Most Common Multiple


Not to be confused with Least Common Multiple.

Given a list of positive integers with more than one element, return the most common product of two elements in the array.

For example, the MCM of the list [2,3,4,5,6] is 12, as a table of products is:

    2  3  4  5  6
2 | #  6  8  10 12
3 | #  #  12 15 18
4 | #  #  #  20 24
5 | #  #  #  #  30
6 | #  #  #  #  #

Thanks DJMcMayhem for the table

As 12 appears the most times (two times as 2*6 and 3*4). Note that we aren't including the product of an element and itself, so 2*2 or 4*4 do not not appear in this list. However, identical elements will still be multiplied, so the table for [2,3,3] looks like:

    2  3  3
2 | #  6  6 
3 | #  #  9
3 | #  #  #

With the MCM being 6.

In the event of a tie, you may return any of the tied elements, or a list of all of them.

  • This is , so the shortest byte count for each language wins!


[2,3,4,5,6] -> 12
[7,2] -> 14
[2,3,3] -> 6
[3,3,3] -> 9
[1,1,1,1,2,2] -> 2
[6,200,10,120] -> 1200
[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8] -> 24
[5,2,9,10,3,4,4,4,7] -> 20
[9,7,10,9,7,8,5,10,1] -> 63, 70, 90 or [63,70,90]

Jo King

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 38 234

Sandbox (deleted) – Jo King – 2018-08-06T10:39:34.607

5Suggested test case: one where all elements are the same (i.e. [3,3,3] -> 9). With all your current test cases filtering out any pairs where elements are the same (even for test cases like [2,3,3] containing the same values) will still hold the correct test-results, but will fail for this test case because none will remain after filtering. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-06T12:07:30.723

@Kevin Good suggestion, added – Jo King – 2018-08-06T12:38:59.330



Brachylog, 11 bytes


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{   }ᶠ          Find all:
 ⊇Ċ×              Product of a subset of 2 elements
      ọtᵒ       Order by occurrences
         th     Take the last element and discard the number of occurrences


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 32 976

I don't know how code golf usually works but aren't some of these characters outside the standard 256 code points and therefore multiple bytes each? – Holloway – 2018-08-07T12:02:05.860


@Holloway Brachylog uses a custom code page

– Fatalize – 2018-08-07T12:07:13.423


R, 54 50 41 bytes


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Alternatively, for 54 53 44 bytes:


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In principle, the latter version outputs the relevant result even without the names function, but followed by the count of such most frequent products, which isn't asked for...

Thanks to CriminallyVulgar for -4 and -1, and Giuseppe for -9 on both.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 6 693


On the second on you can use -table() instead of descending=TRUE for -1. I really like the cleverness of the first one though. EDIT: Just realised you can also apply that to the first one for -4, so there's that. Try it online!

– CriminallyVulgar – 2018-08-06T12:59:15.343

1combn(scan(),2,prod) works instead of using apply – Giuseppe – 2018-08-06T13:24:50.020


Jelly, 6 bytes


Try it online! or Check out the test suite.

How it works

ŒcP€Æṃ – Full program / Monadic link.
Œc     – Unordered pairs without replacement.
  P€   – Product of each.
    Æṃ – Mode (most common element).

Alternative: ŒcZPÆṃ

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 39 774


Pyth, 12 bytes


Test suite

First, we take all 2 element combinations of the input without replacement (.cQ2). Then, we map each of these pairs to their product (*M). Next, we overwrite the input variable with the list of products (=). Next, we sort the list of products by the number of occurrences in the list of products (o/QN). Finally, the take the final element of the sorted list (e).


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 39 268


MATL, 8 7 bytes


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(-1 byte by using the method from @Mr. Xcoder's Jelly answer.)

2XN     % nchoosek - get all combinations of 2 elements from input
!p      % get the product of each combination
XM      % 'mode': get the most common value from that

Older answer:

8 bytes


Try it online!

&*    % multiply input by its transpose,
      %  getting all elementwise products
XR    % take the upper-triangular portion of that,
      %  zeroing out repetitions and mainly self-multiplications
Xz    % remove the zeroed out parts
XM    % 'mode' calculation - get the most common value from that

sundar - Reinstate Monica

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 5 296


Mathematica, 32 bytes

-17 bytes (and a fix) thanks to JungHwan Min.


Pure function. Takes a list of numbers as input and returns the list of MCMs as output.


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 15 731

Actually it looks like both of us misread the question. This fails for input {3, 3, 3}. Fixed: Commonest[1##&@@@#~Subsets~{2}]& – JungHwan Min – 2018-08-06T20:21:30.753

@JungHwanMin Huh. I thought that Subsets didn't count repeats as separate elements. It seems like it does, though, so thanks! – LegionMammal978 – 2018-08-07T01:28:30.057


05AB1E, 8 6 bytes


-2 bytes thanks to @Kaldo.

Try it online or verify all test cases.


æ         # Take the powerset of the input-list
          #  i.e. [2,3,3] → [[],[2],[3],[3],[2,3],[2,3],[3,3],[2,3,3]]
 2ù       # Leave only the inner lists of size 2:
          #  i.e. [[],[2],[3],[3],[2,3],[2,3],[3,3],[2,3,3]] → [[2,3],[2,3],[3,3]]
   P      # Take the product of each remaining pair
          #  i.e. [[2,3],[2,3],[3,3]] → [6,6,9]
    .M    # Only leave the most frequent value(s) in the list
          #  i.e. [6,6,9] → [6]

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 67 575

1æ2ùP.M for 6 bytes – Kaldo – 2018-08-06T12:22:22.560

@Kaldo Thanks! Completely forgot about ù. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-08-06T12:30:21.210


Perl 6, 41 38 bytes

{key max bag(@_ X*@_)∖@_»²: *{*}:}

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Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 10 037

Could you please explain to me (or point me to the docs) what are the colons doing there? I can't quite make it out... I can see that it has something to do with argument passing but nothing more. – Ramillies – 2018-08-06T22:08:27.043


@Ramillies That's the infix : operator.

– nwellnhof – 2018-08-06T23:18:02.117

Ah, I see. Thank you. – Ramillies – 2018-08-06T23:22:38.423


MATLAB, 43 bytes


It's also kind of a tongue twister!


I=input('');           % Takes an input like "[2,3,4,5,6]"
i=I'*I                 % Multiplies the input by its own transverse
      *1-eye(nnz(I));  % Multiplies by 1-identity matrix to remove diagonal
mode(i(:))             % Calculates most common value and prints it

Jacob Watson

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 131

1i am not sure you need to do I'*I*1-eye Why not just I'*I-eye? – aaaaa says reinstate Monica – 2018-08-08T00:45:12.580


Stax, 12 10 bytes


Run and debug it


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 3 089


JavaScript (ES6), 72 70 bytes


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Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 111 334

@tsh The problem is the main diagonal, where multiples should not be counted at all. So it fails for the penultimate test case which has three $16$ on the main diagonal, bringing its score high enough to be returned instead of the expected $20$. – Arnauld – 2018-11-19T08:40:14.753


Python 3, 77 72 bytes

f=lambda k,*l,m=[]:l and f(*l,m=m+[k*x for x in l])or max(m,key=m.count)

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Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 21 408


Attache, 59 bytes


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Still working on golfing this down a bit, but I think this is near optimal for the approach I've chosen.


This is a composition of three functions:

  1. {Flat[UpperTriangle&1!Table&_!`*]^^0}
  2. SortBy#`&&:`~
  3. Last

The first function does the bulk of the computation:

{                                   }    anonymous lambda; input: _ (e.g.: [2,3,4,5,6])
                      Table&_!`*         shorthand for Table[`*, _]
                                         this creates a multiplication table using the input
                                           4  6  8 10 12
                                           6  9 12 15 18
                                           8 12 16 20 24
                                          10 15 20 25 30
                                          12 18 24 30 36

      UpperTriangle&1!                   takes the strict upper triangle of this matrix
                                          0 6  8 10 12
                                          0 0 12 15 18
                                          0 0  0 20 24
                                          0 0  0  0 30
                                          0 0  0  0  0
Flat[                           ]^^0     flattens this list and removes all 0s
                                         e.g.: [6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30]

The second is a bit complicated but does something rather simple. First, it is useful to know that f&n is a function which, when called with arguments ...x, returns f[...x, n]. f&:n is similar, returning f[n, ...x]. Now, let's decompose this:

( ~SortBy ) # (`& &: `~)

First, f#g creates a fork. With input n, it returns f[n, g[n]]. However, in this case, f is the function ~SortBy. ~f reverses the arguments of the function. This means that ~f#g is equivalent to f[g[n], n], or here, SortBy[(`& &: `~)[n], n].

`& &: `~ follows the form f&:n. But what are `& and `~? They are "operator quotes", and return a function equivalent to the quoted operator. So, in this case, `& is the same thing as ${ x & y }. With that in mind, this expression is equivalent to the following for binary operators:

f&:n   <=>   ${ f[n, x] }
       <=>   ${ (`&)[`~, x] }
       <=>   ${ `~ & x }

This yields the function `~&x, where x is the result from the first function. n ~ a counts the occurrences of n in a. So, this returns a function which counts the occurrences of the argument in the computed array from function 1.

Going back to SortBy, this each element in the array by the number of times it appears in it.

Finally, Last takes the element which occurs the most. Ties are broken by the sorting algorithm.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 36 228

Is the UpperTriangle part required? Can you just flatten the table and sort? – svavil – 2018-08-07T12:14:19.247

@svavil Yes, it is required; [5, 2, 9, 10, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7] -> 16 instead of 20 without it. – Conor O'Brien – 2018-08-07T18:41:18.653


Charcoal, 24 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


While the input array is non-empty...


... pop the last element and multiply the rest of the array by that element...


... and push the results to the predefined empty list.


Count the number of times each product appears in the list and take the maximum...


... then filter for the products whose count equals that maximum...


...then pop the last element and cast to string for implicit print.


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 95 035


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 29 27 19 bytes


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Tacit fn.

Thanks to Adám for the tacit version and 2 bytes.

Thanks to ngn for 8 bytes!


                ⊢×⊂   ⍝ Multiply each element with the entire argument, then
           ⍳∘≢↓¨      ⍝ Remove 1 from the first, two from the next etc. (removes repeated multiplications);
                      ⍝ The result is then fed into the function:
{       ∊⍵}           ⍝ Flatten the result;
     ⊣¨⌸              ⍝ Key; creates a matrix in which each row corresponds to a unique product;
   ⊢/                 ⍝ Get the rightmost column of the matrix;
 ⌈/                   ⍝ Get the highest value.

J. Sallé

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 3 233


This is only 27.

– Adám – 2018-08-07T15:18:46.317


Japt, 20 16 bytes

  • -4 bytes from @Shaggy

£s°Y m*XÃc

Try it online!

Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 9 639

16 bytes – Shaggy – 2018-09-04T09:09:21.450


Husk, 7 bytes


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Ṡ►#mΠṖ2  -- example input [3,3,3]
     Ṗ2  -- subsequences of length 2: [[3,3],[3,3],[3,3]]
   mΠ    -- map product: [9,9,9]
Ṡ        -- apply 
  #      -- | count occurences in list
 ►       -- to maxOn that list: [9]


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 15 345


CJam, 70 68 bytes


Try it online!


q',/S*~                                                                  Turn input string into a valid CJam array
       _,(                                                               Find the length of the array and subtract 1
          :L                                                             Assign the result to L
            {                                 }fX                        Outer for loop
             LX-,0a\+[{X1++}*](;                                         Create an array with all the array indexes bigger than X
                                {          }fY                           Inner for loop
                                 _X=\_Y=@*\                              Create a multiple of array[X] and array[Y] (Guaranteed to be from a unique combination of factors)
                                                 ~;]                     Casts away all stack items except for an array of the multiples
                                                    _{\_@e=}$\;          Sorts array by number of occurrences (largest number of occurences at the end)
                                                               _,(=      Gets the last element of the array

You will need to scroll right to see the explanations as the code is quite long, as well as the explanations.

This was an absolute nightmare to write. CJam doesn't have a powerset function (unlike a ton of other golfing languages - great choice on my part), which means that I had to manually find the powerset. However, this gave me the opportunity to ignore any invalid number of factors, unlike other answers with a powerset function.

This should be golfable, considering I'm terrible at CJam.


Helen cut off 2 bytes!

Old: q',/S*~_,1-:L{LX-,0a\+[{X1++}*](;{_X=\_Y=@*\}fY}fX]~;]_{\_@e=}$\;_,1-=
New: q',/S*~_,(:L{LX-,0a\+[{X1++}*](;{_X=\_Y=@*\}fY}fX]~;]_{\_@e=}$\;_,(=

By changing the 1-s to simply ( we get the same effect but with a lower byte count.


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 125


Java (JDK 10), 132 bytes

a->{int l=a.length,i=l,j=0,r=99999,m[]=new int[r];for(;i-->0;)for(j=l;--j>i;)m[a[i]*a[j]]++;for(;r-->0;)i=m[r]<i?i:m[j=r];return j;}

Try it online!

Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 10 647


Haskell, 96 94 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to nimi (using sortOn(0<$) instead of length)!

import Data.List
f a|b<-zip[0..]a=last.last.sortOn(0<$).group$sort[x*y|(i,x)<-b,(j,y)<-b,i/=j]

Try it online!


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 15 345


MATLAB 39 bytes


Also check out answer by Jacob Watson

aaaaa says reinstate Monica

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 381

1Having the second line be b=triu(a'*a,1); saves 4 bytes. – sundar - Reinstate Monica – 2018-08-08T12:32:32.127

@sundar Oh snap, you are right :) I had triu intially but drifted away somehow – aaaaa says reinstate Monica – 2018-08-08T14:47:42.107

Good solution, I didn't realise the upper triangle function was so short! – Jacob Watson – 2018-08-10T08:19:46.953


SQL Server, 93 bytes

SELECT TOP 1a.a*b.a
FROM @ a
JOIN @ b ON a.i<b.i
GROUP BY a.a*b.a

Input is assumed to come from a table of the form

DECLARE @ TABLE (A int, i int identity);

Example table population:

INSERT INTO @ VALUES (9), (7), (10), (9), (7), (8), (5), (10), (1);


I assume a "list of integers" will have an index associated with them, which in my case is the column i. The column a contains the values of the list.

I create products of every pair, where the left pair comes in the list earlier than the right pair. I then group on the product, and sort by the most populous number.

I'm a little sad I didn't get to use any cte or partitioning clauses, but they were just too long. SELECT is a very expensive keyword.

Alternative, 183 bytes

FROM @),d AS(SELECT a.a*b.a p,COUNT(a.a*b.a)m
FROM c a
JOIN c b ON a.r<b.r GROUP BY a.a*b.a)SELECT TOP 1p

If SQL doesn't get to have a separate index column, here is a solution where I create an index using the ROW_NUMBER function. I personally don't care about the order, but an order is required and using the a column is the shortest.

Brian J

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 653


CJam, 29 bytes


Try it online!

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 38 134


Burlesque - 8 bytes


J        duplicate
 cp      cross product
   )pd   map . product
      n! most common element

Try it online here.

(and yes, Burlesque also has a command for "least common element")


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 1 382


C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 95 bytes


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Less golfed code:

// x is a list of integers
  // iterate over each integer and
  // return a list per element.
  // flatten the list of lists to 1 list
    // skip the current value and save
    // newly offset list to x so that it
    // can be incrementally offset
    // again next pass
      // compute the product
    // get the unique products
    // sort the products by number
    // of occurrences
    // pick the product with the
    // greatest number of occurrences


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 2 541


PHP, 91 bytes

while($c=$argv[++$i])for($k=$i;--$k;)$r[$c*$argv[$k]]++;asort($r);echo end(array_flip($r));

takes input from command line arguments; run with -nr or try it online.

Use PHP 7 to avoid STRICT MODE warning.


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 13 814


J, 29 25 24 23 bytes


Try it online!


(~. {.@\: 1 #. =)@(</ #&, */)~
                  (</ #&, */)~  NB. all products, dups removed:
                          */    NB. create the times table
                   </           NB. lower triangular ones matrix
                       &,       NB. flatten each and
                      #         NB. filter based on lower triangle
                 @              NB. pass that result to
(~. {.@\: 1 #. =)               NB. get the most frequent list item:
       \:                       NB. sort down
 ~.                             NB. the uniq elements
          1 #. =                NB. by their count
    {.@                         NB. and take the first element


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 8 729


Japt -h, 11 bytes

à2 ®×Ãü ñÊÌ

Try it

á2 ®×

Try it


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 24 623


APL(NARS), 53 chars, 106 bytes



  p 9
  p 1 3
  p 2 3 4 5 6
  p 7 2
  p 2 3 3
  p 3 3 3
  p 1 1 1 1 2 2
  p 6 200 10 120
  p 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8
  p 5 2 9 10 3 4 4 4 7
  p 9 7 10 9 7 8 5 10 1
  p 3 3


Posted 2018-08-06T10:38:31.977

Reputation: 3 036