Generate an RGB colour grid



This! is an RGB colour grid...

Basic RGB grid

Basically it's a 2-dimensional matrix in which:

  • The first row, and the first column, are red.
  • The second row, and the second column, are green.
  • The third row, and the third column, are blue.

Here are the colours described graphically, using the letters R, G, and B.

row and column diagram

Here's how we calculate the colour of each space on the grid is calculated.

  • Red + Red = Red (#FF0000)
  • Green + Green = Green (#00FF00)
  • Blue + Blue = Blue (#0000FF)
  • Red + Green = Yellow (#FFFF00)
  • Red + Blue = Purple (#FF00FF)
  • Green + Blue = Teal (#00FFFF)

The Challenge

  • Write code to generate an RGB colour grid.
  • It's code golf, so attempt to do so in the smallest number of bytes.
  • Use any programming language or markup language to generate your grid.
  • Things I care about:
    • The result should graphically display an RGB grid with the defined colours.
  • Things I don't care about:
    • If the output is an image, HTML, SVG or other markup.
    • The size or shape of the colour blocks.
    • Borders, spacing etc between or around the blocks.
    • It definitely doesn't have to have labels telling you what the row and column colours should be.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 10 466

2Can we output an mage object native to our language, for example a Bitmap object in C#? – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-04-16T21:13:46.053

1@EmbodimentofIgnorance sounds fine to me. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-16T22:08:53.087


I'm waiting for the solution in Piet

– manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact – 2019-04-17T00:25:57.297

4@manassehkatz Is it just possible that hard-coding the data would be better golf than executing it? – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T08:09:16.230

@AJFaraday I'm not sure but I htink the color names you use are not standard. (At least they do not agree with e.g. CSS color names.) I just know that this caused some confusion in the MathJax answer, so maybe it would be worth adjusting the names in the challenge specs too. – flawr – 2019-04-17T13:52:31.877

@flawr I could spend a LOT of time finding every word to describe these primary and secondary colours. I'm more interested in the hex values, anyway. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T13:53:31.307

I'm trying to do this on a TI-84. I'm only now starting to hate the screen resolution. – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-17T14:12:47.290

@BenjaminUrquhart The "I don't care about size or shape" point is your friend, here. They don't have to be a uniform size or shape, it could be as small as single pixels. Also, please include a photo :) – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T14:17:28.370

1@AJFaraday You don't have to spend a lot of time (even though usually people are encouraged to spend some time writing the challenges), I just suggest using names that are widely used and not using names that are misleading. Concretely please use red, yellow, fuchsia, lime, aqua, blue. If you do not care about the names but just about the RGB codes you should say so in the specs. (and in this case preferably omit the color names completely.) Anything else just results in unnecessary confusion which is not in the sense of this site. – flawr – 2019-04-17T14:26:59.917

@AJFaraday oh that makes things easier. – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-17T16:16:24.420

@AJFaraday here you go

– Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-17T16:33:28.060


Not that it really matters, but I'd personally have used cyan and magenta instead of teal and purple (or anything else). As far as I know, these are the official terms used in printing or subtractive color models such as CMYK.

– Arnauld – 2019-04-19T07:26:14.867

@Arnauld if you compare your comment to the most recent one by flaws, you’ll see why I’m not changing the names of colours in this question. You’re each asking for a different set of names as the “right” ones. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-19T07:31:28.140



Bash, 44

  • 2 bytes saved thanks to @NahuelFouilleul
  • 2 bytes saved thanks to @manatwork
printf "${f=^[[3%dm.}$f$f
" 1 3 5 3 2 6 5 6 4

Here, blocks are . characters. ^[ is a literal ASCII escape character (0x1b).

enter image description here

You can recreate this script as follows:

base64 -d <<< cHJpbnRmICIke2Y9G1szJWRtLn0kZiRmCiIgMSAzIDUgMyAyIDYgNSA2IDQ= >

Digital Trauma

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 64 644

11what the heck? please explain :) – flawr – 2019-04-17T07:28:02.237

1can save 2 bytes using shell expansion printf ${f=\\e[3%dm.}$f$f\\n 1 3 5 3 2 6 5 6 4 – Nahuel Fouilleul – 2019-04-17T07:28:10.123

1This one really brightened my day, thank you! – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T08:29:09.787

4printf \\e[3%dm. 1' expands to \\e[31m. which is the ANSI escape code for red and so on and . is the character to print. – Fredrik Pihl – 2019-04-17T11:10:34.277

3Continuing with @NahuelFouilleul's suggestion, double quote it: printf "${f=^[[3%dm.}$f$f " 1 3 5 3 2 6 5 6 4 (Where ^[ is a literal escape character=1 byte and a literal new line character=1 byte.) – manatwork – 2019-04-17T12:39:51.427

1If you could use extended ASCII instead of UTF 8 you could use "█" (Ascii 219) as it would be 1 byte. – Captain Man – 2019-04-17T18:33:42.703

You can use background colors (escape sequence start with 4 instead of 3) and spaces instead of dots to make it more block-like. – infmagic2047 – 2019-04-18T11:17:40.677

very neat :) I like the assignement of f followed by its use. – Olivier Dulac – 2019-04-18T12:27:04.783


8088 assembly, IBM PC DOS,  44  43 bytes


BE 0122     MOV  SI, OFFSET CTBL    ; load color bar table into [SI]
B9 0001     MOV  CX, 1              ; display 1 char and clear CH (changed by INT 10H:3)
AC          LODSB                   ; load next color byte 
8A D8       MOV  BL, AL             ; move new color to BL
3C 10       CMP  AL, 010H           ; if this is third color in row: SF=0, CF=0 
                                    ; else if last color: SF=1, CF=0
                                    ; else continue on same row: CF=1
B8 09DB     MOV  AX, 09DBH          ; AH=9 (write char with attr), AL=0DBH (a block char) 
CD 10       INT  10H                ; call PC BIOS, display color block
B4 03       MOV  AH, 3              ; get cursor position function
CD 10       INT  10H                ; call PC BIOS, get cursor
72 04       JC   NEXT_COL           ; if not last in row, move to next column 
78 09       JS   EXIT               ; if last color, exit 
B2 FF       MOV  DL, -1             ; otherwise move to first column and next row 
42          INC  DX                 ; move to next column (and/or row)
B4 02       MOV  AH, 2              ; set cursor position function 
CD 10       INT  10H                ; call PC BIOS, set cursor position
EB E2       JMP  LOOP_COLOR         ; loop to next color byte 
C3          RET                     ; return to DOS
CTBL    DB  0CH, 0EH, 1DH, 0EH, 0AH, 1BH, 0DH, 0BH, 91H ; color table

This uses the IBM PC BIOS INT 10H video services to write the color grid to the screen. Unfortunately the only way to write a specific color attribute requires also writing code to place the cursor in the next correct location, so there's a lot of extra code for that.

Here's the output running on an IBM PC CGA (in 40x25 text mode to make it bigger).

enter image description here

Download and test RGBGRID.COM for DOS.


Here's a more verbose explanation, with more detail of what some of these machine code instructions do.

Color table

The colors are stored as bytes in the color table (CTBL) with the 4-bit color value in the low nibble and a flag value in the high nibble. A 1 in the high nibble signals the end of the row and a 9 signals the end of the list.

This is checked using a single CMP instruction which subtracts 0x10 from the color values and sets the result flags. These operands are treated as 8-bit signed values, so the sign flag (positive or negative result) and carry flag (a subtractive borrow was required, meaning the color byte is less than 0x10) are the interesting ones here. These flags are then checked further down for the conditional logic of whether to advance the row, the column or end the program.


High nibble 0 means not the last in the row and not the last in the list:

  • 0x0C - 0x10 = 0xFC -- Result is negative and a carry (borrow) was required

High nibble 1 means it is the last color in the row and not the last in the list:

  • 0x1D - 0x10 = 0x0D -- Result is positive and no borrow

High nibble 9 means it is the last color of the list:

  • 0x91 - 0x10 = 0x81 -- Result is negative and no borrow

Cursor movement

Using the PC BIOS or DOS API for output, the function that allows setting a character color does not automatically advance the cursor, so that has to be done by the program. The cursor position must be fetched each time since the registers are overwritten later by the other functions. The "get" function puts these into the 8-bit registers DL for the column, and DH for the row. These same registers are what is used by the "set" function to move the cursor to a new location.

We can take advantage of the fact that, on x86 architecture DH and DL can be manipulated as a single 16-bit register (DX). To advance to the next column, we increment DX which effectively only increments DL (column position). To advance to the next column we would need to instead increment the row number and set the column to 0. We can do this in only one additional instruction by setting the low nibble (DL) to 0xFF and then continuing the normal program flow incrementing DX. Since we're now looking at DH/DL as a 16-bit value, DL becomes 0 and the carry from 0xFF + 1 is added to DH.


Advance to next column:

DH   DL   DX
 1    1   0101   ; at row 1, column 1
 1    2   0102   ; add one to DX

Advance to next row, first column:

DH   DL   DX
 1    2   0102   ; at row 1, column 2
 1   FF   01FF   ; +set DL to 0xFF
 2    0   0200   ; add one to DX


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 7 149

1Will this work in dos, prib not but would be cool if it did. – marshal craft – 2019-04-17T05:24:34.503

@marshalcraft Yes, in fact this will only work in DOS, or using a DOS emulator such as DOSBox,, etc. I've added a link to download the executable so you can give it a try. – 640KB – 2019-04-17T12:56:10.987

Windows comes with limited dos emulator, probably now called command prompt, which I probably should have said, would be cool if it worked with cmd or PowerShell haha. – marshal craft – 2019-04-17T16:24:52.253

1@marshalcraft You are correct, however since it's for DOS it's a 16-bit executable, and if you have a 32-bit version of Windows it should actually run as it has a 16-bit runtime environment. However a 64-bit edition of Windows won't run it as it only has a 32-bit runtime. – 640KB – 2019-04-17T16:33:05.470

1God this is a cool answer – Samy Bencherif – 2019-04-30T08:55:13.847


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 41 bytes


enter image description here

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 68 bytes

Mathematica has built-ins for all these colors.


enter image description here


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 23 988


80386 machine code, IBM PC DOS, 38 bytes


B0 13 CD 10 68 00 A0 1F 66 C7 06 00 00 28 2C 24
00 66 C7 06 40 01 2C 30 34 00 66 C7 06 80 02 24
34 20 00 CD 16 C3


mov al,13h
int 10h ; initialize vga 13h mode (320x200x256 colors)
push 0a000h
pop ds ; push video buffer address to ds
mov dword ptr ds:0, 242c28h ; print 3 pixels
mov dword ptr ds:320, 34302ch ; print 3 pixels
mov dword ptr ds:640, 203424h ; print 3 pixels
int 16h ; wait for any keypress
ret ; exit to os

scaled output from dosbox:

enter image description here

Iłya Bursov

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 291

Note that mov al, 13h is incorrect unless it is guaranteed by DOSBox to have ah = 0 at the program entrypoint. – Margaret Bloom – 2019-04-17T15:18:10.827

@MargaretBloom ax is 0 at start of com application in ms dos

– Iłya Bursov – 2019-04-17T15:27:09.760

Thanks Iłya, that's good to know! – Margaret Bloom – 2019-04-18T07:13:41.220


Excel VBA (Immediate Window), 80 bytes

For i=1To 9:Cells(i Mod 3+1,(i+1)/3).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid(673486857,i,1):Next

Excel VBA (Function), 96 bytes

Sub g()
For i=1To 9
Cells(i Mod 3+1,(i+1)/3).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid(673486857,i,1)
End Sub

Not a horrible tool for the job... I appreciate the fact that Excel already shows a grid so it is a matter of setting the background color.

Excel Colour Grid

Credit to @Neil for suggesting I use ColorIndex instead of Color leading to a 43 byte savings.

-21 bytes thanks to @Keeta

-16 bytes thanks to @Chronocidal for suggesting the "Immediate Window"

-2 bytes thanks to @i_saw_drones

Lots of changes from my original submission :)


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 2 541

1You could probably do better with ColorIndex as that's a number from 3 to 8 here, which you could encode in a string or something. – Neil – 2019-04-17T08:32:06.810

@Neil - Indeed :) I was able to get it quite a bit shorter using that. Thanks for the tip. – dana – 2019-04-17T17:15:01.590

I didn't see anything that stops you from changing this to Sub F() and End Sub for more savings. – Keeta - reinstate Monica – 2019-04-18T12:46:55.493

You won't need the variable name in the Next statement, either. "Next i" becomes just "Next", saving 2 bytes. – Keeta - reinstate Monica – 2019-04-18T13:13:43.080

Sub g() || For i=2To 10 || Cells((i+1)Mod 3+1,i/3).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid("0367648785",i,1) || Next || End Sub || refactor to make just one for/next loop total is 99 bytes? – Keeta - reinstate Monica – 2019-04-18T13:19:00.217

@Keeta - nice tips :) I'll admit VBA is not a strong suit of mine. I just thought Excel seemed like a natural place to display a grid. – dana – 2019-04-18T13:22:07.510

I tried deleting the space between 1To and got an error. I'll try these out when I get done time though. Thanks for the tips! – dana – 2019-04-18T13:30:02.310

For one more byte, loop 1 to 9 with: Cells(i Mod 3+1,(i+1)/3).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid("673486857",i,1) – Keeta - reinstate Monica – 2019-04-18T13:56:29.247

In many BASIC dialects it’s not neccessary to indicate which FOR loop you end with NEXT, so you can just write Next instead of Next j, Next i, etc. – dulange – 2019-04-18T14:04:07.387

@dulange I think that was already commented on. – Keeta - reinstate Monica – 2019-04-18T14:20:12.743

@Keeta Or change Next j and Next i to Next j,i – Chronocidal – 2019-04-18T15:38:58.787

1Don't make it a function, and run this in the Immediate Window to drop 21 bytes: for i=1 To 3:for j=1 To 3:Cells(i,j).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid("367408005",i*j,1):next j,i – Chronocidal – 2019-04-18T15:40:49.863

1You can also remove quotes from the string, VBA will coerce the number into a string automatically. – i_saw_drones – 2019-04-18T16:16:13.887

lol this answer is approaching mine but I figure what the heck, everyone deserves internet points: you can address an array of cells linearly using [A1:C3].Cells(i). This iterates across then down and removes the need for mods.

– i_saw_drones – 2019-04-18T16:21:26.577

@ i_saw_drones - hah - I didn't realize there was another VBA answer here. I think if I make that change we will literally have the same answer? Looks like you can save a byte by removing a space i=1To 9. – dana – 2019-04-18T16:27:27.813

For i=3To 11:Cells(i\3,i Mod 3+1).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid(367648785,i-2,1):Next for 79 – Taylor Scott – 2019-05-13T19:57:55.677


GFA Basic 2.02 (Atari ST), 48 bytes

A manually edited listing in .LST format. Includes many non-printable characters, whose codes are shown within brackets.

?"[ESC]c[SOH] [ESC]c[ETX] [ESC]c[ENQ] "[CR]
?"[ESC]c[ETX] [ESC]c[STX] [ESC]c[ACK] "[CR]
?"[ESC]c[ENQ] [ESC]c[ACK] [ESC]c[EOT] "[CR]

The operating system of the Atari ST defines extended VT52 commands which are used here.


The output is a block of \$24\times24\$ pixels (9 space characters of \$8\times8\$ pixels).


screenshot from Steem SSE


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 111 334

+1 for making me all nostalgic for my trusty old ST. – Wossname – 2019-04-17T07:56:42.690


SVG, 210 182 bytes

<svg><path d="h3v3h-3" fill=#f0f/><path d="h2v2h-2" fill=#ff0/><path d="m1 1h2v2h-2" fill=#0ff/><line x2=1 stroke=red/><path d="m1 1h1v1h-1" fill=#0f0/><path d="m2 2h1v1" fill=#00f/>

Since the size or shape of the colour blocks doesn't matter, quite a few bytes can be golfed off with this slightly odd layout:

svg layout

SE - stop firing the good guys

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 529

I really like the ingenuity of this solution. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-18T21:05:23.013


ditaa, 118 bytes


This is the output using -E option:

enter image description here


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 351


HTML + CSS, 121 120 bytes

Worst piece of HTML I've ever wrote. One byte save thanks to @Gust van de Wal

<pre><body bgcolor=#f0f text=red>█<b>█

HTML + CSS, 114 bytes (semi valid)

I'm putting this as semi-valid because the blue is not exactly #0000FF blue and also relies on not having clicked the link.

Thanks to @Lynn for the idea

<pre><body bgcolor=#f0f text=red>█<b>█
 █<a href=x>█

IQuick 143

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 229

3You can omit the last closing bracket in the CSS. Also, incredible (and sickening) work! – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-17T21:16:10.720

3You can change the tag names to avoid the default CSS formatting, e.g. <w>, <x>, <y>, and <z>. – darrylyeo – 2019-04-18T19:14:27.603

2<a href=x>█ will be blue by default, saving you some bytes of CSS :) – Lynn – 2019-04-20T00:21:01.577


R, 89 50 48 bytes

Newest version:


Not enough elements in the vector to fill the 3x3 matrix, so it wraps around and reuses the first element.

Old versions:



enter image description here


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 241

3Welcome to PPCG! – Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-04-16T21:45:53.180


wow it's Rainbow Six!

– Yong Quan – 2019-04-18T03:21:18.573

@alephalpha Yikes, I can't believe I missed that. I went ahead and fixed the oldest version and character count – anjama – 2019-04-19T12:22:17.837


Perl 6 (and probably similar for many languages) (31 bytes)

{'ÿ   ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ  ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ  ÿ'}   # replace spaces with ASCII 00
                                  # which I can't seem to enter

This outputs a headless TIFF file, which used to be generated by Photoshop with the file extension .raw and is presumed to be square unless otherwise specified at the time of opening. Playing around with the color depth (if allowed) could reduce this down further.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 928


ffplay (ffmpeg), 93 bytes

ffplay -f rawvideo -s 3x3 -pix_fmt rgb24 "data:/;base64,/wAA//8A/wD///8AAP8AAP///wD/AP//AAD/"


ffplay -f lavfi -i testsrc=s=3x3,geq=r=255*not(X*Y):g=255*not((X-1)*(Y-1)):b=255*not((X-2)*(Y-2))


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 521


Excel-VBA, 89 73 72 70 bytes

Edit: You can use the immediate window and dispense with the Sub/End Sub to save 16 bytes:

For i=1To 9:[A:C].Cells(i).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid(367648785,i,1):Next

Original answer:

Sub a()
For i=1To 9
End Sub

This was inspired by Neil's suggestion on this answer, and is my first submission!


Result Grid

-2 bytes: Removal of cell row numbers - thanks to Taylor Scott!


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 413

3Welcome to PPCG! – Johan du Toit – 2019-04-17T14:50:54.893

1Thank you! Hopefully I'll learn some tricks from the masters :) – i_saw_drones – 2019-04-18T16:33:02.817

For i=1To 9:[A:C].Cells(i).Interior.ColorIndex=Mid(367648785,i,1):Next for 70 – Taylor Scott – 2019-05-13T19:59:14.477


MATL, 44 23 21 20 19 bytes

A direct port of my Octave answer with the suggestions from @ExpiredData and @LuisMendo.


try it online


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 40 560


Octave/MATLAB, 57 56 40 bytes

-17 byte thanks to @ExpiredData! Check out their even golfier solution!


Try it online!


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 40 560

1Does just image work instead of imshow? Don't have a Matlab license any more and I'm on phone so can't test it – Expired Data – 2019-04-17T06:35:04.963

2@ExpiredData Thanks a lot, that works indeed! – flawr – 2019-04-17T06:52:01.433


You can probably do this too Try it online!

– Expired Data – 2019-04-17T06:57:16.910

1@ExpiredData ---Very nice trick, thanks a lot! :)--- why don't you post this as an own answer? – flawr – 2019-04-17T07:03:13.917

Great then here's two more bytes off Try it online!

– Expired Data – 2019-04-17T07:05:16.950

Seriously, please post this as your own answer I feel like I did a lot less than half the work:) – flawr – 2019-04-17T07:06:37.367

3Ok I will do that – Expired Data – 2019-04-17T07:07:36.603


\$\Large{\mathbf{\TeX} \left(\text{MathJax}\right)},~122\,\text{bytes}\$

$$ \def\c#1{\color{#1}{\rule{5em}{5em}}} \c{red} \c{yellow} \c{fuchsia} \\ \c{yellow} \c{lime} \c{aqua} \\ \c{fuchsia} \c{aqua} \c{blue} $$




\coloredBox{fuchsia} \\
\coloredBox{aqua}    \\


  1. Thanks to @flawr for pointing out how to fix the colors!

  2. Could shave off \$14\,\text{bytes}\$ by replacing \rule{5em}{5em} with , which'd look like$$ \def\d#1{\color{#1}{▉}} \d{red} \d{yellow} \d{fuchsia} \\ \d{yellow} \d{lime} \d{aqua} \\ \d{fuchsia} \d{aqua} \d{blue} $$

    , but just doesn't look quite the same.

  3. Could probably shave off a few more bytes by finding color names that acceptably resemble the intended colors.

  4. Just to show what a decently \$\mathrm{\TeX}\text{'d}\$ version of this would look like:$$ {\newcommand{\rotate}[2]{{\style{transform-origin: center middle; display: inline-block; transform: rotate(#1deg); padding: 50px}{#2}}}} {\def\place#1#2#3{\smash{\rlap{\hskip{#1em}\raise{#2em}{#3}}}}} {\def\placeBox#1#2#3{\place{#1}{#2}{\color{#3}{\rule{5em}{5em}}}}} {\def\placeLabelTop#1#2#3{\place{#1}{#2}{\large{\textbf{#3}}}}} {\def\placeLabelLeft#1#2#3{\place{#1}{#2}{\rotate{-90}{\large{\textbf{#3}}}}}} \placeLabelTop{1.1}{15.5}{Red} \placeLabelTop{5.5}{15.5}{Green} \placeLabelTop{11.2}{15.5}{Blue} \placeLabelLeft{-6.2}{13.6}{Red} \placeLabelLeft{-7.1}{8.5}{Green} \placeLabelLeft{-6.5}{3.5}{Blue} \placeBox{0}{10}{red} \placeBox{5}{10}{yellow} \placeBox{10}{10}{fuchsia} \placeBox{0}{5}{yellow} \placeBox{5}{5}{lime} \placeBox{10}{5}{aqua} \placeBox{0}{0}{fuchsia} \placeBox{5}{0}{aqua} \placeBox{10}{0}{blue} \place{15.1}{0}{\large{.}} \phantom{\rule{15em}{16.5em}} $$


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 499

1I think your colors are not correct. But apart from that I'd upvote your post if only for the title:) – flawr – 2019-04-17T06:56:00.540

@flawr Yeah, they look different than the ones in the question statement, but I figured that if that's how $\mathrm{\TeX}$ renders those colors by the names given in the question statement, hopefully it'll be close enough. =P – Nat – 2019-04-17T06:56:57.487

1It seems mathjax uses the css color names. So you could replace purple with fuchsia and teal with aqua and green with lime then things would be correct I think. – flawr – 2019-04-17T07:02:45.897

Just to note it: The above could be golf'd a bit more by removing some {}'s. But that'd violate too many clean coding principles for my sanity. =P – Nat – 2019-04-17T08:49:05.890

5Just note that the PPCG community was never famous for its sanity. If anything probably for the lack thereof. – flawr – 2019-04-17T08:51:04.563

@Nat check out the HTML/CSS solution then – ASCII-only – 2019-04-17T09:47:00.593

\rule{5em}{5em} -> \rule 5em 5em – ASCII-only – 2019-04-17T10:01:57.097

The \color{something} command doesn't take a text argument like \textcolor{something}{tex to be coloured}, rather it's a switch, so you can save two bytes by removing the extra pair of braces around \rule: \def\c#1{\color{#1}\rule{5em}{5em}}. Also, in proper TeX ~ is an active character so you can replace all \c by ~ and save a couple more bytes. Don't know about MathJax though. – Phelype Oleinik – 2019-04-17T11:30:29.990


Lua + LÖVE/Love2D, 186 183 bytes

t={[0>1]=0,[0<1]=1}l=love function l.draw()for i=1,3 do for j=1,3 do g.setColor(t[i<2 or j<2],t[i==2 or j==2],t[i>2 or j>2])g.rectangle('fill',j*10,i*10,10,10)end end end

Try it online!

enter image description here

My first code golf entry!


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 161

1Welcome to Code Golf! Nice work! – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T09:17:34.817

1I think you could use expressions in your truth table: t={[0>1]=0,[0<1]=1}. – manatwork – 2019-04-17T13:00:07.333

1@manatwork Smart! – Sheepolution – 2019-04-17T20:30:12.750

another löver, nice to see you here – Lycea – 2019-06-03T08:59:42.960


Factorio Blueprint String, 705 bytes

I admit, I'm just pushing the limits of what counts as a solution.


Produced output when placed in-game (low graphics settings used):

enter image description here

To prove that it is a valid solution you need to sample this grid of pixels which do match the specification exactly:

enter image description here

The rest of the image is classified as a border or a spacing which, as said in the question, doesn't matter.

IQuick 143

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 229


HTML/CSS, 278 141 137 bytes


-137 bytes thanks to commenters, most notably @data
-4 bytes thanks to @Einacio

Uses Unicode (U+2588) for the "blocks", and uses CSS classes/inline style to color them.

I think the <font> tags could be golfed more, however changing them to a shorter tag such as <a> breaks the color attribute


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 9 656

1Leave out </td>, the browser is smart enough to automatically add this closing tag – Ferrybig – 2019-04-16T20:01:18.460

3If using deprecated elements, you can also specify the background color of a cell using <td bgcolor=#f00> – Ferrybig – 2019-04-16T20:03:49.903

2Maybe a noob question, but can't you avoid using the table and just print the █ and go to a new line with <br>? – frarugi87 – 2019-04-17T07:34:30.797

1@frarugi87 yes - 235 total: <span style="color:red">█<span class=a>█<span class=b>█<br><span class=a>█<span style="color:#0f0">█<span class=c>█<br><span class=b>█<span class=c>█<span style="color:#00f">█ – ASCII-only – 2019-04-17T08:47:36.957

1@ASCII-only b{color:#ff0}u{color:#f0f}i{color:#0ff}

<pre><font color=red>█<b>█<u>█ <b>█<font color=lime>█<i>█ <u>█<i>█<font color=blue>█ – data – 2019-04-17T12:19:00.170

@ASCII-only then you can also golf out 18 bytes by using the <a> tag rather than <span> one – frarugi87 – 2019-04-17T12:41:07.140

okidokes let's implement some golfing then – Skidsdev – 2019-04-17T13:20:09.750


<pre><font color=red>█<a>█<b>█ <a>█<i>█<u>█ <b>█<u>█<s>█` for 138 bytes – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-17T21:12:51.107

@GustvandeWal, why do you need the font tag anyway? you can just use a custom tag, like <r> and it will work just fine for one less byte (actually I think it will work better, as it is not a deprecated tag :p)

<m>█<c>█<l>█``` (I'm using `<l>` for b**l**ue to avoid the default bold style, at it looks nicer now
 – Einacio  – 2019-04-18T11:18:58.957

1@Einacio, oh of course. Custom tags... pre{color:red}y{color:#ff0}m{color:#f0f}g{color:#0f0}c{color:#0ff}l{color:#00f <pre>█<y>█<m>█ <y>█<g>█<c>█ <m>█<c>█<l>█ is another byte shorter, by the way – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-18T22:10:59.650

Adding on to @GustvandeWal's comment you should be able to -3 bytes by removing the pre from the CSS statement too. Or in the case of the version you currently have posted, remove the r from CSS and the <r> tag from the HTML. – 640KB – 2019-05-14T14:40:27.570


JavaScript, 108 102 bytes


No snippet because this only works in a real browser console and not the snippet's console. Edit: Thanks to @AJFaraday for the screenshot. Explanation: Browsers allow the first parameter of console.log to include substitutions. The %c substitution takes a parameter and applies it as (sanitised) CSS. Each block is therefore coloured using the appropriate substring of f0ff00f0 interpreted as a three-hex-digit colour code.

Example of code execution


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 95 035

1I don't get how this works? – marshal craft – 2019-04-17T05:25:59.313

1@marshalcraft %c is used to create a format string, the arguments being CSS styles for the text after it – ASCII-only – 2019-04-17T08:43:32.193

1So this is basically like dos versions but with chrome browser? – marshal craft – 2019-04-17T16:26:42.907

1Just curious but how did you go about finding the shortest possible chain of fs/0s to use? – Marie – 2019-04-17T18:03:28.030

2@Marie I started by noting that ff0ff contains all the mixed colours and 00f00 contains all the pure colours. If you concatenate them you get duplicate positions for ff0 and f00 so you can then remove the first and last characters. I then wrote a short script to check all 7-character strings to ensure that 8 was optimal. – Neil – 2019-04-17T19:38:30.923

Gotcha, I did about the same thing except I had a 9 character solution. Just for reference, because I thought it was a neat solution, I checked with a script like this [ Array(2**8).map((_,i)=>i.toString("2")).filter(s=>allColors.every(c => s.indexOf(c) > -1)) – Marie – 2019-04-22T16:11:35.760


HTML (GIF), 108 bytes

It's the battle of the web-based image formats! (Any TIF or JPG contenders out there?)

Answer by @A C.

<img src=>

HTML (BMP), 116 115 bytes

Answer by @ASCII-only.

<img src=>

HTML (WebP), 116 bytes

Answer by @Hohmannfan.

<img src=>

HTML (PNG), 151 136 135 bytes

-15 bytes thanks to @Hohmannfan.


Also, see my CSS and SVG answers.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 6 214

3Good idea but.. It seems to me that a 89 bytes file for a 9 pixel image is a bit too much. Maybe manually writing a BMP header can golf this down. If I'm not wrong, the bare minimum header is 26 bytes, plus 12 of actual data (3 rows of 4 pixels) can trim the image down to 38 bytes, which in base64 means 51 or 52 characters rather than 119 – frarugi87 – 2019-04-17T08:26:28.820

2118: <img src="">. 14 byte file header, 12 byte application header, 9 of actual data per row (+3 to pad to multiple of 4), yeah – ASCII-only – 2019-04-17T09:13:12.863

You might be able to strip /png, since browsers will detect the file type automatically. FF 66 even allows removal of image/png. – Thomas Weller – 2019-04-17T09:55:44.623

Sorry for stupid question but is this html tag basically creating png? I just ask cause I've asked on s.e. How to make png with html and j.s. And there are other questions on it as well and typical answer was something with urls and what not. I'd like to understand this method. – marshal craft – 2019-04-17T16:28:36.463


– mastov – 2019-04-18T09:41:20.193

2I haven't counted, but I suspect that <img src=""> is shorter – A C – 2019-04-18T13:08:18.230

2Here's a png file that's 15 bytes smaller when base64 encoded: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAMAAAADCAIAAADZSiLoAAAAFElEQVR4AWP4z8Dw/z8DEIIodB4A4D0O8pOGuTgAAAAASUVORK5CYII= – SE - stop firing the good guys – 2019-04-18T18:56:54.503

2To continue the format battle, here's a lossless WebP solution. I can't cut it down anymore without violating the spec, so it narrowly beaten by BMP at 116 bytes. <img src=> – SE - stop firing the good guys – 2019-04-18T19:12:40.947

@Hohmannfan your solution shows as a broken image for me (Safari) – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-18T19:39:14.397

@BenjaminUrquhart Safari does not support the WebP format:

– SE - stop firing the good guys – 2019-04-18T19:42:01.853

@Hohmannfan I guess I can blame apple then – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-18T19:42:30.157


Octave, 38 bytes


Try it online!

Expired Data

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 3 129


Node.js, 79 bytes

require('fs').writeFile(a='P',a+[...'3331100110101110010011101011001'].join` `)

Produces a file named "P" in the PPM format containing the color grid.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 3 494


dc (on xterm), 64 bytes

Fi16[AP]sF36dD6r31 101dD6rD1[1CP61P[38;5;]Pn[mX]Pz3%0=Fz0<M]dsMx

You'll just get a bunch of wacky escape codes instead of colors, but you can still try it online!

By my understanding, the 16 basic ANSI colors are free to be interpreted however the terminal wants. On the other hand, the 216 colors in the xterm color cube have explicit RGB values. I am using these codes and printing a grid of Xs:

buncha colorful 'x's

First we set the input radix to base 15 with Fi. This costs two bytes, but gives back three, so... a net gain of a byte (and a big ol' loss in readability). Next we're trying to get our color values onto the stack. In decimal, this would be 21 51 201 51 46 226 201 226 196, but we're in wacky mode so it's going to be 16 36 D6 36 31 101 D6 101 D1. We eliminate one of the spaces by slotting in a macro we need to define at some point, [AP]sF (which simply prints a line feed). We can shrink 36 D6 36 and 101 D6 101 by placing the first value on the stack, duplicating it, placing the second, and then swapping (36dD6r, 101dD6r).

Macro M handles the printing and whatnot. 1CP prints the escape character. Brackets are used to delimit strings, and as far as I know are not escapable, so we need to print the bracket with an ASCII value as well, 61P. [38;5;]P is the 'set foreground color from the numbered list' code. n prints the value from the top of the stack w/o a newline, popping it. [mX]P ends the code and prints an 'X'. z3%0=F checks the stack depth mod 3, running our line feed macro F when necessary. z0<M keeps M running as long as there's stuff on the stack. dsMx to run.

Note that if you run this in dc in an xterm, it'll leave your foreground color blue. 1CP61P74P (input shown in the screenshot) should reset this.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 291


Blockly turtle, 45 blocks

Try it online!

How about we play a little game of finding the most ridiculous tool for the job?


The glorious output of this glorious piece of crappy programming

The program (as a screenshot for additional heresy):

The program as a screenshot for additional heresy

Note: The grayed out blocks are also counted towards the metric.

IQuick 143

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 229

1I’d love that to be a standard PCG challenge! Instead it happens organically on some code golf puzzles – AJFaraday – 2019-04-19T08:00:50.443


TI-Basic, x bytes (will score when I can)

Note: content filter is blocking me from looking up the token sizes for each of these commands. If anyone wants to score for me, go for it.


This look really bad on my little calculator screen. But hey, shape doesn't matter :^)

Golf output:

enter image description here

Modified for 8x larger output:

enter image description here

TI-BASIC, x bytes

Using Pxl-On instead of Text:



enter image description here

Blown up ~11x:

enter image description here

Benjamin Urquhart

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 262

It's 180 characters, excluding line breaks. I'm not sure how/if line breaks are counted in code golf. – Nat – 2019-04-18T20:09:00.983

4Yes, but TI-BASIC is a tokenized language - for example, the interpreter sees TextColor as 2 bytes, not 9 as you would expect @Nat – Benjamin Urquhart – 2019-04-18T22:00:16.370


Jelly, 16 bytes


Try it online!

Niladic link or full program that produces a portable pixmap format image of the desired grid.

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 11 829


C++, SFML, 177 bytes

int d[]={255,65535,0xFF00FF,65535,65280,0xFFFF00,0xFF00FF,0xFFFF00,0xFF0000};void f(){sf::Image g;g.create(3,3,(sf::Uint8*)d);g.saveToFile("a.jpg");}

Uses sf::Image::create(int,int,unsigned char*) method to create an image with rgb values in it


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 891

You can shave off one byte by writing 0xFF0000 as 255<<16. – Broxzier – 2019-04-23T07:06:31.817

1Taking it a bit further, you can save 13 bytes by defining the R/G/B colour values in variables before the array: int b=255<<16,g=65280,r=255,d[]={r,g|r,b|r,g|r,g,b|g,b|r,b|g,b}; – Broxzier – 2019-04-23T21:35:27.527


C#, 248 204 198 bytes

class P{static void Main(){for(int i=0;i<12;i++){foreach(dynamic n in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ConsoleColor)))if((""+n)[0]=="RYMRYGCRMCBR"[i])Console.BackgroundColor=n;Console.Write(i%4<3?" ":"\n");}}}

enter image description here

Johan du Toit

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 524


BASIC C64, 106 bytes

0 POKE53281,0
1 DATA144,28,158,156,144,13,158,30,159,144,13,156,159,31,144

enter image description here

Johan du Toit

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 524


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 72 bytes


enter image description here


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 15 931


CSS, 147 138 bytes

Uses the box-shadow and background properties.

html{width:1em;height:1em;background:#f0f;box-shadow:red 0 1em,#ff0 1em 1em,#ff0 0 2em,#0f0 1em 2em,#0ff 2em 2em,#0ff 1em 3em,#00f 2em 3em

-9 bytes (Gust van de Wal): Make background magenta to cover for two pixels instead of one.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 6 214

1html{width:3px;height:3px;background:#f0f;box-shadow:red 0 3px,#ff0 3px 3px,#ff0 0 6px,#0f0 3px 6px,#0ff 6px 6px,#0ff 3px 9px,#00f 6px 9px for 138 bytes – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-17T21:39:08.443

1To improve visibility, replace px with em or mm. Also, use html instead of body. Here's the CSS: html{width:1em;height:1em;background:red;box-shadow:#ff0 1em 0,#f0f 2em 0,#ff0 0 1em,#0f0 1em 1em,#0ff 2em 1em,#f0f 0 2em,#0ff 1em 2em,#00f 2em 2em – Ismael Miguel – 2019-04-18T16:07:23.997

Just figured that you can make the yellow and cyan shadows bigger and overlap everything: html{width:2em;height:2em;background:#f0f;box-shadow:red 0 2em,#0f0 2em 4em,#00f 4em 6em,#ff0 1em 3em 0 1em,#0ff 3em 5em 0 1em, 126 bytes – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-18T22:40:32.230


PostScript, 195 bytes

Output look closer: enter image description here

/r{rlineto}def/s{newpath moveto 0 1 r 1 0 r 0 -1 r closepath setrgbcolor fill}def
1 0 0 0 2 s
1 1 0 1 2 s
1 0 1 2 2 s
1 1 0 0 1 s
0 1 0 1 1 s
0 1 1 2 1 s
1 0 1 0 0 s
0 1 1 1 0 s
0 0 1 2 0 s

To test just paste the code in a blank file and save as and open in a pdf viewer.

To enlarge the output add 50 50 scale (or some other number) on the second line of the file.

Phelype Oleinik

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 110


CSS, 157 155 147 139 bytes

html{height:100%;background-blend-mode:screen;--:red 33%,#0f0 0 67%,blue 0;background:linear-gradient(90deg,var(--)),linear-gradient(var(--

Unlike @darrylyeo's answer no zooming is required (or possible!) I just wanted to show off background-blend-mode, despite it being far too long a keyword for code golf. Edit: Saved 2 10 bytes with help from @GustvandeWal. Saved a further 8 bytes thanks to @darrylyeo.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 95 035

html can be replaced with * (3 bytes. Will make it a bit ugly) - All offset values to some value below 10 (8 bytes. Makes it a LOT more ugly) - Last offset value to 0 (2 bytes) - height to 99% (1 byte) - Omit last closing bracket (1 byte) – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-17T21:30:00.923

@GustvandeWal I decided against those changes that made the result ugly, but I was able to rearrange my CSS so that I could omit not one but two closing brackets, so thanks for the tip. – Neil – 2019-04-17T22:14:55.957

You can still change the last 67%s to 0s – Gust van de Wal – 2019-04-17T23:30:42.910

@GustvandeWal Better still, I can change 4 values to 0s and I'm now tying with @darrylyeo's answer! – Neil – 2019-04-17T23:40:59.633

-8 bytes if you use CSS variables! html{height:100%;background-blend-mode:screen;--:red 33%,#0f0 0 67%,blue 0;background:linear-gradient(90deg,var(--)),linear-gradient(var(-- – darrylyeo – 2019-04-18T18:58:01.447

1@darrylyeo I had wondered whether there was a way of avoiding the repetition; thanks for letting me know! – Neil – 2019-04-18T19:06:04.027


[x86 Assembly], 42 bytes

org 100h
   mov al,13h
   int 10h
   push 40960
   pop es
   xor di,di
   mov bp,8
L: mov eax,[C+bp]
   add di,316
   sub bp,4
jnc L

C: dd 00203424h, 0034302ch, 00242c28h

enter image description here


00000000  B013              mov al,0x13
00000002  CD10              int 0x10
00000004  6800A0            push word 0xa000
00000007  07                pop es
00000008  31FF              xor di,di
0000000A  BD0800            mov bp,0x8
0000000D  668B861E01        mov eax,[bp+0x11e]
00000012  66AB              stosd
00000014  81C73C01          add di,0x13c
00000018  83ED04            sub bp,byte +0x4
0000001B  73F0              jnc 0xd
0000001D  C3                ret
0000001E  0024              add [si],ah
00000020  3420              xor al,0x20
00000022  002C              add [si],ch
00000024  3034              xor [si],dh
00000026  0028              add [bx+si],ch
00000028  2C24              sub al,0x24

Natural Number Guy

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 211

Cool answer! Can you post the byte code or xxd dump for this? – 640KB – 2019-05-01T14:42:13.083


Raw PPM image, 36 bytes

$ xxd image.ppm
00000000: 5036 2033 2033 2031 0a01 0000 0101 0001  P6 3 3 1........
00000010: 0001 0101 0000 0100 0001 0101 0001 0001  ................
00000020: 0100 0001

It might not fit the requirements, but it's fun to include anyway as a benchmark.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 121

1Just a reference, use P3 is 62 bytes: P3 3 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 – tsh – 2019-04-18T19:16:55.760


Python 2, 74 48 47 bytes


Depends on system colors (this assumes 'bright' colors are pure RGB values), but works by modifying the foreground color of #s in the terminal.

-26 bytes thanks to xnor

-5 bytes by realizing the color blocks don't need to be rectangles, +4 bytes from miscounting


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 6 651

You don't need to use loops here, string multiplication suffices: print('\033[10%sm '*3+'\n')*3%tuple('135326564') – xnor – 2019-04-18T02:33:11.150

@xnor thanks, but it turns out I had to add \033[0m before the \n because of some interaction with \n coloring the entire next line – Beefster – 2019-04-18T19:48:16.410


Python Turtle, 202 bytes, inspired by Aaron F's answer

import turtle as m
for c in["red"]+y+["#0f0"]+y:t.color(c);t.stamp();a={2:270,5:90}.get(i,0);l(a);t.fd(21);l(a);i+=1


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 121

Very nice! I was wondering today whether turtle.color() accepted short colour codes :-) – Aaron F – 2019-04-18T17:02:44.117


x86 machine code, 16-bit, MS-DOS, EGA display, 40 39 bytes


68 80 b8 07 31 ff be 1e 01 b9 09 00 2e 8a 24 46
b0 db d0 ec ab 73 04 81 c7 9a 00 e2 ef c3 18 1c
1b 1c 14 17 1a 16 02

Execution log:


It writes the "bar" character with various attributes to display memory, starting from address b8800 (display memory starts at b8000; I added an offset to move the output to a better place on the screen).

I could use the fact that display memory is filled with space characters, and change their background instead of overwriting them with the bar character, but for best match I needed bright colours, and they are not supported as background.

I developed the code using in a DOS emulator here. Source code:

; the following should read "push b880" but cannot emit this instruction
db 68, 80, b8
pop es
xor di, di
mov si, 11e
mov cx, 9
; 10c (loop target)
mov ah, [si]
inc si
mov al, db
shr ah, 1
jnc 11b
add di, 9a
; 11b (jump target)
loop 10c
db 18, 1c, 1b, 1c, 14, 17, 1a, 16, 02


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 10 719


GeoGebra Script, 157 bytes


Try it online!


screenshot of the output


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 161


HTML, 150 bytes

<table bgcolor=#0ff><td bgcolor=red><td bgcolor=#ff0><td bgcolor=#f0f><tr><td bgcolor=#ff0><td bgcolor=#0f0><tr><td bgcolor=#f0f><td><td bgcolor=#00f>

HTML, 151 bytes

<table bgcolor=#0ff><td bgcolor=#f00><td bgcolor=#ff0><td bgcolor=#f0f><tr><td bgcolor=#ff0><td bgcolor=#0f0><tr><td bgcolor=#f0f><td><td bgcolor=#00f>


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 41


Python 2, 216 bytes

print(''.join(['\033[0;37;'+`l[i+j*3]`+'m \033[0m'+'\n'*(j==2)for i in range(3)for j in range(3)]))

Unfortunately, this code does not work well with TIO, but here is a link regardless: Try it online!

Henry T

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 381

1Thanks for the answer, Henry. It might be nice to include a to execute this code. – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T08:15:21.970

@AJFaraday unfortunately, it doesn't work in TIO, but I will provide a link regardless. – Henry T – 2019-04-17T08:28:01.130

A language does not need to be in TIO to be allowed. I did mine in Tcl/Tk as so many answers I posted before, and no one was rejected because of your observation. – sergiol – 2019-06-19T00:32:05.227


Javascript, 134 131 111 bytes

for(n=0,i=12;--i;)document.write(i%4?'<font color=#'+'f00ff0f0fff00f00fff0f0ff00f'.substr(n++*3,3)+'>█':'<br>')

Johan du Toit

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 524

You can save one byte by using string interpolation for the font tag – Marie – 2019-04-17T16:15:21.360


I don't know if this is allowed. turtle is a built-in, but it relies on TK, which might not always be available (eg. TIO doesn't like this).

Anyway, it was fun to do. Tried to get it as small as possible while still using Turtle. (269 bytes because those spaces aren't spaces, they're tabs!)

Python 2 or 3, 269 bytes

import turtle
for c in ["red"]+y+["green"]+y+["blue"]:
    if i==9:
    elif i%3==0:
        a=90 if i==6 else 270

Aaron F

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 141

1I’m not that hot on the rules of code golf, but that seems fine to me. And I love that you did it this way :) – AJFaraday – 2019-04-17T19:23:46.280

A language does not need to be in TIO to be allowed. I did mine in Tcl/Tk as so many answers I posted before, and no one was rejected because of your observation. – sergiol – 2019-06-19T00:31:16.040


Pyth, 25 bytes


The online interpreter doesn't show generated images, so this program must be run locally. It generates a 3x3 pixel image like the one in the question.


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 497


SVG, 212 bytes

Uses the CSS property mix-blend-mode: lighten.

<svg><g fill=red><path d="M0 0h3v1H0z"/><path d="M0 0h1v3H0z"/><g fill=lime><path d="M0 1h3v1H0z"/><path d="M1 0h1v3H1z"/><g fill=blue><path d="M0 2h3v1H0z"/><path d="M2 0h1v3H2z"/><style>*{mix-blend-mode:lighten

SVG, 276 240 bytes

Previous answer using <rect> instead of <path>.

<svg><g fill=red><rect width=3 height=1 /><rect width=1 height=3 /><g fill=lime><rect width=3 height=1 y=1 /><rect width=1 height=3 x=1 /><g fill=blue><rect width=3 height=1 y=2 /><rect width=1 height=3 x=2 /><style>*{mix-blend-mode:lighten


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 6 214


Processing, 225 210 chars/bytes

Exhilarating code, I know.


enter image description here

Robert S.

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 1 253

1Unless there is something magic about 30 & 60, change to single-digit values (e.g., 4, 8 would give you the maximum) and that will save you 7 bytes. – manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact – 2019-04-23T22:50:19.320

1Actually, with a=3 instead of 30, get rid of a altogether and just hardcode the 3s and remove the first line = 9 more bytes. – manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact – 2019-04-24T04:27:23.300

1@manassehkatz Was able to save 15 bytes. The 30 and 60 were mainly to make the image big enough, which isn't necessary for the challenge. Thanks. – Robert S. – 2019-04-24T14:44:56.817


Ruby with Shoes, 89 characters{n=0..2{|i|{|j|fill{|e|i==e||j==e ?:F:0}*''
rect i*9,j*9,9,9}}}

Sample output:

Shoes window screenshot with RGB color grid


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 17 865

If you leave out *9 and change the other 9s to 1s, will that give 1-pixel color squares? If so, that will save 4 bytes. But if that would result in "borders without insides" then leave it as is. – manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact – 2019-04-24T14:44:46.480

1@manassehkatz, unfortunately that would result only borders. nostroke would turn off the borders and the filled rectangles would appear, but not with the desired colors as kind of antialiasing would be performed on the rectangles' margins. strokewidth 0 would solve that, but would exceed the 4 characters gain. :( – manatwork – 2019-04-24T15:09:34.513


[C64 Assembly], 58 bytes

Machine code:

01 08 0b 08 e3 07 9e 32 30 35 39 20 a2 03 ca
a9 a0 9d 20 04 9d 28 04 9d 50 04 bd 30 08 9d
20 d8 bd 33 08 9d 28 d8 bd 36 08 9d 50 d8 d0
e0 4c 2d 08 02 07 04 07 05 03 04 03 06

Assembly code:

    .word (+), 2019     ;line number
    .null $9e, ^+       ;sys <start>
    ldx #$03
        lda #$a0    
        sta $0400,x
        sta $0428,x
        sta $0450,x

        lda tabcol+0,x
        sta $d800,x
        lda tabcol+3,x
        sta $d828,x
        lda tabcol+6,x
        sta $d850,x
    bne loop
    jmp *

.byte $02,$07,$04,$07,$05,$03,$04,$03,$06

enter image description here

Natural Number Guy

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 211

I have a feeling it might be possible to reduce it even further with some self-modifying code and/or using Indirect-indexed addressing. Also if its smaller to fit zeropage address: $7c - ? also the sys loading bytes can be stripped. – Natural Number Guy – 2019-05-01T21:52:59.737


PostScript, 77 61 bytes


3 3 1[.1 0 0 .1 0 0]<AC80C9809A8>false 3 colorimage



Thomas Fritsch

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 361


Racket (BSL + 2htdp/image), 152 bytes

(define(s q)(star 9 'solid q))(above(beside(s 'red)(s 'yellow)(s 'magenta))(beside(s 'yellow)(s 'green)(s 'cyan))(beside(s 'magenta)(s 'cyan)(s 'blue)))


(define (s q) (star 9 'solid q))
 (beside (s 'red) (s 'yellow) (s 'magenta))
 (beside (s 'yellow) (s 'green) (s 'cyan))
 (beside (s 'magenta) (s 'cyan) (s 'blue)))

color grid

star was the shortest shape. Overall a pretty boring answer. I'll try to come up with a more interesting one when time permits.

Comrade SparklePony

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 5 784


Tcl/Tk, 208 bytes

gri [can .c]
proc O {x y z w C\ #FF0} {.c cr o $x $y $z $w -f $C}
O 2 2 5 5 red
O 8 2 11 5
O 14 2 17 5 #F0F
O 2 8 5 11
O 8 8 11 11 #0F0
O 14 8 17 11 #0FF
O 2 14 5 17 #F0F
O 8 14 11 17 #0FF
O 14 14 17 17 #00F


  • There is an Enter on bottom
  • Ran in interactive shell to have commands' abbreviations enabled by default.

enter image description here


Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 3 055


Python 123 bytes

from matplotlib.pyplot import*;r=0,1,2;imshow([[[2.if i==j==k else 1if(i==k)|(j==k)else 0for k in r]for j in r]for i in r])

matplotlib's imshow output

Seeing no one took advantage of matplotlib in a graphical-output challenge I figured it had to be done for completion.


We can take advantage of the fact that matplotlib will autolevel our colors if we give it floating point data instead of integer data. This means we don't have to worry about specifying specific color values, just the correct ratios. So a red pixel we can define as (2, 0 ,0) and a yellow pixel we can define as (1, 1, 0). All we have to do is make sure at least one of these elements is a float, and matplotlib will automatically scale it to the proper 255-bit color for us.

Ungolfed code for clarity.

from matplotlib.pyplot import *
r = (0, 1, 2)
image = [[[0 for i in r] for i in r] for i in r]
for i in r:
    for j in r:
        for k in r:
            if i==j==k: #matching pixel for diagonal element
                image[i][j][k] = 2.
            elif i==k or j==k: #matching pixel for partial component
                image[i][j][k] = 1

Joe Habel

Posted 2019-04-16T16:00:14.840

Reputation: 179