Sort numbers by binary 1's count




Write a function or program sort an array of integers in descending order by the number of 1's present in their binary representation. No secondary sort condition is necessary.

Example sorted list

(using 16-bit integers)

  Dec                Bin        1's
16375   0011111111110111        13
15342   0011101111101110        11
32425   0111111010101001        10
11746   0010110111100010         8
28436   0000110111110100         8
19944   0100110111101000         8
28943   0000011100011111         8
 3944   0000011111101000         7
15752   0011110110001000         7
  825   0000000011111001         6
21826   0101010101000010         6


An array of 32-bit integers.


An array of the same integers sorted as described.


This is code golf for the least number of bytes to be selected in one week's time.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 7 912

formatted test cases please? – FantaC – 2018-02-20T19:48:22.343

2You didn't explicitly mention, but does it need to be in descending order? – Nick T – 2014-02-19T04:12:55.530

3You're right, I missed that. Everyone else has gone with descending, so we'll stick with that. – Hand-E-Food – 2014-02-19T07:19:00.597

I think the final number (21826) has been converted wrong. according to my Windows calculator, it's 0101 0101 0100 0010, not 0010 1010 1100 0010. – Nzall – 2014-02-19T09:04:08.353

Thanks for those corrections. That's weird about 21826 because I used Excel to convert the numbers to binary. I wonder about the rest now. – Hand-E-Food – 2014-02-19T22:02:01.733

Solution using assembly and popcount instruction? – eiennohito – 2014-02-20T05:57:49.730

Some CPUs have efficient opcodes for doing this, but I suspect assembly language to be a bit too verbose to win code golf. (I think Motorola 68040 had it.) – hippietrail – 2014-02-20T07:45:35.687

Does the sort have to be stable or not? – Tim Seguine – 2014-02-24T19:57:47.017

Am I allowed to sort the input array in-place? It is a difference of 8 characters for my solution. – Tim Seguine – 2014-02-24T20:28:31.947

Stability is not required. I never said the input had to remain unchanged, so in-place sorting is fine. – Hand-E-Food – 2014-02-25T01:49:59.137



J (11)


This is a function that takes a list:

     (\:+/"1@#:) 15342 28943 16375 3944 11746 825 32425 28436 21826 15752 19944
16375 15342 32425 28943 11746 28436 19944 3944 15752 825 21826

If you want to give it a name, it costs one extra character:

     f 15342 28943 16375 3944 11746 825 32425 28436 21826 15752 19944
16375 15342 32425 28943 11746 28436 19944 3944 15752 825 21826


  • \:: downwards sort on
  • +/: sum of
  • "1: each row of
  • #:: binary representation


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 30 224

3There's also \:1#.#: which saves a few bytes. – miles – 2016-11-04T12:35:40.507

5@ak82 it's the ASCII version of APL – John Dvorak – 2014-02-19T14:59:45.347


@JanDvorak of sorts; there have been quite a few changes: (see Language section).

– James Wood – 2014-02-24T20:22:51.480


JavaScript, 39

Update: Now shorter than Ruby.





q is a recursive function. If x or y are 0, it returns x-y (a negative number if x is zero or a positive number if y is zero). Otherwise it removes the lowest bit (x&x-1) from x and y and repeats.

Previous version (42)



Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 6 466

Can anyone help me in case a secondary sorting is required, please?

– Manubhargav – 2018-04-21T15:09:25.910

This is really clever! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. – mowwwalker – 2014-02-20T21:35:34.520

Shouldn't ~y work instead of -!y? – Toothbrush – 2014-02-21T15:42:48.013

@toothbrush The ending condition is that x or y are 0, in which case the expression !x|-!y becomes non-zero. ~ doesn't really fit in since it's non-zero for many inputs (including zero) – copy – 2014-02-21T16:13:37.007


Ruby 41



a = [28943, 825, 11746, 16375, 32425, 19944, 21826, 15752, 15342, 3944, 28436];
=> [16375, 15342, 32425, 11746, 28436, 28943, 19944, 15752, 3944, 21826, 825]


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 17 193

2Simple. Understandable. Short. Kudos for this solution. – Pierre Arlaud – 2014-02-19T09:14:50.147


Python 3 (44):

def f(l):l.sort(lambda n:-bin(n).count('1'))


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 665


Common Lisp, 35

logcount returns the number of ‘on’-bits in a number. For a list l, we have:

(sort l '> :key 'logcount)
CL-USER> (sort (list 16375 15342 32425 11746 28436 19944 28943 3944 15752 825 21826) '> :key 'logcount)
;=> (16375 15342 32425 11746 28436 19944 28943 3944 15752 825 21826)

As a standalone function, and what I'll base the byte count on:

(lambda(l)(sort l'> :key'logcount))

Joshua Taylor

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 660


Python 3, 90 77 72 67 characters.

Our solution takes an input from the command-line, and prints the number in descending order (67 chars), or ascending (66).

Descending order

print(sorted(input().split(),key=lambda x:-bin(int(x)).count("1"))) # 67

Thanks to @daniero, for the suggestion of using a minus in the 1's count to reverse it, instead of using a slice to reverse the array at the end! This effectively saved 5 characters.

Just for the sake of posting it, the ascending order version (which was the first we made) would take one character less.

Ascending order:

print(sorted(input().split(),key=lambda x:bin(int(x)).count("1"))) # 66

Thanks to @Bakuriu for the key=lambda x… suggestion. ;D


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 121

So 0 will always be a part of your output then; That's not correct. – daniero – 2014-02-19T02:01:06.717

I don't see anything in the question that prohibits me from inserting a value. – Jetlef – 2014-02-19T02:04:39.740

I do: "An array of the same integers sorted as described." ;) Besides, why not just use raw_input() and drop some characters? – daniero – 2014-02-19T02:17:23.533

1@daniero fixed it. Switching to Python 3 (a Python 2 answer was already present, gotta be creative!) allows me to use input(), saving two characters (two are to be added because of the brackets required by print()). – Jetlef – 2014-02-19T02:30:37.327

You can drop the [] inside sorted. Also the output of this program is the number of 1s in the numbers in input sorted, but you should output the number you received in input, sorted using the number of 1s. Something like: print(sorted(input().split(), key=lambda x:bin(int(x)).count('1'))) would be correct. – Bakuriu – 2014-02-19T09:33:06.877

@Bakuriu awesome! Thank you. Your suggestion prints values in ascending order, though, which may or may not be what the OP wants. – Jetlef – 2014-02-19T14:43:25.323

You can use lambda x:-bin(... insted of [::-1], sort of like I did :) – daniero – 2014-02-19T15:12:10.973

@daniero Clever… StackOverflow teaches you how to do things properly, CodeGolf teaches you the best proper hacks. I'm glad I found this site. ;D -- For a moment I though we could use the fact that binaries contain only 0's and 1's to our advantage (if we sort by ascending order, and by the number of 0's, we get the number with the least 0's (and thus, the most 1's) first) -- but then I recalled that Python doesn't pad binary numbers with 0's… – Jetlef – 2014-02-19T16:31:34.737

The second argument to sorted is key, so there's no need for key= either. – Blender – 2014-02-20T06:43:55.107

Question defines input and output as an array. So it seems there is no need parse input and print output. – Steven Rumbalski – 2014-02-24T22:16:09.277


JavaScript [76 bytes]

a.sort(function(x,y){r='..toString(2).split(1).length';return eval(y+r+-x+r)})

where a is an input array of numbers.


[28943,825,11746,16375,32425,19944,21826,15752,15342,3944,28436].sort(function(x, y) {
    r = '..toString(2).split(1).length';
    return eval(y + r + -x + r);

[16375, 15342, 32425, 19944, 11746, 28943, 28436, 15752, 3944, 21826, 825]


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 4 490

Can anyone help me in case a secondary sorting is required, please?

– Manubhargav – 2018-04-21T15:09:49.130

1a.sort(function(x,y){r='..toString(2).match(/1/g).length';return eval(y+r+-x+r)}) – l4m2 – 2018-05-16T11:02:27.500

69 Bytes a.sort((x,y)=>{f=z=>z.toString(2).replace(/0/g,"");return f(x)<f(y)}) Correct me if i'm wrong but length isn't needed if you use < instead of - – Adyrem – 2018-11-02T11:54:12.300

Could you please tell how the .. works? My understanding is that if x = 5 then eval(x + r) becomes eval(5..toString(2).match(/1/g).length) which is, I suppose, invalid. Thanks. – Gaurang Tandon – 2014-02-19T12:03:57.933

1@GaurangTandon It is not. As you know, in JS everything except literals is an object. And numbers. So theoretically (and practically) you may get properties or call methods of any non-literal via dot notation, as you do 'string'.length or [1,2,3].pop(). In case of numbers you may do the same but you should keep in mind that after a single dot the parser will look for a fractional part of the number expecting a float value (as in 123.45). If you use an integer you should "tell" the parser that a fractional part is empty, setting an extra dot before addressing a property: 123..method(). – VisioN – 2014-02-19T12:17:59.483

1You can save two bytes by stripping the zeros and treating the rest as a decimal number. Replace match(/1/g).length with replace(/0/g,""). – DocMax – 2014-02-19T20:16:40.380

@VisioN Thanks! Learnt a new thing. – Gaurang Tandon – 2014-02-20T10:07:55.380


Mathematica 30




{16375, 15342, 32425, 11746, 19944, 28436, 28943, 3944, 15752, 825, 21826}

Dr. belisarius

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 5 345


k [15 Chars]


Example 1

{x@|<+/'0b\:'x}19944, 11746, 15342, 21826, 825, 28943, 32425, 16375, 28436, 3944, 15752

16375 15342 32425 28436 28943 11746 19944 15752 3944 825 21826

Example 2 (all numbers are 2^n -1)

{x@|<{+/0b\:x}'x}3 7 15 31 63 127

127 63 31 15 7 3


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 448


Java 8 - 87/113 81/111 60/80 60/74/48 characters

This is not a complete java program, it is just a function (a method, to be exact).

It assumes that java.util.List and java.lang.Long.bitCount are imported, and has 60 characters:

void s(List<Long>a){a.sort((x,y)->bitCount(x)-bitCount(y));}

If no pre-imported stuff are allowed, here it is with 74 characters:

void s(java.util.List<Long>a){a.sort((x,y)->x.bitCount(x)-x.bitCount(y));}

Add more 7 characters if it would be required that it should be static.

[4 years later] Or if you prefer, it could be a lambda (thanks @KevinCruijssen for the suggestion), with 48 bytes:


Victor Stafusa

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 8 612

I know it's been 4 years, but you can golf Long.bitCount to x.bitCount in your version without pre-imported stuff (not sure how it was four years ago, but imports are counted towards the byte-count these days). Also, since you've specified Java 8, you can change void s(java.util.List<Long>a) to a->. Try it online - 48 bytes Nice answer though, +1 from me.

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-02-07T13:48:50.537

@KevinCruijssen I don't remember this puzzle, since as you already said, it was 4 years since then. However, I'm not sure if a lambda expression with a inferred parameter type depending on an ommited context would be acceptable. Anyway, I added it to the answer, thanks. – Victor Stafusa – 2018-02-07T16:31:22.547

@VictorStafusa Well, it is acceptable these days, but I also don't know about four years ago when this challenge was posted. Btw, in the 80-byte version you can still golf Long.bitCount to x.bitCount, since you've already specified x is a Long in the java.util.List<Long>a parameter. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-02-07T16:33:46.773

1@KevinCruijssen Thanks. I'm so used that using a variable instance to call a static method is a bad practice that I ever forgot that the compiler accepts that. – Victor Stafusa – 2018-02-07T16:38:19.373

Any reason why you can't do Integer.bitCount(x)<Integer.bitCount(y)?-1:1;? Do you need the -1,0,1 behavior? – Justin – 2014-02-19T05:02:52.400

Also, is it possible to replace the <Integer> with space? – Justin – 2014-02-19T06:38:27.737

You can also use Long, that save some space :) – RobAu – 2014-02-19T07:27:51.287

Also a.sort((x,y)->Long.bitCount(x)-Long.bitCount(y)); – RobAu – 2014-02-19T07:31:23.930

@Quincunx comparator needs to return 0 when bitcounts are the same (by contract) – ratchet freak – 2014-02-19T10:02:29.093

@Quincunx. Yes, I needed the -1,0,1 behaviour, but by using - as suggested by RobAu, it gets smaller. And really need the <Long> (was <Integer>). Otherwise I screw the compiler type inference and get a compile error. – Victor Stafusa – 2014-02-19T10:42:29.590

@RobAu Thanks, I should have seen those obvious shortcuts. – Victor Stafusa – 2014-02-19T10:45:18.367

Realistically, this is a function because it doesn't leverage the this reference or any of this's variables. So while technically a method because it -could-, it doesn't; I would personally call this a function. (This is reinforced by the fact that you could, as you state, make it static. Static method === function.) – corsiKa – 2014-02-19T19:40:55.100

I have a complete 150 char java 8 solution.

– AJMansfield – 2014-02-25T02:42:50.010


Mathematica 39

IntegerDigits[#,2] converts a base 10 number to list of 1's and 0's.

Tr sums the digits.


Test Case

f[{19944, 11746, 15342, 21826, 825, 28943, 32425, 16375, 28436, 3944, 15752}]

{16375, 15342, 32425, 11746, 19944, 28436, 28943, 3944, 15752, 825, 21826}


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 24 524

I've grown fond of that (ab?)use of Tr[] in golfing code. – Michael Stern – 2014-02-19T02:06:09.823


Python 2.x - 65 characters (bytes)

print sorted(input(),key=lambda x:-sum(int(d)for d in bin(x)[2:]))

That's actually 66 characters, 65 if we make it a function (then you need something to call it which is lamer to present).

f=lambda a:sorted(a,key=lambda x:-sum(int(d)for d in bin(x)[2:]))

Demo in Bash/CMD:

echo [16, 10, 7, 255, 65536, 5] | python -c "print sorted(input(),key=lambda x:-sum(int(d)for d in bin(x)[2:]))"

Nick T

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 3 197

you can change sum(int(d)for d in bin(x)[2:]) to sum(map(int,bin(x)[2:])) – Elisha – 2014-02-19T09:46:12.413

1or even: print sorted(input(),key=lambda x:-bin(x).count('1')) – Elisha – 2014-02-19T09:50:51.713


Matlab, 34

Input in 'a'


Works for nonnegative numbers.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 41


C - 85 bytes (108 106 bytes)

Portable version on GCC/Clang/wherever __builtin_popcount is available (106 bytes):

#define p-__builtin_popcount(
c(int*a,int*b){return p*b)-p*a);}
void s(int*n,int l){qsort(n,l,sizeof l,c);}

Ultra-condensed, non-portable, barely functional MSVC-only version (85 bytes):

#define p __popcnt
c(int*a,int*b){return p(*b)-p(*a);}
s(int*n,int l){qsort(n,l,4,c);}         /* or 8 as needed */

  • First newline included in byte count because of the #define, the others are not necessary.

  • Function to call is s(array, length) according to specifications.

  • Can hardcode the sizeof in the portable version to save another 7 characters, like a few other C answers did. I'm not sure which one is worth the most in terms of length-usability ratio, you decide.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 191

2sizeof l saves a byte. The horribly ugly #define p-__builtin_popcount( can help save another one. – ugoren – 2014-02-20T12:28:55.837

@ugoren Thanks for the tips! The preprocessor one is such a hack, I had no idea such a thing was possible. Sadly it does not work on MSVC, but every byte counts! – Thomas – 2014-02-21T03:42:14.163


PowerShell v3, 61 58 53


The ScriptBlock for the Sort-Object cmdlet returns an array of 1's for each 1 in the binary representation of the number. Sort-Object sorts the list based on the length of the array returned for each number.

To execute:

script.ps1 15342 28943 16375 3944 11746 825 32425 28436 21826 15752 19944


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 2 353

it's work. How it work? How the magic '.' comes to 'based on the length of the array'? – mazzy – 2018-11-02T09:01:58.703

The '.' executes the scriptblock that comes after it. The sort command sorts based on the output of the outer scriptblock. I realize now that the inner scriptblock is not needed. see edit – Rynant – 2018-11-02T16:11:51.237

$f={ is redundant, while -> for, -band1-> %2, -des->-d and other golf tricks. It's clear. Can you explain how to work $args|sort{@(1,1,...,1)}? It's work! How the sort compares arrays without explicit .Count? where to read about it? Thanks! – mazzy – 2018-11-02T17:47:49.490

1@mazzy, you're right, I removed the redundant bits now. It's the default sorting of the Sort-Object cmdlet. See: help Sort-Object -Parameter property I don't know where the default sorting property for types is defined, but for arrays it is Count or Length. – Rynant – 2018-11-02T18:23:33.103

Good guess. But $args|sort{while($_){if($_-band1){$_};$_=$_-shr1}}-des gives a wrong result. Therefore, it is not Count. It's very interesting. Thanks again. – mazzy – 2018-11-02T18:44:12.490


R, 132 96 94 88 84 75 73 53 51 bytes

-20 thanks to J.Doe's implementation -2 more thanks to Giuseppe


My original post:


Try it online!

I tried several different methods before I got down to this result.

Matrix Method: Created a two column matrix, one column with the input vector, one of the sum of the binary representation, then I sorted on the sum of binary.


Non-Matrix: Realized I could toss out the matrix function and instead create a vector of binary values, sum them, order them, then use the ordered values to reorder the input vector.


Minor Changes


More Minor Changes Converting entire thing to one line of code instead of two separated by a semicolon.


Sum Method Instead of adding the columns with colSums of the binary matrix created by sapply, I added the elements in the column before sapply "finished."


Decreasing to Rev I really wanted to shorten decreasing, but R squawks at me if I try to shorten decreasing in the order function, which was necessary to get the order desired as order defaults to increasing, then I remembered the rev function to reverse a vector. EUREKA!!! The last change in the final solution was function to pryr::f to save 2 more bytes



Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 334

153 bytes – J.Doe – 2018-08-31T18:39:58.473

151 bytes improving on @J.Doe 's excellent golf! – Giuseppe – 2018-08-31T19:48:45.630


ECMAScript 6, 61

Assumes z is the input


Test data


[16375, 15342, 32425, 11746, 19944, 28436, 28943, 15752, 3944, 21826, 825]

Thanks, toothbrush for the shorter solution.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 563

1I've just tried your solution, but it didn't work. It doesn't sort the numbers. – Toothbrush – 2014-02-19T16:33:11.290

@toothbrush woops. Thanks for catching that, should work now. – Danny – 2014-02-19T16:40:00.883

Great work! I like it. – Toothbrush – 2014-02-19T16:48:07.807

1Only 61 bytes: z.sort((a,b)=>{c=d=e=0;while(++c<32)d+=a>>c&1,e+=b>>c&1},e-d) (and thanks for the up-vote). – Toothbrush – 2014-02-19T17:08:00.853

1My solution is now the same size as yours! – Toothbrush – 2014-02-21T17:37:17.313


PowerShell v2 or later, 44


The long version:

Sort-Object -Property {[convert]::ToString($_, 2) -replace '0', ''} -Descending

"sort" is a default alias for the Sort-Object cmdlet.
Sort-Object allows sorting the incoming list by evaluating an expression on the fly, which is the script block inside the curly braces.
The .NET class "Convert" is used to convert the incoming integer ("$_") into its binary string representation.
The "-replace" Operator will then remove all zeros, so that only a string of ones remains (the string "Replace()" method would have worked, too, but would have been longer).
Since these strings all consist of the same character, they'll be sorted by length, ascending by default. The switch argument "Descending" will reverse the order, and since there's another argument 'Debug', the first three characters are required for PowerShell to identify the switch.

The list to sort is expected in the pipeline/stdin, for example:

$l = 15342, 28943, 16375, 3944, 11746, 825, 32425, 28436, 21826, 15752, 19944
$l | sort{[convert]::ToString($_,2)-replace0}-des


Convert Class


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 21

Welcome to PPCG! – Martin Ender – 2018-02-20T19:57:46.560

It's a code snippet, not function or program. Sorry. – mazzy – 2018-11-02T08:38:56.427


05AB1E, 4 bytes


Try it online!

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 19 422

4-byte alternative which is a literal translation of the title: Σb1¢ (Σort numbers by binary 1s ¢ount) :) (Bit of a weird s in sort though.. ;p) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-09-04T08:54:55.347


Perl 6, 27 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 10 037

Alternatively, .comb(~1) – Jo King – 2018-10-31T03:04:41.477


Haskell, 123C

import Data.List
import Data.Ord
b 0=[]
b n=mod n 2:b(div n 2)
c n=(n,(sum.b)n)
q x=map fst$sortBy(comparing snd)(map c x)

This is the first way I thought of solving this, but I bet there's a better way to do it. Also, if anyone knows of a way of golfing Haskell imports, I would be very interested to hear it.


*Main> q [4,2,15,5,3]
*Main> q [7,0,2]

Ungolfed version (with explanations)

import Data.List
import Data.Ord

-- Converts an integer into a list of its bits
binary 0 = []
binary n = mod n 2 : binary (div n 2)

-- Creates a tuple where the first element is the number and the second element
-- is the sum of its bits.
createTuple n = (n, (sum.binary) n)

-- 1) Turns the list x into tuples
-- 2) Sorts the list of tuples by its second element (bit sum)
-- 3) Pulls the original number out of each tuple
question x = map fst $ sortBy (comparing snd) (map createTuple x)


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 695

would it be helpful to use the infix notation for mod, n`mod`2? It has the same precedence as multiplication and division. – John Dvorak – 2014-02-19T15:08:39.193

That wouldn't be too helpful for golfing reasons as far as I can see. I'd lose two spaces, but gain two backticks, right? – danmcardle – 2014-02-19T16:49:12.107

import Data.List;import Data.Ord;import Data.Bits;q=sortBy(comparing popCount) - 80C - or using your approach, import Data.List;import Data.Ord;b 0=0;b n=(mod n 2)+b(div n 2);q=sortBy(comparing b) - 86C – bazzargh – 2014-02-20T04:56:02.980

I tried avoiding imports entirely, best I could manage was 87C by golfing quicksort: b 0=0;b n=mod n 2+b(div n 2);q[]=[];q(a:c)=f((b a>).b)c++a:f((b a<=).b)c;f=(q.).filter – bazzargh – 2014-02-20T12:16:15.600


Julia 1.0, 41 bytes

a->sort(a,by=x->sum((x>>n)&1 for n=0:63))

Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 715

1Firstly, you can use two argument sum, like this: sum(n->x>>n&1,0:63). Secondly, by=count_ones is even shorter – H.PWiz – 2019-01-06T13:36:46.623

1Also, shorter than two argument sum is: sum(x.>>(0:63).&1)) – H.PWiz – 2019-01-06T13:43:20.857


DFSORT (IBM Mainframe sorting product) 288 (each source line is 72 characters, must have space in position one)


Just for fun, and no mathematics.

Takes a file (could be executed from a program which used an "array") with the integers. Before sorting, it translates the integers to bits (in a 16-character field). Then changes the 0s in the bits to nothing. SORT Descending on the result of the changed bits. Creates the sorted file with just the integers.

Bill Woodger

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 391


Smalltalk (Smalltalk/X), 36 (or maybe 24)

input in a; destructively sorts in a:

a sort:[:a :b|a bitCount>b bitCount]

functional version: returns a new sorted array:

a sorted:[:a :b|a bitCount>b bitCount]

there is even a shorter variant (passing the name or the function as argument) in 24 chars. But (sigh) it will sort highest last. As I understood, this was not asked for, so I don't take that as golf score:

a sortBySelector:#bitCount


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 869


CoffeeScript (94)

Readable code (212):

sort_by_ones_count = (numbers) ->
  numbers.sort (a, b) ->
    a1 = a.toString(2).match(/1/g).length
    b1 = b.toString(2).match(/1/g).length
    if a1 == b1
    else if a1 > b1

console.log sort_by_ones_count [825, 3944, 11746, 15342, 15752, 16375, 19944, 21826, 28436, 28943, 32425]

Optimized (213):

count_ones = (number) -> number.toString(2).match(/1/g).length
sort_by_ones_count = (numbers) -> numbers.sort (a, b) ->
  a1 = count_ones(a)
  b1 = count_ones(b)
  if a1 == b1 then 0 else if a1 > b1 then 1 else -1

Obfuscating (147):

c = (n) -> n.toString(2).match(/1/g).length
s = (n) -> n.sort (a, b) ->
  a1 = c(a)
  b1 = c(b)
  if a1 == b1 then 0 else if a1 > b1 then 1 else -1

Ternary operators are excessively long (129):

c = (n) -> n.toString(2).match(/1/g).length
s = (n) -> n.sort (a, b) ->
  a1 = c(a)
  b1 = c(b)

Too long yet, stop casting (121):

c = (n) -> n.toString(2).match(/1/g).length
s = (n) -> n.sort (a, b) ->
  a1 = c(a)
  b1 = c(b)

Final (94):

s=(n)->n.sort((a, b)->(-1)**(c(a)>=c(b))*(c(a)!=c(b)))

Aaron J

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 21


Scala, 58

def c(l:List[Int])=l.sortBy(-_.toBinaryString.count(_>48))


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 231


PHP 5.4+ 131

I don't even know why I bother with PHP, in this case:

<?unset($argv[0]);usort($argv,function($a,$b){return strcmp(strtr(decbin($b),[0=>'']),strtr(decbin($a),[0=>'']));});print_r($argv);


> php -f sortbybinaryones.php 15342 28943 16375 3944 11746 825 32425 28436 21826 15752 19944
    [0] => 16375
    [1] => 15342
    [2] => 32425
    [3] => 28436
    [4] => 19944
    [5] => 11746
    [6] => 28943
    [7] => 3944
    [8] => 15752
    [9] => 825
    [10] => 21826

Decent Dabbler

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 605

well, someone has to bother with PHP – Einacio – 2014-02-19T15:13:23.187



void main()
 int a[]={7,6,15,16};
 int b,i,n=0;
 {  for(b=0,n=0;b<=sizeof(int);b++)
 for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) 
  {   int tmp = a[i];
      for (n = i; n >= 1 && tmp < a[n-1]; n--)
         a[n] = a[n-1];
      a[n] = tmp;

Venkatesh K

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 219

4Since this is a code golf competition, you should try to shorten your code. – Timtech – 2014-02-19T15:36:53.847


C#, 88 89

int[] b(int[] a){return a.OrderBy(i=>-Convert.ToString(i,2).Count(c=>c=='1')).ToArray();}

Edit: descending order adds a character.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 781


ECMAScript 6 (61 characters):


Expects the input array to be in x.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 3 197


Javascript 84

Inspired by other javascript answers, but without eval and regex.

var r=(x)=>(+x).toString(2).split('').reduce((p,c)=>p+ +c)


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 121

The question is code golf, please try to 'golf' your code: remove unnecessary whitespace and try to make your code as small as possible. Also, include a character count in your answer. – ProgramFOX – 2014-02-19T17:34:45.457


C - 124 111

Implemented as a method and using the standard library for the sorting. A pointer to the array and the size should be passed as parameters. This will only work on systems with 32-bit pointers. On 64-bit systems, some characters have to be spent specifying pointer definitions.

Indentation for readability

    int d,e,i;
    return d>e?-1:d<e;

Sample call:

main() {
    static int a[] ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
    o(a, 9);


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 489


Javascript (82)

a.sort(function(b,c){q=0;while(b|c){b%2?c%2?0:q++:c%2?q--:0;b>>=1;c>>=1}return q})


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 161


Postscript, 126

Because list of values by which we sort is known beforehand and very limited (32), this task can be easily done even if there's no built-in for sorting, by picking matching values for 1..32. (Is it O(32n)? Probably).

Procedure expects array on stack and returns 'sorted' array.

/sort_by_bit_count {
    [ exch
    32 -1 1 {
        1 index
            dup 2 32 string cvrs
            0 exch
            {48 sub add} forall
            2 index eq 
            {3 1 roll} {pop} ifelse
        } forall
    } for
    pop ]
} def

Or, ritually stripped of white space and readability:

/s{[exch 32 -1 1{1 index{dup 2 32 string cvrs 0 exch{48 sub add}forall 2 index eq{3 1 roll}{pop}ifelse}forall pop}for pop]}def

Then, if saved to it can be used like this:

gs -q -dBATCH -c '[(%stdin)(r)file 1000 string readline pop cvx exec] s =='
825 3944 11746 15342 15752 16375 19944 21826 28436 28943 32425
[16375 15342 32425 11746 19944 28436 28943 3944 15752 825 21826]

I think it effectively is the same as this Perl (there's yet no Perl here, too):

sub f{map{$i=$_;grep{$i==(()=(sprintf'%b',$_)=~/1/g)}@_}reverse 1..32}

Though that, unlike Postscript, can be easily golfed:

sub f{sort{j($b)-j($a)}@_}sub j{$_=sprintf'%b',@_;()=/1/g}


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 541

Postscript! My first love, my favorite language of all time! It is nice to see another believer in the One True Programming Language. – AJMansfield – 2014-02-25T02:40:43.347


Java 8: 144

static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(Stream.of(a).mapToInt(Integer::decode).sorted(Comparable.comparing(Integer::bitCount)).toArray());}

In expanded form:

static void main(String[] args){

As you can see, this works by converting the args to a Stream<String>, then converting to a Stream<Integer> with the Integer::decode function reference (shorter than parseInt or valueOf), and then sorting by Integer::bitCount, then putting it in an array, and printing it out.

Streams make everything easier.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 2 758


Japt, 7 bytes


Test it


Implicit input of array U.

ñ_   Ã

Sort (ñ) by passing each element through a function.


Convert to base 2 string.


Count the number of 1s.


Reverse and implicitly output the resulting array.




Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 24 623

You need descending sort, not ascending. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-07-28T14:26:58.400

Another alternative I believe would be ñ_¤è1 n. Don't think that'd be shorter combined with the other alternative, but you never know... – ETHproductions – 2017-07-28T22:42:28.800


Javascript - Lengthy but result is according to my expectation - sorting numbers in ascending order according to number of binary 1s in them. If binary 1s are equal then sorting done on the base of decimal ascending order.

Thumbs up if anybody can improve or give shorter solution in javascript

  function sortNumberByBinary1s(numbers){
      //sort numbers first

      //2dimenstional array to store original number and its binary 1s
      var binNumArr = [];
      //loop to count binary 1s in each number
        var num = numbers[i];
        // var binNum = Number(num.toString(2));

        let binary1 = 0;
        do if(num&1) binary1++;

        //store original number and its binary 1s in 2dimenstional array


    //sort binNumArr (22dimenstional array by Number value)
    //filter(() => true) to remove empty values
      var byNumSortedArray=binNumArr.sort(function(a, b){return a.number - b.number}).filter(() => true);

      //sort byNumberSorted array by binary1 value
      var byBinary1SortedArray=byNumSortedArray.sort(function(a, b){return a.binary1 - b.binary1});


    //get only sortedNumbers from array and return result
      var sortedNumbers=[]
          var number = byBinary1SortedArray[i].number;

      console.log(sortedNumbers,'sortedNumbers array');
      return sortedNumbers;


Input: [3,4,5,6,7,8]

  • {number: 4, binary1: 1}
  • {number: 8, binary1: 1}
  • {number: 3, binary1: 2}
  • {number: 5, binary1: 2}
  • {number: 6, binary1: 2}
  • {number: 7, binary1: 3}

Output: [4, 8, 3, 5, 6, 7]

Mohsin Raza

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 11

4Welcome to the site! This is a code golf challenge, so you should aim to minimise your code as much as possible, starting with removing all comments and changing variable names to a single letter – caird coinheringaahing – 2018-04-05T21:59:54.223


Stax, 6 bytes


Run and debug it at!

This will output the Unicode characters in a string. Add $ at the end (or step through execution) to see decimal.

Unpacked (7 bytes) and Explanation

{          Begin block.
 :B          Convert to binary array. Ex: 11746 -> [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
   |+        Sum.
     o     Terminate block and use it to sort array (ascending).
      r    Reverse. Implicit print.

Before descending order was specified in the question, there was a 6-byte unpacked solution. This is short enough that packing (into ÇÄì¬♥#) changed nothing:


Run and debug it at!

Khuldraeseth na'Barya

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 2 608


Haskell, 57 54 bytes

-3 bytes thanks to Laikoni! (making the counting function pointfree by using the fact that we only need to support 32bit ints)

import Data.List

Try it online!


The function call sortOn f xs returns xs :: [x] sorted by comparing ys = map (f :: x -> y) xs where the type y has to be an instance of Ord, so we just need to feed it a function that counts the number of 1-bits:

(sum . mapM (const [0,1]) [1..32] !!)

The expression mapM (const [0,1]) [1..n] generates all the sequences of [0,1] with length n (n = 32 is sufficient since we only need to handle 32bit ints) in the right order, so we just need to index into these and take it's sum.

Example: mapM (const [0,1]) [1..2] !! 1 ≡ [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] !! 2 ≡ [0,1]


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 15 345

As the challenge only requires 32-bit integers, this could be shortened to sortOn$sum.(mapM(pure[0,1])[1..32]!!) while losing higher number support. Btw. nice workaround with #define on TIO. – Laikoni – 2018-05-16T13:39:40.423


Kotlin, 57 44 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 982


K (ngn/k), 11 10 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 11 449


MathGolf, 5 bytes


Try it online!


á{     Sort by the
    ~  Negative
   Σ   Digit sum
  â    Of the number converted to binary

Jo King

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 38 234


Powershell, 40 45 bytes



Sort all arguments from the predefined $args in a descendant order by sum of bits $s.

Note: The script uses -shr1 instead /2 because a Powershell does not provide integer div.

Test script:

$f = {



&$f 0 1 3 4
&$f 16375 15342 32425 11746 28436 19944 28943 3944 15752 825 21826




Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 4 832


C#, 191 183 172 thanks to Rik

 using System.Linq;class P{static void Main(string[]a){System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ",a.Select(int.Parse).OrderBy(v=>{int c=0;for(;v>0;c++,v&=v-1);return-c;})));}}


using System.Linq;
class P
    static void Main(string[] a)
        System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", a.Select(int.Parse)
            .OrderBy(v => { 
                int c = 0; 
                for (; v > 0; c++, v &= v - 1);
                return -c; 

When run as foo.exe 32425 28943 28436 21826 19944 16375 15752 15342 11746 3944 825 the output is:

16375 15342 32425 28943 28436 19944 11746 15752 3944 21826 825

Including the bitcount:

16375   13
15342   11
32425   10
28943   8
28436   8
19944   8
11746   8
15752   7
3944    7
21826   6
825     5

As function only: 100 89 chars

...Which some seem to regard as correct too:

int[] v(int[]a){return a.OrderBy(v=>{int c=0;for(;v>0;c++,v&=v-1);return-c;}).ToArray();}

To use, call v() with an array of ints to be sorted by binary 1's count.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 397

instead of OrderByDescending you can use OrderBy and return -c in your lambda and save 9 chars. – Rik – 2014-02-19T14:59:21.957

D'oh! Thanks! Why didn't I think of that?! :D Actually, it saves 10 since I don't need a space between return and -c :D – RobIII – 2014-02-19T15:08:19.583


C++ and QT

template<typename T>

//Compars the number of ones in the binary representation of some numbers 
bool onesCountSort()(Const T* a, const T* b) const
   int aCount = getOnesCount(&a);
   int bCount = getOnesCount(&b);
   return aCount < bCount;

//Returns the number of ones in a number
int getOnesCount(T value) const
    int rVal = 0;
    while(value > 0)
       value = value >> 1;
    return rVal;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   QList<int> listTest;
   listTest << 16375;
   listTest << 15342; 
   listTest << 32425; 
   listTest << 11746; 
   listTest << 28436;

   qSort(list.begin(); list.end(), onesCountSort<int>());//Sort by binary ones count
   qSort(list.end(); list.begin(), onesCountSort<int>());//Reverse the sort


template<typename T>

//Compars the number of ones in the binary representation of some numbers 
bool onesCountSort()(Const T* a, const T* b) const
   return getOnesCount(a) < getOnesCount(b);

int getOnesCount(const T* value, int count = 0) const
    return &value ? count : getOnesCount(value >> 1, count + 1);

Burnt Toast

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 111


GolfScript, 14 chars

~{2base 0-,}$`

Example input (sorted in numerical order):

[825 3944 11746 15342 15752 16375 19944 21826 28436 28943 32425]

Example output (sorted by bit count) for the input above:

[825 21826 15752 3944 28436 28943 19944 11746 32425 15342 16375]

Note that the program above sorts the input in ascending order by bit count. If you insist on descending order, that'll cost one extra char:

~{2base 0-,~}$`


  • ~ evals the input. Since you didn't specify the input format, I took the liberty of assuming that the input is provided as a GolfScript array literal (i.e. a series of whitespace-separated numbers wrapped in [ ]).

  • { }$ applies the code inside the braces to each element of the array, and sorts them according to the resulting sort keys.

    • Inside the braces, 2base uses the built-in base conversion operator to turn the number into an array of bits (e.g. 19[1 0 0 1 1]). The 0- then removes all the zero bits from the array (the space before it is needed to keep base0 from being parsed as a single token) and the , counts the length of the remaining array.

    • (In the descending order version, the ~ then bitwise negates the count, effectively applying the map x ↦ −(x + 1) and thus inverting the sort order.)

  • Finally, the ` un-evals the sorted array, converting it back into the input format for output.

Ilmari Karonen

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 19 513



C++(Visual Studio 2013), 112


#define n int
#define s __popcnt
n* d(n i[], n l){sort(i, i+l, [](n a, n b){return  s(a) > s(b); });return i;}


#define n int
#define s __popcnt
n* d(n i[], n l){
    std::sort(i, i+l, [](n a, n b){return  s(a) > s(b); });
    return i;

haven't touched C++ for a while. While not the shortest, it PROBABLY is the fastest, by far, though it depends highly if the __popcnt is implemented as single CPU instruction, or set.

I might fire up mathbrain later and see if it's possible to compare two numbers by bits and see which one has more bits set(without any string conversions or bit counting). I think there is some kind of bit-hack that can be used, but it's probably longer.

Erti-Chris Eelmaa

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 111


C : 112

C(a){int c=a!=0;while(a&=a-1)c++;return c;}
B(int*a,int*b){return C(*b)-C(*a);}
S(int*a,int n){qsort(a,n,4,B);}

works on gcc with Target: x86_64-linux-gnu

usage: S(array, size);


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 4 281

similar to @albeert's answer, which I only saw after I completed this... – AShelly – 2014-02-20T04:15:30.110

S(n,int*a) doesn't compile. Even when fixed, doesn't work on by 64bit Linux with gcc. Omitting return from C is very fragile. – ugoren – 2014-02-20T09:38:47.283

Ah, you're right. I missed the compiler error among the warnings and got the same output as the previous run, so I assumed it was good. I went back to my last working version: +12 char. – AShelly – 2014-02-20T12:05:27.377


Haskell - 107100 (including sample list and main call) else 100-22=78

import Data.List
b 0=0
b n=mod n 2+b(div n 2)
c q=map snd$ sort$ zip(map b q)q
main=print$ c [1..100]




Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 641


C, 95 chars

Call s(array, size) to sort an array.
The framework is based on AShelly's answer, with a different bit count function.
Only works on 32bit platforms.

c(unsigned a){return a?a%2+c(a/2):0;}
f(int*a,int*b){return c(*b)-c(*a);}

The bit count function treats the numbers as unsigned, so division will discard the low bit.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 16 527


php 5.3, 117 109

Thank to @mniip to point out some more char save. So New One are

usort($a,function($u,$v){return $u==$v?0:(substr_count(decbin($u),'1')<substr_count(decbin($v),'1')?1:-1);});

Older One

usort($a,function($u,$v){if($u==$v)return 0;return substr_count(decbin($u),'1')<substr_count(decbin($v),'1')?1:-1;});


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 625

I'm pretty sure you can save a few chars if you combine your return statements into one using ternary operator – mniip – 2014-02-20T10:42:08.210


K, 14



k){x@>+/'0b\:'x} 28943 16375 15342
16375 15342 28943


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 3 917


Javascript (ECMAScript 6) - 41 Characters

Takes an array a as input:


Testing (with less obfuscated code):


a=[19944, 11746, 15342, 21826, 825, 28943, 32425, 16375, 28436, 3944, 15752];

Gives this output:



Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 3 373


C# - 98

C# can't really compete in "the smallest" category. Still fun, though :)



var y = new [] {28943, 825, 11746, 16375, 32425, 19944, 21826, 15752, 15342, 3944, 28436}.Select(i=>new{v=i,c=Convert.ToString(i,2).Count(c=>c=='1')}).OrderByDescending(a=>a.c);
Console.WriteLine(y.Select(a => a.v.ToString()).Aggregate((s1,s2)=>s1+","+s2));



EDIT: .NetFiddle -


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 11


Longwinded C#:

using System;

namespace P
    class P
        static int T(int v) { int i = 0; while (v != 0) { i += (v & 1); v >>= 1; } return i; }
        static int[] S(int[] a)
        { Array.Sort<int>(a, (x, y) => { return (T(x) > T(y)) ? -1 : (T(x) < T(y)) ? 0 : 1; }); return a; }
        static void Main(string[] args)
            foreach (var i in S(new int[]{ 28943, 825, 11746, 16375, 32425, 19944, 21826, 15752, 15342, 3944, 28436 }))
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", i, Convert.ToString(i, 2), T(i));


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 195


C# 95

int[]o(int[]d){return d.OrderByDescending(v =>Convert.ToString(v,2).Sum(c =>c-'0')).ToArray();}


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 119


PHP - 89 bytes

Here is the best I have been able to do so far.

function f($a){usort($a,function($a,$b){$c=gmp_popcount;return$c($a)<$c($b);});return$a;}

If I am allowed to sort the array in-place (which is idiomatic for PHP), then it is only 81:

function f(&$a){usort($a,function($a,$b){$c=gmp_popcount;return$c($a)<$c($b);});}

Tim Seguine

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 824

requires gmp library, which is neither in the default built nor activated by default. (see

– Titus – 2018-05-17T15:49:37.497


Perl, 56 bytes

sub x{$_=sprintf'%b',@_;s/1//g}print sort{x($b)<=>x$a}<>

Input is expected in STDIN, one integer per line. Output is in descending order.

sprintf '%b' converts the number into binary representation. s/1// replaces the 1, the return value is the number of replacements. Thus function x returns the number of 1 in the binary representation of the number. The sorting function sorts the number according to their binary 1's count. By exchanging $a and $b the sorting order is reversed to ascending.

Heiko Oberdiek

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 3 841


Jelly, 5 bytes (non-competing?)


Try it online!

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 38 134


PHP, 71


If we assume there will be no dulicates, 69

foreach($a as$v)$b[$v]=gmp_popcount($v);arsort($b);$a=array_keys($b);

If we accept ascending sort, 68

foreach($a as$v)$b[$v]=gmp_popcount($v);asort($b);$a=array_keys($b);

That is, given $a. So, I'm unclear on whether we can assume the input, as various solutions go to various lengths to get it.


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 867

Actually, you´d habe to use $argv and print_r the result or add the 23 bytes function overhead: function($a){return$a;}. gmp is not in the default config and actually you´d had to add the bytecount of installation or at least the necessary config line. Nice ones nonetheless. – Titus – 2018-05-17T15:38:29.330


Perl 5, 51 bytes

sub j{(sprintf'%b',@_)=~y/1//}say sort{j($b)-j$a}<>

Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 7 671


Pyth, 8 bytes


Try it online!

_o/.BN\1Q #Code with implicit variables
 o      Q #  Input list sorted by
  /   \1  #   How many "1"s are in
   .BN    #    The binary string of each number
_         # Reversed


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 1 295


Python 2, 59 bytes

def f(l):l.sort(key=lambda x:`bin(x)`.count('1'),reverse=1)

Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 49

Save 7 bytes by replacing reverse=1 with *-1 to get descending order. Try it online!

– Jack Brounstein – 2018-09-03T19:36:15.297


Pyt, 19 bytes


Try it online!


                         Implicit input (as a list of integers)
ĐĐ                       Triplicate the list
  ↑                      Get the maximum value of the list (X_m)
   Ḷ⌊⁺ᴇĐ                 Push Y=10^(floor(log_10(X_m))+1) twice
        3Ș               Swap the top three elements on the list [puts the input on top]
          Ħ              Get the Hamming weight of each element of the input
           *             Multiply the Hamming weight by Y
            ⇹            Swap the top two elements on the stack
             ↔           Flip the stack [Puts the list on top, followed by Hamming weights multiplied by Y]
              +          Add the two lists element-wise [resulting in Z=[Z_0,Z_1,...]]
               Ş         Sort the resulting list in descending order
                ⇹        Swap the top two elements on the stack
                 %       Take Z mod Y
                  Ɩ      Convert Z mod Y to integers
                         Implicit print

This is as long as it is because Pyt doesn't allow sorting by anything other than the values in the array; this means that a workaround had to be devised to allow the proper sorting


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 833


K (oK), 19 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

Reputation: 421


Dart, 102 99 84 bytes

F(a)=>'1'.allMatches(a.toRadixString(2)).length;f(List l)=>l.sort((a,b)=>F(a)-F(b));

Try it online!

  • -3 bytes by using allMatches instead of replaceAll
  • -15 bytes by using - instead of compareTo and replacing List< int > by List
  • Elcan

    Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

    Reputation: 913


    Perl 6, 36 bytes

    @a.sort({sum .base(2).comb}).reverse

    Try it online!


    Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

    Reputation: 131

    1Taking input through a predefined variable is not allowed as it turns the submission into a snippet. Turning it into an anonymous code block is valid and the same length anyway – Jo King – 2018-11-02T12:27:49.970


    Some golfing tips: It's always shorter to use [R,] instead of reverse, though in this case, you can sprt be the negative of the sum instead. The sum can go on the end instead, like .sum and then you can turn it into an anonymous Whatever code object like -*.base(2).comb.sum. Of course, all this would make it a duplicate of nwellnhof's existing answer though don't let this discourage you! It's nice to see a new Perl 6 golfer!

    – Jo King – 2018-11-02T12:39:07.093


    APL(NARS), 27 chars, 54 bytes



      f 825 32425 15342 11746 28943 28436 21826 16375 15752 19944 3944
    16375 15342 32425 11746 28943 28436 19944 15752 3944 825 21826 


    Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

    Reputation: 3 036


    Python-40 bytes

    l.sorted(key=lambda x:bin(x).count('1'))

    second to K!! Thwarted by K once again.......


    Posted 2014-02-18T23:38:57.133

    Reputation: 59

    If l is a Python list, it has no sorted method. Perhaps you meant sort? Otherwise, your answer is practically a duplicate of another. Your sort delivers its results in ascending order, whereas descending was specified. Finally, you claim that your answer is second only to K, which is false. Too many problems to ignore. -1. – Steven Rumbalski – 2014-02-26T04:32:10.593