Determine if an integer is a palindrome in a given radix (base)


Write a program that reads from stdin two integers, each newline terminated, hereafter called "number" and "radix", and:

  1. Prints any fixed message you want if the number is a palindrome in that radix (e.g. true, t, 1)
  2. Prints any different fixed message you want if the number is not a palindrome in that radix (e.g. false, f, 0, etc.)
  3. These messages must be the same per each run, but there are no rules about what they must be (whatever's best for golfing).
  4. You may assume the input is valid, two positive integers. "number" will not exceed 2147483647, "radix" will not exceed 32767.
  5. You may not use external resources, but you may use any math function included by default in your language.

Note: a radix is just the base of the number.

Sample runs:










Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 4 692

Can one of the fixed messages be the empty string (assuming that the other is a non-empty string)? – Toby Speight – 2018-08-08T09:36:17.673

Note: a radix is just the base of the number. – None – 2014-02-28T21:32:24.447

Looks good now. You may want to ban external resources though. – None – 2014-02-28T21:35:01.817

@user2509848 hmmm, for instance? – durron597 – 2014-02-28T21:38:39.177

If a person can find a calculator on the web that converts numbers between bases, it will almost certainly be used. We have been having a rash of trolly answers lately. – None – 2014-02-28T21:40:06.990



J (23 char) and K (19) double feature

The two languages are very similar, both in general and in this specific golf. Here is the J:

  • ,~1 - Append the number 1 to itself, making the array 1 1.
  • 1!:1 - Read in two strings from keyboard (1!:1 is to read, and 1 is the file handle/number for keyboard input).
  • ". - Convert each string to a number.
  • #.^:_1~/ - F~/ x,y means to find y F x. Our F is #.^:_1, which performs the base expansion.
  • (-:|.) - Does the argument match (-:) its reverse (|.)? 1 for yes, 0 for no.

And here is the K:

  • 0::'`` - Read in (0::) a string for each (') line from console (` is the file handle for this).
  • .:' - Convert (.:) each (') string to a number.
  • _vs/| - Reverse the pair of numbers, so that the radix is in front of the number, and then insert (/) the base expansion function _vs ("vector from scalar") between them.
  • a~|a: - Assign this resulting expansion to a, and then check if a matches (~) its reverse (|). Again, 1 for yes, 0 for no.


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 8 144

@ak82 I believe it's more interesting this ways – John Dvorak – 2014-03-01T17:32:39.603


GolfScript, 10 characters


That is an easy one for GolfScript if we do it the straightforward way. The output is 0/1 for false/true.

~       # Take input and evaluate it (stack: num rdx)
base    # Fortunately the stack is in the correct order for
        # a base transformation (stack: b[])
.       # Duplicate top of stack (stack: b[] b[])
-1%     # Reverse array (stack: b[] brev[])
=       # Compare the elements


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 23 109


Perl, 82 77 73 69 bytes


The input numbers are expected as input lines of STDIN and the result is written as 1 or 0, the former meaning the first number is a palindrome in its representation of the given base.

Edit 1: Using $= saves some bytes, because of its internal conversion to int.

Edit 2: The smartmatch operator ~~ compares the array elements directly, thus the conversion to a string is not needed.

Edit 3: Optimization by removing of an unnecessary variable.

65 bytes: If the empty string is allowed as output for false, the last four bytes can be removed.

Ungolfed version

$= = <>;
$. = <>;
while ($=) {
    push(@a, $= % $.);
    $= /= $.; # implicit int conversion by $=
@b = reverse @a;
print (@a ~~ @b) ? 1 : 0

The algorithm stores the digits of the converted number in an array @a. Then the string representation of this array is compared with the array in reverse order. Spaces separates the digits.

Heiko Oberdiek

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 3 841

Sorry, my answer is really same aproach, but using $= let you whipe int step... And question stand for anything you want so nothing could be what you want ;-) – F. Hauri – 2014-02-28T23:10:22.240

@F.Hauri: Thanks, I will update. $= is also given as tip in this answer to the question "Tips for golfing in Perl". Returning 0 costs 6 extra bytes, but it was my impression that a fixed message is not intended to be empty.

– Heiko Oberdiek – 2014-02-28T23:27:56.553

Hem,, Return 0 cost 4 extra bytes, not 6. But I maintain: silence is anything! – F. Hauri – 2014-02-28T23:34:41.990

@F.Hauri: Yes, 4 is correct, the extra two bytes were the parentheses of the ungolfed version. – Heiko Oberdiek – 2014-02-28T23:44:51.880


APL (20)


Outputs 0 or 1, e.g:



  • ⎕{...}⎕: read two numbers, pass them to the function. is the first number and is the second number.
  • ⌊1+⍺⍟⍵: floor(1+⍺ log ⍵), number of digits necessary to represent in base .
  • ⍺/⍨: the base for each digit, so replicated by the number we just calculated.
  • ⍵⊤⍨: represent in the given base (using numbers, so it works for all values of ).
  • ≡∘⌽⍨: see if the result is equal to its reverse.


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 30 224


Sage, 45

Runs in the interactive prompt


Prints True when it is a palindrome, prints False otherwise


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 8 752


Javascript 87

function f(n,b){for(a=[];n;n=(n-r)/b)a.push(r=n%b);return a.join()==a.reverse().join()}

n argument is the number, b argument is the radix.

Michael M.

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 12 173


Perl 54 56 62


To be tested:

for a in $'16\n3' $'16\n10' $'12346\n12345' $'12346\n12346' $'21\n11' $'170\n16';do
    perl -E <<<"$a" ' 

will give:




So this output 1 for true when a palindrome is found and nothing if else.


$==<>;                            # Stdin to `$=`  (value)
$-=<>;                            # Stdin to `$-`  (radix)
while ( $= ) {
    $_.= $/. chr ( $= % $- +50 ); # Add *separator*+ chr from next modulo to radix to `$_`
    $=/= $-                       # Divide value by radix
say $_ == reverse                 # Return test result


  • $_ is the current line buffer and is empty at begin.
  • $= is a reserved variable, originaly used for line printing, this is a line counter. So this variable is an integer, any calcul on this would result in a truncated integer like if int() was used.
  • $- was used for fun, just to not use traditional letters... (some more obfuscation)...

F. Hauri

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 2 654

to clarify, this says nothing when it's not a palindrome, and 1 when it is? – durron597 – 2014-02-28T23:08:52.717

1Nice tricks. However wrong positive: 21 with base 11. The digits need a separator in the string comparison. – Heiko Oberdiek – 2014-02-28T23:15:12.120

Aaaarg +3! @HeikoOberdiek You're right f... – F. Hauri – 2014-02-28T23:27:59.130

@F.Hauri: Also the digits get reversed. Thus 170 with base 16 is 0xAA, a palindrome, but the result is false. – Heiko Oberdiek – 2014-02-28T23:53:51.780

Aaarg +6! converting to chars... – F. Hauri – 2014-03-01T08:52:47.860


Perl 6, 27 bytes (22 without stdin/out)

say (+get).base(get)~~.flip

Try it online!

  get()                     # pulls a line of stdin
 +                          # numerificate
(      ).base(get())        # pull the radix and call base to 
                            #  convert to string with that base
                    ~~      # alias LHS to $_ and smartmatch to
                      .flip # reverse of the string in $_

Perl6, king of readable golfs (golves?) (and also some not so readable).

Perl 6 function (not stdin/stdout), 22 bytes


Try it online!

Phil H

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 1 376

The reason I didn't use base in my answer is that base only supports up to base 36, and the question asks to support radixes up to 32767 – Jo King – 2018-08-09T05:09:32.323

Ooh, did not know that. Hmm. – Phil H – 2018-08-09T08:36:49.560


Mathematica 77 43

IntegerDigits[n,b] represents n as a list of digits in base b. Each base-b digit is expressed decimally.

For example, 16781313 is not a palindrome in base 17:

IntegerDigits[16781313, 17]

{11, 13, 15, 11, 14, 1}

However, it is a palindrome in base 16:

IntegerDigits[16781313, 16]

{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1}

If the ordered pairs in the above examples were entered,


would return

False (* (because {11, 13, 15, 11, 14, 1} != {1, 14, 11, 15, 13, 11} ) *)

True (* (because {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1} is equal to {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1} ) *)


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 24 524

Weird, not necessary for the answer but I'm curious, how does it render them? – durron597 – 2014-02-28T23:20:08.467

I hate it when I lose because of a stupid typecast... – user12205 – 2014-02-28T23:20:10.817

Kindly explain "typecast". – DavidC – 2014-02-28T23:50:12.370

My sage solution is longer than yours by 2 characters because I have to cast the input to type Integer – user12205 – 2014-03-01T00:44:09.863

Now I understand what you mean. Thanks. – DavidC – 2014-03-01T10:26:44.560

durron597 I provided examples of the rendering, above. – DavidC – 2014-03-01T10:42:06.760


Haskell (80 chars)

tb 0 _=[]
tb x b=(tb(div x b)b)++[mod x b]
pali n r=(\x->(x==reverse x))(tb n r)

Call it with pali $number $radix. True, when number is a palindrome, False if not.

Max Ried

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 160


Ruby - 76 chars

f=->(n,b){n==0?[]:[n%b,*f.(n/b,b)]};d=f.(gets.to_i,gets.to_i);p d==d.reverse

Nik O'Lai

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 585


Pyth, 4 bytes


Try it here or check out a test suite (Takes ~10-15 seconds).

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 39 774


05AB1E,  4  3 bytes


Try it online or verify all test cases.


в      # The first (implicit) input converted to base second (implicit) input
       #  i.e. 12345 and 12346 → [1,1]
       #  i.e. 10 and 16 → [1,6]
 Â     # Bifurcate the value (short for duplicate & reverse)
       #  i.e. [1,1] → [1,1] and [1,1]
       #  i.e. [1,6] → [1,6] and [6,1]
  Q    # Check if they are still the same, and thus a palindrome
       #  i.e. [1,1] and [1,1] → 1
       #  i.e. [1,6] and [6,1] → 0

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 67 575


dc, 39 bytes

The length is a palindrome, of course (33₁₂).


The number and radix should be on the top of the stack (in the current number base); number must be at least 0, and radix must be at least 2. Output is t if it's a palindrome and f if not. As it's not specified in the challenge, I've assumed that numbers never have leading zeros (so any number ending in 0 cannot be a palindrome).


As a full program:


# read input

# success message

# set output radix

# keep a copy unmodified

# reverse the digits into register a
[O~ laO*+sa d0<r]dsrx

# eat the zero left on stack, and compare stored copy to a
+ la=g

# failure message

Toby Speight

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 5 058


Perl 6, 34 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to PhilH

{@(polymod $^a: $^b xx*)~~[R,] $_}

Try it online!

Jo King

Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 38 234

You can use $_ instead of @r to save 2 – Phil H – 2018-08-08T09:57:16.717

@PhilH Nope. (assigns a Seq, not a List)

– Jo King – 2018-08-08T09:59:06.447

Ahh, sorry didn't see the error – Phil H – 2018-08-08T10:01:08.633

@PhilH Your second tip still helped save bytes though! – Jo King – 2018-08-08T10:05:31.117

1Always annoying that there's no shorter way to call reduce meta on $_ or @_. – Phil H – 2018-08-08T10:18:44.167


C (gcc), 79 bytes

n,r,m;main(o){for(scanf("%d %d",&n,&r),o=n;n;n/=r)m=m*r+n%r;printf("%d",m==o);}

Try it online!


for(scanf("%d %d",&n,&r),       Read the number and the radix.
o=n;                            ...and save the number in o
n;                              Loop while n is non-zero
n/=r)                           Divide by radix to remove right-most digit.
m=m*r+n%r;                      Multiply m by radix to make room for a digit
                                and add the digit.
printf("%d",m==o);}             Print whether we have a palindrome or not.

Based on the fact that for a palindrome, the reverse of the number must equal the number itself.

Suppose you have the three-digit number ABC in some base. Multiplying it by base will always result in ABC0, and dividing it by base in AB with C as remainder. So to reverse the number we pick off the right-most digit from the original number and insert it to the right on the reversed number. To make room for that digit, we multiply the reverse by base before-hand.


n       rev
ABC     0
AB      C
AB      C0
A       CB
A       CB0
0       CBA


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 3 264

This is cool, can u explain the math behind this? – durron597 – 2018-08-09T07:44:18.690

@durron597 Sure! Added an explanation to the post. – gastropner – 2018-08-09T09:07:24.973


dg - 97 bytes

Trying out dg:

n,r=map int$input!.split!
while n=>
print$a==(list$reversed a)


n, r=map int $ input!.split!      # convert to int the string from input
a = list!                         # ! calls a function without args
while n =>
 a.append $ chr (n % r)           # append the modulus
 n //= r                          # integer division
print $ a == (list $ reversed a)  # check for palindrome list


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 222


C, 140 132

int x,r,d[32],i=0,j=0,m=1;main(){scanf("%d %d",&x,&r);for(;x;i++)d[i]=x%r,x/=r;i--;for(j=i;j;j--)if(d[j]-d[i-j])m=0;printf("%d",m);}
  • radix 1 is not supported:)


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 747

1Just puts(m) would work right? – durron597 – 2014-03-02T11:50:02.290

printf("%d",m); will be by 8 characters shorter. – V-X – 2014-03-02T13:03:03.290


Haskell - 59

Few changes to Max Ried's answer.



Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 2 889


LaTeX, 165 bytes

Example at

k, the radix, is an adjustable input

b=\floor \left(\log _k\left(\floor \left(x\right)\right)\right)
f\left(x\right)=k^bx-x-\left(k^2-1\right)\sum _{n=1}^bk^{\left(b-n\right)}\floor \left(xk^{-n}\right)

If f(x)=0, x is a palindrome in base k.


Posted 2014-02-28T21:28:57.537

Reputation: 31