Infinitely Print Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox (1/(2^n))



Wikipedia: Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second one orders half a beer. The third one orders a fourth of a beer. The bartender stops them, pours two beers and says, "You're all a bunch of idiots."


Print the following series for as long as the program runs, with the denominator of each item being multiplied by two each time:

1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + ...

As n approaches infinity, the sum of this sequence approaches 2.


No, you may not print 2.

You may not print 1/1 as the first item.

You may remove spaces 1+1/2+... or add spaces 1 + 1 / 2 + ... as you need.

You may use newlines instead of spaces as a delimiter due to popular demand.

You may append a . plus a constant number of 0s to the denominator if need be.

"Infinitely" means no unnecessary delays, and for as long as possible limited by the current (variable) system's specs, but not limited by your current language.

Standard loopholes apply.

This is , so shortest answer in bytes wins.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 12 293

41Regarding the joke, I like the "You guys should know your limits" version better. – March Ho – 2017-05-16T13:17:34.427


Is it just me, or is that a parabola right there?

– Adám – 2017-05-16T14:17:44.990

1@StephenS Yes, I saw them too, but this one is much clearer and bigger. – Adám – 2017-05-16T14:22:49.263

1What is meant by "limited by your current language."? Does that mean that any language which contains no reference to something like "Integer.MAX_VALUE" can be treated as having no max int value? Or does your "current language" include information in all compilers for said language? – Shufflepants – 2017-05-16T14:56:49.003

1@Shufflepants your program shouldn't break at a certain point based on its language. I.e., in Java, you have to use BigInteger and not int. – Stephen – 2017-05-16T14:58:32.893

10@Adám: yep! If the lengths of the denominators weren't changing, then the visual pattern of +1/s would just form a diagonal line. However, the lengths of the denominators is changing linearly (up to rounding): the number of digits of 2^n is about n log(2)/log(10). That linear change translates into a linear change in the relative position of each +1/ with respect to the preceding one, which is the same as a quadratic change in the absolute position. – Greg Martin – 2017-05-16T17:02:39.543

@StephenS What about C? Making it go "infinitely" there is a significantly more complicated challenge than it is in languages with a built-in BigInteger; to answer in C, we'd have to either write our on BigInteger or do all the multiplications in the string -- neither of which is easy or short. – Fund Monica's Lawsuit – 2017-05-16T22:47:36.967

3@QPaysTaxes then you are non-competing - but if multiple people want to post competing C answers, you can compete against each other :) – Stephen – 2017-05-16T23:21:29.090

Can the output have trailing zeros? 1 + 1/2.0000 + 1/4.0000 ... – Engineer Toast – 2017-05-18T13:54:37.240

@EngineerToast is the number of trailing zeroes consistent across outputs (i.e. 1+1/2.0+1/4.0+1/8.0) or does it increase for each output (i.e. 1+1/2.0+1/4.00+1/8.000)? First would be OK, second would not. – Stephen – 2017-05-18T15:59:24.940



05AB1E, 10 9 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to Erik the Outgolfer


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[           # loop over N infinitely [0 ...]
 No         # calculate 2^N
   …+1/J    # join with the string "+1/"
        ?   # print without newline


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 50 798

You can golf this: [No?…+1/? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-05-16T12:04:51.233

@EriktheOutgolfer: True! I knew that interpolation looked wasteful :P – Emigna – 2017-05-16T12:11:13.167

1Technically you should be using « instead of J but this works too. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-05-16T12:17:06.507

13@EriktheOutgolfer 'should use' isn't in a golfer's dictionary. – Okx – 2017-05-16T15:59:09.013


Python 2, 30 bytes

-5 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer

while 1:print i,'+1/';i*=2

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Felipe Nardi Batista

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 2 345


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 15 bytes

More fun if ⎕FR (Floating-point Representation) is 1287 (128 bit decimal) and ⎕PP (Print Precision) is 34.


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{}1 apply the following function on the number 1:

⎕←⍵'+1/' print the argument and the the string

 pick the first one (i.e. the argument)

 double that

 tail call recursion on that (optimised, so it can be infinitely repeated)


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 37 779


Jelly, 12 bytes


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Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 45 011


Pyth, 10 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 38 134


C (gcc), 60 bytes

f(){for(long long n=1;n;n*=2)printf(&"+1/%llu"[n^1?0:3],n);}

Goes up the the unsigned 64bit limit.

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This one goes on forever; (it's as small as it's going to get)

C (tcc), 312 264 255 251 233 231 208 204 195 190 188 170 bytes


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Here's the not so golfed version;



Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 3 360


Bash, 33 bytes

echo 1;yes|awk '{print"+1/"2^NR}'

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Change print for printf and echo for printf to avoid newline


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 986

1printf 1 also avoids the newline, no? – Neil – 2017-05-16T14:59:52.210

On my Awk (GNU Awk 4.2.1), I get repeated +1/inf from the 1024th term onwards. :-( – Toby Speight – 2019-04-03T15:58:36.880


dc, 19 18 bytes



We push 1 and [rdp+[+1/]Prdx] onto the stack. We then duplicate and execute [rdp+[+1/]Prdx]. The first thing it does is to rotate the stack (r) so that the value is on top. dp+ prints the value and adds itself (to multiply by 2). [+1/]P prints the invariant +1/, then we rotate the arguments so the saved macro definition is at the top, duplicate it and start again.


GNU dc will normally wrap at 70 columns. To override that and get an infinite line, add DC_LINE_LENGTH=0 to your environment variables.

Output (partial)







Toby Speight

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 5 058

i was 15 minutes late T_T, use dp instead of ddn to save a byte – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-16T15:53:31.943

I used dn to avoid introducing a newline, but did consider p (at the cost of uglier output). Actually, on reflection, it's not so ugly, after all. – Toby Speight – 2017-05-16T16:00:37.910


GolfScript, 19 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 38 134


CJam, 14 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 38 134


><>, 14 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 38 134


Pyth, 10 bytes


Z starts out as zero. ~hyZ post-assigns the value of 2*Z+1 to Z. Thus, Z becomes 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, ... over successive iterations. h then prints out the value one greater. # runs the infinite loop, and "+1/ gets the formatting right.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 39 268


JavaScript (ES6), 36 34 bytes


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Inspired by Jake Taylor's answer.

Note that this is limited by language since a is a floating-point variable, not an integer.

-2 bytes thanks to @Stefnotch.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 1 280

1You can save 2 bytes by leaving out the brackets after console.log. for(a=.5;;)console.log\${a*=2}+1/`` Though, your solution is limited by the language, because a is a float, not a big integer. (The challenge says that it should not be limited by the language, but rather by the system's specs.) – Stefnotch – 2017-05-17T15:58:47.530


@Stefnotch That doesn't work unfortunately, because tagged templates with interpolation pass more than a single argument. I added the note about limitedness though, thank you.

– eush77 – 2017-05-17T16:17:14.337

1Oh, sorry for not testing my code. Well, this code does shave off 2 bytes: for(a=1;;a*=2)console.log(a+"+1/") – Stefnotch – 2017-05-17T16:44:19.430

@Stefnotch Oh, and it's a lot simpler, too :) Thank you. – eush77 – 2017-05-17T17:02:57.220


Ruby, 27 25 bytes


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Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 11 099


R, 35 34 bytes

cat(i<-1);repeat cat("+1/",i<-i*2)

Spacing is a bit werid but I understand that's ok.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 914

1You can use repeat instead of while(T): cat(i<-1);repeat cat("+1/",i<-i*2) for 1 byte less. – plannapus – 2017-05-16T13:26:05.170


Java, 107 102 bytes

()->{for(java.math.BigInteger z=null,o=z.ONE,n=o;;n=n.add(n))System.out.print(n.max(o)==o?1:"+1/"+n);}

z=null exists to shorten the o=java.math.BigInteger.ONE into z=null,o=z.ONE, saving 12 bytes. z.ONE will not throw a NullPointerException because we access a static member and not an instance one.

Using int shortens the code, but fails to comply after 32 iterations.


  • 107 -> 102 bytes: n.compareTo(o)>0 turned into n.max(o)==o, thanks to an idea given by @Shufflepants

Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 10 647

This looks like one of the only entries that attempts to meet the rule: ""Infinitely" means no unnecessary delays, and for as long as possible limited by the current (variable) system's specs, but not limited by your current language." but it still doesn't do that because BigInteger still has a max value of 2^(Integer.MAX_VALUE). – Shufflepants – 2017-05-16T14:46:22.657

@Shufflepants Where is that limit written? Nowhere ("may support values outside of that range"), so it's not a limitation of the language, but a limitation of the JVM, which then is the system. Also, "works on my computer", so good enough for codegolf ;)

– Olivier Grégoire – 2017-05-16T14:55:58.963

If the implementation of a language or the JVM is considered part of the system and not the language, then you might as well use int instead of BigInteger. – Shufflepants – 2017-05-16T15:00:59.953

No, because int and all other primitive types are limited at the language level. Also, the BigInteger doc explicitly says that a limit is optional, not mandatory (and that the default JVM implementation uses that limit).

– Olivier Grégoire – 2017-05-16T15:04:08.630

This function "BigInteger max(BigInteger val)" exists in the specification too, which implies, that while the limit need not be what the current implementation limit is, it implies in the specification that there must be some finite limit. – Shufflepants – 2017-05-16T15:07:04.830

That method means "take the biggest of the two numbers this and val". It's equivalent to return this > val : this : val;. So I honestly fail to see what you mean, sorry. I can't say anything more than what I quoted: a limit is optional :( – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-05-16T15:09:18.557

Sorry, got ahead of myself and misread it. Thought it was akin to Integer.MAX_VALUE but for BigInteger. – Shufflepants – 2017-05-16T15:12:27.790

No problem. Thanks on making me double-check my code, I prefer a 100% compliant code when possible :) – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-05-16T15:14:06.900

@Shufflepants There, you got me golfing more when showing me the max method ;) – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-05-16T15:18:11.767


Vim, 22, 21 bytes/keystrokes


While testing this, you might run into issues with the current register values. To fix this, run

:let @q=''
:let @"=''

before running this, or by launching vim with

vim -u NONE -i NONE


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 54 537

1absolutely beautiful. – Tyrannosaur – 2017-05-18T17:08:32.763


Befunge 93: 14 bytes



Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 411

Doesn't seem to be working on TIO. Is it written for some specific implementation? – eush77 – 2017-05-19T16:39:35.253

@eush77 Looks like TIO expects a fixed 80 char width grid, causing the "#" to skip empty space instead of the next instruction. I usually test here, where the torus is adjusted to the size of the actual code.

– karhell – 2017-05-22T10:00:13.343


PHP, 32 Bytes

for(;;)echo bcpow(2,$i++)."+1/";

Online Version

-6 Bytes if values like 9.2233720368548E+18 are allowed

for(;;)echo 2**$i++."+1/";

Try it online!

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 13 026


Powershell, 34 bytes


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Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 271


QBIC, 18 bytes


Prints each term on a new line.


?1       Prints 1
{        Infinite loop
q=q*2    Doubles q, starts at 1*2=2
?@+1/`  Prints the string +1/ 
  ';`      without tabs, newlines or other terminators (code literal, ; is a QBIC function)
q        Also prints q
         The infinite loop is auto-closed by QBIC at EOF.

We can save a byte with a more liberal output format:



Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 7 772


Go, 102 100 bytes

Go can be almost as bad as Java, apparently.

func main(){n:=NewInt(1);for{Print(n.String()+"+1/");n.Mul(n,NewInt(2))}}

Try it online! (Would be a good idea to avoid running any of these locally. :P)


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 15 378

No, not as bad as Java: Go is 5 bytes shorter :P – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-05-16T13:49:54.647


Aceto, 20 bytes


Prints the sequence without any spaces. When run, you won't see anything for a little while, because of buffering, run with -F to immediately see everything.

  1. Pushes and prints a 1, then stores "+1/" in quick storage (the register).
  2. Pushes a 1.
  3. Multiplies by two, loads from the register, prints, duplicates, and prints.
  4. GOTO 3.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 3 151


JavaScript (ES6), 45 43 42 bytes

Saved 2 bytes, thanks @DanielM ! Saved 1 byte, thanks @eush77 for pointing it out.




My first go at Codegolf, go easy!

Jake Taylor

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 181

3I was going to edit a snippet in for you, but then I broke my browser and remembered this is an infinite loop question xD – Stephen – 2017-05-16T13:37:54.533

2Yeah, had to restart my dev tools a couple times doing this! – Jake Taylor – 2017-05-16T13:42:04.853

The a=1 can go in the first part of the for, for(a=1;;) saving you a byte in extra semicolon. – DanielM – 2017-05-16T14:55:27.470

_(a=1), work's with DanielM's suggestion too – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-16T16:00:20.000

@eush77 That doesn't create the right output imo. It will always have a trailing +1/, not a fraction. – Jake Taylor – 2017-05-17T08:17:06.480

@JakeTaylor You see, but it's infinite! It doesn't matter because every 1/ is followed by a number, it just happens to be printed on a next iteration of a loop. Given infinite amount of time, the output will be the same. – eush77 – 2017-05-17T08:40:18.410

True, but it still feels incorrect, imo. I'll settle for 43 bytes. – Jake Taylor – 2017-05-17T09:22:36.917

@JakeTaylor I posted my solution separately. – eush77 – 2017-05-17T10:34:39.420

@JakeTaylor I don't think you actually implemented DanielM's proposal though, with both DanielM's and Felipe's I think it should be _=console.log;for(_(a=1);;)_(\+1/${a*=2}`)` (-1 byte) – eush77 – 2017-05-17T10:38:02.193

Ah, yes. I'll edit again. – Jake Taylor – 2017-05-17T11:38:20.737


Mathematica, 25 bytes


JungHwan Min

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 13 290

1Don't we have to print the +s as well as the numbers? – Greg Martin – 2017-05-16T17:04:00.167

@GregMartin Fixed... – JungHwan Min – 2017-05-16T18:39:20.200


C#, ̶6̶8̶ 154 bytes

void A(int b=1){System.Console.Write($"1{(b>1?"/"+b:"")}+");A(b*2);}

Here is a version not constrained by int

using System.Numerics;BigInteger b=new BigInteger(1);void A(){System.Console.Write($"1{(b>1?"/"+b:"")}+");b=BigInteger.Multiply(new BigInteger(2),b);A();}


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 3 381

Stops working very quickly once the denominator hits int.MaxValue – Rob – 2017-05-17T04:55:39.897

@Rob what should the behavior be? – LiefdeWen – 2017-05-17T04:58:02.257

Okay thanx, the new version should be sufficient. – LiefdeWen – 2017-05-17T07:10:30.360

As-is, nothing is actually printed because there's no call to A(); outside of the recursive call in the function. Also, BigIntegers have implicit conversions from primitive numeric types and built-in operators. So you can shave a lot (54 bytes?) off by changing the initial declaration to just BigInteger b=1; and shortening the multiplication to b*=2; – goric – 2017-05-17T15:16:53.440


AWK, 3732 bytes

BEGIN{for(;;)printf 2^i++"+1/"}

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Could remove the BEGIN and save 5 bytes if input were allowed. Using exponents definitely cheaper byte-wise than multiplication. :)

Hopefully 2^1023 is close enough to infinity (on my work computer). Unfortunately the TIO link truncates earlier than that (around 921). But 17726622920963562283492833353875882150307419319860869157979152909707315649514250439943889552308992750523075148942386782770807567185698815677056677116184170553481231217950104164393978236130449019315710017470734562946173533283208371259654747728689409291887821024109648618981425152 does seem pretty close to infinity. :)

Robert Benson

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 1 339


Haskell - 66 62 60 51 49 chars

import Data.List
main=print$intercalate" + 1/"$map(show.(2^))[0..]

This prints the string constructed by printing the string representations of the powers of two starting from 1, separated by the string " + 1/".

The code itself is 49 bytes, the import and newline push it up to 66

Edit: (62)

Shaved 4 bytes by cutting out the import and defining intercalate with a much shorter name

main=print$map(show.(2^))[0..]`f`" + 1/"

Edit 2: (60)

Shaved 2 more characters by realizing I didn't need to use the (x:xs) list convention:

main=print$map(show.(2^))[0..]`f`" + 1/"

Edit 3: (51)

Reimplemented the definition of f and the map as the body of a fold to save 9 more characters

main=print$foldr((++).(++" + 1/").show.(2^))""[0..]

Edit 4: (49)

As was pointed out by Laokoni, I can remove the spaces to cut down 2 more bytes off the total:



Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 1 035

The challenge states that spaces in the output are optional, so you can save another two bytes. – Laikoni – 2017-05-18T07:04:40.043

Also noticed that the most recent version is the same number of bytes as the original would be if "intercalate" was in the Haskell base library. – archaephyrryx – 2017-05-18T19:34:48.723


Braingolf, 41 37 bytes

Saved 4 bytes because I realised I don't need the spaces, always read the spec thoroughly kids


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Can probably be golfed better, but it works.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 9 656


Lua 5.1 + BC, 50 bytes

Now works with arbitrary long integers.

I don't usually golf in Lua, so any tips are welcome

i=1::a::print(i,'+1/')i=require"bc".mul(i,2)goto a

Felipe Nardi Batista

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 2 345

You can omit some newlines to save bytes. – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-16T12:55:18.517

You can use while 1 do instead. – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-16T12:57:54.350

@LeakyNun that will output garbage in the output when overflow happens – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-16T12:58:49.160

But then your answer does not print infinitely... – Leaky Nun – 2017-05-16T13:00:01.447

@LeakyNun original spec said thar language limitation could end the execution as well, i'll check – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-16T13:01:58.600

@FelipeNardiBatista That's current spec not original spec. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-05-16T13:02:26.723

@EriktheOutgolfer i didn't see the change, when internet is back i'll figure something out – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-16T13:03:33.400

To clarify: original spec (and now current again) is that infinity must be longer than a language limitation. You cannot be limited by your language, but you can be limited by your system. – Stephen – 2017-05-16T13:24:38.780

internet is back, fixed it – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-16T13:43:02.660


Fourier, 20 bytes


Try it online!

I think this may only work on Try it Online due to differences in how Python and Javascript handle large numbers.

Explanation Psuedocode:

i = 1
Print i
While i != 0
    Print "+1/"
    i = i * 2
    Print i
End While

Beta Decay

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 21 478

Can you not move the Print i to the start of the While loop? – Neil – 2017-05-16T15:00:44.007

@Neil I could, but it wouldn't say any bytes – Beta Decay – 2017-05-16T15:32:04.367

Oh, I see now, you're not actually printing i. – Neil – 2017-05-16T15:37:32.500


Ruby 46 bytes

i=1;loop{print (i<2?"#{i}":"1/#{i}")+"+";i*=2}

any improvement suggestions are welcome -))


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 227


F#, 39 bytes

let rec f x=printf"%A+1/"x;x*2I|>f
f 1I

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Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 271


Labyrinth, 25 bytes

"     9

Try it online!

Robert Hickman

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 661


GNU Make, 45 57 bytes

Using shell:

$(eval 1?=1)$(info $1+1/)$(call $0,$(shell expr $1 \* 2))

Using GMSL (a lot slower, calculates in unary), a complete makefile — 66 bytes:

include gmsl
P=$(info $1+/)$(call P,$(call double,$1))
$(call P,1)


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 1 280


Common Lisp, 42 bytes

(do((x 1(* x 2)))(())(format t"~a+"(/ x)))

Try it online (TIO will show you partial output)


(do ... )          ;looping
((x 1(* x 2))      ;define x as 1 and then in new interation steps 
                   ;as result of 2 * x
(())               ;no ending condition
(format t"~a+"...) ;print argument and "+"
(/ x)              ;divide 1 by x - output is like this: 1, 1/2, 1/4, ...


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043



PHP, 29 bytes


Jake Taylor

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 181


Ruby, 24 bytes

a=1;a/=2r while$><<a<<?+

Try it online!

Heavily based on G B's answer. But rationals are fun :V


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 211


MSX-BASIC, 36 bytes


It works up to 70368744177664, then it starts displaying the values in exponential notation due to the precision limitation of the language, then it overflows at 1e62.

enter image description here


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 291


Taxi, 916 bytes

2 is waiting at Starchild Numerology.'1' is waiting at Writer's Depot.Go to Writer's Depot:w 1 r 3 l 2 l.Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.Go to Post Office:n 1 r 2 r 1 l.Go to Starchild Numerology:s 1 r 1 l 1 l 2 l.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Cyclone:e 1 l 2 r.[r]Pickup a passenger going to Trunkers.Pickup a passenger going to Multiplication Station.Go to Trunkers:s 1 l.Go to Multiplication Station:e 1 r 4 l.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Cyclone:s 1 r 2 l 2 r.Pickup a passenger going to Multiplication Station.Pickup a passenger going to The Babelfishery.' + 1/' is waiting at Writer's Depot.Go to Writer's Depot:s.Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.Go to The Babelfishery:n 1 r 2 r 1 r.Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.Go to Fueler Up:n.Go to Post Office:s 1 r 1 l.Go to Trunkers:s 1 r 1 l.Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.Go to Cyclone:w 2 r.Switch to plan "r".

Try it online! (TIO will output the first 893 terms (up to ~3.3×10²⁶⁸) before cutting it off.)


2 is waiting at Starchild Numerology.
'1' is waiting at Writer's Depot.
Go to Writer's Depot: west 1st right 3rd left 2nd left.
Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.
Go to Post Office: north 1st right 2nd right 1st left.
Go to Starchild Numerology: south 1st right 1st left 1st left 2nd left.
Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.
Go to Cyclone: east 1st left 2nd right.
Pickup a passenger going to Trunkers.
Pickup a passenger going to Multiplication Station.
Go to Trunkers: south 1st left.
Go to Multiplication Station: east 1st right 4th left.
Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.
Go to Cyclone: south 1st right 2nd left 2nd right.
Pickup a passenger going to Multiplication Station.
Pickup a passenger going to The Babelfishery.
' + 1/' is waiting at Writer's Depot.
Go to Writer's Depot: south.
Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.
Go to The Babelfishery: north 1st right 2nd right 1st right.
Pickup a passenger going to Post Office.
Go to Fueler Up: north.
Go to Post Office: south 1st right 1st left.
Go to Trunkers: south 1st right 1st left.
Pickup a passenger going to Cyclone.
Go to Cyclone: west 2nd right.
Switch to plan "r".


Pickup the string `1` and print it to stdout to get started.
Pickup the number `2` and duplicate it so we have one to keep around and one to print.
Abuse the truncation function to leave a `2` for later.
(It's en route and has a short name so it saves bytes which is really important in Taxi.)
Go multiply the running total by 2.
(The first time, it's just a `2` so it returns itself. After that, it's 2 times the running total.)
Pickup the string ` + 1/`.
Convert the multiplication result from a number to a string.
Get gas.
Print the string ` + 1/` and the string multiplication result to stdout.
Go pickup that `2` from Trunkers, copy it again, and go back to `[r]`.

The output has trailing zeros on every number: 1 + 1/2.000000 + 1/4.000000 + ... but, per a comment by OP, that's OK so long as it's the same number of zeros every time.

Engineer Toast

Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 5 769


Cubix, 26 bytes


A fairly linear program. Push characters /1+ onto the stack, push 1 onto the stack. Start loop, output number, multiply it by 2, push it to the bottom, pop the multipliers, output the characters on the stack and loop.

Try it here

Maps to

      o r u
      U r o
      o r p
" / 1 + " 1 > O 2 u w "
w o ; ; q * . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
      . . .
      . . .
      . . .


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 11 735


Clojure, 59 bytes

#((fn[n](print(if(= 1M n)1(str 1\/ n))\+)(recur(* n 2)))1M)

A function that prints the fraction, doubles the denominator, then recurses.

(defn zenos-dichotomy-paradox []
  ; Create an anonymous function...
 ((fn [n]
    ; ... that prints the fraction (or just 1 if (= n 1))...
      (if (= 1M n) 1 (str 1 \/ n))
    ; ..., doubles the denominator, then recurses infinitely.
    ; Will not SO since I'm using recur.
    (recur (* n 2)))
   ; Start the recursive function off with a 1. The M makes it a BigInteger so
   ;  I don't get an IntegerOverflow.


1 +1/2 +1/4 +1/8 +1/16 +1/32 +1/64 +1/128 +1/256 +1/512...

I can make the spacing more consistent at the cost of 2 bytes if necessary.

I tried to be clever and abuse Clojure's built in Ratio number type, but I got an overflow pretty quickly. 1/1 would have been automatically simplified to 1, getting rid of 1 as a special case. It would have been nice.


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 3 295


Mathematica, 45 bytes



Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 15 931

This will not finish computing, and nothing will be printed. – JungHwan Min – 2017-05-16T13:53:27.317

Yes, I made it this way in order to get the result in a row. If you want to see a result just test for a finite number. Do you have any other ideas of how to print in a row? – J42161217 – 2017-05-16T14:03:22.847

1You can use newlines as delimiters – JungHwan Min – 2017-05-16T14:05:37.273


cQuents, 13 bytes


Try it online!


|+1/            Set sequence join to "+1/"
    =1          Set first item in sequence to 1
      :         Mode : (sequence)
       2^($-1   Each item in the sequence equals 2 to the power of the index (1-based) of the current item minus 1
             )  Implicit closing parenthesis


Posted 2017-05-16T11:39:12.043

Reputation: 12 293