Alphabet Histogram


Given an input sentence consisting of one or more words [a-z]+ and zero or more spaces , output an ASCII-art histogram (bar graph) of the letter distribution of the input sentence.

The histogram must be laid out horizontally, i.e. with the letter key along the bottom in alphabetical order from left to right, with a Y-axis labeled 1- and every 5 units. The Y-axis must be the smallest multiple of five that is at least as tall as the tallest bar, and must be right-aligned. The X-axis is labeled with the input letters, with no gaps between. For example, input a bb dd should have label abd and not ab d, skipping the c. The bars themselves can be made of any consistent ASCII character -- I'll be using X here in my examples.

test example


   X   X

Since there are three e, two t, and one of almsx.

More examples:

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs

      X         X
      X         X
     XX  X      X  X XX

now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

              X  X
      X       X  X
 5-   X       X  X
      X   X   X  X
      X  XX XXXX X

a bb ccc dddddddddddd


10-   X
 5-   X

a bb ccccc

5-  X

I/O and Rules

  • Input can be taken in any reasonable format and by any convenient method. This also means you can take input in all-uppercase, if that makes more sense for your code.
  • Leading/trailing newlines or other whitespace are optional, provided that the characters line up appropriately.
  • Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
  • Output can be to the console, returned as a list of strings, returned as a single string, etc.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • This is so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 41 581

3I think this would be a bar graph rather than a histogram, as it's categorical rather than numeric data, but I'm mostly being pedantic. – Giuseppe – 2018-04-11T19:03:04.647

is the input guaranteed to be non-empty? – dzaima – 2018-04-11T19:03:11.613

@dzaima Yes, the input is guaranteed non-empty. There will be at least one word. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-11T19:04:29.240

To confirm, we can't go up to, say, 15 lines in the first example and include y axis markers for 10 and 15, right? – dylnan – 2018-04-11T19:24:42.390

@dylnan Right. The Y-axis should only be large enough to contain the data. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-11T19:26:25.883

@dylnan No, not necessarily. The input could consist of only one word without any spaces. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-11T19:34:18.777


Just being a pendant, but this isn't a histogram, it's a bar chart. Still a nice challenge though!

– caird coinheringaahing – 2018-04-11T19:36:57.587

"Leading/trailing newlines or other whitespace are optional, provided that the characters line up appropriately." -- so columns of whitespace are acceptable? – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-11T19:42:40.743

@JonathanAllan If you're asking if you could do something like abc e for the columns, no that's not okay. If you have a whole leading column of whitespace (e.g., a leading space on every line), that's fine. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-11T19:48:08.453

I was asking for a d e h style rather than a de h – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-11T19:50:12.263

@JonathanAllan The letters must be adjacent. I'll make that explicitly clear. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-11T19:51:20.497

Maybe add test cases that test extension of the Y-axis at the right points, i.e. with 10 and with 11? – Adám – 2018-04-11T19:51:58.780

Can the y-axis labels be left-aligned? – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-04-11T19:53:12.760

@MagicOctopusUrn Nope, right-aligned. That's just the rules. ;-) – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-11T19:56:00.210

Does the X axis need to be sorted? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-11T19:57:39.757

4A Tuftian approach would be to make the bars out of the characters represented and not have a separate label row. – dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2018-04-11T21:43:17.443

@dmckee For some cases that could be golfier too! :P – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-11T21:56:35.993

Related, but only in the output style. – FryAmTheEggman – 2018-04-12T04:27:50.173

2The histogram character has to be consistent, but across cases or within each case? – Adám – 2018-04-12T07:38:05.770

@Adám It needs only be consistent within the same case. If it's different on subsequent runs, or different inputs, that's fine. I just don't want a mishmash of characters so you can't understand the graph. – AdmBorkBork – 2018-04-12T12:29:53.073

a quick brown fox jumpest over a lazy dog has fewer extra letters. – mbomb007 – 2018-04-12T14:57:13.637



R, 239 230 bytes

K=table(el(strsplit(gsub(" ","",scan(,"")),"")));m=matrix(" ",L<-sum(K|1)+1,M<-(M=max(K))+-M%%5+1);m[2:L,M]=names(K);m[1,M-g]=paste0(g<-c(1,seq(5,M,5)),"-");m[1,]=format(m[1,],j="r");for(X in 2:L)m[X,M-1:K[X-1]]=0;write(m,1,L,,"")

Try it online!

table does the heavy lifting here, uniquifying the characters, sorting them, and returning their counts.

Everything else is just ensuring the offsets are right for printing, which is the "real" work of an ascii-art challenge.

Thanks to @dylnan for pointing out a bug.

Thanks to @rturnbull for the scan approach, dropping 2 bytes.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 21 077

237 bytes – rturnbull – 2018-04-11T23:40:16.193

@rturnbull I managed to knock off a few more bytes after that, thanks! – Giuseppe – 2018-04-11T23:54:50.530


Stax, 37 bytes


Run and debug it


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 8 616


gnu sed -r, 516 490 278 249 + 1 bytes

s/[A-Z]+/ /g
s/ \w/ /g
/:II{5}+ *$/M!bb
s/:I*/  /g
s/ (\w)\1*/\1/g
s/$/; 10123456789I0/
/\nI/s/^/ /Mg

Try it online!

I am sure this can be improved, but for now, this should be good considering it is made in sed, where you don't have native arithmetic or sorting. So I lied, this wasn't good enough, so I improved (rewrote) it by another 212 bytes, with a tip regarding the sorting algorithm from Cows quack, which gave me a idea to make the unary to decimal conversion shorter too.
Description of inner workings:

s/[A-Z]+/ /g

This sorts the input and separates the groups with spaces. This works by first appending an uppercase alphabet plus space separated by a colon to the end. Then it moves each character in front of the colon to a matching character behind the colon using a case-insensitive substitution in a loop. The uppercase letters are then replaced by spaces and the string is copied to the holding space.

s/ \w/ /g
/:II{5}+ *$/M!bb

This loop works by reducing each character group size by one, appending the sorted original line and incrementing unary counters after the colon that remained from the sorting. It loops until an empty line with a number of 5*n + 1 is reached (since the last line ultimately results in whitespace). The pattern space looks something like this after the loop:

:III  e         
:II  ee     t    
:I a eee l m p s tt x   

Then the formatting follows:

s/[a-z]/X/g            # makes bars consistent
G                      # appends line that becomes x-axis
s/:(I{5}+|I)\b/0\1-/g  # moves zero in front of line 1 or 5-divisible
                       # lines for the decimal conversion and adds -
s/:I*/  /g             # removes numbers from other lines
s/ (\w)\1*/\1/g        # collapses groups of at least 1 into 1
                       # character, deleting the space before it
                       # so that only size-0-groups have spaces

And finally, the unary to decimal converter remains:

s/$/; 10123456789I0/
/\nI/s/^/ /Mg

It basically appends a string where the knowledge of conversion is. You can interprete it as :space:->1 and 0->1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->I0. The substitution expression s/(.)I(.*\1(I?.))|;.*/\3\2/ works similar to the sorting one, replacing the characters in front of I's [ (.)I ] by the character that is next to the one from the front of the I in the conversion string [ (.*\1(I?.)) ] and if there is no I left, it removes the appended string [ |;.* ]. The substitution [ /\nI/s/^/ /Mg ] adds padding if needed.

Thanks to Cows quack for reducing the size by 26 bytes and for the shorter sorting algorithm.

Sad Sed

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 61

Welcome to PPCG, and nice first answer! – user41805 – 2018-04-12T04:55:17.613

You can use \w (matches word characters) in a number of places to save some bytes. Also :b ... tb can simply become s/\B\w/X/g. You can remove the line that follows it, s/:/:,/g, by modifying the earlier substitutions. You can look at (shortened TIO link to sed program) to see what I mean.

– user41805 – 2018-04-12T14:47:34.617

1You can improve on the sorting algorithm, hint: try appending to the input. – user41805 – 2018-04-13T07:25:04.760

Brilliant unary to decimal converter! Yours is at least 30 bytes shorter than the one in Tips for golfing in sed

– user41805 – 2018-04-14T09:11:35.657


Dyalog APL, 109 97 96 95 93 88 bytes

{⊖(⍉r),⍨⍕↑(⊂'')@{1@0~⍵∊1,5×⍵}⍳≢⍉↑r←↑r,⍨⊂' -','   - '⍴⍨5×⌈5÷⍨≢1↓⍉↑r←↓{⍺,∊⍕¨0×⍵}⌸⍵[⍋⍵]∩⎕A}

Try it online!

Requires ⎕IO←0

Way too many bytes saved thanks to Adám and Cows quack!


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 19 048

For the last bit, you can try ⍵[⍋⍵]~' ' (sorts and removes spaces before passing through ) – user41805 – 2018-04-11T19:27:56.577

'X'/⍨≢∊⍕¨× – Adám – 2018-04-11T19:31:39.030

and ⍵>0 → ×⍵ – user41805 – 2018-04-11T19:32:29.693

Your TIO link has an unnecessary Header. – Adám – 2018-04-11T19:32:52.273

2⌷⍴≢⍉ twice – Adám – 2018-04-11T19:33:42.930

~' '∩⎕A and take input in uppercase. – Adám – 2018-04-11T19:57:28.410

and ¯1+≢≢1↓ – Adám – 2018-04-11T20:01:56.357

¯1+⍳ and ×⍵0×⍵ with ⎕IO←0 – Adám – 2018-04-11T20:03:30.620

{(1=⍵)∨(×⍵)∧0=5|⍵:⍵⋄''}¨(⊂'')@{1@0~⍵∊1,5×⍵} – Adám – 2018-04-11T20:19:13.180


05AB1E, 58 47 bytes


Try it online!

-11 bytes thanks to @Emigna

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 19 422

Maybe this could help? Don't have time to tie them together but maybe they can give some inspiration.

– Emigna – 2018-04-11T20:35:47.717

@Emigna I'll have a look, definitely different than mine :). – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-04-11T21:34:36.703

@Emigna 57 bytes after I stitched it... given I didn't try too hard to optimize. Try it online!

– Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-04-11T21:45:46.437

47 bytes with some restructuring and optimization. – Emigna – 2018-04-12T08:23:54.747

Your letters don't line up with the X's for certain inputs.

– mbomb007 – 2018-04-12T14:49:44.023

That could be fixed at the cost of 1 byte

– Emigna – 2018-04-17T10:14:11.590


Python 2, 192 bytes

d={c:s.count(c)for c in s if' '<c}
for y in range(h,-1,-1):print('%d-'%y*(y%5==2>>y)).rjust(len(`-h`))+''.join(('X '[y>v],k)[y<1]for k,v in sorted(d.items()))

Try it online!


Line 2 computes the histogram values in a fairly straightforward way, discarding ' '.

Line 3 uses the trick of computing ceil(x/5) as -(-x/5): we round the maximal frequency up to the next multiple of 5 using the formula -x/5*-5. This is h.

Line 4 is a loop counting from h down to 0 inclusive, printing each row:

  • If y%5==2>>y we print a label. This is when y ∈ {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, …}

    (This formula could maybe be shorter. We just need something that's 1 or True for {1, 5, 10, …}, and 0 or False or even a negative integer for all other values of y.)

  • We right-justify the label (or empty space) into len(`-h`) spaces: this is a neat one-byte saving over len(`h`)+1!

  • Then, we print either X's and spaces for this row (if y ≥ 1) or the letters (if y = 0), running through key-value pairs in d in ascending order.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 55 648

1Nice tick creation with '%d-'%y*(y%5==2>>y). Do you mind if I use that in my answer? – dylnan – 2018-04-12T14:55:31.917

-~-(y%5*~-y) works too but it's one byte longer unfortunately. – dylnan – 2018-04-12T16:12:00.150


Charcoal, 62 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Create a list of 27 lists.


Push each input character to the list corresponding to its position in the lowercase alphabet. Non-lowercase characters get pushed to the 27th list.


Discard the 27th element of the list.


Take the lengths of all the elements of the list.


Print the lowercase letters corresponding to non-zero list elements.


Print the non-zero list elements upwards. Since this is an array of integers, each integer prints as a (now vertical) line, each in a separate column.


Calculate the number of tick marks on the Y-axis and loop over them.


Calculate the position of the next tick mark.


Jump to the next tickmark.


Print the tickmark reversed and back-to-front, effectively right-aligning it.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 95 035


Jelly, 48 bytes

What a mine-field to traverse!


A full-program printing the result (as a monadic link it would return a list containing characters and integers from [0,9])

Try it online! Or see the test-suite


J’⁶D;”-Ɗ%5^ỊƲ?€Uz⁶ZU - Link 1, get y-axis: list of columns (including x-axis & top-spaces)
J                    - range of length  [1,2,3,4,5,6,...,height+1] (+1 for x-axis)
 ’                   - decrement        [0,1,2,3,4,5,...] (line it up with the content)
             ?€      - if for €ach...
            Ʋ        - ...condition: last four links as a monad:
        %5           -   modulo by five
           Ị         -   insignificant? (1 for 0 and 1, else 0)
          ^          -   XOR (0 for 1 or multiples of 5 greater than 0, else 0)
  ⁶                  - ...then: literal space character
       Ɗ             - ...else: last three links as a monad:
   D                 -   decimal list of the number, e.g. 10 -> [1,0]
     ”-              -   literal '-' character
    ;                -   concatenate, e.g. [1,0,'-']
               U     - upend (reverse each)
                z⁶   - transpose with a filler of space characters
                  Z  - transpose
                   U - upend (i.e. Uz⁶ZU pads the left with spaces as needed)

ḟ⁶ṢµĠ¬;⁶$L%5Ɗ¿€;"@Qz⁶Ç;"$ṚY - Main link: list of characters
ḟ⁶                          - filter out space characters
  Ṣ                         - sort
   µ                        - start a new monadic chain, call that S
    Ġ                       - group indices of S by their values
     ¬                      - logical NOT (vectorises) (getting 0 for the X "characters")
             ¿€             - while for €ach...
            Ɗ               - ...condition: last three links as a monad:
         L                  -   length
          %5                -   modulo by five
        $                   - last two links as a monad:
      ;⁶                    -   concatenate a space character
                  Q         - deduplicate S (get the x-axis)
               ;"@          - zip with (") concatenation (;) with swapped arguments (@)
                   z⁶       - transpose a with filler of space characters
                        $   - last two links as a monad:
                     Ç      -   call last link (1) as a monad (get y-axis)
                      ;"    -   zip with concatenation (complete the layout)
                         Ṛ  - reverse (otherwise it'll be upside-down)
                          Y - join with newlines
                            - implicit print

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 67 804


Java (JDK 10), 296 bytes

s->{int d[]=new int[26],m=0;char a;for(int c:s.getBytes())m=c>32&&++d[c-=65]>m?(d[c]+4)/5*5:m;String r=m+"-",z=r.replaceAll("."," ");for(;m>0;r+="\n"+(--m%5<1|m==1&&m>0?z.format("%"+~-z.length()+"s-",m):z))for(a=0;a<26;a++)r+=d[a]>0?m>d[a]?" ":"x":"";for(a=64;a++<90;)r+=d[a-65]>0?a:"";return r;}

Try it online!


Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 10 647

@aoemica Correct. I fixed it. – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-04-12T07:40:43.580

1It's not much, but you can save 2 bytes. --m%5==0 can be --m%5<1, because you also have the &m>0 check. And m<=d[a]?"x":" " can be m>d[a]?" ":"x". – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-12T08:23:07.950

@KevinCruijssen 2 bytes are 2 bytes! I don't think there is much to golf anymore, except for a different algorithm. – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-04-12T08:30:13.487

11 more byte by changing (--m%5<1|m==1)&m>0 to --m%5<1|m==1&&m>0 – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-13T07:34:12.093


Ruby, 250 248 234 188 173 157 153 bytes

m=-({|l|s.count l}).max/5*-5
m.downto(1).map{|i|(i%5<1||i<2?"#{i}-":'').rjust(m){|l|l<i ?' ':?X}*''}<<' '*m+a*''}

Try it online!

Thanks to:

  • dylnan for -16 bytes with less strict padding
  • Lynn for -2 bytes by rounding up with -x/5*-5
  • Kirill L. for -2 bytes by getting unique array elements with |[]


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 395


APL (Dyalog Classic), 56 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 11 449


Pyth, 65 bytes*hd\Xr8S-Qd)=+J*]d%_tlJ5_.e+?q<k2%k5.F"{:{}d}-",klQ*dhlQbJ

Try it here

     Get the bars.
     Round up the height to the next number that's 1 mod 5.
     Stick the axis labels on.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397



JavaScript (Node.js), 262 256 bytes

*Thanks to @Shaggy for reducing by 2 bytes

a=>[...a].map(x=>x>" "&&(d=c[x]=(c[x]||x)+"X")[m]?m=d.length-1:0,c={},m=i=0)&&Object.keys(c).sort().map(x=>[...c[x].padEnd(m)].map((l,j)=>A[m-j-1]+=l),A=[...Array(m+=6-m%5)].map(x=>(++i>=m||((D=m-i)%5&&m-i^1)?"":D+"-").padStart((m+" ").length)))&&A.join`

Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 1 220

Couple of quick savings I can spot on my phone: 1. Take input as an array of individual characters, 2. Replace x!=" " with x>" ". – Shaggy – 2018-04-11T20:20:39.547

3. Replace m=0 with i=m=0 and map((x,i)=> with map(x=>. – Shaggy – 2018-04-11T20:25:29.773


Python 2, 249 224 219 215 205 197 187 188 182 176 bytes

def f(s):S=sorted(set(s)^{' '});C=map(s.count,S);P=max(C)+4;return zip(*(zip(*[('%d-'%y*(y%5==2>>y)).rjust(P)for y in range(P,0,-1)])+[(n*'#').rjust(P)for n in C]))+[[' ']*P+S]

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Returns a list of lists of characters representing lines.

  • Saved some bytes by including a lot of extra whitespace.
  • Had an unnecessary map(list,yticks) in there.
  • Changed space padding to save some bytes.
  • I thought I was sorting but I was not: +2 bytes. But I saved one independently at the same time. y==1 replaced by y<2.
  • -6 bytes thanks to Lynn by using '%d-'%y*(y%5==2>>y) instead of (`y`+'-')*(not y%5or y<2).

Slightly ungolfed:

def f(s):
	S=sorted(set(s)^{' '})  # sorted list of unique letters (without ' ')
	C=map(s.count,S)        # count of each unique letter in the input
	P=max(C)+4              # used for padding and getting highest y tick
	B=[(n*'#').rjust(P)for n in C]     # create bars
	yticks = [('%d-'%y*(y%5==2>>y)).rjust(P)for y in range(P,0,-1)]  # create y ticks at 1 and multiples of 5
	yticks = zip(*yticks)                      # need y ticks as columns before combining with bars
	return zip(*(yticks+B))+[[' ']*P+S]        # zip ticks+bars then add row of sorted unique letters.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 4 993


C# (.NET Core), 344 340 338 + 18 bytes

Includes 18 bytes for using System.Linq;

Saved 6 bytes thanks to @KevinCruijssen.

n=>{var l=n.Where(c=>c!=32).GroupBy(c=>c).OrderBy(c=>c.Key).ToDictionary(k=>k.Key,c=>c.Count());int h=(l.Values.Max()/5+1)*5,o=(h+"").Length+1,m=l.Keys.Count+o,t=h+1,i=0,j;var a=new string[t];for(string p,q;i<t;a[i++]=q)for(q=(p=i>0&i%5<1|i==1?i+"-":"").PadLeft(j=o);j<m;){var c=l.ElementAt(j++-o).Key;q+=i<1?c:l[c]>=i?'X':' ';}return a;}

Try it online!

Ian H.

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 2 431

You have a space at j< m; that can be removed. And int i=0,j can be placed as ,i=0,j after the other ints for -4 bytes in total. You'll have to including the 18 bytes for the using System.Linq; however.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-13T08:30:20.713

@KevinCruijssen Thanks, I missed these. And I added the 18 bytes. – Ian H. – 2018-04-13T08:46:00.277

+1 from me. Oh, and you can save 2 more bytes by changing for(;i<t;){string p=i>0&i%5<1|i==1?i+"-":"",q=p.PadLeft(o);for(j=o;j<m;){...}a[i++]=q;} to for(string p,q;i<t;)for(p=i>0&i%5<1|i==1?i+"-":"",q=p.PadLeft(j=o);j<m;a[i++]=q){...}. Try it online.

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-13T08:57:58.380

@KevinCruijssen Thats really clever, thanks! – Ian H. – 2018-04-13T09:15:36.840


Bash + coreutils, 332 324 323 318 312 302 298 296 293 291 bytes

c()(cut -d\  -f$@)
cd `mktemp -d`
grep -o [^\ ]<<<$@|sort|uniq -c|c 7->a
sort -k2<a>b
r=$[`c 1 <a|sort -n|tail -1`+5]
t()($p \ ;((i++<s))&&t;i=)
((r%5&&r>1))&&t||$p %${s}s- $r;IFS='
for l in `<b`;{ ((r<=`c 1 <<<$l`))&&$p X||$p \ ;}
c 2 <b|tr -d \\n

Try it online!


c()(cut -d\  -f$@)
p=printf              # saving a few bytes

cd `mktemp -d`        # for temp files

grep -o [^\ ]<<<$@    # grabs all non-space characters
    |sort|uniq -c     # get character frequency
    |c 7->a           # slightly hacky way of stripping leading spaces;
                      #     uniq -c adds 6 spaces in front of each line

sort -k2<a>b          # store frequencies sorted alphabetically in b

r=$[`                 # r = highest frequency +5:
    c 1 <a            #     get frequencies
    |sort -n|tail -1  #     get maximum frequency
    `+5]              #     +4 so at least one multiple of 5 is
                      #     labeled, +1 because r gets pre-decremented

s=${#r}                    # s = length of r as a string
t()($p \ ;((i++<s))&&t;i=) # pad line with s+1 spaces

for((;--r;));{         # while (--r != 0)
    ((r%5&&r>1))&&     # if r isn't 1 or a multiple of 5
        t||            #     then indent line 
        $p %${s}s- $r; # otherwise print right-aligned "${r}-"
'                      # newline field separator
    for l in `<b`;{          # for all letters and their frequencies:
        ((r<=`c 1 <<<$l`))&& #     if frequency <= current height 
            $p X||           #         then print an X
            $p \ ;}          #     otherwise print a space
t # indent x-axis labels
c 2 <b|tr -d \\n # print alphabetically sorted characters

Thanks to @IanM_Matrix for saving 3 bytes.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 401

cat b could be <b saving 3 characters – IanM_Matrix1 – 2018-04-13T12:43:46.330


C, 201 bytes

char c[256],*p,d;main(int a,char **b){for(p=b[1];*p;p++)++c[*p|32]>d&*p>64?d++:0;for(a=(d+4)/5*5;a+1;a--){printf(!a||a%5&&a!=1?"    ":"%3i-",a);for(d=96;++d>0;c[d]?putchar(a?32|c[d]>=a:d):0);puts(p);}}

Input is taken from the command line (first argument). Uses exclamation marks instead of X's to further reduce code size. Counter on the left is always three characters long.

Tested with GCC and clang.


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 141

for(p=b[1];*p;p++) can most likely be for(p=b[1]-1;*++p;), main(int a,char **b) could probably be golfed to m(a,b)char**b;. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-11T22:52:55.857

Since a!=1 will be boolean, a%5&&a!=1? should be equivalent to a%5&a!=1? or a%5&&~-a. – Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-11T22:55:11.380


JavaScript (ES8), 200 bytes

Takes input as an array of characters. Returns a string.

s=>(s.sort().join``.replace(/(\w)\1*/g,s=>a.push(s[0]+'X'.repeat(l=s.length,h=h<l?l:h)),h=a=[]),g=y=>y--?(y<2^y%5?'':y+'-').padStart(`${h}_`.length)>r[y]||' ').join``+`

Try it online!


s => (                    // s[] = input array of characters (e.g. ['a','b','a','c','a'])
  s.sort()                // sort it in lexicographical order (--> ['a','a','a','b','c'])
  .join``                 // join it (--> 'aaabc')
  .replace(/(\w)\1*/g,    // for each run s of consecutive identical letters (e.g. 'aaa'):
    s => a.push(          //   push in a[]:
      s[0] +              //     the letter, which will appear on the X-axis
      'X'.repeat(         //     followed by 'X' repeated L times
        L = s.length,     //     where L is the length of the run (--> 'aXXX')
        h = h < L ? L : h //     keep track of h = highest value of L
    )),                   //   initialization:
    h = a = []            //     h = a = empty array (h is coerced to 0)
  ),                      // end of replace() (--> a = ['aXXX','bX','cX'] and h = 3)
  g = y =>                // g = recursive function taking y
    y-- ?                 //   decrement y; if there's still a row to process:
      (                   //     build the label for the Y-axis:
        y < 2 ^ y % 5 ?   //       if y != 1 and (y mod 5 != 0 or y = 0):
          ''              //         use an empty label
        :                 //       else:
          y + '-'         //         use a mark
      ).padStart(         //     pad the label with leading spaces,
        `${h}_`.length    //     using the length of the highest possible value of y
      ) +                 //     (padStart() is defined in ECMAScript 2017, aka ES8) => r[y]     //     append the row,
                 || ' ')  //     padded with spaces when needed
      .join`` + `\n` +    //     join it and append a linefeed
      g(y)                //     append the result of a recursive call
    :                     //   else:
      ''                  //     stop recursion
)(h += 5 - ~-h % 5)       // call g() with h adjusted to the next multiple of 5 + 1


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 111 334


Excel VBA, 316 bytes

An Anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes input from cell [A1] and outputs to the VBE immediate window.

For i=1To 26:Cells(2,i)=Len(Replace([Upper(A1)],Chr(i+64),11))-[Len(A1)]:Next:m=-5*Int(-[Max(2:2)]/5):l=Len(m)+1:For i=-m To-1:?Right(Space(l) &IIf(i=-1Xor i Mod 5,"",-i &"-"),l);:For j=1To 26:?IIf(Cells(2,j),IIf(Cells(2, j) >= -i, "X", " "),"");:Next:?:Next:?Spc(l);:For i=1To 26:?IIf(Cells(2,i),Chr(i+96),"");:Next

Ungolfed Version

Public Sub bar_graph()
    For i = 1 To 26
        ''  gather the count of the letter into cells
        Cells(2, i) = Len(Replace([Upper(A1)], Chr(i + 64), 11)) - [Len(A1)]
    m = -5 * Int(-[Max(2:2)] / 5)   ''  get max bar height
    l = Len(m) + 1                  ''  length of `m` + 1
    For i = -m To -1
        ''  print either a label or free space (y-axis)
        Debug.Print Right(Space(l) & IIf((i = -1) Xor i Mod 5, "", -i & "-"), l);
        For j = 1 To 26
            ''  print 'X' or ' ' IFF the count of the letter is positive
            If Cells(2, j) Then Debug.Print IIf(Cells(2, j) >= -i, "X", " ");
        Debug.Print                 ''  print a newline
    Debug.Print Spc(l);             ''  print spaces
    For i = 1 To 26
        ''  print the letters that were used (x-axis)
        Debug.Print IIf(Cells(2, i), Chr(i + 96), "");
End Sub

Taylor Scott

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 6 709


Perl 5 -n, 198 168 bytes

s/[a-z]/$\<++${$&}?$\=${$&}:0/eg;$\++while$\%5;$;=1+length$\++;printf"%$;s".'%s'x26 .$/,$\%5&&$\-1?"":"$\-",map$$_>=$\?X:$$_&&$",a..z while--$\;say$"x$;,map$$_&&$_,a..z

Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 7 671


Python 3, 177 bytes

lambda s:[[list(("%d-"%i*(i%5==2>>i)).rjust(len(q)))+["* "[s.count(c)<i]for c in q]for i in range(max(map(s.count,q))+4,0,-1)]+[[" "]*len(q)+q]for q in[sorted(set(s)-{' '})]][0]

Try it online!

This may not be the most byte-efficient approach in Python, but I really wanted to solve this with a "true one-liner" lambda.

Outputs a list of character lists. Abuses multiple leading newlines and spaces just like everybody else. It may actually be further reduced to 174 bytes if it is acceptable to wrap the result in another list, so that we could transfer the final [0] indexing to the footer.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-11T18:25:54.397

Reputation: 6 693