< Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Zephyrs in Fist of Mars and Nohman in the 2nd Runner
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Jehuty literally beating the crap out of a whole battlefleet with a Crowning Music of Awesome surely counts as one.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: In The Second Runner, Ken's throwaway reference to the Doloros, i anime by mentioning it in passing to Dingo as 'an attack on Earth made by the hawkish faction of Mars, but was foiled because another power from Mars intervened', becomes pretty hilarious when you remember that the 'other power from Mars' was basically a random Bum with a pink orbital frame.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Beyond the Beyonds from the 2nd game is awesome
- Foe Yay: Nohman and Dingo. Bolozof and Cage have a little of this a third of the way into the game. Mostly from Bolozof, though.
- Freud Was Right: the locations of the cockpits on orbital frames/LEVs, enough said, even more apparent with vic viper, whose cockpit is notably longer and thicker then all the others
- It's Short, So It Sucks: You can beat the first game in as little as three hours if you know exactly what you're doing and where to go, thanks to most of the game being padded with backtracking and fetchquests.
- Just Here for the MGS2 Demo: Hey, the $50 MGS2 demo came out!... What? There's a game about Giant Mecha included with it? That's pretty cool, I guess... I'll try it out after I beat this demo twenty times.
- Large Ham: Nohman.
--Since the dawn of history, human beings have realized various forms of energy. Civilisations have progressed with them! So where does such energy like Metatron lead our civilisation!? Detruction! Detruction to end all! The Universe, and human subconious, are willing their own end!
- Moral Event Horizon: Baan removing a little girl's oxygen mask and shooting into a crowd to get information.
- Scrappy Level: Any time there are friendlies, but especially the massive battlefield clash in The 2nd Runner. Not only are Jehuty's controls not made for avoiding collateral damage, A.D.A. isn't too picky on what she locks onto. This creates one of the few cases where things would be substantially easier if they'd just let you fight an entire army at once on your own.
To get an S rank, you must beat it without anyone dying. This troper found Homing Missiles to be useful, if insanely taxing on Sub-energy. - Surprisingly Improved Sequel: The first game was a proof of concept. It was properly fleshed out in the sequel.
- That One Boss: Nephtis in The Second Runner.
- What an Idiot!: Dingo if you want stop Nohman from killing your old man, yelling "Stop!" while reading the super fast Jehuty is really stu...oh wait a sec, he really stopped...you two really are an idiots.
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