Output the sign



Given a number N, output the sign of N:

  • If N is positive, output 1
  • If N is negative, output -1
  • If N is 0, output 0

N will be an integer within the representable range of integers in your chosen language.

The Catalogue

The Stack Snippet at the bottom of this post generates the catalogue from the answers a) as a list of shortest solution per language and b) as an overall leaderboard.

To make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:

## Language Name, N bytes

where N is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you can keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:

## Ruby, <s>104</s> <s>101</s> 96 bytes

If there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the last number in the header:

## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes

You can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:

## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes

/* Configuration */

var QUESTION_ID = 103822; // Obtain this from the url
// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page
var ANSWER_FILTER = "!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe";
var COMMENT_FILTER = "!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk";
var OVERRIDE_USER = 8478; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.

/* App */

var answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;

function answersUrl(index) {
  return "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/" +  QUESTION_ID + "/answers?page=" + index + "&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=" + ANSWER_FILTER;

function commentUrl(index, answers) {
  return "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/" + answers.join(';') + "/comments?page=" + index + "&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=" + COMMENT_FILTER;

function getAnswers() {
    url: answersUrl(answer_page++),
    method: "get",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    crossDomain: true,
    success: function (data) {
      answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);
      answers_hash = [];
      answer_ids = [];
      data.items.forEach(function(a) {
        a.comments = [];
        var id = +a.share_link.match(/\d+/);
        answers_hash[id] = a;
      if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;
      comment_page = 1;

function getComments() {
    url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),
    method: "get",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    crossDomain: true,
    success: function (data) {
      data.items.forEach(function(c) {
        if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)
      if (data.has_more) getComments();
      else if (more_answers) getAnswers();
      else process();


var SCORE_REG = /<h\d>\s*([^\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\n>]*>[^\n<]*<\/[^\n>]*>)[^\n,<]*)*),.*?(\d+)(?=[^\n\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\n<>]*<\/s>|[^\n<>]+>)[^\n\d<>]*)*<\/h\d>)/;

var OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\s*header:\s*/i;

function getAuthorName(a) {
  return a.owner.display_name;

function process() {
  var valid = [];
  answers.forEach(function(a) {
    var body = a.body;
    a.comments.forEach(function(c) {
        body = '<h1>' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '</h1>';
    var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);
    if (match)
        user: getAuthorName(a),
        size: +match[2],
        language: match[1],
        link: a.share_link,
    else console.log(body);
  valid.sort(function (a, b) {
    var aB = a.size,
        bB = b.size;
    return aB - bB

  var languages = {};
  var place = 1;
  var lastSize = null;
  var lastPlace = 1;
  valid.forEach(function (a) {
    if (a.size != lastSize)
      lastPlace = place;
    lastSize = a.size;
    var answer = jQuery("#answer-template").html();
    answer = answer.replace("{{PLACE}}", lastPlace + ".")
                   .replace("{{NAME}}", a.user)
                   .replace("{{LANGUAGE}}", a.language)
                   .replace("{{SIZE}}", a.size)
                   .replace("{{LINK}}", a.link);
    answer = jQuery(answer);

    var lang = a.language;
    lang = jQuery('<a>'+lang+'</a>').text();
    languages[lang] = languages[lang] || {lang: a.language, lang_raw: lang, user: a.user, size: a.size, link: a.link};

  var langs = [];
  for (var lang in languages)
    if (languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))

  langs.sort(function (a, b) {
    if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() > b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return 1;
    if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() < b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return -1;
    return 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)
    var language = jQuery("#language-template").html();
    var lang = langs[i];
    language = language.replace("{{LANGUAGE}}", lang.lang)
                       .replace("{{NAME}}", lang.user)
                       .replace("{{SIZE}}", lang.size)
                       .replace("{{LINK}}", lang.link);
    language = jQuery(language);

body {
  text-align: left !important;
  display: block !important;

#answer-list {
  padding: 10px;
  width: 290px;
  float: left;

#language-list {
  padding: 10px;
  width: 500px;
  float: left;

table thead {
  font-weight: bold;

table td {
  padding: 5px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/codegolf/all.css?v=ffb5d0584c5f">
<div id="language-list">
  <h2>Shortest Solution by Language</h2>
  <table class="language-list">
    <tbody id="languages">

<div id="answer-list">
  <table class="answer-list">
    <tbody id="answers">

<table style="display: none">
  <tbody id="answer-template">
    <tr><td>{{PLACE}}</td><td>{{NAME}}</td><td>{{LANGUAGE}}</td><td>{{SIZE}}</td><td><a href="{{LINK}}">Link</a></td></tr>
<table style="display: none">
  <tbody id="language-template">
    <tr><td>{{LANGUAGE}}</td><td>{{NAME}}</td><td>{{SIZE}}</td><td><a href="{{LINK}}">Link</a></td></tr>


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 32 998


This is a trivial challenge with a lot of trivial solutions. There are however some non-trivial solutions too. To voters: Please read the first sentence of this meta post before upvoting builtin functions.

– Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-20T10:10:48.337

8This could probably use a leaderboard. – Martin Ender – 2016-12-20T11:13:32.550

1@MartinEnder I use the userscript, so there's a builtin leaderboard. If you want to add the stack snippet, feel free. – Mego – 2016-12-20T14:39:12.600

do we have to account for leading zeroes? – Destructible Lemon – 2016-12-20T21:31:34.417

@DestructibleWatermelon No – Mego – 2016-12-21T00:21:17.143

Can the input be considered as a string? – Paul Picard – 2016-12-22T08:13:07.117

@PaulPicard Sure. – Mego – 2016-12-22T11:48:35.743

1With a challenge such as this, I'd only be impressed if there was an answer that used less than 1 byte. Say, 5 bits or something. That I would upvote. – Mr Lister – 2016-12-22T13:13:10.187

@MrLister At that point, you end up with a golfing only language. Languages like Excel (ME!) can do it in at the minimum 8 bytes. (I think.....) – Anoplexian - Reinstate Monica – 2016-12-22T23:46:01.137

2@MrLister upvote how you want, but really you should look for creativity instead of code length. – FlipTack – 2016-12-28T20:13:23.930

3@FlipTack Oh, I thought it was codegolf. – Mr Lister – 2016-12-28T20:23:12.290


@MrLister that's the objective winning criterion. but does it really take more effort to type s for a sign builtin, or use some clever bitshifting/maths to work it out? Have a look at this meta post

– FlipTack – 2016-12-28T20:25:45.387



Retina, 9 bytes


Try it online!

Replaces a non-zero digit and everything after it with 1. This leaves a potential leading - intact and changes all numbers except 0 itself to absolute value 1.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 184 808

This is very clever :) – Mego – 2016-12-23T15:01:42.297

Does it work with scientific notation of integer numbers (such as 0.42e2)? – Egor Skriptunoff – 2016-12-24T11:34:40.143

@EgorSkriptunoff No, but that's not a requirement. – Martin Ender – 2016-12-24T11:36:37.213

Strictly speaking, there were not any guarantees that the number 42 will be provided only in its most simple form. – Egor Skriptunoff – 2016-12-24T11:51:21.613

10@EgorSkriptunoff it doesn't support Roman numerals either. Unless the challenge explicitly mentions a certain non-standard format that needs to be supported, the general assumption is the it's fine to deal with a single format that's natural in your language of choice. – Martin Ender – 2016-12-24T12:01:32.093

Sorry, I don't know whether Retina have scientific numeral format for numeric literals or not. But if it does, this format must also be supported. – Egor Skriptunoff – 2016-12-24T12:20:04.167

4@EgorSkriptunoff Retina has no concept of numbers whatsoever. It's a purely string-based language. – Martin Ender – 2016-12-24T12:21:25.027

As this seems to be a golf of the regex, and not using a language feature, it should be fine so 8 bytes

– caird coinheringaahing – 2017-12-17T18:59:09.870

@cairdcoinheringaahing try 1024. – Martin Ender – 2017-12-17T19:46:49.953

@MartinEnder Ah yeah, the regex doesn't catch the trailing 0s does it? Rip – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-12-17T19:48:17.677


C (GCC), 24 23 22 18 bytes

Thanks to @aross and @Steadybox for saving a byte!


Not guaranteed to work on all systems or compilers, works on TIO.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 8 493

Nothing to sigh about; that solution is a classic!

– Adám – 2016-12-20T11:29:08.717

1@Adám I'm sighing because, you know, 23 bytes. And I don't know how this answer has most upvotes. – betseg – 2016-12-20T11:39:34.767

7@betseg That is because upvotes on built-ins are now frowned upon. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2016-12-20T11:41:08.460

Non-standard, but mostly works: use "n=" instead of return, result goes into same CPU register as input. Tried with GCC on Ubuntu. – G B – 2016-12-21T12:47:40.047

4Saving 1 byte with this return n>>16|!!n; – aross – 2016-12-21T15:36:29.063

1Size of int is compiler dependent, 16 won't work on most modern systems. – G B – 2016-12-21T16:23:33.993

5@GB Size of int is probably either 2 (16, x86) or 4 (32, x86_64) but remember, all that's needed is an architecture on which it is valid. This isn't Stack Overlflow, portability is not important. – cat – 2016-12-21T23:37:23.117

1I changed 16 to 31 to make it work with every int value on TIO. I think this makes everyone happy? :) – betseg – 2016-12-22T05:01:44.147

2f(n){n=n>>31|!!n;} works too. But this is just a compiler quirk, not a language feature. – G B – 2016-12-22T05:50:49.540


@GB Compiler quirks are perfectly valid, so long as it can be proven that there is a compiler in which the quirk works. Luckily, gcc has the quirk.

– Mego – 2016-12-23T14:38:29.163

1I think you can still save a byte with f(n){return!!n|n>>31;}. The space after the return is not needed this way. – Steadybox – 2016-12-25T19:54:44.827

In your TIO link you can move the main method to the footer. It looks nice and gives an accurate byte count.

– Pavel – 2016-12-28T19:52:40.050

I got a C answer down to 18 bytes (ᵔᴥᵔ) http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/104164/16513

– Albert Renshaw – 2017-02-23T19:43:42.870

1@AlbertRenshaw I did the assignment thing with GCC, and I'm down to 18 bytes as well :). I used the assignment thing on GCC before btw, I just forgot on this answer. – betseg – 2017-02-23T20:12:30.213

So it's a contest to 17 bytes you want is it?? – Albert Renshaw – 2017-02-23T20:42:58.313


Mathematica, 4 bytes


How about not using the built-in Sign and still scoring 4 bytes? ;)

Clip with a single argument clips (or clamps) the input value between -1 and 1. Since the inputs will only be integers, this is the same as using Sign.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 184 808


COW, 225 213 201 bytes


Try it online!

The way that this code works is that it determines the sign by alternating adding and subtracting bigger numbers, and seeing which one was the last one that worked. Given any non-zero integer, first subtract 1, then add 2, then subtract 3, etc. and you'll eventually reach 0. Keep track of your state by alternating adding and subtracting 2 to a value that starts off at 0. For example:

-5  - 1  = -6  (current state: 0 + 2 = 2)
-6  + 2  = -4  (current state: 2 - 2 = 0)
-4  - 3  = -7  (current state: 0 + 2 = 2)
-7  + 4  = -3  (current state: 2 - 2 = 0)
-3  - 5  = -8  (current state: 0 + 2 = 2)
-8  + 6  = -2  (current state: 2 - 2 = 0)
-2  - 7  = -9  (current state: 0 + 2 = 2)
-9  + 8  = -1  (current state: 2 - 2 = 0)
-1  - 9  = -10 (current state: 0 + 2 = 2)
-10 + 10 =  0  (current state: 2 - 2 = 0)
value is now at 0.  state - 1 = 0 - 1 = -1
sign of original number is -1

When you're done, subtract 1 from your state and you get the sign, positive or negative. If the original number is 0, then don't bother doing any of this and just print 0.

Detailed Explanation:

oom                                        ;Read an integer into [0]
MOO                                        ;Loop while [0] is non-empty
    moOmoOmoOmoOMoOMoOmOomOomOo            ;    Decrement [4] twice
    MoOMMMmoOMMM                           ;    Increment [1], then copy [1] to [2]
    MOO                                    ;    Loop while [2] is non-empty
        MOomOomOoMOomoOmoO                 ;        Decrement [0] and [2]
    moo                                    ;    End loop now that [2] is empty
    mOomOoMMMmoOmoOmoOMMM                  ;    Navigate to [0], and copy to [3]
    MOO                                    ;    Perform the next steps only if [3] is non-zero
        OOOmoOMOoMOomOomOomOoMoOMMMmoOMMM  ;        Clear [3], increment [4] twice, increment [1], and copy it to [2]
        MOO                                ;        Loop while [2] is non-empty
            MOomOomOoMoOmoOmoO             ;            Decrement [2] and increment [0]
        moo                                ;        End loop now that [2] is empty
    moO                                    ;        Navigate back to [3]
    moo                                    ;    End the condition
    mOomOomOo                              ;    Navigate back to [0]
moo                                        ;End loop once [0] is empty.
moO                                        ;Navigate to [1]. If [1] is 0, then input was 0.  Otherwise, [4] contains (sign of [0] + 1)
MOO                                        ;Perform the next steps only if [1] is non-zero
    moOmoOmoOMOoMMMOOO                     ;    Navigate to [4], copy it to the register, and clear [4].
moo                                        ;End condition
MMMOOM                                     ;If the register contains something (which is true iff the condition ran), paste it and print it.  Otherwise, no-op and print 0.

I'm still experimenting with golfing it (you will be shocked to discover that golfing in COW is rather difficult), so this may come down a few more bytes in the future.

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 827

1And there's a 'moo' - language?... – Mukul Kumar – 2016-12-24T07:45:04.060

1@MukulKumar It's a brainfuck derivative called COW that allows for a couple of things that bf doesn't – Gabriel Benamy – 2016-12-24T16:43:52.020

Could also call this the "bad mage" language. OUT OF MANA!!! – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-11-02T16:41:52.900


Cubix, 10 bytes


Test it online!

This code is wrapped to the following cube net:

    ( W
    0 ^
I ? > O 2 @ . .
. . . . . . . .
    . .
    . .

The code is then run with the IP (instruction pointer) starting on the I, facing east. I inputs a signed integer from STDIN, pushing it onto the stack.

The next command is ?, which changes the direction of the IP depending on the sign of the top item. If the input is 0, it keeps moving in same direction, running through the following code:

  • > - Point the IP to the east. (No-op since we're already going east.)
  • O - Output the top item as an integer.
  • 2 - Push 2 to the stack. This is practically a no-op, because...
  • @ - Terminates the program.

If the input is negative, the IP turns left at the ?; because this is a cube, the IP moves onto the 0 in the second row, heading east. 0 pushes a literal 0, then this code is run:

  • ^ - Point the IP north.
  • W - "Sidestep" the IP one spot to the left.
  • ( - Decrement the top item.

The TOS is now -1, and the IP wraps around the cube through a bunch of no-ops . until it hits the >. This runs the same output code mentioned above, outputting -1.

If the input is positive, the same thing happens as with negative inputs, with one exception: the IP turns right instead of left at the ?, and wraps around the cube to the 2, which pushes a literal 2. This is then decremented to 1 and sent to output.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 47 880

4The animation of program flow is very nice! – Luis Mendo – 2016-12-20T10:25:53.600

Nice language. Could it be shorter? 4 flow controls seems much. In operation-count it can be 8 bytes by introducing another ?, but now it uses the bottom half of the cube: ..1nI?..>O@.........? – BlackShift – 2016-12-21T07:19:07.807

Six is possible if we ignore outputs after the first: /I?nO1 By the way, this only works because I returns -1 in the online interpreter instead of 0 according to the spec. – BlackShift – 2016-12-21T07:45:49.057

@BlackShift Thanks for your interest! I like your suggestions, but I'm not sure how to improve them. It's definitely possible to use less instructions; the tricky part is using less of the cube... ;-) And thanks for pointing out that -1 bug, I'll get that fixed soon. – ETHproductions – 2016-12-22T03:04:41.600

@ETHproductions IMO It's not a bug, it makes sense for I to return -1 when input ends just like lowercase i does. – FlipTack – 2016-12-24T20:55:00.587

^.n.I:?,O@ is quite a simple solution which is also 10 bytes, but perhaps more golfable. – FlipTack – 2017-02-03T20:03:54.827

@FlipTack Good idea. I don't immediately see any way to golf that, but I'll keep it in mind... – ETHproductions – 2017-02-03T20:11:11.880


JavaScript (ES6), 9 bytes



The shortest non-builtin is 13 bytes:


Thanks to @Neil, this can be golfed by a byte, but at the cost of only working on 32-bit integers:


Or you could do


which seems more golfable, but I'm not sure how.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 47 880

2Non-builtin in 12 bytes for 32-bit signed integer n: n=>n>>31|!!n. – Neil – 2016-12-21T10:05:59.960

@Neil n>>31 is really smart, thanks! – ETHproductions – 2016-12-21T15:07:13.820

I don't think the third solution is valid, since Javascript uses double-precision floats for numerics. But, I could be wrong. – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:48:32.643

@Mego You are correct. I've clarified this in the post. – ETHproductions – 2016-12-23T16:00:46.017

@ETHproductions My point was, I don't know of any JS implementation that actually uses 32-bit integers rather than double-precision floats for everything. Bit-shifting like that doesn't work with double-precision floats. – Mego – 2016-12-23T16:02:49.583

1@Mego Sorry, I missed your comment. When using bitwise operators, JS implicitly casts their operands to signed 32-bit integers, so the third solution works, but only on numbers from -2147483648 to 2147483647. – ETHproductions – 2016-12-24T09:35:29.083


APL (Dyalog APL), 1 byte

Works for complex numbers too, returning 1∠θ:


TryAPL online!

Without that built-in, for integers (as per OP):


¯1⌈ the largest of negative one and

1⌊ the smallest of one and

the argument

TryAPL online!

... and a general one:


>∘0 more-than-zero

- minus

<∘0 less-than-zero

TryAPL online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 37 779

1*You actually did it in ONE byte*... You sir, are a legend. I'm sure Jon Skeet would be proud. – None – 2016-12-21T00:27:14.640

@Mango You are joking, right? There are a handful of single-byte answers to this challenge. – Adám – 2016-12-21T00:46:56.260

1I was being sarcastic, also I said that because this is the first single byte answer I saw. – None – 2016-12-21T00:57:05.450

Wait, is it legal? Can I develop my own language that will contain any function in 1 byte when I will codegolfing? – Mouvre – 2020-01-22T14:27:58.003

@Mouvre Yes, but if you don't limit yourself to 256 functions, you'll need to use more than a single byte per character. And there are way more than 256 code golf tasks… – Adám – 2020-01-22T16:25:03.777


Vim, 22 bytes


Saved one byte thanks to @DJMcMayhem!

Here, ^M is a literal newline.

As @nmjcman101 pointed out in the comments, a single regex can be used (:s/\v(-)=[^0].*/\11^M, 20 bytes) instead, but since this is basically the same as a Retina answer would be, I'm sticking to my own method.


xVp                        Delete everything except the first character. If the number is negative, this leaves a -, a positive leaves any number between 1 and 9, and 0 leaves 0.
   :s/-/-1^M               Replace a - with a -1
            :s/[1-9]/1^M   Replace any number between 1 and 9 with 1.

Here's a gif of it running with a negative number (old version):

Running with negative

Here's it running with 0:

Running with zero

Running with positive:

Running with positive


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 357

1I really like your method, but it's possible in a single regex: :s/\v(-)=[^0].*/\11 – nmjcman101 – 2016-12-20T16:20:45.410

Dithered console GIFs...?? – Desty – 2016-12-26T02:13:20.107


><>, 9 8 bytes

Thanks to Sp3000 for saving a byte.


There's an unprintable 0x01 before the /.

Try it online!


This is a port of my character code-based Labyrinth answer.

'     Push the entire program (except ' itself) onto the stack, which ends 
      with [... 1 47].
i     Read the first character of the input.
$-    Subtract the 47.
%     Take the 1 modulo this value.
n     Output the result as an integer.
0x01  Unknown command, terminates the program.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 184 808

I think that you can just use a legal ; instead of that unprintable 0x01 to terminate the program correctly :) – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-01-11T18:27:31.380

@EriktheOutgolfer I need the 0x01 to push a 1 anyway. – Martin Ender – 2017-01-11T18:28:02.753

2Oh, it seems I only tested my suggestion with 123. Lesson learned: test with more cases. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-01-11T18:30:25.047


///, 52 36 bytes


Ungolfed, explanation:


It's basically a MapReduce implemenatation, i.e. there are two phases:

  • Replace all occurrences of digits 2-9 by 1, e.g. 1230405 -> 1110101
  • Reduce pairs of 11 or 10 to 1 repeatedly, e.g. 1110101-> 1

If there was a - in front initially, it will remain and the output will be -1. A single 0 is never replaced, thus resulting in itself.

Update: Save additional 16 bytes by aliasing //1/ with a, thanks to Martin Ender.

Try it online, with test cases

Cedric Reichenbach

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 448

2This is extremely clever! – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:49:04.590


Python 2, 17 bytes

lambda n:cmp(n,0)

Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 196 637

5Oh you ninja'd me. – Jonathan Allan – 2016-12-20T06:02:22.303

1Whoops. Sorry... – Dennis – 2016-12-20T06:05:40.850

5Too bad you can't do (0).__rcmp__ ... – Sp3000 – 2016-12-20T08:32:30.073

1You can do -(0).__cmp__ though. – nyuszika7h – 2016-12-20T18:57:00.693

1@nyuszika7h Not quite. Trying to use it as a function raises a TypeError. – Dennis – 2016-12-20T18:59:23.480

It's a bit surprising that __cmp__ is the one comparison operator that doesn't have a reflexive version. But, it was always unloved, so I guess it's not that surprising. – Mego – 2016-12-23T15:10:29.383

@Mego By the contract __cmp__ returns an integer and sign(cmp(a,b)) = -sign(cmp(b,a)), so a __rcmp__ method would probably be slower than just negating the result from __cmp__. – PurkkaKoodari – 2016-12-26T02:35:05.180

1@Pietu1998 But there's even __rand__, and & is commutative... – Dennis – 2016-12-26T02:37:21.790


Labyrinth, 10 bytes


Try it online!


Labyrinth's control flow semantics actually give you a "free" way to determine a number's sign, because the chosen path at a 3-way fork depends on whether the sign is negative, zero or positive. However, I haven't been able to fit a program with junctions into less than 12 bytes so far (although it may be possible).

Instead, here's a closed-form solution, that doesn't require any branches:

Code    Comment             Example -5      Example 0       Example 5
?       Read input.         [-5]            [0]             [5]
:+      Double.             [-10]           [0]             [10]
:)      Copy, increment.    [-10 -9]        [0 1]           [10 11]
%       Modulo.             [-1]            [0]             [10]
:(      Copy, decrement.    [-1 -2]         [0 -1]          [10 9]
%       Modulo.             [-1]            [0]             [1]
!       Print.              []              []              []

The instruction pointer then hits a dead end, turns around and terminates when % now attempts a division by zero.

Doubling the input is necessary to make this work with inputs 1 and -1, otherwise one of the two modulo operations would already attempt a division by zero.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 184 808

1Your code is happy and turns sad :D – Stefan – 2016-12-21T15:23:39.643

2@Stefan You can change the order if you prefer. ;) – Martin Ender – 2016-12-21T15:28:37.280


Brain-Flak 74 42 40 Bytes

Saved 2 bytes thanks to 1000000000


Try it Online!


{                                }       # if 0 do nothing
   (          )                          # push:                           
    {}<     >                            # the input, after 
       (    )                            # pushing:
        [  ]                             # negative:
         ()                              # 1

 (                    )                  # Then push:
  [            ]                         # the negative of the input
                <>                       # on the other stack with:
                   ()                    # a 1 
                  (  )                   # pushed under it

                       {        }        # while 1: 
                        ({}())           # increment this stack and...
                              <>         # switch stacks

                                 {}      # pop the top (the counter or 0 from input)
                                   (  )  # push:
                                    {}   # the top (this is a no-op, or pushes a 0)


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 345

A little friendly competition. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2016-12-20T22:30:47.723

You can save 2 bytes by removing the zero monad around (()) – 0 ' – 2016-12-23T19:38:41.060


PHP, 16 bytes

Uses the new spaceship operator.


Alex Howansky

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 183

Don't forget to mention that this is a PHP7 answer only. And since you're using <?=, you should use $_GET[n], which doesn't take any more bytes. To use <?=, you need to be inside a webserver (like Apache), and there you won't have access to $argv. You can try to run <?php var_dump($argv); from a PHP file, acessed through Apache, and it will show NULL. – Ismael Miguel – 2016-12-22T16:16:42.653

1"To use <?=, you need to be inside a webserver (like Apache)," No. The <?= operator works just fine from the command line. – Alex Howansky – 2016-12-22T16:48:41.857

Running php -r '<?=1' I get PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in Command line code on line 1. But seems to work fine from a file. I guess you are right. – Ismael Miguel – 2016-12-22T16:58:48.560

The -r flag is to run a code snippet. This is complete source. Save it to a file and then run php file.php – Alex Howansky – 2016-12-22T17:00:51.977

I figured it out already. I really didn't knew that it worked from a file, using the (implicit) -f parameter. – Ismael Miguel – 2016-12-22T17:02:02.347

It might be useful to add this, to run PHP without having to create a file: echo '<?=$argv[1]<=>0;' | php -- <number> (works on Debian 8.6). – Ismael Miguel – 2016-12-22T17:14:42.117



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 37 779


C, 24 20 19 18 bytes

I abuse two C exploits to golf this down; This is in C (GCC).


Try it online!

Revision History:

1) f(a){return(a>0)-(a<0);} //24 bytes

2) f(a){a=(a>0)-(a<0);} //20 bytes

3) f(a){a=a>0?:-1+!a;} //19 bytes

4) f(a){a=a>0?:-!!a;} //18 bytes

Revision 1: First attempt. Simple logic

Revision 2: Abuses a memory/stack bug in GCC where, as far as I can tell, a non-returning function will return the last set variable in certain cases.

Revision 3: Abuses ternary behavior where undefined result will return conditional result (which is why the true return on my ternary is nil)

Revision 4: Subtract a bool cast (!!) from the ternary conditional substitution for nil referenced in revision 2.

Albert Renshaw

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 955


Ruby, 10 bytes



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 099

Would 0.<=> also work, or can you not reference methods like that in Ruby? – Fund Monica's Lawsuit – 2016-12-26T01:04:07.033

.<=> expects 1 argument, so it would end up being 0.<=> x, which is longer. – Seims – 2016-12-30T00:47:38.103

@QPaysTaxes you would need 0.method:<=> because method calls in ruby don't use parentheses and 0.<=> would be interpreted as a method call with too few arguments. – Cyoce – 2017-01-07T23:04:12.247


Perl, 9 bytes

Requires -E at no extra cost.



perl -E 'say<><=>0' <<< -9999
perl -E 'say<><=>0' <<< 9999
perl -E 'say<><=>0' <<< -0

I'm happy with the fish operator!

Dom Hastings

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 16 415

1It doesn't really "require" -E, that's only if you call it from the CLI instead of a file, which is why I guess you said no extra cost. – nyuszika7h – 2016-12-20T21:53:57.397

@nyuszika7h indeed, requires I guess in the way that testing via -e won't work, but -E is accepted as no longer than -e. As per consensus on meta. I hope that helps a little! – Dom Hastings – 2016-12-21T13:50:10.803

Yeah, I was not suggesting requiring any extra cost for that, as it works fine when that script is executed normally from a file. – nyuszika7h – 2016-12-21T17:29:34.033


MATL, 6 bytes


Input may be a number or an array. The result is number or an array with the corresponding values.

Try it online! Or test several cases using array input.


This avoids using the builtin sign function (ZS).

0>   % Take input implicitly. Push 1 if positive, 0 otherwise
E    % Multiply by 2
Gg   % Push input converted to logical: 1 if nonzero, 0 otherwise
-    % Subtract. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 87 464

MATL is longer than Matlab and Octave?!

– Adám – 2016-12-20T11:24:18.210

4He could also have used the built-in ZS as it says in the answer. – Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-20T13:53:34.393


Stack Cats, 6 + 4 = 10 bytes


+4 bytes for the ​ -nm flags. n is for numeric I/O, and since Stack Cats requires programs to be palindromic, m implicitly mirrors the source code to give the original source


Try it online! As with basically all good Stack Cats golfs, this was found by brute force, beat any manual attempts by a long shot, and can't easily be incorporated into a larger program.

Add a D flag if you'd like to see a step-by-step program trace, i.e. run with -nmD and check STDERR/debug.

Stack Cats uses a tape of stacks which are implicitly filled with zeroes at the bottom. At the start of the program, all input is pushed onto the input stack, with a -1 at the base to separate the input from the implicit zeroes. At the end of the program, the current stack is output, except a base -1 if present.

The relevant commands here are:

_           Perform subtraction [... y x] -> [... y y-x], where x is top of stack
[           Move left one stack, taking top of stack with you
]           Move right one stack, taking top of stack with you
:           Swap top two of stack
I           Perform [ if top is negative, ] if positive or don't move if zero. Then
                negate the top of stack.
!           Bitwise negate top of stack (n -> -n-1)

Note that all of these commands are invertible, with its inverse being the mirror of the command. This is the premise of Stack Cats — all nontrivial terminating programs are of odd length, since even length programs self-cancel.

We start with

...  0    0    0    0    0  ...

_ subtracts, making the top -1-n, and [ moves the result left one stack:

       -1-n   -1
...  0    0    0    0    0  ...

: swaps top two and I does nothing, since the top of stack is now zero. ! then bitwise negates the top zero into a -1 and : swaps the top two back. ! then bitwise negates the top, turning -1-n back into n again:

         -1   -1
...  0    0    0    0    0  ...

Now we branch based on I, which is applied to our original n:

  • If n is negative, we move left one stack and end with -n on an implicit zero. : swaps, putting a zero on top, and ] moves the zero on top of the -1 we just moved off. _ then subtracts, leaving the final stack like [-1 -1], and only one -1 is output since the base -1 is ignored.

  • If n is zero, we don't move and : swaps, putting -1 on top. ] then moves this left -1 on top of the right -1, and _ subtracts, leaving the final stack like [-1 0], outputting the zero and ignoring the base -1.

  • If n is positive, we move right one stack and end with -n on a -1. : swaps, putting the -1 on top, and ] moves this -1 right, on top of an implicit zero. _ then subtracts, giving 0 - (-1) = 1 and leaving the final stack like [1], which is output.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 58 729


TI-Basic, 8 bytes


Alternative solutions (feel free to suggest more):

max(~1,min(Ans,1               8  bytes
0:If Ans:Ans/abs(Ans           9  bytes
(Ans>0)-(Ans<0                 10 bytes


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 12 038

What is the ~ supposed to be? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-12-21T22:27:46.010

@ConorO'Brien Negative symbol, to differentiate between TI-Basic's subtract symbol. I know that Cemetech SC uses ~ to represent this token as well. – Timtech – 2016-12-21T22:33:05.857

Oh, cool. I had no idea. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-12-21T22:41:22.480

@ConorO'Brien Well, now you know. Thanks for asking :) – Timtech – 2016-12-21T22:54:38.357


This is not valid - using Ans as input does not meet the criteria for being a valid default I/O method (it doesn't have twice as many upvotes as downvotes - currently it's at +19/-12).

– Mego – 2016-12-23T14:26:49.880

You realize it's +7 right? Here's a quick tutorial on it - http://stackoverflow.com/a/40001570/2620293

– Timtech – 2016-12-23T15:38:05.063


Jelly, 1 byte


The monadic sign atom, , does exactly what is specified for an integer input, either as a full program or as a monadic link (function taking one argument).

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 67 804


Actually, 1 byte


Try it online!

Another case of exactly what it says on the tin - s is the sign function.

Without the builtin (4 bytes):


Try it online!

;A\ divides the absolute value of the input by the input. This results -1 for negative inputs and 1 for positive inputs. Unfortunately, due to Actually's error handling (if something goes wrong, the command is ignored), 0 as input leaves two 0s on the stack. + rectifies this by adding them (which causes an error with anything else, so it's ignored).


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 32 998


Mathematica, 4 bytes


Exactly what it says on the tin

Greg Martin

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 940

Save a byte with sgn

– Adám – 2016-12-20T11:13:32.057

3WolframAlpha isn't the same as Mathematica; it includes automatic interpretation of ambiguous/natural language input. – Greg Martin – 2016-12-20T11:15:42.243

So I should submit this a separate answer? – Adám – 2016-12-20T11:21:26.487

seems reasonable to me... – Greg Martin – 2016-12-20T11:24:25.740


Octave, 26 24 bytes


This is my first Octave answer, any golfing tips are appreciated!

Try it online!

The idea for taking the asin comes from the question where it says output the sign :)


Note: dividing the number by pi and multiplying it by 2 is the equivalent of dividing the entire number by pi/2

Case 0:

asin(0) yields 0. Taking the real part of it and dividing it by pi/2 makes no difference to the output.

Case positive:

asin(1) yields pi/2. asin of any number bigger than 1 will give pi/2 + complex number. Taking the real part of it gives pi/2 and dividing it by pi/2 gives 1

Case negative:

asin(-1) yields -pi/2. asin of any number smaller than -1 will give -pi/2 + complex number. Taking the real part of it gives -pi/2 and dividing it by pi/2 gives -1


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 16 320

@LuisMendo N will be an integer I'm lucky it says that in the question :) – user41805 – 2016-12-20T13:59:30.037

Oh, I hadn't read that part :) – Luis Mendo – 2016-12-20T14:00:00.183

1​C​l​e​v​e​r!​​!​ – flawr – 2016-12-20T21:27:40.117

You don't need f= if the rest is a valid, non-recursive function expression. – Cyoce – 2016-12-25T05:31:06.630

@Cyoce Sorry, but I don't prefer anonymous functions – user41805 – 2016-12-25T10:39:20.507

@KritixiLithos your loss. – Cyoce – 2016-12-25T19:12:05.013


Pushy, 7 bytes

This is probably the strangest-looking program I've ever written...


Try it online!

It uses sign(x) = abs(x) / x, but with an explicit sign(0) = 0 to avoid zero division error.

          \ Take implicit input
&?   ;    \ If the input is True (not 0):
  &|      \  Push its absolute value
    /     \  Divide
      #   \ Output TOS (the sign)

This works because x / abs(x) is 1 when x is positive and -1 when x is negative. If the input is 0, the program jumps to the output command.

4 bytes (non-competing)

Because of holidays and having too much time, I've done a complete rewrite of the Pushy interpreter. The above program still works, but because 0 / 0 now default to 0, the following is shorter:


Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 242

1I was also thinking about using abs, but had no idea what to do with the 0. Well done! – user41805 – 2016-12-21T09:50:46.787


Piet, 188 53 46 41 bytes


Online interpreter available here.

This piet code does the standard (n>0)-(n<0), as there is no sign checking builtin. In fact, there is no less-than builtin, so a more accurate description of this method would be (n>0)-(0>n).

The text above represents the image. You can generate the image by pasting it into the text box on the interpreter page. For convenience I have provided the image below where the codel size is 31 pixels. The grid is there for readability and is not a part of the program. Also note that this program does not cross any white codels; follow the colored codels around the border of the image to follow the program flow.



Instruction    Δ Hue   Δ Lightness   Stack
------------   -----   -----------   --------------------
In (Number)    4       2             n
Duplicate      4       0             n, n
Push [1]       0       1             1, n, n
Duplicate      4       0             1, 1, in, in
Subtract       1       1             0, in, in
Duplicate      4       0             0, 0, in, in
Push [4]       0       1             4, 0, 0, in, in
Push [1]       0       1             1, 4, 0, 0, in, in
Roll           4       1             0, in, in, 0
Greater        3       0             greater, in, 0
Push [3]       0       1             3, greater, in, 0
Push [1]       0       1             1, 3, greater, in, 0
Roll           4       1             in, 0, greater
Greater        3       0             less, greater
Subtract       1       1             sign
Out (Number)   5       1             [Empty]
[Exit]         [N/A]   [N/A]         [Empty]

To reduce the filesize any further, I would need to actually change the program (gasp) instead of just compressing the file as I have been doing. I would like to remove one row which would golf this down to 36. I may also develop my own interpreter which would have a much smaller input format, as actually changing the code to make it smaller is not what code golf is about.

The mods told me that the overall filesize is what counts for Piet code. As the interpreter accepts text as valid input and raw text has a much smaller byte count than any image, text is the obvious choice. I apologize for being cheeky about this but I do not make the rules. The meta discussion about this makes my opinions on the matter clear.

If you think that that goes against the spirit of Piet or would like to discuss this further for any reason, please check out the discussion on meta.

Mike Bufardeci

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 680

2I believe the convention for Piet is to count all codels. – SuperJedi224 – 2016-12-21T11:04:04.970

@SuperJedi224 That is not what was decided in the meta post, it looks like number of bytes in the image is what I will be going with. – Mike Bufardeci – 2016-12-21T14:30:03.417


C#, 16 15 bytes

Improved solution thanks to Neil


Alternatively, the built-in method is 1 byte longer:


Full program with test cases:

using System;

public class P
    public static void Main()
        Func<int,int> f =

        // test cases:
        for (int i=-5; i<= 5; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(i + " -> " + f(i));


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 592

2Try n>>31 instead of n<0?-1:0. – Neil – 2016-12-21T10:15:16.953

1It's a bit sad when the builtin isn't even the shortest solution. – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:57:50.643

Let's say C# is known to be rather verbose... – adrianmp – 2016-12-23T15:00:29.590

1A) I don't think you need the trailing ; as a lambda is an expression, not a statement. B) would Math.Sign or Math::Sign or something similar be a valid submission? Not sure how C# in particular handles methods. Basically, would x = Math.Sign; be a valid C# statement if x was initialized with the right type? – Cyoce – 2016-12-25T05:36:09.403


R, 25 bytes


Takes the number to STDIN. Then checks if it's zero, if not, returns x/|x| which is either 1 of -1, and outputs 0 if x=0.

This is without using the builtin sign of course.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 898

1Using the builtin is of course shorter, but less fun: sign(scan()). – Billywob – 2016-12-20T10:40:17.030

Sorry, shouldve explicitly mentioned avoiding the builtin – JAD – 2016-12-20T10:48:02.360


V 14 12 bytes

Thanks @DJMcMayhem for 2 bytes. Uses a reg-ex to do the substitution. Kind of fun, because it's not a built-in. I have a more fun function, but it's not working the way I expected.


Verify Test Cases

This just translates to :%s/\v(-)=[^0].*/\11 which matches one or more - followed by anything but 0, followed by anything any number of times. It's replaced with the first match (so either a - or nothing) and a 1. The regex doesn't match 0, so that stays itself.

The More Fun Way (21 bytes)



This accepts the input as an argument rather than in the buffer.

é<CR> Insert a new line.

À run the argument as V code. a - will move the cursor to the previous line, and any number will become the count for the next command

é1 insert (count)1's

2| move to the second column

D delete everything from the second column onwards (leaving only one character)

kJ Join the two lines together.

òhé-ò translates to: "run hé- until breaking". If the 1 was on the second line, this breaks immediately after the h. If it was on the first line, it will insert a - before breaking.

ó^$/a This fixes the fact that -1,0,1 will leave a blank, and replaces a blank with the argument register.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 274

I knew I should have read that page better. It's not actually shorter - I forgot 0, but I was trying to take the number in as an argument and then Àé1. A positive number gives a string of ones, a negative number SHOULD give a string of ones one row up, and 0 would give nothing. The negative number bit didn't work with À, but did with d$@" – nmjcman101 – 2016-12-20T17:27:40.573

Ah. Well the reason that doesn't work is because there isn't another row up for it to go onto. If you add é<cr> it'll have two empty lines and then that does work. I'm not sure if you can use that to get a full answer

– James – 2016-12-20T17:40:09.430

I did have another line to up to, just didn't explicitly say that in my comment. What's the -- argument you added? – nmjcman101 – 2016-12-20T17:47:00.563

1It means "end of options". Since -6 starts with a flag, docopt (the python library for command line options) thinks it's a command-line flag rather than an argument. Adding -- just signals that it's an argument not an option. Otherwise, it won't run at all because of invalid command line invocation. – James – 2016-12-20T17:49:29.737


05AB1E, 3 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 50 798

Oh wow! (I mean, how did you get it so long?) – None – 2020-01-26T23:38:49.240

@a'_' Well, there wasn't any way of doing it shorter than this. – Emigna – 2020-01-27T20:36:12.160


Labyrinth, 8 bytes


Try it online!

I'm posting this as a separate answer because my other Labyrinth answer is based on arithmetic on the actual numerical input value, whereas this mostly ignores the number and works with the character code of the first character instead.


So yeah, this reads the first character code which is either 45 (-, which should yield -1), 48 (0, which should yield 0) or 49 to 57 (1-9, which should yield 1). This mapping can be accomplished via the simple formula 1 % (x - 47). To see why this works, here is the breakdown of the code for 3 different examples:

Code    Comment             Example -5      Example 0       Example 5
1       Push 1.             [1]             [1]             [1]
,       Read character.     [1 45]          [1 48]          [1 53]
_47-    Subtract 47.        [1 -2]          [1 1]           [1 6]
%       Modulo.             [-1]            [0]             [1]
!       Print.              []              []              []

The instruction pointer then hits a dead end, turns around and terminates when % now attempts a division by zero.

Another simple computation that works:

x -= 46
x %= x-1

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 184 808


Turing Machine code, 65 bytes

0 0 0 * halt
0 - - r 2
0 * 1 r 3
2 * 1 r 3
3 * _ r 3
3 _ _ * halt

Try it online.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 342

Could you link to an interpreter? – Mego – 2016-12-23T15:00:53.090

couldn't you output using halt state here :P – ASCII-only – 2019-04-12T07:19:51.240


Brain-Flak, 48 46 40 bytes


Try it Online


{                                }{}({}) #Do nothing if zero
   ({}<([()])>)                          #Put a -1 under input
 ([            ]<>(()))                  #Put 1 and a negative copy of input on the off stack
                       {        }        #Until zero
                        ({}())           #Increment
                              <>         #Swap

Post Rock Garf Hunter

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 55 382

Challenge accepted. – Riley – 2016-12-20T23:53:46.477


Hexagony, 13 bytes



  ? < /
 ! ~   /
~ @ $ \ !
 @ . . .
  . . .

Try it online!

Hexagony truthy/falsiness for numbers checks based on being positive or not. This makes singling out zero a bit tricky, so we check if a number and its negation are both non-positive to check for zero. Uses the unprintable character 0x01 to literally store 1 in a memory edge to save a byte zeroing the edge first. In the expanded version it is between the ~ and the / on the second line.


For positive numbers the code is very simple. We start at the top left moving eastward, then take the fork to the right. The rest of the program is "linear" along the surface of the code, giving: ?<0x01\.!@ where both \ and . are no-ops. 0x01 sets the current memory edge to 1 and then ! prints that and @ ends the program.

For negative numbers and zero, we start the same but turn left at the <. This leads us back around to the \ but this time approaching from the southwest. This time it acts as a mirror and redirects the instruction pointer westward. The $ allows us to skip the program-ending @. Next we hit ~ which negates the value that we read in. If the number was negative it is now positive, and if it was zero it is still not positive.

When hitting the edge of the hexagon we wrap to the right if the value was positive and to the left if the value was negative or zero. Negative numbers will then wrap to the right and begin moving westwards from the top right. Hitting some mirrors leads us to a familiar looking path starting with the edge being set to 1. Then ~ negates it and ! prints giving -1. We wrap around and hit the other @.

Zero will instead wrap to the bottom, which has nothing but no-ops. Then it wraps back to the middle and is printed by !. Then some mirrors redirect us to the @ to end the program.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 16 206


Python 3, 20 bytes

Since Python 3 doesn't have access to cmp like Python 2 does, it's a little longer

lambda n:(n>0)-(n<0)


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 158

Practically the same as this answer: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/103831/41805

– user41805 – 2016-12-21T11:35:58.587

1@KritixiLithos practically but it's also an entirely different llanguage – Dillanm – 2016-12-21T11:37:46.953

1How about n//abs(n) for two bytes – Phlarx – 2016-12-21T21:28:03.203

@Phlarx that will cause divide by zero error as n (and abs n) can be zero – Dillanm – 2016-12-22T09:40:26.620

1@Dillanm ah, right. Didn't catch that, obvious in hindsight :P – Phlarx – 2016-12-22T16:16:28.077

@Phlarx It would have been possible if Python had a way of negating the divide by zero, a la JavaScript per BookOwl solution above x=>x/Math.abs(x)|0 – Dillanm – 2016-12-23T09:38:49.623

2@Dillanm You can, actually, but it's several bytes longer: n and n//abs(n) – Phlarx – 2016-12-23T16:19:07.783


Excel, 8 bytes


Pretty basic, but the only language I feel complete confidence in.

Without a builtin!

Excel, 23 bytes


not so confident

Crystal Reports Formula (Noncompete), 24 bytes


Anoplexian - Reinstate Monica

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 149


Befunge 93, 14 13 bytes

Golfed off a byte by combining the 2 1s

1~50p :0`_.@.

Try it Online!

This one is interesting, as it takes the first character of the number and alters the code accordingly.

 ~50p         Stores the first character in the space (labeled <char> here)
1    <char>   If the number is negative, it performs subtraction, giving 1 - 0 == -1
              If it is 0, 0 is on top. If it is positive, a positive # will be.

 :0`_         This checks the top number to see if it is positive.
     .@       If it is <1, it is printed. (0 or -1)
1     @.      Otherwise, the IP loops back harmlessly, and prints 1


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 907


Mathematica, 28 bytes


Mathematica, 30 bytes


Mathematica, 76 bytes

Round@Integrate[E^(2#+I t#)/(2+I t)/Pi,{t,-∞,∞},PrincipalValue->True]-1&

Just to be different :)

Greg Martin

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 940

2Median@{#,1,-1} and #~Min~1~Max~-1 if you want some more ideas ;) – Martin Ender – 2016-12-20T12:09:35.913

Personal challenge to you: find an implementation that's longer than 76 bytes, but fully golfed for its algorithm (can you be turned to the dark side?!). – Greg Martin – 2016-12-20T18:43:13.060

Can I take you up on this challenge? – Gabriel Benamy – 2016-12-20T23:29:24.293

Of course! .. :) – Greg Martin – 2016-12-21T00:13:26.443


Forth, 22 bytes


: S dup 0< swap 0> - ;


: S dup 0< swap 0> - ;  ok

0 S . 0  ok
1 S . 1  ok
-1 S . -1  ok
12345 S . 1  ok
-12345 S . -1  ok

Try It Online !


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 884

Nice. I was going to post something similar that I wrote several months ago. – mbomb007 – 2016-12-20T22:38:31.493


x86_64 machine language on Linux, 13 bytes

 0:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
 2:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi
 4:   0f 9f c0                setg   %al
 7:   c1 ef 1f                shr    $0x1f,%edi
10:   29 f8                   sub    %edi,%eax
12:   c3                      retq

The input (first function parameter) is passed into %edi. To try it out, compile and run the following C program

#define s(x) ((int(*)(int))"\x31\xc0\x85\xff\xf\x9f\xc0\xc1\xef\x1f\x29\xf8\xc3")(x)
int main(){
  printf( "%d %d %d\n", s(-5), s(0), s(44) );


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 503

I'm a bit surprised that x86 doesn't have a builtin for sign. – Mego – 2016-12-23T15:00:18.370

Casting a C string to a function pointer? That's nasty. – Fund Monica's Lawsuit – 2016-12-26T01:08:26.667

1@QPaysTaxes, that is also an elegant/horrifying way to make lambdas in C qsort(a,sizeof a/4,4,"\x8b\7+\6\xc3"); – ceilingcat – 2016-12-29T05:17:36.850

I got virtually the same solution in a language I created that is based off of C lambdas. What C code did you use to generate this machine code?

– MD XF – 2018-03-27T18:50:09.330


Haskell, 23 characters

A true approach, not using built-ins but function composition (the dot):

(1-).fromEnum.compare 0

(or with more space)

(1-) . fromEnum . compare 0


compare 0 : partially applying the compare function to
                the first argument 0 results in a function which takes
                a number and compares it to 0. 
                  (compare 0) n = compare 0 n =
                      LT    : if 0 < n
                      EQ    : if 0 = n
                      GT    : if 0 > n
fromEnum  : it maps LT to 0, EQ to 1 and GT to 2
(1-)      : n -> 1 - n


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 341

1You can save 3 bytes by replacing pred with (1-) which allows you to replace (`compare`0) with compare 0. – 0 ' – 2017-10-20T07:27:48.580


Plain English 101 81 bytes

To put a n number's sign into a s number:
Get the sign of the n returning the s.

Ungolfed version:

To put a number's sign into another number:
  Get the sign of the number returning the other number.

Either version can be used to golf the client code -- and make the client code more readable. For example, the following line of code displays a Windows message box containing the number -1 in the message body:

Debug -456's sign.

The Plain English IDE is available at github.com/Folds/english. The IDE runs on Windows. It compiles to 32-bit x86 code.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 409

1... I don't think that the Ungolfed version was really necessary – Taylor Scott – 2017-08-01T18:36:59.683


LOLCODE, 191 bytes

HAI 1.3
				VISIBLE "0"
				VISIBLE "-1"

Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 425

This is surprisingly readable. – Reinstate Monica -- notmaynard – 2017-11-21T18:17:40.777

@iamnotmaynard funny right? – FantaC – 2017-11-21T19:31:02.213


Hexagony, 18 15 bytes


Try it online!

n > 0

  ~ . ?
 . . . .
< . ! . .
 , . @ .
  . . .

n == 0

  ~ . ?
 > . ) <
< . ! . &
 . . @ .
  . . .

n < 0

  ~ . ?
 > . ) <
< ! . . .
 , . @ .
  . . .

Abuses the same EOF trick used in Jo Kings answer.

Sadly I currently don't have access to these neat visual tools used in other solutions.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 521


Clojure, 14 bytes

#(compare % 0)

This uses the built-in compare function of clojure: it returns a 1 if the first arg is greater than the second arg, 0 if it's equal, and -1 if it's smaller.


(#(...) {number})


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 6 600


GNU sed, 17 15 14 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to zeppelin. -1 byte thanks to manatwork.


Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 001


Haskell, 6 bytes


Just a boring built-in.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 34 639


Perl 6, 9 bytes

+(*cmp 0)

Try it online!


+(     # turn into a number

  *    # Whatever (input)
  cmp  # compared to
  0    # 0


Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 12 713


CJam, 1 byte


Try it online!

Another built-in, just for the sake of completeness.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 184 808


Java 1.8, 11 bytes


In the comments, some people pointed out that this might not technically be valid, if so, here's another version at 12 bytes:



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 357

This is not a full program neither an (anonymous) function, but rather just a code excerpt, which can not be reused directly, so I guess this does not qualify. – zeppelin – 2016-12-20T21:29:25.463

3It is technically a function, just referencing an already existing one, you can call it the same way as an anonymous function, but I don't know if such solutions are/should be allowed. – nyuszika7h – 2016-12-20T22:15:41.190

@zeppelin From everything I've seen, this is as acceptable as a loose anonymous function. – Carcigenicate – 2016-12-20T22:22:25.140

It would be acceptable in a language like Javascript, where evaluating the expression like "Math.sign" will evaluate to a function reference, which you can then invoke or assign to a variable. But (AFAIK) 'Math.signum' does not make a valid standalone expression in Java. Probably you can replace it with a "method reference" (i.e. Math::signum) which will produce a Function<>, which can then be assigned to a variable and invoked, to make it qualify. – zeppelin – 2016-12-21T09:17:27.027

@nyuszika7h "you can call it the same way as an anonymous function" I don't think you can, w/o changing it to Math.signum(yourArgument), which involves rewriting the program text, and that is clearly not acceptable. (and you will still have to pass an argument in somehow). – zeppelin – 2016-12-21T09:18:04.773

@zeppelin Not really. You still append (yourArgument) to (function (x) { /* code here*/ }) since it's just an anonymous function. But as I said, I'm not sure. – nyuszika7h – 2016-12-21T11:52:10.327

@nyuszika7h The difference is that (function (x) { /* code here*/ }) evaluates to an anonymous function reference, which you can then assign or invoke, Math.signum does not evaluate to anything, it is just a piece of "Method Invocation Expression", which can not be compiled or evaluated, unless you rewrite it to a fully formed method expression by hand (which is obviously a violation of the rules). – zeppelin – 2016-12-21T19:30:24.480

The point of using a pre-existing function as a solution is that, if your solution is function_name, you can do something like f=function_name; f(something) and it will work. That only works with the second form. – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:57:12.307

None of the solutions seem valid to me. The first for the reasons mentioned above. The second because the output is not 1, -1 or 0 but 1.0, -1.0 or 0.0. – Olivier Grégoire – 2016-12-24T00:15:19.180


Wonder, 4 bytes



sign 1


Bonus solution (no builtin), 7 bytes

tt cmp0


(tt cmp0)5

Uses a compare function with 0.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 234


Javascript, 18 bytes


x/Math.abs(x) is always 1 if x is positive and -1 if x is negative. If x is 0, it returns Nan, which we transform to 0 with the |0 bit.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 291


Acc!!, 50 49 bytes

Count i while 45/_ {
Write _
Write 48+_/49

Acc!! reads input from stdin one character code at a time. This program decides what to output simply based on the first character of the input:

  • If it's -, output -1
  • If it's 0, output 0
  • Otherwise, output 1

Since Acc!! is a very bare-bones language, we have to use a loop for a conditional and integer division for comparison.

Commented version

# Read a character code from input and store it in _ (the accumulator)
# If that character was a minus sign (ASCII 45), 45/_ will be 1 and this loop will run
# If that code was a digit (ASCII 48-57), 45/_ will be 0 and the loop will be skipped
Count i while 45/_ {
  # For negative numbers, output the minus sign
  Write _
  # Set the accumulator to ASCII code of 1 so we will break out of the loop and write a 1
# If the input was 0 (ASCII 48), _/49 will be 0 and the next line will write a 0
# Otherwise, _/49 will be 1 and the next line will write a 1
Write 48+_/49


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 21 213

Clever - this is the first solution I've seen that takes advantage of the fact that you only need to look at the first byte to determine the output (when using string input). – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:58:53.960


Gema, 9 characters

Just a rewrite of Jordan's Sed solution.


Sample run:

bash-4.3$ gema '0=0;<D>=1' <<< $'-303\n-12\n-5\n0\n1\n20\n404'

Gema, 19 characters


Posted just because Gema has a nice function for this task:

Compare numbers.

Sample run:

bash-4.3$ gema '*=@cmpn{*;0;-1;0;1}' <<< -303

bash-4.3$ gema '*=@cmpn{*;0;-1;0;1}' <<< 0

bash-4.3$ gema '*=@cmpn{*;0;-1;0;1}' <<< 404


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 17 865


Batch, 23 bytes


>>31 evaluates to -1 if the input is negative and 0 if it is positive, while !! evaluates to 1 if it is nonzero and 0 if it is zero, so we just have to bitwise OR the two results together.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 95 035


brainfuck, 23 bytes


This takes a single byte from stdin and interprets it as a signed char, printing \xff for negative, \x00 for zero, and \x01 for positive.

Try it online.

Viewed as an unsigned char, we are checking whether it is greater than 127, with 0 as a special case. We can do the comparison by decrementing from 255 twice at a time.

Mitch Schwartz

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 4 899

Doing I/O as decimal strings could be fun too. – Mitch Schwartz – 2016-12-21T16:48:02.080

You could argue that all numbers in BF are positive, so ,>+. is a valid answer. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-22T04:38:56.487

1@Challenger5 Even if that were modified to handle zero, e.g. with ,[>+>]<., I don't think that could be argued as anything other than a loophole. – Mitch Schwartz – 2016-12-22T05:49:10.617

Definitely, but it's funny. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-22T05:50:55.013


@Challenger5 That would be abusing native number types to trivialize the challenge. The solution Mitch has used (interpreting the input as an 8-bit two's complement integer) is valid, and the only valid way to do this in brainfuck other than interpreting decimal strings (unless there's another way and I'm not seeing it).

– Mego – 2016-12-23T14:44:07.947

@Mego: Okay, I see. I never quite understood that standard loophole. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-23T17:48:50.720


Python 3, 23 bytes

lambda n:n and n/abs(n)

I know I can make it shorter by doing (n>0) - (n<0), but everyone else seems do be doing that so I thought I would do something different.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 101

Welcome to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf! If you replace / with //, you don't need to cast to int. – Dennis – 2016-12-22T03:01:42.483

Thank you!

I just realised I dont even need to casting at all. I thought that if n == 0 it would evaluate to false so I would have to convert it to an int but it turns out it stays as 0. – Cormac – 2016-12-22T03:15:11.207

Right, that returns a float. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. – Dennis – 2016-12-22T03:18:09.747

Floats are acceptable here, since 1.0 == 1 and -1.0 == -1. Nice job using the rarely-used definition of the sign function as the derivative of the absolute value function (with f(0) = 0 explicitly defined)! – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:40:51.677


GNU Sed, 19 bytes (20 counting the r flag)


(Using the -r flag)



If the number is zero, skip to the end of the script


Substitute any other numbers with 1. If it's negative the negative sign will remain too.

Claire Cavanaugh

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 21

That's basically a duplicate of Jordan's solution (which is 14 bytes). – zeppelin – 2016-12-24T10:19:31.427

Oh. Damn. ☹ Should I remove mine then? – Claire Cavanaugh – 2016-12-24T16:38:49.823

Well, not sure what's the current policy on this (I guess that is described somewhere on Meta), but AFAIK you can keep your answer. – zeppelin – 2016-12-24T21:32:16.880


Befunge-93, 23 21 20 bytes

Thanks to @Mistah Figgins for saving me two three bytes

I'm sure this is further golfable. I'll look at it again in the morning.


Try it online!

Only takes in one line of input for each run, but that's within spec, I guess.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 391

Nice First Answer! Welcome to the site. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2016-12-25T04:54:02.987

Is there a reason for the space between the . and _ ? Seems like you could save a byte. – MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-01-04T00:52:35.793

Also, you can move one character into the 2 "#@ #" to make "#@!#" instead of "!#@ #". Nice answer though! – MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-01-04T05:00:29.207

You can use the same trick on :#@ # -> #@:# as well. My goal whenever writing befunge 93/98 is no whitespace at all. (he says as his own submission is 7% whitespace) – MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-01-06T07:21:01.673


Triangular, 26 15 bytes


Formats into this triangle:

    \ : 
   - | 0 
  U % < g 
 / l 0 P < 

Try it online!

Old broken version that I understand:


Try it online! Currently nonworking until Dennis pulls; found some interpreter bugs.

Formats into this triangle:

   \ :
  - % 0
 U . . g
/ l 0 P <

How it works: The code, without directionals, is read as $:0gP0lU-%.

  • $ reads an integer from standard input.
    stack: i
  • : duplicates the top stack value.
    stack: i,i
  • 0 pushes 0 to the stack.
    stack: i,i,0
  • g pushes i>0 to the stack and discards both values used (thanks, Luis Mendo).
    stack: i,i>0
  • P pops the top stack value into the register.
    stack: i
  • 0 pushes 0 to the stack.
    stack: i,0
  • l pushes i<0 to the stack and discards the values used.
    stack: i<0
  • U pulls the register onto the stack.
    stack: i<0,i>0
  • - computes a postfix subtract.
    stack: i<0-i>0
  • % prints the top stack value as an integer.

Idea thanks to caird.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 605

This fails, by outputting the inverse sign. However, this is correct, and is the same length.

– caird coinheringaahing – 2017-10-31T18:42:22.383


GolfScript, 13 bytes


Try it online!

How it Works

Divide by itself if 0 otherwise do nothing, and leaving a zero on the stack to be printed.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 171


Befunge-93 (PyFunge), 12 bytes


Try it online!

Note that the X can be anything (except a new line), as it gets written over during run-time. It's just easier for explanation

Similar to my other Befunge answer, but this time it mods the first character by the ASCII for 1 first, so that a positive first digit will turn into a no-op, leaving the 1 on the top of the stack:

~               Read the first *character* of input - either a digit or "-"
 "1"%           Mod the character by the ASCII value of 1. After this step, the character
                is a '-' for negative numbers, '0' for 0, and small, unprintable
                characters for positive numbers

     90p        Puts the character in the space with the X.
        1       Pushes a 1

         X      3 different options based on the character that was put here:
         -      Negative: Subtract the 1 from the implicit 0 to get -1
         0      Zero:     Push 0
               Positive: A no-op, which leaves the 1 on top

          .     Prints out the top of the stack
           @    Ends the program


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 907


Minecraft Functions (18w11a, 1.13 snapshots), 131 bytes

Number signs in minecraft

Uses a function named a in the minecraft namespace

execute if score @p n matches 0 run say 0
execute if score @p n matches 1.. run say 1
execute if score @p n matches ..-1 run say -1

"Takes input" from a scoreboard objective named n, create it with /scoreboard objectives add n dummy and then set it using /scoreboard players set @p n 8. Then call the function using /function a


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 421


Hexagony, 16 bytes


Try it online!

Not much smaller than the previous answer, but strangely elegant in comparison.


   . . .
  ! / ~ .
 ? . < . !
  1 @ . ,
   . . .

Jo King

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 38 234


Japt, 2 bytes


Test it online!

U is the input number, and g is the sign function on numbers. Output is implicit.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 47 880


Pyth, 2 bytes



Pyth's sign function.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 67 804


QBIC, 18 8 bytes


This utilizes Qbasic's SGN() function. : gets the input in variable a, ? prints.

Original version, before I learnt that QBasic has a SGN() function:


18 bytes. Explanation

:           Get 'a' from the command line
~a=b        If a == b (and b==0 by default)
|?a         Then print a
\?a/abs(a)  Else, print a / abs(a) --> -2/2 leaves the req. -1, 4/4 = 1


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 772


Matlab, 4 bytes


Matlab as well has a builtin for it.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 480


Octave, 4 bytes

As with many others, a built-in:


Please, read the first sentence of this meta post before voting.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 43 471


WolframAlpha, 3 bytes

Try it online: sgn


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 37 779


Befunge, 11 bytes


Try it online!

This is just the obvious (N > 0) - (0 < N) calculation.

&               Read N from stdin.
 :              Make a duplicate copy.
  0`            Calculate N > 0.
    \           Swap the second copy to the top of the stack.
     0\`        Calculate 0 > N.
        -       Subtract the two comparisons: (N > 0) - (0 < N)
         .@     Output the result and exit.

As Martin Ender pointed out, there's potentially a 2-byte shorter solution, using the same idea as his ><> answer:


Unfortunately this only works if the result of a modulo operation takes the sign of the divisor, which is not that common in Befunge implementations (in particular the reference interpreter doesn't work this way).

1               Push 1 onto the stack for later use.
 ~              Read a character of input (this will be '-' or an ASCII digit).
  "/"-          Subtract 47.
      %         Take the modulo of the 1 we pushed earlier with this difference.
       .@       Output the result and exit.

If you want to try this out you'll probably need to use one of the Python-based interpreters like PyFunge or Befungee. I suspect Fungi might work too.

James Holderness

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 8 298

I think the arithmetic solution I used for my ><> answer and one of my Labyrinth answers would be 2 bytes shorter.

– Martin Ender – 2016-12-20T13:46:08.030

If you use that approach you can save another byte with Befunge-98 which supports '/ for "/". (Provided any 98 interpreters exist with the correct modulo.) – Martin Ender – 2016-12-20T14:54:50.387


PowerShell, 22 bytes


Boring built-in, calls the .NET function that does exactly what it says on the tin. Ho-hum.
Try it online!

For 26 bytes however, we get the classic greater-than less-than equation


This, at least, has a little bit of logic and thought put into it. Try it online!

Best yet, though is 44 bytes, where we roll our own solution.


Here we take input $b, stringify it, take the .IndexOf('-') on it, and use it in an if clause. If the negative sign isn't found, this returns -1, which is truthy in PowerShell, so we turn $b into a Boolean with !, invert the Boolean with another !, cast it as an int with +, leave it on the pipeline, and exit. This turns a positive integer (which is truthy) into $false, then $true, then 1, while turning 0 into $true, then $false, then 0. Otherwise, the .IndexOf returned 0 (meaning it was the first character in the string), which is falsey, so we skip the if and just place a -1 on the pipeline. In either case, output via implicit Write-Output happens at program completion. Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 41 581


SAS Macro Language, 43 bytes

In the extremely wordy language...

%macro s(n);%put(%sysfunc(sign(&n)));%mend;


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 351


Jellyfish, 3 or 6 bytes

3 bytes with built-in:


Print (p) the sign (*) of the input (i). Automatically threads over lists.

6 bytes without built-ins:


Print (p) the division (%) of the input (i, taken from south with S) by the absolute value (+) of the input. Conveniently, division by 0 yields 0 in Jellyfish. This version also threads over lists. Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 39 083


Clojure, 23 bytes

#(condp > % 0 -1 1 0 1)

This condp macro expands to "if less than 0 return -1, if less than 1 return 0 else 1".

(macroexpand '(condp > % 0 -1 1 0 1))
(let* [pred__7749 > expr__7750 %] (if (pred__7749 0 expr__7750) -1 (if (pred__7749 1 expr__7750) 0 1)))


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 361


PHP, 39 38 bytes

no comparison operators


should work on most systems.

PHP_INT_MIN has only one bit set: the most significant one. If this is set in the input, it is negative.
!$n (cast to integer by the subtraction) evaluates to 0 for positive values and 1 for 0.

lame solution, 30 bytes


works also on floats.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 814


Python 2, 57 bytes but no conditionals or comparitors

Just to be different, here's a solution that avoids all those ugly arithmetic functions:

def s(n):
 return r

Slicing a non-empty sequence [1][:n] returns [1] when n is positive and [] when negative or zero, so to distinguish these cases, n/n throws a divide by zero error for n=0.

Ken Y-N

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 396


Javascript, 37 bytes

function s(n){return n>0?1:n<0?-1:0}


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 21

Sorry, updated! – Ostbullen – 2016-12-21T15:35:32.113

2You could use a lambda: n=>n>0?1:n<0?-1:0 – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:45:50.390


awk, 17 bytes


Test it:

$ echo 0 | awk '!$0||$0=$0<0?-1:1'
$ echo 2 | awk '!$0||$0=$0<0?-1:1'
$ echo -2 | awk '!$0||$0=$0<0?-1:1'

James Brown

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 663


MarioLANG, 868 bytes

                                                 ))    <
@ ((((++
=======            <
      @ -)+)+)+((([!))+((
      =============#====    (<
                       @ +)-[!)))
                       ======#==      )  <
                                      "==#        ))  <
                               @ -(-)[!+   ==========="
                               =======#:          >(([!!
                                         @ +((-))[!-

Ungolfed, with comments

==                                                                                                   output zero
    [@                                                                                            :                                                                      * start
  ==================================================================================================                  memory: [limit|limit_copy|counter_add|counter_sub|arg]
                                                    move pointer back to arg  ))    <
       increase counter limit
@   ((((++
=================    set counters
                  ============"     increase counter_add by one
                @ -)+)+)+ ((([! ))+((
                                        reset limit
                                    @ +)-   [! )))
                                    =========#====   try subtraction
                                                           )  <
                                                         > ( [! ) 
                                                 @ -(-) [!               try addition
                                                 ========#                   ))  <
                                                                           > (( [!  !
                                                                @  +((-)) [!

                                                             output one       output minus one
                                                           +:                -:
                                                          ===               ===

What's going on?

The program maintains 5 memory fields (right to left):

  • Input value, continuously edited in search of zero
  • Counter for search in negative direction (subtraction)
  • Counter for search in positive direction (addition)
  • Helper to reset search radius (limit)
  • Current search interval radius (limit, k)

The algorithm keeps on searching for zero in both (+ and -) directions, starting at the input value. It does k negative and k+1 positive steps on each iteration, then increases k by 2. Once zero has been found, 1 or -1 is output, depending from which side it was reached.

Detection of zero as input is a special case, handled right at the beginning.

Try it online (commented, ungolfed version)

Cedric Reichenbach

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 448


Java 8, 33, 17, 14 bytes


Does not rely on any questionable code constructs or fragments. This is a complete functional interface implementation.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610


You can reduce to (int i)->i<0?-1:i>0?1:0 (or even further to i->i<0?-1:i>0?1:0) which are all accepted solutions here on codegolf (http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/16100/16236).

– Olivier Grégoire – 2016-12-24T00:23:16.243

@OlivierGrégoire thanks, for some reason I was not thinking "this is a single expression, so the lambda can be reduced." – None – 2016-12-24T19:12:24.343

It can be reduced to this: i->i>0?1:i>>31 (14 bytes) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-01-10T10:49:17.267


Python 3, 13 bytes



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 19


Welcome to the site, and nice first answer! Just so you know, this is only a REPL snippet, which aren't a default valid form of output. You could wrap this in a lambda to make a function submission though. lambda n:n//abs(n-.1)

– James – 2016-12-24T07:27:52.757


C, 23 bytes

A more portable (I think) 23-byte solution in C:



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 15 798


C#, 40 bytes


Or with a built-in:

C#, 44 bytes

using System;b=>Console.Write(Math.Sign(b));

Unfortunately it's longer, then the first solution.

Horváth Dávid

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 679


MATLAB + Octave, 15bytes

There are a few other Octave/MATLAB answers, but two of the others are simply using a built in, and the other is significantly longer.

The anonymous function:


Quite simple. If a>0, the answer will be (1-0)=1. If a<0, the answer will be (0-1)=-1. If a==0 the answer will be (0-0)=0.

You can try online here. Simply run the above code and then try with ans(input).

Tom Carpenter

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 990


Scala, 16 bytes

n=>n compareTo 0


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 281


Common Lisp, 21 6 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 503


dc, 22 bytes


Try it online!

I don't like that 10 bytes of this is eaten up testing for zero, will continue to mull over that. The second half, dd*vr1-d*v-p uses the square root of the square to calculate the absolute value of both our value to test and that value less one. Subtracting the latter from the former yields 1 for a positive value, -1 for a negative.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 291


Aceto, 4 bytes

ri reads input as integer
y puts sign on stack
p prints it

Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 425


Brain-Flak, 40 38 bytes


Try it online!

A bit longer at 50 bytes, but here's a version that acts only on the top value of the stack, returning 0, -1 or 1 depending on the sign of the number.


How it Works:

{ If number is not 0
 <>(())<> Push 1 to the other stack as the sign
 { While number != 0
  (([{}[]])) Push -(number+stack height) twice
  <>([{}])<> Negate sign, alternating it between -1 and 1
 } end while
}<>({}) Switch to other stack and force a 0 if the stack is empty

Jo King

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 38 234


FORTRAN 77, 87 bytes

1     PRINT*,-1
2     PRINT*,0
3     PRINT*,1

It is a nice use for the "harmful" arithmetic if statement. Unfortunately, this lovely feature was obsolete in Fortran 90 and posterior versions.

Curiously, gfortran can't handle with this arithmetic if, even if I save the file with .f extension. Therefore, I could not test this code.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 310


Whitespace, 73 72 68 bytes

[S S S T    N
_Push_1][S N
S _Duplicate_1][S N
S _Duplicate_1][T   N
T   T   _Read_as_integer][T T   T   _Retrieve][S N
S _Duplicate_input][S N
S _Duplicate_input][N
T   T   N
T   S S N
_If_0_jump_to_Label_ZERO][S N
T   _Swap_top_two][T    N
S T _Print_as_integer][N
_Create_Label_NEGATIVE][S S T   T   N
_Push_-1][T N
S T _Print_as_integer][N
_Create_Label_ZERO][T   N
S T _Print_as_integer]

Letters S (space), T (tab), and N (new-line) added as highlighting only.
[..._some_action] added as explanation only.

Example runs:


Command    Explanation                   Stack           Heap     STDIN    STDOUT    STDERR

SSSN       Push 1                        [1]             {}
SNS        Duplicate top (1)             [1,1]           {}
SNS        Duplicate top (1)             [1,1,1]         {}
TNTT       Read STDIN as integer         [1,1]           {1:5}    5
TTT        Retrieve at heap 1            [1,5]           {1:5}
SNS        Duplicate top (5)             [1,5,5]         {1:5}
SNS        Duplicate top (5)             [1,5,5,5]       {1:5}
NTTN       If neg.: Jump to Label_NEG    [1,5,5]         {1:5}
NTSSN      If 0: Jump to Label_ZERO      [1,5]           {1:5}
SNT        Swap top two                  [5,1]           {1:5}
TNST       Print top as integer          [5]             {1:5}             1
NNN        Exit                          [5]             {1:5}

Program stops with an error: Label does not exist
Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).


Command    Explanation                   Stack           Heap     STDIN    STDOUT    STDERR

SSSN       Push 1                        [1]             {}
SNS        Duplicate top (1)             [1,1]           {}
SNS        Duplicate top (1)             [1,1,1]         {}
TNTT       Read STDIN as integer         [1,1]           {1:0}    0
TTT        Retrieve at heap 1            [1,0]           {1:0}
SNS        Duplicate top (0)             [1,0,0]         {1:0}
SNS        Duplicate top (0)             [1,0,0,0]       {1:0}
NTTN       If neg.: Jump to Label_NEG    [1,0,0]         {1:0}
NTSSN      If 0: Jump to Label_ZERO      [1,0]           {1:0}
NSSSN      Create Label_ZERO             [1,0]           {1:0}
TNST       Print top as integer          [1]             {1:0}              0

Program stops with an error: No exit defined
Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).


Command    Explanation                   Stack           Heap     STDIN    STDOUT    STDERR

SSSN       Push 1                        [1]             {}
SNS        Duplicate top (1)             [1,1]           {}
SNS        Duplicate top (1)             [1,1,1]         {}
TNTT       Read STDIN as integer         [1,1]           {1:-5}   -5
TTT        Retrieve at heap 1            [1,-5]          {1:-5}
SNS        Duplicate top (-5)            [1,-5,-5]       {1:-5}
SNS        Duplicate top (-5)            [1,-5,-5,-5]    {1:-5}
NTTN       If neg.: Jump to Label_NEG    [1,-5,-5]       {1:-5}
NSSN       Create Label_NEG              [1,-5,-5]       {1:-5}
SSTTN      Push -1                       [1,-5,-5,-1]    {1:-5}
TNST       Print top as integer          [1,-5,-5]       {1:-5}            -1
NNN        Exit                          [1,-5,-5]       {1:-5}

Program stops with an error: Label does not exist
Try it online (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 67 575


TIS -n 1 1, 57 bytes

ADD 998
SUB 998
SUB 998
ADD 998

Try it online!

The integral data type supported by TIS ranges from -999 to 999. Any value in input, code, or calculations is silently coerced (clamped) into that range (instead of truncation, overflowing, etc.).

So, by adding 998 to any number, then subtracting the same amount, it becomes 1 is it was positive, and stays untouched otherwise. We then do the same to coerce all negative numbers to -1.

We need to subtract across two separate operations, due to the coercion mentioned above.

If you are familiar with TIS-100, you will be used to a 3x4 array of computational nodes, however, this solutions only uses one such node, nominally taking input from above and giving it below.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 366


naz, 64 bytes


Explanation (with 0x commands removed)

9a5m2x1v                 # Set variable 1 equal to 45 ("-")
3a2x2v                   # Set variable 2 equal to 48 ("0")
1x1f1o0m1a1o             # Function 1
                         # Output once, set the register equal to 1, and output again
1x2f1o                   # Function 2
                         # Output once
1x3f                     # Function 3
    1r                   # Read a byte of input
      3x1v1e             # Jump to function 1 if the register equals variable 1
            3x2v2e       # Jump to function 2 if the register equals variable 2
                  0m1a1o # Otherwise, set the register equal to 1 and output
3f                       # Call function 3


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 461


Keg, -hr, 13 bytes


Try it online!

A very simple switch like comparison happening here.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 253


05AB1E, 2 bytes

A signum built-in.

Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610


Doesn't work for negative numbers – Lyxal – 2020-01-27T10:45:02.233


Scratch 3.0, 7 blocks/39 bytes

For those who are tired of the old way of introducing these answers (I'm looking at you a'_' (ಠ ͟ʖಠ) ), I'll put the ScratchBlocks Syntax first:

define f(n
set[r v]to(<(n)>(0)>-<(n)<(0

enter image description here

I decided to use a function instead of the old when gf clicked approach because that means I don't have to deal with having an ask() and wait next.

Try it not online but on Scratch

How This All Works

Functions in Scratch are special. Unlike functions in other programming languages, Scratch functions don't return anything. Rather, they modify global variables.

My reasoning is that if one defines a variable used solely for returning a value, then they can create a sort of "footer" elsewhere which looks something like this:

when gf clicked
ask () and wait
f (answer) 
say (r) 

This is like having a code and footer section on TIO: the function makes up the code part and is where the byte count is, while the when gf clicked part is the footer, consequently not counting towards the byte count.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 253

Always remember to abuse the bool type conversion! – None – 2020-01-27T10:58:38.190

I don't see any default output method permitting functions to write to global variables as an output form. This answer is therefore invalid.

– pppery – 2020-02-02T05:28:58.637

@pppery But that's because it's a return variable from a function which is called elsewhere. – Lyxal – 2020-02-02T05:33:42.780

Henceforth, the answer is valid. – Lyxal – 2020-02-02T05:33:58.103

@pppery Let's see how this goes.

– None – 2020-02-02T08:34:39.367


F#, 31 9 bytes


(Saved 22 bytes thanks to @pmbanka's advice :))


I was about to post a C# solution.. but it already exists :(

So I decided to have some fun with F#!!

//a solution with 24 bytes, but you have to put `open System` into the file. 
//Not sure if that would be valid...



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 261

I think you don't need to wrap a function inside a lambda. The answer could be as simple as System.Math.Sign, with example usage System.Math.Sign 2 BTW, in F# you don't need to wrap a single argument in a parentheses, saving a byte. And as a side note, I think that C# not counting using System; is a bit weird, but maybe these are the rules here... In such case, assume open System is there as well. – pmbanka – 2016-12-21T11:19:39.853

I'm not very familiar with F#, but unless System is imported by default, you have to use the fully-qualified name System.Math.Sign. – Mego – 2016-12-23T14:47:19.713


Pyke, 5 bytes


Try it here!

0'<>  - 0<input, 0>input
    - - ^-^


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 26 661


Math++, 28 bytes



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 342

Could you link to an interpreter? – Mego – 2016-12-23T15:01:04.533


Loader, 61+44+1=106 bytes

Main module, 61 bytes

readline 0
set B =48
load a
set B =45
set K -1
load a
print 1

Module a, 44 bytes

decr B
decr *0
B:load a
~*0:print K


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 342


PARI/GP, 4 bytes


Another boring built-in.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 23 988


Clojure, 24 bytes

#(cond(> % 0)1(< % 0)-1 0 0)

An anonymous function that checks for being greater than 0, less than 0, then defaults on 0 if neither is true. cond acts as (and is a macro resulting in) an if-else tree. Unfortunately, it requires an even number of arguments, so I had to waste 2 bytes by adding an extra number to mean true to default on.


(defn sign [n]
    (> n 0) 1
    (< n 0) -1
    :else 0))


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 295


GameMaker Language, 22 bytes

return sign(argument0)

Alternative solutions:

return median(1,argument0,-1)
a=argument0 return (a>0)-(a<0)
a=argument0 return max(-1,min(a,1))
a=argument0 if a return a/abs(a)return 0


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 12 038


Go, 49 bytes

func s(x int)int{return(x>>63)|int(uint(-x)>>63)}

Note: this won't work on the playground until Go 1.8 is released due to this bug: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/16203

Eric Lagergren

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 473

Possibly doesn't work for the minimum integer (-1<<63)? – Neil – 2016-12-21T10:30:25.053

@Neil nope! Should work for all 64 bit integers. – Eric Lagergren – 2016-12-21T16:12:46.600

Oh, I see now, you just get -1|1 in that case, which is still -1. – Neil – 2016-12-21T20:13:39.640


BotEngine, 7x17=119

v #  #0123456789
    ^ <<<<<<<<<<P
  PeeS-        1e


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 342


OCaml, 4 bytes


Didn't even know there was a built-in for this. Alternative 18 bytes solution:

fun x->compare x 0


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 032


Stacked, 4 bytes


Takes input from top of stack. Bonafide function:


Shortest non-builtin so far:


Which does:

:0>\0<-                        stack: [..., n]
:        duplicate TOS         stack: [..., n, n]
 0       push 0                stack: [..., n, n, 0]
  >      pop n,0 and push n>0  stack: [..., n, n>0]
   \     switch top two        stack: [..., n>0, n]
    0    push 0                stack: [..., n>0, n, 0]
     <   pop n,0 and push n<0  stack: [..., n>0, n<0]
      -  subtract top two      stack: [..., (n>0)-(n<0)]

Surround with [] to be a function.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 36 228


TI-Basic, 11 bytes

:Input A

Reads from variable A.

:A>0            // Reads from A, returns 0 or 1
:Ans-A<0.   // Computes A<0 first, then subtracts from previous result. Implicit print.

Julian Lachniet

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 216

To be fair, the other TI-Basic Answer used Ans for input, which decreases his code by 3 bytes. You could add 3 bytes to both of ours through Input A: then use the same metric. – Julian Lachniet – 2016-12-23T13:30:22.810


JavaScript (ES6), 14 bytes

No conditionals, no Math lib usage



x > 0 is true/false for positives/non-positives and cast to number (1/0) in case for subtraction. x < 0 is analogous for negatives, so we end up with 1-0 for positives, 0-0 for zero and 0-1 for negatives.

Cedric Reichenbach

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 448


Python 3, 29 bytes

lambda a:(a>>31)|a

Tested--it works. EDIT: Sigh...8 more bytes because the previous solution was taken. EDIT 2: Fixed a bug. EDIT 3: Knocked 10 bytes off. Now this is shorter than the one that was already taken!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 89

This solution already exists – Mego – 2016-12-23T21:39:37.677

Darn it! Should I change my solution? – python-b5 – 2016-12-23T21:43:03.350

Yes, please. Either delete it, or edit it to be distinct. – Mego – 2016-12-23T21:43:36.977

You can keep your original answer if you wish, duplicate answers are allowed.

– xnor – 2016-12-25T08:54:52.523

This fails on positive inputs. – isaacg – 2017-01-11T08:12:19.560

I tested it again, it does work! Using python 3.4, if that makes any difference – python-b5 – 2017-01-11T22:25:23.203


Python 2, 26 Bytes



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 535


Factor, 71 bytes

Expects a string.

[ 0 swap nth { { CHAR: - [ -1 ] } { CHAR: 0 [ 0 ] } [ drop 1 ] } case ]


: sign-of ( x -- y ) 0 swap nth
    { CHAR: - [ -1 ] }
    { CHAR: 0 [ 0 ] }
    [ drop 1 ]
  } case ;


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 4 989


MS Excel, 9 Bytes

Takes Input from cell A1.


Taylor Scott

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 6 709


Excel VBA, 10 Bytes

Anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes input from cell [A1] and outputs -1,0 or 1 to the VBE immediate window


Taylor Scott

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 6 709


Symbolic Python, 24 bytes

Like many other solutions, this uses the formula s(x) = (x > 0) - (x < 0). Note that this solution is non-competing as the language postdates the challenge.


Symbolic Python is a restricted source version of Python: all alphanumeric characters are banned.

The interpreter automatically puts input in the variable _. From there, the code works like so:

  • {}>{} generates the value False. This is then assigned to the variable __. Although it's technically a boolean, we use this as the integer 0:
  • (_>__) checks whether the input is greater than 0. (_<__) checks whether the input is smaller than 0. These booleans are then interpreted as integers, and the first is subtracted from the second.
  • The result of this is put in the variable _, which is automatically printed after execution.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 242


tcl 24 23

puts [expr $n<0?-1:$n>0]

Thanks to http://wiki.tcl.tk/819 page authors!

UPDATE: based on the C answer https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/103831/29325

puts [expr !!$n|$n>>31]

can be run on http://rextester.com/live/BKGZ8868 where i tested with -9,0,9


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 055


8th, 40 bytes

The following code has the same behaviour of 8th's builtin word n:sgn

: f dup 0; 0 n:> if 1 else -1 then nip ;

Explanation of word f

: f \ n -- -1|0|1
  dup     \ Duplicate input
  0;      \ Check if number is 0. If true, leave 0 on TOS and exit from word
  0 n:>   \ Check if positive
  if 1    \ Return 1 if positive
  else -1 \ Return -1 if negative
  nip     \ Get rid of input

Testing and Output

ok> 42 f .
ok> -42 f .
ok> 0 f .

Chaos Manor

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 521


Ruby, 19 bytes

Not quite as golfy as my other answer.


Outputs -1, +0, +1


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 099


Japt, 1 byte (non-competing)


Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 160


Fourier, 18 17 bytes


Try it on FourIDE!

Explanation pseudocode:

A = Input
If A<0 Then
    Print "-"
End If
Print A/A

Beta Decay

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 21 478


MY, 3 bytes


 1A #Input integer
 2A #Sign function
 27 #Output (trailing newline)


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 5 710


Common Lisp, 39 bytes

(defun f(x)(if(= x 0)0(if(> x 0)1 -1)))

Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 2 260


Braingolf, 1 byte


Try it online!



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 9 656


Implicit, 1 byte


Try it online!

After implicits, this program looks like:

$    read integer input
 ±   push sign
  %  print


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 605


T-SQL, 36 bytes



EXECUTE s -5464


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 61


Add++, 9 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

L,  - Create a lambda.
           Example argument: -8
  d - Duplicate;    STACK = [-8 -8]
  0 - Push 0;       STACK = [-8 -8 0]
  < - Less than;    STACK = [-8  0]
  @ - Reverse;      STACK = [ 0 -8]
  0 - Push 0;       STACK = [ 0 -8 0]
  > - Greater than; STACK = [ 0  1]
  _ - Subtract;     STACK = [-1]
      Implicitly return      -1

caird coinheringaahing

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 702


dc, 15 bytes


Try it online!


This (ab)uses the fact that dc keeps the stack as is, if you're trying to divide by 0 which really helps for this challenge:

[_1*]sa          # store the macro in register a (macro negates the top)
       ?         # push input to stack
        d        # duplicate top
         d0>a    # if top is negative, execute macro
             /   # divides top two values
              p  # print the top of the stack


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 15 345


Husk, 1 byte


Try it online!

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 39 774


REXX, 16 bytes

say sign(arg(1))


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 641


Deorst, 11 bytes


Try it online!

Boring (n>0)-(n<0) solution

caird coinheringaahing

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 13 702


Functoid, 30 28 bytes

In functoid there is no support for negative integers since numbers are handled as Church numerals. This solution redefines numbers in a way that supports negative numbers (please refer to the explanation):


Try it online! (Here is an input generator)


The definition of negative numbers extends the Church numerals by simply introducing another lambda abstraction that encodes the sign of a number (the first argument, ie. x3). Here is how the numbers -2,-1,0,1,2 would look like in this notation:

Decimal number | extended Church numerals | absolute value as Church numeral
            -2 |     λλλ(x3 (x2 (x2 x1))) |                   λλ(x2 (x2 x1))
            -1 |          λλλ(x3 (x2 x1)) |                        λλ(x2 x1)
             0 |                  λλλ(x1) |                           λλ(x1)
             1 |               λλλ(x2 x1) |                        λλ(x2 x1)
             2 |          λλλ(x2 (x2 x1)) |                   λλ(x2 (x2 x1))

Now for the explanation of the above code: The characters < will change the direction to left, this saves us four bytes but makes it more difficult to read.. Here's how the code would look like without doing this:


The combinator BbB ensures that K0 and K2 get grouped as one expression each, here's the more verbose code:


Okay now it's quite readable: First $ will apply the input so we'll have a sign-extended Church numeral as current expression. Applying K0 (constant 0) will evaluate to KK0 (which will "swallow" the next two arguments) in the case of a negative number, in the case of a non-negative number it simply vanishes. In the case of a positive number we'll have K2 which will swallow the argument 1 and else we'll finally get 1.

Summing up the function $(K0)(K2)1 gives the following numbers (regular Church numerals):

if input < 0:
    return 0
elif input > 0:
    return 2
    return 1

The command | will set the direction down iff the current expression evaluates to 0 and up in the other case.

  • The second line is thus only relevant if the input was negative and it simply prints -1 and terminates
  • In the other case (ie. hitting the third line) it applies the current expression to [ which decrements it by 1, prints the expression (as a numeral) and terminates


It might look like the above extension was done just to make this task easier, however this is not the case. In fact most definitions in the untyped (or rather uni-typed) lambda calculus are made because they simplify a lot of operations that one could be interested (such as Booleans or the Church numerals themselves).

As an example the function abs could be "implemented" by just applying the identity function to such an extended numeral which will get rid of one lambda abstraction (and in case of a negative number, keep the absolute value as is).

If you're interested, here is an article that talks more about this definition which is worth a read.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 15 345


Yabasic, 16 bytes

Anonymous function that takes input as a number, n, and output to STDOUT


Try it online!

Taylor Scott

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 6 709


Perl 5, 9 + 1 (-p) = 10 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 7 671


Pyt, 1 byte


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Boring built-in answer (padding for body length)


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 833


Lua (51 Bytes)

n=tonumber(...) print(n<0 and -1 or n>0 and 1 or 0)

... is the variable that represents arguments in lua, tonumber(...) converts the first argument to a number.

also in lua a and b or c is a structure that returns b if a is truthy or c if a is falsy, you can nest this structure as well

Alex Allen

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 91

Answers should be either functions or full programs. This doesn't seem to be able to take input. N is also guaranteed to be an integer – Jo King – 2018-02-17T02:01:12.190


Stax, 2 bytes


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Added for completeness. It is a builtin, but all built-ins starting with a colon in Stax is actually a macro defined using other Stax operations.

Internally it is defined as c0>s0<-, which is simply (x>0)-(x<0).

Weijun Zhou

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 396


SHELL ( 20 Bytes )

sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/


echo "789" | sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/

echo "-789" | sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/

echo "0" | sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 211


Swift, 44 bytes

func s(i:Int)->Int{return i>0 ?1:i<0 ? -1:0}

Strange spacing around the ternary options, I know, but this was the shortest way.

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Tamás Sengel

Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 211


Brain-Flueue, 40 bytes


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Readable version



Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 3 787


MachineCode, 26 bytes


Requires the i flag for integer output. Input must be appended to the code on a separate line. This is equivalent to the C code (n>0)-(n<0). Try it online!

Alternatives with the same bytecount:

  • 31c085ff0f95c0c1ff1f09f8c3 - Try it online! Equivalent to the highest voted C submission.
  • 89f8c1ff1ff7d8c1e81f01f8c3 - Try it online! Equivalent to this C code.


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 11 605


Canvas, 3 2 bytes


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This might be the shortest solution without a builtin that does the problem for you (I'm looking at you, Jelly.)

⤢÷ | *Full code*
 ÷ | Divide
   | The input (implicit)
⤢  | By its absolute value


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 1 295

1Canvas doesn't interpret 0/0 as 0, it actually errors & removes the 2 items without pushing anything (though I'm about to change that as 0 makes much more sense than nothing). The reason that 0 is outputted is that the stack contains an infinite amount of the inputs. And because of that you can actually remove the for 2 bytes – dzaima – 2018-05-05T13:46:01.873


Gol><>, 11 bytes


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How it works


I            Input as number
 :           Duplicate top
  0(         Change top to "top < 0"
    q        If top is true...
     m$      Push -1 and swap top two; the stack is [-1 x]
             Otherwise, skip two commands (m$); the stack is [x]
       0)    Change top to "top > 0"
         +   Add top two
          h  Print top as number and halt


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 16 616

How about I:0)$0(-h for 9 bytes

– Jo King – 2018-05-06T20:21:24.720


F#, 140 bytes

open Checked
let s n=
 if n=0 then 0
   let mutable p=n
   while p<>0 do
  with| :? System.OverflowException->1

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Basically, if the number is non-zero, keep adding 1 to it until you get either 0 (so the original value was negative) or an overflow (so the original value was positive).

That's all right, isn't it?


Posted 2016-12-20T05:49:57.610

Reputation: 689