
Everyone's got their own flavor. That's the beauty of zumba!

Zumba is a cardio based Latin-inspired dance fitness program. It's pretty popular right now.

Tropes used in Zumba include:
  • Aside Glance: The only form of communication allowed to dancers who aren't Beto, Tanya (and sort of Gina and Asuka)
  • Better Than It Sounds: The workout incorporates cardio workout versions of dance moves you might see out at a club. As a result people who go "ughhh" about the gym tend to enjoy this workout more than others.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Tanya and Beto sure are convinced they always know when you're slacking!
  • The Determinator: Beto and Tanya do NOT like laziness from you when you're dancing.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: The earliest line of Zumba videos are missing Tanya, Gina, and all other recognizable faces. Beto does not speak English.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble:
    • Sanguine: Beto
    • Choleric: Tanya
    • Melancholic: Gina
    • Phlegmatic: Asuka
  • Hot Mom: Gina.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: "Power matrix!" The whole franchise runs on this trope.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Beto. (It's a shortened version of Alberto.)
  • Put on a Bus: Asuka doesn't appear in the later videos.
  • Stepford Smiler: As with many exercise videos, it's easy to feel alarmed by the dancers' forced smiling every time the camera is focused on them.
    • Subverted by Asuka, who tends to make expressions that reflect the mood of the music.
  • True Companions: Beto, Tanya, and Gina.
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