Count the Palindromes


Given a number n, calculate the amount of bases in the range of [2, n) in which b(n) is a Palindrome.


n = 8 has the base conversions:

2 = 1000
3 = 22
4 = 20
5 = 13
6 = 12
7 = 11

Of which 2 of them, 3 = 22 and 7 = 11 are palindromes. So return 2.


  • For the sake of convenience, Your answer only needs to be correct for inputs 3 - 36 inclusive, as few languages can handle base conversion of >36.
  • A single digit number is considered a palindrome.
  • This is sequence A135551 on OEIS

Test Cases

3   -> 1
4   -> 1
5   -> 2
6   -> 1
7   -> 2
8   -> 2
9   -> 2
10  -> 3
11  -> 1
12  -> 2
13  -> 2
14  -> 2
15  -> 3
16  -> 3
17  -> 3
18  -> 3
19  -> 1
20  -> 3
21  -> 4
22  -> 2
23  -> 2
24  -> 4
25  -> 2
26  -> 4
27  -> 3
28  -> 4
29  -> 2
30  -> 3
31  -> 3
32  -> 3
33  -> 3
34  -> 3
35  -> 2
36  -> 5



Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 7 898

Question was closed 2017-08-31T12:15:24.677

Did you mean to write "[2, n)", if so, what does the difference in braces mean? – Stan Strum – 2017-08-31T05:03:40.507

@StanStrum Set notion as described in ISO_31-11, Means 2 (inclusive) through n (exclusive)

– ATaco – 2017-08-31T05:12:48.847

I think this might be a dupe of All your base palindromic belong to us?

– Dom Hastings – 2017-08-31T05:38:47.207

"A single digit number is considered a palindrome." But this won't happen anyway. – G B – 2017-08-31T05:50:34.777

@ATaco ah, thanks – Stan Strum – 2017-08-31T05:57:52.117

@DomHastings I do not think so, as the sequences A126071 and A135551 differ.

– Jonathan Frech – 2017-08-31T06:27:25.053

1@JonathanFrech actually I think Dom is right - once the sequences are aligned (one starts at index 0 the other at index 1), A126071(n) = A135551(n) + 1. This is evident from the facts that (a) n in Unary is 00...0 [palindromic]; (b) for n>1, n in base n is 10 [not palindromic]; and (c) n in base n+1 is 11 (or 1 for n=1) [palindromic]. Also it even states in the formula section of A135551 "a(n) = A126071(n) - 1". – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-31T07:11:06.187

@JonathanAllan Although the sequences are similar, the challenges themselves do also differ in that one requests the other sequence up to n, where as this only requests n. Answers are completely non-transferable between the two. – ATaco – 2017-08-31T07:17:15.603

While it is true the other asks for up to n, that does not make them non-transferable. The second line of the Jelly submission there, for example, is just calling "link 1" for each number in turn (the only reason it's so much longer than my submission here is that the language has evolved). – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-31T07:23:08.637

@OlivierGrégoire it's a palindrome in n-1 :P – ATaco – 2017-08-31T07:31:24.030


FYI: My latest submission in Pyth shows the ease of porting.

– Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-31T07:39:28.183

4I have voted to reopen this question, because in my honest opinion the challenges (and tasks) are different enough, and porting the answers there might not be the best option (in some languages, at least). – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T08:56:05.130

2@Mr.Xcoder, if wrapping something in a loop from 1 to n is not sufficiently trivial a change to be a dupe, what is sufficiently trivial? – Peter Taylor – 2017-08-31T11:38:08.943

@PeterTaylor Here are the reasons I think it is not a duplicate. Feel free to disagree, but that won't change my opinion.

– Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T11:39:53.130


@Mr.Xcoder, the number of answers an earlier challenge received is nothing to do with whether it's a dupe or not; "the challenge there is quite old (and many languages have evolved since then, other languages were designed in the mean time" is an argument for keeping it open in spite of being a dupe which was also made in this case to which see also this. If you think an obvious dupe should be reopened in spite of being an obvious dupe, take it to meta first.

– Peter Taylor – 2017-08-31T11:47:38.243

1@PeterTaylor Feel free to hammer it again, I don't really have a strong opinion right now. You are probably right. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T11:49:38.473



05AB1E,  10  8 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Emigna (use "bifurcation" instruction  to replace duplicate and reverse DR & increment the loop to avoid needing to close it.)


Try it online!


G        - for N in range(1, input()+1):
 ¹       -   1st input
  N      -   N (the loop variable)
   >     -   increment
    в    -   base conversion
     Â   -   push reverse
      Q  -   equal?
       O -   sum
         - print top of stack

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 67 804

You can replace DR with Â. – Emigna – 2017-08-31T06:38:11.647

Also, if we know that n can't be a palindrome in base n you could do G¹N>вÂQO. – Emigna – 2017-08-31T06:44:51.137

We know it's not a palindrome in base n, but it's always a palindrome in base 1, so unless there is a loop for [2,n) or [2,n]... EDIT oh wait you increment, but then don't close the loop before summing, how's that work?? – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-31T06:47:14.900

Gloops for [1,n), as we incremented N it goes from [2,n] – Emigna – 2017-08-31T06:50:18.900

...but why is no } needed before O? – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-31T06:50:57.063

1Because we only have the bools we wish to sum on the stack. No residuals. So we can sum each loop iteration. When we get to O, the only things on the stack are our sum so far and the value we wish to add to the sum from this iteration. – Emigna – 2017-08-31T06:51:36.690

Someone can explains me what bifurcated means, and why it means reverse in 05AB1E? – Cyril Gandon – 2017-08-31T12:44:44.583


J, 30 bytes


Try it online!

Straightforward solution featuring a lot of parentheses.


[: +/ i.&.(-&2) (-:|.)@(#.inv)"0 ]
                                 ]  Right argument, n
      i.&.(-&2)                     Range [2,n)
           -&2                        Subtract 2
      i.                              Create range from n-2
        &.                            Undo subtraction (add 2)
                              "0    For each value in the range
                       (#.inv)      Convert to that base *
                (-:|.)              Palindrome check
                   |.                 Reversed
                 -:                   Matches self (= is rank 0)
   +/                               Sum (i.e. count palindromes)

*#.inv is used since #: expects you to specify the number of digits in the base (it doesn't treat a single argument the way you might expect).


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 3 526

nice J. I like the i.&.(-&2) trick. – Jonah – 2017-08-31T05:45:51.660

@Jonah thanks, it's not mine though -- saw it on the Project Euler forums (guess some people like to obfuscate -- or perhaps even golf -- their answers) – cole – 2017-08-31T17:03:44.900


Jelly, 6 bytes


A monadic link taking and returning numbers

Try it online!


bḊŒḂ€S - Link: number, n
 Ḋ     - dequeue (with implicit range(n) as input) -> [2,3,4,...,n]
b      - convert to base  -> [nb2, nb3, nb4, ..., nbn] (note: nbn is [1,0])
  ŒḂ€  - isPalindrome? for €ach  -> list of 1s and 0s
     S - sum -> number that are palindomes

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 67 804


Python 2, 90 bytes

lambda n:sum(h(n,i)==h(n,i)[::-1]for i in range(2,n))
h=lambda v,b:v and[v%b]+h(v/b,b)or[]

An unnamed function taking n that counts the palindromes, which utilises the helper function h which performs the base conversions.

Try it online!

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 67 804


Mathematica, 57 bytes


enter image description here


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 15 931


Ruby, 47 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 3 582


Pyth,  10  9 bytes

Port of irtosiast's submission to "All your base palindromic belong to us".

-1 byte thanks to FryAmTheEggman - use the filter alias # to replace f and do away with the T (which seems also to have been available back then too).


Try it online!

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 67 804

I don't know if this existed for the previous question, but you can change f_IT to _I#. – FryAmTheEggman – 2017-08-31T18:07:01.853

Looks like it may well have done. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-31T18:57:21.720


Pyth, 9 bytes


Test it here!

Pyth, 9 bytes


Try it here!


  • sm_IjQdtS - Full program with implicit input (Q at the end)

  • tS - All the integers from 2 to the input (inclusive). I chose inclusive because it is golfier and any number n converted to base n is 10.

  • m - Map over the above with a variable d.

  • jQd - Convert the input to base d (the current number in the range) as a list.

  • _I - The best part of this program: Is invariant under reverse? – This checks if the list is palindromic.

  • s - Sum, which acts like "count the number of truthy results" in this case.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 39 774


Pyke, 10 bytes


Try it here!

t          -   input - 1
 FOAbD_q)  -  for i in ^:
  O        -   ^ + 2
   Ab      -    base(input, ^)
     D_q   -     ^ == reversed(^)
         s - sum(^)


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 26 661

Also 10 bytes: StFAbD_q)s (porting my Pyth solution) – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T08:41:57.643


RProgN 2, 18 bytes


This is essentially what I used as a reference implementaiton.


x=                  # Associate 'x' with the implicit input.
  x1-               # Get x - 1
     2R             # Get all numbers in the range 2 through x - 1
           r        # Replace each element by the function...
       ³x\B         # Convert x to base i.
                r   # Replace each element by another function...
            ³]ie    # Duplicate, Inverse, Equals. Checks if it's a palindrome.
                 +  # The sum of. Which counts how many are palindromes.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 7 898


Python 2, 187 bytes

def P(n):
 for b in range(2,n):
	while n>=b**M:M+=1
	while N:
	 for f in range(b)[::-1]:
		if f*b**I<=N:N-=f*b**I;B+=[f];I-=1;break
 print p

Try it online!

A bit on the lengthy side, as there is no built-in used for changing base.

Jonathan Frech

Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 6 681


Haskell, 67 bytes

x#b=mod x b:div x b#b
f n=sum[1|b<-[2..n],n#b==reverse(n#b)]

Try it online! Use by calling f. Works with arbitrary high bases.


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 23 676


JavaScript (ES6), 77 71 70 68 67 bytes


(Golfed from 77 down to 68 while waiting for the challenge to be reopened)

Test it

o.innerText=[...Array(34)].map(_=>(""+x).padStart(2)+": "+f(x++),x=3).join`\n`
<pre id=o>


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 24 623


Japt -x, 9 8 bytes

ò2@sX êS

[Test it]


             :Implicit input of integer U.
ò2           :Range [2,U]
  @          :Map each X
   sX        :  Convert U to a base-X string
      êS     :  Is it a palindrome?
             :Implicitly reduce by addition and output


Posted 2017-08-31T04:23:24.277

Reputation: 24 623