Blink the CAPS LOCK



Most computer keyboards feature a small integrated LED light, indicating the current input mode, as controlled with the CAPS LOCK button.

enter image description here

Your task is to blink it:

  • Turn it on;
  • Wait for 0.5 (+/-0.1) seconds;
  • Turn it off again.

Video footage of the LED blinking is highly appreciated !


  • You can blink a different LED (e.g. Scroll Lock, Num Lock, Wi-Fi status etc), if you wish, but it must be physically located on your keyboard;

  • If your language is missing a subsecond sleep command, your program may use a 1 second delay instead, at a penalty of +2 bytes (that's for 0.);

  • Your program must blink at least once, what happens afterward is up to you, i.e. it can continue to blink (in which case you must wait for the same delay, before turning it on again), or halt e.t.c.;

  • If the chosen LED is ON by default, on your system, you can assume that it has been explicitly switched off (e.g. manually), before the program is run;

  • This is , the shortest answer in bytes wins.


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Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 7 884

84Cheating answer that doesn't quite work: on a Linux system, intentionally crash the kernel. Linux's equivalent of a BSOD flashes the Caps Lock light, just in case the crash also took down the video hardware and you can't see the BSOD report onscreen. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell it flashes a little too fast to be an eligible answer. This would lead to a (somewhat malicious) 14-byte solution if it were allowed. – None – 2017-02-22T20:59:51.113

Does it need to be an LED, or can it be any type of indicator light on the keyboard? – 12Me21 – 2017-02-22T21:53:57.820

@12Me21 Well, it's a tricky one, I'm probably ok with a different type of indicator, as long as it is a dedicated hardware thing, which sole purpose is to indicate that something is on or off, e.g. blinking a pixel on a general purpose touch screen does not count. – zeppelin – 2017-02-22T22:37:56.603

57Now blink it in Morse code: "Help, I'm trapped in a keyboard factory!" – mbomb007 – 2017-02-22T22:48:08.947

12@ais523 my laptop will do that if I shake it (0 bytes). Too fast tho... – Tim – 2017-02-22T23:35:16.577

18The capslock key on a C64 is a mechanical switch. Blinking that might be a bit tricky... – Mark – 2017-02-23T00:56:15.827

2@Mark, still can be done with a bit of Arduino and some type of actuator, not sure on how to include them in the byte count though. – zeppelin – 2017-02-23T07:28:11.827

3I want to see an Objective-c or Swift answer toggling the capslock on an iPhone keyboard – Albert Renshaw – 2017-02-23T08:57:45.927

8Now I'm wondering whether the low-battery LED on my wireless keyboard flashes at the correct rate. If so: zero bytes. – Roger Lipscombe – 2017-02-23T10:24:35.987

Is it okay if we write a snippet (I'm thinking about Swift, where writing an entire program is literally making a whole app). – Daniel – 2017-02-23T13:24:27.757

@Dopapp, by default, you should either submit a full program or a function, so you can probably just do the latter. – zeppelin – 2017-02-23T16:53:25.593

@mbomb007 I wrote that patch once :) – hobbs – 2017-02-24T00:53:16.233


@mbomb007 Cameras can steal data from computer hard drive LED lights. "The researchers found that once malware is on a computer, it can indirectly control the HDD LED, turning it on and off rapidly (thousands of flickers per second)—a rate that exceeds the human visual perception capabilities. As a result, highly sensitive information can be encoded and leaked over the fast LED signals, which are received and recorded by remote cameras or light sensors."

– Keith McClary – 2017-02-24T04:44:39.633


@KeithMcClary Even more impressive is that data may be exfiltrated from an air-gapped machine (up to 8 bits per hour) using room temperature fluctuations created by changing the amount of heat the machine generates. Other methods

– mbomb007 – 2017-02-24T15:39:10.533

@whrrgarbl - I believe most implementations here will actually be longer without the loop, as this way they don't have to repeat the code to turn the Caps Lock (or whatever indicator they use) off. Otherwise, it is not required (i.e. you can just blink once). – zeppelin – 2017-02-24T20:53:26.890

I made a code golf puzzle inspired by this one, called "Blink the webcam light!" Is this okay? I've given the appropriate credit, including linking to both this question and your user profile on [].

– haykam – 2017-02-26T17:39:39.660

1@haykam I'm fine with that, it's actually nice to hear that my challenge has inspired you to post your own. – zeppelin – 2017-02-26T18:52:25.737

@zeppelin if my language has a way to do a subsecond sleep but it's more than 2 bytes longer than a 1 second sleep, can I choose to take the penalty for the 1 sec sleep? – briantist – 2017-02-27T03:42:12.657

@briantist This rule was introduced to allow languages which can not do a sub-second delay to still compete, so if your language can do a sub-second delay, I would say that you have to use that. However, I release that there might be some borderline cases (e.g. there is a sub-second delay command, but it is not documented or is only available in some implementations but not the others), in those cases I rely on the community to do its vote. – zeppelin – 2017-02-27T09:16:34.840

@RogerLipscombe you would need a program to drain the battery then ;) – Ale – 2017-02-27T18:51:48.697

By the way, why a two-byte penalty for a one second delay? In many languages (e.g., C) you can just drop the zero and write ".5". – Ale – 2017-02-28T11:24:53.383

@Ale, in some languages you can shortcut it to .5, but in others it would be 500 or 0.5 instead, I was trying to find a compromise here. – zeppelin – 2017-02-28T11:41:16.177

@zeppelin right didn't think that even in C it would have even been a usleep(500000)... as it doesn't take floating point parameters – Ale – 2017-02-28T13:52:34.347

@mbomb007 lol beat me to it – voices – 2017-03-11T09:05:10.843

@DLosc are you there? It really deserves a QBasic answer! – sergiol – 2018-06-09T23:18:04.990



Befunge (BEF32), 390 334 305 bytes

This is really silly, but as long as this site accepts the notion that the interpreter defines the language, I might as well abuse the rule. This code only works in Kevin Vigor's Win32 Befunge-93 Implementation, version 1.01 (I think the only version available). You can download the binary here.

Sleep kernel32.dll keybd_event user32.dll

Now normally you wouldn't expect this sort of challenge to be possible in a Befunge, but BEF32 is a Win32 port of a very old version of the reference implementation, and back then there was no bounds checking on the p (put) command. This effectively allows us to write to any location in memory, which ultimately lets us force the interpreter to execute arbitrary machine code.

Now we can't actually alter any of the existing code, since the .text section of the executable won't have write permissions. However, we can trick the system into executing an address in the .data section, by writing that address into the the runtime library's atexit table (at least I suspect that's what it is). The end result is that our code is automatically executed when the interpreter exits.

This relies on the fact that the executable is loaded at a fixed address, so we know exactly where everything is in memory - it assumedly wouldn't work if you overrode the default ASLR settings. It also relies on the .data section being executable, despite not having the executable attribute set, so again it most likely wouldn't work if you overrode the default DEP settings.

The code itself is essentially a copy of Mego's keybd_event technique translated into machine code:

6823B84000         push "keybd_event"
682FB84000         push "user32.dll"
6810B84000         push "Sleep"
6816B84000         push "kernel32.dll"
BB02000000         mov  ebx,2
89C7               mov  edi,eax
FF1594D14000       call LoadLibraryA
50                 push eax
FF1590D14000       call GetProcAddressA
4B                 dec  ebx
75EE               jnz  initloop
89C6               mov  esi,eax
6A00               push 0
6A01               push 1
6A45               push 69
6A14               push 20
FFD6               call esi
6A00               push 0
6A03               push 3
6A45               push 69
6A14               push 20
FFD6               call esi
68F4010000         push 500
FFD7               call edi
EBE3               jmp  flashloop

This version of the code continues flashing forever (or at least until you kill the process), since that turned out to be easier to golf than a single flash.

And since everyone is posting animations, this is an approximation of what it looks like on my keyboard.

Animation of the capslock light flashing

James Holderness

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 8 298

30People usually abuse rules in order to make life easier for them, but those are not Befunge coders :) – Aaron – 2017-02-23T15:08:41.870

21Never expected an esolang answer to this challenge +1 – zeppelin – 2017-02-23T16:58:29.197

9This is now my favourite answer on this site – Cruncher – 2017-02-23T17:56:02.337

2Excellent implementation! – Daniel – 2017-02-24T15:20:12.693

While I very much appreciate all the upvotes, and the bounty (thank you @Pureferret), I feel obliged to point out that for a code golf challenge this is literally the worst answer here! – James Holderness – 2017-03-02T19:02:22.453

3@JamesHolderness So? This is a great answer, even if it is long. – NoOneIsHere – 2017-07-01T15:34:19.663


AutoHotkey, 29 26 bytes

Thanks to @Dane for saving 3 bytes


I originally chose NumLock because it's one character shorter than CapsLock. The GIF below reflects that condition. It's the same effect as the altered code above. I could have gone with VK90 above to make the GIF still be accurate but aligning with the original challenge felt better.


In honor of mbomb007's comment, here's a morse code message in 239 bytes:


Here are the first 30 seconds of that message:


Engineer Toast

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 5 769

3How about send,{vk14} instead to shave off 3 bytes? Bonus: you'd be blinking the CapsLock. – Dane – 2017-02-27T11:35:49.783


GFA-Basic 3.51 (Atari ST),  61 56 43  35 bytes

This code will make the floppy drive LED blink forever at the required rate (PAUSE 25 = pause for 25 / 50 second).

This would probably be shorter in assembly, but I don't have the appropriate tools at my fingertips. This is the size of the GFA-Basic listing once saved in .LST format and manually edited to remove useless whitespace, rename instructions to shorter strings and replace each CR+LF with a simple CR. Note that a final CR is required.

i=i XOR2
SP &HFF8802,i
PA 25

Will automatically expand to:

  i=i XOR 2
  SPOKE &HFF8802,i
  PAUSE 25

SPOKE is a supercharged POKE that first puts the 68000 in supervisor mode, so that it's allowed to access restricted memory areas (here: the register write address of the YM2149 soundchip, which is also responsible for some other I/O).

And yes: the LED is physically located on the keyboard ... I suppose.

ST Floppy LED

I don't have access to a real ST right now, so this is just a mockup.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 111 334

7Floppy drive! Wow! – David Conrad – 2017-02-23T14:56:09.140

12Hand-drawn red circle missing ... – Hagen von Eitzen – 2017-02-23T15:06:51.773


fish + ckb, 56 54 bytes

while cd;echo rgb (random)|tee /d*/*/*/c*;sleep .5;end

Blinks my entire keyboard in random colors, though since the number isn't 6 hex digits long it's a bit limited.

And yes, that shell glob is potentially dangerous. Works On My Machine™

Bonus script, 8 months later: This will go through all colors. Not golfed.

while true
        echo rgb (printf '%06x' (random 0 16777215)) | tee /dev/input/ckb*/cmd > /dev/null
        sleep 0.5


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 638

13Which keyboard is it? lol – Mc Kernel – 2017-02-24T10:01:33.573

1@McKernel bump curious as to what keyboard that is as well – CraigR8806 – 2017-02-24T12:24:39.633


K70 RGB with custom keycaps -

– Una – 2017-02-24T22:06:28.197

6Bonus points for going above and beyond by making the entire keyboard blink. – Mast – 2017-02-26T20:07:44.950

tee /d*/*/*/c*? Bonus points for being liable to brick some poor sod's computer in the future when this inevitably expands to something important. (EFI variables anyone? Maybe there'll be something like /dev/efi/vars/cpu_type) – user253751 – 2018-03-17T07:13:41.383


Bash + amixer, 45 Bytes

a() { amixer set Master toggle
a;sleep .5;a

Blinks the mute light on my keyboard.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 2 789

17a()(amixer set Master toggle;sleep .5;a) or amixer set Master toggle;sleep .5;$0 as a full program are a bit shorter. – Dennis – 2017-02-23T01:14:57.493


C (Windows), 79 bytes



keybd_event is a (deprecated) Windows API function to send a keyboard event (keyup or keydown). 20 is the code for the Caps Lock key, 69 is the hardware scan code (I have no idea what that means), and 1 means keydown and 3 means keyup. A keypress is simulated by sending a keydown event immediately followed by a keyup event. One keypress is sent to turn on Caps Lock, then the program sleeps for 500 milliseconds, and then another keypress is sent to turn Caps Lock back off.

Thanks to Steadybox for a bunch of bytes saved


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 32 998

1Given this is C, can you not declare int keybd_event();? – Neil – 2017-02-22T21:54:05.397

@Neil It would be void keybd_event();, and I also need void Sleep(); from windows.h. Those two declarations together are longer than the include. – Mego – 2017-02-22T21:57:13.857

D'oh, I totally overlooked Sleep. (But C doesn't really care if something doesn't return int if you don't use the result.) – Neil – 2017-02-22T21:58:06.120

@Neil There would still be a return type mismatch between the declarations and the definitions. – Mego – 2017-02-22T21:58:49.123

179 bytes: #include<windows.h> k(n){keybd_event(20,69,n,0);}f(){k(1);k(3);Sleep(500);f();} – Steadybox – 2017-02-22T22:02:42.967

2Sure, but for primitive types, C doesn't care about the mismatch if you never use the result. – Neil – 2017-02-22T23:37:13.580

@Neil Regardless, the windows.h header also does a lot of other preprocessing needed to make things work. That's not how C is supposed to be done, but it's Windows... – Mego – 2017-02-23T00:44:18.983


Scan codes are what your keyboard sends over the wire at the lowest level. Their values are based on positions in a standard layout because doing that let them make the keyboard as dumb as possible and without having to wire each key up (limitations of this design are part of why cheaper keyboards can only return a few simultaneous keystrokes - the baseline USB keyboard interface then baked the limitation into the vast majority of keyboards about 20 years ago by designing to the min std) at the cost of offloading a translation step onto the host computer.

– Dan is Fiddling by Firelight – 2017-02-23T01:15:53.380

I didn't even see this answer and wrote the C# version, nice! – TheLethalCoder – 2017-02-23T11:26:52.430


MATLAB, 146 136 70

Thanks to @Poke for removing 66 bytes!

r=java.awt.Robot;while 1

This uses Matlab's ability to call Java classes. The Num Lock light is blinked in a loop by programmatically pressing and releasing Num Lock.

Video or it didn't happen.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 87 464

9Can you use 144 instead of java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK? CAPS_LOCK would be 20 – Poke – 2017-02-22T21:30:42.020

2@Poke Yes! There go 66 bytes!! – Luis Mendo – 2017-02-22T21:36:53.403

7Funny that it's shorter than the java answer – Matsemann – 2017-02-23T20:19:45.910


x86 machine code for PC (e.g. MS-DOS COM file), 27 bytes

This machine code (displayed here with a Unicode rendering of the usual CP437 of PC BIOS) will blink the CAPS LOCK indicator forever on a PC:


The code has been made so it contains no NULL bytes, and can thus be typed with the keyboard (using the Alt+XXX trick for extended characters) to create a COM file (e.g., using the COPY CON command under MS-DOS, in which case the output file will have to contain a spurious 28th byte, the ^Z (EOF) character required to stop the copy operation).

The effect is achieved by directly sending commands to the keyboard controller of the PC (port 60h) to set the LED state (as a side-effect, it might set Num Lock and Scroll Lock LEDs to a random non-blinking state). The timing, to minimize the number of instructions, is achieved by using the countdown timer maintained by the BIOS at address 0040:0040 (it decrements every 54.925 ms, with 9 cycles the blinking cycle is 494.3 ms, which is within the allowed margin) — this counter is normally used by the BIOS to stop the floppy disk motor; as the floppy drive is not used by the program and the code is assumed to run in a single-task environment (e.g. DOS), playing with the floppy motor timer is not an issue.

The code runs fine under MS-DOS (tried with VirtualBox, it should also run fine on real hardware, although I didn't have the time yet to make a bootable MS-DOS USB stick to test). As it doesn't rely on any OS functions, it can even run without the operating system (e.g., by placing it in the boot sector of a disk). It requires at least a 80186 processor to run, because of the "immediate push" instructions used to shorten the code of some bytes.

Assembly source code:

  PUSH 0x40               ; pushes 0x0040 (BIOS data segment) on the stack
  POP DS                  ; pops it into DS segment selector
  MOV SI, DS              ; copies DS to SI (timer counter is nicely placed at 40:40)
  PUSH 0x60               ; pushes 0x0060 (kbd controller port) on the stack
  POP DX                  ; pops it to DX
  MOV AL, 0xED            ; 8042 keyboard controller 'set mode indicators' command
  OUT DX, AL              ; outputs the command to the keyboard contr oller
  MOV AL, BL              ; copy BL register to AL
  OUT DX, AL              ; outputs LED state to keyboard controller
  XOR BL, 4               ; toggles bit 2 (CAPS LOCK) for next iteration
  MOV BYTE PTR[SI], 0x0A  ; sets floppy motor countdown timer to 10
  CMP BYTE PTR[SI], 0x01  ; checks if timer reached 1
  JE loop                 ; if yes, time for next iteration
  JMP wait                ; if not, checks again

Hexadecimal dump of the assembled code:

6A 40 1F 8C DE 6A 60 5A B0 ED EE 88 D8 EE 80 F3 04 C6 04 0A 80 3C 01 74 EF EB F9

Here is the result running under MS-DOS in VirtualBox (doesn't work with DosBox, presumably because the keyboard controller is not completely emulated):

Blinking CAPS LOCK

(sorry for the shaky video).


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 251

An example of actually using copy con program.exe :

– Jerry Jeremiah – 2017-07-03T04:19:31.293


SmileBASIC, 36 23 bytes


Blinks the microphone status light. (video coming soon)


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 6 110


Python2 - 108 bytes

Does the capslock key. Interestingly, this actually turns on just the LED itself without affecting the keyboard or pressing the key. You can change the 4 at the end to 2 to do numlock. 6 does both.

import fcntl,os,time;exec"fcntl.ioctl('/dev/console',os.O_NOCTTY),19250,%d);time.sleep(.5);"*2%(4,0)


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 25 023

Looks like I got an error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "<string>", line 1, in <module> IOError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device – haykam – 2017-02-26T17:12:30.547

@haykam are you on Windows? – Maltysen – 2017-02-26T18:44:45.893

1No, I'm on macOS Sierra Version 10.12.1 (16B2555). – haykam – 2017-02-26T19:33:21.210


shell+numlockx, 40 35 bytes

[Saved 5 bytes thanks to Ryan.]

Continually blinks the NumLock light on unixish systems.

numlockx toggle;sleep .5;exec sh $0

Single blink, 33 bytes

numlockx on;sleep .5;numlockx off

Alex Howansky

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 1 183

1You can use exec sh $0 instead of while to save 5 bytes, or sh $0 if creating processes forever is considered okay. – Ry- – 2017-02-22T22:38:42.873

2watch -n0.5 numlockx toggle for 27 bytes. – Tejas Kale – 2017-02-25T18:11:03.317

For a different flavour of the above, on interactive shells, you could type in: numlockx toggle;sleep .5;!# (27 bytes) for a single blink . !# is the history expansion event replaced by everything typed so far in the command line. – init_js – 2018-03-17T13:08:07.340

in the single blink command, the on can be omitted. it's the default. – init_js – 2018-03-17T13:20:03.283

With assignments, no tricks: f=numlockx;$f;sleep .5;$f off (29). And (an inferior) looping version using recursion: g(){ f=numlockx;$f toggle;sleep .5;g;};g (40). – init_js – 2018-03-17T13:55:32.230


PowerShell, 71 bytes

for(){(New-Object -c WScript.Shell).SendKeys('{NUMLOCK}');sleep -m 500}


  • Blinks forever
  • Uses NUM LOCK to save a byte.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 3 110

"If your language is missing a subsecond sleep command..." - doesn't sound like it's missing from PowerShell. – Dane – 2017-02-27T03:37:28.327

@Dane I've asked the poster for clarification. If electing to accept the penalty is not allowed I will revert it. – briantist – 2017-02-27T04:32:45.527

@Dane rolled back. – briantist – 2017-02-27T14:57:49.520

How come sleep .5 doesn't work here? I tried it and it seems to go at like 5ms but I thought by default it's (-s) so it would be 0.5 s? – Jake Harry – 2017-02-28T03:11:23.963

1@JakeHarry: The -Seconds parameter is an int, so 0.5 will be converted to int, which results in 0 (round to even is the default rounding mode). So you're not sleeping at all (results in a delay of about 1000 ticks here, so 10 µs). Fairly basic conversion and parameter binding rules in PowerShell. – Joey – 2017-02-28T07:13:16.770


VBS, 75 bytes

wscript.sleep 500

Repeatedly blinks Num Lock key, as numlock is 1 byte shorter than capslock.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 987


C#, 215 202 198 195 185 bytes

Without realising I have done the "same" code as this answer by @Mego, go check it out!.

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32")]static extern void keybd_event(int v,int s,int f,int e);n=>{for(n=0;;System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(125))keybd_event(20,69,n++&2,0);};

Saved 13 bytes thanks to @Metoniem
Saved 10 bytes thanks to @VisualMelon

Here's a full formatted version showing it working:

class P
    static extern void keybd_event(int v, int s, int f, int e);

    static void Main()
        System.Action<int> a = n =>
            for (n = 0; ; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(125))
                keybd_event(20, 69, n++ & 2, 0);


For bonus fun change n++ & 2 to n+=2 & 2 and watch the num lock and caps lock keys alternate in flashing on and off. I have no idea why that happens because it shouldn't but it looks "cool".


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 6 930

Wait, you're using System; but as far as I can tell you're not actually using anything directly from the System namespace? I think you can remove that. – Metoniem – 2017-02-23T10:50:11.317

@Metoniem Good spot the signature for the keybd_event method is actually void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);. I releasise I could remove the UIntPtr's after posting and have them as int's and just forgot to remove the using. – TheLethalCoder – 2017-02-23T10:52:10.390

1Ahh, I see haha, stuff like that happens! Nice answer man :) – Metoniem – 2017-02-23T10:53:59.353

I think you really should name and type the two 'functions': you refer to k in one, but it is clearly undefined. Not checked, but I think you'd be better off having one call to keybd_event in an unbraced for loop, I should think: for(int i=0;;...Sleep(250))keybd_event(i++&2) or something. – VisualMelon – 2017-02-23T11:38:26.277

@VisualMelon Thanks, I have updated the code, had to alter the sleep to get the timing right though :) – TheLethalCoder – 2017-02-23T11:56:18.033

With ++ you send 0, 0, 2, 2 in a loop. With +=, the parsing is n += (2 & 2) so you send 2, 4, 6, 8... That parameter's only documented as supporting 0, 1 and 2 so maybe the higher numbers are interfering somehow. – Rawling – 2017-02-27T07:57:37.690


Java 7, 121 118 113 bytes

void a()throws Exception{java.awt.Robot r=new java.awt.Robot();r.keyPress(20);r.delay(500);r.keyRelease(20);a();}

A single press and release just triggers the state; it doesn't blink it. Thus we may as well loop it and it looks like recursion is the cheapest manner of doing that.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 3 075

1What a pity I don't have a QBasic interpreter here! Because it is done using a Poke instruction! – sergiol – 2017-02-23T01:40:24.360

Does this get tail-call optimized or will this eventually exceed the call stack limit? – Cyoce – 2017-02-24T01:09:35.400

@Cyoce I don't think Java has tail call optimization until Java 9 so this eventually hits the recursion depth limit but that's ok because I only needed to blink the light once :] – Poke – 2017-02-24T02:09:03.397

What about wrapping the whole thing in a for(;;){...}? Seems to me to be 22-byte saving. – Tamoghna Chowdhury – 2017-02-24T13:30:13.537

@TamoghnaChowdhury I'm not sure what you mean. Currently the looping mechanism (tail recursion) only costs 4 bytes a();. If I instead use an infinite loop, that will cost 10 bytes for(;;){} – Poke – 2017-02-24T14:20:47.700

1I mean that you can put the entire code into a lambda, which loses the function declaration overhead. Kind of like: ()->for(;;){java.awt.Robot r=new java.awt.Robot();r.keyPress(20);r.delay(500);r.keyRelease(20);}, which is a saving of 18 bytes due to the 4-character lambda declaration overhead. – Tamoghna Chowdhury – 2017-02-24T14:44:30.723

@TamoghnaChowdhury no lambdas in Java 7 ;) – Poke – 2017-02-24T15:37:27.247

1One more reason I'm not going back! ;) In all seriousness, just change the answer to Java 8 and go into double-digit scores. Install it if you don't have it already for testing. – Tamoghna Chowdhury – 2017-02-24T17:03:00.563

@TamoghnaChowdhury Wouldn't you have to wrap the for(;;){} in other curled braces, meaning ()->{for(;;){...}}? I can't get your sample compile with Java 8, while it does with the curved braces. – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-02-28T11:36:59.693

@OlivierGrégoire I think I missed a semicolon at the end of the thing. Let me check. – Tamoghna Chowdhury – 2017-02-28T16:04:45.980

@OlivierGrégoire You are correct, but that shouldn't be happening. IDK why. A for loop is a valid single line statement. – Tamoghna Chowdhury – 2017-03-01T08:12:06.447


JavaScript, 82 bytes

Credit goes to @FinW actually, I just changed old function to new ES6 arrow function in order to save some bytes. And becuase I don't have enough points to comment I wrote a new reply.

Edit - deleted brackets to save another 2 bytes.

o=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");setInterval(()=>o.SendKeys("{NUMLOCK}"),500);

His code looked like this

o=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");setInterval(function(){o.SendKeys("{NUMLOCK}")},500);


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 51

1For arrow function you don't need the parentheses in front of it. – fəˈnɛtɪk – 2017-02-27T20:07:50.503

Totally forgot about this, thanks. – ruler23 – 2017-02-27T20:20:08.207

I had meant the parentheses which were left over from when you removed function() – fəˈnɛtɪk – 2017-02-27T20:21:31.063

Oh, but you can't do that, it won't work. But you can remove the brackets as they are not needed in one-line statements (for some reason your comment reminded me of them even though you meant something different) – ruler23 – 2017-02-27T20:30:45.797

Save a byte by either replacing the () with another, single character, such as _ or by making o a parameter with a default, like so: (o=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"))=>. – Shaggy – 2017-05-03T10:21:26.203

@fəˈnɛtɪk Does ES6 implemented in Microsoft JScript? – Евгений Новиков – 2017-08-03T16:06:33.100


Scala, 84 83 78 bytes

Edit: Saved 1 byte thanks to @TheLethalCoder,

He suggested using 1>0 in place of true.

Edit 2: Saved 5 bytes thanks to @Corvus_192,

He suggested using infix notation and dropping the parentheses after the constructor

while(1>0){val r=new java.awt.Robot;r keyPress 20;r keyRelease 20;r delay 500}


while(1>0) {
    val r=new java.awt.Robot()

Standard Scala port of @Poke's Java answer. Type it directly into the Scala interpreter prompt.

A video of it blinking both my Caps Lock LED and my OSD to boot!

Blinking Caps Lock LED and OSD

Tamoghna Chowdhury

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 373

Can you do for(;;) or while(1>0) or while(1) in Scala? – TheLethalCoder – 2017-02-24T16:07:51.973

The second is possible. A 1-byte saving which hadn't occurred to me before. Thanks! – Tamoghna Chowdhury – 2017-02-24T16:57:56.380

You can use infix notation: r keyPress 20 is a byte shorter than r.keyPress(20). The same applies to the other method calls, saving 3 bytes in total. – corvus_192 – 2017-02-26T19:22:28.917

Also, drop the parenthesis from the constructor call to save another 2 bytes. – corvus_192 – 2017-02-26T19:27:01.070


Linux terminal, 8+11 = 19 bytes


File f = 1B 5B 33 71 1B 5B 30 71

native@shell:~$ pv f -q -L8


According to ECMA-48, 1B starts terminal control escape sequence.

Caps on =1B 5B 33 71, then off = 1B 5B 30 71

pv progress view

f file

-q quiet

-L8 8 bytes/s = 0.5 sec delay



#Create file
echo "1B 5B 33 71 1B 5B 30 71"|xxd -r -p > f 

#Install progress view utility
sudo apt install pv

Ctrl+Alt+F6 switch to native console

run pv f -q -L8

Ctrl+Alt+F7 switch back

Евгений Новиков

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 987


Bash + Xdotool, 36 bytes

for((;;)){ xdotool key 66;sleep .5;}

Just execute it in a bash shell. It needs to be in a graphical environment. Infinite loop from here. Changed Num_Lock to 66 to save 6 bytes, and thanks to @Michael Kjörling for 2 bytes.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 211

You can save at least two bytes by removing unnecessary whitespace. You don't need the whitespace before the closing curly bracket, and you don't need whitespace surrounding the semicolons separating the commands. You do need the whitespace after the opening curly bracket, though. – a CVn – 2017-02-23T21:14:11.883

Also, regarding your initial revision: Keep in mind that you can use : as an alias for true on most systems. while :;do sth;done does the same thing as while true;do sth;done but is three bytes shorter. for((;;)){ sth;} is still shorter, though. – a CVn – 2017-02-23T21:15:57.597

@Cyoce Where? It didn't work for me. – Feldspar15523 – 2017-02-24T21:41:55.103

@Cyoce I think that only works for declaring functions. – Feldspar15523 – 2017-02-25T04:05:07.573

@Feldspar15523 oops nevermind then – Cyoce – 2017-02-25T06:34:04.747


Python using pyautogui: 126 143 115 103 bytes

Thanks to @nedla2004 for saving 12 bytes

from pyautogui import*
import time
while 1:keyDown('capslock');time.sleep(.5);keyUp('capslock')pslock')

Tiebe Groosman

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 31

1You could change the while loop to while 1:keyDown('capslock');time.sleep(.5);keyUp('capslock'), and you can change the first line to from pyautogui import*, and the second to import time. – nedla2004 – 2017-02-26T18:17:04.713

you can remove the duplicate 'capslock'. import time;c='capslock' ... – init_js – 2018-03-17T12:25:01.990

you could also remove time altogether.

from pyautogui import*; while 1:press('capslock',1,.5). ymmv. on my environment pyautogui does affect the case I type, but the light doesn't blink. – init_js – 2018-03-17T12:27:34.647


xdotool, 20 bytes

key -delay=500 66 66

Presses the key 66 aka Caps Lock twice, with a delay of 500 ms between key presses.

Note that xdotool is a scripting language; it can be run from a file and it even supports shebangs. Since its exec command allow running external programs, it is capable of addition and primality testing, so it satisfies our definition of programming language.

Test run

$ cat blink.xdo; echo
key -delay=500 66 66
$ xdotool blink.xdo

enter image description here


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 196 637


Bash, 31 bytes

xset led 1;sleep .5;xset -led 1

Works in X, without root access ! (If it does not work for you, see the init function of the code below to make sure xkbcomp is configured correctly)

And a bonus script to send any morse code through caps lock (not golfed) :

function init {
        xkbcomp $DISPLAY $file
        sed -i 's/!allowExplicit/allowExplicit/' $file
        xkbcomp $file $DISPLAY &>/dev/null
        rm $file
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
        echo "Usage : blink [message]"
        exit 1
function finish {

function on {
#su -c 'setleds -L +caps < /dev/console'
xset led $id
function off {
#su -c 'setleds -L -caps < /dev/console'
xset -led $id
function slp {
        sleep $(echo "$unit*$1" | bc)
function dot {
slp 1
slp 1
function dash {
slp 3
slp 1
function gap {
        slp 3
function morse {
        for (( i=0; i<${#msg}; i++ )); do
                if [[ $char == "-" ]]; then
                elif [[ $char == "." ]]; then
                elif [[ $char == "/" ]]; then
while true; do
        morse $1

Exemple : blink "...././.-../.-../---//.--/---/.-./.-../-..///"


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 31


Bash + setleds, 43 bytes

setleds -D +caps;sleep 0.5;setleds -D -caps

Pretty simple. Uses setleds to toggle the light.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 7 410


Bash, 103 bytes

cd /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight;while true;do echo 3;sleep .5;echo 0;sleep .5;done>brightness

Must be run as root.

Does flashing the entire keyboard backlight work? (video to come when I get home)


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 692

1Does flashing the entire keyboard backlight work? Well, if you think of it, the keyboard highlight is an indicator of the keyboard highlight being on or off, and it is definitely "physically located on the keyboard", so, yes, I think it counts. – zeppelin – 2017-02-24T10:42:49.123


JavaScript, 90 bytes

o=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");setInterval(function(){o.SendKeys("{NUMLOCK}")},500);

It requires ActiveX meaning it will only run on IE (Edge doesn't support it, though). It flashes the NUMLOCK key because, as with other answers, it is shorter than CAPSLOCK or SCROLLLOCK.


shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 477


Batch File (With help of vbs), 74+2=76 bytes

echo Createobject("").sendkeys"{numlock}">z.vbs&z&timeout 1&z

Partially based on Trelzevir's answer.

.vbs is automatically included in PATHEXT.


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 271


Bash, 33 Bytes

This assumes Num-Lock to be on before it is run. Switch off and on otherwise. Requires the numlockx package obviously ;)

numlockx off;sleep .5;numlockx on


Saw Alex Howansky has already posted this solution, yet not marked it with Bash and I just searched the site for "Bash".


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 121

+1, you don't have to repeatedly blink it (I think). – NoOneIsHere – 2017-02-28T08:39:25.533

If you're in an interactive shell, you can type at the command line: numlockx toggle;sleep .5;!# (27 bytes) . !# is the event that expands to everything in the command line that has been typed so far. – init_js – 2018-03-17T12:57:47.987


Kotlin Script, 72 bytes

While not smallest one, still it's pretty good. I'm loving kotlin's run for some things, and this is one of them ( smaller than val r = java.awt.Robot() because we don't need both r. and val r =. Still, it's longer than MathLab )



java.awt.Robot().run {
    while(1>0) {

Qertu Uerty

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 111


Python3 , 55 49 bytes

Thank you @NoOneIsHere for -4 bytes!

This includes packages: pyautogui and time modules


Thank you @NoOneIsHere for -4 bytes!
The key in action:
Caps Lock

Rahul Bharadwaj

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 145

3Welcome to the site! :) – James – 2017-07-01T08:34:37.683

You can save quite a few bytes by using while 1, and making it a one-liner with a semicolon. (while"capslock");time.sleep(.5)) – NoOneIsHere – 2017-07-01T15:33:38.417

1Unfortunately, this is also a snippet but by adding import pyautogui to the start of the program and changing the rest to while"capslock");time.sleep(.5) you can make this a valid answer. – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-07-04T06:54:36.247

@cairdcoinheringaahing There's also need to be an import time there. – FlipTack – 2017-11-26T20:08:22.217

@cairdcoinheringaahing Exactly, which is why you need an import time... – FlipTack – 2017-11-26T20:10:44.857

@FlipTack Sorry, I misunderstood your first comment (hence the deletion of my reply) – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-11-26T20:11:45.613


VBA, 82 Bytes

Anonymous VBE Immediate window function that takes no input and annoys the user indefinitely. Depedant upon the windows kernel32 function sleep that is declared below.

Sleep Declaration (Win-32)

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal M&)

Sleep Declaration (Win-64, + 8 Bytes)

Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal M&)

Anonymous VBE immediate window function

Do:SendKeys"{CAPSLOCK}":Sleep 500:DoEvents:Loop

Slightly more fun version, 97 Bytes

A set of mutually recursive subroutines that indefinitely annoys the user

Sub A
Application.OnTime Now+5.8E-6,"B"
End Sub

Sub B
End Sub

Questionable version, 66 + 2 Bytes

I'm not sure if having to declare a function from a dll counts as having an inbuilt function so, in the case that it does not, then here is a 66+2 byte version that waits 1 second

Do:DoEvents:Application.Wait Now+#0:0:1#:SendKeys"{CAPSLOCK}":Loop

Taylor Scott

Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 6 709


按键精灵, 41 bytes

For 2
KeyPress"Num Lock",1
Delay 500


Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 5 985


Clojure, 134 bytes

(repeatedly(fn[](Thread/sleep 500)(.setLockingKeyState(java.awt.Toolkit/getDefaultToolkit)java.awt.event.KeyEvent/VK_CAPS_LOCK true)))

Loops infinitely, constantly resetting the caps lock's key state. For some reason, setting it to true over and over again toggles it, even though that's not supposed to happen.

Those imports are killer. Might try going the route of the Java answer and use Robot instead; see if that helps.

Thanks for posting this challenege. I'm currently sitting in a chair at the dentist waiting to get a tooth pulled. The distraction is appreciated!

The GIF ended up being too big to upload.

(repeatedly ; Implicit infinite loop
     (Thread/sleep 500)



Posted 2017-02-22T20:35:04.507

Reputation: 3 295

1"I took a video of it, but I can't upload it to a gif converter until I get onto wifi." Please don't upload videos of your teeth being pulled-- it might upset the dentist! – Please stop being evil – 2017-02-24T06:21:34.687

@thedarkwanderer I took a picture of the tooth post op! But obviously I won't post that. I had to sit in the chair for awhile to wait, so I whipped out my computer and did this challenge, then took a video. I feel like crap though, so I'll get to the GIF eventually. It's not high on my list anymore lol. – Carcigenicate – 2017-02-24T14:15:37.253