Nth Differences



In math, one way to figure out what the type of a given relation (linear, quadratic, etc) is to calculate the differences. To do so you take a list of y values for which the gap between the correspondent x values is the same, and subtract each one from the number above it, creating a list of numbers one shorter then the previous list. If the resultant list is completely composed of identical numbers, then the relation has a difference of 1 (it is linear). If they are not identical, then you repeat the process on the new list. If they are now identical, the relation has a difference of 2 (it is quadratic). If they are not identical, you simply continue this process until they are. For example, if you have the list of y values [1,6,15,28,45,66] for incrementally increasing x values:

First Differences:

6   1-6  =-5
15  6-15 =-9
28  15-28=-13
45  28-45=-17
66  45-66=-21

Second differences:

-9  -5+9  =4
-13 -9+13 =4
-17 -13+17=4
-21 -17+21=4

As these results are identical, this relation has a difference of 2

Your Task:

Write a program or function that, when given an array of integers as input, returns the difference of the relation described by the array, as explained above.


An array of integers, which may be of any length>1.


An integer representing the difference of the relation described by the input.

Test Cases:

Input                            => Output
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]           => 1
[1,4,9,16,25,36]                 => 2
[1,2,1]                          => 2 (when there is only one value left, all values are automatically identical, so the largest difference an array can have is equal to the length of the array-1)
"Hello World"                    => undefined behavior (invalid input)
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]              => 0 (all elements are already identical)
[1, 3, 9, 26, 66, 150, 313, 610] => 6


This is , lowest score in bytes in each language wins for that language. Lowest score overall gets the green checkmark.


Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 6 697

Can the input be "invalid" as in, if the input is to NOT conform to the provided spec, should we error? Provide -1 as the output? – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-09-11T23:29:41.897

Behavior is undefined for invalid input (I don't care what your code does) – Gryphon – 2017-09-11T23:30:53.557

Shouldn't [1,2,1] give 2? [1,2,1] -> [1,-1] -> [-2] – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-11T23:35:33.460

@HyperNeutrino, yep, sorry. I had a brain-fart there – Gryphon – 2017-09-11T23:37:00.353

Add this test case [1,3,9,26,66,150,313,610] -> 6 if you like – J42161217 – 2017-09-12T00:10:18.303

@PeterTaylor the third one you suggested is really similar, so I don't know if this counts as a good question. – Michthan – 2017-09-12T08:12:08.077

The description talks about an array with any number of integers, but all the test cases are arrays of at least 2 positive integers. Do solutions need to handle 0s, negative numbers, empty arrays, and arrays of a single element? – Patrick Stephansen – 2017-09-12T11:28:22.123

@PatrickStephansen, yes, yes, no, and yes. – Gryphon – 2017-09-12T21:42:13.650



Husk, 6 bytes

Thanks Leo for letting me use his version that works for [1,1,1,1,1,1]


Try it online!


   ¡     Repeatedly apply function, collecting results in a list
    Ẋ-     Differences
 VE      Get the index of the first place in the list where all the elements are equal
←        Decrement


Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 10 962

2Whenever someone said Husk is the new Jelly, they were pretty dang right. >_< – Zacharý – 2017-09-11T23:50:01.420

Damn, I was gonna post this. Good job though, +1!

– Leo – 2017-09-11T23:51:06.137

@Leo, test case I didn't see [1,1,1,1], can I use yours? – H.PWiz – 2017-09-11T23:57:20.270

@H.PWiz sure, go on! – Leo – 2017-09-11T23:58:21.960


MATL, 8 bytes


Try it online! Or verify all test cases.


This compuntes consecutive differences iteratively until the result is all zeros or empty. The output is the required number of iterations minus 1.

`      % Do... while
  d    %   Consecutive diffferences. Takes input (implicitly) the first time
  t    %   Duplicate
  a    %   True if any element is nonzero. This is the loop condition
}      % Finally (execute before exiting the loop)
  x    %   Delete. This removes the array of all zeros
  @    %   Push iteration index
  q    %   Subtract 1. Implicitly display
       % End (implicit). Proceed with next iteration if top of the stack is true

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 87 464


R, 50 44 bytes


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Takes a diff of l, sets it to l, and checks if the result contains any nonzero values. If it does, increment F (initialized as FALSE implicitly), and returns F*1 to convert FALSE to 0 in the event that all of l is identical already.


Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 21 077

Full program and +F trick for 5 bytes. Neat answer btw! – JayCe – 2018-06-15T15:09:15.237


JavaScript (ES6), 47 bytes


Test cases


console.log(f([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]))    // 1
console.log(f([1,4,9,16,25,36]))          // 2
console.log(f([1,2,1]))                   // 2
console.log(f([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]))       // 0
console.log(f([1,3,9,26,66,150,313,610])) // 6


Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 111 334


Mathematica, 49 bytes


thanx @alephalpa for -6 bytes and @hftf -1 byte

and here is another approach from @hftf

Mathematica, 49 bytes



Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 15 931

(s=#;t=0;While[UnsameQ@@s,s=Differences@s;t++];t)& – alephalpha – 2017-09-12T03:50:24.220

1UnsameQ[1,2,1] is False; !SameQ[1,2,1] is True. I don't think the manual loop saves characters either: Length@NestWhileList[Differences,#,!SameQ@@#&]-1& is already the same length as yours after replacing UnsameQ with !SameQ. – hftf – 2017-09-12T07:45:39.910


Jelly, 7 bytes


Try it online!


-Iß$E?‘  Input: array A
     ?   If
    E    All elements are equal
-          Constant -1
   $       Monadic chain
 I           Increments
  ß          Recurse
      ‘  Increment


Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 15 654

Non-recursive alternative: IÐĿE€ċ0 – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-09-12T10:05:28.220


Perl 6, 37 bytes

{($_,{@(.[] Z- .[1..*])}...*.none)-2}

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Explanation: The function takes the input as one list. It then builds a recursive sequence like this: the first element is the original list ($_), the next elements are returned by {@(@$_ Z- .[1..*])} being called on the previous element, and that is iterated until the condition *.none is true, which happens only when the list is either empty or contains only zeroes (or, technically, other falsey values). We then grab the list and subtract 2 from it, which forces it first to the numerical context (and lists in numerical context are equal to the number of their elements) and, at the end, returns 2 less than the number of elements in the list.

The weird block {@(@$_ Z- .[1..*])} just takes the given list (.[] — so called Zen slice — indexing with empty brackets yields the whole list), zips it using the minus operator (Z-) with the same list without the first element (.[1..*]) and forces it to a list (@(...) — we need that because zip returns only a Seq, which is basically an one-way list that can be iterated only once. Which is something we don't like.) And that's it.


Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 1 923

Changing @(.[] Z- .[1..*]) to [.[] Z-.[1..*]] should save two bytes. – nwellnhof – 2017-09-12T15:04:00.990


Japt, 10 7 bytes


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Relies on the fact that the result is guaranteed to be within the length of the input array.


è@=ä-)d     Implcit input of array U
 @          For each value in U...
  =ä-)      Update U to be equal to its subsections, each reduced by subtraction
      d     Check if any values in that are truthy
è           Count how many items in that mapping are true

By the end, this will map the array
[1, 3, 9, 26, 66, 150, 313, 610] to [true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false],
which contains 6 trues.

Previous 10 byte version


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Justin Mariner

Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 4 746


Java 8, 191 + 58 = 249 198 140 bytes.

Thanks PunPun1000 for 51 bytes.
Thanks Nevay for 58 bytes.

int f(int[]a){int x=a.length-1,b[]=new int[x];for(;x-->0;)b[x]=a[x+1]-a[x];return java.util.Arrays.stream(a).distinct().count()<2?0:1+f(b);}

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Try it Online (198 byte version)

So, this is my first time posting here in PPCG (and the first time ever doing a code golf challenge). Any constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. I tried to follow the guidelines for posting, if anything's not right feel free to point it out.

Beautified version:

int f(int[] a) {
    int x = a.length - 1, b[] = new int[x];
    for (; x-- > 0;) {
        b[x] = a[x + 1] - a[x];
    return java.util.Arrays.stream(a).distinct().count() < 2 ? 0 : 1 + f(b);

J. Sallé

Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

Reputation: 3 233

3Welcome to the site! – James – 2017-09-12T16:44:03.843

Instead of importing those modules you can just use java.util.stream.IntStream k = java.util.Arrays.stream(a); – PunPun1000 – 2017-09-13T14:26:50.393

In fact, there are a couple of changes you can make for free. 1) public doesn't need to be included in the byte count. 2) You should not be accepting a second parameter, but removing it can actually save bytes. 3) you can remove some unneeded brackets there – PunPun1000 – 2017-09-13T14:38:57.080


  • Not a saver but you should include a TIO if possible, here is an example with those suggestions at 198 bytes TIO
  • – PunPun1000 – 2017-09-13T14:39:00.947

    Also you might want to check out these tips pages for Java and All languages to help you get familiar with the more common golfing tricks. Welcome to PPCG!

    – PunPun1000 – 2017-09-13T14:46:58.283

    @PunPun1000 thanks for the input! The second parameter is meant to count the number of times the recursion was called (which is conveniently also the difference of the relation), is that wrong? I don't know how I could do it without that parameter. Also, I'll try to golf it down further with the tips you gave me, thanks again! – J. Sallé – 2017-09-13T22:21:27.050

    @J.Salle if you checked the TIO I linked above it shows how to avoid the second variable – PunPun1000 – 2017-09-13T22:22:27.387

    @PunPun1000 yeah I just checked it. I'm not very good at this yet hahahah. I'll edit the post in a couple minutes, thanks for the tips! – J. Sallé – 2017-09-13T22:30:20.323

    1140 bytes – Nevay – 2017-09-14T09:23:44.550

    @Nevay I'd never seen the x-->0 syntax before. Thanks for the tip. – J. Sallé – 2017-09-14T18:19:58.340

    I just noticed it's actually the loop condition, didn't see the first ; there. – J. Sallé – 2017-09-14T18:30:08.950


    APL (Dyalog Classic), 22 17 bytes


    Try it online!

    Thanks to @ngn for -5 bytes!


    • { ... }, the function
    • 1=≢∪⍵:0, if every element is equal in the argument, return 0
    • 1+∇2-/⍵, otherwise, return 1 + n of the differences (which is n-1, thus adding one to it gives n)


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 5 710

    it's shorter if you sacrifice tail-recursiveness: {1=≢∪⍵:0⋄1+∇2-/⍵} – ngn – 2018-06-15T08:21:39.993


    Haskell, 46 bytes

    g l|all(==l!!0)l=0|0<1=1+g(zipWith(-)l$tail l)

    this simply recurses - zipWith(-)l$last l is the difference list of l. and g is the function that answers the question.

    proud haskeller

    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 5 866

    the recursive solution was the good one. – jferard – 2017-09-13T18:33:56.527

    @jferard that's very true – proud haskeller – 2017-09-13T20:36:07.330


    Kotlin, 77 bytes

    first post, tried to edit last answer on kotlin 2 times ;D

    {var z=it;while(z.any{it!=z[0]})z=z.zip(z.drop(1),{a,b->a-b});it.size-z.size}

    took testing part from @jrtapsell



    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 141

    Welcome to PPCG! Nice first answer, an outgolf too. – H.PWiz – 2017-09-14T22:37:49.303


    Jelly, 7 bytes


    Try it online!


    IÐĿEÐḟL  Main link
     ÐĿ      While results are unique (which is never so it stops at [])
    I        Take the increments, collecting intermediate values # this computes all n-th differences
        Ðḟ   Filter out
       E     Lists that have all values equal (the first n-th difference list that is all equal will be removed and all difference lists after will be all 0s)
          L  Take the length (this is the number of iterations required before the differences become equal)

    -1 byte thanks to Jonathan Allan


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 26 575

    1@Gryphon Done! :) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-11T23:41:12.777

    IÐĿEÐḟL for seven (I see Miles also found a seven using recursion). – Jonathan Allan – 2017-09-12T01:00:17.490

    @JonathanAllan Cool thanks! – HyperNeutrino – 2017-09-12T01:17:20.313


    JavaScript (ES6), 58 bytes



    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 95 035

    +0, not enough Jquery :p. Really though, +1, nice job, I know I would never be able to golf in JS. – Zacharý – 2017-09-11T23:57:27.017


    Python 2, 65 bytes

    -7 bytes thanks to Jonathan Allan.

    f=lambda l,c=1:any(l)and f([j-i for i,j in zip(l,l[1:])],c-1)or-c

    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 15 378

    Save a byte initialising c to 1, decrementing and then using print-c. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-09-12T01:06:13.977

    Save six more by making it into a recursive function: f=lambda l,c=1:any(l)and f([j-i for i,j in zip(l,l[1:])],c-1)or-c

    – Jonathan Allan – 2017-09-12T01:20:12.427

    Is it just me or is the switch to a recursive lambda not saving enough bytes? :P Thanks! – totallyhuman – 2017-09-12T12:09:00.733

    I think this needs a max(...,0) to pass the [1, 1, 1, 1, ...] test cases. – Yonatan N – 2017-09-13T01:33:24.210


    05AB1E, 7 bytes


    Try it online!


    [         # start loop
     D        # duplicate current list
      Ë       # are all elements equal?
       #      # if so, break
        ¥     # calculate delta's
         ]    # end loop
          N   # push iteration counter


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 50 798


    Haskell, 66 61 60 bytes


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    Saved 5 bytes thanks to Christian Sievers

    Saved 1 byte thanks to proud-haskeller

    iterate(z(-)) computes the differences lists.

    or.z(/=) tests if there are non equal elements in those lists.

    length.takeWhile counts the differences lists with non equal elements.


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 1 764

    I think you can test for non-equal elements with or.z(/=) – Christian Sievers – 2017-09-13T13:28:12.080

    @ChristianSievers thanks! That was obvious, but I didn't see it... – jferard – 2017-09-13T18:29:01.023

    You can also use z=(=<<tail).zipWith, one byte shorter – proud haskeller – 2017-09-13T20:37:53.260

    @proudhaskeller and more elegant, as always with point free definitions. Thanks! – jferard – 2017-09-13T20:58:40.470


    Dyalog APL, 19 bytes



    ≢                      length of input
     -1+(             )    minus 1+
         ≢                 length of
          2-/              differences between elements
             ⍣             while
              {1=≢∪⍵}      there is more than 1 unique element
                     ⊢     starting with the input


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 30 224

    1Does this work? ≢-1+∘≢2-/⍣{1=≢∪⍵}⊢ – Zacharý – 2017-09-15T14:10:17.143


    Java (OpenJDK 8), 98 94 bytes

    a->{int o=0,i,z=1;for(;z!=0;o++)for(i=a.length-1,z=0;i>o;a[i]-=a[--i])z|=a[o]^a[i];return~-o;}

    Try it online!


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 421


    k, 21 bytes


    This works in k, but not in oK, because oK's while loop runs before checking the condition (as opposed to first checking the condition, and then running the code). Therefore, in oK, the 1 1 1 1 1 example will not work properly.

    Try oK online!

    Running the k example with 1 1 1 1 1 1 in the k interpreter.


       (        )       \ /while(
        ~&/               /      not(min(
           1_=':          /              check equality of all pairs))) {
                 (1_-':)  /    generate difference list
                          /    append to output }
    #1_                   /(length of output) - 1


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 1 291

    ~&/1_=': -> 1<#? – ngn – 2018-06-15T08:06:13.780


    Japt, 7 bytes

    Same approach (but independently derived) as Justin with a different implementation.


    Test it


    Implicit input of array U.

    £   Ã

    Map over each element.


    Take each sequential pair (ä) of elements in U and reduce it by absolute difference (a).


    Reassign that array to U.


    Count (è) the number of sub-arrays that return truthy (i.e., non-zero) when reduced by addition.


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 24 623


    TI-Basic, 19 bytes

    While max(abs(ΔList(Ans

    By default, variables start at zero. Also, never thought I'd be using IS>( for anything useful.


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 12 038


    Pyth, 15 bytes


    Verify all the test cases.


    Explanation #1

    W.E.+Q=hZ=.+Q)Z   ~ Full program.
    W                 ~ While...
     .E.+Q            ~ ... The deltas of Q contain a truthy element.
          =hZ         ~ Increment a variable Z, which has the initial value of 0.
             =        ~ Transform the variable to the result of a function applied to itself...
              .+Q     ~ ... Operate on the current list and deltas.
                 )Z   ~ Close the loop and output Z.

    Mr. Xcoder

    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 39 774

    -1 byte Wtl{Q=hZ=.+Q)Z – Dave – 2017-09-12T12:25:38.780

    @Dave Even better: WP{Q=hZ=.+Q)Z. Thanks! – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-09-12T12:28:30.187


    C# (.NET Core), 70 69 + 18 bytes

    -1 byte thanks to Kevin Cruijssen


    Must be given 0 when calling to operate correctly. Also included in byte count:

    using System.Linq;

    Try it online!


    g = a => i =>                      // Function taking two arguments (collection of ints and an int)
        a.Distinct()                   // Filter to unique elements
        .Count() > 1 ?                 // If there's more than one element
            g(                         //     Then recursively call the function with
                a.Zip(                 //     Take the collection and perform an action on corresponding elements with another one
                    a.Skip(1),         //         Take our collection starting at second element
                    (y, z) => y - z    //         Perform the subtraction
            )(i + 1)                   //     With added counter
            : i;                       // Otherwise return counter

    Iterative version 84 + 18 bytes:

    a=>{int i=0;for(;a.Distinct().Count()>1;i++)a=a.Zip(a.Skip(1),(y,z)=>y-z);return i;}

    Try it online!

    Grzegorz Puławski

    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 781

    1You can remove the redundant space at (y,z)=>y-z. But nice answer, +1 from me. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-09-12T13:19:24.350

    @KevinCruijssen thank you! Also, oops. – Grzegorz Puławski – 2017-09-12T13:27:26.127


    Clojure, 62 bytes

    #(loop[c % i 0](if(apply = c)i(recur(map -(rest c)c)(inc i))))

    Nicely = can take any number of arguments, and a single argument is identical to "itself". (apply = [1 2 3]) gets executed as (= 1 2 3).


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 2 361

    Nice, exactly what I was trying to do but I was struggling for a compact pairwise diffs. That's brilliant, I'll have to remember that for the future. – MattPutnam – 2017-09-13T18:43:59.303


    Perl 5, 83 + 1 (-a) = 84 bytes

    sub c{$r=0;$r||=$_-$F[0]for@F;$r}for(;c;$i=0){$_-=$F[++$i]for@F;$#F--}say y/ //-$#F

    Try it online!

    Input as a list of numbers separated by one space.


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 7 671


    Pyke, 11 bytes


    Try it here!


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 26 661


    Kotlin, 83 bytes

    {var z=it
    var c=0


        // Make input mutable
        var z=it
        // Count for returning
        var c=0
        // While the array is not identical
        while (z.any { it != z[0] }) {
            // Increment count
            // Update list to differences
            z = (0..z.size-2).map { z[it+1] - z[it] }
        // Return count


    var n:(List<Int>)->Int =
    {var z=it
    var c=0
    data class TestData(var input: List<Int>, var output: Int)
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val items = listOf(
            TestData(listOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), 1),
            TestData(listOf(1,4,9,16,25,36), 2),
            TestData(listOf(1,2,1), 2),
            TestData(listOf(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1), 0),
            TestData(listOf(1, 3, 9, 26, 66, 150, 313, 610), 6)
        val fails = items.map { it to n(it.input) }.filter { it.first.output != it.second }
        if (fails.isEmpty()) {
            println("Test passed")
        } else {
            fails.forEach {println("FAILED: $it")}



    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 915

    If someone could edit to fix my language hints please, I can't seem to get them working – jrtapsell – 2017-09-12T08:08:15.557

    It's lang-kotlin, not simply kotlin, in the highlighter hints. – Ruslan – 2017-09-12T11:56:34.493


    Pyth, 10 bytes


    If we can index from 1, we can save a byte by removing the leading t.

    Try it Online


     f        T  Find the first (1-indexed) value T...
         .+FQt   ... such that taking the difference T - 1 times...
      !t{        ... gives a set with more than one value in it.
    t            0-index.


    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490



    Swift 4, 90 bytes

    func f(_ a:[Int])->Int{return a.contains{$0 != a[0]} ?f(zip(a, a.dropFirst()).map(-))+1:0}

    Alternative, closure-based implementation:

    var f: ((_ input: [Int]) -> Int)!
    f = {a in a.contains{$0 != a[0]} ?f(zip(a, a.dropFirst()).map(-))+1:0}

    test cases:

    let testcases: [(input: [Int], expected: Int)] = [
        (input: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],           expected: 1),
        (input: [1,4,9,16,25,36],                 expected: 2),
        (input: [1,2,1],                          expected: 2),
        (input: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],              expected: 0),
        (input: [1, 3, 9, 26, 66, 150, 313, 610], expected: 6),
    for (caseNumber, testcase) in testcases.enumerated() {
        let actual = f(testcase.input)
        assert(actual == testcase.expected,
            "Testcase #\(caseNumber) \(testcase.input) failed. Got \(actual), but expected \(testcase.expected)!")
        print("Testcase #\(caseNumber) passed!")

    Alexander - Reinstate Monica

    Posted 2017-09-11T23:24:51.490

    Reputation: 481