Lowest-Base Palindrome



Given a number n, write a function that finds the smallest base b ≥ 2 such that n is a palindrome in base b. For example, an input of 28 should return the base 3 since the ternary representation of 28 is 1001. Although 93 is a palindrome in both base 2 and base 5, the output should be 2 since 2<5.


A positive integer n < 2^31.


Return the smallest base b ≥ 2 such that the base b representation of n is a palindrome. Do not assume any leading zeros.

Samples (input => output):

11 => 10

32 => 7

59 => 4

111 => 6


The shortest code wins.


Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

Reputation: 263

This is OEIS A016026.

– Engineer Toast – 2017-10-25T19:42:06.187

1I think base should be limited. – Snack – 2014-05-22T05:36:49.280

No, I mean the base to check. For example, I can check up to base 10, or I can check up to base 36, which uses 0-9a-z. And I can even check up to base 127 which uses ASCII characters. You should limit base to check up. – Snack – 2014-05-22T05:56:10.570

3@Snack: What's the problem with higher bases? Independently of the choice of symbols, a base 1000 number will either be a palindrome or not. – Dennis – 2014-05-22T05:58:48.620

Oh, I got it. Sorry. – Snack – 2014-05-22T05:59:33.167

Are you asking for a function, or a full program?, And does it have to take command-line input or can I hardcode it?, Is the output printed or returned? – Οurous – 2014-05-22T06:24:29.283

@Ourous: A function. Hardcoding is fine. Output is returned. – ntomlin1996 – 2014-05-22T06:35:15.633

3Interesting anecdote: n in base n-1 is always 11 for n >= 2 and thus a palindrome is always possible. – Cruncher – 2014-05-22T13:15:58.843

1@Cruncher: n can be 1 and 2 is not a base 1 palindrome. However, every positive n is a base n + 1 palindrome. – Dennis – 2014-05-22T13:51:45.310

possible duplicate of Determine if an integer is a palindrome in a given radix (base)

– Digital Trauma – 2014-05-22T14:09:16.040

1@Dennis How is 2 not a base 1 palindrome? It's 11. Or II, or 2 of whatever symbol you use. Actually all base 1 numbers are palindromes. And I said n >= 2, because I don't know what on earth base 0 would be. – Cruncher – 2014-05-22T15:05:57.167

@DigitalTrauma definitely related. Shaky whether it's a dupe or not – Cruncher – 2014-05-22T15:06:49.937

@Cruncher: I didn't consider 1 a valid base. OK, there's apparently a unary number system, but the question rules base 1 out. – Dennis – 2014-05-22T15:25:13.437

@Dennis Everyone knows unary! You've been doing it with your fingers since you learned to count! Anyway, my comment was more of an aside. I was going to say n >= 3, but since it was mathematically true for n=2, I decided to strengthen it a bit. – Cruncher – 2014-05-22T15:28:30.753

@Cruncher: Exactly! That's why I did not provide an upper bound for the base. – ntomlin1996 – 2014-05-22T21:04:21.983



CJam, 19 bytes / GolfScript, 23 bytes




Try it online:


$ cjam base.cjam <<< 11; echo
$ cjam base.cjam <<< 111; echo
$ golfscript base.gs <<< 11
$ golfscript base.gs <<< 111

How it works

q~:N;   # Read the entire input, interpret it and save the result in “N”.
1       # Push 1 (“b”).
{       #
  )     # Increment “b”.
  _N\   # Duplicate “b”, push “N” and swap.
  b     # Push the array of digits of “N” in base “b”.
  _W%   # Duplicate the array and reverse it.
  =!    # Compare the arrays.
}g      # If they're not equal, repeat the loop.

For GolfScript, q~ is ~, _ is ., b is base, W is -1 and g is do.


Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

Reputation: 196 637


GolfScript, 20 characters


A different approach with GolfScript other than Dennis'. It avoids the costly explicit loop in favour of a find operator. Try online.

~:x        # interpret and save input to variable x
,2>        # make a candidate list 2 ... x-1 (note x-1 is the maximum possible base)
{          # {}? find the item on which the code block yields true
  x\       # push x under the item under investigation
  base     # perform a base conversion
  .-1%     # make a copy and reverse it
  =        # compare reversed copy and original array


Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

Reputation: 23 109

1Clever! However, this does not work if x = 1 or x = 2. Both are single-digit, base x + 1 palindromes, so x)) should fix it. – Dennis – 2014-05-22T13:58:00.493


Japt, 12 9 bytes

Unless I've missed a trick (it's late!), this should work for all numbers up to and including at least 2**53-1.

In my (admittedly limited and entirely random) testing, I've gotten results up to base 11601 310,515(!) so far. Not too shabby when you consider JavaScript only natively supports bases 2 to 36.

@ìX êê}a2

Try it

  • Thanks to ETH for pointing out something new to me that saved 3 bytes and increased the efficiency considerably.


Implicit input of integer U.

@     }a2

Starting with 2, return the first number that returns true when passed through the following function, with X being the current number


Convert U to an array of base X digits.


Test if that array is a palindrome.


Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

Reputation: 24 623


  • Yes. Blame the beer for that balls up! :D 2) Nice; never knew N.ì(n) could handle bases greater than 36. Thanks for that.
  • < – Shaggy – 2017-10-02T15:51:54.710

    Yeah, the base-36 alphabet doesn't matter for N.ì(n) since we're using raw integers ;-) – ETHproductions – 2017-10-02T16:31:39.293


    Mathematica, 67 66 bytes


    Can't really compete with GolfScript here in terms of code size, but the result for 232 is basically returned instantly.

    Martin Ender

    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 184 808

    Nice. The function doesn't have to be named though, does it? Could you just use an unnamed function? – numbermaniac – 2017-09-30T01:19:13.363

    (Also, is it possible to use PalindromeQ for the reverse check?) – numbermaniac – 2017-09-30T01:25:11.597


    Python 2 (83)

    def f(n,b=2):
     while m:l+=[m%b];m//=b
     return l==l[::-1]and b or f(n,b+1)

    I'm not sure what input/output format the question wanted. I wrote a function. The code uses an optional input b to track the current base it's testing. The while loops converts the number to a list of digits in base b.

    The last line returns b if l is a palindrome, and recursively tries the next b otherwise. The index-by-Boolean trick doesn't work here because it would cause both options to be evaluated regardless of the Boolean, and the recursion would never bottom out.


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 115 687

    1So this will not work with arbitrarily high bases right? If the lowest base that a number has a palindrome is like 10000 then you'll get a stack overflow? – Cruncher – 2014-05-22T12:57:35.787

    @Cruncher It depends of the implementation of Python. It will overflow when run with CPython, but not with Stackless Python, which does tail call optimization and so has no recursion limit (though I haven't actually tested it).

    – xnor – 2014-05-22T18:32:00.953


    JavaScript, 88 bytes



    f = function(n) {
        for(a = b = '+1'; // This is not palindrome, but equals 1 so we have at least one iteration
            a ^ a.split('').reverse().join(''); // test a is palindrome
            a = n.toString(++b));


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 1 811


    Husk, 11 9 bytes


    Thanks @Zgarb for -2!

    Try it online!


    ḟ(      )2  -- find least number ≥ 2 that satisfies:
         `B⁰    --   convert input to base (` flips arguments)
      S=↔       --   is palindrome (x == ↔x)


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 15 345


    Javascript, 105 bytes

    function f(n){for(var b=2,c,d;d=[];++b){for(c=n;c;c=c/b^0)d.push(c%b);if(d.join()==d.reverse())return b}}

    JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/wR4Wf/1/

    Note that this implementation also works correctly for large bases. For example, f(10014) returns 1668 (10014 is 66 in base 1668).

    GOTO 0

    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 752

    This is nice. You can even s/var b=2,c,d/b=d=2/ to gain 6 more bytes ;) – core1024 – 2014-05-22T11:41:23.530


    R, 122 95 bytes


    Three-year old solution at 122 bytes:


    With some explanations:

                        sapply(2:n,function(x){ #Return the decomposition of n in bases 2 to n
                        function(x)all(x==rev(x))) #Check if palindrome
                       ][1] #Return the first (i. e. smallest) for which it is


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 8 610


    Bash + coreutils, 100 bytes

    [ "$p" = "`$c<<<$p`" ]&&echo $b&&exit

    Uses dc to do base formatting. The tricky thing is dc's format is different for n > 16.


    $ ./lowestbasepalindrome.sh 11
    $ ./lowestbasepalindrome.sh 32
    $ ./lowestbasepalindrome.sh 59
    $ ./lowestbasepalindrome.sh 111

    Digital Trauma

    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 64 644


    J - 28 char



    • #.inv~ - Expand left argument to the base in the right argument.

    • (-.@-:|.@) - Return 0 if the expansion is palindromic, and 1 otherwise.

    • (1+]^:) - Increment the right argument by one if we returned 1, else take no action.

    • ^:_ - Repeat the above incrementing until it takes no action.

    • &2 - Prepare the right argument as 2, making this a function of one argument.


       #.inv~(-.@-:|.@)(1+]^:)^:_&2 (28)
       #.inv~(-.@-:|.@)(1+]^:)^:_&2 every 93 11 32 59 111  NB. perform on every item
    2 10 7 4 6
       #.inv~(-.@-:|.@)(1+]^:)^:_&2 every 1234 2345 3456 4567 5678 6789
    22 16 11 21 31 92


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 8 144

    2+1 i.~[#.inv"*(-:|.@)~2+i. for 27 bytes. (Don't want to post it separately. I will just leave it here.) – randomra – 2015-04-18T00:06:07.777

    @randomra I would count that as 29 because trains need parens to be used inline; mine saves a character by having a conjunction at the top level. – algorithmshark – 2015-04-18T03:52:11.840

    I think the majority's stand on scoring is the paren-less counting with any unnamed function though there is always an argument about this. Anyway, I will leave it here and everybody can choose how he/she scores it. :) – randomra – 2015-04-18T04:49:04.550


    05AB1E, 8 bytes


    Try it online!

    Justin Mariner

    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 4 746


    Perl 5, 84 + 1 (-p) = 85 bytes


    Try it online!


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 7 671


    JavaScript 72 bytes

    console.log(F(11) == 10)
    console.log(F(32) == 7)
    console.log(F(59) == 4)
    console.log(F(111) == 6)


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 1 220


    Mathematica 42 bytes

    A variation of Martin Ender's entry. Makes use of IntegerReverse (made available in version 10.3) which dispenses with IntegerDigits.

    (i=2;While[#~IntegerReverse~i !=#,i++];i)&


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 24 524


    Java 8, 103 bytes

    n->{int b=1,l;for(String s;!(s=n.toString(n,++b)).equals(new StringBuffer(s).reverse()+""););return b;}


    Try it here.

    n->{                          // Method with integer as both parameter and return-type
      int b=1,                    //  Base-integer, starting at 1
          l;                      //  Length temp integer
      for(String s;               //  Temp String
          !(s=n.toString(n,++b))  //   Set the String to `n` in base `b+1`
                                  //   (by first increase `b` by 1 using `++b`)
           .equals(new StringBuffer(s).reverse()+"");
                                  //   And continue looping as long as it's not a palindrome
      );                          //  End of loop
      return b;                   //  Return the resulting base integer
    }                             // End of method

    Kevin Cruijssen

    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 67 575


    Note: Pyth is newer than this question, so this answer is not eligible to win.

    Pyth, 10 bytes


    Try it here.


    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 39 268


    Scala, 83 bytes

    def s(n:Int)=(for(b<-2 to n;x=Integer.toString(n,b);if(x==x.reverse))yield(b)).min

    Dave Swartz

    Posted 2014-05-22T05:17:52.793

    Reputation: 185