pannenkoek2012 aims to complete Super Mario 64 with as few presses as possible of the A button, which makes Mario jump. Each "A press" consists of three parts:
- Pressing the button
- Holding it for any length of time
- Releasing it
See this video (1:15 - 3:23) for a great explanation that includes the above image. (However, this challenge will not use the half-A-press terminology and will posit obstacles that require releasing A.)
Given a sequence of obstacles requiring pressing (P), holding (H), or releasing (R) the A button, output the smallest number of presses required to overcome them in the order given. The A button is initially not held.
Stated formally: given a string S of characters PHR
, consider strings of form (PH*R)*
that contain S as a subsequence, and output the smallest possible number of P
's in such a string. Or, alternatively, find the smallest number of chunks of the form P?H*R?
that S can be split into.
Let's look at input RHRPHHHR
. The A button starts not held, so overcoming the initial obstacle R
requires the button be pressed and then released (press #1). Next we are required to hold the button H
, which again requires it first be pressed (press #2). Then, it can then be released afterwards to satisfy the R
after it. Finally, the remaining PHHHR
can be satisfied by a single press (press #3) followed by holding HHH
and releasing R
. So, the output count is 3.
Another way to see it, is that we can split the input string into 3 parts of form PHH..HHR
where letters may be omitted.
Input format
The input will be a list or string of elements representing press, hold, and release as your choice of:
P, H, R
p, h, r
1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2
matched in the order given. The input will not be empty.
Test cases:
P 1
H 1
R 1
HP 2
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1What about obstacles requiring the A button to not be held? There are four button states in the graph (I think that these might actually exist in the game, too) – Random832 – 2018-01-07T05:16:27.223
3In reality, there are 3 states: Press, Held, and Not-held. No state require an A button Release. The challenge is slightly wrong in comparison with the reality. – user202729 – 2018-01-07T07:26:17.870
@Random832 This challenge is only based on reality, not an exact replicate. – user202729 – 2018-01-07T07:26:45.390
@user202729 Makes sense, although I think an obstacle requiring an A button release is conceivable: consider an obstacle like a tunnel sloped downwards, which would require Mario to start off at top jump height and then release A at the exact right moment so he falls diagonally through the tunnel. Probable? No. – 11684 – 2018-01-07T15:41:44.463
1@11684 "as for the release, well, there is currently no cases where that's useful or important so don't worry about that part." (1:48 - 1:52) – user202729 – 2018-01-07T15:44:26.647
3Anyone want to do this in MIPS assembly? (the language used to program Super Mario 64) – user202729 – 2018-01-07T15:45:04.477
1@user202729 Wow, that’s one thorough pancake. Thanks! – 11684 – 2018-01-07T15:45:06.027
@user202729 it's been 1.5 years since my last MIPS answer and I completely forget how to do string processing. – qwr – 2018-01-07T16:36:39.913
I'm just curious: did you find the video because of the recent Twitter/@SwiftOnSecurity discussion about collision in physics engines? EDIT: this thread
– No don't shown my real name – 2018-01-07T23:27:46.3171@user202729 I'm aware, I said the challenge "will posit obstacles that require releasing A" because I found it too be too simple without them. – xnor – 2018-01-08T00:36:33.030
@Nodon'tshownmyrealname No, I've been watching pannenkoek's videos for a while. – xnor – 2018-01-08T00:37:36.933
Debouncing needs to be caught? – tuskiomi – 2018-01-13T21:04:25.100