ 0 mod c, by + 1 ≡ 0 mod c, ax = by}, where a, b and c are the lengths of the corresponding submatches. This system of equations has a solution if and only if a and b are coprime to c. Since we have three such systems, one for each submatch, the lengths of the submatches must be pairwise coprime.

The last part of the regex is there to ensure that one of the submatches is of length 6. This forces the other two submatches to be 5 and 7 characters long, since any smaller values won't be coprime and any larger values will result in a key longer than 256 characters. The smallest solutions to the equations then yield substrings of lengths 85, 36 and 91, which result in a string of length 254---about as long as we can get.

The longer regex uses the same principle, only with 6 parameters of length at least three and no additional restrictions. The smallest pairwise coprime set of six integers greater than 2 is {3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13}, which yields substrings of minimal lengths 40041, 15016, 24025, 34321, 43681 and 23101. Therefore, the shortest string that matches the longer regex is a{3},a{4},a{5},a{7},a{11},a{13},a{40041},a{15016},a{24025},a{34321},a{43681},a{23101} (up to the order of parameters.) That's 180,239 characters!


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 7 317

That {16,20}. – Sp3000 – 2014-10-15T14:04:12.310

2Match: aaaaa,aaaaaa,aaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Mismatch: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa – Sp3000 – 2014-10-15T14:19:35.873

I think SE keeps adding extra as for some reason - there should be 5,6,7,85,36,91,18 as between the commas :/ – Sp3000 – 2014-10-15T14:25:24.687

@Sp3000 Pick a card, any card ;) Yeah, you cracked it. It seems like some of the 'a's in your comment are non-ASCII, but the numbers are right. – Ell – 2014-10-15T14:30:16.767

@Ell The as are all ASCII, but there are two non-printable Unicode characters for each manual line break SE does. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T15:01:50.197


Python flavour (4842 bytes) [cracked]

With thanks to @COTO for ideas and advice

I liked @COTO's 3-SAT idea so much that I thought I'd try to make my own regex based off it. I'm not that familiar with the theoretics of 3-SAT though, so I'm just going to pray to the RNG gods and hope I have enough restrictions in place.

I tried to keep the regex under 5000 characters to be fair - obviously longer regexes would be impossible to crack, but they wouldn't be very fun to crack either.


And here it is in a form that's a bit easier to read:


Tested on Regex101.

The regex is looking for an 82-character string S of 0s and 1s. It performs a large number checks of the form (after applying de Morgan's) S[index1] != digit1 OR S[index2] != digit2 OR S[index3] != digit3, which make up the 3-SAT clauses. The regex size is linear in the number of clues, and logarithmic in the number of characters in the key (due to the .{n} notation). Unfortunately though, to be secure the number of clues has to go up with the size of the key, and while it's certainly possible to make an uncrackable key this way, it would end up being quite a long regex.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

1Match: x. Non-match: 0011001101000000000111010001101101011000010011011010000000010001011111000100010000 – nneonneo – 2014-10-16T06:30:45.293

Match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa. Non-match: 011100110010001010111101001010010011110010011010110101010001101100101111111111 + 0000. Just a few seconds slower... – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T06:32:24.360

Wow that was fast - did you guys brute force it? – Sp3000 – 2014-10-16T06:37:29.933

1@Sp3000 I did it almost manually... Surprisingly the statistic method worked. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T06:42:01.840

2@Sp3000: I would've bruteforced it but that was no fun. Instead I converted your sequence to a 3SAT and cracked it with minisat. Took 0.3 seconds (time spent converting, ~10 minutes) – nneonneo – 2014-10-16T06:49:24.107

@nneonneo Technically, your key isn't valid because both strings have to be between 16 and 256 characters (inclusive). But finding a match to this one is obviously trivial, so I'll give you this one, because you've cracked the hard part (and I hope user23013 won't mind, because it's not putting him in danger of losing his robbers' trophy). ;) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T10:35:10.157


.NET flavour, 141 bytes [cracked]


Another one for the robbers! I'm sure this will be cracked, but I hope the person cracking it will learn something interesting about the .NET flavour in the process.

Tested on RegexStorm and RegexHero.

I figured this one would be interesting because it relies on the interplay of all three landmark regex features that you can only find in .NET: variable-length lookbehinds, balancing groups, and right-to-left matching.

Before we start into the .NET-specifics, let's clear up a simple thing about character classes. Character classes can't be empty, so if one starts with a ], that is actually part of the class without needing to be escaped. Likewise, a [ in a character class can unambiguously be treated as a member of the class without escaping. So []] is just the same matching a single \], and [[] is the same as \[ and more importantly [][] is a character class containing both brackets.

Now let's look at the structure of the regex: (?=somePattern)^.*$(?<=somePattern). So the actual match is really anything (the ^.*$) but we apply one pattern twice, anchoring it to the start once and to the end once.

Let's look at that pattern: (?<![][]) makes sure that there's no bracket before the pattern. (?![][]) (at the end) makes sure that there's no bracket after pattern. This is fulfilled at the ends of a string or adjacent to any other character.
This thing, (?(c)(?!)), at the beginning is actually redundant for now, because it only makes sure that the named capturing group c hasn't matched anything. We do need this at the end, so at least it's nice and symmetric. Now the main part of the pattern is this: ((?<c>[[])|(?<-c>[]])){15,}(?(c)(?!)). These groups are called balancing groups, and what they do here is match a string of at least 15 balanced square brackets. There's a lot to say about balancing groups - too much for this post, but I can refer you to a rather comprehensive discussion I posted on StackOverflow a while ago.

Okay, so what the lookahead does is to ensure that the pattern starts with those balanced square brackets - and that there are no further square brackets next to that.

Now the lookbehind at the end contains exactly the same pattern. So shouldn't this be redundant? Shouldn't something like [][][][][][][][] fulfil both lookarounds and cause the pattern to match?

No. Because here is where it gets tricky. Although undocumented, .NET lookbehinds are matched from right to left. This is why .NET is the only flavour that supports variable-length lookbehinds. Usually you don't notice this because the order of matching is irrelevant. But in this particular case, it means that the opening square brackets must now come to the right of the closing square brackets. So the lookbehind actually checks for anti-matching square brackets, as in ][][][ or ]]][[[. That's why I also need the check (?(c)(?!)) at the beginning of the pattern, because that's now the end of match.

So we want 15 (or 16) matching brackets at the beginning of the string and 15 (or 16) anti-matching brackets at the end of the string. But those two can't be connected due to the (?![][]) lookarounds. So what do we do? We take a matching string and an anti-matching string and join them with an arbitrary character, giving for instance [][][][][[[[]]]]!][][][][]]]][[[[.

I guess that leaves one question... how on earth did I figure out that lookbehinds match from right to left? Well I tried some arcane regex magic once and couldn't figure out why my lookbehind wouldn't work. So I asked the friendly Q&A site next door. Now I'm really happy about this feature, because it makes balancing groups even more powerful if you know how to use them right. :)

Martin Ender

Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 184 808

1Match: [][][][][][][][]a][][][][][][][][. Non-match: That's interesting... – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T13:02:12.963

@user23013 Yup! That was quick. Were you already familiar with those quirks of .NET? :) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T13:04:21.073

Wish I'd figured out the lookbehind quirk 5 mins earlier – TwiNight – 2014-10-16T13:07:37.467

No. But I already know quantifiers are not allowed in lookbehind in PCRE. I think actually looking backward is much better than that. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T13:09:38.817

@MartinBüttner So, to confirm, lookbehinds actually match from back to front? – TwiNight – 2014-10-16T13:11:55.117

@TwiNight Yes, I'll add an explanation later. .NET actually has an option with which you can match the entire expression right-to-left. It's just stated nowhere explicitly (but proven empirically) that the same technique is used to implement their variable-length lookbehinds. Here is the SO question where I originally stumbled upon it myself:

– Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T13:13:23.990


Python flavour (200127 bytes) [cracked]

Just so that we may (hopefully) see something last a day, it's time to bring out the big guns :)

The problem with 3-SAT and Hamiltonian path is that the complexity is in terms of the key size. This time I've chosen something which is dependent on the regex, rather than the key.

Here it is: regex. You might also find this file useful. (Don't worry, I haven't hidden anything weird in there this time ;) )

I used RegexPlanet to test this one - it was tough finding something that wouldn't time out :/. To check if there was a match, see if your string appears under findall().

Good luck!

The regex is just "find a string of length 64 which appears as a common subsequence in a set of 20 strings of length 5000". There were too many solutions though, probably.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

5Match: d,mE~JZ0,_:3kBdLdgBSzJ!@MLrrAgKsf@Pl35N9bxsIf@ReVU>:YDg`d1MjL@_-. Non-match: { line|fold -w1 >filea; while line >filec; do fold -w1 <filec >fileb; diff -d --old-line-format= --new-line-format= --unchanged-line-format=%L filea fileb >filec;mv filec filea;done;cat filea;} <file1|tr -d $'\n'|head -c64;echo – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-17T02:29:06.020

Ahaha I'm beat - I guess the sequences were too long and there were too many solutions – Sp3000 – 2014-10-17T02:36:01.893

@user23013 That sounds like a lot, but it's actually not too bad, seeing that there are 5437589409196755010929519821645784067024309122301926366910354757626905801389085035074667925844349168139762829668081680641 different strings of length 64 with the available 77 characters. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-17T02:55:25.670

Well, I'm wrong. There are not only 718406958841 solutions. And my script has a bug so it ignored the last pattern. But the common subsequence of the first 19 patterns happened to be also a subsequence of the last one – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-17T02:55:51.770

@MartinBüttner I mean I don't know exactly how many solutions there are, and that number is wrong. Their longest common subsequence has 718406958841 (corrected value: 97082021465) subsequences of length 64. But there are other CS's which are not subsequences of LCS. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-17T03:01:26.790

@user23013 To double check - did you find the common subsequences pairwise? If so then the sequence length was far too long :/ – Sp3000 – 2014-10-17T03:07:55.557

@Sp3000 I find the LCS of one string and the LCS of all previous strings. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-17T03:11:11.213


Python, 145475 bytes [cracked]

Thanks to the Wumpus for teaching me the importance of checking our indices :)

Same deal as last solution, only hopefully not broken this time. Raw regex:

EDIT: It wasn't broken, but apparently it was still too easy. At least it wasn't solved "instantly" ;)


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 11 445

4Non-match: 1040060321170122554027333022674205250442151362365165773421664173556667110413375720720711725045122733213710556062114131057357354554245723416516004761215632214223735570625116160162051407026445600345370604702671021412723536217011007021752560474402200436670402 Match: minisat2hoursCPU – None – 2014-10-17T10:37:53.413

Ayup. You got me. That was pretty quick. Maybe I do have to bust out my 1GB regex after all... – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T10:39:41.867


Java Pattern/Oracle implementation (75 chars/150 bytes UTF-16) [cracked]

(Code name: Bad Coffee 101)

This is the Pattern object, with CANON_EQ flag, to be used with matches() (implied anchor):

Pattern.compile("(\\Q\u1EBF\\\\E)?+[\\w&&[\\p{L1}]\\p{Z}]+|\\1[\uD835\uDC00-\uD835\uDC33]{1927027271663633,2254527117918231}", Pattern.CANON_EQ)

Test your key here on ideone

There is guaranteed to be a key. Read the spoiler if you want some confirmation.

As you can see, it is not a normal regex. However, it runs without Exception on Oracle's Java version 1.6.0u37 and Java version 1.7.0u11, and it should also run for the most current version at the time of writing.

This makes use of 4 bugs: CANON_EQ, captured text retention of failed attempt, lost character class and quantifier overflow.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 5 683

4Match: "(?:e\u0302\u0301\\|\u00ea\u0301\\|\u1ebf\\|\u00ea\\\u0301|e\u0302\\\u0301|\u00ea\\\u0301|\u00ea\u0301\\|\u1ebf\\|e\\\u0302\u0301)\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC00" (quoted form). Non-match: JavaRegexSoBuggy. ideone for match: – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T18:12:05.563

Bugs found: (1) CANON_EQ expands precomposed characters into alternations internally, which breaks hilariously inside \Q\E; (2) repetition lengths are truncated to 32 bits; (3) there's some weird thing going on with the character class matcher that causes it to skip the alternation (didn't quite figure out what the bug was exactly). – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T18:15:23.187

@nneonneo: Your explanation is correct. But you forgot the backref \1 bug. And yes, there is a bug in the character class. How did you figure all this out in less than 2 hours? – n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ – 2014-10-17T18:20:18.220

I started working on it 20 minutes ago. You made it pretty obvious which parts of the problem stressed which bugs (because each bug was basically in its own group), so I figured out how to satisfy each part independently, and then combined them. I got lucky that I didn't have to actually work out what the character class was doing. (I also got very lucky that Java spits out the "expanded" internal pattern when you have a syntax error :) – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T18:21:20.043

Also! I don't believe that the captured text retention is necessarily a bug. That seems to be how the possessive quantifiers work. (It's also a rather useful property for certain regex – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T18:25:05.990

@nneonneo: The lost character class necessarily makes the first branch fails. The second branch continues from the content of the capturing group in the first branch, which should not be valid in other flavors. – n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ – 2014-10-17T18:27:56.187

Good to know. Thanks for the challenge, it was fun finding out how buggy Java's regexes are in the corners ;) – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T19:58:02.260


.NET flavor, 17,372 bytes [cracked]

This is still an easy version. It needs more optimization to work with longer strings.

The regex is here:


Tested on RegexStorm and this blog and RegExLib (with all options unchecked).

The solution to this regex is the factorization of 5122188685368916735780446744735847888756487271329 = 2147852126374329492975359 * 2384795779221263457172831, with the result encoded in base 289, least significant first.

Each digit is firstly split into two base 17 numbers to make the calculations faster. This is also how the product is encoded in the regex.

Each pair of digits in the two numbers is then multiplied into capture group a0 to a38. Each of them is a digit of the product. The current position is kept track by p and q. And the carry is processed after the multiplication, while comparing the product.

It is in base 289 because it was designed to accept two 1024 bit numbers, which has 128 base 256 digits each, and I didn't think of removing the comma so the full string with base 256 would be 257 characters.

The 1536 bit version is here. It accepts two 768 bit numbers. The numbers in this easy version each has only 81 bits.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 34 042

2Match: Ľê¯6Aĝ4aþĀ,lŃŝĿBİŢŞĩï (escaped: \u013d\xea\xaf6A\u011d4a\xfe\u0100,l\u0143\u015d\u013fB\u0130\u0162\u015e\u0129\xef). Non-match: VeryNiceMultiplier – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T17:15:08.930


ECMAScript flavour, 30 bytes [cracked]

^((?![\t- ]|[^\s])(.)(?!\2))+$

Here is a rather simple one for the robbers to crack. It's conceptually not too hard, but might require a little research (or scripting). I don't intend to list myself in the leaderboard, but if someone cracks it within 72 hours, this will count towards their robber's score.

Tested on Regex101 and RegExr using Chrome.

Well, that was quick!

The regex was supposed to match any string consisting of distinct non-ASCII whitespace characters. However, I forgot a .* before the \2, so it actually matches any string of non-ASCII whitespace, that doesn't contain two consecutive identical characters. There are 18 such characters in the Unicode range up to code point 0xFFFF. The match posted by user23013 is one such string, consisting of 16 characters.

Martin Ender

Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 184 808

1Match (base64): wqDigZ/CoOKBn8Kg4oGfwqDigZ/CoOKBn8Kg4oGfwqDigZ/CoOKBnw==, Non-match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-14T23:46:02.863

It is not distinct but only alternating, with only two distinct characters. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T00:01:59.323

@user23013 Damn, I forgot a .* in the lookahead. Good catch. Should have tested more thoroughly. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T00:03:06.623


Ruby-flavored, 24 bytes [cracked]



Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 20 600

Please include a link to a tester where your intended key is working (like (Also, obfuscation/golfing pro tip: if you use PCRE instead, the character class could be written as []\\[] ;))

– Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T14:12:10.457

Link added. I suspect Wumpus has cracked it, could prove it with a permalink to – histocrat – 2014-10-15T15:03:15.113


Non-match: soylentgreenispeople. Match available at not posted here because of how the comment system handles long words.

– None – 2014-10-15T15:14:11.657

@WumpusQ.Wumbley Great! If you include the non-match into that same comment, we can clean up all the mess above this. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T15:16:32.163


PCRE (1043 bytes) [cracked]

After randomly generated regexes have failed me (the ideas were good, but I couldn't generate adequate problem instances), I've decided to hand craft this one. I dub it "A whole lot of rules to satisfy".


And expanded:


Tested on Regex101 - depending on your computer you may need to up the max execution time.

This regex encodes a whole bunch of rules that just need to be satisfied. Any solution will do, it's just finding one.

  • The first three core rules require that, separately, all ([{ brackets need to be balanced within the key.
  • Most expressions require that a certain "shape" needs to be in or not be in the key. For example, the 8th row requires something of the form [.(.).].
  • Rules like (?=(.*\[.*\(.*\{){5,9}.*), for example, require that [({ alternation happens at least 5 times. Note that this line in particular is bugged on many levels, unintentionally.
  • The backreference \11 requires one six-character substring to appear twice in particular positions.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

2Match: [((({.[.[](){{}{].{.(({){(.[]()....}}].{{[[....).[..]()(}..[..]([....(([{((({).](){.{}{}{}....}[[()[}}][{{[({[[[.]]}()]].{}.]{[..]{.[]]}}}())))(())[(.].{[.{[[..[()].()}{{.[...[}{.]..)]...{.])))).}}..([......{.....[.]}[...}.{[.}...}})}.))).]}}]]]}]]].)]]..}. Non-match: WhatANastySetOfRulesYouHave. – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T06:40:33.933

I increased the execution time to 50 seconds. By the way, if you just use the proper non-greedy quantifiers in (?=(.*\[.*\(.*\{){5,9}.*), then you won't need to increase the maximum execution time (same result) - the matches will be instant. – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T06:43:48.543

@nneonneo Ahaha yeah, I realised that after I posted. Can you post, say, a pastebin link for your key though? SE comments seem to be acting up again – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T07:06:08.237

@nneonneo Also if you have so many dots in your solution, clearly I didn't have enough rules :P – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T07:06:31.750


Here's a regex101 link with my solution visible:

– nneonneo – 2014-10-18T07:20:46.797

@nneonneo Nicely done :) – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T07:30:22.730


PHP, 168 bytes [cracked by nneonneo]

^((?![!?$]*[^!?$]))?(?:[^!]\2?+(?=(!*)(\\\3?+.(?!\3)))){4}(?(1)|Ha! No one will ever get this one...)|(?!(?1))\Q\1?!($!?)?\E\1?!($!?)?(?<!.{12})\Q(?=(?1))\E(?=(?1))!\?$

Here is a regex demo.

P.S. This game is hard.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 1 115

2Match: \1?!($!?)?!(?=(?1))!?. Non-match: IncrementalRegexTestingWorks – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T05:39:04.033

@nneonneo Ah, you're too good ;) – Unihedron – 2014-10-18T05:39:40.747


PHP, 395 bytes [cracked by nneonneo]

^( *)( *)( *)(['.-])((?!\4)(?4)+?)((?!\4|\5)(?4)++)\1\3whale
(\3{3})\13\2{2}\1{1}\3+(?<=\S {10})\4\1\3\|

A better jigsaw than my last entry.

Note: The matching key is multiline, with each line separated by the new line character \n. Rebuild some ASCII art!

Here is a regex demo.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 1 115

3Match: 202e272d207768616c650a2d3a3a2e2f202f205f2e27273a2e0a2d3a2c2020285f5f2e2e27602020205c0a2020205c202020202020202020202e207c0a602c2e5f5f2e2020202c5f5f2e27272f0a2020202020202d2e5f2f5f2e2d5f5f5f2e2d (hex-encoded). Non-match: IDon'tThinkIGotTheRightPicture. Proof workspace: – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T07:15:46.450


@nneonneo Wow! You solved it :D But the right picture is here:

– Unihedron – 2014-10-18T07:21:28.233

1Yeah, I figured I didn't have enough spaces (but the regex didn't check too strongly). And, it seems I have interchanged .-' at the start to .'-. In hindsight the former is much more plausible for ASCII art ;) – nneonneo – 2014-10-18T07:22:53.017


.NET flavor, 53,884 bytes [safe]

Generated by GnuPG! And extracted by pgpdump. It is 1536 bit because longer versions failed on the online tester.

The regex is here:

Tested on RegExLib (with no options selected). I hope I didn't cause too much trouble to them.

You probably want to crack the easy version first. It is the same as this one, except for having a much shorter key.

You probably also want this number:


The key





The prime numbers:


Explanation is in the easy version.

The generator script (in CJam)






l~17bW%_,FG+2*\- 0a*+


Input should be the above number.

After you are done, the solution can be generated by this program:



r~289bW%_,FG:F;\- 0a*+

Input should be two integers.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 34 042

Too bad. RegExLib is down. I think people should better use a Silverlight or local tester. But I can't test them. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-18T11:59:31.703

IIRc, RegexHero is a .NET tester in browser, using Silverlight. – n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳ – 2014-10-18T15:13:17.800

Another idea about big integers is to calculate the product mod prime numbers near 200. It should be faster. But the code would be much longer and I'm not going to do that in integer factorization answers. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-18T20:50:17.177

Congratulations on making it through the 72 hours! You may now lock your answer against cracking by revealing the key. Until you do, the answer can still be cracked. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-24T16:10:30.287


.NET flavour (7563 bytes) [cracked]

Inspired by @user23013's idea


We just can't have enough NP-complete problems! Here's the expanded version:


Each (?:(?=1(?<1>){n})|(?=0)). row pushes n empty strings to group 1 if the digit 1 is found, and does nothing if a 0 is found. (?<-1>){10094986}(?(1)(?!)) then checks that the total number of empty strings in group 1 by the end is 10094986. Hence our goal is to find a subset of the numbers such that their total is 10094986. This is exactly the subset sum problem, which is a special case of the knapsack problem, and is NP-complete.

Tested on Regex Hero (Regex Storm times out for this one).


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

2Match: 01111111111111111111111011001111111111011111111111111111111101111111111 11111111111111111111011111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (remove those spaces). Non-match: KnapsackAlgorithm. It is not easy to install Silverlight on my Ubuntu machine. But this worked on some other tester. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-18T11:52:56.100

@user23013 Ah oops, I forgot that required Silverlight. But honestly though, either I'm unlucky or there's a lot of solutions, because that's a stupidly long chain of 0s at the end there. Then again I'll need to get over the 32-bit int barrier first, I think I have an idea... – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T13:55:22.020

I already had 700+ bit integer in my latest answer! – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-18T14:02:34.663

@user23013 And you're telling us to factorise it? So mean! :P – Sp3000 – 2014-10-18T14:09:04.197

2The integer to factorise is 1536 bit. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-18T14:12:17.757


.NET flavour (52506 bytes)

Subset sum, deluxe edition.

Regex here, expanded version here, tested on RegExLib and Regex Hero


Mismatch: Huzzah for NP-complete regexes

This regex is one giant subset sum problem, and uses 16 groups to store data. Each 1 in the string represents 16 10-bit numbers, which together represent a 160-bit integer. The last few lines of the regex carry the values in the groups so that groups 2-16 go up to 1023 (e.g. 1*1023 + 1024 becomes 2*1023 + 1), as otherwise we'd only be solving 16 simultaneous mini subset sum problems as opposed to one big one.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 58 729

Congratulations on making it through the 72 hours! You may now lock your answer against cracking by revealing the key. Until you do, the answer can still be cracked. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-21T18:14:16.393


Perl flavor, 97 [cracked]

I'm afraid this is going to be too easy due to the key length limit.


If you think you figured the idea behind it, try the longer version (not part of the challenge):



Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 7 317

1Match: aaaaaaa,a,aa,aaa,aaaaaaa. Non-match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T06:54:52.153

Longer version: Match: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,a,aa,(remove these chars)aaaa,aaaaaaa,aaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,(remove these chars)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Non-match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T06:57:11.537

@user23013: The short version is correct! I meant for the capture groups to be at least two characters long, which would have made the key a little bit longer, but I forgot to change it :P The longer version is incorrect, though. – Ell – 2014-10-15T07:03:21.247

This site added some invisible special characters when I posted them. I think it is fixed now. (Without the (remove these characters).) – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T07:08:55.040

@user23013 Yeah, that's a match. I really didn't plan for it to be that easy :P – Ell – 2014-10-15T07:15:38.097

Arggg lost by 4 mins – TwiNight – 2014-10-15T07:20:54.557


Perl flavor, 109 [cracked]

The previous submission turned out easier than I intended. This one should be a little more challenging, though the short version is still very much brute-forcible.


And a longer version, not part of the challenge:


EDIT: The above version turned out too simple as well. Here's a final attempt to make this more challenging.

Perl flavor, 121 [cracked]

Short version:


Long version:



Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 7 317

1Match: aaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaa,aaa,aa,aaaaaaaaaaaaa. Non-match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T08:14:45.350

Longer: Match: Non-match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa

– jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T08:18:14.033

@user23013 You're on a roll! It wasn't supposed to be that easy, but I overlooked a few things. I don't want to post a third submission, but I'll edit this one with what I hope is a "correct" version this time. Give it a shot if you feel like it. – Ell – 2014-10-15T08:35:42.980


Shorter: aaaabaaacaaadaaa. Longer: aaaabaaacaaadaaa.

– jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T09:50:12.340

@Ell Posting a third submission would not have been a problem. (And feel free to do so if you come up with something else.) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T09:52:01.837

@user23013 You got it! Still shorter than what I had in mind but it's getting warmer. – Ell – 2014-10-15T10:29:55.853


Python, 145245 bytes [cracked]

Credit to sp3000 & COTO for the idea

Uncompressed Pastebin copy:

EDIT: I screwed up the regex generator and made most of my clauses invalid. Congratulations Wumpus for finding and exploiting it :) I've submitted a fixed version, so I'll explain how these submissions work after they are cracked or the time-limit expires.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 11 445

Tested on

– nneonneo – 2014-10-17T03:18:59.117

I think you can call it 145245, you don't need the newline at the end. – None – 2014-10-17T03:28:46.090

@WumpusQ.Wumbley: thanks, removed the newline – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T03:39:01.653

1Non-match: 1657114133410330066437310300651114626477107270715027765071217477765155062115727346312156431331022432571707004067437201014346506056771002007472602676067730610061613313533367043345632652200101037575653036745227714523510655101775154755604257220747261564732730 Match: YouMessedUpMostOfYourClausesOnlyMatch255Characters – None – 2014-10-17T04:59:02.533

2Ahahahah, and that's why we should test things more carefully.... – nneonneo – 2014-10-17T05:17:25.820


JS-Compatible RegEx - 70 bytes [cracked]

Auch, I'm bad at this. :P


Resolves on virtually any string instantaneously. Tested on RegExr.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 3 701

Yes. Uh... wait. When did you add the 256 character maximum? Was that there all the time? – COTO – 2014-10-14T18:49:56.277

No it wasn't, I added it 4 hours ago, see the second comment on the question. Sorry about the confusion. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-14T18:54:26.157

Decided to undelete this since people might have fun cracking it. Readers should note that this submission is not to spec (the key is vastly longer than 256 chars), hence it won't count towards a cracking score. The key can be trivially described, however. – COTO – 2014-10-14T21:20:29.567

2Match: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -- Non-match: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa – Dennis – 2014-10-14T21:55:35.413

Sorry but: "Cracked submissions are eliminated from contention (provided they are not "safe"). They should not be edited or deleted. If an author wishes to submit a new regex, (s)he should do so in a separate answer." ;) – Martin Ender – 2014-10-14T22:47:44.293

@Dennis - I set the upper bound on the a{0,17} by one too little when I edited the question. It's repaired now. My apologies for the error. Please reattempt. – COTO – 2014-10-14T22:47:47.123

@MartinBüttner: Fair enough. I'll submit a new answer. – COTO – 2014-10-14T22:48:20.570


Ruby flavor, 22 bytes [cracked]


Not so much obfuscated but a bit difficult to satisfy.


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 20 600

Match: [] followed by 254 ['s. No match: empty string – None – 2014-10-15T01:26:09.407

2Sorry I didn't make both of my strings in the 16..256 range. Retry: Match: [] followed by 254 ['s. No match: 16 ['s – None – 2014-10-15T02:20:14.477

Oops, that did not work the way I thought it did. I'll post a modification as a separate answer to avoid messing with the score. – histocrat – 2014-10-15T13:59:37.583


PCRE, 71 [cracked]


There are 3 zero-width spaces (after both (1++)s and between the two big capture groups), and a right-to-left override before the last 4 characters so the last 4 characters are actually 1\11 (literal 1 then horizontal tab). Once you notice those all you have to do is put zero-width spaces at the right places (which I thought would be quite a challenge in itself).

In hindsight I should have used 1+ instead of 1++


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 4 187


Match: Non-match: aaaabaaacaaadaaa. Standard loophole?

– jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T07:40:31.397

Damn! I thought this can at least hold on for a few hours. – TwiNight – 2014-10-15T08:07:24.233

I found it because it looks too impossible. And the online tester highlighted \11. – jimmy23013 – 2014-10-15T08:24:56.283

@user23013 Standard loophole because of Unicode? No, I'd say it's fine. This is an obfuscation contest, and I deliberately didn't disallow Unicode. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-15T09:45:34.753


PHP and Javascript compatible (73 bytes + delimiters)[cracked]:


This was tested using the website and .

Only matches one string. Have fun finding which!

To back up my answer, here is the last sentence of OP's comment, explaining the challenge:

In most cases, this means, either your regex accepts pretty much nothing except some non-obvious string, or it accepts pretty much everything except some non-obvious string. Cops and Robbers: Reverse Regex Golf

Please, don't crack it!

Well, @Dennis doesn't play by the rules and decided to break it.

Here is a printscreen of the matching string, using FireFox:

enter image description here

Ismael Miguel

Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 6 797

@MartinBüttner Actually, it's 75 :/ and I had the regex with some garbage on the same file, and checked the length of the whole file and not the selected length. I just updated with the right count. And all the chars are printable ascii chars. – Ismael Miguel – 2014-10-16T11:24:19.103

Alright, I updated the count. – Ismael Miguel – 2014-10-16T11:26:17.747

3Match : \xf4\x65\xf4\x65\x80\x80\xf4\x65\xf4\x65\x45\x80\xf4\x65\x0A\xf4\x65\x10\xf4\xf4\\xf4\x80\xf4\x65 (JavaScript string with escapes) -- Non-match: RegExCopsandRobbers – Dennis – 2014-10-16T12:52:00.583

Is it actually possible to enter that string in regex101? With the \x10 (Ctrl-P) in it? – None – 2014-10-16T12:55:25.927

@WumpusQ.Wumbley You can enter it into your browser's console as a string and copy the result into regex101. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-16T12:57:21.737


– jimmy23013 – 2014-10-16T12:59:24.577

@Dennis Goddamn! But I don't get one thing: why that cross char is matching, but well. Here is a link to the printscreen of the answer, taken from firefox:

– Ismael Miguel – 2014-10-16T13:08:45.133


Ruby-flavored, 32 bytes [cracked]



Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 20 600


Match: aaaahaaaahhaaaahaaahhaaaahhahaaaahaaahhaaaahaahhaaaahhaahaaaahaahhaaaahaaahhaaaahahhaaaahhaaahaaaahahhaaa! copy at No match: heheheheheheheh!

– None – 2014-10-16T16:30:49.193


ECMAScript flavor, 39 bytes [cracked :(]


My first regex, hopefully it's not too easy. You can test it at


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 12 038

2Match: aa\^-^\aa\^-^\aa, Non-match: aa\^-^\aa\^-b\aa – TwiNight – 2014-10-16T21:24:38.450


JS-Compatible RegEx - 70 bytes [cracked]


Resolves on virtually any string instantaneously. Tested on RegExr. Identical to the previous 70 byte submission except an error is fixed.

Broken for some reason. :(

Intended functionality:

[^a]                   # match any string containing anything except "a"s
 | or
    a{0,25}            # match any string of 25 or fewer "a"s
 | or
    (?:                # block matches (or _should_ match) any string of "a"s with
                       # length n such that n ≢ {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} (mod x)
                       # for all x ∈ [9:275].  The 3 smallest n that satisfy this property
                       # are n = 7, n = 1,346,407 and n = 2,914,919.
                       # Strings of length < 26 are matched by the first alternate, and
                       # strings of length > 2,869,262 are matched by the third alternate,
                       # hence the sole key should be 1,346,407.

                       # Capture groups \1 and \2 are undefined and should be empty in
                       # the \1\2\3 sequence.
                       # The problem is with the lookahead. It seems to be making
                       # the parser treat a{9,275} as atomic in some cases and not in
                       # others ???
        (?=((a{9,275}) \1\2\3))\2
 | or
    (a{3181}){902}a+   # match any string of 2,869,263+ "a"s


Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 3 701


____< Today is not going well for me.

– COTO – 2014-10-14T22:49:54.977

As in your previous submission, the key is longer than 256 bytes, yes? – Dennis – 2014-10-14T22:55:25.503

Yes. It's identical, technically non-spec. Martin gave you credit for the previous one. The solution can be described trivially, so it seems to still be "in the spirit" of the limit, which (as I understand it) was so that the solutions could be expressed in a matter of a few characters. – COTO – 2014-10-14T22:57:52.090

1Match: a repeated 556 times -- Non-match: a repeated 557 times – Dennis – 2014-10-14T22:59:45.607

I suppose he gave me credit because I found a key that satisfies the spec. – Dennis – 2014-10-14T23:01:01.783

sigh OK. It's obviously not functioning the way I expected it to. I added some things last minute that didn't appear to "break" it, but evidently I was wrong. I'll post an explanation of the intended functionality and perhaps somebody can figure out why it's not working. – COTO – 2014-10-14T23:03:00.093

Lookaheads are always atomic. As long as you're within the lookahead it backtracks, but once the lookahead is satisfied, the engine won't backtrack into it again. – Martin Ender – 2014-10-14T23:42:28.797

That's what the regex reference said. But something like a 557 times can't possibly match without backtracking here, so I figured that FF's implementation of regex was nonstandard in that sense. – COTO – 2014-10-14T23:45:00.497


JavaScript, 78 bytes



Posted 2014-10-14T08:41:45.363

Reputation: 1