Is this number a repdigit?




A repdigit is a non-negative integer whose digits are all equal.

Create a function or complete program that takes a single integer as input and outputs a truthy value if the input number is a repdigit in base 10 and falsy value otherwise.

The input is guaranteed to be a positive integer.

You may take and use input as a string representation in base 10 with impunity.

Test cases

These are all repdigits below 1000.


A larger list can be found on OEIS.


The shortest code in bytes wins. That is not to say that clever answers in verbose languages will not be welcome.

Aidan F. Pierce

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 365

2Related. – Leaky Nun – 2017-06-08T03:02:10.307

@AidanF.Pierce What's the biggest number the input will be? – stevefestl – 2017-06-14T09:00:13.820



Brachylog, 1 byte


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This acts on integers.

From src/

brachylog_equal('integer':0, 'integer':0, 'integer':0).
brachylog_equal('integer':0, 'integer':I, 'integer':I) :-
    H #\= 0,
    integer_value('integer':_:[H|T], I),
    brachylog_equal('integer':0, [H|T], [H|T]).

Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 45 011

I've decided to accept this one because it's the earliest 1-byte submission. – Aidan F. Pierce – 2017-06-25T22:44:50.453


C (gcc), 33 30 29 bytes


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Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 196 637

Very nice trick with the recursion and assignment instead of return (think I'm going to steal the latter for my answer :) ). – Doorknob – 2017-06-08T04:13:45.870

@Doorknob Go ahead. :) You'll have to specify a compiler though; I expect this to be pretty much gcc/tcc only. – Dennis – 2017-06-08T04:22:42.910

Did you know beforehand that gcc with -O0 will write final result to n from exactly eax, so as to make it the return value? Could you elaborate on the logic why you knew it would work? – Ruslan – 2017-06-09T11:11:47.073

@Ruslan I'm not sure why gcc behaves like this, but the last variable assignment inside a function winds up in eax more often than not. If I had to guess, I'd say it's because it allows return n to be a nop, and there's no reason to assign to a local variable at the end of a function if you're not going to return the result. – Dennis – 2017-06-09T14:25:18.897



I feel like COBOL doesn't get any love in code golfing (probably because there is no way it could win) but here goes:

IF A = ALL '1' OR ALL '2' OR ALL '3' OR ALL '4' OR ALL '5' OR

A is defined as a PIC 9(4).


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 191

2You can golf this by changing TRUE and FALSE to 1 and 0 respectively – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-11-04T23:08:45.227


05AB1E, 1 byte


Checks if all digits are equal

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Neil A.

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 2 038


Python 3, 25, 24 19 bytes.


A stdin => error code variant.

Returns error code 0 if it's a repdigit - or an error on failure.

Thanks to Dennis for helping me in the comments.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 161

Since exit code 0 indicates success, I think you should test >1 rather than <2. Raising an actual error would be shorter than using exit btw. – Dennis – 2017-06-08T05:14:01.543

I was wondering about that. The challenge says "a truthy value". I'll change it to raise an error. – Shadow – 2017-06-08T05:15:24.573

1Yes, if python3; then echo truthy; else echo falsy; fi has to work according to out definition, so 0 is truthy and everything else is falsy. – Dennis – 2017-06-08T05:17:43.980

That makes sense. Ok I'll make that change too. – Shadow – 2017-06-08T05:18:48.920

<2 or t was correct as t is only referenced if the comparison is false. >1 and t would also work, but len(set(input()))>1>t is shorter. Also, in Python 3.5+, set(input()) can become {*input()}. – Dennis – 2017-06-08T05:24:29.657

Good points. Thanks for your help - I've updated it again. – Shadow – 2017-06-08T05:29:10.310

@Dennis What does the * do? – Arc676 – 2017-06-14T06:17:10.763

2@Arc676 Unary * unpacks an iterable. For example, {*'123'} generates the set {'1','2','3'}. – Dennis – 2017-06-14T06:18:55.167

If you change it to "exit code 0 = failure" (which kind of makes more sense, since 0 is a falsey value) you can shorten it to [*{*input()}][1] which is only 16 bytes. – mypetlion – 2018-10-09T00:54:13.083

@mypetlion - a good idea, but the rules seem pretty set on that one (I think it's well justified in the above comments). Can you think of a way to shorten it but with the current behaviour? – Shadow – 2018-10-09T00:56:42.437


Mathematica, 27 bytes


It doesn't beat Equal@@IntegerDigits@#&, but it beats the other arithmetic-based Mathematica solution.

Repdigits are of the form n = d (10m-1) / 9 where m is the number of digits and d is the repeated digit. We can recover d from n by taking it modulo 10 (because if it's a rep digit, it's last digit will be d). So we can just rearrange this as m = log10(9 n / (n % 10) + 1) and check whether m is an integer.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 184 808


Haskell, 15 bytes


Try it online! Takes string input.

Equivalent to \s->all(==head s)s. Narrowly beats out alternatives:

f s=all(==s!!0)s
f s=s==(s!!0<$s)
f s=(s<*s)==(s*>s)


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 115 687

f s=(s<*s)==(s*>s) is a very interesting idea, I wasn't aware of this behaviour of <*before. – Laikoni – 2017-06-08T08:35:59.007


C (gcc), 41 bytes


This is a function that takes input as a string and returns 1 if it is a repdigit and 0 otherwise.

It does this by making use of the strspn function, which takes two strings and returns the length of the longest prefix of the first string consisting of only characters from the second string. Here, the first string is the input, and the second string is the last digit of the input, obtained by passing a pointer to the last character of the input string.

Iff the input is a repdigit, then the result of the call to strspn will be strlen(s). Then, indexing into s will return a null byte if this is the case (str[strlen(str)] is always \0) or the first digit that doesn't match the last digit otherwise. Negating this with ! results in whether s represents a repdigit.

Try it online!

Thanks to @Dennis for indirectly reminding me of the assign-instead-of-return trick via his insanely impressive answer, saving 4 bytes!


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 68 138

You can shorten this a bit further by avoiding strlen and creating a new string from *s: c;f(char*s){c=*s;c=!s[strspn(s,&c)];} for 37. – hvd – 2017-06-08T20:48:00.380


PHP, 25 28 25


remove all chars from the right that are equal to the first and print 1 if all chars were removed.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 489


R, 31 bytes


This functions works with string inputs and uses a regular expression to determine whether the input is a repdigit.


> f <- function(x)grepl("^(.)\\1*$",x)
> x <- c("1", "2", "11", "12", "100", "121", "333")
> f(x)

Sven Hohenstein

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 2 464

28 bytes by switching from function(x) to using scan(,'') – Sumner18 – 2018-12-18T17:57:08.710


///, 110 bytes


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The /// language doesn't have any concept of truthy and falsey, so this outputs "T" if the input is a repdigit, and does not output any characters if the input is not a repdigit.

Tanner Swett

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 531


Jelly, 2 1 byte


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Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 196 637 1-9 count as repdigits? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-06-08T09:30:46.970


According to the OP's answer, yes. Wolfram and OEIS agree.

– Dennis – 2017-06-08T12:48:34.063


Octave, 11 bytes


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Takes the input as a string.

It checks all characters for equality with the first characters. If all are equal, the result will be a vector with only 1 (true in Octave), otherwise there will be at least one 0 (false in Octave). Here's a proof.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 43 471

Wouldn't you need to wrap it in all(...) to get a truthy/falsy value output? – Tom Carpenter – 2017-06-08T23:09:03.040

Did you test the proof? That's piece of code is the definition (meta consensus) of true/false on ppcg. – Stewie Griffin – 2017-06-09T07:12:59.260


C#, 42 33 28 bytes


i has to be a string.

Shaved down a lot thanks to @LethalCoder


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 3 381

2i[0].ToString() can be shortened to i[0]+"", <1 is shorter than ==0. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-06-08T10:25:10.350

1Also .Length<1 can just be =="" – TheLethalCoder – 2017-06-08T12:21:54.167


grep, 17 bytes

grep -xP '(.)\1*'

Matches any string that's a repetition of its first character.

Toby Speight

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 5 058

I think this would be bash. – S.S. Anne – 2020-02-19T22:01:33.930

In what way, @S.S.Anne? There's nothing in that command that isn't valid portable shell. – Toby Speight – 2020-02-20T08:44:16.340

Well, any shell. I didn't mean specifically bash. – S.S. Anne – 2020-02-20T17:42:39.047


JavaScript (ES6), 23 21 bytes

Saved 2 bytes thanks to Neil

Takes input as either an integer or a string. Returns a boolean.



let f =




Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 111 334

Doesn't usingtest instead of !!exec save 2 bytes? – Neil – 2017-06-08T09:07:57.973

(Although, for a string-only input, porting the PHP answer is even shorter.) – Neil – 2017-06-08T09:10:47.200

@Neil I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks! – Arnauld – 2017-06-08T09:11:34.517


Japt, 4 bytes


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Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 3 078


Braingolf, 6 bytes


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Unfortunately, Braingolf's implicit input from commandline args can't accept an all-digits input as a string, it will always cast it to a number, so instead the solution is to pass it via STDIN, which adds 1 byte for reading STDIN (i)


i       Read from STDIN as string, push each codepoint to stack
 u      Remove duplicates from stack
  l     Push length of stack
   1-   Subtract 1
     n  Boolean negate, replace each item on stack with 1 if it is a python falsey value
        replace each item on stack with 0 if it is a python truthy value
        Implicit output of last item on stack

After u, the length of the stack equals the number of unique characters in the input, subtracting 1 means it will be 0 if and only if there is exactly 1 unique character in the input, 0 is the only falsey number in Python, so n will replace 0 with 1, and everything else with 0.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 9 656


APL, 5 bytes

2 bytes saved thanks to @KritixiLithos


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Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 11 708

You can golf the 7-byte solution to 5 bytes by using a train ⊢≡1⌽⊢. – user41805 – 2017-06-08T11:15:46.403

@KritixiLithos thanks! – Uriel – 2017-06-08T11:54:46.553

Replace with to handle both strings and numbers. – Adám – 2017-06-08T12:27:50.520

@Adám thanks! I didn't think of formatting as a way of getting array of digits. – Uriel – 2017-06-08T18:29:36.260


Ohm, 4 bytes


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 U    # Push uniquified input
  l   # Length
   2< # Is it smaller than 2?


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 213

I think Ul≤should work. – Christoph – 2017-06-08T11:19:27.107

@Christoph Yee I had that but I wasn't sure if 0 counts as a truthy value. (Quite new to this codegolf thing ^^) – Datboi – 2017-06-08T11:23:02.880

Ah damn 0 is falsey and every other number is truthy. I just noticed that we need exactly the opposite for this challenge (often we're allowed to swap as long as we declare which case is truthy and which is falsey). Truthy is defined by "would take a brench". – Christoph – 2017-06-08T11:31:38.863

Ul1E should also work (though I don't know Ohm) because it doesn't need to handle 0. – Esolanging Fruit – 2017-06-14T03:42:06.977


Java, 21 bytes:


l is a MutableList<Character> from eclipse collections.

Nathan Merrill

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 13 591

1l could also be a CharAdapter. – Donald Raab – 2017-06-13T23:37:16.520

@DonaldRaab oooh, I've never seen that class. Nice find. – Nathan Merrill – 2017-06-14T01:59:59.883

There is CodePointAdapter and CodePointList as well. – Donald Raab – 2017-06-17T23:46:28.393

1@DonaldRaab I use eclipse collections quite a bit, but I always struggle to find anything outside of the standard List/Map/Set collections. Is your knowledge based off of development of the libraries, or is there somewhere (other than the javadoc) I can find a better reference for everything EC provides? – Nathan Merrill – 2017-06-18T02:14:17.930

Glad to hear it. I am a committer for the framework... I wrote these particular String related classes a year or so ago. There is a Reference Guide which many folks don't know about. There is a mind-map I recently put together to help folks learn and navigate through the the plethora of features in the library. It's the last link in the TOC of the Ref. Guide.

– Donald Raab – 2017-06-18T02:22:32.097

There are also a bunch of presentations from conferences and meetups linked from the EC wiki -

– Donald Raab – 2017-06-18T02:32:25.640


Kotlin, 28 19 bytes


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Takes input as a String because

You may take and use input as a string representation in base 10 with impunity.


    it.toSet()     // create a Set (collection with only unique entries)
                   // out of the characters of this string
        .size < 2  // not a repdigit if the set only has one entry

If you don't like the fact it takes a String, you can have one that takes an Int for 24 bytes.



Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 982


Regex (ECMAScript), 31 bytes


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Takes input in unary, as usual for math regexes (note that the problem is trivial with decimal input: just ^(.)\1*$).


^(x{0,9})           # \1 = candidate digit, N -= \1
(                   # Loop the following:
  (x+)\3{8}(?=\3$)  # N /= 10 (fails and backtracks if N isn’t a multiple of 10)
  \1                # N -= \1
)* $                # End loop, assert N = 0


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 12 521

Try it online! – Deadcode – 2019-02-08T19:08:11.800

@Deadcode Whoops I forgot to put that in, thanks! – Grimmy – 2019-02-09T10:49:07.847


Neim, 1 byte

Simply checks that all elements are equal.

Without builtin, 2 bytes:


     Calculate unique digits
     Get the length

This works because only 1 is considered truthy in Neim, and everything else is falsy.

Alternatively, for 4 bytes:



      Calculate unique digits
       Join list into an integer
      Check that is is less than
  μ    Ten.

Try it!


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 15 025


PHP, 30 bytes



Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 571

@Dada No. It will compare 4344 and 4434. – user63956 – 2017-06-08T08:11:13.060

Oh right, my bad. thanks – Dada – 2017-06-08T09:07:44.110


QBasic 4.5, 55 bytes

FOR x=1TO LEN(STR$(a))
?a MOD c=0

I've mathed it! The FOR-loop checks the number of digits in the input, then creates c, which is a series of 1's of length equal to the input. A number then is repdigit if it modulo the one-string == 0.

Try it online! Note that the online interpreter is a bit quirky and I had to write out a couple of statements that the DOS-based QBasic IDE would expand automatically.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 7 772


Java, 38 33 23 bytes


n is a String, naturally.

Note that there is no need for ^...$ in the regex since it's automatically used for exact matching (such as the match method), compared to finding in the string.

Try it!


  • -5 bytes: used String since "You may take and use input as a string with impunity."
  • -10 bytes: regex is apparently a good fit.

Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 10 647

Was about to post this exact solution, including the explanation about the matches not requiring ^$ because it matches the entire String. So a definite +1 from me. ;) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-06-09T11:34:28.260


C, 38 bytes


Recursively walks a string. If the first two characters differ (*s^s[1]) then we succeed only if we're at the end of the string (!s[1]) otherwise we repeat the test at the next position (f(s+1)).

Test program

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    while (*++argv)
        printf("%s: %s\n", *argv, f(*argv)?"yes":"no");

Toby Speight

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 5 058


R, 25 bytes


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Best non-regex solution I could come up with was 36 bytes:,"")))[2])


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 391

1for another option on the non-regex rle(charToRaw(scan(,'')))$v[2]<1 – MickyT – 2017-06-08T19:52:49.830


Cubix, 15 bytes


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    u O
    n @
i i ? - ? ; . $
@ < _ . . . . .
    . .
    . .

Watch It Run

Outputs 1 for truthy and nothing for falsey

Very simply read reads in the input one character at a time. It takes the current character away from the previous. If a non zero result then it halts immediately. Otherwise it continues inputting and comparing until the EOI. On EOI (-1), negate and exit


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 11 735


MATL (6 5 bytes or 2 bytes for Luis Mendo solution)


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V     % convert to string
un    % find unique characters and count them
1=    % if there is only one unique character, then we pass.

Luis Mendo solution (see comments):


Outputs a truthy array (all 1's) if repdigit, or a falsy array (some 0 in the array) if not a perfect repdigit.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 562

Since any truthy/falsy outputs are valid, you can use V&=; or j&= to avoid floating-point limitations. Or even &=, since inputting a string is allowed

– Luis Mendo – 2019-05-27T09:47:12.140

Hmm, I'm afraid I can't follow. I tried replacing "1=" with "&=" and it didn't work. Also tried "V&=" as the whole code, in case that's what you meant. – DrQuarius – 2019-07-17T11:37:37.987

I mean just &=. A non-empty array containing only ones is truthy, and an array containing some zero is falsy (see link in my previous comment for explanation about truthy/falsy)

– Luis Mendo – 2019-07-17T16:06:27.770

1Wow, ok. That's a very simple solution then. Will add. – DrQuarius – 2019-08-02T04:42:54.937


Python 3, 23 bytes

lambda s:s==s[0]*len(s)

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Not shorter than @shadow's answer, but I thought it was interesting. Should work in Python 2 as well.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 4 472


QBIC, 36 23 bytes



    :     Read a number from the cmd line
   ! $    cast it to string
 _l   |   Take its length
[      |  And run a FOR-loop from 1 to that length 
p=        p starts out as 0. set it to 
  p*z       itself multiplied by 10 (z=10 in QBIC) (still 0 on the first run
  +1        then add 1. On consecutive FOR-loops yields 1, 11, 111, ....
]         Close the FOR loop
?b%p=0    PRINT -1 if b mod p is 0 (ie 444 % 111 = 0), or 0 otherwise


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 7 772


Ruby, 13 bytes (12 + '-n' flag)


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Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 11 099


Clojure, 17 12 bytes

You may take and use input as a string representation in base 10 with impunity.

Oh in that case:

#(apply = %)


#(apply =(str %))


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 2 361


C#, 38 bytes

using System.Linq;s=>s.All(c=>c==s[0])

Or alternatively for 44 bytes:

using System.Linq;s=>s.Distinct().Count()==1


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 6 930

I'm no C# developer, but do you really require using System.Linq? I've seen plenty of C# lambda answers without that. – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-06-08T12:37:26.313

1@OlivierGrégoire Linq is required for All, it's like needing an external package in C and requiring to import it. If I am using Linq I must include the using. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-06-08T12:40:48.063


><>, 26 24 bytes


Reads the input as a string and reads every character in a loop

  i               // Take the next character and pushes it onto the stack
   :0(?v          // If the end of the input has been reached, goto the successful termination code
        ::        // Duplicate the top of the stack twice
!v         &r&=?  // Pop the top of the stack, pop the bottom of the stack, and compare them. If they are not equal, goto the failure termination code
 >0n;            // Failure termination code. Prints a 0 and terminates
    ;n1<         // Success termination code. Prints a 1 and terminates


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 271


Perl 6, 12 bytes

{[==] .comb}

Reduces the list of characters in the input number with the numeric equality operator.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 4 136


PowerShell, 23 bytes


Save as repdigit.ps1 and run with PS C:\wherever\repdigit.ps1 444, outputs True or False.

If you want the Python len(set(input))==1 style, it costs more at 32 bytes:


(Noting that the split on the space between chars also outputs an empty start and end string as well as the characters).


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 2 412


PHP, 28 bytes


count_chars with mode=3 creates a string with all different characters in $argn.
If there is only one, the second character will be empty == falsy.

Run as pipe with -F.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 13 814


Smalltalk, 21 19 bytes

[:s|s asSet size<2]

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You can execute the block above by sending the message value: to the block with a String. A String in Smalltalk is written with single quotes. A longer version of the block could accept an Integer. It would take 30 28 bytes.

[:i|i asString asSet size<2]

I tried both solutions in the current online version of Amber Smalltalk and Pharo Smalltalk version 6.0.

Thanks to the suggestion in the comments I was able to remove the spaces before and after the <. It's been many years since I wrote Smalltalk but I doubt I ever tried that in practice. The shorter version worked in both versions of Smalltalk I tested.

Donald Raab

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 111

1Are the spaces around the < necessary? I haven't used small talk very much, but most languages wont require that sort of thing. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-06-14T03:51:56.473

1Yes, the spaces are necessary. The syntax of Smalltalk is Object<space>message. I was able to remove two spaces before and after the block separator |. – Donald Raab – 2017-06-14T03:56:40.563

1I stand corrected. I tried removing the spaces before and after the < and it seems to work. – Donald Raab – 2017-06-14T03:58:48.140


Check, 135 134 132 124 bytes

 [r            #v
# >10-\)\#     # ?
d #             ^ 
d\:!:R *

Input should be passed as a command-line argument. Outputs some unprintables for truthy and only zero bytes for falsey. Always terminates with an IndexError due to the fact that it abuses an interpreter bug.

How does it work?

This code is divided into two segments. The first half turns the input integer into a list of digits, and the second half checks that all of its digits are equal to the first digit (i.e. they are all equal).

It roughly corresponds to the following pseudocode:

  1. Read input and call it i.
  2. Create an empty array and store it in the register. ([r)
  3. If i is 0, go to step 13.
  4. Take the number modulo 10. Call it x.
  5. Prepend x to the register and store it back in the register.
  6. Subtract x from i.
  7. Create a counter, starting at 0.
  8. If i is 0, go to step 12.
  9. Increment the counter.
  10. Decrement i by 10.
  11. Go back to step 8.
  12. Set i to whatever value is now in the counter.
  13. Go back to step 3.
  14. Load the register, which is now an array containing the digits of the input. Call this d.
  15. Get the first element in d and store it in the register.
  16. Create a counter called j, initialized to the length of d.
  17. Decrement j.
  18. If the jth element of d is not equal to the value of the register, crash the program. (We found a digit that is not correct.)
  19. Otherwise, print some random junk !j times. This only prints something if j == 0.
  20. Create an array of length 1 and get the !jth element. This will crash the program if j == 0.
  21. If the program has not yet crashed, j must not yet be zero, so go back to step 17.

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 13 542


Julia, 30 bytes



Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 121


F#, 38 bytes

let f n=Seq.length(Seq.countBy id n)=1

Try it online!

Jason Handby

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 31


Excel, 28 27 bytes



Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 5 985


QBasic, 37 32 bytes


-5 bytes thanks to steenbergh

The STRING$ function takes two arguments, a number n and a string s$, and constructs a string consisting of n copies of the first character of s$.* So this code reads our number as a string n$, generates a string consisting of LEN(n$) copies of n$'s first character, and checks to see if it is equal to n$.

* The second argument can also be an integer codepoint, in which case it repeats the character corresponding to that codepoint.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 21 213

Are you sure you need the ASC? Often QBasic simply takes the 1st char of a string when it expects only 1 char but the string itself is longer. I think, but can't test atm, that this will work fine too: INPUT n$:?n$=STRING$(LEN(n$),n$) – steenbergh – 2018-06-20T13:34:00.777

Confirmed on QB4.5: if we input n$ as 123, then STRING$(3, n$) is 111. – steenbergh – 2018-06-20T16:22:59.530

1@steenbergh [facepalm] I just read that in the help file, too. Thanks! – DLosc – 2018-06-20T20:36:25.223


Pepe, 69 60 bytes


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How it works?

It takes the greatest digit and subtracts it from the least digit. Repdigit numbers always evaluate to 0.

REeE             # Takes a number (stack r) 
rEEEEEREEEeeE    # Splits by digits 
REEEEeEeE        # Sorts them
REEEEEEe         # Copies first digit to other stack
REEEe            # Move pointer to last in stack r
REEEEEe          # Subtract stack R to stack r
rrEErEEEEErEereE # Print if 0, else none


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 253


Whitespace, 96 93 bytes

[S S S N
_Push_0][S N
S _Duplicate][T N
T   T   _Read_STDIN_as_integer][T   T   T   _Retrieve][N
_Create_Label_LOOP][S N
S _Duplicate][S S S T   T   S S T   S S N
_Push_100][T    S T T   _Modulo][S S S T    S T T   N
_Push_11][T S T T   _Modulo][N
T   S S N
_If_0_Jump_to_label_NEXT][S S S T   S S T   N
_Push_9][S N
T   _Swap_top_two][T    S T S _Integer_division][T  N
S T _Print_as_integer][N
_Create_Label_NEXT][S S S T S T S N
_Push_10][T S T S _Integer_division][N

Letters S (space), T (tab), and N (new-line) added as highlighting only.
[..._some_action] added as explanation only.

Port of @Dennis♦' C answer, so also outputs a positive digit ([1,9]) as truthy and 0 as falsey.

Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).


Integer i = STDIN as integer
Start LOOP:
  If(i modulo-100 modulo-11 == 0):
    i = i integer-divided by 10
    Go to next iteration of LOOP
  i = 9 / i
  Print i to STDOUT as integer
  Stop the program with an error

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 67 575


Pascal (FPC), 81 75 68 bytes

var n:string;begin read(n);write(n=StringOfChar(n[1],length(n)))end.

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It seems that taking a number as string is shorter.

75 bytes - taking the number as integer:

Thanks to @Ørjan Johansen for -6 bytes - mod 100 mod 11 trick

var n:word;begin read(n);while n mod$64mod$B=0do n:=n div$A;write(n<=9)end.

Try it online!

$64, $B and $A are hexadecimal constants, they eliminate some whitespace that would be needed for their decimal counterparts.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 979

I think you can shave off a bit with the mod 100 mod 11 trick some others are using. – Ørjan Johansen – 2018-10-08T20:08:01.990

@ØrjanJohansen Thanks, a good one! – AlexRacer – 2018-10-08T21:19:15.710


Taxi, 730 706 bytes

-24 bytes by eliminating linebreaks.

Clever answer in a verbose language? Check and check.

Go to Post Office:w 1 l 1 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to Chop Suey.Go to Chop Suey:n 1 r 1 l 4 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.[B]Switch to plan D if no one is waiting.Pickup a passenger going to Crime Lab.Go to Cyclone:n 1 l 3 l.Pickup a passenger going to Crime Lab.Pickup a passenger going to Crime Lab.Go to Crime Lab:n 2 r 2 r.Switch to plan C if no one is waiting.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Fueler Up:n.Go to Chop Suey:n 3 r 1 l.Switch to plan B.[C]0 is waiting at Writer's Depot.Go to Writer's Depot:n 4 l 2 l.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Chop Suey:n 3 r 3 r.[D]Go to Cyclone:n 1 l 3 l.Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.Go to Post Office:s 1 l 2 r 1 l.

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Try it online with linebreaks!

Doesn't return to the Taxi Garage after the program ends, so the boss fires me, and it exits with an error.

What this program actually does is checks whether or not the input consists of any repeating character, and outputs that character if it does, or 0 if it doesn't.

Alternative solution, 602 582 541 445 bytes

-20 bytes by eliminating linebreaks.

-41 bytes by having the program error out upon a false result.

-96 bytes by having the program output via error message.

Go to Post Office:w 1 l 1 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to Chop Suey.Go to Chop Suey:n 1 r 1 l 4 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.[B]Switch to plan C if no one is waiting.Pickup a passenger going to Crime Lab.Go to Cyclone:n 1 l 3 l.Pickup a passenger going to Crime Lab.Pickup a passenger going to Crime Lab.Go to Crime Lab:n 2 r 2 r.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Fueler Up:n.Go to Chop Suey:n 3 r 1 l.Switch to plan B.[C]

Try it online!

Try it online with linebreaks!

This alternative solution errors out with The boss couldn't find your taxi in the garage. You're fired! if the input is a repdigit, and no outgoing passengers found if the input is not a repdigit (meaning this also works with 0...or 00, or 000...).


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 2 600

For the second program? Sure, I could exit another way. – JosiahRyanW – 2018-10-09T00:45:24.697

I know, I made the modification. – JosiahRyanW – 2018-10-09T00:49:26.560

Note that a program can output via exit code, so theoretically you could have it crash if not a repdigit and exit normally otherwise instead of outputting

– Jo King – 2018-10-09T00:55:56.150

Could it crash in two different ways depending on result? – JosiahRyanW – 2018-10-09T00:57:17.290

I think so? Relevant meta, but I don't see any reason not to allow it, since it is easily observable. Edit: ah, I realise it would be two different outputs to STDERR, so you're good

– Jo King – 2018-10-09T01:05:10.260


J, 6 bytes


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Take unique elements; does its length equal 1?


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Does ascending sorting order equal descending sorting order?


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Does the first element, duplicated to the length, equal the original?


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Does the input, rotated once, equal itself?


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 16 616


Pepe, 48 bytes


Outputs 1 if number is a repdigit, nothing otherwise.

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(for input 45. 52 and 53 are charcodes of digits)

rrEE          # Create label 0, implicitly push 0 to the second stack [] [0]
  reeeEEeeeE    # Print "1"
rEe           # Return

REEe          # Start: Take input as charcodes to the first stack [52,52,53] [0]
REE           # Create label I (1)
  REEEEEEE      # Move first item in first stack to the other [52,53] [0, 52]
  rEEEE         # Reset second stack pointer position [>52, 53] [>0, 52]
  reE           # If item in first stack equals the first item in the second stack (0), 
                #   call label 0. It will only be true if first stack is empty
                #   because it will implicitly give 0.
rEEEe           # Move second stack pointer to the end [>52, 52] [0, >52]
ReE           # Repeat if items are the same (52 == 52), end program otherwise
reeeEEeeee    # Optional: Print 0.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 719


Python, 27 22 bytes:

Just to get things started.

lambda x:len(set(x))<2

Converts to a string, converts the string into a set of all distinct characters in that string, and checks whether there aren't multiple elements in the set.

5 bytes saved thanks to @LeakyNun's reminder.

Aidan F. Pierce

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 365

Please specify the version of Python. – Leaky Nun – 2017-06-08T03:03:05.407

3@LeakyNun It's not customary to specify a version if the code works in all recent ones. – Dennis – 2017-06-08T03:04:38.993

@Dennis If it is Python 2, I can suggest a golf. – Leaky Nun – 2017-06-08T03:23:03.267

Now that the input specs are more lax, you can replace str(x) with x. – Leaky Nun – 2017-06-08T03:23:29.980


Cheddar, 16 bytes


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Integer input, 29 bytes


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Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 45 011


Tcl, 53 bytes

proc r n {expr 1==1[string trim $n [string in $n 0]]}

"string trim" removes leading and trailing occurrences of all its second argument's characters from its first argument (usually used for whitespace). Second argument here is the first digit of $n. For a repdigit an empty string remains, and attaching that to 1 remains 1. For number 42424, 242 would remain after the trim, so 1 is not equal to 1242.

PS: attaching to 1 is a golfing-thing that saved two bytes versus comparing the trim with empty string.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 111


Pyke, 3 bytes


Try it here!

}   -   uniquify(input)
 t  -  ^[:-1]
  ! - not ^


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 26 661


Noether, 39 bytes


Try it here!

It takes input as a number enclosed in quotation marks.

This works by looping through the input string, and, at the start, adding the first character to the string, B. As it loops, if the current character in the input isn't in B, it is appended to B. At the end, if the number is a repdigit, B will only be one character long.

Outputs 1 for true, 0 for false.

Beta Decay

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 21 478


PHP, 34 bytes


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Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 13 026


Excel, 31 bytes



Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 2 534


V, 13 bytes


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Leaves a string of .s if truthy, nothing if falsy (empty strings are truthy in Vim/V and vice versa)


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 3 274


V, 6 bytes


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00000000: f85e 88b1 2a24                           .^..*$

This uses a brand new operator that I haven't used in any PPCG answers before. The ø operator will count the number of matches of a given regex. In this case, the (compressed) regex is:


That is, any character at the start of the line, followed by only that character until the end of the line.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 54 537


AWK, 33 bytes


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Replaces all characters in the input with the first character and compares the changed count to the total number of characters.

Robert Benson

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 339


Swift , 53 Bytes

var s=readLine()!,r=Set(s.characters);r.count>1 ?0:1


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 131


TI-BASIC, 17 16 bytes


Takes input on X. TI-BASIC is token based, all tokens are one byte.

Scott Milner

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 806


CJam, 6 bytes



q  e# Get the input: "1311211"
L| e# Get unique elements: "132"
,  e# Length: 3
1= e# Equal to 1: 0 (false)

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 13 542


Batch, 177 bytes

@echo off
set s=
set z=
<nul set/p=.%1>t
for /f "usebackq" %%G in ('t')do set z=%%~zG
for /l %%G in (2,1,%z%)do call set s=1%%s%%
if %r%==0 echo %r%&exit/b
echo 1

Not properly golfed, yet.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 539


Pushy, 5 bytes


Try it online!

                                              Falsy Example:      Truthy Example:
       \ Implicit: Input on stack             [22121]             [5555]
s      \ Split into digits                    [2, 2, 1, 2, 2]     [5, 5, 5, 5]
 K=    \ Pop last, compare with all others    [1, 1, 0, 1]        [1, 1, 1]
   P#  \ Print the stack's product            PRINT: 0            PRINT: 1

6 bytes

I prefer this method as it's sweet and simple, but unfortunately it's one byte longer:


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        \ Implicit: Input on stack
s       \ Split into digits
 u      \ Make stack into a set of itself
  Lt    \ Get the stack length - 1
        \ This will be 0 for a valid repdigit, a positive value otherwise
    n   \ Boolean negate: this maps 0 -> 1, and everything else to 0.
     #  \ Print result.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 13 242


Tcl, 48 bytes

proc R n {expr 1[regsub -all ^(.)\\1* $n ""]==1}

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Tcl, 52 bytes

proc R n {expr [llength [lsort -u [split $n ""]]]<2}

Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 3 055


><>, 12 bytes


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Takes input through the -s flag and checks whether every digit is the same.

Jo King

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 38 234


Pari/GP, 21 bytes


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Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 23 988


SmileBASIC 3, 26 bytes

INPUT N$?N$[0]*LEN(N$)==N$

Takes input as a string, prints 0 for false and 1 for true. If we repeat the first character of the input length(input) times and that is equal to the input, then it's a repdigit.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 982


PHP, 42 Bytes

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(42 Bytes because i forgot Towel day on may 25)




Every number like 11, 22222,5555555555 always will be dvisible by 1 times the number length it just checks that, if the % between the numbers is 0 outputs 1 else empty.

Francisco Hahn

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 591


Forth (gforth), 87 bytes

: m 10 /mod swap ; : f 1 swap m >r begin ?dup 0> while m r@ = rot * swap repeat rdrop ;

Try it online!


The algorithm is approximately:

  1. Divide by 10, take remainder and store on return stack
  2. Repeatedly divide by 10 and compare remainder to stored value
  3. When quotient equals 0, stop loop and clean return stack

Code Explanation

: m 10 /mod swap ;        \ helper to grab the quotient and remainder after dividing by 10

1 swap                    \ place 1 as a result value on the stack and move to the bottom
m >r                      \ divide by 10 and place remainder on the return stack
begin                     \ start an indefinite loop
  ?dup 0>                 \ duplicate if not equal to 0 and check if greater than 0
while                     \ if greater than 0 execute loop body, else go the end of the loop
  m r@ =                  \ divide by 10, check if remainder equals our check value
  rot *                   \ move the result value to the top and multiply by result
  swap                    \ move the result value back to the boottom
repeat                    \ end the loop body
rdrop                     \ clean the return stack


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 361


Pyth, 4 3 bytes


Try it online!
-1 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer!

Takes input as a string.


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 295

1You don't need l. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-06-07T20:32:27.237

@EriktheOutgolfer huh. Not how i expected t to behave, but certainly useful. Thanks! – hakr14 – 2018-06-07T20:36:26.537

Some of Pyth's built-ins are type-overloaded. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-06-07T21:35:50.343


APL(NARS), 16 chars, 32 bytes



  {(⍴w)=+/w=↑w←⍕⍵}¨1 2 23 33 93 9999999
 1  1  0  1  0  1 


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 3 036


MathGolf, 3 bytes


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Takes input as a string.


▀    Get unique characters
 £   Get length of list
  ┴  Is equal to one?

Jo King

Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 38 234


Pyt, 2 bytes


Try it online!


   Implicit input
ą  Split digits
 ≡ Are all elements equal?


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 1 253


naz, 50 bytes


Works for any input integer, provided it's passed as a file terminated with the control character STX (U+0002).

Explanation (with 0x commands removed)

2a2x1v                 # Set variable 1 equal to 2
1r2x2v                 # Read the first byte of input and store it in variable 2
1x1f                   # Function 1
    1r                 # Read a byte of input
      3x1v2e           # Jump to function 2 if it equals variable 1
            3x2v1e     # Jump back to the start of the function if it equals variable 2
                  0m1o # Otherwise, output 0
1x2f                   # Function 2
    0m1a1o             # Output 1
1f                     # Call function 1


Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 461


Stax, 4 bytes


Run and debug it




Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 11


Stax, 4 bytes


Run and debug it




Posted 2017-06-08T02:50:36.133

Reputation: 11