Help pannenkoek count A presses


pannenkoek2012 aims to complete Super Mario 64 with as few presses as possible of the A button, which makes Mario jump. Each "A press" consists of three parts:

  • Pressing the button
  • Holding it for any length of time
  • Releasing it

Parts of an A press, from video by Pannenkoek2012

See this video (1:15 - 3:23) for a great explanation that includes the above image. (However, this challenge will not use the half-A-press terminology and will posit obstacles that require releasing A.)


Given a sequence of obstacles requiring pressing (P), holding (H), or releasing (R) the A button, output the smallest number of presses required to overcome them in the order given. The A button is initially not held.

Stated formally: given a string S of characters PHR, consider strings of form (PH*R)* that contain S as a subsequence, and output the smallest possible number of P's in such a string. Or, alternatively, find the smallest number of chunks of the form P?H*R? that S can be split into.


Let's look at input RHRPHHHR. The A button starts not held, so overcoming the initial obstacle R requires the button be pressed and then released (press #1). Next we are required to hold the button H, which again requires it first be pressed (press #2). Then, it can then be released afterwards to satisfy the R after it. Finally, the remaining PHHHR can be satisfied by a single press (press #3) followed by holding HHH and releasing R. So, the output count is 3.

Another way to see it, is that we can split the input string into 3 parts of form PHH..HHR where letters may be omitted.


Input format

The input will be a list or string of elements representing press, hold, and release as your choice of:

  • P, H, R
  • p, h, r
  • 1, 2, 3
  • 0, 1, 2

matched in the order given. The input will not be empty.

Test cases:

P 1
H 1
R 1
HP 2


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Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 115 687

1What about obstacles requiring the A button to not be held? There are four button states in the graph (I think that these might actually exist in the game, too) – Random832 – 2018-01-07T05:16:27.223

3In reality, there are 3 states: Press, Held, and Not-held. No state require an A button Release. The challenge is slightly wrong in comparison with the reality. – user202729 – 2018-01-07T07:26:17.870

@Random832 This challenge is only based on reality, not an exact replicate. – user202729 – 2018-01-07T07:26:45.390

@user202729 Makes sense, although I think an obstacle requiring an A button release is conceivable: consider an obstacle like a tunnel sloped downwards, which would require Mario to start off at top jump height and then release A at the exact right moment so he falls diagonally through the tunnel. Probable? No. – 11684 – 2018-01-07T15:41:44.463

1@11684 "as for the release, well, there is currently no cases where that's useful or important so don't worry about that part." (1:48 - 1:52) – user202729 – 2018-01-07T15:44:26.647

3Anyone want to do this in MIPS assembly? (the language used to program Super Mario 64) – user202729 – 2018-01-07T15:45:04.477

1@user202729 Wow, that’s one thorough pancake. Thanks! – 11684 – 2018-01-07T15:45:06.027

@user202729 it's been 1.5 years since my last MIPS answer and I completely forget how to do string processing. – qwr – 2018-01-07T16:36:39.913

I'm just curious: did you find the video because of the recent Twitter/@SwiftOnSecurity discussion about collision in physics engines? EDIT: this thread

– No don't shown my real name – 2018-01-07T23:27:46.317

1@user202729 I'm aware, I said the challenge "will posit obstacles that require releasing A" because I found it too be too simple without them. – xnor – 2018-01-08T00:36:33.030

@Nodon'tshownmyrealname No, I've been watching pannenkoek's videos for a while. – xnor – 2018-01-08T00:37:36.933

Debouncing needs to be caught? – tuskiomi – 2018-01-13T21:04:25.100



Retina, 9 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 11 708


Pyth, 13 bytes


Try it here! or Verify all the test cases.

Note that 1 also works in place of 3.

How it works?

tl:z"P?H*R?"3 | Full program. Takes input from STDIN, outputs to STDOUT.

  :z        3 | Split the input string on matches of...
    "P?H*R?"  | The regular expression "P?H*R?".
 l            | Get the length.
t             | Decrement (because splitting includes the empty string).

More about the regex:

P?     | P – The literal character P, case sensitive.
       | ? – Quantifier. Matches either one or zero times the previous character.
  H*   | H – The literal character H, case sensitive.
       | * – Quantifier. Matches any number of occurrences of the previous character.
    R? | R – The literal character R, case sensitive.
       | ? – Quantifier. Matches either one or zero times the previous character.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 39 774

Ah, feck, you beat me to it! – Shaggy – 2018-01-06T21:29:29.340

nice! Second to last line in the regexp description should say "Literal character R", right? – vidstige – 2018-01-07T11:08:06.353

@vidstige Yes, thanks. Fixed – Mr. Xcoder – 2018-01-07T11:12:04.713


Jelly, 10 bytes


A monadic chain taking a list (the P,H,R : 0,1,2 option) and returning an integer, the count.

Try it online! or see the test-suite


Effectively works by getting all adjacent pairs then counting any that are not "continuation pairs" (PR, PH, HR, or HH) and adding one.

o5ḄƝ%⁵>4S‘ - Link: list of integers (in [0,1,2])  e.g.: [0,0,1,0,2,1,1,2,2,0] (representing PPHPRHHRRP)
o5         - logical OR with 5                          [5,5,1,5,2,1,1,2,2,5]
   Ɲ       - for all adjacent pairs:              i.e.: [5,5],[5,1],[1,5],[5,2],[2,1],[1,1],[1,2],[2,2],[2,5]
  Ḅ        -   convert from binary                      [ 15 ,  11 ,  7  ,  12 ,  5  ,  3  ,  4  ,  6  ,  9 ]
     ⁵     - literal ten
    %      - modulo                                     [  5 ,   1 ,  7  ,   2,   5  ,  3  ,  4  ,  6  ,  9 ]
      >4   - greater than four?                         [  1 ,   0 ,  1  ,   0,   1  ,  0  ,  0  ,  1  ,  1 ]
        S  - sum                                        5
         ‘ - increment                                  6

Previous 11 byte solution:


Try it online! or see the test-suite


Works like the above, but in a completely different way...

ḅ3Ɲạ3ḟ1,2L‘ - Link: list of integers (in [0,1,2])  e.g.: [0,0,1,0,2,1,1,2,2,0] (representing PPHPRHHRRP)
  Ɲ         - for all adjacent pairs:              i.e.: [0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,2],[2,1],[1,1],[1,2],[2,2],[2,0]
ḅ3          -   convert from base three                  [ 0  ,  1  ,  3  ,  2  ,  7  ,  4  ,  5  ,  8  ,  6 ]
   ạ3       - absolute difference with three             [ 3  ,  2  ,  0  ,  1  ,  4  ,  1  ,  2  ,  5  ,  3 ]
     ḟ1,2   - filter discard if in [1,2]                 [ 3        ,  0        ,  4              ,  5  ,  3 ]
         L  - length                                     5
          ‘ - increment                                  6

and another, again quite different:


(add 19 to each, then for adjacent pairs perform exponentiation, modulo by 13, modulo by 2, sum and add one).

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 67 804

New Jelly quick! – user202729 – 2018-01-07T08:36:46.007


Batch, 69 bytes

@for %%b in (%*)do @set/an+=b/2^|!%%b,b=%%b
@echo %n%

Takes input as a list of 0-indexed command-line parameters, but you can use a list of letters p, h, r in either upper or lower case if you type set /a p=0, h=1, r=2 first. Explanation: b maintains the last input (defaulting to 2 for released) and n the count of presses. Each input adds a press if the last input was a release or the current input is a press.


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 95 035

Oh, set can set multiple variables at once? Useful to know. – user202729 – 2018-01-07T11:46:28.867

1@user202729 set /a is arithmetic evaluation, so as long as all the variables you want to set are numeric, you can simply use the comma operator to concatenate the assignment expressions. – Neil – 2018-01-07T14:03:49.227


Python 2, 44 bytes

Uses P->1 H->2 R->3

lambda a:sum(1/y|x/3for x,y in zip([3]+a,a))


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 29 566


Deorst, 11 bytes


Try it online!

Uses Mr. Xcoder's regex

caird coinheringaahing

Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 13 702


Japt, 11 bytes

è"P?H*R?" É

Try it | Check all test cases

è counts the number of matches of the RegEx in the input and É subtracts 1.


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 24 623


Python 2, 48 bytes

f=lambda a,*l:l==()or(a>l[0]or l[0]==a!=1)+f(*l)

Try it online!

Takes 0,1,2 as input.


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 21 408


Jelly, 10 bytes


Try it online! or Test suite! (Stolen Borrowed from Jonathan.)



Try it online!

Pn1></µƝS‘ | Monadic chain.

      µƝ   | Map over each pair of "neighbours" (x, y) in the list.
P          | And check whether their product...
 n1        | ... 1 if it doesn't equal 1, 0 otherwise...
   >       | Is higher than?
    </     | The pair reduced by "Smaller than?". 1 if x < y, else 0.
        S  | Sum.
         ‘ | Add 1.

Jelly, 11 bytes

Saved 1 byte with help from caird coinheringaahing.


Try it online!

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 39 774

Aww, I missed the chance to be the first to use the neighbours quick :( – caird coinheringaahing – 2018-01-07T02:30:28.753

You can remove the μ from the third one – caird coinheringaahing – 2018-01-14T22:11:26.193


Husk, 6 5 bytes


Try it online! Input is a list over 0,1,2 (the TIO link uses letters for easier copy-pasting of test cases).


I use the same general idea as Jonathan Allan's Jelly answer: split on occurrences of the "discontinuity pairs" PP, HP, RH, RR and RP, and count the resulting blocks. In the 0,1,2 encoding, these pairs are exactly those whose left element is 2 or right element is 0.

Lġo&ε  Input is a list.
 ġ     Split between pairs that do not satisfy:
    ε  the left element is at most 1
  o&   and the right element is truthy.
L      Length.


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 39 083


Javascript (ES6), 30 bytes

<input id=i oninput="o.innerText=f(i.value)" value="PHHR"><pre id=o>l

Herman L

Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 3 611


Haskell, 36 bytes

f a=sum[1|(x,y)<-zip(2:a)a,x>1||y<1]

Try it online!

Uses the 0,1,2 encoding.


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 55 648


Kotlin, 36 bytes





fun f(i:String) =
data class Test(val input: String, val output: Int)

val TESTS = listOf(
        Test("P", 1),
        Test("H", 1),
        Test("R", 1),
        Test("HP", 2),
        Test("RHP", 3),
        Test("HHR", 1),
        Test("PHRH", 2),
        Test("RHRPHHHR", 3),
        Test("HHHHHH", 1),
        Test("PPRRHHPP", 6),
        Test("HPPRHRPRHPPRHPPHRP", 12),

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    for ((input, expectded) in TESTS) {
        val actual = f(input)
        if (actual != expectded) {
            throw AssertionError("$input $expectded $actual")




Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 915


J, 18 17 bytes

-1 Thanks to @FrownyFrog


Takes input in the form of 0,1,2. The helper function on TIO converts the test cases to this form.

Try it online!

The logic of the comparisons may still be golfable. I'm twisting my brain into knots trying to think of more equivalent and shorter statements.

Explanation (previous solution)


The only difference between the current solution and the previous one is how the comparisons are generated. The current solution explicitly compares adjacent elements by offsetting the array and the previous solution compares adjacent elements by looking at infixes of 2.

1 + 1 #. 2 (</ +: 1 = */)\ ]
         2               \ ]  On infixes of 2 on the input
                  1 = */        Is the infix 1 1 (two holds)?
            </                  Is the infix x y such that x < y?
               +:               These results NORed
    1 #.                       Add all of the results together (debase to base 1)
1 +                            Add one

This would be a lot cleaner if two holds did nothing. The code takes infixes of two and checks if they are not ascending and not two holds. If this is the case, then we add one to our final count. We have to add 1 to the end since we're off by one otherwise (or you could prepend an _ or any value greater than 2).

The way it checks if the infix is two holds is by multiplying the two values together and seeing if it is one (two holds are 1 1).


Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 3 526

11+1#.}:(<+:1=*)}. is one shorter. – FrownyFrog – 2018-01-07T00:36:10.477

@FrownyFrog clever, I’ll edit that in. – cole – 2018-01-07T00:38:24.013

114: 1+1#.0=}.*2-}: – FrownyFrog – 2018-01-07T10:14:30.613


Vim + wc, 25 bytes

:s/P\?H*R\?/a/g␊V!wc -c␊␘

is the return key and is Ctrl+X

Try it online!


:s/P\?H*R\?/a/g␊    Replace all button presses with the character a
V!wc -c␊␘          Count the characters using the wc command

Herman L

Posted 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

Reputation: 3 611