DropSort it like it's hot



As described in this question:

Dropsort, designed by David Morgan-Mar, is an example of a linear-time "sorting algorithm" that produces a list that is, in fact, sorted, but contains only some of the original elements. Any element that is not at least as large as the maximum of the elements preceding it is simply removed from the list and discarded.

To use one of their test cases, an input of {1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 7} yields {1, 2, 5, 7}, as 4 and 3 are both dropped for being smaller than the previously "sorted" value, 5.

We don't want "sorting" algorithms, we want them to be the real deal. Therefore, I want you to write a program that, given a list of numbers, outputs a list of DropSorted lists (to be a complete sorting algorithm, we would need to merge these lists, but merging two sorted lists has been done before, and asking you to do it again is pretty much asking two questions, so this question is specifically the "splitting" step of our complete DropSort).

The arrangement and content of our lists is crucial, however. The output of your program must be equivalent to the output of a DropSort, followed by a DropSort of the discarded values, and so on until you have only have a list of sorted chains. Again, borrowing the existing test suite (and adding two more):

Input                  -> Output
{1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 7}     -> {{1, 2, 5, 7}, {4}, {3}}
{10, -1, 12}           -> {{10, 12}, {-1}}
{-7, -8, -5, 0, -1, 1} -> {{-7, -5, 0, 1}, {-8, -1}}
{9, 8, 7, 6, 5}        -> {{9}, {8}, {7}, {6}, {5}}
{10, 13, 17, 21}       -> {{10, 13, 17, 21}}
{10, 10, 10, 9, 10}    -> {{10, 10, 10, 10}, {9}}  //Note equivalent values aren't dropped
{5, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6}     -> {{5, 8}, {4, 7}, {3, 6}}
{0, 2, 5, 4, 0, 7}     -> {{0, 2, 5, 7}, {4}, {0}}

You may assume the input is non-empty.

This is , so standard rules apply!

Lord Farquaad

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 1 513

Can we output like [5, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6] -> [5, 8], [4,3,7,6]? – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-04T12:59:04.170

5@Xcoder, well I don't mind the syntax, but you still have to sort the second list (and split it in this case). Knowing when to stop is part of the challenge ;). And Stewie, I don't really know what to tell you. I saw the DropSort challenge and thought this sounded fun. Any chance you used your time machine to jump ahead and see this question? Just don't use it to see the best answer! – Lord Farquaad – 2017-08-04T13:09:54.600

Note that adding the sorting of the left-overs takes the solutions out of linear time. – ikegami – 2017-08-06T22:51:19.140

Should {3,4,5,3,4,5,3,4,5} result in {{3,4,5,5,5},{3,4,4},{3}}? – QBrute – 2017-08-07T10:00:42.503

@QBrute I think that's right. – Lord Farquaad – 2017-08-07T12:35:42.180



MATL, 15 10 9 bytes

5 bytes off using @beaker's idea of cumulative maximum


Input is a numeric row vector, in the format [1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 7] (commas are optional). The output contains lists separated by newlines, with the numbers in each list separated by spaces.

Try it online! Or verify all test cases.


Given an array, the code picks from it every entry that equals the cumulative maximum up to that entry.

For example, given

1 2 5 4 3 7

the code picks the first, second, third and sixth entries:

1 2 5     7

Then the process is repeated on the subarray formed by the remaining entries (in the original order):

      4 3

This needs to be done until the subarray of remaining entries is empty. An upper bound on the required number of iterations is the input size. The last iterations may not be needed. In that case they operate on an empty array, producing additional empty arrays.

At the end, the stack contains the required arrays and possibly several empty arrays, which are not displayed at all.

t        % Implicit input. Duplicate
"        % Do as many times as the input size
  tt     %   Duplicate twice
  Y>     %   Cumulative maximum
  =      %   Compare for equality. Will be used as logical index
  &)     %   Two-output indexing: pushes indexed subarray, and then
         %   a subarray with the remaining entries
         % End (implicit)
         % Display stack (implicit). Empty arrays are not displayed

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 87 464


Haskell, 67 59 58 bytes

(q:r)!x|x<last q=q:r!x|1<2=(q++[x]):r

Explanation: Given a list of lists (that are already sorted) and a value x, the ! operator will place x at the end of the first list whose last element is less than or equal to x. If no such list exists, the list [x] is placed at the end.

Try it online.

Cristian Lupascu

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 8 369

3This is an incredibly clever solution. I honestly expected most people to just DropSort over and over until there was nothing left, but I hoped someone would think of a more creative way. – Lord Farquaad – 2017-08-04T14:09:01.043


Husk, 10 bytes


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This is a combination of my other Husk answer and xnor's Haskell answer. The duplicate ü< feels clunky, but I don't know how to get rid of it...


The function ü< translates to nubBy(>) in Haskell. It traverses a list from left to right, keeping those elements for which no previously kept element is strictly greater. In other words, it performs dropsort. The leftover elements are obtained by taking list difference of the original list and the result of ü<.

hUmü<¡Ṡ-ü<  Implicit input, say x = [2,3,5,4,4,2,7].
     ¡      Iterate
      Ṡ-    list difference between argument
        ü<  and its dropsort: [[2,3,5,4,4,2,7],[4,4,2],[2],[],[],[],...
  m         Map
   ü<       dropsort: [[2,3,5,7],[4,4],[2],[],[],[],...
 U          Prefix of unique elements: [[2,3,5,7],[4,4],[2],[]]
h           Drop last element: [[2,3,5,7],[4,4],[2]]


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 39 083

10Outgolfs top answer by 33% "I dunno, it feels clunky" – Lord Farquaad – 2017-08-04T20:21:38.813


Haskell, 50 bytes

import Data.List
f l|r<-nubBy(>)l=r:f(l\\r)

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Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 115 687

1I nearly had this, just didn't know the \\ function : ( – H.PWiz – 2017-08-04T18:15:10.570

2Oh that is indeed a very handy function! Very nice solution=) – flawr – 2017-08-05T08:44:09.400


Husk, 16 bytes


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This first line is the main function, and the second is a higher order helper function (it takes a function as argument and returns a new function). It's accessed by the subscript . The idea is that ₁≤ performs dropsort and ₁> gives the leftover elements.

ṠfSz⁰G▲  Helper function, takes binary function p (as ⁰) and list x (implicit).
         For example, p = (≤) and x = [2,4,3,4,5,2].
     G▲  Left scan on x with maximum: [2,4,4,4,5,5].
  Sz     Zip with x
    ⁰    using the function p: [1,1,0,1,1,0].
Ṡf       Keep elements of x at truthy indices: [2,4,4,5].

In the main function, we iterate the leftovers function ₁> and apply the dropsort function ₁≤ to the results.

hUm₁≤¡₁>  Main function, implicit list argument, say x = [2,4,3,4,5,2].
     ¡    Iterate
      ₁>  the leftovers function: [[2,4,3,4,5,2],[3,2],[2],[],[],[],...
  m       Map
   ₁≤     the dropsort function: [[2,4,4,5],[3],[2],[],[],[],...
 U        Prefix of unique elements: [[2,4,4,5],[3],[2],[]]
h         Drop last element (an empty list): [[2,4,4,5],[3],[2]]


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 39 083

Husk is the new Jelly... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-04T14:01:37.357

1@EriktheOutgolfer Beaten by MATL. :/ – Zgarb – 2017-08-04T15:42:46.050


Python 3, 131 112 103 95 bytes

Thanks a lot @Mr. Xcoder for a smashing 19 bytes!!

Thanks a lot @ovs for an amazing 17 bytes!

def f(x):
 a,*x=x or[0];m=[a];d=[]
 for i in x:[m,d][i<m[-1]]+=i,
 return[m]+(x and(d>[])*f(d))

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def f(x):               #recursive function taking list, returns list of lists 
 if len(x)<2:return[x]  #for a single element return [element] 
 m=[x[0]];d=[]          #initialize main and dropped lists
 for i in x[1:]:[m,d][i<m[-1]]+=[i]  #append elements from the argument list accordingly into main and dropped list 
 return[m]+(d>[])*list(f(d)) #add main-list along with further evaluated dropped-list(recursived) into a list of lists


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 2 739

2116 bytes. The if-else can be collapsed into [m,d][i<m[-1]]+=[i]. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-04T13:18:24.127

Woah , Thanks a lot... I was tryng that [m,d] thing but it was not working somehow.... – officialaimm – 2017-08-04T13:20:27.063

1113 bytes. (len(d)>0) is bool(d), because empty lists are falsy in Python. +1, Nice solution! – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-04T13:22:00.053

@Mr.Xcoder d>[] found it.. Thanks to your help... :) – officialaimm – 2017-08-04T13:24:23.300

Nice trick... Indeed, I missed that. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-04T13:25:04.350

195 bytes – ovs – 2017-08-06T21:51:48.950

@ovs, Woah, Thanks a ton!!! I don't even know how that works!! The comma thing?? – officialaimm – 2017-08-07T09:00:25.733

2i, is just a short for (i,), which is a tuple containing a. a,*x = x or [0] is python3's extended unpacking. Here is an helpful SO post on this topic with some examples. – ovs – 2017-08-07T09:10:43.380


Haskell, 113 107 102 92 bytes

import Data.List
a!(b:c)|b<last a=a!c|1>0=a++[b]!c
g x@(b:c)|i<-[b]!c=i:g(x\\i)
g x=[]

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This feels really long.


! performs the drop sort on a list, while # collects the trimmings. g then repeatedly applies # until the list is empty recording the results in a list.

Post Rock Garf Hunter

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 55 382

1Replacing head a with a!!0 saves a byte. – tomsmeding – 2017-08-04T21:35:45.737


APL, 27 bytes



  • ⍵≡⍬:⍬: if the input is empty, return the empty list
  • X←⍵≥⌈\⍵: all numbers greater or equal to the running maximum
  • (⊂X/⍵): the list of those numbers,
  • ∇⍵/⍨~X: followed by the result of running this function on the remaining numbers


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 30 224

Save a byte with {⍵≡⍬:⍬⋄(⊂⍵~r),∇r←⍵/⍨⍵<⌈\⍵}. Morten is getting worried by the lack of response to his emails. Is everything alright?

– Adám – 2017-09-06T11:06:14.267

Oh dear. I'm happy to here that you managed. See you next week. – Adám – 2017-09-07T09:05:21.560


JavaScript (ES6), 64 bytes



  a+a&&                                    //any elements left?
  [a.filter(                               //filter elements that are in order,
    e=>e<l?!r.push(e):(l=e,1)              //push unsorted elements to r
   ),                                      //push() returns the new length of the array,
                                           //... so !push() will always return false
   ...f(r)                                 //recurse on r


console.log(JSON.stringify(f([1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 7])));     // [1, 2, 5, 7][4][3]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([10, -1, 12])));           // [10, 12][-1]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([-7, -8, -5, 0, -1, 1]))); // [-7, -5, 0, 1][-8, -1]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([9, 8, 7, 6, 5])));        // [9][8][7][6][5]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([10, 13, 17, 21])));       // [10, 13, 17, 21]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([10, 10, 10, 9, 10])));    // [10, 10, 10, 10][9]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([5, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6])));     // [5, 8][4, 7][3, 6]
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([0, 2, 5, 4, 0, 7])));     // [0,2,5,7],[4],[0]

Rick Hitchcock

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 2 461

1For a split second there I thought ?! was some fancy new operator... – Neil – 2017-08-04T15:06:14.267

Ha, yeah, I should have included an explanation. Now added. – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-08-04T15:16:51.090

@Neil ?!

– Patrick Roberts – 2017-08-04T15:41:46.613

(i,n,o=[])=>[i.filter(a=>(n||a)<=a?(n=a,1):!o.push([a])),...o] Apparently, great minds think (kind of) alike. Unfortunately I can't seem to shave off any more bytes... Just noting, you can remove f= in your code, and maybe my code might give you some ideas on how to golf yours even more. – David Archibald – 2017-08-05T21:22:46.533

Thanks, @DavidArchibald. I can't remove f= from my code, because it's recursive. Yours is an interesting approach, but it doesn't seem to work for a couple of the test cases. For example, it returns [[5,8],[4],[3],[7],[6]] for the next-to-last case. – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-08-05T22:26:30.480

I feel silly now that I missed both of those. I'll blame it on burnout. I really shouldn't codegolf after coding for hours. I even realized that it was recursive with the f(r) part. Funny that we both came up with !x.push() I haven't seen that anywhere. – David Archibald – 2017-08-05T23:15:19.240

I can relate to burnout. An earlier version of my code had (r.push(e),0), which I soon realized could be shortened to !r.push(e). Don't think I've seen that before either. – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-08-06T11:05:05.880


Java 8, 182 179 177 bytes

import java.util.*;l->{List r=new Stack(),t;for(int p,i,x;l.size()>0;)for(p=l.get(0),r.add(t=new Stack()),i=0;i<l.size();p=x)if((x=l.get(i++))>=p)t.add(l.remove(--i));return r;}

-3 bytes thanks to @Nevay.
-2 bytes by using Stack instead of Vector.


Try it here.

import java.util.*;            // Required import for List and Vector
l->{                           // Method with ArrayList<Integer> parameter and List return-type
  List r=new Stack(),          //  Return-List
       t;                      //  Temp-List
  for(int p,i,x;               //  Some temp integers
      l.size()>0;)             //  Loop (1) as long as there are still items left in the list
    for(p=l.get(0),            //   Set `p` to the first item of the list
        r.add(t=new Stack()),  //   Add a new inner List to the result-List
        i=0;i<l.size();        //   Inner loop (2) from 0 to the size of the list (exclusive)
         p=x)                  //     After every iteration, save the previous value in `p`
      if((x=l.get(i++))>=p)    //    If the current item is equal or larger than the previous:
        t.add(l.remove(--i));  //     Add it to the temp-List, and remove it from the input-List
                               //   End of inner loop (2) (implicit / single-line body)
                               //  End of loop (1) (implicit / single-line body)
  return r;                    //  Return result-List
}                              // End of method

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 67 575

Can you use try{}catch{} instead of checking against l.size() to save some? – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-04T14:33:46.560

1You can start the inner loop at 0 and remove the brackets of the outer for-loop l->{List r=new Vector(),t;for(int p,i,x;l.size()>0;)for(p=l.get(0),r.add(t=new Vector()),i=0;i<l.size();p=x)if((x=l.get(i++))>=p)t.add(l.remove(--i));return r;} (-3 bytes). – Nevay – 2017-08-09T15:23:46.740


R, 61 bytes


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Recursive function. sum(x|1) is shorthand for length(x), so this recursion will run untill x is empty. cummax takes the cumulative maximum of x, which is then compared to x again. This produces a boolean vector of length x, where all the TRUEs correspond to sorted values. We use that to take a subset of x and print it. The function is then called again on the remainder of x.


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 2 898


C#, 188 203 bytes

int[][]f(int[]a){int[]t=a.Where((n,i)=>i<1||n>=a[i-1]).ToArray(),m=a.Where((n,i)=>i>0&&n<a[i-1]).ToArray();var s=new int[][]{t}.ToList();if(m.Any())s.AddRange(f(m));return s.ToArray();}

The byte count includes +18 for:

using System.Linq;

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Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 6 930

@RickHitchcock Fixed at the cost of 15 bytes! Nice spot. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-08-04T14:22:09.813

Good job : ) +1 – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-08-04T14:22:46.200


C++14, 118 108 bytes

Using the algorithm from w0lf's Haskell answer.

As unnamed generic lambda. First parameter is a container of the values to dropsort (like vector<int>) and second parameter requires a compatible empty container of containers (like vector<vector<int>>) for the return value via reference.

In the first version of the program, there was R.clear;() as first statement, so that the container of containers didnt need to be empty. Peter Cordes thought this could into the specification, so dropping 10 byte for that.

[](auto A,auto&R){for(auto x:A){for(auto&D:R)if(D.back()<x){D.push_back(x);goto F;}R.emplace_back(1,x);F:;}}

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[](auto A,auto&R){
 for(auto x:A){       //foreach item
  for(auto&D:R)       //foreach result list
   if(D.back()<x){    //x bigger than last element
    D.push_back(x);   //add x
    goto F;           //break and jump over the emplace
  R.emplace_back(1,x);//create new list with this element

Karl Napf

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 4 131

You can probably get away with omitting the R.clear(), and just require the caller to start with an empty container. – Peter Cordes – 2017-08-06T22:11:52.843

@PeterCordes good idea, i might respec my other C++ answers which featured return via reference parameter. – Karl Napf – 2017-08-07T05:20:57.797


Python 2, 88 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to Arnold Palmer

for i in b:
 for l in r:
	if l[-1]<=i:l+=[i];break
print r

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Solution similar to @w0lf's haskell [answer][1]

Rare use case for for-else construction

Iterate through sorted lists for l in r (empty at start).
If element(from input) i is larger than last element of list l[-1], add element to list l+=[i], break.
If no list was accepted, add new list with this elemens r+=[[i]]

Dead Possum

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 3 256

188 bytes by just taking it out of its function. – Arnold Palmer – 2017-08-04T19:10:32.753


C (gcc), 176 175 173 bytes

#define P(x)printf("%d ",t=x);

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Somewhat readable version:

#define P(x)printf("%d ",t=x);

Felix Palmen

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 3 866

175 bytes. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-04T13:53:29.220

Uhh, of course, how stupid -- thanks! – Felix Palmen – 2017-08-04T13:55:09.843


JavaScript (ES6), 71 70 68 bytes


Pretty simple, just iterates the array, looks for the first inner array whose last value is <= to the next value to drop, if none exists, append a new inner array with the next value to the output, otherwise append the next value to the first found inner array that matches the condition.


Thanks to Neil, saved three bytes converting (...,o) to ...&&o and re-organizing the callback to map() to be more compact.


Patrick Roberts

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 2 475

1&&o is a byte shorter than (,o). – Neil – 2017-08-04T15:21:58.527

@Neil gah! Great catch, thank you – Patrick Roberts – 2017-08-04T15:27:30.750

1I like your [...b].pop(), but I think (o.find(b=>[...b].pop()<=n)||(n=[n],o)).push(n) saves you a byte or two. – Neil – 2017-08-04T15:30:25.600

At this rate, I'll feel obligated to mark this as a community post... damn – Patrick Roberts – 2017-08-04T15:38:07.747

Just because of a couple of tweaks? It's still basically the same code... – Neil – 2017-08-04T18:29:20.940

@Neil That second one was a pretty hefty rewrite. I don't think I would have figured that out myself, and that was the core of the algorithm. Sure it's still doing the same thing and you only saved 2 bytes, but it was pretty ingenious. – Patrick Roberts – 2017-08-04T18:36:55.520

Not really, all I did was to move the [n] around a bit (the revision history shows that it wasn't that much of a change). – Neil – 2017-08-04T18:42:51.360

Nice job for a non-recursive approach. – Rick Hitchcock – 2017-08-06T11:09:38.490


R, Work in progress (89, but failing)

Holding some work here, because I backed myself into a corner using %in% (It fails on duplicate entries, in particular the last test case), and I need to go do other things now, but this is here if anybody wants to build on it:



  } else {

Alex Axthelm

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 61

you should probably delete this for the time being so you don't get downvotes while you're fixing it. – Giuseppe – 2017-08-04T15:59:56.493

1z=function(x)"if"(sum(x|1),{a=x[(i=x>=cummax(x))] c(list(a),z(x[!i]))},NULL) works – Giuseppe – 2017-08-04T16:05:10.620

the space between ] and c is a newline (or semicolon) – Giuseppe – 2017-08-04T16:18:45.313

I've never seen "if" before, but I'm pretty new to R golfing. You should post as your own answer, and I can take mine down. I like what you did with the i index, to get around the %in% problem. – Alex Axthelm – 2017-08-04T17:37:15.020

Nah, you did all the hard work! I couldn't wrap my head around this problem until I saw your implementation--I would never have remembered cummax! – Giuseppe – 2017-08-04T17:38:51.213

Also helpful – Giuseppe – 2017-08-04T17:39:27.960

Take a look at this solution and see if you can copy some of the methods from there.

– JAD – 2017-08-04T19:31:35.317


Japt, 29 bytes


Test it online!


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 47 880


PHP, 102 bytes, 98 bytes

<?php function s($i){static$s;foreach($i as$v)${$v<max($l)?f:l}[]=$v;$s[]=$l;!$f?:s($f);return$s;}

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-4 bytes, thanks to @Umbrella



The function takes the input list as an array.

function s($i) {

$s, which will become the finally returned list of lists, is declared static. This extends its scope to all calls of this function, allowing the function to be called recursively without having to pass this result list as an argument or to return it.

    static $s;

Loop through each value in the list.

    foreach ($i as $v)

Is it less than the biggest current list member?

        $v < max($l) ?

Yes, put it on list $f for further sorting.

                        $f[] = $v :

No, put it on list $l.

                        $l[] = $v;

Push list $l onto the list of lists.

    $s[] = $l;

If there's anything in list $f, send it round again for further sorting.

    !$f ?: s($f);

Return the list of lists.

    return $s;


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 221

1Accounting for the 31 chars I left out as <?php function d($a){return$r;}, you heartily crushed me. Aside, I just realized we both forgot to output. – Umbrella – 2017-08-07T14:04:48.573

I've been golfing my solution down to try to beat yours without using yours and I found a way yours can be improved: I think you can save four characters by replacing $v<max($l)?$f[]=$v:$l[]=$v; with ${$v<max($l)?f:l}[]=$v; -- at least, it works in my tests. – Umbrella – 2017-08-07T19:50:41.843

@Umbrella, isn't returning, outputting??? And thanks for those 4 bytes. I never think of working like that, using code to evaluate the variable name. I must remember to consider that in future challenges… – WebSmithery – 2017-08-13T15:51:39.987

Found it, consensus seems to accept returning as output: https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods/2456#2456

– Umbrella – 2017-08-14T18:07:42.860


PHP, 91 103 96 85 bytes

(Edited to add 12 chars of print_r($r); to meet requirement to output)
(Edited to remove 7 bytes when allowing PHP Errors)
(Edited to remove 11 bytes when golfing the assignment further)

while($a){$b=$d=[];foreach($a as$i)${max($b)>$i?d:b}[]=$i;$a=$d;$r[]=$b;}print_r($r);

Given input $a, it produces result $r


while ($a) {
    $b = $d = [];
    foreach ($a as $i) {
        ${max($b) > $i ? d : b}[] = $i;
    $a   = $d;
    $r[] = $b;

The pseudo-recursive outer loop initializes the keep $b and discard $d arrays to empty, then does a basic drop sort loop, finally setting the discards as the new input and adding the keeps to the result $r


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 867


Sage, 102 bytes

def f(w,a=[]):
 for x in w:
  q,c=exists(a,lambda b:b[-1]<=x)
  if q:c+=[x]
 return a

Very similar to @Dead Possum's answer.
Appends each member x of w to the first list in a {list of lists} with x greater than it's last element.
if none, appends [x] to a.

I would really like it if exists returned a if nothing was found! Also trying to apply @officialaimm's one-line idea ...

Question: If I removed my code from the function, I'd have to assign w to input right? So would it save bytes?


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 51


APL, 100 88 83 79 78 57 56 77 76 bytes


-0 bytes thanks to Kritixi Lithos...

Try it online!

There's got to be some better way to do this (There is). Any tips are very greatly appreciated and welcome.


(Note, some of this explanation might be wrong, as I forgot how this worked)

{⍵≡X←⍵/⍨~V←⍵≠⌈\⍵:⍵⋄X(∇V/⍵)} - separate the argument into nested drop-sorts
{⍵≡(S←¯1↓⍵),⊃⊃⌽⍵:⍵⋄∇S,⊃⌽⍵}  - un-nesting (passed the result of the above)
{(E/⍵),⊂⍵/⍨~E←(⍬≢⍴)¨⍵}∘     - fixing array mishaps (passed the result of the above)


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 5 710

{⍬≢⍴⍵} can become (⍬≢⍴) – user41805 – 2017-08-06T14:51:28.760

ALready did that without seeing your comment, – Zacharý – 2017-08-06T14:55:20.537

What is the purpose of {(⍵/⍨~E),⊂⍵/⍨E←(⍬≡⍴)¨⍵}? It seems to be separated from everything else – user41805 – 2017-08-06T14:55:56.387

Without it, the first test case would be something like [[1,2,5,7],[4],3], instead of the required [[1,2,5,7],[4],[3]]. – Zacharý – 2017-08-06T14:57:30.877

You might be able to shorten that dfn to just (,¨) – user41805 – 2017-08-06T14:59:50.377

I think ,¨∘ works, and thank you so much Kritixi! (It sounds more like a name, I'm sticking with that) – Zacharý – 2017-08-06T15:08:09.460

Never mind. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Fails on (10 ¯1 12 0 1). – Zacharý – 2017-08-06T15:39:22.437


JavaScript (Node.js), 125 109 106 bytes

-16 18 bytes from Zacharý

-1 by removing { and } by changing the incrementer to include the "set last to the current"

m=x=>{z=[[],[]];l=NaN;for(i=0;i<x.length;l=x[i++])if(l>x[i])z[1].push(x[i]);else z[0].push(x[i]);return z}

Basically, asks is the current item greater than the last item, add to the first list. Otherwise, add to the second.

Found out during this that comparing any number to NaN will always result false. Interesting!


m = x => {                         // Create function
  z = [[], []];                      // Initialize dropsort output
  l = NaN;                           // Initialize last element
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; l=x[i++])// For each item in input...
    if (l > x[i])                    // If current item is greater than previous
      z[1].push(x[i]);               // Then add it to the first part of output
    else                             // Elsewise
      z[0].push(x[i]);               // Add it to the nonordered part of the dropsort
                                     // Set last item to current item
  }                                  // Repeat
  return z                           // Return finished dropsort
}                                    // End function

Try it online!

Stan Strum

Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 436

Do you have to use var? – Zacharý – 2017-08-06T20:19:47.677

@Zacharý, let me check! – Stan Strum – 2017-08-06T21:01:37.247

The parens aren't needed around x. – Zacharý – 2017-08-14T11:11:54.497


Ocaml, 69 62 bytes

let rec d=function h::i::t when h>i->d(h::t)|h::t->h::d t|x->x


let rec d = function (* Implicitly take an list as a parameter *)
    (* If the list starts with two elements h and i and h is greater than i, drop i and sort the list starting with h and the rest t *)
    | h::i::t when h > i -> d (h::t) 
    (* If h is not greater than i, make a new list starting with h and a tail containing the drop sorted rest *)
    | h::t -> h::d t
    (* If none of the cases apply, the list is empty. *)
    | x -> x


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 101


Jelly, 26 bytes


This is the same method as marinus' APL answer.

Try it online!.


Posted 2017-08-04T12:40:19.977

Reputation: 5 710