One Ring to rule them all. One String to contain them all



Objectives: Output a String which contains every positive integer strictly below 1000.

The obvious answer would be to concatenate every one of them, and that would create a String of 2890 characters (thanks manatwork), to avoid this kind of easy answer, the length of the string must be under 1500 characters. Here is a straightforward Java code which outputs a 1200 chars String.

import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

 * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: fab
 * Date: 05/11/13
 * Time: 09:53
 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class AStringToContainThemAll {

    public void testsubStrings() throws Exception {
        String a = generateNewString();
        boolean cool = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

    private String generateNewString() {
        List<Integer> myTree = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        String finalString = new String("100");
        for (int i = 10; i < 1000; i++) {
        while (myTree.size() > 0) {
            if (finalString.contains(Integer.toString(myTree.get(0)))) {
            } else {
                String substringLong = finalString.substring(finalString.length() - 2, finalString.length());
                boolean found = false;
                for (Integer integer : myTree) {
                    if (integer.toString().startsWith(substringLong) && !finalString.contains(integer.toString())) {
                        finalString = finalString.concat(integer.toString().substring(2, 3));
                        found = true;
                        break loop;
                if(! found){
                    finalString = finalString.concat(myTree.get(0).toString());

        return finalString;

Shortest code win, bonus point for the shortest String!


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 603

@Justin You can save 24 bytes ... the string only has to contain every positive integer strictly below 1000. – Titus – 2016-11-19T11:37:28.857

11The optimal string is 1002 characters long. – Peter Taylor – 2013-11-05T10:43:41.657

1@PeterTaylor I'm interested, how did you figure that out? – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T10:45:35.313


Basically you're asking for a de Bruijn sequence B(10, 3), but because you don't allow cyclic wrapping it's necessary to repeat the first two characters.

– Peter Taylor – 2013-11-05T10:52:24.900

3But I want the string to contain 1, 2 or 56, not necessarily 001 002 and 056. – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T11:09:21.427

How you calculated that maximum 2907? (([*0..999]*'').size gives 2890 in ruby.) – manatwork – 2013-11-05T11:15:00.030

@manatwork I just added every 1 digit number, 2-digit numbers and 3-digit numbers, but I failed terribly at calculating it in my head (I counted 99 2-digit numbers, and 9 mono-digit numbers) – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T11:19:27.363

You're right, it should be possible to shorten the output string to 999 chars by picking the lexicographically first de Bruijn sequence, moving two leading zeroes to the end, and removing the remaining leading zero. – Peter Taylor – 2013-11-05T11:28:31.983

6Your problem is impossible to solve because you said number not integer. The string would have to be of infinite length to accommodate all the positive numbers below 1000. – Ramchandra Apte – 2013-11-05T13:40:26.583

@RamchandraApte True, everybody else understood it anyway ;) .I'll fix this. – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T13:42:13.333

11@RamchandraApte And still any string even with infinite length would be missing most numbers ;-) – Howard – 2013-11-05T13:49:43.210

nit-picking edit because I'm a LotR fan :P – Doorknob – 2013-11-06T02:51:09.790

this is more of a mathematics problem – Math chiller – 2013-11-06T07:15:01.560

@Doorknob Ah ah ah, it's ok! – Fabinout – 2013-11-06T08:51:38.653

Since this is code-golf the accepted answer should go to the shortest, which is currently Howard's and not mine. – Peter Taylor – 2013-11-06T09:44:35.830

@PeterTaylor ok, your answer was just more clever. – Fabinout – 2013-11-06T09:51:50.300

This contest would be cooler if it asked for the shortest [size of code] + [size of output]. – Heimdall – 2017-10-26T11:25:10.247

#Java-134 chars class a{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.println("a String which contains every positive integer strictly below 1000");}} Output (66 chars):

a String which contains every positive integer strictly below 1000 Did I approach the problem the wrong way?

– Justin – 2013-11-05T18:56:06.617

The following is also an interesting approach, and technically not correct in terms of the question, as it is not complying to the maximum 1500 characters condition, and the output string is not human-readable. Using old-school methods that I figured out when I was hacking Civilization I maps (hehehe), I found that, for example, if you had 4000 gold in your treasury, this was stored in 2 digits only, namely, 1 digit representing 15 * 256, and another digit representing the modulus of 4000 by 15, namely 160. So, using this algorithm, you can store each number in 1 digit from 0 until you get to – Kobus Myburgh – 2013-11-07T08:49:40.070



Golfscript - 13 bytes, 1315 output


The above selects those numbers from 0-990 whose first digit is the largest digit of the number, i.e. the last digit of the sorted string representation is lexicographically less than the string itself. The logic is the following:

For a 3 digit number abc, if a is not the largest digit of the number, the number my be skipped, because it will be covered by one of two cases later on:

  1. b < c (e.g. 123)
    Because c is the largest digit, the number cab will not be skipped. In this example 312 will not be skipped, nor will the next value 313, which when concatenated (312 313) contains 123.

  2. b ≥ c (e.g. 132)
    Because b is the largest digit, the number bca will not be skipped. In this example 321 will not be skipped, nor will the next value 322, which when concatenated (321 322) contains 132. If b = c (e.g. 122), this case also applies. The value bca will not be skipped, as before, and because a is necessarily less than b, bc<a+1> will not be skipped either. In this example, 221 222 contains 122.

Because the above code tests the third digit, rather than strictly the last, all values from 0-99 are included in the result. The values from 1-99 may be skipped, however, because if every 3-digit sequence is present, then every 1-digit and 2-digit sequence must also be present.

The values from 991-999 may also be skipped, as the are generated by (909 910, 919 920, ... 989 990).

At 1315 bytes of output, this is comfortably under the problem's specification of less than 1500.



Variation #1

14 bytes, 1233 output


By selecting strictly the last digit for comparison, rather than the third, many of the unnecessary values less than 100 are eliminated, shortening the resulting string.


Variation #2

16 bytes, 1127 output


By prying off all values less than 99 beforehand, the resulting string can be shortened even more.


Golfscript - 19 bytes, 1016 output


The above counts from 99 to 909, adding any value that hasn't already appeared (909 would normally be the last value added in this way). Moving 99 to the front is an optimization to avoid needing 910 at the back.



Golfscript 26 bytes, 999 output


Note that the 1016 character string produced by the previous solution is nearly optimal, except for having two extra digits for each multiple of 111 (i.e. 11111 instead of 111, 22222 instead of 222, etc.). The solution can be made optimal by removing these extra digits (only inserting one digit at each of these values, instead of three), and by rotating 909 to the front, eliminating a 9 (this differs from the previous versions, which moved 9100 to the back instead).

Unrolled and commented:

909.,99>  # add 909 to the stack, and duplicate
          # create an array from 0..908, and 
          # remove the first 99 elements (99..908)
  `..     # stringify, duplicate twice

  $.2><   # non-divisibility by 111 check
          # true if the last char of the sorted
          # string is greater than the first char

  3$@?    # first position of this number in
          # the total string so far (-1 if not found)

  +>      # add the two previous results,
          # and slice from that point
          # (see explanation below)

  +       # concat what remains to the total string

}/        # loop over the set

The logic to choose which characters are appended follows three cases:

  1. 111n, ns
    The value from the first check is 1, and from the second -1.
    The slice will begin starting from index 0; it will return the whole string.
  2. 111n, ns
    The value from the first check is 1, and from the second something ≥ 2.
    The slice will begin staring from index ≥ 3; it will return an empty string.
  3. 111n, ns
    The value from the first check is 0, and from the second -1.
    The slice will begin starting from index -1; it will return the last character only.

The sum of the logic is that any value which hasn't yet appeared will be appended in whole - unless it is a multiple of 111, in which case only one character will be appended. All other values will be ignored.

Note that the string produced is different than the optimal one produced by Peter Taylor's answer.











Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 30 891


GolfScript (35 31 26 chars)


Output is


(1020 chars) This is a variant on the Lyndon word concatenation approach: rather than use the primitive 1-char words it uses multiples of 111 for shorter code but repeated occurrences of those numbers; and rather than use minimal elements of the conjugacy groups it uses maximal elements, because that shortens the loops.


at 40 chars (can probably still be improved) generates an optimal string, which is of length 999 chars:


Trying to make this do reverse strings runs into problems with omitting the multiples of 111.

To see that 999 is the optimal length (since my brief comments above don't convince everyone), start from the full de Bruijn sequence which (taken as a cyclic string) contains every 3-digit sequence of characters from 0 to 9. Since there are 1000 of them, it must be at least 1000 characters long; that it can be precisely 1000 characters long is usually proven by an Eulerian walk on a graph whose nodes are two-digit sequences xy with 10 edges, each labelled with one digit z, which take xy to yz.

We don't need sequences beginning 0, so given a de Bruijn sequence we can rotate to put 000 at the end. Then we don't need either of the sequences which wrap round to the beginning, but we do need two of the 0s to finish the sequence starting with the digit before 000, so we can delete one of them to get a 999-character string. Every remaining 0 is used in a number which doesn't begin with 0.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 41 901

8That's truly impressive!! – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T11:48:41.847

I'd prefer to use a filtering or generative approach. For the pseudo-Lyndon approach I've got the generative approach down to 32 chars: 10,:^{:x^>{x.@:&<+^>{x&@}/}/}/0. Varying that for true Lyndon words gives 10,:^{:x^>{x.@:&<+^>{.x>{x&@}*}/}/}%3>0. (40 chars) for the optimal string. – Peter Taylor – 2013-11-05T17:23:40.983

Can you get the optimal string shorter by not using leading zeros for numbers below 100? – Random832 – 2013-11-05T18:50:13.180

1@Random832 I'm pretty sure you can't. You have to include the numbers 100, 200, ... 900, so the minimal string is certainly going to have eight occurances of 00X (one can be at the far right, as above). Note that the optimal string given doesn't contain "001". – tttppp – 2013-11-05T20:25:21.987

2Normally I don't upvote code I don't understand, but in this case I'm upvoting it because I don't understand. Bravo. – Ben Jackson – 2013-11-06T01:53:30.253

Hmm... why should 999 characters be the minimum? you only need 899 3-character sequences and each 2 character-sequence is already contained in it, theoretically – Falco – 2014-09-18T13:21:51.687


GolfScript, 17 characters


Plain approach to add each number if not already present in the string (note: 999 is not checked or added, but contained already in the output).

Output is 1133 characters:



Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 23 109


I don't have any code, but I thought someone might appreciate this intuitive proof that 999 characters is the lower bound to the length of the output:

First, every 1- and 2-digit number is part of a 3-digit number, so ignore everything less than 100. 100-999 inclusive is 900 3-digit numbers.

The most optimal way to solve the problem is if every character is used as much as possible. That means the numbers overlap as much as possible, like this:


The first number will therefore add 3 characters, and each subsequent number will add 1 character. That gives 3 + 899 = 902 characters as a lower bound.

However, when there is a zero, we can't use it to start a new 3-digit number. We can reuse it in the middle of another 3-digit number though, as long as it is not followed by another zero:

 203  <- Ok.
  034 <- not a number 100-999.


 002  <- not a number 100-999.
  023 <- not a number 100-999.

Therefore, each zero which appears in the output extends the output by 1 character - except for the last two characters which may be zero as they do not overlap any further numbers:


There are 81 numbers with strictly one zero in the middle (?0?), 81 with strictly one zero at the end (??0), and 9 with two zeros (?00).

Every ??0 number can share a zero with either a ?0? number or a ?00 number, but not both. ?0? and ?00 can never share zeros, so there must be at least 81 + 9*2 zeros in the output.

This gives a lower bound of 3 + 899 + 81 + 9*2 - 2 = 999 characters.

Apologies if this is considered off-topic, but it was too long to fit in a comment.

Alistair Buxton

Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 991

1Thanks for the heads up! That's kinda funny that the string which contains every integers lower than 999 is 999 characters long. – Fabinout – 2013-11-06T10:04:26.080


See also:

– liori – 2013-11-06T10:44:45.203

1It's kinda funny to notice that storing every number up to 999 in a string makes it 999 characters long. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that storing every number up to 99 makes it a 100 characters long. – Fabinout – 2013-11-07T09:50:10.867

2By the same argument the lower bound is 2 + 89 + 9 - 1 = 99 but this does not prove 99 is possible, only that 98 isn't. – Alistair Buxton – 2013-11-07T12:07:43.543


Perl, 37 34 33 32 (1136 1132 characters)



for$i(1..999){$_.=$i if!/$i/}print

for(1..1e3){$s.=$_ if$s!~/$_/}print$s



Shorter string: 38 37 34 (1020 characters):



for($i=1e3;$i--;){$_.=$i if!/$i/}print



Still not happy with the duplication especially the 99999 at the beginning! I think many more checks would create a lot more code though...

Edit: Added suggestion from @Peter Taylor

Edit 2: Some great suggestions from @primo! Thank you

Dom Hastings

Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 16 415

2Nice trick to write 1000 as 1e3, but I think it's pointless. The question says “strictly below 1000”, that would mean up to and including 999. (The sample code also processes 0..999.) – manatwork – 2013-11-05T10:39:09.873

An excellent point! I had a different loop to begin with, I've amended this accordingly! Thanks! – Dom Hastings – 2013-11-05T11:25:22.977

3If you use a non-alphabetic character for your variable can you remove the space? – Peter Taylor – 2013-11-05T13:00:40.643

Ahhh yes, I can! Thanks! – Dom Hastings – 2013-11-05T13:15:51.607

2A few more minor improvements: instead of $_.=$@if!/$@/, you can use string repetition $_.=$@x!/$@/. The for can be replaced by a while as a statement modifier, using a modulo: ...while$@=--$@%1e3 – primo – 2013-11-05T18:08:14.863

String repetition is an amazing trick, making sure to remember that one, the while+modulo took me a bit to get, but is a nice way to save two more, thank you! – Dom Hastings – 2013-11-06T08:29:48.320


APL (20, output: 1020)



  • {∨/⍺⍷⍵:⍵⋄⍵,⍺}: if is a substring of , return , else return ⍵,⍺
  • /: reduce over
  • ⍕¨: the string representation of each of
  • ⍳999: the integers from 1 to 999.



APL (41, output: 999)



  • ⌽⍕¨100+⍳898: ('999' '998' ... '101') (in reverse order, because reduction goes right to left in APL, i.e. F/a b c ≡ a F (b F c))
  • /: reduce
  • ⍵,⍺⍴⍨: right argument, followed by the first N characters of the left argument, where N is:
  • 3×~∨/⍺⍷⍵: 3 if is not a substring of , otherwise 0
  • (1=⍴∪⍺): 1 if only has one unique characcter, otherwise 0
  • : greatest common divisor of the previous two values, so: 1 if is not already in and only has one unique character, 3 if is not already in but has more than one unique character, 0 otherwise.
  • '0',⍨: add a zero to the end of the result




Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 30 224


Ruby: 50 46 characters (1020 characters output)


Sample run:

bash-4.1$ ruby -e 's="";999.downto(0){|i|s[n=i.to_s]||s+=n};$><<s'

Test run:

bash-4.1$ ruby -e 's="";999.downto(0){|i|s[n=i.to_s]||s+=n};$><<s' | ruby -ne 'p (0..999).reject{|i|$_[i.to_s]}'

Ruby: 102 97 characters (999 characters output)

999.downto(0){|i|s[n=i.to_s]||[2,1].map{|j|n[0,j]==s[-j,j]&&s+=n[j,9]and break}&&s+=n}

Sample run:

bash-4.1$ ruby -e 's="";999.downto(0){|i|s[n=i.to_s]||[2,1].map{|j|n[0,j]==s[-j,j]&&s+=n[j,9]and break}&&s+=n};$><<s'

Test run:

bash-4.1$ ruby -e 's="";999.downto(0){|i|s[n=i.to_s]||[2,1].map{|j|n[0,j]==s[-j,j]&&s+=n[j,9]and break}&&s+=n};$><<s' | ruby -ne 'p (0..999).reject{|i|$_[i.to_s]}'


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 17 865

Nice idea to go from 999 to 0 and not the opposite way. With this, my Java method outputs a 1048 characters string (instead of 1200). – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T10:54:24.150

1If you're just worried about code length and not output length, you could improve the first one using a string range. Something like (?0..?9*3).map{|i|$/[i]||($><<i;$/+=i)} maybe? – Paul Prestidge – 2013-11-06T04:08:19.310


Mathematica (62 64 chars, 1002 output)

Because this makes use of a native function, I appreciate all the more the beauty of shorter solutions from scratch. Output is 1002 chars long.

<< Combinatorica`
"79" <> DeBruijnSequence["0"~CharacterRange~"9", 3]



Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 24 524


you appear to be missing 799 and 997. see (or write your own check)

– Justin – 2013-11-05T20:04:48.437

Good catch. By default, DeBruijnSequence assumes cyclic wrapping. Prepending "79", the final two digits, solves the problem. – DavidC – 2013-11-05T22:21:17.413


JavaScript, 39


1020 character output:


Verification: for(i=0;i<1000;i++)console.assert(k.indexOf(i)>=0)


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 6 466


Mathematica, 51 chars


Output(1155 chars):



Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 23 988

What does it do? – Fabinout – 2013-11-05T13:57:42.343

1It constructs a list of lists of the form {i, j, k} where i is from 0 to 9 and j, k are smaller than i. Then it converts the list into a string. – alephalpha – 2013-11-05T14:05:45.460


Python - 53 63, 1134 output

This is pretty brute forcish, but it is valid. Yes it has a leading zero, but it saves two characters by not having range(1,1000).

for i in range(1e3):s+=`i`*(not`i`in s)
print s

The above throws a DeprecationWarning over the use of 1e3 in the range() call, but it saves a character over using 1000.

There is a slightly more optimal length output version as well, by reversing the string at the cost of 6 5 characters (thanks to r.e.s and filmor for the tips):

Python - 58, 1021 output

for i in range(999,9,-1):s+=`i`*(not`i`in s)
print s


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657


1I find that your first program has output length 1133, not 1132. In Python 2 (but not Python 3), you can shorten the code to 54 characters by using backticks: for i in range(999):s+=\i`*(not`i`in s)` – r.e.s. – 2013-11-06T02:58:14.263

Wot? They took out backticks? Guido must have been having an I Hate Perl and Everything that Looks like It day when deciding what to keep. – Warren P – 2013-11-06T11:25:01.823

1You can shorten that by one character by using range(999,99,-1) instead of range(1000)[::-1]. – filmor – 2013-11-06T17:46:47.713

And the tip by r.e.s. still help, str(i)*(str(i)not in s) is a bit shorter than i=str(i);s+=[i,''][i in s] ;) – filmor – 2013-11-06T17:53:31.300

@filmor Made smaller, and smaller again by using 1e3 instead of 1000 – None – 2013-11-06T22:29:07.500

I find the length of your first program is now 54, not 53, and the second one is 59, not 58. Also, range(999) is enough in the first one -- range(1000) (or range(1e3)) is not needed -- and the output length is 1133, not 1134. – r.e.s. – 2013-11-07T02:00:17.350

range(1e3) does not work: Python 2.7:TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got float. Python 3.2: TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer – Martin Thoma – 2013-11-11T19:29:00.463

Also: The output length of your first script is 1133 and the second one is 1020. – Martin Thoma – 2013-11-11T19:38:05.647


Java-126 98 chars (Java 6)

class b{static{String s="";for(int a=999;a>0;a--)s=s.contains(""+a)?s:s+a;System.out.println(s);}}

Output (1020 chars):


Can reach a good (according to Peter Taylor, but later he said 999 was optimal) String length by adding a few chars (+20 chars for 147 118):

class b{static{String s="";for(int a=999;a>0;a--)s=s.contains(""+a)?s:(a+1)%111==0?s+a%10:s+a;System.out.println(s);}}

Output (1002 chars):


Edit: Thanks to Fabinout for pointing out that Java 6 can save 28 chars.


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 19 757

If you want, you can compile with java 6 and use a static block instead of a System.out.println()!! – Fabinout – 2013-11-08T11:16:25.423

@Fabinout Do you mean instead of a public static void main(String[]a)? (that would change my code from ...public static void main(String[]c){... to ...static{...) – Justin – 2013-11-08T17:23:23.563

Yes I do. you can try with Java 6. – Fabinout – 2013-11-08T18:58:10.920

Btw, you should use exit() at the end of your static block if you don't want your program to crash. Even though it's not required in golfing to not crash. – Fabinout – 2013-11-27T08:31:19.203


Haskell, 75 bytes - 1002 output

A sieve approach that returns a minimal solution.

(\n->head.filter(\s->and[show k`isInfixOf`s|k<-[1..n]]).map show$[1..])1000

Note that this solution is impractically slow.

Thomas Eding

Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 796

You need to include the import of Data.List for isInfixOf, however you can still save 2 bytes by golfing it some more: 1) Hardcode n = 1000 2) Use all over and and a pointfree version of the predicate 3) use (!!0) over head 4) Use list-comprehension over combination of map & filter 5) use (<$>) over map: [s|s<-show<$>[1..],all((`isInfixOf`s).show)[1..1000]]!!0 – ბიმო – 2018-09-30T19:53:11.737


K, 33


Basically the same as Howards solution - 1133 characters.



Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 3 917


Windows PowerShell - 40, 1020 Output





Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 271


Powershell, 36 bytes, 1020 output




Alternative, 69 bytes, 1000 output




Alternative, 82 73 bytes, 999 output (minimum)


This is simplified algorithm from Generate the shortest De Bruijn adapted for constants: alphabet=9876543210 and length=3



Test script:

$f= {





"All numbers:"


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 4 832


05AB1E, 9 bytes and 1109 characters




Try it online or verify it contains all numbers below 1000.


₄            # Push 1000
 F           # Loop N in the range [0,1000):
  D          #  Duplicate the top value on the stack
   Nå_i      #  If it does not contain N as substring yet:
       Nì    #   Prepend N to it
             # (Output implicitly after the loop)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 67 575


Pyke, 13 bytes (noncompeting), string length 1133

Pyke is newer than the challenge and thus is noncompetitive .


Try it here!

              - o = 0
k~mV          - repeat 1000 times, i = ""
    ~oi{      -     str(o) in i
        !     -    not ^
         o`*  -   str(o++) * ^
            + -  i += ^


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 26 661

How long is the output? – user41805 – 2016-11-19T11:20:40.610


PHP, 48 44 bytes

Thanks to @primo for reminding me of ereg.




output: 1020 chars. requires PHP<7

PHP 7, 48 bytes:

ereg has been removed in PHP 7


If the second argument to strstr (or strpos and other string searching functions) is not a string, it will be used as an ascii code, so $i needs a cast to string.


Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 13 814

1ereg($i,$s) for 4 (I would also include <? in the byte count). – primo – 2016-11-19T12:38:05.247

@primo I just noticed that this challenge is older than PHP 7. double thanks. :) – Titus – 2016-11-19T12:52:07.713

ereg was removed, presumably, because the function name is too short, and/or didn't contain enough underscores. That split was also removed is especially brilliant. – primo – 2016-11-19T13:01:45.013

ereg was removed because POSIX only contains a subset of PCRE´s possibilities; and they probably didn´t want to maintain two different libraries. I´ll ask should I ever meet Rasmus Lerdorf again. split has been removed, but join remained (probably because it´s "only" an alias). Sorry for pedantry; but I know people who cannot recognice irony. – Titus – 2016-11-19T13:44:05.473


Groovy, 49 chars/bytes

I wasn't sure whether to do this as a function returning a string variable, or print out the result, so this just prints it to stdout. Using the regex matcher saved 2 bytes, using ternary operator instead of "if" saved another byte. The output string is 1133 characters.

a='';1000.times{a+=(a==~/.*$it.*/)?'':it};print a




Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 161


Game Maker Language, 1014 - String 1000



Ruby, 1003 - String 1000



Posted 2013-11-05T10:10:50.657

Reputation: 12 038



  • Your first solution violates the “the length of the string must be under 1500 characters” rule. 2) I can't find number 909 in your output. (You missed the first digit when copy-pasting from primo's answer?) 3) The ruby code can use p instead of puts passing it numeric parameter.
  • – manatwork – 2014-02-06T09:07:20.877