Spanning tree of a rectangular grid




A spanning tree (Wikipedia) of an undirected graph is a subgraph that is a tree which includes all of the vertices of the original graph. The following is an example of a spanning tree of a 4-by-4 grid graph.


Given two positive integers w and h, output any valid spanning tree of the grid graph which has w vertices horizontally and h vertices vertically. There are lots of valid answers; just output one of them. Your code is even allowed to give different outputs across runs, as long as all of them are valid.

Input and output

The input is two positive integers w and h.

The output is a representation of a spanning tree. The output format is restricted to "a list of pairs of numbered vertices", in order to prevent various boring answers (as discussed in the sandbox). Also, the vertex numbering should be in row-major order, e.g.

0 - 1 - 2 - 3
|   |   |   |
4 - 5 - 6 - 7
|   |   |   |
8 - 9 - 10- 11


(0,0) - (0,1) - (0,2) - (0,3)
  |       |       |       |
(1,0) - (1,1) - (1,2) - (1,3)
  |       |       |       |
(2,0) - (2,1) - (2,2) - (2,3)

You can choose to use 0-based or 1-based indexing for vertices. Also, you may output nested or flattened arrays.

Scoring & winning criterion

The standard rules apply. The shortest valid submission in bytes wins.

Example I/O

w=3, h=2

If you want to output the following graph

| |
+ +-+

The list-of-vertex-pairs representation will be (using 0-based indexing for example):

[(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 4), (4, 5)]


[((0, 0), (0, 1)),
 ((0, 0), (1, 0)),
 ((0, 1), (0, 2)),
 ((0, 1), (1, 1)),
 ((1, 1), (1, 2))]

w=1, h=1

The graph is a single vertex with no edges, and its only spanning tree is the graph itself. Your code should output an empty list (which means no edges).


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 16 616

1Does rule anything prevent us from always zig-zagging through the array? E.g. 0 → 1 → 2 → 3 ↓ 7 ← 6 ← 5 ← 4 ↓ 8 → 9 → 10 → 11 – Adám – 2019-11-07T02:33:29.530

@Adam It doesn't, as far as I see. You can also simply use, for example, a vertical line combined with many horizontal ones. – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2019-11-07T02:54:38.727

Can we input h and w in unary? Can we input them as a grid made of a specific character? – my pronoun is monicareinstate – 2019-11-07T04:30:42.347

@someone Unary: yes, but only if it's the most natural representation of a positive integer in your language of choice. Grid input: no. – Bubbler – 2019-11-07T04:34:42.363



K (ngn/k), 8 bytes


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this is a composition equivalent to the lambda {|\'2'+!x}. the trailing : forces ! (and therefore the whole composition) to be monadic.

 !2 3         /odometer
(0 0 0 1 1 1
 0 1 2 0 1 2)
 +!2 3        /flip
(0 0
 0 1
 0 2
 1 0
 1 1
 1 2)
 2'+!2 3      /pairs (sliding window size 2)
((0 0;0 1)
 (0 1;0 2)
 (0 2;1 0)
 (1 0;1 1)
 (1 1;1 2))
 |\'2'+!2 3   /cumulative(\) max(|) each(')
((0 0;0 1)
 (0 1;0 2)
 (0 2;1 2)
 (1 0;1 1)
 (1 1;1 2))


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 11 449


Python 2, 46 bytes

lambda w,h:zip(R(w-1)+R(w*h),R(1,w*h))

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49 bytes

lambda w,h:[(i-w**(i>=w),i)for i in range(1,w*h)]

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Both of these produce a list corresponding to a spanning tree like this (for w=4, h=3):

|  |  |  |
4  5  6  7
|  |  |  |
8  9  10 11


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 115 687


APL (Dyalog Extended), 12 bytesSBCS

Full program. Prompts for [h,w] from stdin. Prints pairs of [y,x] coordinates.


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 prompt for numeric input from the console

 an array of those dimensions containing the ɩndices of an array of those dimensions

 split into list of rows


 combine rows into matrix

, ravel matrix into list

2⍮/ adjacent pairs (lit. for every overlapping run of 2 elements, juxtapose the 2 elements)


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 37 779

⌈\¨2,/⊂¨,⍳⎕ is 11. i believe you can shorten it even more with your extensions. – ngn – 2019-11-08T06:55:36.200

@ngn Another clever ngn-scan! But it has no connection to my solution, and even makes a different tree. Go ahead and post ⌈\¨2⍮/,⍤⍳ in Extended. – Adám – 2019-11-08T07:09:45.797


05AB1E, 12 10 bytes


-2 bytes by porting @xnor's Python 2 answer, but is 1-based instead. So it will output the graph in this format (i.e. w=5, h=3):

|  |  |  |  |
6  7  8  9  10
|  |  |  |  |
11 12 13 14 15

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*           # Multiply the (implicit) width and height inputs with each other
 L          # Create a list in the range [1,w*h]
  ©         # Store this list in variable `®` (without popping)
   ¹<       # Push the width-input again, and decrease it by 1
     L      # Create a list in the range [1,w-1]
      ì     # Prepend it in front of the earlier list
       ®    # Push the list [1,w*h] from variable `®` again,
        ¦   # and remove the 1 to make it the range [2,w*h]
         ø  # Zip/transpose to create pairs of the two lists
            # (after which this list of pairs is output implicitly as result)

Original 12 bytes answer:


1-based. Will output the graph in this format (i.e. w=5, h=3):


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*             # Multiply the (implicit) width and height inputs with each other
 L            # Create a list in the range [1,w*h]
  Iä          # Split it into the height-input amount of equal-length parts
    2Å€ }     # Apply to every 2nd (index % 2 == 0) item:
       R      #  Reverse the inner list
         ˜    # Then flatten it to a single list of integers again
          ü   # Apply to each overlapping pair of values:
           ‚  #  Pair them together
              # (after which this list of pairs is output implicitly as result)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 67 575


R, 42 bytes


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Creates the spanning graph


Node i is connected to node i+1 in general, or to node i+w if i is a multiple of w. This corresponds to a connecting node i to node i+w^d where d=1 if i is a multiple of w, and d=0 otherwise.

Robin Ryder

Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 6 625

1Nice that this method's solution for a 3x3 traces out a 3. – CriminallyVulgar – 2019-11-07T15:07:53.070



Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 11 449


Ruby, 44 41 bytes

crossed out 44 is still 44


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1-based solution


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 11 099


JavaScript (V8), 68 bytes

Takes input as (w)(h). Prints pairs of 0-based numbered vertices.


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Recursively creates the following pattern (here with \$w=4\$):

 0→ 1→ 2→ 3
 4← 5← 6← 7
 8→ 9→10→11
   … ←14←15


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 111 334


Jelly, 9 bytes



×ḶsUÐeFṡ2 the main and only link, takes the dimensions as input
×         multiply the dimensions
 Ḷ        create the range of 0..h*w-1
  s       split into chunks of length w, I have no idea how does this part refer to w
    Ðe    at even indices
   U      reverse the chunks
      F   flatten
       ṡ2 split in overlapping slices of length 2 (path -> edge list)

The tree is actually a snake-like path:


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my pronoun is monicareinstate

Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 3 111


Charcoal, 22 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs using the following format:


Alternative solution, also 22 bytes:


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs using the following format:

| |
2 3
| |
4 5

Bonus version:


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code.


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 95 035


Rockstar, 215 bytes

g takes w,h
let j be 0
while j is less than h
let i be 0
while i is less than w
let c be j*w+i
let p be c-1
if i is 0
let p be c-w

if p is as high as 0    
say "("+p+"-"+c+")"

build i up

build j up

It can be invoked like

g taking 3,2

with the output as


you can also try it online!


Posted 2019-11-07T02:17:00.367

Reputation: 249