Draw an ASCIIrisk



There are an abundance of questions involving drawing shapes using asterisks - so I thought, with so many asterisks out there, we should draw one, using the ASCII table.


Your task is to write a program or function which takes no input, and outputs this exact text:

       `a  bc
      de    fg
     hi      jk
    lm        no
   pq          rs
  tu            vw
 xy              z{
|}                ~

For reference, this site lists the complete ASCII table.


  • The output should be the exact text, as shown above. Leading/trailing whitespace is allowed.
  • Standard golfing loopholes apply - no reading this ASCIIrisk from the internet, etc.
  • This is , so the shortest solution (in bytes) wins.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470


2I want to try this challenge... but it sounds kinda risky.

Please excuse my terrible humor. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-02-03T02:35:01.093

1Stack Overflow has a NoBadJokes policy so I'm going to have to ignore that comment. Sorry but it policy – None – 2017-02-03T19:28:12.707

2Okay. Sorry for violating the policy. Thank you for ignoring my comment by replying to it. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-02-04T00:39:53.703



05AB1E, 40 38 37 36 35 bytes


Try it online!


žQ                                   # push the printable ascii chars
  2ô                                 # split into pairs
    376S                             # split the number 376 into a list of digits
        3*                           # multiply each by 3 to get [9,21,18]
          £                          # divide the pairs of ascii chars into 
                                     # pieces of these sizes
           `                         # flatten list to stack
            2ô                       # split the "legs" of the asterisk into pairs of pairs
              v                      # loop over the pairs of pairs
               yN·ð×ý                # join the pairs by index*2 spaces
                     ð«              # append a space
                       }             # end loop
                        rs           # move the middle section to top of stack
                          J2ä        # convert to a string split into 2 pieces
                             sr      # rearrange the stack in the correct order
                               )˜    # wrap in a flattened list
                                 .c  # pad each element with spaces on either side


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 50 798

žQ2ôÐ9£s30£R21£RøsrR18£R2ôvyN·ð×ý})˜.C», I got 39, but I think you can shave some off with ZIP. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-01-23T17:28:10.300

@carusocomputing: I don't think zip is very useful here since we want the characters to remain sequential. Splitting everything in pairs at the start was a good idea though. It feels wasteful using so many r and s but I don't see a way around it. – Emigna – 2017-01-23T23:32:25.933


Python 3, 110 bytes

s='%c';print(('\n'.join(['%10c%c']*9+[s*21]*2+[' '*(8-i)+s*2+'  '*i+s*2for i in range(9)]))%(*range(32,128),))

Generates the template

       xx  xx
      xx    xx
     xx      xx
    xx        xx
   xx          xx
  xx            xx
 xx              xx
xx                xx

with %c for x, then uses string interpolation on range(32,128) to insert the ASCII values into the pattern.

Try it online!

Python 2 is one byte longer, with longer tuple unpacking but shorter print.

s='%c';print('\n'.join(['%10c%c']*9+[s*21]*2+[' '*(8-i)+s*2+'  '*i+s*2for i in range(9)]))%tuple(range(32,128))


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 115 687

It deserves a Eiffel Tower similarity award! – sergiol – 2017-01-22T12:47:39.903


V, 54, 50 bytes

¬ ~9ñ9É 11|á
ñ$18é 9ñ^y|Ehé
Pf xxywk$hP>ñd

Try it online!

Unlike usual, this program does not contain any unprintable characters.


¬ ~                     " Insert the entire printable ASCII range
   9ñ           ñ       " 9 times:
     9É                 "   Insert 9 spaces at the beginning of this line
        11|             "   Move to the 11'th column on this line
           á<CR>        "   And append a newline after the 11'th column

Now the buffer looks like this:


Now we build up the middle:

2ñ        ñ             " Two times:
  20l                   "   Move 20 characters to the right (because 'l' == 'right', duh)
     á<CR>              "   Append a newline

Here's where it gets a little weird.

$                       " Move to the end of this line 
 18é                    " Insert 18 spaces before the last character
     9ñ                 " Repeat the following 9 times:
       ^                "   Move to the first non-whitespace character
        y|              "   Yank all the whitespace before the current character. 
                        "   We'll call this the "Leading whitespace register"
          E             "   Move to the end of the current WORD (up to before a space)
           h            "   Move back one character
            é<CR>       "   And insert a newline before the current character
P                       "   Paste the leading whitespace for indentation
 f                      "   Move forward to a space
   xx                   "   Delete two characters
                        "   (Note how we are inbetween the two bottom branches right now)
     yw                 "   Yank everything upto the next branch (all spaces)
                        "   We'll paste this on the line up so that we can yank it again later
                        "   To keep track of how far apart the branches are
       k$               "   Move up a line and to the end of that line
         hP             "   Move back a character and paste the whitespace we yanked
           >            "   Indent this line by one space
            ñ           "   End the loop

Here's an important note. The > command is actually an operator, which means it doesn't do anything without an argument, the text to operate on. For example,

>_      "Indent the current line
>>      "Indent the current line
>j      "Indent the current and next line
>G      "Indent every line

But since this command is in a loop, we can save a character by not giving an operator. At the end of a loop, if any operator is pending it will fill in _ (the current line) as an argument implicitly.

Now I'll admit this loop is a little weird, and it can be hard to keep track of what all text should look like at any given moment. So you can use this simpler program to see what it will look like after N loops.

If you set it to 9, you can see that we have a little bit of extra text to get rid of. (Just the current line).

So we delete the current line with dd. But wait! You know how I said that operators have to take an argument which is sometime implicitly filled in? Arguments are also implicitly filled at the end of the program. So rather than dd or d_ (which are equivalent), we can simply to d and let V fill in the _ for us.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 54 537

Nice job abusing the implicit ÿ :) – user41805 – 2017-01-22T06:27:03.760


Python 3 170 165 155 147 bytes

I've golfed this so much, I've forgotten how it works...

for x in range(32,127):a=x%2<1;c=x>90;d=x<50;print(end=[' '*9*d,['\n'+' '*(8-i),'  '*~-i][b]][c]*a+chr(x)+'\n'*(x==70or d*x%2));b^=a;i+=b*c*a

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 13 242


JavaScript (ES6), 156115 114 bytes

Sadly, the infamous String.fromCharCode() costs 19 bytes.



Formatted and commented

f = (                         // given:
  x =                         //   - x = current column
  y =                         //   - y = current row
  k = 1                       //   - k = current ASCII character code, minus 31
) =>                          //
  k < 96 ?                    // if we havent't reached character #127 (96 + 31):
    String.fromCharCode(      //   let's compute the next character
      x - 22 ?                //   if x is not equal to 22 (end of line):
        y / 2 ^ 5 && (        //     if y doesn't equal 10 or 11 (horizontal bar):
          y > 9 ?             //       and either y is greater than 9:
            x - y + 1 >> 1 && //         and we are not located on one of the
            22 - y - x >> 1   //         bottom diagonals
          :                   //       or y is less or equal to 9:
            x / 2 ^ 5         //         and x doesn't equal 10 or 11 (vertical bar)
        ) ?                   //     then:
          32                  //       append a space
        :                     //     else:
          31 + k++            //       append the next ASCII character
      :                       //   else:
        (x = !++y, 10)        //     increment y, reset x and append a LineFeed
    ) + f(x + 1)              //   do a recursive call with x + 1
  :                           // else:
    ''                        //   stop recursion


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 111 334

I think you can do String.fromCharCode(...[...Array(n)].map(_=>k++)) to save 4 bytes. – ETHproductions – 2017-01-21T23:41:04.823

@ETHproductions I like the idea of calling String.fromCharCode() on an array, but I went for another approach. Thanks anyway! – Arnauld – 2017-01-21T23:50:25.297


QBIC, 153 151 bytes


It's really just a series of FOR-loops and casting an int to a character (chr$()).

Sample output:

       `a  bc
      de    fg
     hi      jk
    lm        no
   pq          rs
  tu            vw
 xy              z{
|}                ~


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 7 772


Perl, 113 bytes

112 bytes of code + -l flag.

sub g{chr$c+++32}print$"x9,&g,&g for 0..8;print map&g,0..20for 0,1;print$"x-$_,&g,&g,$"x(16+2*$_),&g,&g for-8..0

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 8 279


PHP, 110 105 103 93 91 bytes


prints a leading newline. Run with -nr or test it online.

The basic principle is adopted from Arnauld, but this iterates.
And it takes good advantage from PHP´s implicit typecasts:
NULL to int for string index, float to int for %, boolean to int for & and for +=.

explanation with pseudo code

If $x is 0, print a newline. ("\n"[$x] is newline for $x=0; empty for every larger $x)
if $y is neither 9 nor 10 (not middle part: $y<9|$y>10 <=> $y%11<9)
AND distance to center == abs(9.5-$x) (in [0.5,1.5,..,10.5]) ->
    lower part:     abs($y-10-distance)>1                   => ($y-distance)%11<9
                (this works because $y is always <20)
    upper part: $x<9|$x>10 <=> distance>1 <=> 10-distance<9 => (10-distance)%11<9
                (this works because % has negative results for negative first operands)
    both parts: $y>9?$y:10 <=> max($y,10)
// $a?:$b evaluates to $a if $a is truthy, to $b else
// and the ternary condition evaluates to 1 if the coords are not in the shape
then print chr(31+1) = space
else print chr(31+incremented $c)


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 13 814


Pyth, 53 bytes

js.e@[+L*9;cb2c2b.e+*-8Ydj*yYdZcL2cb4)kcsrdC127,18 60

A program that prints the result.

Try it online!

How it works

srdC127 creates a list of the printable ASCII characters and concatenates this to a string.

c....,18 60 splits this string at indices 18 and 60, giving a list of three strings corresponding to the different parts of the output: the top, the middle and the bottom.

.e begins an enumerated map over the strings with the strings as b and their indices as k.

[...) creates a list containing the desired action for each part of the diagram. The correct action is chosen by indexing into the list with the current index, using @...k.

  • Top

    cb2 splits the string into pairs of characters, and +L*9; prepends 9 spaces to each pair.

  • Middle

    c2b splits the string into two equal-length strings.

  • Bottom

    cL2cb4 splits the string into groups of four characters, and each group into pairs.

    .e begins an enumerated map, with the string pairs as Z and their indices as Y.

    j*yYdZ joins the pairs on 2*Y spaces, and +*-8Yd prepends 8-Y spaces.

js merges all the results and joins the resulting list on newlines. This is then implicitly printed.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 3 674


Haskell, 144 bytes

f=unlines([" "!9++p]!9++["*"!21]!2++[" "!(8-n)++p++" "!(2*n)++p|n<-[0..8]])#[' '..]

Try it online!


b!n=[1..n]>>b defines a function ! which repeats a list or string b n-times.

unlines([" "!9++p]!9++["*"!21]!2++[" "!(8-n)++p++" "!(2*n)++p|n<-[0..8]]) uses this function to draw an asterisk of asterisks (Oh, the irony!):

       **  **
      **    **
     **      **
    **        **
   **          **
  **            **
 **              **
**                **

# is defined as a function which consecutively replaces * in a string with chars from a given list. It's called with the above asterisk of asterisks and [' '..] which is an infinite list of all characters starting with the space ' '.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 23 676

Super late to the party here, but that " "!(2*n) can be "(TWO SPACES)"!n. – Lynn – 2018-04-23T16:43:26.503


Charcoal, 39 bytes (noncompeting)

GH↑χ→⁴↓χ→¹¹↓⁴←χ↘χ←⁴↖⁹←²↙⁹←⁴↗χ←⁹↑⁴→⁹ ↓¤γ

Try it online! AST provided for explanation, χ being the preinitialized variable for 10.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 4 687


J, 63

(not competing)

a.{~32>.31+20 21$(* +/\),(9 21&$@{.,1:,1:,}.)(+.1&|."1)|.=|i:10

the expression evaluates right to left thus:

  • i: 10 counts from -10 to +10
  • | take abs to get +10 to 0 back to +10
  • = self classify to get V shape of 1's in a block of 0's
  • |. reverse row order to get /\ shape
  • ( +. 1&|."1 ) hook expression shifts each row right by one and OR's with original
  • ( 9 21&$@{. , 1: , 1: , }. ) nested forks to put in horizontals and stretch top
  • , to raze the block into a linear sequence for cumulation
  • ( * +/\ ) cumulate and multiply with self
  • 20 21 $ revert shape to a block 20 rows of 21 elements
  • 31 + add 31 because first 1 should be a space char code 32
  • 32 >. floor at 32
  • a. {~ pick chars from ascii built-in


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 391

4Welcome to PPCG! How come you marked this as not competing? – Martin Ender – 2018-04-23T12:51:48.797

I just thought I'd add my effort even though it's a long time [15mths] after the competition was launched .. are you saying each puzzle stays open? .. also for J expression to print outside the REPL, i.e when executed in a script I'd need to prefix smoutput command or equivalent – jayprich – 2018-04-23T14:53:17.123

Challenges generally stay open indefinitely (even if an answer has already been accepted). There are some special types of challenges that sometimes get closed to new entries (answer-chaining, cops-and-robbers, king-of-the-hill come to mind), but those will usually say so in the challenge description. As for whether this is a valid answer format, you'd have to ask someone with more J experience, but REPL answers are generally fine as long as they're marked as such. – Martin Ender – 2018-04-23T16:08:45.580


Poetic, 899 bytes

ill be honest with you
i expect a big solitude
i guess i had a guilt
my own idea being:i was real alone,i was a lonely human
also,i am still
o,i guess i was expecting a shift
i figured,surely i know i am tired of silence
now i dreamed for a shift
a magical desire cant come
i am barely a man,so i guess i see why a woman i see ignores myself
i know i am awful
o,a night of passion and a moment of love
i am truly the foolish person,every time i am saying i may recapture a love
o,i think i can,i think i can
i really do know i am unfit
o,i notice a lot,i think i know i am unfit
o,a novel,or perhaps poetry in code,i do enjoy the writing
and i shudder and i wonder in a moment
i was a weirdo,i was a freak,or like,i am creepy
o,i think i was a misfit
i know i am,really
o,i ought not concern myself
and sure,i am still some joyless man
i focused and i tried
a lasting solace and joy is nearby for me

Try it online!

Poetic is an esolang I made in 2018 for a class project. It's basically brainfuck with word-lengths instead of symbols.

This poem is...depressing.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 2 600


Tcl, 209 bytes

proc I {} {incr ::i}
proc A {} {time {append a [$::F %c [I]]} 21;puts $a}
set i 31
time {puts [[set F format] %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
time {puts [$F %[expr 32-[I]/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9

Try it online!

Tcl, 212 bytes

proc I {} {incr ::i}
proc A {} {time {append a [$::F %c [I]]} 21;puts $a}
set i 31
time {puts [[set F format] %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
time {puts [$F %[expr (129-[I])/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9

Try it online!

tcl, 213

proc I {} {incr ::i}
set F format
proc A {} {time {append a [$::F %c [I]]} 21;puts $a}
set i 31
time {puts [$F %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
time {puts [$F %[expr (129-[I])/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9


tcl, 214

proc I {} {incr ::i}
set F format
proc A {} {time {append a [$::F %c [I]]} 21;puts $a}
set i 31
time {puts [$F %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
time {I;puts [$F %[expr (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9


tcl, 227

proc I {} {incr ::i}
set F format
proc A {} {time {append ::a [$::F %c [I]]} 21}
set i 31
time {puts [$F %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
set a $a\n
puts $a
time {I;puts [$F %[expr (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9


tcl, 236

proc I {} {incr ::i}
set F format
proc A {} {time {append ::a [$::F %c [I]]} 21}
set i 31
time {puts [$F %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
set a ""
set a $a\n
puts $a
time {I;puts [$F %[expr (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9


tcl, 237

proc I {} {incr ::i}
set F format
proc A {} {time {set ::a $::a[$::F %c [I]]} 21}
set i 31
time {puts [$F %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
set a ""
set a $a\n
puts $a
time {I;puts [$F %[expr (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9


Alternative approach with same size:

proc I {} {incr ::i}
set F format
proc A b {time {upvar $b c;set c $c[$::F %c [I]]} 21}
set i 31
time {puts [$F %10c%c [I] [I]]} 9
set a ""
A a
set a $a\n
A a
puts $a
time {I;puts [$F %[expr (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [I]][$F %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [I] [I]]} 9


Tcl, 288

lassign {set while puts format incr expr} S W P F I E
$S i 31
$W \$i<48 {$P [$F %10c%c [$I i] [$I i]]}
$S a ""
$W {[$I i]<71} {$S a $a[$F %c $i]}
$S a $a\n
$W \$i<92 {$S a $a[$F %c $i];$I i}
$P $a
$W \$i<128 {$P [$F %[$E (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [$I i]][$F %[$E $i/2-45]c%c [$I i] [$I i]]; $I i}


tcl, 297 bytes (naïve attempt)

set i 31
while \$i<48 {puts [format %10c%c [incr i] [incr i]]}
set a ""
while {[incr i]<71} {set a $a[format %c $i]}
set a $a\n
while \$i<92 {set a $a[format %c $i];incr i}
puts $a
while \$i<128 {puts [format %[expr (129-$i)/4]c%c $i [incr i]][format %[expr $i/2-45]c%c [incr i] [incr i]]; incr i}



Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 3 055

1What do you mean by "naïve attempt"? Shouldn't you put the length in the title instead? – None – 2017-01-21T23:28:55.967

1I mean there is space for golfing it more, because there is still much repetition. And I will golf it more. – sergiol – 2017-01-21T23:50:29.227

Raw approach has 254 byte extent. – sergiol – 2017-10-03T23:20:27.843

209 – ASCII-only – 2018-04-25T07:34:10.007

@ASCII-only: Thanks. Mine is not exactly equal to your suggestion! ;) – sergiol – 2018-04-25T10:46:09.033

I changed it a bit so the arguments are all [I], but yeah that works too – ASCII-only – 2018-04-25T12:58:49.300


Ruby, 91 bytes

->{(-11..8).map{|i|["%s"*21,"%#{9-i}s%s%#{i*2+1}s%s","%10s%s"][i/2<=>-1]}*$/%[*' '..?~,$/]}


->{(-11..8).map{|i|            #For each line
  ["%s"*21,                    #If i/2==-1 make a format string of 21 %s
   "%#{9-i}s%s%#{i*2+1}s%s",   #If i/2>-1 make a format string %{9-i}s%s%{i*2+1}s%s
   "%10s%s"][i/2<=>-1]         #If i/2<-1 make a format string %10s%s
  }*$/%                        #Join the format strings with newlines $/ then use sprintf operator %
  [*' '..?~,$/]                #to replace the %s with *' '..'~' and a newline for last corner.

Level River St

Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 22 049


I missed an answer in C# so...

C# (.NET Core), 175 174 bytes

_=>{var r="";for(int i=0,j,d=32,s=1;i<54;i++)for(j=0;j++<"*#4#4#4#4#4#4#4#4#+K)%1###/#%#-#'#+#)#)#+#'#-#%#/###1#"[i]-33;)r+=(char)(i%2<1?32:d++)+(s++%21<1?"\n":"");return r;}

Try it online!

  • 1 byte saved thanks to Kevin Cruijssen!


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 11 448

1You can save a byte by putting the ints inside the for-loop: for(int i=0,j,d=32,s=1;i<54;i++)for(j=0 – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-10-04T07:01:04.960


Python 2.7, 194 188 bytes

k,l,c,s,r=8,0,chr,' ',range;o=''.join(map(chr,r(32,127)))
for i in r(0,18,2):print s*9+o[i:i+2]
print o[18:39]+'\n'+o[39:60]
for i in r(60,95,4):print s*k+o[i:i+2]+s*l+o[i+2:i+4];k-=1;l+=2


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 581

You can drop 2 bytes by changing map(chr to map(c as c has already been defined as chr – None – 2017-01-22T23:25:02.803


Jq 1.5, 180 bytes

foreach((range(9)|[9,2]),(range(2)|[0,21]),(range(9)|[8-.,2,.+.,2]))as$r({s:[range(32;127)]|implode};.r=$r|.p=""|until(.r==[];.p+=" "*.r[0]+.s[:.r[1]]|.s =.s[.r[1]:]|.r=.r[2:]);.p)


foreach (                              # instruction sequence: [indent, count]
    (range(9)|[9,2]),                  # 9 rows of 2 characters indented 9 spaces
    (range(2)|[0,21]),                 # 2 rows of 21 characters
    (range(9)|[8-.,2,.+.,2])           # 9 rows of 4 characters with varying indent
) as $r (
    {s:[range(32;127)]|implode}        # state = ascii string
  ; .r = $r                            # current instruction
  | .p = ""                            # print string for this row
  | until(.r==[];                      # until current instruction is exhausted
        .p += " "*.r[0] + .s[:.r[1]]   # add to print string
      | .s = .s[.r[1]:]                # remove from state
      | .r = .r[2:]                    # remove from instruction
  ; .p                                 # emit print string

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 411


Java 8, 176 173 172 bytes

v->{for(char i=54,j,d=32,s=1;i-->0;)for(j=0;j++<"#1###/#%#-#'#+#)#)#+#'#-#%#/###1%)K+#4#4#4#4#4#4#4#4#*".charAt(i)-33;)System.out.print((i%2<1?d++:32)+(s++%21<1?"\n":""));}

Port of @Charlie's C# .NET answer, so make sure to upvote him.
-4 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat.

Try it online.

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 67 575


Slashes (///), 324 bytes

       `a  bc
      de    fg
     hi      jk
    lm        no
   pq          rs
  tu            vw
 xy              z{
|}                ~

The first (default) action in Slashes is 'print', so the string is printed. The / and \ must be escaped by proceeding \s.


Posted 2017-01-21T20:00:36.470

Reputation: 121

You should add the byte count and preferably a link to an interpreter. It looks rather ungolfed though (not sure if it's better to do better in ///). – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-25T12:06:09.027

It's somewhat of a joke to show the beauties of ///, and I will add those! – clabe45 – 2018-04-25T12:08:15.687