How to determine if a number is odd or even without mod -or- bitwise operations?



How to determine if a number is odd or even without mod -or- bitwise operations?

This challenge is grossly inefficient, but challenges your ability to think outside the box for a creative solution.


Please create a function. Also, while regex is a fun response, the function should accept any valid number.

BACKGROUND: This question stems from my earliest programming days. The homework for our first day of class was to write a simple program that printed 'odd' or 'even'. Being the brat I was, I didn't read the book we had for the class where it simply showed us how to use % to determine that. I spent about a half hour pacing back in forth in my room trying to think of a way to do this and had remembered from the lecture that numbers can lose and gain precision as they are cast from one primitive type to another. Therefore, if you took the number, divided it by two and then multiplied it back didn't equal the original number, then you would know that the number was odd.

I was stunned the next day, while our instructor was evaluating our programs, that he thought that it was the most original, if inefficient, way of solving the problem.

Wayne Hartman

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 309

Question was closed 2013-03-16T19:22:59.740

This has been around for quite a long time, but there doesn't seem to be a winning condition of any kind, which to my mind means there is no game here. – dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2013-03-16T19:22:50.770

3Should we create a function or a program? How should IO happen if we have to do a program? Please, elaborate further. – Juan – 2011-04-28T03:10:40.160

2What objective criterion will determine the accepted answer? Code size? Something else? – PleaseStand – 2011-04-28T03:47:18.897

Is it definitely a number? Should it give false positives for a string? – William – 2011-04-30T01:22:54.717



In most programming languages division returns quotient for integers. So you can simply check this



Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 337

6Not necessarily most, I'd say. Many, maybe. – Joey – 2011-04-28T10:25:18.613

1to ensure it runs properly, you need to make sure you cast everything into an int/long type – warren – 2011-04-28T13:23:27.713

@warren Depends on the programming language/compiler optimizations/etc. Additionally, you can use floor(). That works perfectly in C and C++. – Mateen Ulhaq – 2011-05-01T21:03:50.137

I marked yours as the answer because it had the widest usability in different languages. It also happened to be the solution I came up with eons ago to solve the same problem. :) – Wayne Hartman – 2011-05-04T00:40:26.217

1Is 0 a even number? – user unknown – 2011-08-13T23:58:51.450

4@userunknown: Yes, zero is even. – Keith Thompson – 2011-11-05T18:40:33.127



print('even' if (-1)**n==1 else 'odd')


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 6 319

10The simple beauty / beautiful simplicity of mathematics...very nice! – jscs – 2011-04-28T16:15:40.997

I like this one a lot. – Rob – 2011-10-11T19:21:46.313

Slow but creative. – Mateen Ulhaq – 2011-11-01T23:31:36.347



SawtoothWave[x / 2] == 0
Exp[I Pi x] - 1 == 0
Sin[5 x / Pi] == 0


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 5 383

Actually, all built-in names in Mathematica are capitalized, so as funny as it looks, you should use I and Pi instead of i and pi. – David Zhang – 2015-07-24T01:06:22.177

2Can you split these two solutions into different answers? – FUZxxl – 2011-04-28T08:00:27.623

Aren't those four solutions? – Joey – 2011-04-28T08:47:07.070


Brainf*** (179)

This is one of the more interesting problems involving conditional logic that I have done in BF.


It takes a text input with a number. If the number is even, it outputs E, and if it is odd, it outputs O.

I'm proud enough of it that I'll show off a more human readable form:

+[>,]                                                   steps through input until it reaches eof.
<---------------------------------------                gets the numerical value of the last digit
>>+++++[>+++++++++++++>+++++++++++++++<<-]>++++>++++    store E and O
<<+<+<                                                  store a bit indicating parity, and a temporary bit
-[>-<                                                   !1
  -[>+<                                                 && !2
    -[>-<                                               && !3
      -[>+<                                             && !4
        -[>-<                                           && !5
          -[>+<                                         && !6
            -[>-<                                       && !7
              -[>+<                                     && !8
                -[>-<[-]]                               && !9
>[>>>.<<-<-]>[>.<-]                                     Display E or O based on the value of the parity bit.

Peter Olson

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 7 412



Multiplied by itself a few times any even number will overflow to 0 given a finite size integer, and any odd number will continue to have at least the least significant bit set.

#include "stdio.h"
long long input=123;
int main(){
    int a;
    return 0;

Edit: As a simple function:

int isOdd(long long input){
    int a;
    return !!input;


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 365

Be sure to use unsigned integers. Overflow of signed integers is undefined behavior in C, so optimization could do something weird if it wanted. – Joey Adams – 2011-09-10T08:57:43.267


Python (Slow)

while n > 1: n -= 2 #slow way of modulus.
print "eovdedn"[n::2]


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 2 002

1Works for positive...i suppose i could add a abs() call in the beginning. – st0le – 2011-04-28T04:34:34.550

@Josh: That trick appeared here a few times already by now :) – Joey – 2011-04-28T10:25:47.897

Credits to gnibblr :) – st0le – 2011-04-28T11:21:08.037

@Joey: I didn't figure it was new, but style doesn't have to be original. :) – jscs – 2011-04-28T15:36:47.880




yields true for an even number. This only works with reasonably sized integers (e.g. not scientific notation when converted to a string and not having a fractional part.)


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 5 369

2To meet the "function" requirement you could change it to simply /[02468]$/.test. – Ry- – 2011-04-28T18:12:47.540

It wasn't exactly clear in the question but it could be possible that the input isn't a number at all, /[02468]$/.test('I am a fake even number 0'). In that case you could do /^[0-9].[02468]$/.test(i) – William – 2011-04-30T01:23:59.290

/-?^\d*[02468]$/ would be a little stricter than your regex. You would need more work for this to work properly for numbers that are toString'ed using scientific notation. – Thomas Eding – 2011-08-26T19:32:47.527



Since I'm not really sure what the scoring criteria are, here's a bunch of solutions I've come up with for amusement's sake. Most of them use abs(n) to support negative numbers. Most, if not all, of them should never be used for real calculation.

This one is kind of boring:

from __future__ import division
def parity(n):
    """An even number is divisible by 2 without remainder."""
    return "Even" if n/2 == int(n/2) else "Odd"

def parity(n):
    """In base-10, an odd number's last digit is one of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9."""
    return "Odd" if str(n)[-1] in ('1', '3', '5', '7', '9') else "Even"

def parity(n):
    """An even number can be expressed as the sum of an integer with itself.

    Grossly, even absurdly inefficient.

    n = abs(n)
    for i in range(n):
        if i + i == n:
            return "Even"
    return "Odd"

def parity(n):
    """An even number can be split into two equal groups."
    g1 = []
    g2 = []
    for i in range(abs(n)):
        g1.append(None) if len(g1) == len(g2) else g2.append(None)
    return "Even" if len(g1) == len(g2) else "Odd"

import ent # Download from:
def parity(n):
    """An even number has 2 as a factor."""
    # This also uses modulo indirectly
    return "Even" if ent.factor(n)[0][0] == 2 else "Odd"

And this is my favorite although it unfortunately doesn't work (as pointed out by March Ho below: just because all even numbers are the sum of two primes, doesn't mean that all odd numbers aren't).

import itertools
import ent    # Download from:
def parity(n)
    """Assume Goldbach's Conjecture: all even numbers greater than 2 can
    be expressed as the sum of two primes.

    Not guaranteed to be efficient, or even succeed, for large n.

    # A few quick checks
    if n in (-2, 0, 2): return "Even"
    elif n in (-1, 1): return "Odd"
    if n < 0: n = -n    # a bit faster than abs(n)
    # The primes generator uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes
    # and thus modulo, so this is a little bit cheating
    primes_to_n = ent.primes(n)
    # Still one more easy way out
    if primes_to_n[-1] == n: return "Odd"
    # Brutish!
    elif n in (p1+p2 for (p1, p2) in itertools.product(primes_to_n, primes_to_n)):
        return "Even"
        return "Odd"


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 900


Really an old necro, but doesn't your Goldbach's conjecture answer print Even for 9? Seems like a case of affirming the consequent fallacy

– March Ho – 2015-07-24T01:27:11.760

Yup, you're absolutely, one hundred percent right, @MarchHo. Egg on my face. – jscs – 2015-07-24T01:33:52.967

Cute solutions :-) – Joey – 2011-05-04T14:42:22.320



This is, of course, in no way the creative, thinking-outside-the-box solution you're looking for, but how many times am I going to get to post a Haskell answer shorter than GolfScript, really? It's really a shame this isn't a code golf.


But more seriously:

data Parity = Even | Odd
            deriving (Show)

parity = p evens odds
  where p (x:xs) (y:ys) i | i == x = Even
                          | i == y = Odd
                          | otherwise = p xs ys i
        evens = interleave [0,2..] [-2,-4..]
        odds = interleave [1,3..] [-1,-3..]
        interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910


looks longer than the GolfScript answer to me

– warren – 2011-04-28T13:26:08.367

2I was referring to the first block (odd) which is a builtin function that returns True if the number is odd. That's a complete answer on its own and shorter than the current GolfScript answer (which at the time of writing this is 10 chars, but I expect that to go down). The question is also a bit underspecified, which is why I assert that odd is sufficient. That may change as well. – None – 2011-04-28T16:02:22.113

1missed the first reply in your answer :) – warren – 2011-04-28T16:23:32.983

1At the very least the parity algorithm works on all Num instances that are integers. That's hot! Though I probably would have done evens = [0,2..] >>= \n -> [-n, n]. Similar for odds. – Thomas Eding – 2011-08-26T19:38:15.583


Using a deliberately perverse reading of the question, "How to determine if a number is odd or even", here's a C implementation (assume bool and true are defined appropriately):

bool is_odd_or_even(int n)
    return true;

Keith Thompson

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 289

The question mentions number, not integer. Number like 0.5 returns true when it shouldn't. – Konrad Borowski – 2014-03-18T19:19:44.913


What, no randomized algorithms yet??



void prt_parity_of(int n){
  int i,j=2;
  char o[]="eovdedn"
     , f[n=abs(n)]; for(i=n;i-->0;f[i]=1);

       == (j=rand()%n)
       || (f[i]&f[j]>0)
       && (f[i]=f[j]=0)
    );for(i=j=0; ++i<n; j+=f[i])

Randomly pairs numbers in the range 0..n-1 until less than 2 are left. It's quite amazingly inefficient: O(‌n3).

Completely different:


import Data.Complex

ft f = (\ω -> sum[ f(t) * exp(0:+2*pi*ω*t) | t<-[-1,-0.9..1] ] )

data Parity = Even | Odd deriving (Show)

parity n
  | all (\(re:+im) -> abs re > abs im) [ft ((:+0).(^^n)) ω | ω<-[0..20]]  = Even
  | otherwise                                                             = Odd

Uses the fact that the Fourier transform of an even function (e.g. \x->x^^4) is real, while the Fourier transform of an odd function is imaginary.

ceased to turn counterclockwis

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 5 200


Windows PowerShell

function OddOrEven([long]$n) {
  if (0,2,4,6,8 -contains "$n"[-1]-48) {
  } else {
  1. Convert to string
  2. Pick last letter (digit) (essentially a mod 10).
  3. Check if it is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.

No bitwise operators, no modulus, as requested.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 12 260


Coq, 103

Fixpoint even n:=match n with O=>true|S n=>odd n end with odd n:=match n with O=>false|S n=>even n end.

As far as I can tell this is the first coq entry on codegolf.

Even shorter (59):

Fixpoint even n:=match n with O=>true|S n=>negb(even n)end.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 525




If you want to print out the result:

f[n] = ->(n){puts n.odd?? 'odd' : 'even'}


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 466

I'm fairly use ruby uses mod in the .odd? definition. – MrZander – 2013-03-15T23:49:40.593



The world needs more Unlambda.

Unlambda has a killer advantage here: its default (ahem) representation for numbers are Church numerals, so all that's needed is to apply them to function binary-not to function true. Easy!

PS: Markdown and Unlambda are definitely not made for one another.

true  = i
false = `ki
not   = ``s``s``s`k``s``si`k`kk`k`kii`k`ki`ki
even? = ``s``si`k``s``s``s`k``s``si`k`kk`k`kii`k`ki`ki`ki

Verification for the first few integers:

```s``si`k``s``s``s`k``s``si`k`kk`k`kii`k`ki`ki`ki`ki                   => i
```s``si`k``s``s``s`k``s``si`k`kk`k`kii`k`ki`ki`kii                     => `ki
```s``si`k``s``s``s`k``s``si`k`kk`k`kii`k`ki`ki`ki``s``s`kski           => i
```s``si`k``s``s``s`k``s``si`k`kk`k`kii`k`ki`ki`ki``s``s`ksk``s``s`kski =>`ki


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 9 638





Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 321



print (["even"] + (["odd", "even"] * abs(n)))[abs(n)]

Similar performance to the earlier version. Works for 0 now.

Incorrect Earlier version:

print ((["odd", "even"] * abs(n))[:abs(n)])[-1]

Not particularly efficient; time and memory both obviously O(n): 32 msec for 1,000,000; 2.3 msec for 100000; 3.2 usec for 100. Works with negative numbers. Throws an error for 0, because 0 is neither even nor odd.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 900


Zero is definitely even. See also:

– None – 2011-04-28T07:14:42.403

@jloy: Aw, crap. I thought that was "a feature, not a bug". More revisions... – jscs – 2011-04-28T07:16:00.077




applied to


yields either 5 if n is odd or 1 if n is even.

Update: Much shorter but not so interesting:


is 2 for odd n and 1 for even n.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 23 109



What about

use Math::Trig;


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 31


MMIX (4 Bytes)

This is kind of cheating. I use neither mod nor bit fiddling operations. It's rather that testing for odd / even numbers is builtin. Assuming that $3 contains the number to test and the result goes into $2:

ZSEV $2,$3,1

sets $2 to 1 if $3 is even and to 0 if not. The mnemnoric ZSEV means zero-set even and has the following semantics:

ZSEV a,b,c: if (even b) a = c; else a = 0;

For the above line, mmixal generates these four bytes of assembly:

7F 02 03 01


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 9 656



This is the most inefficient solution I know of.

(letrec ([even? (lambda (n)
                 (if (zero? n) "even"
                     (odd? (- n 2))))]
         [odd? (lambda (n)
                 (if (= n 1) "odd"
                     (even? (- n 2))))])
  (even? (read)))

Samuel Duclos

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 37


JavaScript, 36


Returns true if even, false if not.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 5 283



$n x '0' =~ /^(00)*$/


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 5 383



zip((False, True)*(i*i), range(i*i))[-1][0]

testing the square of i, so it works for negative numbers too


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 14 170



Mutual recursion for the win.

A number n is even if it is zero or (n-1) is odd.

A number n is odd if it is unequal to zero and (n-1) is even.

(abs added in case anyone's interested in the parity of negative numbers)

let rec even n = n = 0 || odd (abs n - 1) 
    and odd n = n <> 0 && even (abs n - 1)


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 311



  (defmacro even?[n]
  `(= 1 ~(concat (list *) (repeat n -1))))

Benjie Holson

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 21


What qualifies as bitwise operations? Under the hood, integer division by 2 is likely to be implemented as a bit-shift.

Assuming bitshifts aren't out:


(unsigned char)((unsigned char)(n > 0 ? n : -n) << 7) > 0 ? "odd" : "even"

edit Missed some parentheses, and ultimately changed to remove a shift to make it do less. You can test this with the following (in *nix):

echo 'main(){ std::cout<< (unsigned char)((unsigned char)(n > 0 ? n : -n) << 7) > 0 \
        ? "odd\n" : "even\n";}' \
  | gcc --include iostream -x c++ -o blah -

... though in Linux/tcsh, I had to escape the backslash on \n even though it was in single-quotes. I tested in little & big-endian, it works correctly in both. Also, I hand-copied this; the computer I'm posting with doesn't have a compiler, so it may have mistakes.

x86 asm

            mov eax, n          # Get the value
            cmp eax,0           # Is it zero?
            jge pos_label       # If >= 0, skip the next part
            neg eax


            imul al, 128


            shl  al, 7


            lea  eax, [eax*8]    # Multiply by 2^3 (left-shift by 3 bits)
            lea  eax, [eax*8]    # ... now it's n*2^6
            lea  eax, [eax*2]    # ... 2^7, or left-shift by 7 bits

... followed by:

            cmp al,  0          # Check whether the low byte in the low word is zero or not
            jz  even_label      # If it's zero, then it was an even number
            odd_label           # ... otherwise it wasn't

Alternatively, the shift & compare stuff could be done this way as well:

            sar al,1            # signed integer division by 2 on least-significant byte
            jc  odd_label       # jump if carry flag is set

Brian Vandenberg

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 121

BTW, shl and friends are disallowed... – FUZxxl – 2012-01-08T16:03:18.153


On a 68000 processor you could move a word value from the address defined by the value to test:

 move.l <number to test>,a0
 move.w (a0),d0
 ; it's even if the next instruction is executed

and let the hardware trap for address error determine the odd/even nature of the value - if the exception is raised, the value was odd, if not, the value was even:

 <set up address error trap handler>
 move.l <pointer to even string>,d1
 move.l <number to test>,a0
 move.w (a0),d0
 <reset address error trap handler>
 <print string at d1>

 move.l <pointer to odd string>,d1

Doesn't work on Intel x86 CPUs as those are more flexible about data access.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 2 225



I decided to try for the ugliest, most confusing solution I could think of:

print [j for i in zip(map(lambda x:str(bool(x))[4],[8&7for i in r]),
map(lambda x:str(x)[1],[[].sort()for x in r])) for j in i][n]

Prints e if even, o if odd.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 507



Keep subtracting 2 until x<2 then convert to bool

{1b$-[;2]/[2<=;abs x]}


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 139



Edit: This is the unimaginative check that many folks, including me, use. If an integer ends in 0,2,4, 6,or 8, it is even, otherwise odd.

f[n_?IntegerQ] := Print[n, " is ", 
If[MemberQ[{0, 2, 4, 6, 8}, IntegerDigits[n][[-1]]], "even.", "odd."]]

Original solution:

The following is even more unimaginative and uselessly slow for "large" integers, but in principle, it works.

If an integer has 2 is its lowest prime factor, it is even.

f[n_?IntegerQ]:= Print[n, " is ", If[FactorInteger[n][[1, 1]] == 2, "Even", "Odd"]


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 24 524



if ((int(($number/2)) * 2) == $number) { print ("even"); }


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 11



This script asks Wolfram|Alpha whether a number is even or odd:


curl -s "$1)" | grep 'is even' > /dev/null

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
    echo Yes
    echo No


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 344


Haskell, Recduction from Towers of Hanoi

When moving n pegs from A to B, then for even n, the first move is A->C.
Doesn't work for n=0.

data Peg = A|B|C deriving Eq   
third :: Peg -> Peg -> Peg
third x y
    | x/=A && y/=A = A
    | x/=B && y/=B = B
    | x/=C && y/=C = C

data Move = Move Peg Peg deriving Eq

-- Move n pegs from a to b
hanoi :: Int -> Peg -> Peg -> [ Move ]
hanoi 0 _ _ = []
hanoi n a b = (hanoi (n-1) a c) ++ [Move a b] ++ (hanoi (n-1) c b) where
    c = third a b

-- n is even if the first step in moving n discs from A to B is A->C.
iseven :: Int -> Bool
iseven n = (head $ hanoi n A B) == Move A C


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 16 527



scala> def evenOrOdd (n:Int) : Unit = n match {
     | case 0 => println ("even")              
     | case 1 => println ("odd")               
     | case _ => evenOrOdd (n-2) }             
evenOrOdd: (n: Int)Unit

scala> evenOrOdd (123456789)

(less than one second)

user unknown

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 210


Are we allowed to submit utterly terrible ways to do this? If so...


#include <stdio>

void oddOrEven(int number)
   char test[128];
   sprintf(test, "%d", number);

   int index = strlen(test) - 1;

   } else {

I apologize for any errors, I don't have a chance to compile or test this. Fixed one bug, per comment by Joey Adams.

This answer is similar to the one posted by idealmachine


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 111

You'll need strlen(test) - 1 for this to work. test[index] currently refers to the null terminator of the string. – Joey Adams – 2011-04-28T15:26:24.780

@Joey Adams Thanks, I knew there'd be at least one bug. – thedaian – 2011-04-28T15:39:06.203

Considering efficiency isn't a metric here, this solution is as good as any really. – Neil – 2011-09-14T13:37:53.710



sub is_odd {$#{[split/\./,$_[0]/2]}}

Joel Berger

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 2 261

What's the $#{} do? – drnewman – 2012-02-14T11:06:03.697

it dereferences the array references [] and returns the last index (i.e. N-1 since Perl indexes start at 0). This is essentially sub is_odd {$input = shift; $input /= 2; my @parts = split /\./, $input; return ( scalar(@parts) - 1) } – Joel Berger – 2012-02-14T16:26:22.203

1Thanks that cleared it up, I got the $#array bit but I missed that you were turning the ouput of split into a reference with [] then dereferenceing with ${} and adding the # to get the last index, very cool. – drnewman – 2012-02-14T23:59:25.683

its essentially the babycart "operator" @{[]}, but the index of that :)

– Joel Berger – 2012-02-15T01:06:43.050

Cool, thanks for the clarification – drnewman – 2012-02-15T02:18:43.043


C++ (63)

Token absurd recursive solution. Even golfed!

#include <math.h>
bool o(int v){return v==0?false:!o(abs(v)-1);}

Adam Maras

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 1 103


For C or C++, easy enough:

int Temp = 20
double Temp2 = ((double)Temp/2);
Temp2 = Temp2 - ((int)Temp/2);
if(Temp2 != 0.0)
    printf("It's odd!\n");
    printf("It's even!\n");


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 11



Sorry for my previous response, I'm totally messed up today.

bool Even(int i){return i==0||!Even(i-1);}


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 301


function isEven(i) {
    return i == 0 || !isEven(i - (i > 0 ? 1 : -1));


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 121


return exp(sqrt(-1)*x*pi)==1?"even":"odd";


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 111

Nice approach, what language is this supposed to be, though? Exact complex arithmetic is quite uncommon outside CASs. – ceased to turn counterclockwis – 2012-02-15T02:51:58.383

You got me there. I use Matlab a lot, but this isn't real Matlab code. Anyway, it could also be done with a cosine function and a real argument (x*pi). And as far as exactness goes, even testing within limits would become a problem for large x. (This is my first code golf. Looks like fun!) – Jim – 2012-02-15T05:03:47.530



(for C++03, replace long long with long and -2ull with -2ul)

Yet another solution which takes advantage of the fact that integers have finite size, together with the fact that unsigned arithmetic is defined as modulo arithmetic. It also uses the fact that conversion of integer types to bool gives true iff the converted number is nonzero.

bool odd(unsigned long long n) // note: signed->unsigned conversion preserves oddity
  return n * (1 + -2ull / 2);


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 4 650



Somebody already used this idea, but this implementation is more concise:

def even(n):return str(n)[-1]in'02468'

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 22 326


Squeak Smalltalk

Since printing in base 2 would be too obvious and a big waste of time because only the last digit counts

    ^(self printStringBase: 2) last = $1

I decided to rather print in base 3 to at least scan all the digits

    ^self ~= 0 and: [self = 1 or: [((self printStringBase: 3) occurrencesOf: $1) odd]]

Of course, if we have more CPU to waste, we can just enumerate

    ^(1 to: self abs) inject: false into: [:odd :int | odd not]

Finally, if we are impatient, this might be a bit faster

    (0 to: self abs by: 2) size - (1 to: self abs by: 2) size = 0


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 411



    res<-ifelse(sum(matrix(1:abs(n),nrow=2)==1)!=1, "Odd", "Even")

The idea is to build a 2-rows matrix with the sequence 1 to the absolute value of n (to allow negative numbers). If the number is odd, the sequence has to be recycled to fill the 2 rows, so the matrix contains twice the number 1. Due to the method, it doesn't work with large numbers but it works with zero.

> is.even(0)
[1] "Even"
> is.even(467)
[1] "Odd"
> is.even(-46798)
[1] "Even"
> is.even(9999999999)
Error in 1:abs(n) : result would be too long a vector


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 8 610



This always returns a . when the number is odd, and either an integer or nothing when it is even.

chop($_=<>/2);print chop

If you want it to actually print the word "odd" or "even" then it needs to be expanded to the following:


OR, if you want the program to exit once it gives a result, this can be written as:



Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 26 739

Only works with numbers greater than 18. However, changing == to eq might fix it (requires an extra space though). – Timwi – 2011-10-16T19:30:51.323



return (i\2)*2=i 

Notice the use of the backslash operator \ that performs a integer division and discards any reminders. The usage of a forvard slash operator / would not work for this solution.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 101



odd = (<)0.(^)(-1)
even = (>)0.(^)(-1)


odd =: 0>_1&^
even =: 0<_1&^

If (-1)n<0, n is odd; if (-1)n>0, n is even.

odd =: [:|[:{:@+.0j1&^
even =: [:|[:{.@+.0j1&^

Taking the imaginary/real part of in would be a neat way to do it too, but needs better thresholding than this.


Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 1 601


use queue and push pop, if element remains at last, it's odd, else is even:

var q = new Queue<int>();
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
   if (q.Count > 0)
   else q.Push(0);

if (q.Count != 0)
  return "Odd";
return "Even";

Saeed Amiri

Posted 2011-04-28T03:07:32.910

Reputation: 101