Find the submatrix with the smallest mean



You're given a n-by-m matrix of integers, where n,m > 3. Your task is to find the 3-by-3 sub-matrix that has the lowest mean, and output this value.

Rules and clarifications:

  • The integers will be non-negative
  • Optional input and output format
  • The output must be accurate up to at least 2 decimal poins (if it's non-integer)
  • The submatrices must be made up of consecutive rows and columns

Test cases:

35    1    6   26   19   24
 3   32    7   21   23   25
31    9    2   22   27   20
 8   28   33   17   10   15
30    5   34   12   14   16
 4   36   29   13   18   11 

Minimum mean: 14

100    65     2    93
  3    11    31    89
 93    15    95    65
 77    96    72    34

Minimum mean: 46.111

1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1

Minimum mean: 1

4   0   0   5   4
4   5   8   4   1
1   4   9   3   1
0   0   1   3   9
0   3   2   4   8
4   9   5   9   6
1   8   7   2   7
2   1   3   7   9

Minimum mean: 2.2222

This is so the shortest code in each language wins. I encourage people to post answers in languages that are already used, even if it's not shorter than the first one.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 43 471

It would also be interesting to have a challenge with not necessarily contiguous rows and columns – Luis Mendo – 2017-02-04T14:18:15.250

No, go ahead yourself :-) – Luis Mendo – 2017-02-04T14:50:46.693

Do you mean integers in the mathematical or data type sense, i.e., can we take a matrix of integral floats? – Dennis – 2017-02-04T18:15:35.513

Mathematical sense. Is it one thing I've learned here, it is that you can make assumptions about data types in various languages... – Stewie Griffin – 2017-02-04T20:06:49.557

Sweet, that saves a byte. Thanks for clarifying. – Dennis – 2017-02-04T20:38:41.903

@Luis done. :-)

– Stewie Griffin – 2017-02-06T14:16:56.410

@StewieGriffin Nice title! I'll give it a try later if I have some time – Luis Mendo – 2017-02-06T14:21:29.597



Octave, 30 bytes


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Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 5 435


Jelly, 11 9 bytes


Saved 2 bytes thanks to @Dennis.

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+3\⁺€F÷9Ṃ  Main link. Input: 2d matrix
+3\        Reduce overlapping sublists of size 3 by addition
   ⁺€      Repeat previous except over each row
     F     Flatten
      ÷9   Divide by 9
        Ṃ  Minimum


Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 15 654

1Oh, >_< of course :D – Jonathan Allan – 2017-02-04T12:34:41.390

I would be interested in an ungolfed version of jelly, since it has so many useful functions. – J Atkin – 2017-02-04T16:42:05.590

1+3\⁺€F÷9Ṃ saves a couple of bytes. – Dennis – 2017-02-04T17:36:24.283

@Dennis Wow, is that really processing +3\ first and the duplicate as +3\€? Did not expect that to happen – miles – 2017-02-04T17:47:50.030

1The parser is essentially stack-based; \ pops 3 and + and pushes the quicklink +3\, pops the the quicklink and pushes two copies, then pops the topmost copy and pushes a mapping version. – Dennis – 2017-02-04T17:51:40.687


Octave, 38 bytes


Rainer P.

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 2 457


MATL, 13 9 bytes


Port of @rahnema1's answer.

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How it works

Consider input

[100 65  2 93;
   3 11 31 89;
  93 15 95 65;
  77 96 72 34]

as an example.

3th   % Push [3 3]
      % STACK: [3 3]
YC    % Input matrix implicitly. Convert 3x3 sliding blocks into columns
      % STACK: [100   3  65  11;
                  3  93  11  15;
                 93  77  15  96;
                 65  11   2  31;
                 11  15  31  95;
                 15  96  95  72;
                  2  31  93  89;
                 31  95  89  65;
                 95  72  65  34]
Ym    % Mean of each column
      % STACK: [46.1111 54.7778 51.7778 56.4444]
X<    % Minimum of vector. Display implicitly
      % STACK: [46.1111]

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 87 464


Mathematica, 37 35 bytes

Thanks @MartinEnder for 2 bytes!



    BlockMap[                    ]&  (* BlockMap function *)
                        #            (* Divide the input *)
                          {3,3}      (* Into 3x3 matrices *)
                                1    (* With offset 1 *)
             Mean@*Mean              (* And apply the Mean function twice to
                                        each submatrix *)
Min                                  (* Find the minimum value *)

JungHwan Min

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 13 290

Very very slick! – Greg Martin – 2017-02-04T20:18:54.383


Python 2, 93 81 80 79 bytes

f=lambda M:M[2:]and min(sum(sum(zip(*M[:3])[:3],()))/9,f(M[1:]),f(zip(*M)[1:]))

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How it works

f is a recursive function that takes a list of tuples (or any other indexable 2D iterable that represents a matrix M) and recursively computes the minimum of the mean of the 3×3 submatrix in the upper left corner and f applied recursively to M without its first row and M without its first column.

f(M) does the following.

  • If M has less than three rows, M[2:] is an empty list, which f returns.

    Note that, since n > 3 in the first run, the initial cannot cannot return an empty list.

  • If M has three rows or more, M[2:] is non-empty and thus truthy, so the code to the right of and gets executed, returning the minimum of the three following values.


    M[:3] yields the first three rows of M, zip(*...) transposes rows and columns (yielding a list of tuples), sum(...,()) concatenates all tuples (this works because + is concatenation), and sum(...)/9 computes the mean of the resulting list of nine integers.


    recursively applies f to M with its first row removed.


    transposes rows and columns, removes the first row of the result (so the first column of M, and recursively applies f to the result.

Note that the previously removed layer in a recursive call will always be a row, so testing if M has enough rows will always be sufficient..

Finally, one may expect that some recursive calls returning [] would be a problem. However, in Python 2, whenever n is a number and A is an iterable, the comparison n < A returns True, so computing the minimum of one or more numbers and one or more iterables will always return the lowest number.


Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 196 637


J, 21 bytes


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The proper way to operate on subarrays in J is to use the third (_3) form of cut ;. where x (u;._3) y means to apply verb u on each full subarray of size x of array y. A solution using that requires only 1 more byte but will be much more efficient on larger arrays.

[:<./@,9%~3 3+/@,;._3]

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[:<./@,9%~3+/\3+/\"1]  Input: 2d array M
                    ]  Identity. Get M
                  "1   For each row
              3  \       For each overlapping sublist of size 3
               +/          Reduce by addition
          3  \         For each overlapping 2d array of height 3
           +/            Reduce by addition
       9%~             Divide by 9
[:    ,                Flatten it
  <./@                 Reduce by minimum


Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 15 654

1I like how the [] look like they’re matched, but they’re really not. – Lynn – 2017-02-05T00:12:35.943

1@Lynn Wait a second, that's not right. J is supposed to distract viewers with multiple unbalanced brackets. Should have used a [ or | :) – miles – 2017-02-05T00:22:32.683


Jelly, 18 bytes

Missed the trick, as used by miles in their answer, of using an n-wise cumulative reduce of addition - the whole first line can be replaced with +3\ for 11.


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Traverses all contiguous sublists, filters to keep only those of length 3 and sums (which vectorises) then repeats for each resulting list, to get the sums of all 3 by 3 sub-matrices and finally flattens those into one list, takes the minimum and divides by 9 (the number of elements making this minimal sum).

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 67 804

I like the filtering sublists idea. Useful if that sublist size depended on a computed value. – miles – 2017-02-04T12:32:35.403


Pyth, 19 bytes


A program that takes input of a list of lists and prints the result.

Test suite

How it works

[Explanation coming later]


Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 3 674


JavaScript (ES6), 107 98 96 bytes

A function that computes the sums of triplets over the rows and then calls itself to do the same thing over the columns, keeping track of the minimum value M.


JS is a bit verbose for that kind of stuff and lacks a native zip() method. It took me quite a lot of time to save just a dozen bytes over a more naive approach. (Yet, a shorter method probably exists.)

Non-recursive version, 103 bytes

Saved 2 bytes with the help of Neil


Test cases


  [ 35,  1,  6, 26, 19, 24 ],
  [  3, 32,  7, 21, 23, 25 ],
  [ 31,  9,  2, 22, 27, 20 ],
  [  8, 28, 33, 17, 10, 15 ],
  [ 30,  5, 34, 12, 14, 16 ],
  [  4, 36, 29, 13, 18, 11 ]

  [ 100, 65,  2, 93 ],
  [   3, 11, 31, 89 ],
  [  93, 15, 95, 65 ],
  [  77, 96, 72, 34 ]

  [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
  [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
  [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
  [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]

  [ 4, 0, 0, 5, 4 ],
  [ 4, 5, 8, 4, 1 ],
  [ 1, 4, 9, 3, 1 ],
  [ 0, 0, 1, 3, 9 ],
  [ 0, 3, 2, 4, 8 ],
  [ 4, 9, 5, 9, 6 ],
  [ 1, 8, 7, 2, 7 ],
  [ 2, 1, 3, 7, 9 ]


Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 111 334

I'm somewhat interested in your so-called naïve approach, since the best I could do with a reasonably pure approach was 113 bytes: (a,>a.slice(2).map((e,i)=>a[i]+a[i+1]+e)))=>eval(\Math.min(${b[0].map((_,i)=>g(>a[i])))})`)/9` – Neil – 2017-02-06T21:27:38.923

@Neil I think it was something close to m=>,y)=>,x)=>[..."12345678"].map(i=>v+=(m[y+i/3|0]||[])[x+i%3])&&(M=v<M?v:M)),M=1/0)&&M/9, although I think my first attempt was actually larger than that. – Arnauld – 2017-02-06T21:36:43.673

Nice, although I was able to shave off a byte: m=>,y)=>y>1&&,x)=>[..."12345678"].map(i=>v+=m[y-i%3][x+i/3|0])&&(M=v<M?v:M)),M=1/0)&&M/9. – Neil – 2017-02-06T23:53:30.813

@Neil Cool. This allows to save one more byte with m=>,y)=>y>1?,x)=>[..."12345678"].map(i=>v+=m[y-i%3][x+i/3|0])&&(M=v<M?v:M)):M=1/0)&&M/9 – Arnauld – 2017-02-07T00:12:13.290


Python 3, 111 103 bytes

lambda m,r=range:min(sum(sum(m[y+i][x:x+3])for i in r(3))/9for x in r(len(m[0])-3)for y in r(len(m)-3))

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Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 21 408


Python 2, 96 bytes

h=lambda a:[map(sum,zip(*s))for s in zip(a,a[1:],a[2:])]
lambda a:min(map(min,h(zip(*h(a)))))/9.

Test cases at

An unnamed function taking a list of lists, a - the rows of the matrix.

The helper function h zips through three adjacent slices, and maps the sum function across the transpose, zip(*s), of each. This results in summing all height three slices of single columns.

The unnamed function calls the helper function, transposes and calls the helper function again on the result, then finds the minimum of each and the minimum of the result, which it then divides by 9. to yield the average.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 67 804


05AB1E, 21 16 bytes


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2F         }       # 2 times do:
  v     }          # for each row in the matrix
   yŒ3ù            # get all sublists of size 3
       O           # reduce by addition
         )ø        # transpose matrix
            ˜      # flatten the matrix to a list
             9/    # divide each by 9
               W   # get the minimum


Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 50 798


Haskell, 87 bytes

import Data.List
t(a:b:c:d)=a+b+c:t(b:c:d);t _=[]
s=(/9).minimum.(t=<<) t

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Roman Czyborra

Posted 2017-02-04T11:20:25.980

Reputation: 604