There are n people on a 2D plane. Using distances between them we're going to find their positions. To get a unique answer you must make four assumptions:
- There are at least 3 people.
- The first person is at position (0, 0).
- The second person is at position (x, 0) for some x > 0.
- The third person is at position (x, y) for some y > 0.
So your challenge is to write a program or function that given a 2D array of distances (where D[i][j]
gives the distance between person i
and j
) returns a list of their coordinates. Your answer must be accurate to at least 6 significant figures. Shortest solution in bytes wins.
[[0.0, 3.0, 5.0], [3.0, 0.0, 4.0], [5.0, 4.0, 0.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 0.0], [3.0, 4.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0513, 1.05809686, 0.53741028, 0.87113533], [0.0513, 0.0, 1.0780606,
0.58863967, 0.91899559], [1.05809686, 1.0780606, 0.0, 0.96529704,
1.37140397], [0.53741028, 0.58863967, 0.96529704, 0.0, 0.44501955],
[0.87113533, 0.91899559, 1.37140397, 0.44501955, 0.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0513, 0.0], [-0.39, 0.9836], [-0.5366, 0.0295], [-0.8094, -0.3221]]
[[0.0, 41.9519, 21.89390815, 108.37048253, 91.40006121, 49.35063671,
82.20983622, 83.69080223, 80.39436793, 86.5204431, 91.24484876, 22.32327813,
99.5351474, 72.1001264, 71.98278813, 99.8621559, 104.59071383, 108.61475753,
94.91576952, 93.20212636], [41.9519, 0.0, 24.33770482, 144.67214389,
132.28290899, 49.12079288, 85.34321428, 117.39095617, 103.60848008,
79.67795144, 69.52024038, 42.65007733, 105.60007249, 110.50120501,
89.92218111, 60.03623019, 133.61394005, 76.26668715, 130.54041305,
122.74547069], [21.89390815, 24.33770482, 0.0, 130.04213984, 112.98940283,
54.26427666, 71.35378232, 104.72088677, 81.67425703, 90.26668791,
71.13288376, 18.74250061, 109.87223765, 93.96339767, 69.46698314,
84.37362794, 124.38527485, 98.82541733, 116.43603102, 113.07526035],
[108.37048253, 144.67214389, 130.04213984, 0.0, 37.8990613, 111.2161525,
176.70411028, 28.99007398, 149.1355788, 124.17549005, 198.6298252,
126.02950495, 101.55746829, 37.24713176, 152.8114446, 189.29178553,
34.96711005, 180.83483984, 14.33728853, 35.75999058], [91.40006121,
132.28290899, 112.98940283, 37.8990613, 0.0, 111.05881157, 147.27385449,
44.12747289, 115.00173099, 134.19476383, 175.9860033, 104.1315771,
120.19673135, 27.75062658, 120.90347767, 184.88952087, 65.64187459,
183.20903265, 36.35677531, 60.34864715], [49.35063671, 49.12079288,
54.26427666, 111.2161525, 111.05881157, 0.0, 125.59451494, 82.23823276,
129.68328938, 37.23819968, 118.38443321, 68.15130552, 56.84347674,
84.29966837, 120.38742076, 78.30380948, 91.88522811, 72.15031414,
97.00421525, 82.23460459], [82.20983622, 85.34321428, 71.35378232,
176.70411028, 147.27385449, 125.59451494, 0.0, 158.1002588, 45.08950594,
161.43320938, 50.02998891, 59.93581537, 180.43028005, 139.95387244,
30.1390519, 133.42262669, 182.2085151, 158.47101132, 165.61965338,
170.96891788], [83.69080223, 117.39095617, 104.72088677, 28.99007398,
44.12747289, 82.23823276, 158.1002588, 0.0, 136.48099476, 96.57856065,
174.901291, 103.29640959, 77.53059476, 22.95598599, 137.23185588,
160.37639016, 26.14552185, 152.04872054, 14.96145727, 17.29636403],
[80.39436793, 103.60848008, 81.67425703, 149.1355788, 115.00173099,
129.68328938, 45.08950594, 136.48099476, 0.0, 166.89727482, 92.90019808,
63.53459104, 177.66159356, 115.1228903, 16.7609065, 160.79059188,
162.35278463, 179.82760993, 140.44928488, 151.9058635], [86.5204431,
79.67795144, 90.26668791, 124.17549005, 134.19476383, 37.23819968,
161.43320938, 96.57856065, 166.89727482, 0.0, 148.39351779, 105.1934756,
34.72852943, 106.44495924, 157.55442606, 83.19240274, 96.09890812,
61.77726814, 111.24915274, 89.68625779], [91.24484876, 69.52024038,
71.13288376, 198.6298252, 175.9860033, 118.38443321, 50.02998891,
174.901291, 92.90019808, 148.39351779, 0.0, 72.71434547, 175.07913091,
161.59035051, 76.3634308, 96.89392413, 195.433818, 127.21259331,
185.63246606, 184.09218079], [22.32327813, 42.65007733, 18.74250061,
126.02950495, 104.1315771, 68.15130552, 59.93581537, 103.29640959,
63.53459104, 105.1934756, 72.71434547, 0.0, 121.04924013, 88.90999601,
52.48935172, 102.51264644, 125.51831504, 117.54806623, 113.26375241,
114.12813777], [99.5351474, 105.60007249, 109.87223765, 101.55746829,
120.19673135, 56.84347674, 180.43028005, 77.53059476, 177.66159356,
34.72852943, 175.07913091, 121.04924013, 0.0, 93.63052717, 171.17130953,
117.77417844, 69.1477611, 95.81237385, 90.62801636, 65.7996984],
[72.1001264, 110.50120501, 93.96339767, 37.24713176, 27.75062658,
84.29966837, 139.95387244, 22.95598599, 115.1228903, 106.44495924,
161.59035051, 88.90999601, 93.63052717, 0.0, 117.17351252, 159.88686894,
48.89223072, 156.34374083, 25.76186961, 40.13509273], [71.98278813,
89.92218111, 69.46698314, 152.8114446, 120.90347767, 120.38742076,
30.1390519, 137.23185588, 16.7609065, 157.55442606, 76.3634308, 52.48935172,
171.17130953, 117.17351252, 0.0, 145.68608389, 162.51692098, 166.12926334,
142.8970605, 151.6440003], [99.8621559, 60.03623019, 84.37362794,
189.29178553, 184.88952087, 78.30380948, 133.42262669, 160.37639016,
160.79059188, 83.19240274, 96.89392413, 102.51264644, 117.77417844,
159.88686894, 145.68608389, 0.0, 169.4299171, 33.39882791, 175.00707479,
160.25054951], [104.59071383, 133.61394005, 124.38527485, 34.96711005,
65.64187459, 91.88522811, 182.2085151, 26.14552185, 162.35278463,
96.09890812, 195.433818, 125.51831504, 69.1477611, 48.89223072,
162.51692098, 169.4299171, 0.0, 156.08760216, 29.36259602, 11.39668734],
[108.61475753, 76.26668715, 98.82541733, 180.83483984, 183.20903265,
72.15031414, 158.47101132, 152.04872054, 179.82760993, 61.77726814,
127.21259331, 117.54806623, 95.81237385, 156.34374083, 166.12926334,
33.39882791, 156.08760216, 0.0, 167.00907734, 148.3962894], [94.91576952,
130.54041305, 116.43603102, 14.33728853, 36.35677531, 97.00421525,
165.61965338, 14.96145727, 140.44928488, 111.24915274, 185.63246606,
113.26375241, 90.62801636, 25.76186961, 142.8970605, 175.00707479,
29.36259602, 167.00907734, 0.0, 25.82164171], [93.20212636, 122.74547069,
113.07526035, 35.75999058, 60.34864715, 82.23460459, 170.96891788,
17.29636403, 151.9058635, 89.68625779, 184.09218079, 114.12813777,
65.7996984, 40.13509273, 151.6440003, 160.25054951, 11.39668734,
148.3962894, 25.82164171, 0.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0], [41.9519, 0.0], [19.6294, 9.6969], [-88.505, -62.5382],
[-88.0155, -24.6423], [21.2457, -44.5433], [14.7187, 80.8815], [-59.789,
-58.5613], [-29.9331, 74.6141], [34.5297, -79.3315], [62.6017, 66.3826],
[5.2353, 21.7007], [6.1479, -99.3451], [-62.597, -35.7777], [-13.6408,
70.6785], [96.8736, -24.2478], [-61.4216, -84.6558], [92.2547, -57.3257],
[-74.7503, -58.4927], [-55.0613, -75.199]]
2So basically you are looking for the inverse function of
in mathematica ;-) – J42161217 – 2017-09-29T13:25:03.723In your first example, the third point could be either (3,4) or (3,-4). – DavidC – 2017-09-29T13:25:08.883
@DavidC You didn't read the assumptions closely enough. – orlp – 2017-09-29T13:25:53.990
Yes. I now see. – DavidC – 2017-09-29T13:28:52.027
2Can there be more than one correct answer or am I doing something wrong? I'm getting
for the last coordinate of the 2nd example. – Emigna – 2017-09-29T14:23:12.910@Emigna As a sanity check, calculate the distances between every point you calculated. You should get the original distance matrix back. If I do that your solution can't be right (assuming that the only difference is the
). Also make sure you follow the assumptions correctly. Those are necessary to get a unique answer. – orlp – 2017-09-29T14:29:25.907Apparently I'm doing something wrong. I checked the 3rd example as well and all values are correct, but signs are wrong in some places. – Emigna – 2017-09-29T14:32:44.937
@Emigna Could it be that your third person's y-coordinate is less than zero which has an effect on the other person's coordinate's signs? – Jonathan Frech – 2017-09-29T15:02:47.093
@JonathanFrech: For the 5-person example, only the 5th person gets the wrong sign on the y-coordinate (and the 3rd persons y-coordinate is positive). My current issue is that all y-coordinates are positive, but that is due to some change I've made which I can't recall as I'm pretty sure there were negative y-coordinates before in the 20-people example. – Emigna – 2017-09-29T15:09:15.797
Can we return a list of x-coordinates and a list of y-coordinates instead of a single list of [x,y]? – Arnauld – 2017-09-29T15:10:13.220
So the third point is
is unrestricted? – Giuseppe – 2017-09-29T15:21:52.637@Giuseppe Correct. – orlp – 2017-09-29T15:26:34.953
@Arnauld I suppose that's fine. – orlp – 2017-09-29T15:27:06.103
A matrix method is discussed in part II.B. of this paper (page 4).
– Jonathan Allan – 2017-09-29T21:33:15.230