Decompose a number into triangles


Given an integer n, decompose it into a sum of maximal triangular numbers (where Tm represents the mth triangular number, or the sum of the integers from 1 to m) as follows:

  • while n > 0,

    • find the largest possible triangular number Tm such that Tm ≤ n.

    • append m to the triangular-decomposition representation of n.

    • subtract Tm from n.

For example, an input of 44 would yield an output of 8311, because:

  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 < 44, but 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45 > 44.

    • the first digit is 8; subtract 36 from 44 to get 8 left over.
  • 1+2+3 = 6 < 8, but 1+2+3+4 = 10 > 8.

    • the second digit is 3; subtract 6 from 8 to get 2 left over.
  • 1 < 2, but 1+2 = 3 > 2.

    • the third and fourth digits must be 1 and 1.

Use the digits 1 through 9 to represent the first 9 triangular numbers, then use the letters a through z (can be capitalized or lowercase) to represent the 10th through 35th triangular number. You will never be given an input that will necessitate the use of a larger "digit".

The bounds on the input are 1 ≤ n < 666, and it will always be an integer.

All possible inputs and outputs, and some selected test cases (listed as input, then output):

1 1
2 11
3 2
4 21
5 211
6 3
100 d32
230 k5211
435 t
665 z731

An output of for an input of -1/12 is not required. :)


Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 68 138

But does an input of need to have an output of ∞?

– user75200 – 2017-10-26T09:22:15.577



JavaScript (ES6), 52 bytes



Rather than explicitly computing Ti = 1 + 2 + 3 + … + i, we start with t = 0 and iteratively subtract t + 1 from n while t < n, incrementing t at each iteration. When the condition is not fulfilled anymore, a total of Tt has been subtracted from n and the output is updated accordingly. We repeat the process until n = 0.

Below is a summary of all operations for n = 100.

 n  |  t | t < n | output
100 |  0 | yes   | ""
 99 |  1 | yes   | ""
 97 |  2 | yes   | ""
 94 |  3 | yes   | ""
 90 |  4 | yes   | ""
 85 |  5 | yes   | ""
 79 |  6 | yes   | ""
 72 |  7 | yes   | ""
 64 |  8 | yes   | ""
 55 |  9 | yes   | ""
 45 | 10 | yes   | ""
 34 | 11 | yes   | ""
 22 | 12 | yes   | ""
  9 | 13 | no    | "d"
  9 |  0 | yes   | "d"
  8 |  1 | yes   | "d"
  6 |  2 | yes   | "d"
  3 |  3 | no    | "d3"
  3 |  0 | yes   | "d3"
  2 |  1 | yes   | "d3"
  0 |  2 | no    | "d32"

Test cases


console.log(f(1))   // 1
console.log(f(2))   // 11
console.log(f(3))   // 2
console.log(f(4))   // 21
console.log(f(5))   // 211
console.log(f(6))   // 3
console.log(f(100)) // d32
console.log(f(230)) // k5211
console.log(f(435)) // t
console.log(f(665)) // z731


Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 111 334


Jelly, 18 17 bytes


This is a monadic link that prints to STDOUT. It's return value is 0 and should be ignored.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 196 637


dc, 74 bytes

?sa[2k_1K/1 4/la2*+v+0k1/dlardd*+2/-sadd10<t9>ula0<s]ss[87+P]st[48+P]sulsx

This is awful.

?sa             stores the input
[2k             sets precision to 2 so dc doesn't truncate 1/4
_1K/1 4/la2*+v+ uses the quadratic formula to find k, the next value to print
0k1/d           truncates k to an integer
lardd*+2/-sa    subtracts kth triangular number from the input 
dd10<t9>u       determines whether to print k as a letter or a digit         
la0<s]ss        loops when a is greater than 0
[87+P]st        prints k as a letter
[48+P]su        prints k as a digit (not p, as that leaves a trailing newline)
lsx             starts the main loop


Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 1 265


JavaScript (ES6), 61 57 bytes

Saved 4 bytes thanks to @Arnauld



Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 47 880

1I had f=(n,t=0)=>n?t+1>n?t.toString(36)+f(n):f(n-++t,t):1 – Arnauld – 2017-05-02T00:37:55.047

@Arnauld Oh wow, that's way better. You should post it yourself... – ETHproductions – 2017-05-02T00:39:17.100

1Alright. In your version, would it be safe to do f=(n,p=q=0) and f(n,++q+p)? – Arnauld – 2017-05-02T00:58:31.170

@Arnauld Yes, thanks! – ETHproductions – 2017-05-02T01:25:04.500


Retina, 115 108 38 34 bytes


[Try it online!] (Includes test suite) Uses uppercase letters. Edit: Saved 70 74 bytes by shamelessly adapting @MartinEnder's answer to Is this number triangular? Explanation: The number is converted into unary, then the largest possible triangular number is repeatedly matched until the number is exhausted. Each match is then converted into base 36.


Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 95 035


Java 7, 81 bytes

int i=0;String c(int n){return i<n?c(n-++i):Long.toString(i,36)+(n>(i=0)?c(n):"");}

Port from @Arnauld's amazing JavaScript (ES6) answer.
My own approach was almost 2x as long..

Try it here.


int i=0;                  // Temp integer `i` (on class level)
String c(int n){          // Method with integer parameter and String return-type
  return i<n?             //  If `i` is smaller than the input integer
    c(n-++i)              //   Return a recursive call with input minus `i+1` (and raise `i` by 1 in the process)
   :                      //  Else:
    Long.toString(i,36)+  //   Return `i` as Base-36 +
     (n>(i=0)?            //   (If the input integer is larger than 0 (and reset `i` to 0 in the process)
      c(n)                //    Recursive call with the input integer
     :                    //   Else:
      "");                //    an empty String)
}                         // End of method

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 67 575


PHP, 74 Bytes


Online Version

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 13 026


R, 87 bytes

Originally, I tried to preset the possible Triangular numbers. This led to this code with 105 bytes:


This required more indexing so I tried the methodology from @Arnauld to reduce the bytes down to 87.


Both codes made use of the preset letters, since their I couldn't find a short way to convert to base 36.


Posted 2017-05-02T00:14:58.907

Reputation: 347